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Evercore Investment Banking Pitch Book

Preliminary Valuation of SIRE Common Units SIRE Financial Projections vs. Sensitivity Case EBITDA Attributable to SIRE DCF/LP Unit % Gross Margin $76.1 $71.7 2022E $2.00 $2.00 2022E 40.9%40.9% 2022E $76.6 2023E $2.40 $86.7 $2.72 2023E 39.3% 39.3% Source: SIRE Financial Projections, SIRE management EVERCORE 2023E $71.2 $88.8 2024E $2.21 $2.79 2024E 39.3% 39.3% " $55.9 2025E $1.85 $73.3 2025E 2024E SIRE Financial Projections $2.58 35.8% 37.1% 2025E 14 $51.8 $1.66 2026E Confidential - Preliminary and Subject to Change 34.6% $70.8 2026E Sensitivity Case ($ in millions, except per unit amounts, $2.49 2026E 37.1% $53.8 2027E $1.74 $72.3 33.5% $2.54 2027E 37.1% 2027E $46.9 2028E $1.41 $70.6 30.8% $2.47 2028E 37.1% 2028E ŞİŞECAM
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