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#1International Immigration to Maryland Presentation to the Maryland Joint Committee on Federal Relations Department of Legislative Services Office of Policy Analysis Annapolis, Maryland October 23, 2013#2Empty#3Maryland Remains Major Destination for Immigrants Maryland remains a major destination. for both legal and unauthorized immigrants. In 2012, Maryland ranked tenth in the number of legal permanent residents entering the State. This accounted for 2.4% of the national total. Legal Permanent Residents - 2012 Leading States Rank State 1 California 19.1% 2 New York 14.5% 3 Florida 10.0% 4 Texas 9.3% Nationwide, over 1 million legal 5 New Jersey 4.9% permanent residents entered the country, with 52.9% residing in 6 Illinois 3.7% California, New York, Florida, and Texas. 7 Massachusetts 3.0% 8 Virginia 2.7% Mexico is the leading source for legal 9 permanent residents, followed by Georgia 2.5% China, India, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic. 10 Maryland 2.4% 1#4Unauthorized Immigrants in Maryland Unauthorized immigrants comprise a significant portion of Maryland's immigrant community. In 2010, approximately 275,000 unauthorized immigrants resided Unauthorized Immigrant Population in 350 Maryland and Virginia 325 Maryland 300 Virginia 275 275 275 250 250 in Maryland, the tenth highest level in the country. Unauthorized immigrants (In Thousands) 210 200 account for 6.2% of the State's 150 €150 120 labor force and 4.6% of the 100 State's population. 50 50 35 Nationally, unauthorized immigrants account for 5.2% of 0 the labor force and 3.7% of total population. 1990 2000 2005 2007 2010 Source: Pew Hispanic Center 2#5Immigration Drives Population Growth International immigration accounted for around 40% of Components of State Population Growth State population growth 40,000 between 2000 and 2012. 30,000 20,000 • Population gain resulting from international immigration 10,000 totaled almost 250,000 during this period. 0 -10,000 • During this 12-year period, the -20,000 net gain in the State population from international -30,000 immigration averaged around 20,000. -40,000 2002 2004 Natural Increase 2006 2008 2010 International Migration 2012 -Domestic Migration 3#6Immigration to Maryland is concentrated in the National Capital Region which includes Frederick, Montgomery, and Prince George's counties. Immigration Concentrated in National Capital Region International Immigration to Maryland Leading Jurisdictions 2000 to 2012 Rank County 1 Montgomery 45.3% 2 Prince George's 24.6% 71.4% of immigrants arriving in Maryland since July 2000 3 Baltimore 9.4% located in these three counties. 4 Baltimore City 5.8% 5 Howard 5.0% Montgomery County remains the most popular locality for 6 Anne Arundel 3.1% immigrants, with nearly 50% of 7 Frederick 1.5% all recent immigrants deciding to 8 live in the county. Wicomico 1.0% 9 Harford 0.6% 10 Washington 0.5% 4#7Most Regions of Maryland Affected by Immigration INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION FOR MARYLAND 7/1/2000- 7/1/2001- 7/1/2001 7/1/2002 MARYLAND 21,486 20,010 21,141 22,574 7/1/2007 19,328 7/1/2002- 7/1/2003- 7/1/2004- 7/1/2005- 7/1/2006- 7/1/2007- 7/1/2008- 7/1/2009- 7/1/2010- 7/1/2011- 7/1/2003 7/1/2004 7/1/2005 7/1/2006 15,408 21,393 7/1/2008 18,849 7/1/2009 16,608 7/1/2010 7/1/2011 17,133 7/1/2012 23,450 25,960 BALTIMORE REGION 5,077 4,256 2,293 5,336 4,614 5,321 4,202 Anne Arundel County 629 53 -1,104 1,350 508 1,032 491 4,204 632 3,546 434 3,851 7,712 8,819 714 1,038 1,717 Baltimore County 1,987 1,926 1,658 1,668 1,805 1,834 1,618 1,539 1,357 1,337 2,979 3,095 Carroll County 66 61 47 78 74 82 65 65 57 61 81 99 Harford County 144 53 -130 221 102 182 93 113 80 121 245 351 Howard County 1,066 999 811 976 993 1,041 912 876 753 766 1,494 1,601 Baltimore City 1,185 1,164 1,011 1,043 1,132 1,150 1,023 979 865 852 1,875 1,956 SUBURBAN WASHINGTON REGION 15,561 15,199 Frederick County 257 210 13,175 97 Montgomery County 10,246 10,143 9,130 14,868 297 9,340 Prince George's County 5,058 4,846 3,948 5,231 15,752 247 10,154 5,351 16,195 14,378 13,829 12,371 12,436 14,440 15,485 SOUTHERN MARYLAND REGION Calvert County Charles County St. Mary's County WESTERN MARYLAND REGION Allegany County Garrett County ༄⌘N8 ཟླ༤༠ 186 -72 -582 548 143 32 -26 91 72 -29 -231 213 56 -75 -325 244 124 110 75 117 111 157827 7 296 10,265 5,634 228 $235 197 220 670 749 9,267 8,854 7,967 7,911 8,235 8,659 4,883 4,740 4,207 4,305 5,535 6,077 373 50 74 53 147 40 152 121 16 15 7 15 13 15 6 5 5 6 7 7 Washington County 90 63 96 91 99 ཟླ༄¥ gN% 144 217 144 46 53 56 84 42 80 102 99 12 11 7 5 83 83 NOTE 279 310 42 57 42 56 108 166 285 46 114 102 251 88 95 220 10 12 21 6 12 ⌘8*སྒྱུ 609 235 72 77 187 199 UPPER EASTERN SHORE REGION 233 228 200 241 241 257 228 226 204 211 213 227 Caroline County 70 71 70 77 81 88 77 80 74 76 37 40 Cecil County 59 53 42 61 59 64 59 57 46 48 69 74 Kent County 12 11 8 10 10 11 8 7 8 8 25 26 Queen Anne's County 54 53 42 49 47 49 44 43 39 41 30 33 Talbot County 38 40 38 44 44 45 40 39 37 38 52 54 LOWER EASTERN SHORE REGION 305 289 Dorchester County 8 ⌘ངྑྱཱ 247 283 280 307 274 274 2 11 8 11 9 10 ខ្លួន 255 261 10 Somerset County 34 34 31 34 38 39 33 31 28 Wicomico County 192 179 155 172 169 189 171 172 161 164 Worcester County 71 69 59 66 65 68 61 61 56 GINIR 555 585 11 46 48 29 49 52 375 394 57 85 91 Source: Maryland Department of Planning, March 2013 5#8Foreign-born Population in Maryland Maryland has the tenth highest concentration of foreign-born residents in the country. Foreign-born Share of Total Population Leading States Rank State • 13.8% of State residents are foreign-born compared to 12.9% nationally. 1 California 27.2% 2 New York 22.0% 3 New Jersey 21.0% Factors leading to a high share of foreign-born residents include the 4 Florida 19.3% proximity to the nation's capital, a 5 Nevada 19.1% relatively strong and diverse economy, leading institutions of higher education, and progressive State and local policies. 6 Hawaii 18.0% 7 Texas 16.3% 8 Massachusetts 14.9% In recent years, Maryland enacted legislation relating to the Dream Act and driver's licenses for unauthorized immigrants. 9 Illinois 13.8% 10 Maryland 13.8% 00 6#9Increase in Foreign-born Population Foreign-born population in Foreign-born as Percent of Total Population Maryland has steadily increased 16% in number over the last 13.8% five decades. 14% In 1960, the foreign-born 12% 12.9% 11.1% population accounted for 3.0% of the State's population and 5.4% 10% of the national population. 7.9% 9.8% 8% 6.2% • In 2011, the foreign-born 6% 5.4% population accounted for 13.8% 6.6% 4.7% of the State's population and 4% 12.9% of the national population. 4.6% -United States 2% 3.0% 3.2% -Maryland 0% 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2011 7#10Foreign-born Population by County Foreign-born population in Maryland is concentrated in the Baltimore/Washington Corridor. Montgomery County is home to 39.0% of the State's foreign-born population. Nearly one-third of Montgomery County's population is foreign born, the highest share in Maryland. Prince George's County has the second. highest share with foreign-born residents comprising 20% of the county population. Foreign-born Population in Maryland 2009-2011 Average Allegany Garrett Washington Cecil Carroll Harford Frederick Baltimore Baltimore City1 Kent Howard Anne Arundel Prince George's, Queen Anne's Caroline Talbot 0% to 2.5% 2.5% to 5% 5% to 15% 15% and Higher Montgomery 8 Calvert Charles Dorchester! Wicomico St. Mary's Worcester Somerset#11• • World Region of Origin Foreign-born Population in Maryland Compared to other states, the foreign-born population in Maryland is more ethnically diverse. Maryland has a relatively high percentage of foreign-born residents from Africa and Asia compared to other states and a lower percentage of foreign-born residents from Latin America. However, Latin America remains the leading world region of origin for foreign-born residents in Maryland. Latin America 39.5%. 9 Region of Birth Europe_ 10.9% Africa 15.5% Northern America/ Oceania 1.3% _Asia 32.8% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009-2011 American Community Survey#12World Region of Origin Comparison El Salvador is the leading country of origin for Maryland's immigrant community, with Salvadorans. accounting for 13% of the foreign-born population. 60% 52.9% 50% 39.5% 40% 36.9% 32.8% 30% 28.4% 20% 10% • India, China, Mexico, the Philippines, Guatemala, and Korea represent other leading countries of origin for Maryland's foreign-born population. United States 40.7% Maryland Virginia 15.5% 12.1% 10.9% 11.2% 9.1% 4.0% 2.5% 1.3% 2.1% 0% Latin America Asia Africa Europe Northern America/Oceania 10#13Year of Entry and Citizenship The longer foreign-born residents are present in the country, the more likely they are to become naturalized citizens. In Maryland, 79% of immigrants who entered the country before 1990 are naturalized citizens, compared to only 14% of immigrants who entered the county since 2000. Nationwide, 72% of immigrants who entered the country before 1990 are naturalized citizens, compared to only 14% of immigrants who entered the country since 2000. Foreign-born Population in Maryland by Year of Entry and Citizenship Status Entered 2000 or Later Entered 1990 to 1999 Entered Before 1990 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 Individuals Noncitizens Naturalized Citizens Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009-2011 American Community Survey 11#14Educational Attainment . • Foreign-born population in Maryland is relatively well educated compared to the native-born population. 20% of the State's foreign-born population has a graduate or professional degree compared to 15.5% of the native-born population. An area of concern is the relatively high percentage of foreign-born individuals who have not graduated from high school. 22% of foreign-born individuals have less than a high school education compared to 10% of native-born individuals. Educational Attainment of Foreign-born and Native-born Populations in Maryland 30% 25% 27.4% 27.7% 20.2% 20.2% 19.9% 19.4% 20% 18.5% 15.5% 15% 10% 5% 21.7% 9.6% 0% Graduate or Professional Bachelor's Degree Degree Some College or Associate's Degree High School Graduate Less Than High School Education ■Foreign-born Population Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009-2011 American Community Survey Native-born Population 12#15Educational Attainment by World Region The educational attainment Educational Attainment of the Foreign-born Population in Maryland by World Region of Birth of the foreign-born population in Maryland 45% varies greatly based on 40% their world region of birth. 35% Asians have the highest 30% educational attainment, 25% while individuals from Latin 20% America have the lowest 15% level of educational attainment. 10% 5% Disparities are most 0% pronounced in Montgomery Graduate or and Prince George's Professional Bachelor's Degree Degree Some College or Associate's High School Graduate Less Than High School Education counties. Degree ■Europe Asia Latin America Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009-2011 American Community Survey 13#16Economic Characteristics • Maryland's economy is heavily dependent on immigrant labor. Foreign-born workers comprise 18% of the State's civilian labor force, of which 46% Foreign-born Foreign-born Native Born U.S. Citizen Noncitizen Median Household Income $71,940 $77,944 $57,032 Workers per Household 1.27 1.55 1.80 Median Earnings - Male $61,061 $60,348 $35,905 Median Earnings - Female $49,600 $48,578 $30,882 In Civilian Labor Force 67.5% 75.0% 76.1% Unemployment Rate 5.9% 4.5% 7.1% are naturalized citizens and 54% are Professional Occupations 44.9% 49.9% 28.6% noncitizens. Sales/Office Occupations 25.0% 18.8% 14.4% Service Occupations 15.2% 18.4% 31.1% Construction Occupations 7.3% 6.0% 16.6% Production/Transportation 7.7% 6.9% 9.3% 14#17Income Level by Foreign-born and Native-born Populations Immigrant households in Maryland generally earn less than native-born households; however, naturalized citizens tend to have higher incomes than native-born households. 35% 30% 25% 20% In many Maryland counties, the income levels of native-born households remain higher than the income levels for the 15% 10% overall foreign-born population 5% and that for naturalized citizens. 0% Income Levels of Foreign-born and Native-born Populations in Maryland • The income disparities are most pronounced in Montgomery County. $75,000 or $50,000 to $35,000 to $25,000 to $24,000 or More $74,999 $49,999 $34,999 Less Average Annual Income ■Foreign-born Population Native-born Population Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009-2011 American Community Survey 15#18Occupation and Income Differences Foreign-born Asians are by World Region concentrated in management and Earnings of the Foreign-born Population in Maryland by World Region of Birth professional-related occupations. 50% • Foreign-born individuals from 40% Latin America are concentrated in 30% service and construction-related occupations, particularly 20% immigrants from Mexico and Central America. 10% • Foreign-born individuals from 0% Africa are concentrated in professional and service-related occupations. $75,000 or More $50,000 to $35,000 to $25,000 to $24,000 or $74,999 $49,999 $34,999 Less Average Annual Earnings Europe Asia ■Latin America Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009-2011 American Community Survey 16#19Income Levels by World Region Immigrant groups with high levels of educational attainment also have relatively high earnings and income. Median Household Income by Nativity and World Region of Birth Latin America $57,873 $86,581 Asia • Median household income for the foreign-born from Latin America ranged from $53,300 Europe $70,850 for Central America, $56,200 for Mexico, $61,100 for the Foreign Born $67,356 Caribbean, and $64,500 for Native Born $71,940 South America. Median household income for the foreign-born from Asia ranged from $72,300 for Western Asia, $80,300 for Eastern Asia, $84,200 for South Eastern Asia, and $100,100 for South Central Asia. Total $0 $71,294 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 Median Household Income Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009-2011 American Community Survey 17#20Poverty Rates Vary within Immigrant Communities Poverty and Near Poverty Status by Nativity and World Region of Birth in Maryland Latin America Asia Europe Foreign Born Native Born Total 0 LO 5 10 15 20 25 Percent ■Below Poverty Level 30 30 35 35 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009-2011 American Community Survey 18 100 to 199% of Poverty Level 40 45#21Future Outlook Newly arriving immigrants will continue to shape Maryland's communities and contribute to the vitality of the State's economy. • With around 27% of children in Maryland having at least one immigrant parent, the future of Maryland will be influenced by the social development and success of immigrant-born children. Children Under the Age of Six Nativity of Parents Native-born Parents Jurisdiction Number Percent Foreign-born Parents Number Native/Foreign-born Parents Percent Number Percent United States 17,547,013 75.2% 4,289,822 18.4% 1,510,191 6.5% Virginia 454,518 76.9% 97,212 16.4% 39,232 6.6% Maryland 308,072 73.0% 87,016 20.6% 26,850 6.4% Montgomery 33,710 45.4% 32,757 44.1% 7,768 10.5% Prince George's 40,867 60.7% 22,160 32.9% 4,317 6.4% 19#22• in Maryland are identified as being limited English proficient (LEP). Public Schools - Limited English Proficient Students Over 55,000 public school students Limited English Proficiency Enrollment 2000-2012 60,000 50,000 by Prince George's County. presence of LEP students followed Montgomery County has the largest 40,000 30,000 Since 2000, the number of LEP students in Maryland has increased 20,000 by 131.5% or approximately 11% on an annualized basis. 10,000 on LEP enrollment will total In fiscal 2015, State funding based approximately $211 million. 2000 2001 20 20 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012#23Limited English Proficiency Enrollment Growth Students Identified as Limited English Proficient September 2000 to September 2012 Percent LEP Students as County Sept. 2000 Sept. 2012 Difference Percent of Total Enrollment Change in LEP Students Allegany 12 24 100.0% 1. Montgomery 14.7% 1. Queen Anne's 461.5% Anne Arundel 896 3,209 258.1% 2. Prince George's 14.1% 2. Calvert 406.5% Baltimore City 877 3,043 247.0% 3. Talbot 5.7% 3. Anne Arundel 258.1% Baltimore 1,848 4,092 121.4% 4. Caroline 4.6% 4. Baltimore City 247.0% Calvert 31 157 406.5% 5. Anne Arundel 4.3% 5. Frederick 228.4% Caroline 109 241 121.1% 6. Howard 4.2% 6. Talbot 177.3% Carroll 97 205 111.3% 7. Frederick 4.1% 7. Washington 155.4% Cecil 96 148 54.2% 8. Baltimore 4.0% 8. Prince George's 153.8% Charles 97 220 126.8% 9. Wicomico 3.9% 9. Worcester 135.9% Dorchester 54 99 83.3% 10. Baltimore City 3.8% 10. Kent 127.3% Frederick 496 1,629 228.4% 11. Kent 3.7% 11. Charles 126.8% Garrett 0 2 Harford 277 400 n/a 44.4% 12. Somerset 3.3% 12. Wicomico 121.9% 13. Worcester 2.4% 13. Baltimore 121.4% Howard 1,408 2,159 53.3% 14. Dorchester 2.2% 14. Caroline 121.1% Kent 33 75 127.3% 15. Queen Anne's 1.9% 15. Carroll 111.3% Montgomery 10,290 21,367 107.6% 16. Washington 1.6% 16. Montgomery 107.6% Prince George's 6,542 16,604 153.8% 17. Harford 1.1% 17. Allegany 100.0% Queen Anne's 26 146 461.5% 18. Calvert 1.0% 18. Dorchester 83.3% St. Mary's 134 163 21.6% 19. Cecil 1.0% 19. Somerset 68.5% Somerset 54 91 68.5% 20. St. Mary's 1.0% 20. Cecil 54.2% Talbot 88 244 177.3% 21. Charles 0.9% 21. Howard 53.3% Washington 139 355 155.4% 22. Carroll 0.8% 22. Harford 44.4% Wicomico 247 548 121.9% 23. Allegany 0.3% 23. St. Mary's 21.6% Worcester 64 151 135.9% 24. Garrett 0.1% 24. Garrett n/a Total 23,915 55,372 131.5% Statewide 6.7% Statewide 131.5% LEP = Limited English Proficient 21

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