Meyer Burger Investor Presentation slide image

Meyer Burger Investor Presentation

Financial liabilities at end of H1 2022 consist of green bond and syndicated loan facility Interest-bearing financial liabilities as of 30 June 2022 [CHF m] 181 -2 53 53 232 Financial liabilities EOY 2021 Convertible green bond Syndicated loan facility Financial liabilities H1 2022 . Two sources of third-party financial liabilities • Total convertible green bond funding amounted to EUR 145 million gross, of which EUR 25 million were allocated to the capital reserves, representing the corresponding equity share. The movements reflect the impact of accrued and paid interest and the calculated discount factor Of the total syndicated loan facility, an initial drawdown of EUR 60 million (gross) was effected in 2021. In 2022 further drawdown of EUR 55 million were made to fund Meyer Burger's investment needs. First repayments will be due in the second half of 2022 In addition, the factoring facility is being used MEYER BURGER Meyer Burger Technology AG, Presentation for Investors, Analysts and Media, August 18, 2022 8
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