Uber Results Presentation Deck slide image

Uber Results Presentation Deck

Mobility margins rebounded to 2019 highs Uber 23.0% O $12,554 Q3 '19 5.0% $631 22.6% $13,512 Q3 2021 Earnings 5.5% Q4 '19 Q1 '20 $742 11 Q3 '19 22.7% $10,874 5.3% $581 25.9% $3,046 Q2 '20 Take Rate* 1.6% $50 23.1% $5,905 21.7% Q3 '20 Q4 '20 4.1% $6,789 Gross Bookings ($M) $245 4.3% $293 21.5% $6,773 Q1 '21 4.4% $298 18.7% $8,640 Q2 '21 2.1% $179 Q4 '19 Q1 '20 Q2 '20 Q3 '20 Q4 '20 Q1 '21 O Mobility Adjusted EBITDA Margin (as a % of Gross Bookings) Adjusted EBITDA ($M) *Take Rate is excluding UK accrual impacts. Please see the "Mobility Highlights" page for adjustment details 21.1% $9,883 Q3 '21 5.5% $544 Q2 '21 Q3 '21 Disciplined execution drove Mobility's Q3'21 Adjusted EBITDA margins (as % of Gross Bookings) above Q3'19 levels. This margin improvement is particularly impressive with Mobility Gross Bookings down 21% vs. Q3'19 and Take Rate 190 basis points* below Q3'19, considering the varying state of recovery around the world, and the lack of a level playing field in the UK for worker classification. 12
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