Inox Group - Financial and Corporate Overview

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#1GUJARAT FLUOROCHEMICALS LIMITED QUARTERLY INVESTOR UPDATE Q2 & H1 FY17 CHACOM G.L#2DISCLAIMER G.L This presentation and the following discussion may contain "forward looking statements" by Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited ("GFL" or "the Company") that are not historical in nature. These forward looking statements, which may include statements relating to future state of affairs, results of operations, financial condition, business prospects, plans and objectives, are based on the current beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates, and projections of the management of GFL about the business, industry and markets in which GFL operates. These statements are not guarantees of future performance, and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, some of which are beyond GFL's control and difficult to predict, that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those in the forward looking statements. Such statements are not, and should not be construed, as a representation as to future performance or achievements of GFL. In particular, such statements should not be regarded as a projection of future performance of GFL. It should be noted that the actual performance or achievements of GFL may vary significantly from such statements. 2#3DISCUSSION SUMMARY Q2 & H1 FY17 RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS CONSOLIDATED RESULTS CHEMICALS BUSINESS WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS ☐ WIND FARMING BUSINESS FILM EXHIBITION BUSINESS BALANCE SHEET UPDATE SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE FINANCIAL SUMMARY ☐ ANNEXURE G.L 3#4Q2 & H1 FY17 – RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS CONSOLIDATED RESULTS 1,770.3 REVENUES* Q2 FY16 3,159.0 H1 FY16 13% REVENUES* 16% Q2 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS EBITDA ** & EBITDA MARGIN 19.2% 1,545.1 339.9 G.L PAT & PAT MARGIN 17.5% 6.2% 5.8% 271.1 110.3 89.7 20% 19% Q2 FY17 Q2 FY16 EBIDTA Q2 FY17 -EBIDTA % Q2 FY16 PAT Q2 FY17 PAT % 2,665.7 H1 FY17 Note: Revenue from Operations, EBIDTA excluding Other Income H1 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS EBITDA ** & EBITDA MARGIN 19.5% 615.3 PAT & PAT MARGIN 18.8% 6.1% 5.1% 501.9 193.0 137.2 18% 29% H1 FY16 EBIDTA H1 FY17 ⚫EBIDTA % H1 FY16 PAT H1 FY17 PAT % In Rs. Cr 4#5- Q2 & H1 FY17 – RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS CONSOLIDATED REVENUES BREAKUP CONSOLIDATED REVENUES - BUSINESS WISE BREAKUP GL In Rs. Cr 1,770.3 3,159.0 1,545.1 2,665.7 307.8 3% 610.3 4% 62.1 297.4 107.9 634.3 78.4 26% 30% 139.9 1,660.2 1,016.3 21% 800.2 26% 1,235.2 2% 4% 732.9 761.2 354.7 29.4 360.9 8.2 47.7 -104.9 Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 H1 FY16 H1 FY17 % Share Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 % Share H1 FY16 H1 FY17 Chemicals Business 20.0% 23.4% Chemicals Business 23.2% 28.6% Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 57.4% 51.8% Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 52.6% 46.3% Wind Farming Business 3.5% 5.1% Wind Farming Business 3.4% 5.2% Film Exhibition Business 17.4% 19.2% Film Exhibition Business 19.3% 23.8% Other Subsidiaries / Intersegment 1.7% 0.5% Other Subsidiaries / Intersegment 1.5% -3.9% 5#6Q2 & H1 FY17 – RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS - CONSOLIDATED EBITDA BREAKUP CONSOLIDATED EBITDA - BUSINESS WISE BREAKUP G.L In Rs. Cr 339.9 615.3 56.5 52% 271.1 121.0 26% 501.9 53.5 27.2 89.3 92.2 31 % 33% 69.9 122.5 144.5 30% 238.1 38% 101.1 146.8 2% 0.1% 76.1 154.4 154.2 74.7 9.3 9.6 -1.8 -10.9 Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 H1 FY16 H1 FY17 % Share Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 % Share H1 FY16 H1 FY17 Chemicals Business 22.5% 27.6% Chemicals Business 25.1% 30.7% Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 42.5% 37.3% Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 38.7% 29.2% Wind Farming Business 15.7% 25.8% Wind Farming Business 15.0% 24.4% Film Exhibition Business 16.6% 10.0% Film Exhibition Business 19.7% 17.8% Other Subsidiaries / Intersegment 2.7% -0.7% Other Subsidiaries / Intersegment 1.6% -2.2% 6#7Q2 & H1 FY17 – RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS CONSOLIDATED PAT BREAKUP 110.3 CONSOLIDATED PAT 21.3 6.2 93 % 89.7 1.6 15.9 158 % 93.9 56.5 40% 32 % 35.3 26.7 -19.6 -37.8 - BUSINESS WISE BREAKUP 193.0 G.L 46.5 43 % 9.7 137.2 97% 26.5 19.1 154.3 56% 68.3 54.5 26% 68.5 -72.0 -45.2 In Rs. Cr Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 H1 FY16 H1 FY17 % Share Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 % Share H1 FY16 H1 FY17 Chemicals Business 24.3% 39.4% Chemicals Business 28.2% 49.9% Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 85.1% 63.0% Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 79.9% 49.8% Wind Farming Business 5.6% 17.7% Wind Farming Business 5.0% 13.9% Film Exhibition Business 19.3% 1.8% Film Exhibition Business 24.1% 19.3% Other Subsidiaries / Intersegment / Other Subsidiaries / Intersegment / -34.3% -21.9% -37.3% -32.9% Minority Interest Minority Interest 7#8- Q2 & H1 FY17 – RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS CHEMICALS BUSINESS - STANDALONE RESULTS 354.7 Q2 FY16 732.9 H1 FY16 REVENUES* 2% REVENUES* 4% 1 Note: Revenue from Operations, 360.9 Q2 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS EBITDA ** & EBITDA MARGIN 21.5% GL PAT & PAT MARGIN 20.7% 7.5% 9.8% 76.1 74.7 35.3 26.7 2% 32% Q2 FY17 Q2 FY16 EBIDTA Q2 FY17 -EBIDTA % Q2 FY16 PAT Q2 FY17 PAT % 761.2 H1 FY17 EBIDTA excluding Other Income H1 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS EBITDA ** & EBITDA MARGIN 21.1% 154.4 0.1% ↓ PAT & PAT MARGIN 20.3% 7.4% 154.2 54.5 26% 1 9.0% 68.5 H1 FY16 EBIDTA H1 FY17 ⚫EBIDTA % H1 FY16 PAT H1 FY17 PAT % In Rs. Cr 8#9- Q2 & H1 FY17 – RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS CHEMICALS BUSINESS - STANDALONE RESULTS Q2 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS - REVENUES BREAKUP 354.7 360.9 24.9 32.3 30% 114.7 1% 115.8 G.L In Rs. Cr H1 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS - REVENUES BREAKUP 761.2 732.9 60.7 60.0 1% 215.0 250.8 17% 13% 17% 57.9 50.6 160.4 132.8 5% 71.3 5% 133.3 75.1 140.0 11% 82.1 91.0 17% 157.6 183.6 Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 H1 FY16 H1 FY17 % Share Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 % Share H1 FY16 H1 FY17 Caustic Soda 23.2% 25.2% Caustic Soda 21.5% 24.1% Chloromethanes 21.2% 19.8% Chloromethanes 19.1% 17.5% Refrigerant Gases 16.3% 14.0% Refrigerant Gases 21.9% 17.4% PTFE 32.3% 32.1% PTFE 29.3% 33.0% Other Products 7.0% 8.9% Other Products 8.2% 8.0% 9#10Q2 & H1 FY17 – RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS - WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS (INOX WIND LIMITED) 1,016.3 REVENUES* Q2 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS EBITDA ** and EBITDA MARGIN 14.2% 12.6% GL PAT and PAT MARGIN 9.2% 21% 800.2 144.5 Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 Q2 FY16 EBIDTA 1,660.2 H1 FY16 REVENUES* 26% 1,235.2 H1 FY17 Note: * Revenue from Operations, ** EBIDTA excluding Other Income 101.1 30% 93.9 7.0% 56.5 40% Q2 FY17 EBIDTA % Q2 FY16 PAT Q2 FY17 PAT % H1 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS EBITDA ** and EBITDA MARGIN 14.3% 238.1 PAT and PAT MARGIN 9.3% 11.9% 5.5% 154.3 146.8 38 % 56 % 68.3 H1 FY16 H1 FY17 H1 FY16 H1 FY17 EBIDTA EBIDTA % PAT PAT % In Rs. Cr 10#11Q2 & H1 FY17 – RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS WIND FARMING BUSINESS (INOX RENEWABLES LIMITED) 62.1 REVENUES* 26% 78.4 EBITDA ** and EBITDA MARGIN 86.1% 53.5 31% Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 Q2 FY16 EBIDTA 107.9 H1 FY16 REVENUES* 30% 139.9 H1 FY17 Note: * Revenue from Operations, ** EBIDTA excluding Other Income 89.1% G.L PAT and PAT MARGIN 20.2% 9.9% 69.9 6.2 158 % 15.9 Q2 FY17 EBIDTA % Q2 FY16 PAT Q2 FY17 PAT % H1 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS EBITDA ** and EBITDA MARGIN 85.4% 92.2 33 % 87.6% PAT and PAT MARGIN 9.0% 122.5 9.7 97% H1 FY16 H1 FY17 EBIDTA EBIDTA % 13.6% 19.1 H1 FY16 H1 FY17 PAT PAT % In Rs. Cr 11#12Q2 & H1 FY17 - RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS FILM EXHIBITION BUSINESS (INOX LEISURE LIMITED) REVENUES* Q2 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS EBITDA ** and EBITDA MARGIN 307.8 3% 297.4 18.4% 56.5 Q2 FY16 Q2 FY17 Q2 FY16 EBIDTA 610.3 H1 FY16 REVENUES* 4% 634.3 H1 FY17 Note: * Revenue from Operations, ** EBIDTA excluding Other Income GL PAT and PAT MARGIN 6.9% 9.1% 0.5% 21.3 52% 27.2 93 % 1.6 Q2 FY17 EBIDTA % Q2 FY16 PAT Q2 FY17 PAT % H1 FY17 YoY ANALYSIS EBITDA ** and EBITDA MARGIN 19.8% PAT and PAT MARGIN 7.6% 14.1% 46.5 121.0 89.3 26% 4.2% 26.5 43 % H1 FY16 H1 FY17 H1 FY16 H1 FY17 EBIDTA EBIDTA % PAT PAT % In Rs. Cr 12#13BALANCE SHEET UPDATE G.L Consolidated SEP-16 Consolidated SEP-16 Net Non Current Assets Total Debt Chemicals Business 2,643.9 Chemicals Business 624.5 Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 297.6 Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 1,718.1 Wind Farming Business 1,692.6 Wind Farming Business 1,174.3 Film Exhibition Business 872.0 Film Exhibition Business 229.4 Others/Eliminations Net Non Current Assets 150.5 Eliminations -432.6 5,656.7 Total Debt 3,313.7 Consolidated SEP-16 Consolidated SEP-16 Net Current Assets Total Equity Chemicals Business 2,982.1 Chemicals Business 962.6 Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 1,972.2 Wind Turbine Manufacturing Business 2,727.1 Wind Farming Business 540.4 Wind Farming Business 22.1 Film Exhibition Business 549.9 Film Exhibition Business -92.7 Eliminations -1,414.3 Eliminations -331.4 Minority Interest 1,000.3 Net Current Assets 3,287.7 Total Equity 5,630.6 Key Balance Sheet Ratios - Standalone SEP-16 Key Balance Sheet Ratios - Consolidated SEP-16 Net Debt Equity 0.2 Net Debt: Equity 0.5 In Rs. Cr 13#14SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE Share Price Performance 800 600 400 200 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 G.L Market Data Market capitalization (Rs Cr) Price (Rs.) No. of shares outstanding (Cr) Face Value (Rs.) 52 week High-Low (Rs.) As on 11.11.16 (BSE) 5,745.2 523.0 10.99 1.0 666.7 401.1 % Shareholding - September 2016 Key Institutional Investors - September 2016 % Holding Reliance Capital 1.82% Public/ Others, 23.57. Reliance Life Insurance 1.32% FII, 3.70 DII, 4.40 Promoter & Promoter UTI MF 1.19% Group, 68.33 Fidelity Investments 1.13% Birla Sunlife MF 1.12% Source: Company Source: Company 14#15FINANCIAL SUMMARY - LAST 5 YEARS STANDALONE FINANCIALS - CHEMICALS BUSINESS Figures are as per IGAAP REVENUES * EBITDA & EBITDA MARGIN G.L PAT & PAT MARGIN 7.8% 1,321 1,338 26.2% 17.4% 17.0% 21.4% 22.1% 5.2% 6.0% 1,193 1,154 2.0% 1,141 0.7% 312 282 295 236 200 194 104 60 74 80 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY12 FY13 EBITDA FY14 FY15 EBITDA Margin % FY16 FY12 FY13 PAT FY14 FY15 FY16 PAT Margin % LEVERAGE ANALYSIS RETURN METRICS * Revenues excludes significant CER Income during FY12 and FY13. REVENUES BREAKUP 5% 14% 7% 6% 8% 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 11.0% 39% 38% 32% 55% 34% 8.8% 10% 11% 15% 19% 6% 16% 19% 21% 19% 2,495 2,142 2,525 2,856 2,913 17% 4.7% 4.3% 3.6% 3.3% 2.4% 2.8% 2.9% 3.0% 25% 16% 25% 19% 22% 640 847 696 371 456 T T FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY12 FY13 FY14 Caustic Soda Chloromethanes Net Debt Refrigerants Equity PTFE Others Net Debt to Equity FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 ROCE % ■ROE % ROE: PAT/Avg. Equity, ROCE: EBIT/Avg. Capital Employed [(Capital Employed Equity + Total Debt) Note: FY15 standalone PAT is adjusted to exclude Rs 302.7 cr gain from the Offer for Sale (sale of 1 cr Inox Wind Limited shares) by GFL as a part of Inox Wind Limited IPO. In Rs. Cr 15 FY15 FY16#16- FINANCIAL SUMMARY – LAST 5 YEARS CONSOLIDATED FINANCIALS Figures are as per IGAAP G.L PAT & PAT MARGIN In Rs. Cr REVENUES CAGR: 26.2% EBITDA & EBITDA MARGIN 27.6% 43.4% 32.1% 7,199 17.3% 19.4% 17.2% 18.1% 5,341 5.4% 5.9% 5.5% 780 2,830 3,166 3,452 1,228 1,303 1,017 1,035 543 394 598 317 186 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY12 FY13 EBITDA FY14 FY15 FY16 EBITDA Margin % LEVERAGE ANALYSIS 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.5 33.7% 0.3 31.1% FY12 FY13 FY14 PAT FY15 PAT Margin % FY16 RETURN METRICS 18.5% 17.7% 12.1% 13.6% 8.4% 7.3% 5.8% 9.0% 4,496 3,159 3,297 4,235 2,718 ,251 2,075 2,250 2,442 1,448 T T T FY12 FY13 FY14 Equity FY15 FY16 FY12 FY13 FY14 Net Debt to Equity ROCE % I Net Debt Note: FY15 consolidated PAT is adjusted to exclude Rs 268.6 cr gain from the Offer for Sale (sale of 1 cr Inox Wind Limited shares) by GFL as a part of Inox Wind Limited IPO. FY15 ■ROE % FY16 ROE: PAT/Avg. Equity, ROCE: EBIT/Avg. Capital Employed [(Capital Employed Equity + Total Debt) 16#17ANNEXURE G.L 17#18DETAILED FINANCIALS STANDALONE P&L STATEMENT G.L Particulars (Rs Cr) Total Income from Operations Q2 FY17 Q2 FY16 YoY % Q1 FY17 QoQ% H1 FY17 H1 FY16 YoY % 360.9 354.7 1.8% 400.3 -9.8% 761.2 732.9 3.9% Cost of Material Consumed 93.2 97.5 -4.4% 93.9 -0.7% 187.1 185.1 1.1% Purchases of stock-in-trade 4.5 0.4 2.6 7.1 1.1 Excise Duty 25.4 27.8 -8.6% 27.3 -6.9% 52.6 53.3 -48.8% Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress -15.8 -10.8 9.5 -6.3 18.3 and stock-in-trade Employee benefit expense 31.9 25.2 26.2% 30.2 5.5% 62.1 51.9 19.5% Power and fuel 77.7 78.1 -0.5% 88.0 -11.7% 165.7 154.9 6.9% Foreign Exchange Fluctuation (Gain)/Loss (net) 1.2 -2.3 -1.4 -0.2 -5.3 Other Expenses 68.2 62.6 9.0% 70.8 -3.6% 139.0 119.3 16.5% EBITDA 74.7 76.1 -1.9% 79.5 -6.0% 154.2 154.4 -0.2% EBITDA Margin % 20.7% 21.5% -77bps 19.9% 84bps 20.3% 21.1% -82bps Depreciation and amortization expense 37.4 36.3 3.1% 36.8 1.4% 74.2 70.6 5.1% Other Income 15.2 11.7 30.3% 13.8 10.7% 29.0 21.7 33.8% Finance Cost Exceptional items PBT 7.1 11.0 -35.1% 8.1 -11.8% 15.2 23.8 -36.1% 5.3 0.0 0.0 5.3 0.0 50.7 40.6 25.0% 48.3 4.9% 99.0 81.7 21.2% Tax Expense 15.4 13.9 10.9% 15.2 1.5% 30.6 27.2 12.5% PAT 35.3 26.7 32.3% 33.2 6.5% 68.5 54.5 25.6% PAT Margin % 9.8% 7.5% 226bps 8.3% 150bps 9.0% 7.4% 156bps Earnings Per Share (EPS) 3.17 2.38 33.2% 3.05 3.9% 6.22 5.10 22.0% 18#19DETAILED FINANCIALS STANDALONE BALANCE SHEET Particulars (Rs Cr) Share Holders' Funds: SEP-16 Particulars (Rs Cr) Non-current Assets: G.L SEP-16 Equity Share Capital 11.0 Capital Work-in-progress Other Equity 2,971.1 Property, Plant & Equipment Investment Property 1,865.0 86.4 10.9 Total of Shareholder Funds 2,982.1 Other Intangible Assets 46.0 Non-current Liabilities: Investments 517.2 Borrowings 197.6 Loans 162.5 Other Non-current Financial Liabilities 4.7 Others Non-Current Financial Assets 13.0 Provisions 14.0 Other Non-current Assets 151.4 Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 189.8 Total Non-current Assets 2,852.4 Total of Non-current Liabilities 406.0 Current Assets: Inventories 324.3 Current Liabilities: Investments 158.0 Borrowings 376.7 Trade receivables 354.8 Trade payables 73.5 Cash and Bank Balances 12.9 Other Current Financial Liabilities 137.0 Loans 220.5 Other Current Liabilities 20.3 Other Current Financial Assets 32.9 Provisions 8.1 Other Current Assets 47.9 Total of Current Liabilities 615.6 Total Current Assets 1,151.3 Total Equity & Liabilities 4,003.7 Total Assets 4,003.7 19#20DETAILED FINANCIALS CONSOLIDATED P&L STATEMENT GL Particulars (Rs Cr) Total Income from Operations Q2 FY17 Q2 FY16 YoY % Q1 FY17 QoQ % H1 FY17 1,545.1 1,770.3 -12.7% 1,120.6 37.9% 2,665.7 H1 FY16 3,159.0 YoY % -15.6% Cost of Material Consumed 579.4 824.4 -29.7% 409.9 41.3% 989.3 1,336.7 -26.0% Purchases of stock-in-trade 6.5 0.4 2.6 9.1 1.1 Excise Duty 25.4 27.8 -8.6% 27.3 -6.9% 52.6 53.3 -48.8% Changes in inventories of FGS, WIP, and stock-in-trade -4.4 -15.4 -30.8 -35.2 16.4 Employee benefit expense 87.8 65.7 33.7% 83.3 5.5% 171.1 131.6 30.0% Power and fuel 100.6 101.9 -1.3% 114.2 -11.8% 214.8 201.2 6.8% Erection, Procurement & Commissioning Cost 98.2 80.6 21.9% 38.5 154.9% 136.8 157.0 -12.9% Film Exhibition Cost 86.7 86.6 0.1% 95.4 -9.1% 182.1 171.8 6.0% Foreign Exchange Fluctuation (Gain)/Loss (net) -1.6 4.7 -3.5 -5.1 11.1 Other Expenses 295.3 253.8 16.3% 247.8 19.2% 543.1 463.7 17.1% Expenditure Capitalised 0.0 0.0 -94.7 -94.7 0.0 EBITDA 271.1 339.9 -20.2% 230.8 17.5% 501.9 615.3 -18.4% EBITDA Margin % 17.5% 19.2% -165bps 20.6% -305bps 18.8% 19.5% -65bps Depreciation and amortization expense 88.3 81.1 8.9% 86.1 2.6% 174.4 157.5 10.7% Other Income 18.6 27.0 -31.2% 26.6 -30.1% 45.2 53.2 -14.9% Finance Cost 60.4 57.3 5.4% 68.3 -11.6% 128.7 109.7 17.3% Exceptional items 7.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 0.0 PBT 148.1 228.6 -35.2% 103.1 43.7% 251.1 401.3 -37.4% Tax Expense 37.2 72.3 -48.5% 37.0 0.5% 74.3 126.1 -41.1% PAT 110.9 156.3 -29.1% 66.0 67.9% 176.9 275.3 -35.7% Share of profit of associate 0.1 -1.1 -1.9 -1.8 Share of Minority in (profit)/loss -21.2 -44.8 52.6% -16.6 -28.0% -37.8 PAT after minority interest and share of profit of associate 89.7 110.3 -18.7% 47.5 88.7% 137.2 PAT Margin % 5.8% 6.2% -43bps 4.2% 156bps 5.1% Earnings Per Share (EPS) 8.28 9.78 -15.3% 4.30 92.6% 12.57 -2.6 -79.6 193.0 -28.9% 6.1% -96bps 17.61 -28.6% 52.5% 20#21DETAILED FINANCIALS CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET G.L Particulars (Rs Cr) Share Holders' Funds: SEP-16 Particulars (Rs Cr) SEP-16 Non-current Assets: Equity Share Capital 11.0 Property, Plant & Equipment 4,449.8 Other Equity 4,619.4 Capital Work-in-progress 432.7 Total of Shareholder Funds 4,630.3 Investment Property 10.2 Goodwill on Consolidation 16.2 Non-Controlling Interest 1,000.3 Other Intangible Assets 98.6 Non-current Liabilities: Investments 294.6 Borrowings 994.3 Loans 0.0 Other Financial Liabilities 9.6 Others Financial Assets 215.9 Provisions 30.8 Deferred Tax Assets (Net) 74.3 Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 174.6 Other Non-current Assets 448.2 Other Non-current Liabilities 168.9 Total Non-current Assets 6,040.5 Total of Non-current Liabilities 1,378.1 Current Assets: Current Liabilities: Inventories 1,060.1 Borrowings 2,130.7 Investments 245.4 Trade payables 1,034.6 Trade receivables 2,816.5 Other Financial Liabilities 453.1 Cash and Bank Balances 469.9 Other Current Liabilities 225.5 Loans 31.2 Provisions Current Tax Liabilities (Net) 25.1 Other Financial Assets 169.1 47.1 Other Current Assets 92.2 Total of Current Liabilities Total Equity & Liabilities 3,916.0 Total Current Assets 4,884.3 10,924.8 Total Assets 10,924.8 21#22■ GROUP OVERVIEW STRONG PEDIGREE ■ 90 year track record of ethical business growth. ■ G.L USD $3Bn Inox Group is diversified across industrial gases, engineering plastics, refrigerants, chemicals, cryogenic engineering, renewable energy and entertainment. More than 9,000 employees at more than 150 business units across India. Distribution network spread across more than 50 countries around the world. G.L Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited Listed Companies INOX WIND INOX LIVE THE MOVIE Inox Leisure Limited Inox Wind Limited NOX Other Key Companies NOX) INOX AIR PRODUCTS INOXCVA Inox Air Products Private Limited Inox India Private Limited inox RENEWABLES Inox Renewables Limited ■ Largest producer of chloromethanes, refrigerants and Polytetrafluoroethylene in India Pioneer of carbon credits in India ■ Fully integrated player in the wind energy market ■ State-of-the-art manufacturing plants near Ahmedabad (Gujarat) and at Una (Himachal Pradesh) and new facility in Madhya Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh facility one of the largest in Asia ■ Ability to provide end-to-end turnkey solutions for wind " " One of the largest multiplex chain in India In the business of setting up, operating and managing a national chain of multiplexes under the brand name 'INOX' Present in 57 cities with 112 multiplexes and 440 screens ■50:50 joint venture with Air Products Inc., USA ■Largest producer of industrial gases in India ■40 plants spread throughout the country Largest producer of cryogenic liquid storage and transport tanks in India ■ Offers comprehensive solutions in cryogenic storage, vaporization and distribution engineering ■ Has operations in India, USA, Canada, Netherlands and Brazil Engaged in the business of setting up and operating of wind farms Existing operating capacity of ~260 MW in states of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh farms STRONG SPONSORSHIP OF INOX GROUP - RECOGNIZED AND TRUSTED CORPORATE GROUP 22 222#23FOR FURTHER QUERIES: G.L G.L Deepak Asher THANK YOU Director and Group Head (Corporate Finance) Email: [email protected] Mr. Dheeraj Sood Head IR-Inox Group Contact No: 0120 6149881 Email: [email protected] DICKENSON SEAGULL ® Nilesh Dalvi Dickenson Seagull IR Contact No: +91 9819289131 Email: [email protected] 23

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