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#1BOSS RESOURCES LIMITED Honeymoon Uranium Project, South Australia Near term production with substantial exploration upside in underexplored Uranium Province Investor presentation, March 2016#22 DISCLAIMER The information contained in this presentation or subsequently provided to any recipient of this presentation whether orally or in writing by or on behalf of Boss Resources Limited ("Boss") or its respective employees, agents or consultants (Information) is provided to the recipients on the terms and conditions set out in this notice. The purpose of this presentation is to provide recipients with information relating to Boss Projects. This presentation does not constitute investment advice and has been prepared by Boss without taking into account the recipient's investment objectives, financial circumstances or particular needs. Each recipient must make his/her own independent assessment and investigation of Boss and its business and assets when deciding if an investment is appropriate and should not rely on any statement or the adequacy and accuracy of any information. This presentation is in summary form and does not purpose to be exhaustive. This presentation should be read in conjunction with Boss' periodic and continuous disclosure announcements lodged with the Australian Securities Exchange, which are available to download at Boss makes no representation or warranty (either expressed or implied) as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the Information. Boss and its directors, employees, agents and consultants shall have no liability (including liability to any person by reason of negligence or negligent misstatement) for any statements, opinions, information or matters (express or implied) arising out of, contained in or derived from, or for any omissions from the presentation, except liability under statute that can not be excluded. This presentation may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are only predictions and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions which are outside the control of Boss. Actual values, results or events may be materially different to those expressed or implied in this presentation. Given these uncertainties, recipients are cautioned not to place reliance on forward-looking statements. This presentation does not constitute in any way an offer or invitation to subscribe for securities in Boss pursuant to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and has not been lodged with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission. The information in this presentation that relates to Exploration Results and Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Dr. M. Abzalov, who is a Competent Person according to the JORC 2012 Code. Dr. M. Abzalov is a Fellow of the AusIMM. He has sufficient experience in estimation Resources of uranium mineralisation, and have a strong expertise in the all aspects of the data collection, interpretation and geostatistical analysis to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Dr. M.Abzalov is employed as a director of Boss Resources Ltd. Dr. M. Abzalov consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears. This information was initially reported to the ASX on 1 September 2015 and 20 January 2016 and has not materially changed. The information in this presentation that relates to the Honeymoon Project Exploration Target and associated Exploration Data is based on information provided by Mr. Neil Inwood, who is a Fellow of the AUSIMM. Consent is granted only for the purposes of outlining an Exploration Target, no warranty is made on the use of the exploration information and data for other purposes. Mr Inwood is a consulting geologist and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity undertaken to qualify as Competent Persons as defined in the 2012 edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr. Inwood has consented to the inclusion of this information in this document in the form and context in which it appears. An entity associated with Mr Inwood has shares in Boss Resources Ltd. This information was initially reported to the ASX on 8 December 2015 and has not materially changed. The Exploration Target is conceptual in nature as there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource under the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, the JORC Code" (JORC 2004). The Exploration Target is not being reported as part of any Mineral Resource or Ore Reserve.#33 HIGHLIGHTS PERMITTED Fully permitted Uranium operation (only 1 of 4 in Australia) TARGET 100mlb exploration target Huge 80+ km potentially mineralised strike 2,600km under explored uranium province 27mlb U308 JORC Resource INFRASTRUCTURE $170m plant and infrastructure in place LOW CAPEX Unique option on Uranium price - operations can commence with low CAPEX targeting cash costs of <$25/lb production#44 CORPORATE STRUCTURE Existing Shares (ASX:BOE) Share Price Movement 855 million 0.06 Performance Rights* 40 million 0.05 Options ($0.02 Aug 18) 10 million 0.04 Cash (31 Dec 2015) $2.4 million 0.03 Market Capitalisation (at $0.042) $36 million 0.02 Top 100 Shareholders ~ 80% 0.01 Shareholder Breakdown Australian High Net Worth and Retail -70% Directors & Related Parties - 14% 6/02/2015 6/03/2015 Offshore Holdings - 12% Nominee Companies - 4% 6/04/2015 6/05/2015 6/06/2015 6/07/2015 6/08/2015 6/09/2015 6/10/2015 6/11/2015 6/12/2015 6/01/2016 *10 million rights convert if share price is greater than 7.5c for 20 consecutive ASX trading days 3.3 million rights convert if share price is greater than 8.5c for 20 consecutive ASX trading days 13.3 million rights convert on discovery and decision to mine of 75kt Ni JORC resource on Scandinavian Projects 13.3 million rights convert on discovery and decision to mine of 125kt Ni JORC resource on Scandinavian Projects#55 HONEYMOON TRANSACTION • • • • Acquiring 80% of Uranium 1 Australia Pty Ltd (option to acquire 100%) 20% free carried to DFS acquisition at independent valuation Site access fee A$200,000 payable on signing HOA - PAID A$2.48 million payable 3 months after signing SPA - PAID A$3 million payable on anniversary of 2 years of signing the SPA - Dec 2017 A$4 million payable on anniversary of 4 years of signing SPA - Dec 2019 • Later of 5 years or 3 months of production. A$2 million in cash or Boss shares (our elective) A$3 million from Net Operating Cash Flow (10% per annum)#6DIRECTORS · Evan Cranston Chairman Mr. Cranston is a corporate lawyer with experience in publicly listed entities including capital raisings, offerings, and liaison with market analysts and investors. Marat Abzalov Executive Director - Geology Mr. Abzalov has a PhD in Geology. Marat has recently completed an invited study of ISL styles of mineralization, including those in Australia. He is also an ex-Exploration manager for Rio Tinto Eurasia, with extensive experience in Kazakhstan uranium projects. Grant Davey Executive Director Mr Davey is a mining engineer with 20 years of senior management and operational experience in the construction and operation of Uranium, gold, platinum and coal mines in Africa, Australia, South America and Russia. Peter Williams Technical Director Mr. Williams is an explorationist/geophysicist with over 30 years experience. He has extensive experience in West Africa, Australia, Fennoscandia, and Canada. · 9#77 PEER COMPARISON ASX LISTED STOCKS Initial C1 Company Capex Mining Resource Grade Permit mlb PPM (AUD$) Mining Market Туре Costs Comments Cap US$/lb Toro Energy Bulk 315m 75.3 485 $124m 33 (ASX:TOE) surface $29.5m invested by Sentient Vimey (Energy & Minerals) 378m X 65.6 520 Surface $68m 23 RCF provided $30m funding (ASX:VMY) Peninsula 51.2 46m Resources (Lance 476 ISL $158m 43 (stage 1) (ASX:PEN) Deposit) Recent raising $69m RCF, Pala, Blackrock, JP Morgan Berkeley Resources 169m 90.5 495 Hard rock Open pit $86m 15.60 In feasibility studies (ASX:BKY) Boss Resources Constructed 27.6 820 ISL $36m (ASX:BOE) Target <25#8AUSTRALIAN URANIUM PROJECTS . One of the highest grade un-mined uranium resources in Australia 1 of 4 fully permitted uranium projects in Australia (3 in South Australia) Curnamona Basin - a significant underexplored uranium province Exploration target of up to 100 Mlb U30g on 2600km² of tenement area Currently on care and maintenance 8 Kintyre Manyingee Nabarlek Jabiluka Rum Jungle Ranger Koongarra South Alligator Westmoreland Valhalla Ben Lomond Mary Kathleen Angela Yeelirrie Beverley Olympic Dam Honeymoon LEGEND Operational Mine Major Deposit Former Mine Radium Hill#9HONEYMOON RESOURCE Significant existing high-grade resources - highest grade amongst ASX listed peers 2016 Honeymoon Project Mineral Resource Covering the Honeymoon, East Kalkaroo and Brooks Dam Deposits Reported Above a preferred 250ppm eU3Og lower cut-off. Million eU₂Og Contained U3O8 Contained U3O8 Classification Tonnes ppm (M Kg) (M Lb) Measured 1.7 1720 2.95 6.51 Indicated 1.5 1270 1.92 4.24 Inferred 12.0 640 7.62 16.8 Total 15.2 820 12.50 27.56 Note: Figures have been rounded. Quoted resources have been adjusted to exclude previous production of approximately 335t of U308. 6#1010 HONEYMOON URANIUM PROJECT =6600000mE -6500000mE 25km Lake Frome Billeroo Palaeochannel E15/43 E2014/239 400000m/ Broken o ABELAICE South Australia E2014/240 R183-190 Gould's Dam O Deposit/prospect 500000mE Tertiary palaeochannel Quaternary: alluvial sediments Quaternary: aelolan sediments Neogene: conglomerate and sand Cambrian: sandstone, pyritic shale Neoproterozoic: flysch sequence Mesoproterozoic: granitoid Palaeoproterozoic: sulphide metasediments, carbonate Yarramba Palaeochannel ML6109 PL15 E2014/228 E15/215 • • • Located 75km NW of Broken Hill, in the Curnamona Region of South Australia Project contains the Honeymoon Resource, a high- grade sandstone hosted Uranium deposit amenable to insitu-leach mining techniques Holdings include the granted Honeymoon ML, 4 EL's and 8 RL's Mineralisation occurs at 90-120m depth in unconsolidated sand aquifers at the base of a Palaeochannel Over 2,500 historical and recent drill holes have been completed between 1960-2012 Recent airborne electromagnetic survey has outlined significant targets warranting further investigation Multiple styles of uranium mineralisation identified Honeymoon Deposit#11EASTERN TENEMENTS • • EXPLORATION POTENTIAL Recently upgraded resource increase by 66% - 2 months from acquisition Regional exploration target of 11-25Mt at between 380 and 1200 ppm U3Og for between 18-47MLb of contained U₂O on Eastern Tenements¹ 30 km of potentially mineralised strike Drill ready targets - historical drilling shows numerous > 1,000ppm U30g intercepts associated with well defined paleo channels. Three priority regions - Yarramba, Jasons and Lawlors. Early potential for resource definition Regional scale assessment recently undertaken - Airborne EM survey conducted to identify Tertiary palaeochannels with brackish groundwater: prospective host for uranium mineralisation MPL 15 YARRAMBA NOTRH JASONS LAWLOR ML 109 [6109-Honeymoon Advanced targeting model utilising numerical prospect scoring system developed U308% 0.03-0.05 0.05 -0.10 > 0.10 5km Historical & Recent Drilling Intercepts 11 1The Exploration Target is conceptual in nature as there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource under the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, the JORC Code" (JORC 2004). The Exploration Target is not being reported as part of any Mineral Resource or Ore Reserve.#12HONEYMOON RESOURCE SIGNIFICANT EXPANSION POTENTIAL 1.5/1280 -488500mN 12 - 486500mN 3/300 1/230- 1-2/750 Brooks Dam 1.8Mt @ 600ppm U308 for 2.4mlb U308 6/220 6.5/1300\ Honeymoon Process Plant 468000mE 2.8/1800 3.4/410 Honeymoon 4.3Mt @ 1295ppm U308 East Kalkaroo 9.2Mt @640ppm U308 for 13mlb U308 .-3/100 -2/160 for 12.2mlb U308 1/763 1/2775 1.8/790 1.5/150 2/2240 5km 470000mE 472000mE Measured Indicated Inferred 2/2240 Length/U308 grade (ppm) 1000m#13RESOURCE LOCATION 6,488,000 467,000 13 467,000.. 468,000 Mining License Honeymoon Mine Airstrip 0.5 Kilometers Airport 468,000 469,000 Honeymoon Road Measured Resource Indicated Resource Inferred Resource Drillhole Collar 469,000 6.488,000#14• • . TYPICAL HONEYMOON SECTION Mineralisation within permeable Basal Eyre sands and gravels Uranium mineralogy of acid-soluble uraninite, coffinite, and uranium phosphates Mineralisation 115-125m below surface Surface 468190mE Section Namba Clays 50m- Ore Horizon Upper Eyre Formation >250 ppm eU308 Mineralisation Middle Eyre Formation Basal Eyre Sands & Clays 100m- Basal Clay (Seal) Basal Sand (Ore Horizon) 150m- eU3O8 in Drilling 0 50m 14 Upper Eyre Formation Namba Clay (~75m)#1515 ISL PROCESS Process Flow An acidic leach solution containing an oxidant is pumped through injection wells into uranium-bearing solution. The solution migrates through the strata sands oxidising and mobilising uranium as a soluble complex. The solution, now referred to as pregnant leach solution (PLS) is intercepted by production wells, located between the injection wells, and pumped to the surface. From Plant To Plant Monitor Wells Monitor Well Uranium Deposit Sands, Clays and Gravels Upper clay Submersible Pump Lower clay#16INFRASTRUCTURE Production Bore Processing Facility Water treatment plant Control Room Settling Ponds Camp 16 II#17WESTERN TENEMENTS EXPLORATION POTENTIAL 54 km potentially mineralised strike Exploration target of 21-53Mt at between 480 and 1400ppm U308 for between 24 and 53MLB of U3O² Previously defined grade estimates in the Retention Leases Validation and resource estimation underway Some 300 drillholes drilled in recent years to be incorporated for the first time Goulds Dam / Billeroo system underrated: -6540000mN -6520000m Lake Constance Region 12 km strike length Under drilled Highly prospective ground EL5043 has pegmatite hosted mineralisation up to 3.5% U3O (grab sample) Broader Exploration licence under application - Potential for new paleochannels Along trend of mineralised fluids -6500000m -6480000mN E15/43 Spring Hill (pegmatite grab sample returned 25,5000 ppm U. 1.1% La & 0.75% Ce 380000 ME 400000E 420000m E2014/239 Box Dam Region E2014/240 Northern Billeroo Palaeovalley R183-190 Southern Billeroo Palaeovalley Lake Mary Dam Region Telechie Main Dami Region Massively under explored Grades of up to 1% еU3O8 reported from historical drilling (1960 EAR19) -6460000mN 10km 2The Exploration Target is conceptual in nature as there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral 17 Resource under the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, the JORC Code" (JORC 2004). The Exploration Target is not being reported as part of any Mineral Resource or Ore Reserve.#18MILESTONES Project Acquisition Lowest cost per lb acquisition in recent history Resource Upgraded Increased Honeymoon resource 66% to 27mlb U308 Further Resource Estimation underway - Convert exploration target into JORC resources • Goulds Dam Target • Jasons Target Commence exploration Q2 2016 Target known mineralised areas for low cost additional resource Option Study Commence a process option study SX, IX, Eluex - March 2016 - Expansion options depending on resource size 18 Expansion DFS completed 2017 Commencement of Expand Production estimated mid 2019#1919 FEASIBILITY PLANNING SCHEDULE Project Activities Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q4 2017 Resin Testing Option Study Exploration Resource Upgrade: Gould Dam Jasons Expansion Feasibility#20MARKET DEMAND GLOBAL REACTOR GROWTH & URANIUM DEMAND • • Global nuclear generation capacity will increase 70% over the next decade from 374,067MWe to 636,693MWe 71 reactors under construction & 173 new reactors planned Annual uranium demand will increase from 177mlbs to 280mlbs by 2020, representing a 58% increase Additional 390mlbs will be needed for new initial cores • 71 UNDER CONSTRUCTION Generation Capacity: 74,886 MWe Annual Uranium Demand: 13,000 tonnes U 434 • OPERABLE REACTORS DECEMBER 2013 Generation Capacity: 374,067 MWe Annual Uranium Demand: 64,978 tonnes U 20 173 • . PLANNED REACTORS Generation Capacity: 187,740 MWe Annual Uranium Demand: 32,600 tonnes U#21MARKET NUCLEAR POWER - THE BEST SOLUTION 21 Nuclear power provides the best solution for a non- polluting 24:7 base load power source Zero Carbon Emissions Over 430 existing nuclear plants, focused in Europe, North America, Russia, South Korea and Japan 1.7 billion of the world's population is still without electricity Emerging economies will need to implement a combination of nuclear, coal, gas and renewables to meet their growing power requirements Nuclear power needs to be made readily accessible and affordable to the emerging economies to ensure that non-polluting sources are chosen in the hunt for more power UNITED KINGDOM SWEDEN 10 NETHERLANDS 1 BELGIUM 7 SPAIN 8 SWITZERLAND S FINLAND 4 RUSSIA 33 GERMANY 17 UKRAINE 15 FRANCE 58 SLOVENIA 1 CZECH REPUBLIC & SLOVAKIA 4 ROMANIAZ BULGARIA 2 HUNGARY 4#2222 MARKET CHINESE NUCLEAR GENERATION 2012-2020 Between 2010 and 2013, China purchased ~$15B of U308 • China's demand for U308 is forecast to increase over 19 times by 2020 Annual Uranium Demand Generation Capacity 2,354 MTU Uranium Demand increases 1800%+ 13,995 Mwe 2012 22,000 MTU 40,000 Mwe 2015 45,000 MTU 80,000 Mwe 2020 China imported 18,968 tU in 2013. According to the Chinese General Administration of Customs, China imported 18,968 tU (~49.3 million pounds U30g) in 2013. The country reportedly imported uranium from five countries: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Australia, Namibia, and Canada. China paid US$2.4 billion for its uranium imports in 2013, (US$48.68 per pound U₂O). Graph Source: World Nuclear Association; China Guongdong Nuclear Power Corporation; China National Nuclear Corporation#23COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE BOSS RESOURCES 110x TEAM Executives with project management, development, financing, and operation experience ASSETS Honeymoon Uranium asset in South Australia Underestimated uranium province 100mlb U3Og target APPROVAL All approvals are in place LICENCED Only developed project in Australia which is fully licensed and able to be brought into production 23#24BOSS RESOURCES LIMITED Suite 23, 513 Hay Street Subiaco, WA 6008 +61 8 6143 6730 Evan Cranston +61 (0) 408 865 838 +61 (0) 447 753 163 Grant Davey

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