23andMe Presentations & Investor Relations material

23andMe is the leading personal genetics company dedicated to helping individuals understand their own genetic information through DNA analysis technologies and web-based interactive tools. The company is a web-based service that helps consumers understand what their DNA says about their health, traits and ancestry. The vision for 23andMe is to personalize healthcare by making and supporting meaningful discoveries through genetic research. 23andMe was founded in 2006, and the company is advised by a group of renowned experts in the fields of human genetics, bioinformatics and computer science.


23andMe presentations

23andMe Investor Presentation Deck image

23andMe Investor Presentation Deck

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23andMe Investor Day Presentation Deck image

23andMe Investor Day Presentation Deck

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23andMe SPAC Presentation Deck image

23andMe SPAC Presentation Deck

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23andMe Investor Presentation Deck image

23andMe Investor Presentation Deck

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23andMe Investor Presentation Deck image

23andMe Investor Presentation Deck

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23andMe Investor Presentation Deck image

23andMe Investor Presentation Deck

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23andMe Internal Communication Presentation Deck image

23andMe Internal Communication Presentation Deck

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