Exploration Opportunities in the Pernambuco and Alagoas Basins

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#1Carbonate Buildups in the Post-Rift Sequence of the Pernambuco Basin, NE Brazil: Oil Play Implications* Bruno Varela Buarque¹, José Antônio Barbosa², Jefferson Tavares Cruz Oliveira², Osvaldo Correia Filho², José Ricardo Gonçalves Magalhães² Search and Discovery Article #10854 (2016)** Posted August 8, 2016 *Adapted from oral presentation given at AAPG 2016 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016 **Datapages © 2016 Serial rights given by author. For all other rights contact author directly. Laboratory of Seismic Stratigraphy, Department of Geology, University of Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil ([email protected]) 2Laboratory of Seismic Stratigraphy, Department of Geology, University of Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil Abstract The Pernambuco Basin (PEB) is a 20,800-km² area located in the eastern continental margin of Northeast Brazil. This basin represents one of the most prominent exploration frontiers in the deep waters of the Brazilian margin, with the best potential residing in the Pernambuco Plateau region. We performed a detailed study of carbonate buildups within the post-rift sequences of the PEB, which provides an important contribution to the Petroleum Potential of this marginal basin. This study is based on an analysis of 143 2D seismic surveys that cover almost the entire plateau region. The methodology included a detailed interpretation of 59 selected time-migrated seismic sections, application of post-processing filters to reduce the n/s ratio, and an additional integrated analysis of potential geophysical surveys to distinguish magmatic extrusive structures that also affect the post-rift sequences. Due to the lack of offshore wells, the age of the main interpreted seismic sequences were based on available data from the onshore region of the PEB and available data from the offshore region of the Alagoas Basin. Thus, four main seismic sections were defined: rift - (Barremian-Albian), Cretaceous post-rift (Albian-Maastrichtian), Lower Cenozoic post-rift (Maastrichtian-Middle Miocene), and Upper Cenozoic post-rift (Middle Miocene-Recent). Carbonate buildups represent structures extending up to 15 km long and up to 0.9 s (TWT) thick. They are abundant in the north and central portions of the Pernambuco Plateau, and were formed over outer structural highs, salt domes, and magmatic buildings. These structures formed from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian?-Maastrichtian) to the Neogene (Miocene). They consist of rimmed and isolated carbonate platforms exhibiting typical progradation wedges related to eustatic cycles, and this interpretation allows for a preliminary#2sequence stratigraphy analysis for the Cenozoic interval of the PEB. Most of the carbonate buildups are capped by marine shales (seal rocks) and are connected with the deep zones of the depocentres by rift faults (possible migration paths) that were reactivated by post-rift events. Thus, the carbonate buildups of the PEB have important features that point to the potential of these structures as a promising oil play for oil and gas reservoirs, as observed in the southeast Brazilian margin basins. Selected References Barbosa, J.A., M.F. Maia, M.L. Filho, J.R. Magalhães, and O. Correia, 2014, Seismic Stratigraphy of the Onshore Portion of Pernambuco Basin: Evidence of Break-Up during Middle Albian for the South Atlantic Rift in Northeast Brazil: AAPG 2014 Annual Convention and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, April 6-9, 2014, Search and Discovery Article #30324 (2014), http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2014/30324barbosa/ndx_barbosa.pdf, Web accessed July 2016. Buarque, B.V., J.A. Barbosa, J.R.G. Magalhães, J.T.C. Oliveira, and O.J.C. Filho, 2016, Post-Rift Volcanic Structures of the Pernambuco Plateau, Northeastern Brazil: Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 47 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2016.05.014 Magalhães, J.R.G., J.T.C. Oliveira, J.A. Barbosa, and M.L. Filho, 2013, Continental Oceanic Crustal Transition in the Paraíba Basin Platform, Northeast Brazil Transição Da Crosta Continental-Oceânica Na Plataforma Da Bacia Da Paraíba, Ne Do Brazil: Estudos Geológicos, v. 23/2, p. 125-139. Maia, M.F.B., 2012. Revisão Estratigráfica do intervalo Aptiano-Albiano da Bacia de Pernambuco Nordeste do Brasil: Master Thesis, Post-Graduation Program in Geosciences, Department of Geology, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife - Brazil, 226 pp. Maia, M.F.B., J.A. Barbosa, M. Lima Filho, H.P. Mort, and F.R. Santana, 2012, Características petrográficas e geoquímicas das formações siliciclásticas (Aptiano-Albiano) da Bacia de Pernambuco, NE do Brasil: Estudos Geológicos, v. 22/1, p. 55-75. Skolotnev, S.G., A.A. Peyve, E.V. Ivanova, I.O. Murdmaa, O.V. Levchenko, and M.E. Bylinskaya, 2012, New Data on Composition and Structure of the Pernambuco Seamounts, Brazil Basin, South Atlantic Region: Doklady Akademii Nauk, v. 443/3, p. 330-336.#3UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE PERNAMBUCO VIRTUS IMPAVIDA AAPG ACE 2016 PNOCHE Carbonate buildups in the post-rift sequences of the Pernambuco Basin, NE Brazil: oil play implications Bruno Varela Buarque, José Antônio Barbosa, Jefferson Tavares Cruz Oliveira, Osvaldo Correia Filho, José Ricardo Gonçalves Magalhães Laboratory of seismic stratigraphy, Dept. of Geology, University of Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil Corresponding Author: [email protected] June 2016#49035000 9155000 DATA SET AND OBJECTIVES 892600 PESZ Recife 1012600 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1. 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) 40 km 4000m Basement countour map, location of the 59 2D selected seismic sections, and interpreted carbonate structures N • Criteria to differentiating carbonate structures from volcanic strucrutres Classification of carbonate structures Stratigrafic position of the carbonate platforms • Implications to the petroleum system#5WHY IS IMPORTANT TO STUDY CARBONATE PLATFORMS IN THE PERNAMBUCO BASIN??? Help to understand the depositional systems succession in this basin, for which the knowledge is still limited... The close spatial relation between carbonate and volcanic structures can create pitfalls in the delineation of exploratory targets with the available geophysical coverage... To establish Its role as oil and gas plays in this basin... We tried to do more, with the old data available!#6INTRODUCTION Brazil Brazil Touros Plateau South America ND Borborema Province: São Francisco Craton Legend ND North Domain TZ Transversal Zone Domain SD South Domain States Limits Continent-Ocean Boundary Inferred Transfer Faults Inferred Shear Zones Natal Platform Basin domains Paraiba Basin domains Pernambuco Basin domains -7° PASZ Alagoas Basin domains -9° Faults and Shear Zones Fracture Zones Barreiros -Maragog High 2 Pernambuco Shear Zone Mamanguape High 4 Touros High TZ SD Maceió PESZ João Pessoa 2 Recife 2000 Atlantic Ocean Pernambuco State $000 Pernambuco Plateau Alagoas State 50 Km Alagoas Basin 300000 PESZ Regife Paraíba Basin Platform Inner Basin Maracatu High Platea www Basin بليل 山 علیلیلی تسمم N יויויוי/י/י 小山 20 km 2 CP-01-PE Borehole Plateau limits Coast Line Inner Basin Maracatu High Outer Plateau Basin ☐ Maragogi High Location of the Borborema Province and the basins on the eastern border of Northeast Brazil Pernambuco Basin main structural domains. Modified from Barbosa et al. 2014#7INTRODUCTION Potiguar Basin Touros Plateau Touros High RN NATALS Natal Platform PASZ Mamanguape High AL MACEIO PB PE PESZ JOÃO PESSOA Paraiba Basin RECIFE Pernambuco Basin Maragogi High Alagoas Basin 35° COB Continental crust Oceanic crust Pernambuco Plateau 50km CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PARAIBA BASIN LOWER POTENTIAL FOR GENERATION AND ACCUMULATION OF OIL#8INTRODUCTION Potiguar Basin Touros Plateau Touros High RN Natal Platform PASZ Mamanguape High AL MACEIÓ PB PE PESZ Pernambu Maragogi High Alagoas Basin 35° JOÃO PESSOA Paraíba Basin RECIFE COB Continental crust Oceanic crust Pernambuco Plateat 50km CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PERNAMBUCO BASIN HIGHER POTENTIAL FOR GENERATION AND ACCUMULATION OF OIL#9BACIA ALTO DE POTIGUAR TOUROS RN ZCPA MA 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 PB Piedade Low 3000 3500- 4000 NATALS DE NATAL PLATAFORMA ALTO DE MAMANGUAPE 4500 5000 5500 6000 AS W TMGF 110 Seabed Miocene Unc. K-Pg Unc. Volcanic Coniacian Unc. Top Albian Unc. Top Evaporite Base Evaporite Top Rift Unc. Basement BACIA DE BACIA DA Maracatu High Shallow basement Magalhães et al. 2013 Continental Enist Narrow platform with an abrupt shelf-break Lack of evaporites 10km Top Paleogene + Neogene Top Cretaceous Top Rift (Albian?) Top continental basement Top Oceanic Crust Rift 2 Continental Crust Transitional Crust 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 km 35° 50km Volcano Sq2 Albian Sq1 Rift Itapuama Gaibu High Low Oceanic Crust 80 90 100 Oceanic Crust 110 120 Sq6 Sq5 Sq4 Sant-Maast Sq3 Cenom-Turon External Plateau Low 4,7km E Modified from LAGESE, 2007#10INTRODUCTION Rio Grande do Norte Paraiba ANP-497a ANP-500a Legend Classification Oil seep PANP05-1 Mix with thermogenic hydrocarbon predominance Mix with low rates of thermogenic hydrocarbon No seep ANP-99 Pernambuco AND 15 PANP09-2 PANP09-1 ANP-246A REL NP-19a ANP-342a PANP44-1 ANP-15b ANP-325A ANP-444b km Alagoas ANP-443 ANP-445a 0 12.525 50 75 100 Map of piston core sampling showing oil seeps in the Pernambuco Plateau. Modified from ANP, 2005#11E CURRENT SITUATION – EXPLORATORY PROCESS oo Pessoa Paraiba Grande Pernambuco SEAL-T30SEAL-T31 Alagoas SEAL T44 SEAL-SOSEAL-T-51 SEAL T56 SEAL TEISSALT SEAL T SEAL-IN SEAL 8 Recife PEPB-M PEPB-M PEPS-11-29 ateau 340W Paraiba Seamount 0 10 20 40 km HE NIKO RESOURCES LTD 30%(OP) petra energia 70% BR 80%(OP) PETROBRAS FIRST WELL IS GOING TO BE DRILLED UNTIL 2017 galp 20% energia queiroz galvão 30%(OP) ÓLEO E GÁS petra 70% SISMOS (2014)#12Main Results#13892600 PESZ Recife Maragogi Carbonate structures x volcanoes 1012600 1.4 2.3 Gaibu High Volcanoes 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) Carbonate Platforms Volcanoes Itamaracá High 40 km N Localization of the main carbonate platforms and volcanoes discussed in this work 0.5 s 0.5 s 2.5km 2.5km Carbonate platform Volcanics? Seismic section showing a large carbonate platform over the Gaiubu High#149035000 9155000 CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES 892600 PESZ Recife Maragogi H Maracatu Basement countour map Gaibu High 1012600 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) Carbonate Volcanoes Platforms Itamaracá High 40 km 2 km Carbonate platform Localised "pull-ups" W 0.41 s Small shield volcano 5.3 km 1km 0.5 s#159035000 CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES Cone-shaped Volcano 892600 PESZ Recife Maragogi Basement countour map Gaibu High 1012600 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.11 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) Carbonate Platforms Volcanoes Itamaracá High 40 km 2 km Carbonate platform 500 m Continuous Amplitude Reflection High- Capping 0.5 s#169035000 CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES 892600 PESZ Recife Maragogi Basement countour map Gaibu High 1012600 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.11 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) Carbonate Platforms Volcanoes Itamaracá High 40 km 2 km Carbonate platform 0.4 s W 0.41 s 5.3 km Small shield volcano 1km 0.5 s#179035000 CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES 892600 PESZ Recife Maragogi Basement countour map Gaibu High 1012600 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.11 5.0 5.86 Carbonate Platforms 6.75 TWT (s) Volcanoes Itamaracá High 40 km 225 Surface of top Carbonate platform 2 km Carbonate platform 2.725 0.5 s#18CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES 9155000 892600 PESZ Recife Maragogi H Maracatu Basement countour map Gaibu High 1012600 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) Carbonate Volcanoes Platforms Itamaracá High 4000 40 km 0.1s 0.1$ PS 0.5km 0.5km PS Legend SF1i-Continuous to disrupted, high-amplitude, sub-parallel reflections SF1ii - Continuous to disrupted, low-amplitude, sub-parallel reflections SF2 - Continuous, high-amplitude, pioneer extrusion SF3 chaotic reflections Onlap ✓ Downlap From Buarque et al. 2016 N magmatic intrusions interconnected in a dense network • homogenized acoustic impedance due to hydrothermal activity • lava flows or/and slumps#199035000 9155000 CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES 892600 PESZ Recife Maragogi H Basement countour map Gaibu High 1012600 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) 0.2 s Carbonate Platforms Volcanoes Itamaracá High 40 km 04s Carbonate platform Carbonate platform 1 km#209035000 9155000 CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES 892600 PESZ Maragogi Recife Maracatu H Basement countour map Gaibu High 1012600 0.0(m) 50000 TWT (S) 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) Sq.5 1.0 Carbonate Platforms S44 Volcanoes SQ 3 Sq 2 2.0 CBU 3.0 SQ1 (Synnil) Post-Rift Volcaniclatics Itamaracá High 40 km 4.0 5.0 6.0 4 km 7.0 Basement Evaporite#21CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES 0.05 (nT/m). 0.04 Calculated first derivative of residual Bouguer Calculated ASA (mGal) 0.004 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 (m) TWT (S) 0.002 0.000 -0.002 50000 Sq.5 1.0 Sq.4 Sq.3 Sq.2 2.0 CBU Sq (Synrift) Post-Rift 3.0 Volcaniclatics 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4 km Basement Evaporite#22CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES 9155000 9035000 892600 PESZ Recife Maragogi H Basement countour map 1012600 Gaibu High 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) Carbonate Platforms Volcanoes Itamaracá Hig 4000m 40 km 1km Paleovolcano B#23CARBONATE STRUCTURES X VOLCANOES 0.05 (nT/m) 0.04 0.03 Calculated ASA 0.02 0.01 Sq.5 Sq.4 1km VC Sill (mGal) TTTTT A 0.004 0.002 Calculated first derivative of residual Bouguer 0.000 SB Paleovolcano -0.002 B#24TWT Types and distribution of carbonate structures (s) Shelf Slope 0 Carbonate Structures 1 Shelf margin reefs 2 Patch reefs 3- Isolated platforms Sq. 5 Sq. 4 Sq. 3 Sq. 2 + Sq. 1 (Syn-rift) + + + + + Basin 5 km + +#25SHELF MARGIN REEFS • Length: 1.3 - 4.7km Height: 0.2 - 0.39s TWT (s) Shelf Slope 0 Carbonate Structures 1 Shelf margin reefs 2 Patch reefs 3 Isolated platforms Sq.5 Sq. 4 Sq. 3 Sq. 2 Sq. 1 (Syn-rift) 0.2s Basin km km 9035000 9155000 892600 1012600 PESZ Maracatu High Basement countour map 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) 40 km 4000m#26PATCH REEFS •Mean Length: 5 km • Height: 0.25 -0.4s TWT (s) Shelf Slope 0 Carbonate Structures 1 Shelf margin reefs 2 Patch reefs 3 Isolated platforms 0.2 s So. 5 Sq. 4 Sq. 3 Sq. 2 Sq. 1 (Syn-rift) Basin 1 km Ekm 9035000 Maracatu High Basement countour map 1012600 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) 4000m 40 km#27ISOLATED PLATFORMS 049 TWT (s) Shelf 0 Carbonate Structures 1 Shelf margin reefs 2 Patch reefs 3 Isolated platforms Slope So. 5 Sq. 4 Sq. 3 Sq. 2 Sq. 1 (Syn-rift) Basin km 9035000 9155000 892600 . Length: 4-29 km • Height: 0.33 0.54 s PESZ Recife Maracatu High 1012600 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 40 km N 6.75 TWT (s)#28TWT Stratigrafic position of the carbonate platforms (s) Shelf Slope 0 1 + Carbonate Structures 1 Shelf margin reefs 2 Patch reefs 3- Isolated platforms Sq. 5 Sq. 4 Sq. 3 Sq. 2 Sq. 1 (Syn-rift) + + + + + + Basin + + + + + 5 km Sq.1: Barremian-middle Albian; Sq.2: middle Albian-Santonian; Sq.3: Santonian-Maastrichtian; Sq.4: Maastrichtian- Middle Miocene; Sq.5: Middle Miocene-recent#29AGE OF CARBONATES OVER THE PERNAMBUCO SEAMOUNTS S Ascension Fracture Zone Pernambuku Seamounts 10°. Pernambuco Plateau 15°- 20°- Bahia Mountains Bode Verde Fracture Zone Victoria-Trindade Ridge 38° 33° 28° 23° W "Dredging operations made it possible to collect samples of volcanic rocks and limestone. Highly lithified limestone, recrystallized and occasionally. phosphatized, contains. an admixture of volcanic material and foraminifer chambers with the age estimated at the Campanian Maastrichtian and the Turonian - Santonian" - From Skolotnev et al., 2012#30OIL PLAYS IMPLICATIONS#31DISTRIBUTION OF RESERVOIRS IN THE ALAGOAS BASIN PERNAMBUCO BASIN 0 10- 20- Geocronologia PLIOCENOZANCLEANO MESSIANIANO TORTONIANO SERRAVALIANO MIOCENO LANGHIANO BURDIGALIANO AQUITANIANO CHATIANO 30- 40- no- no- 70- 100 110- 120- RUPELIANO PRIABONIANG BARTONIANO LUTETIANO EOCENO NEO EO YPRESIANO THANETIANO SELANDIANO DANIANO Litoestratigrafia Grupo Continente Litoral CARBONATES: CONIACIANO TURONIAND STIPOJUCA CENOMANIANO ALBIANO PRE-CAMBRIANO Bacia Interna Maracatu Alto do Modified from Maia, 2012 Bacia do Plato Aguas Profundas CALUMBI Continental TRAN RIFTE RIFTE NW -1000 2000 ALAGOAS BASIN Poço mais distalet do mar SE TECTONICA E MAGMATISMO Ma MRT MRT CAL MRT MOS MRT CAL MOS COT MUR MAC HCSO PS FLD CAL SUBSIDÊNCIA TÉRMICA COM TECTONICA ADIATROFICA ASSOCIADA 10 20 30 Magmatismo Eocano médio 40 Meume Eocenamo ceno inferior 50 DRIFTE 60 70 Magmatismo Santoniano-Campaniano 80. PÓS-RIFTE BIT RIFTE From PETROBRAS, 2007 90 100 140 PRÉ-RIFTE 150 -250 SINÉCLISE -300 350 -542#320 70- 100 110- CARBONATE RESERVOIRS IN THE AFRICAN CONJUGATE MARGIN Geocronologia | PLEISTOCENO PLIOCENO ZANGLEANO MIOCENO SERRAVALIANO LANGHIANO BURDIGALIANO CHATIANO RUPELIANO PRIABONIANO BARTONANO EOCENO LUTETIANO NEO PRESIANO Grupo Continente BAR PERNAMBUCO BASIN Litoral THANETIANO BELANDIANO DANIANO MAASTRICHTIANC CARBONATES CAMPANANO CONIACIANO TURONIANO CENOMANIANO ST IPOJUCA ALBIANO EO APTIANO ANATU 130- PRE-CAMBRIANO Litoestratigrafia GEOCHRONOLOGY Aguas Profundas ABSOLUTE PERIOD (MBP) EPOCH OFFSHORE Pantocene Placene 10 Mocene 20 30 40 Tertiary Oligocene Eocene CALUMBI 50 60 Paleocene TO Maastrich RIO MUNI NORTH GEOCHRONOLOGY RIO MUNI SOUTH ASSOLETE PERIOD ONSHORE EPOCH OFFSHORE Plocene 10 Mocene 20 OLIGO-MIOCENE 30 Oligocene 40 Eocene 50 ?PALEOCENE EOCENE 60 Paleocene 70 Maastrich ONSHORE OLIGO-MIOCENE ?PALEOCENE-EOCENE Campanian Campanian 80 50 P2 CEIBA/OVENG/OKUME Sentonian Coniacian Santonian Contacian G-13 90 Turchian 90 Cenomanian Albian-Turonian Turonien Ceromanian APTIAN-TURONIAN 110 CABO E Alto do 120 Maracatu Bacia Interna Bacia do Plato Albian BENITO WITH SALT 100 APTIAN-ALBIAN Action BENITO From MMIE - REG, 2014 SALT APTIAN-ALBIAN#33155000 PLAYS OF THE PERNAMBUCO BASIN 892600 1012600 PESZ Recife 500- 1000- 1500- 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 5.86 6.75 TWT (s) 2000- 40 km 2500- 3000- 3500- 4000- 4500- 5000- 5500- Play type 1 and 2 6000- TMGF11001 Reef Play types 2 and 3 • Play type 1: carbonate Platforms • Play type 2: sandstones from the rift sequence • Play type 3: turbidite bodies K-2350m Play types 4 and 5 •Play type 4: volcanic rocks Volcanic-related structures • Play type 5: pre-salt accumulations#34Final Considerations •We have successfully applied a simple methodology, involving analysis of seismic and potential data together with the classical seismic stratigraphic interpretation in order to uncover carbonate structures in a region with limited knowledge and high petroleum potential •Our findings improved the knowledge of this area, and highlighted the potential of carbonate structures as a possible oil play The abundance of carbonate structures indicates that the regional physiography of the Pernambuco Plateau helped the formation of carbonate platforms#35THANK YOU ANY QUESTIONS? LAGESE VIRTUS IMPAVIDA LABORATÓRIO DE GEOLOGIA SEDIMENTAR E AMBIENTAL DGEO-CTG-UFPE UFPE SISMOS Laboratório de Sismoestratigrafia DGEO-UFPE anp Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis COMPROMISSO COM INVESTIMENTO EM PESQUISA & DESENVOLVIMENTO SINOCHEM PETRÓLEO BRASIL LIMITADA PROJETO SEASOUND IHS IHS Kingdom GEOSOFT. OpendTect [email protected]

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