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#1WRI BRASIL MAKING BIG IDEAS HAPPEN 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Brasil WRIBRASIL.ORG.BR#2CONTENTS 2 About WRI Brasil 3 Our values 5 Our approach 6 Letters 11 Global outcomes 5 Programs 25 What we achieved in 2018 47 Boards and leadership 51 Partners | Resources 56 Digital presence#3ABOUT WRI BRASIL WRI Brasil is a research institute that transforms big ideas into action to protect the environment and foster Brazil's prosperity in an inclusive and sustainable fashion. It is focused on research and applications of sustainable solutions oriented towards climate, forests, and cities. WRI Brasil combines technical excellence with political articulation and works in close collaboration with governments, private companies, universities, and civil society. WRI Brasil is part of the World Resources Institute (WRI), a global research organization whose work extends to over 50 countries. WRI encompasses the work of almost 700 professionals in offices in Brazil, China, the United States, Mexico, India, Indonesia, Europe, Turkey, and Africa. OUR VALUES INTEGRITY Honesty, candor and openness must guide our work to ensure credibility and to build trust. • We encourage examination of our methods, analyses, and conclusions. • We share information and ideas with our colleagues and partners. • We recognize all who have contributed to our work. INNOVATION To lead change for a sustainable world, we must be creative, forward-thinking, entrepreneurial, and adaptive. • We are willing to risk failure to achieve substantial impact. We nurture and reward new ideas and excellence in pursuing them. • We reinvigorate our own ideas and approaches through continuous learning. URGENCY We believe that change in human behavior is urgently needed to halt the accelerating rate of environmental deterioration. • We seek the greatest impact by responding swiftly, decisively, and strategically to opportunities and challenges. • We work on issues that matter where we believe we can make a unique difference. RESPECT Our relationships are based on the belief that all people deserve respect. • We encourage diversity of experience, culture, ideas, and opinions among our staff and partners. • We seek to ensure and to recognize that each of us can take responsibility and create opportunities. • We help each other to reach our fullest potential. • We treat others with fairness regardless of their views on our work. INDEPENDENCE Our effectiveness depends on work that is uncompromised by partisan politics, institutional or personal allegiances, or sources of financial support. We take pride in the independence of our ideas and work. WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 3#4OUR APPROACH COUNT IT We start with data. We conduct independent research and draw on the latest technology to develop new insights and recommendations. Our rigorous analysis identifies risks, unveils opportunities, and informs smart strategies. We focus our efforts on influential and emerging economies where the future of sustainability will be determined. CHANGE IT We use our research to influence government policies, business strategies, and civil society action. We test projects with communities, companies, and government agencies to build a strong evidence base. Then, we work with partners to deliver change on the ground that alleviates poverty and strengthens society. We hold ourselves accountable to ensure our outcomes will be bold and enduring. SCALE IT We don't think small. Once tested, we work with partners to adopt and expand our efforts regionally and globally. We engage with decision-makers to carry out our ideas and elevate our impact. We measure success through government and business actions that improve people's lives and sustain a healthy environment.#5BRIFETY DILVE 10-DIRETA 0405 CHU-8578 WORD FROM THE BOARD CHAIR The year 2018 might best be remembered for the many changing paradigms, numerous conflicts and intensive polarization. With another year of government under Donald Trump in the United States and the reelection of Vladimir Putin in Russia, we have witnessed a rise in populism throughout several regions, including Europe, Asia and Latin America. This has been coupled with the return of a discourse that counterposes the concepts of development and a low carbon economy. In the meantime, organized civil society continues to face difficulties in engaging and creating dialogue with the population. A quick comparison using data from Google search trends shows that news on the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle generated double the interest compared to all the climate coverage in 2018. Thus, entertainment continues to speak louder than science, and the public debate on climate change remains lackluster considering the urgency and relevance of transformation required. It also suggests that the subject and the civil society organizations engaged in the Climate issue continue conversing in the converts' echo chamber alone. In Brazil, 2018 was the year of a "crisis climate" and at the same time a "climate in crisis". A "crisis climate" because the economic crisis, added to intensive political polarization, led the country to think of little else. The result is that the world's interest in Brazil has dropped drastically. Not even the FIFA World Cup was able to raise interest in Brazil. To compare, the Google search trends tool again shows that, around the world, people looking up news on Brazil fell to volumes five times lower when compared to 2009, when the optimism surrounding the country was at its peak, and when the magazine The Economist said our economy was taking off. Since then, Brazil has fallen from being the 7th largest global economy to 9th. Political polarization also defined the environmental agenda, with the electoral process catching society off guard and revealing that a large percentage of voters mistrust environmental policies, giving way to a growing perception of conflict between the environment and development. The result was that the climate crisis disappeared from public debate in the nation - even with the continued high rate of deforestation and the droughts and floods afflicting the population. Implementation of a Brazilian climate agenda, which was already somewhat uninspired, practically disappeared between the cracks. The difficulty to dialogue within a polarized society and the silence of the private sector, more concerned with economic problems, created the perfect storm with a major impact on environmental issues. Both the global and national contexts forced civil society organizations to review their language and actions in order to reignite dialogue with a more conservative audience. In the case of WRI Brasil, this change revealed an opportunity. WRI Brasil has what it takes to position itself and create dialog with multiple actors, as its action is based on deep and careful analysis of the state-of-the-art in science and data. It is not an activist organization and shrewdly fills a technical and research gap, forming credible ties with both the public and private sectors. The work undertaken by WRI Brasil throughout 2018 shows that, even within the grip of the perfect storm, it is possible to push forward, as was the case in urban issues, producing quality work to improve mobility, safety, and quality of life in major cities. Other agendas, like Climate and Forests, were forced onto the defensive. Even so, by working with coalitions, the organization was able to make positive impacts, like WRI Brasil's contribution to a long-term vision for forests and agriculture, showcasing options for a new forestry and agroforestry economy. Looking to the future, WRI Brasil sees itself in a position to initiate dialogue with a new Brazil, rising up from the crisis and polarization, breathing fresh life into the environmental and climate debate with an agenda focused on a low carbon economy and sustainable development. The organization needs to adapt its language and learn to deal with new representatives, who may be more conservative, but who nevertheless believe in better cities, a strong forestry economy and a controlled climate. It's time to get to work to ensure Brazil remains in the Paris Agreement, expanding its ambitions, and betting on a low-carbon economy, which will surely provide Brazil with a competitive edge and lead the nation towards sustainable and inclusive growth. Public policies backed by science will remain a comparative advantage for WRI Brasil within the national scenario. Marcelo Furtado Board Chair WRI Brasil 6 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 7#6COVER LETTER The year 2018 was particularly intense, punctuated by elections and a possible change in government and priorities, coupled with economic and environmental crises. However, this did not get in the way of WRI Brasil fulfilling its mission to produce quality studies and articulate relevant actions to promote sustainable development in the country. To the contrary, the year presented opportunities for the organization to act, in the form of partnerships and alliances, increasing scale and impact in the areas of Forests, Cities and Climate. The WRI Brasil Forests program continued to unveil innovative means to provide incentives for the restoration of landscapes and forests. Estimates are that some 30 million hectares in the country are currently degraded and do not fulfill any economic role, not to mention an ecological function. To unlock the potential of forest restoration in Brazil, the Forests team has sought to demonstrate the economic viability of restoring with native species, mapping mechanisms for governance and financing on landscapes and testing new sustainable production technologies, by means of the VERENA, Pró-Restaura and Landscape Restoration projects. The team launched two studies about natural infrastructure for the supply of water in Brazil that show that planting forests improves water quality and generates a return on investments for sanitation companies and states. The program strives for the promotion of business, social inclusion and gender equality, with highlights including projects in Pintadas (state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil) and Juruti (state of Pará, North Brazil). The challenge of making our cities more accessible, equanimous, healthy and resilient guides the Cities program in discovering innovative ways to deal with the problems inherent to major urban centers. In 2018, we promoted partnerships and projects in several cities, including São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro. Among the leading lines of action are efforts involving Active Mobility, Sustainable Urban Mobility and Urban Development. These lines produced results such as the dissemination of the Complete Streets concepts, the identification of barriers and solutions for bus electrification - a viable and efficient solution for public transport in Brazilian cities -, and work with a tool that measures the impact of air pollution on the health of the population. Partners such as the National Mayors Front (FNP) and the Ministry of Cities were fundamental in efforts developed to improve planning and the well-being of Brazilian urban centers. In 2018, we once again witnessed the dangers of a new world: as a result of climate changes caused by human activity, Brazil, too, suffered from high temperatures, torrential downpours and severe droughts. The WRI Brasil Climate program sought to bolster initiatives and mechanisms to implement the Paris Agreement. The program supports the inclusion of climate change amongst the strategic topics of the 4th Open Government Plan of Action, under the coordination of the Government Accountability Office (CGU). Together with Instituto Escolhas and the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), the program was involved in the Thematic Chamber on the Long-Term Outlook of the Brazilian Forum on Climate Change (FBMC). It worked to enhance and disseminate the GHG Protocol - Agriculture and the GHG Protocol - Silviculture, which allow the private sector to tally and mitigate emissions. Efforts around climate governance create inroads for the Climate program to be more effective in favor of a low-carbon economy aimed at improving the lives of Brazilians, while simultaneously mitigating and adapting the country to climate changes. Internally, WRI Brasil has been focusing on retaining talent and promoting respect and diversity. We have enhanced the recruitment process, fostering greater transparency. We have bolstered WRI Brasil's financial control standards and updated our Code of Conduct, reinforcing our internal policies. And we have engaged the team in essential subjects through activities by Diversity and Sustainability Work Groups. The Communication department prioritized leveraging the WRI Brasil brand and website and initiated a new strategy with the press. The Strategic Relations department ensured the fulfillment of goals and strengthened efforts to attract resources and identify new partners. WRI Brasil is well prepared to support Brazil in its challenges in favor of sustainable development, with social inclusion and gender equality, working alongside capable partners in the public and private sectors, the voluntary sector and academia. We are immensely grateful for our supporters, board members, staff and partners, on whom we rely to continue along the road to sustainability. Rmansion Rachel Biderman Executive Director WRI Brasil 8 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 9#7GLOBAL OUTCOMES We measure WRI's success by our outcomes: significant actions taken by governments, businesses and civil society because of our activities and influence. Many are achieved in collaboration with WRI's more than 400 partner organizations around the world. Here is a selection of outcomes for 2018.#8IPPED New Climate Economy Report and "Step Up 2018" Campaign Support the Paris Agreement and Rulebook WRI experts' work on the Paris Rulebook helped lay the foundation to implement the landmark international agreement, supported by the "Step Up 2018" campaign and the 2018 New Climate Economy report. CIONAMENT Forest Watcher App and GLAD Alerts Help Curb Illegal Deforestation These two new tools, developed with partners, enable near-real-time forest monitoring in the field and have resulted in interdictions and arrests, notably in Kibale National Park in Uganda. Latin American, Caribbean Governments Sign Escazú Agreement on Environmental Democracy The first legally binding treaty on environmental rights in Latin America and the Caribbean was signed by 16 governments after years of coordinated effort by WRI and partners. Major Corporations Start Measuring Food Loss and Waste With help from the Champions 12.3 coalition and the Food Loss and Waste Protocol, over a dozen of the world's largest food companies began measuring food loss and waste within their operations. Indonesia and Democratic Republic of Congo Accelerate Community Forest Management WRI and partners developed tools for community forest management programs in Indonesia and Democratic Republic of Congo that include recognition of forest- dwellers' customary rights. Karnataka State Government in India Commits to Improving Life for Its 61 Million People WRI provided detailed input on sustainable, inclusive urban development for the government's "Nava Karnataka Vision 2025," a blueprint for sustainable growth, and worked closely with Bengaluru city on implementation. WRI Helps Cities Design Safer, More Sustainable Streets Cities in Africa, Asia and Latin America are using WRI design guidelines to improve public transport access and create infrastructure that encourages walking and biking, reducing emissions and making streets safer and less congested. Building Efficiency Accelerator Guides Energy Savings in Bogota, Colombia, and Mérida, Mexico Building on national guidance in Colombia and Mexico, these two cities tapped the expertise of WRI and partners to adapt their countries' guidance to create local regulations to save energy in buildings. Governments, Service Providers Support Principles for Sustainable Shared and Autonomous Vehicles Along with eight other NGOs, WRI launched 10 principles for safe, efficient and pollution-free transportation, which 35 governments and 76 mobility service providers have supported. Forest Resilience Bond Reduces Wildfire Risk in California WRI and partners developed bonds to fund efforts to improve forest health in California's Tahoe National Forest, reducing wildfire and downstream water risks. 12 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 13#9PROGRAMS WRI Brasil works to transform big ideas into concrete results, guaranteeing quality of life and a healthy environment for current and future generations. Outlined below are our actions in benefit of Cities, Climate and Forests.#1030% OFF GATHER Entrada F TORIAg Area Podesti CITIES Fé na familia - Decisions made today will determine the lives of millions of people over the coming decades. Brazil is already home to an enormous urban population and it can substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and at the same time - guarantee economic development, by promoting cleaner vehicle fuels and technologies, providing incentive for buildings that are more energy efficient, improving the quality of public transport, redesigning urban spaces for people, and adopting a connected, compact and coordinated city model. Since 2015, the WRI Brasil Cities program has been developing robust studies on the reality in Brazil, proposing solutions to some of the leading urban challenges we currently face, such as sustainable mobility and urban planning. It combines technical excellence and political articulation with the aim of assisting governments, companies, academia and civil society to guarantee sustainable development for Brazilian cities. The organization supports around 25 Brazilian municipalities in areas such as road safety, the development of mobility plans and projects, accessibility, public transport, travel demand management, urban planning, financing solutions for sustainable infrastructure, tactical urbanism and complete streets, among others. WRI Brasil seeks to contribute so that resources are invested in sustainable urban infrastructure projects that can guarantee the well-being of current and future generations. After all, 70% of all the infrastructure expected to exist in cities around the world by 2050 has yet to be designed and built. WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 17#11MORE ABOUT OUR AREAS OF OPERATION URBAN DEVELOPMENT The current pattern of growth of Brazilian cities has led to territorial expansion, the degradation of public spaces and inefficient use of infrastructure. WRI Brasil works to transform this pattern of city development into a model that promotes the well-being of people, while tackling climate change and leveraging economic development. To do so, we support Brazilian municipalities and the federal government by providing technical knowledge and support in the preparation of urban public policies, the review of municipal and metropolitan Master Plans and the urban design of neighborhoods and public spaces with increased urban vitality. Efforts also include discussions on financial viability and mechanisms for financing solutions, especially those related to recovering the value of real estate. Our areas of operation in urban development include: ■ Technical support for Master Plans ■ Urban vitality for neighborhoods Cities4 Forests ▪ Urban financing ■ Transit-Oriented Development - TOD SUSTAINABLE URBAN MOBILITY Integrated transport networks are the best way to leverage sustainable urban development. WRI Brasil provides technical support to assist cities in improving the quality of their public transport systems through planning, customer satisfaction surveys, the transition to cleaner technologies, benchmarking groups, the integration of new mobility services and innovative approaches to funding projects. Our areas of operation in sustainable urban mobility include: Quality public transport Electromobility in public transport ■ New Mobility Corporate mobility ACTIVE MOBILITY WRI Brasil strives to break the current pattern of urban mobility, which benefits individual motorized transport and jeopardizes the health of people and cities. The promotion of active mobility is essential to improving urban mobility, besides public health and safety. We assist Brazilian cities in projects that provide safe and confortable environments for active modes of transport, such as walking and cycling, fostering a healthier coexistence among all street users. We also work to influence public policies and the regulation of standards and guidelines in favor of active mobility and road safety. Our goal is to help cities become safe environments that are accessible for all. Our areas of operation in active mobility include: ■ Vision Zero and Safe Systems ■ Road Safety Audits Complete Streets ■ Universal Accessibility FLJ 6540 18 Though many times unseen, climate is an ever- present issue. It often seems detached from our daily lives, when we have more pressing issues to deal with. However, in the 21st century, climate is directly linked to economic growth, well-being and the tackling of poverty. WRI Brasil works to support Brazil in mitigating the impacts of climate change on people's lives, especially in terms of their health and related issues. The next 15 years will be crucial in determining the type of social economy and well-being we want for Brazil in a world with new climate and technology patterns. Globally, the investments in infrastructure to be applied during this period will exceed the sum of US$ 90 trillion, determining the outcome of roads, ports, plants and cities in the 21st century. To ensure that national economies continue to grow competitively and sustainably, that societies prosper, and people have jobs, income and quality of life, these investments must consider the need to transition to a low carbon economy, so that countries are no longer dependent on highly polluting technologies. A new economy based on sustainable infrastructure and the more efficient and productive use of our lands are the key to steering Brazil towards a low carbon economy. Economic and climate models show that, around the world, the transition to a low carbon economy could generate around US$ 26 trillion by 2030, compared to the traditional model. Brazil could lead this new economy, investing in quality sustainable infrastructure and efficiently using its land and natural resources. Besides unlocking Brazil's economic growth, the transition to a low carbon emission economy affords unparalleled benefits to the health and quality of life of society. In major cities, a reduction in pollutant emissions improves the quality of the air we breathe, reducing illnesses and extending life expectancy. Estimates show that this new economy could prevent 700,000 premature deaths due to air pollution around the world by 2030. Around 50,000 Brazilians currently die each year due to air pollution related diseases. The WRI Brasil Climate program helps accelerate this transition and generates scale for a low carbon economy in the country, guaranteeing the well-being of Brazilians. To accelerate this goal, the program is split into three areas of action: Economy and Climate, Air Quality and Governance. The last focuses on mechanisms and tools that can assist governments and the private sector to gauge the success of their efforts towards an economy less dependent on highly polluting technologies. 20 20 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 21#13FORESTS More than a billion people around the world rely on forests for their livelihoods - whether as a form of work, food, fuel or material needs. In Brazil, a forested country by nature, our trees can generate wealth and employment for our population, with the development of a forestry economy based on wood and non- wood products. Furthermore, trees are vitally important to maintaining a healthy environment, protecting the soil and water and regulating the climate of both the country and the planet. Despite this potential, Brazil is still home to vast expanses of degraded areas. Estimates are at around 30 million hectares, the equivalent to the area of Poland. These areas are largely unproductive and offer low agricultural value, thus failing to perform either an economically productive or ecological role. Landscape restoration and reforestation can recover degraded areas, making them productive and generating environmental services through the recovery of their ecological functions. Restored areas benefit farmers through diversification of food production, wood production, as well as fruits, seeds and pharmaceutical inputs, increasing resilience and promoting a sustainable economy around forests. Restored areas help preserve water sources, protecting the soil, producing oxygen and sequestering carbon, thereby mitigating climate changes and reducing risks in food production. Additionally, they play an important role as natural infrastructure: planting and conserving forests helps to improve water quality and reduces the risk of flooding and landslides in cities. The WRI Brasil Forests program generates and disseminates expertise and tools, promoting articulation and engagement among actors interested in landscape restoration, contributing to improved public policies, the mobilization of public and private resources, coupled with monitoring of results to scale up forest restoration and reduce the risk of deforestation. Through this effort, WRI Brasil hopes to create conditions for the efficient use of Brazilian land, combining the preservation Some of the program's areas of operation include: ⚫ Development of a new forestry economy through ecological restoration, silviculture with native species and agroforestry systems; Identification of opportunities for restoring forest landscapes and cost- benefit analyses for interventions; Use of natural infrastructure to supply water in major cities; Promotion of gender equality and adaptation to climate change; • Development of monitoring systems to assess the results of restoration and conservation projects and initiatives; Implementation of demonstration units to convince farmers of the benefits of restoration and conservation; Mobilization of cities around the conservation and restoration of forests; and Implementation of participatory diagnoses to identify opportunities for restoration and social mapping of landscapes. and maintenance of environmental services with the development of a vibrant economy of forest- related products and low carbon agriculture. These areas of work are focused on helping Brazil to fulfill its restoration commitments, especially its NDC goal as part of the Paris Agreement. Brazil committed to restore 12 million hectares by 2030, fulfilling the Forest Code, while simultaneously creating opportunities for jobs and income in the rural area by means of the restoration and reforestation chain. To generate scale and meet this goal, WRI Brasil works in partnership with companies, government agencies and farmers, and acts with coalitions such as the Atlantic Forest Restoration Compact, the Brazil Climate, Forests and Agriculture Coalition, and Initiative 20x20. 22 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 23#14WHAT WE ACHIEVED IN 2018#15FORESTS Landscape restoration with economic, social and ecological goals was the focus of the WRI Brasil Forests program in 2018. Sor REFORESTATION IN BAHIA AND PARÁ In Juruti (state of Pará, North Brazil), and in Pintadas (state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil) WRI Brasil's concern for social inclusion and gender equality led to the development of two projects that aided local communities in aligning production with restoration practices. In the city of Juruti, located on the banks of the Amazon River, a partnership with the agroforestry startup Preta Terra gave rise to the project "Restoration Compatible with Gender Equality and Climate Change," funded by the Alcoa Foundation. There, local farming families are implementing agroforestry demonstration units. This restoration technique combines crops with forests. This model helps communities to produce sustainably, diversifying their products to guarantee food safety and investing in agroforestry, which generates financial and ecological returns simultaneously. The project also systematizes information in support of forest restoration and sustainable production in the city, engaging women as leaders in these initiatives. WRI Brasil and Preta Terra hosted training and co-creation workshops with families, gathering data about the 25 communities engaged in the project. The effort resulted in a low carbon, intelligent and flexible agroforestry model. Since December 2017, the model has been implemented on 10 hectares split among 23 demonstration units. WRI Brasil team used social landscape mapping, which provided relevant conclusions about the challenges that impact restoration in the region. For example: by means of a social participation workshop, simple factors were identified, such as internet access and weather forecasts that allow the community to develop more effective seedling greenhouses. Furthermore, the workshop highlighted the need for access to information with greater gender equality. Juruti was shown to be an example of success and the case was published internationally in 2018 under the title "Mapping Social Landscapes: A Guide to Identifying the Networks, Priorities, and Values of Restoration Actors," by WRI's international offices. The guide carries guidelines that help restoration agents to better articulate with communities, farmers and companies, based on a methodology tried and tested in six countries: Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, and Rwanda. 26 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 27#16PUBLICATIONS MAPPING SOCIAL LANDSCAPES MAPEAMENTO DE PAISAGENS SOCIAIS READ LOCAL AGROECOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE: ROADS TO ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE AND RESTORATION OF THE CAATINGA BIOME LEIA In the case of Pintadas, a city in the state of Bahia, production with native species has contributed to the restoration of the Caatinga biome and helps generate income for local farmers. This was made possible through the project "Agroforestry Practices adapted to climate change for the restoration of the Brazilian Semiarid Region: Caatinga", fruit of a partnership with Ser do Sertão Cooperative (Coopsertão) and funded through the Good Energies Foundation. The history of the cooperative is certainly a source of inspiration. It tells of women's empowerment, incentives for reforestation and drawing on the local population's traditional knowledge. A fruit pulp factory run by women from the cooperative buys fruit native to the Caatinga biome from local farmers, who are mostly also all women. This encourages farmers to plant and conserve native species, thereby creating a market so that these farmers, both women and men, restore landscapes with fruit trees. In 2018, as part of the project, WRI Brasil launched a working paper entitled "Local agroecological knowledge: roads to adapting to climate change and restoration of the Caatinga biome". It also organized capacity-building workshops with leaders from the cooperative and formed a partnership with Coopsertão, while conducting research, collecting data and staging actions to engage local farmers. In upcoming stages of the project, our activities seek to insert the Cooperative into the regional market, while also streamlining managerial activities. Market research for the factory's field of expertise included the compilation of data to establish relationships with potential clients and markets prone to expansion. To improve management, training sessions were staged, aimed both at financial management and intelligent practices in agroforestry systems and restoration to help control cooperative activities and expand the scope of action by local players in terms of restoration and climate issues. PRÓ-RESTAURA Promoting an economic approach to forest restoration in Brazil is the challenge undertaken as part of the Pró-Restaura project, funded by the German Ministry of the Environment through the IKI initiative. The project has established a series of leading objectives: compliance with policies, goals and international commitments assumed by Brazil, such as the restoration of 12 million hectares by 2030, and mapping, governance, financing and catalyzing of actions to increase the scale of restoration. As such, three priority landscapes were selected, in line with the scope of the project: the Paraíba Valley, in São Paulo, the Rio Doce Basin, in Minas Gerais, and the Itaúnas and São Mateus do Norte River Basins, both in the state of Espírito Santo. Pró-Restaura is expected to create the necessary conditions to restore 500,000 hectares in these three priority landscapes, along with the development of financial mechanism to attract US$ 10 million in funding. In 2018, beside mapping local actors in the three regions defined, the project also focused on other field activities and analyses, including the assessment of preliminary results from a study on the legal requirements for restoration, a preliminary analysis of financial mechanisms for restoration and appraisal of the initial proposals for the restoration monitoring system for said areas. The project scope also supports institutions that work with the sustainable use of land to promote more efficient restoration and on a larger scale, with better management of available resources, whether human or financial. 28 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 29 29#17NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR WATER Natural infrastructure solutions help in the conservation, restoration and management of ecosystems often more efficiently and with better cost/benefit ratios than traditional approaches using concrete and steel. Forests are important agents of natural infrastructure: they help guarantee supply, control erosion and purify water, and retain sediment. In other words, improving water quality is among the most precious services that the conservation and restoration of native vegetation can offer. The project "Natural Infrastructure for Water in Brazil" assessed two of the most important water supply sources in the country, the Cantareira System, in São Paulo, and the Guandu System, in Rio de Janeiro, and is concluding the assessment of a third water source, the Jucu System, in Espírito Santo. The aim of the assessment is to demonstrate the financial returns on investment in natural infrastructure to improve the supply and quality of water, so that public and private investors understand the importance and viability of these practices as a complement to conventional infrastructure. The two studies show that restoring degraded pasture in watershed priority areas reduces the flow of sediments into reservoirs and consequentially diminishes water turbidity, facilitating treatment processes. This helps cut costs for basic sanitation companies, attesting to the financial return on restoration and improving the quality of water supplied to cities. Both in the Cantareira and Guandu systems, natural infrastructure has proven itself economically viable and an important auxiliary strategy to face the water crisis. In the Guandu System in Rio, savings may be as much as BRL 156 million in 30 years, with a return on investment of 13% - an economic result compatible with an investment in the water supply sector. In the case of the Cantareira System, in São Paulo, the study showed that, over thirty years, cuts in spending thanks to the investment in natural infrastructure represents saving of UQ9 million or, in the language of investors, a ROI of 28%, compatible with traditional infrastructure works in the water supply sector. - In 2018, the World Resources Institute (WRI), WRI Brasil and partners launched two reports compiling the results of the analysis: "Natural Infrastructure for Water in the Cantaneira System, São Paulo" and "Natural Infrastructure for Water in the Guandu System, Rio de Janeiro". With the support of Boticário Foundation, WRI Brasil also organized a series of debates in São Paulo about forest restoration and the supply of water, highlighting the challenges and opportunities to implement and provide scale to the natural infrastructure in policies covering basic sanitation and the management of water resources in Brazilian cities. In Rio de Janeiro, the launch event was staged in partnership with the State Environmental Department (SEA), 30 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 31#1832 32 the State Environment Institute (INEA), Boticário Foundation and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The meeting included researchers, specialists, and other key players from the sector, discussing the protection of water sources and the role of natural infrastructure when it comes to water supply. The project is organized in partnership with the World Resources Institute (WRI) and WRI Brasil, with the support of the following partners: The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Fundação Grupo Boticário, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Instituto Bioatlântica (Ibio) and the Natural Capital Project (NatCap). PUBLICATIONS NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR WATER IN THE CANTANEIRA SYSTEM, IN SÃO PAULO INFRAESTRUTURA NATURAL PARA ÁGUA NO SISTEMA CANTAREIRA, SÃO PAULO LEIA NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR WATER IN THE GUANDU SYSTEM, IN RIO DE JANEIRO WRI BRASIL INFRAESTRUTURA NATURAL PARA ÁGUA NO SISTEMA GUANDU, RIO DE JANEIRO 1810 LEIA IN THE MEDIA ESTADÃO Reflorestamento no Cantareira leva a economia no tratamento de água 國 LEIA Estadão Reforestation at Cantareira leads to saving in water treatment RAFAEL FELTRAN BARBIERI economista do WRI Brasil LEIA ISTOÉ 9 Replantio leva a economia no tratamento de água no Sistema Cantareira - Jatobacob for one moda a bacia comode uma juma pesquina tena the suc civic capra um novo argumento per incentivar o pantim alem de ajuder mai cattaglio de água. IstoÉ | Restoration leads to savings in water treatment at the Cantareira system ENEWS ASSISTA Bom Dia Brasil | Study reveals that reforestation can generate savings in water treatment RAFAEL FELTRAN BARRI economista da ONG WRI APAUTA E REFLORESTAMENTO VEGETAÇÃO PODE DIMINUIR CUSTOS NO TRATAMENTO DE ÁGUA EM SP 2134 Globo News | Restoration can ASSISTA cut costs in water treatment in São Paulo WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 33#19ECONOMIC VALUATION OF REFORESTATION - PROJECT VERENA VERENA is a Portuguese acronym for Economic Valuation of Reforestation using Native Species and Agroforestry Systems. This project seeks to demonstrate the technical and economic viability of large-scale restoration and reforestation using native species, highlighting the social and environmental benefits of this approach. Native Brazilian tree species have existed for thousands of years; however, there are no records of these species from the capital market perspective. In this respect, the VERENA project has four principal ambitions: (a) construct a portfolio of projects and attractive experiences for investors and financiers; (b) assess the tropical timber market in Brazil and the rest of the world from the point of view of volumes and prices to comprehend the viability of native species silviculture and agroforestry systems in the country; (c) increase the scale of business models through the leading production chains; and (d) reduce perceived risk and increase return through a research program involving tree species native to Brazil. Guided by these goals, throughout 2018 the VERENA project helped disseminate business models among farmers at national and international events. The farmer engagement strategy also involved the collaboration of the planted forest industry, through participation at meetings with Regional Forums for Dialogue on Forestry in Paraná, Santa Catarina and the Far South of Bahia, home to Brazil's leading forestry companies. Also, in the south of Bahia, VERENA developed a regional case study to present to potential investors. Meetings with the financial sector and private investors helped unlock funding to support farmers in implementing VERENA business models. One example was the BNDES (Brazilian Bank of Development) relaunch of a financial program with low interest rates for the restoration and implementation of agroforestry systems. As part of Initiative 20x20, a round table meeting brought together six major investors and nine project developers in São Paulo with the aim of connecting projects with sources of funding. WRI Brasil played a vital role in organizing the meeting, analyzing potential projects and helping project developers to prepare solid proposals for presentation to investors. VERENA also coordinated the creation of the Terms of Reference (TOR) "Analysis of R&D Gaps and Priorities for Native Species Silviculture", which is part of one of the priority actions of the Brazil Climate, Forests and Agriculture Coalition, which is heading up the action. A group of specialists was selected to implement the ToR, with the support of the World Bank - PROFOR. Activities include the establishment of a research and development platform aimed at native species. This effort was completed in December and the final report was submitted to the World Bank for final approval. Based on similar initiatives, the VERENA project seeks to build a culture around a new forestry and agroforestry economy, which is the basis for engagement and support for farmers, the private sector, financial institutions, governments, organizations, and academia. It sets a new, economically viable direction for the sector and contributes directly to Brazil's commitment to dealing with climate challenges, with a focus on increasing forest cover in degraded areas and in bolstering forestry and low carbon economies. LANDSCAPE RESTORATION The collapse of the Mariana Dam in Minas Gerais shook Brazil to its core. Following this tragic event in November 2015, WRI Brasil established a partnership with the Renova Foundation to identify and map opportunities for landscape and forest restoration in the region of the greater Gualaxo do Norte basin. The region is dominated by dairy cattle farming and there is an urgent need to replant the landscape's trees to ensure climate resilience. WRI Brasil staged workshops to promote the concept of forest restoration and agroforestry among the local population and assisted in implementing demonstration units. We also applied the Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM), developed by WRI in partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), to assess restoration opportunities with the best ecological and economic outcomes. Following a spatial analysis of the region, engagement activities are being staged together with the establishment of demonstration units under three different models: silviculture with native species with economic purposes, agroforestry systems and ecological pasture management. The implementation of the units included partnerships with ICRAF (International Centre for Research in Agroforestry) and Fazenda Ecológica (Ecological Farm). 34 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 35#20IMPLEMENTA SP The Implementa SP project identifies priority areas for forest restoration in the state of São Paulo, with the purpose of fulfilling legal requirements under the new Forest Code. In partnership with the State Environmental Department and the Fapesp Thematic Project team, WRI Brasil has conducted analyses to map these areas. The effort involves identifying the areas most suited to restoration with natural regeneration, as well as water issues, assessing the deficit and/or availability of water resources in each area. The project also mapped existing initiatives, with the aim of compiling updated information about forest restoration in the state of São Paulo. Lastly, an analysis was also performed on state liability, outlining the area to be recovered in line with the Forest Code. OTHER INITIATIVES Together with the previously described projects, WRI Brasil Forests Program worked on a series of other actions throughout the year: ■ The team made contributions to the short, medium and long-term outlook of the Brazil Climate, Forests and Agriculture Coalition in supporting the development of studies and mobilizing actors to build R&D platforms for native species silviculture in Brazil. ■WRI Brasil joined in the preparation of the 2030-2050 vision for forests and agriculture in Brazil, as joint leader of the Native Forests Coalition Forum. Furthermore, the Forests program supports the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact, participating on the coordination board and in the thematic group Gender and Restoration. Throughout 2018, WRI Brasil also mapped and monitored restoration. The Forests team acted on three fronts: the development of a methodology to identify potential areas for restoration, based on available satellite images; identification of important areas for restoration to reduce sedimentation and, through this, maintain and improve the quality of water resources; and the development of project portals containing spatial data on the Global Forest Watch platform, using the MapBuilder tool. 36 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 34 37#21CITIES Goog 113 EXPANSION OF THE NATIONAL NETWORK FOR LOW CARBON MOBILITY Promoting dialogue among municipalities regarding urban projects and public policies to improve air quality and social inclusion is fundamental to Brazilian cities. Based on this necessity, in 2017, WRI Brasil created the National Network for Low Carbon Mobility. The group began with 11 cities - São Paulo, Niterói, Campinas, Fortaleza, Recife, Brasília, João Pessoa, Salvador, Joinville, Porto Alegre and Juiz de Fora - and gained visibility through the development of Complete Streets for Inclusive Cities projects, to disseminate a new paradigm in road design, focused on improving people's quality of life. In 2018, in partnership with the National Mayors Front (FNP), WRI Brasil created a strategy to expand the dissemination of the Complete Streets concept. The effort was based on three pillars: support for cities in the Network for implementing Complete Streets pilot projects; expansion of partnerships with civil society organizations and universities; and the dissemination of Complete Streets concepts by means of intensive communication efforts directed at the project's target public. During 2018, five new cities joined the Network: Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Porto Velho, Palmas and Guarulhos, extending the concept to other regions of the country. In August 2018, the city of Salvador initiated works on its first Complete Streets project as part of the National Network for Low Carbon Mobility. The priority given to active mobility and planting trees is essential to the project, which is geared towards making Avenida Miguel Calmon, in the city center, a carbon neutral street. Besides the capital of Bahia, four other cities are planning to launch projects for the development of Complete Streets in 2019. Partnerships like that between WRI Brasil and the FNP help leverage the Complete Streets pilot project's positive impacts in their host cities, such as those that form the National Network for Low Carbon Mobility, significantly increasing the potential for project replication on a national scale. 38 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 39#22INOVEMOB CHALLENGE In 2018, WRI Brasil and Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF), in partnership with the National Mayors Front (FNP), promoted the InoveMob Challenge. Focused on mobility solution entrepreneurs, researchers and companies, the contest was aimed at leveraging innovative solutions to solve transport problems in areas with an intense flow of people - like transport stations and terminals, industrial districts, schools, commercial centers, universities and hospitals, among others. Over 100 proposals were submitted, of which 12 semifinalists were selected to take part in a capacity-building workshop. Five finalists received financial support of approximately BRL 60,000 and implemented their pilot projects in the Brazilian cities of Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Fortaleza, Juiz de Fora and São Paulo. At the end of the year, the grand winner was announced - Bynd -, which received around BRL 400,000 to scale the up project and introduce it into other cities. The Bynd project is a ride-share application for companies, which looks to foster more efficient use of cars in urban centers. WRI Brasil supported the startup in the implementation of the solution and communication planning in the Ministry of Cities and with the Juiz de Fora city administration. IDENTIFICATION OF BARRIERS TO THE ELECTRIFICATION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT BY BUS Electric buses are proving to be a clean and efficient public transport solution all over the world. However, cities in developing nations still face a series of challenges when attempting to implement similar solutions to mitigate climate change. WRI mapped four leading barriers that hinder the implementation of electric buses: (i) high initial outlay; (ii) technological uncertainty; (iii) outdated acquisition models; (iv) fear of change and a lack of expertise. WRI Brasil has been working with several Brazilian cities to overcome these obstacles. We have conducted studies and technical analyses that support cities in identifying the economic and environmental benefits of electric buses. The Urban Mobility team also helps cities to structure business models and offers technical support according to the needs of each city - for example, staging training sessions or undertaking studies about specific aspects. In 2018, WRI Brasil worked closely with three Brazilian cities: São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Niterói. In parallel, given that the implementation of electric buses also depends on public policies, we hosted a training session with the Ministry of Cities to promote this discussion at the level of the federal government. SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANNING Urban planning is crucial for cities to develop in a sustainable, inclusive and efficient way. Transit- Oriented Development (TOD) is a planning strategy that helps cities along this path, by aligning mobility planning with use of the land. Thus, with the goal of assisting Brazilian cities to integrate this approach into their planning processes, in 2018 WRI Brasil launched a guide called "Transit-Oriented Development in Master Plans". The publication features sustainable urban development concepts, such as the 3C (compact, connected and coordinated) model, and analyses urban actions and instruments so that Brazilian cities can include sustainable development strategies in their master plans. To encourage the application of these guidelines and expand the reach of the publication, WRI Brasil hosted a capacity building session in Rio de Janeiro for over 30 technicians from the Metropolitan Region. Three capital cities - Teresina, Recife and Rio de Janeiro - also relied on our support during the review of their master plans to promote sustainable development strategies, especially TOD. For example, Teresina, the capital of Piauí (Northeast Brazil), established a series of urban initiatives in its Master Plan to ensure that the city develops effectively along the lines of public transport. Besides the focus on sustainability, this technical support offered has a special focus on urban funding instruments, aimed at making the territorial strategies of the Master Plan viable through the recovery of real estate value. PUBLICATIONS TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT IN MASTER PLANS DWIE BRANTE DOTS NOS PLANOS DIRETORES SEVEN STEPS - HOW TO BUILD AN URBAN MOBILITY PLAN WRI BRANIE LEIA SETE PASSOS LEIA SUSTAINABILITY IN SOCIAL HOUSING SUSTENTABILIDADE EM HABITAÇÃO DE INTERESSE SOCIAL LEIA ACCELERATING BUILDING EFFICIENCY WRI BRASIL ALANA CADASCOCESOV BRAIN LEIA MINHA CASA + SUSTENTÁVEL (MY HOUSE SUSTAINABLE) - BOOK 1: REFERENTIAL COSTS ANALYSIS HINHA CASA+ CADERNO 1 LEIA 40 40 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 41#23AIR QUALITY IN URBAN CENTERS Air quality in Brazilian cities was a focal point of WRI Brasil activities throughout 2018. The team developed and tested a tool to gauge the impact of air pollution on Brazilian populational health and the economy. The tool provides insight into potential savings in terms of public spending on health based on changing city buses such as replacing diesel-powered fleets with low-carbon vehicles. This calculation demonstrates the costs and returns on public investment in replacing bus fleets and can aid decision making by public administrators. The tool, which should be launched in early 2020, was initially prepared for four specific cities: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Niterói. In São Paulo, WRI Brasil hosted a seminar on Air Quality in urban centers, bringing together specialists and leaders to debate air quality policies for Brazilian cities. Also in the São Paulo capital, in partnership with the City Hall, WRI Brasil tested low-cost sensors able to gauge air conditions. In the cities of São Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro, through joint efforts involving city administration we assisted in disseminating the concept of Clean Mobility Zones, including the development of an action plan to implement these areas in Brazilian cities. ROAD SAFETY IN FORTALEZA AND SÃO PAULO With the support of Bloomberg Philanthropies, in 2018 WRI Brasil continued its efforts in the cities of Fortaleza and São Paulo to improve road safety. In Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará (Northeast Brazil), two avenues with the highest rates of death and accidents in the city (Osório de Paiva and Leste-Oeste) were the target of a series of road safety interventions: the reduction of speed limits from 60 km/h to 50 km/h, new traffic lights and signage for pedestrians, the implementation of cycling lanes and dedicated bus lanes, among others. Along Leste-Oeste Avenue, the changes led to a 41% drop in the number of accident-related injuries and accidents involving pedestrians fell by 83%. Fortaleza also relied on the support of WRI Brasil to permanently implement a calm traffic area in the neighborhood of Cidade 2000 - which was approved by 93% of the local community (the initiative also included the support of NACTO National Association of City Transportation Officials); to improve the safety of the Bezerra de Menezes corridor, the city's first BRT system; to offer safe driving capacity-building for bus companies; and to implement a data collection tool that tallies traffic accidents and provides deeper insight into the causes of accidents, which then allows for more accurate plans to be developed. In São Paulo, throughout 2018, WRI Brasil supported the city in the development of its Road Safety Plan, which adopted the Safe Systems approach, developed by WRI. Following a recommendation by WRI Brasil, the city also removed a bus lane running opposite to the flow in the Brás reduced speed zone, prone to a high pedestrian accident rate. In the Santana neighborhood, two temporary road safety interventions implemented with the support of WRI Brasil and NACTO, involving two critical intersections, were made permanent. Based further on WRI Brasil's technical recommendations, São Paulo improved cycling lane infrastructure at the intersection of two busy avenues in the central area. IN THE MEDIA G1 GI Brasil precisa resgatar tradição de Inovação em mobilidade urbana GLOBONEWS Estadão | Brazil needs to rescue tradition of innovation in urban mobility 國 LEIA Menos de 6% das cidades brasileiras têm plano de mobilidade Globo News | Less than 6% of Brazilian cities have urban mobility plans FOLHA DE SPALLO Startups testam projetos de mobilidade em 5 cidades LEIA Folha de S. Paulo | Startups test urban mobility projects in 5 cities LEIA EM MOVIMENTO Grandes cidades brasileiras planejam o futuro da mobilidade G1 | Big Brazilian cities plan the future of mobility - LEIA 42 WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 43#24CLIMATE BOLSTERING THE CLIMATE GOVERNANCE AGENDA For WRI Brasil Climate program, 2018 was a year of preparing and articulating analyzes and recommendations to review and improve climate governance in Brazil. The results of this effort were published in the working paper "Monitoring the implementation of the Brazilian climate policy: implications on the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)". WRI Brasil also organized an event called "Governance challenges in creating an MRV system for Brazilian NDCs", which included the participation of Federal Government representatives. On the occasion, the Climate team presented the "Guide for the development of mandatory programs for reporting greenhouse gases" and promoted a discussion on a possible MRV system for Brazil. INCLUSION OF THE SUBJECT OF CLIMATE IN THE 4TH OPEN GOVERNMENT ACTION PLAN The Governance team of WRI Brasil Climate program supported the inclusion of climate change among the strategic subjects for the 4th Open Government Action Plan, part of the Open Government Partnership - OGP initiative, under the coordination of Brazil's Government Accountability Office. In addition, WRI Brasil participated in workshops that defined the milestones, commitments and strategies for participative construction of a transparent mechanism to assess actions and policies associated with climate change. PUBLICATIONS MONITORING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BRAZILIAN CLIMATE POLICY: IMPLICATIONS ON THE NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) GUIDE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MANDATORY PROGRAMS FOR REPORTING GREENHOUSE GASES WRI BRASIL TAMENTO ANTIC CURRISH-SPILLING PLACES MAMLA Opme GUIA PARA ELABORAÇÃO DE PROGRAMAS MANDATORIOS DE RELATO DE GASES DE EFEITO ESTUFA LEIA GHG PROTOCOL - AGRICULTURE AND SILVICULTURE The GHG Protocol - Agriculture and GHG Protocol - Silviculture are tools that establish a sustainable management approach to landscapes, allowing for the development of Brazilian agribusiness combined with a reduction in its impact on ecosystems and the climate. During 2018, the WRI Brasil Climate program worked to enhance and disseminate these tools in the agriculture and forestry sectors. With the support of Embrapa, we developed an online platform and application to facilitate access to and use of said tools. The Climate team hosted discussions with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) and Embrapa to assess the possibility of the GHG Protocol for Agriculture supporting the implementation of the Low Carbon Agriculture Plan (Plano ABC) as an MVR tool. The organization was invited by Embrapa to present the tool at a road show about low carbon agriculture in Italy, in collaboration with the Forum of the Future and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO/UN. The goal of the initiative was to disseminate MRV methods for the agriculture industry to encourage more sustainable and low carbon production in the European market. LONG-TERM GOAL OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT Together with Instituto Escolhas and the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), and with the support of the German Embassy in the scope of an NDC Partnership, WRI Brasil coordinated the Thematic Chamber on the Long-Term Outlook of the Brazilian Forum on Climate Change (FBMC). The work involved analyses and the engagement of stakeholders to draft recommendations for the development of a long-term strategy so the country can fulfil its commitments in terms of the Paris Agreement. CLIMATE ADAPTATION In 2018, WRI Brasil conducted an initiative with the participation of federal and sub-national public managers to identify limits and opportunities to integrate the adaptation agenda in the urban management of Brazilian cities. The plan was based on the "Integration of Climate Change" methodology and a conceptual model prepared by the World Resource Institute (WRI) global team. Organized in partnership with the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) and with the support of the German Embassy, the initiative aims to contribute to the successful implementation of the National Adaption Plan and its adaptations to local contexts. 44 LEIA WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 45#25BOARDS AND LEADERSHIP#26BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marcelo Furtado WRI Brasil Board Chair and Executive Director of Alana Foundation Manish Bapna Executive Vice President and Managing Director, WRI LEADERSHIP IN BRAZIL Rachel Biderman Executive Director Luis Antonio Lindau Cities Director Franklin Feder Former Regional CEO for Latin America & the Caribbean, Alcoa Anamaria Schindler Emeritus Co-President, Ashoka Rejane Fernandes Strategic Relations Director Karla Battistella Operations Director Orlando Strambi Professor and Head of The Department of Transportation Engineering, Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo Janet Ranganathan Vice President for Science and Research, WRI Valmir Ortega Board Member Executive Director, Conexsus Carolina Genin Climate Director Nívea Oppermann Cities Vice-Director Fernanda Boscaini Communications Director Miguel Calmon Forests Director AUDIT COMMITTEE Tiniti Diogo de Matsumoto Souza Dias Junior Marcelo Torres#27PARTNERS RESOURCES#28CAUBA PARTNERS BO Alcoa Foundation - BEIS Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy of the United Kingdom BID Inter-American Development Bank Bloomberg Philanthropies ■ BMU - Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety of Germany ■ BMZ - Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany B Boticário Foundation ■ CEEIC - Improving UD and Mobility in Montevideo CIFF Children Investment Fund Foundation Citi Foundation European Climate Commission ■ FedEX ■ Fia Foundation ■ GEF - Global Environment Facility GIZ German Agency for International Cooperation ■ Global Environment Facility ■ Good Energies ■ GPSC - Global Platform for Sustainable Cities ICS - Institute for Climate and Society ■ International Climate Initiative of Germany (IKI) ■ Itaú Bank ■ Microsoft ■Moore Foundation ■ NICFI - Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative ■ OAK Foundation ■ Paulista Movement for Road Safety (Movimento Paulista de Segurança Viária) ■Renova Foundation Shell Foundation Stephen M. Ross Philanthropies Toyota Mobility Foundation ■ Vale ■ Volvo Research and Education Foundation ■ World Bank WRI BRASIL 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 53#29RESOURCES The graphs summarize the funds raised by WRI Brasil over the past three years and the distribution of resources by program in 2018. EVOLUTION OF FUNDS RAISED BY WRI BRASIL FROM 2016 TO 2018 BRL 19.796.846 2016 BRL 23.121.178 2017 BRL 25.038.671 2018 FUNDS RAISED PER PROGRAM AREA IN 2018 CITIES 48,53% 12.317.679,43 FORESTS 41,21% 10.458.480,26 CLIMATE 8,19% 2.078.802,72 CORE 2,07% 524.403,61 54 DOS ação económica CON OF BEAU& COMPRENTES PR 燙燙 да рицый AUM 46566 LEIA Access the complete Independent Audit Report on Financial Statements. 4 PRORS DOW#30DIGITAL PRESENCE EXPLORE Our publications - available for free at - provide objective, fact-based analyses of the latest environment and development information. CONNECT Our digital channels offer news and information for you to follow the debate about important issues and share on your networks. f in ATE CRÉDITOS DE FOTO E IMAGEM: COVER, P. 4-5, 8-9, 20-21, 24-25, 50-51: LUIZ FERNANDO RICCI; P. 1, 10-11, 23, 26-27, 36-37, 46-47: PRETA TERRA; P. 6-7, 12-13, 38-39, 45: MARIANA GIL/WRI BRASIL; P. 14-15, 19: JOANA OLIVEIRA/WRI BRASIL; P. 16-17, 55, 56: DANIEL HUNTER/WRI BRASIL; P. 29: BRUNO CALIXTO/WRI BRASIL; P. 30-31: MARIZILDA CRUPPE; P. 35: AURÉLIO PADOVEZI/WRI BRASIL; P. 39 (SMALLER): PEDRO MASCARO/WRI BRASIL; P. 43: BRUNO CAMPOS DE SOUZA/WRI BRASIL; P. 52: VICTOR MORIYAMA.#31WRI BRASIL SÃO PAULO RUA CLÁUDIO SOARES, 72 CJ. 1510 PINHEIROS, SÃO PAULO - SP 05422-030, BRASIL +55 11 3032 1120 PORTO ALEGRE AV. INDEPENDÊNCIA, 1299 CJ, 401 PORTO ALEGRE-RS 90035-077, BRASIL +55 51 3312 6324 WRIBRASIL.ORG.BR

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