Investor Presentation
Decarbonization of the entire U.S. economy could create a
~$4 trillion renewables and storage investment opportunity
through 2050
2050 Decarbonized U.S. Economy:
Growth in Renewables and Storage Opportunity (1)
~$2 T
~3,550 GW
~210 GW
Excess energy
converted to
hydrogen to
decarbonize other
sectors (2)
2021 U.S. Capacity
2050 Power Sector
~$4 T
~7,000 GW
2050 Full Economy
■Renewables & Storage
Expanding renewables beyond just the power sector is projected to
double the total addressable market for renewables
1) Source: ABB Ventyx (2021); NextEra Energy internal analysis, with uncertainties in assumptions including
transmission and land costs, future cost declines for certain technologies and treatment of stranded costs for
certain existing generation assets; Princeton Net-Zero America Report for Full Economy Decarbonization
2) High renewable penetration to decarbonize the electricity sector results in ~25-30% excess renewable generation
in 2050, which could be used to make hydrogen to decarbonize other sectors of the economy
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