Blend Results Presentation Deck
Full Year 2022 Revenue Guidance
Blend Platform
Blend 2022 revenue guidance reflects the following:
$ in millions
Blend Labs, Inc.
Continued U.S. economic growth and Federal Reserve interest rate and open market policy actions in the context of current market expectations.
U.S. mortgage market origination volumes declining approximately 35% from their 2021 level, as forecast by Fannie Mae and the Mortgage Bankers
2022 Blend Platform segment revenue reflects slightly lower full year Mortgage Banking revenue, driven by the expected negative impacts of a
decline in U.S. mortgage market origination volumes in 2022 which are expected to be mostly offset by market share gains in the company's
mortgage banking business.
2022 Blend Platform segment revenue re cts over 100% growth in Consumer Banking and Marketplace revenue, including the expected transition
of approximately $15.0 million in revenues from the Title365 segment to the Blend Platform segment, as customers transition to the Blend Title
solution (a component of Consumer Banking and Marketplace revenue). This transition is anticipated to commence in mid-2022.
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