Aegon Presentations & Investor Relations material

At Aegon, we feel a responsibility to raise people's financial awareness. In an honest dialogue, we offer understandable solutions that enable customers to make informed choices for their financial future. This vision calls for employees who communicate clearly and take initiative in the interests of our customers. Working for your customerAs an Aegon employee, you see our vision reflected in your daily work. Our customers don't know everything about financial products. Because with your knowledge and experience, you can help customers make the right choices, protecting them from loss of income or saving for later. And that's why you don't have to be an insurance advisor per se. Whether you're a marketer, an IT administrator or an administrative employee, where you work is important. Whether you're working within Aegon, why are you always working for your employer? Why is it important for us to have employees who communicate clearly and take initiative in the interests of our customers? Just as we want our employees to be core competencies of our customers, and we want you to be able to communicate your core competencies in the day-to-day work of Aegon?

Aegon presentations

Aegon Analyst & Investor Conference image

Aegon Analyst & Investor Conference

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