Landsea Homes Presentations & Investor Relations material

Landsea Holdings Corporation ("LHC") is a wholly owned U. S. subsidiary of Landsea Group Company, Ltd., an international company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with residential real estate operations in China, Germany, and the United States. Landsea Group and its subsidiaries bring an unparalleled combination of progressive vision, eco-efficient style and technologically advanced innovation to the residential development and construction marketplace. Landsea has over 50 housing and mixed-use developments in China, the United States and in Germany. The company's revenues in 2015 were $1.54 billion. LHC has grown rapidly and become a fully integrated development company focused on for-sale residential developments in key suburban, near-urban, and urban markets of selected gateway cities in the U. S. The company boasts an entrepreneurial culture, and yet has built a deep team of highly experienced homebuilding veterans and executives to guide it through tremendous growth potential. LHC is headquartered in Irvine, California, with regional offices in San Francisco, New York and Boston. The company is a leader in the use of EB-5 financing, having raised and successfully invested significant sums of EB-5 capital in its projects.

Landsea Homes presentations

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LandSea Homes Investor Presentation

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