Vital Farms Presentations & Investor Relations material

Vital Farms brings ethically produced food to the table - in the form of pasture-raised eggs and butter, available nationwide. We work with over 100 small family farmers in the 'pasture belt' to produce our pasture-raised eggs. Each of our girls enjoys at least 108 sq ft of rotated pasture, and they are free to forage outdoors year-round, which results in highly nutritious and delicious eggs! The contented cows that produce milk for our pasture-raised butter are free to graze on pastures year-round! Their milk is slowly churned in small batches to create 85% high butter grass-fed butter - the creamiest butter on the shelf! Vital Farms was founded on the principles of Conscious Capitalism and we operate a Stakeholder Model, considering the impact of each of our businesses. In 2016 we were recognized as a Certified B-Corp.

Vital Farms presentations

Vital Farms Company Presentation image

Vital Farms Company Presentation

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Vital Farms