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#1Cayman Island Substitution Proposals 15 November 2018 Affinity Water#2Affinity Water The Proposals Background to the Proposals and the Comfort Package Being Offered#3Introduction Affinity Water is seeking the removal of its Cayman Island incorporated financing company Affinity Water Affinity Water ("AW") established a whole business securitisation ("WBS") structure in 2013 to raise long-term finance for its investment programme and operations. At the time of implementing the whole business structure AW believed, and continues to believe, that the WBS structure offers many advantages to AW through ensuring access to long term capital, best matched to the financing needs of AW. A Cayman Island subsidiary ("Cayco") was established to facilitate access to the international bond markets under the WBS structure This was needed to comply with two competing pieces of legislation under English law: • Public bonds could only be issued by a PLC A prohibition on PLCs providing "financial assistance" in respect of the purchase of their own shares Although the financial assistance rules were recast under the 2006 Companies Act, there was little precedent at the time AW's WBS structure was established that would give comfort a UK PLC could be used without infringing such rules. A Cayco was therefore considered a more efficient and expedient route to the establishment of the Financing Group The Cayco is exclusively UK managed and a UK tax resident and has always been since its incorporation. The Cayco does not confer any tax advantage to AW Notwithstanding this, operating to the highest standards of governance and transparency is of the utmost importance to AW. As part of this we have a continuing commitment to ensure that all aspects of our business support this, alongside all our wider objectives - including delivering a financing approach that best ensures the ongoing financial resilience of AW Recently, HM Government and Ofwat have both questioned whether the presence of off-shore finance companies within the financing structure of water companies is consistent with a transparency objective – indeed three water companies (Anglian, Yorkshire and Thames) have already instigated these changes 3#4Affinity Water Introduction Affinity Water is seeking the removal of its Cayman Island incorporated financing company We now believe that the time is opportune to remove Cayco and replace it with a UK incorporated company: this will support our transparency objective, be in the interests of customers and wider stakeholders and, we believe, be viewed as a positive step by Ofwat and HM Government It is for these reasons that we are seeking removal of the Cayco via a consent process On the 23rd August 2018, AW released an RNS indicating it was considering the substitution of Cayco with a special purpose vehicle incorporated in the UK We have subsequently engaged with a number of stakeholders including Ofwat, bank lenders and certain creditors of private debt to discuss these intentions and have received positive feedback on our proposals We have engaged with the Rating Agencies and as a precondition to the proposals they will be providing (or AW will provide certification of such affirmations having consulted with the relevant Rating Agency) the Security Trustee affirmations that the proposals will not affect current ratings Our proposals are therefore expected to be credit neutral and potentially credit positive given the benefits the proposal will generate with respect to our relationship with Ofwat and our reputation with customers Additionally, the Proposals described in the Solicitation Memorandum have been considered by a special committee (the "Special Committee") of The Investment Association at our request. The members of the Special Committee, who hold in aggregate approximately 58.1 per cent. of the aggregate principal amount outstanding of the Class A Bonds issued by the Current Programme Issuer (at their originally issued nominal amount) and approximately 36.8 per cent. of the aggregate principal amount outstanding of the Bonds issued by the Existing Issuer (at their originally issued nominal amount) have examined the Proposals. They have informed us they find the proposals acceptable and that, subject to client and other approvals, they intend to vote in favour of the Proposals in respect of their holdings of Bonds The Special Committee has advised the Affinity Water group that this recommendation relates only to the Proposals set out in the Solicitation Memorandum and not to any future offers or proposals which we may make 4#5The Proposals Affinity Water The Proposals are set out in the 'STID Proposal' for consideration by Qualifying Class A Creditors 1 Incorporation of NewCo • A new financing company will be established ("NewCo") - NewCo will initially be incorporated outside the Financing Group and then shares transferred to AWL to bring it into the Financing Group NewCo will be a special purpose vehicle incorporated in England & Wales NewCo will be the issuance vehicle for the Financing Group going forward • 2 Substitution of Cayco • • Creditors will be invited to substitute Cayco as issuer or borrower of debt with NewCo¹ via a vote of Class A Creditors2,3 Associated assets (intragroup loans) will be transferred to NewCo with substitution of debt Creditors will benefit from equivalent guarantees and security package in relation to NewCo as they did in relation to the existing Cayco Once all debt and assets are substituted / transferred to NewCo, Cayco will be transferred out of the Financing Group 3 Disposal of Cayco • Cayco will be transferred to a group company outside the Financing Group Cayco will then be liquidated on a solvent basis The Financing Group will no longer have offshore incorporated entities (1) Issuer substitution of Cayco for NewCo will satisfy all of the conditions precedent set out in the Bond Trust Deed to effect issuer substitution (2) Note that no Class B Creditor vote is required to effect the Proposals. (3) The substitution of Cayco with Newco as principal debtor under the Cayco bonds will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Bond Trust Deed 5#6The Comfort Package / Offering Affinity Water In addition to a fee of 0.025% (as a percentage of principal amount outstanding of voted bonds - the fee is subject to conditions), investors will benefit from the following package of supporting materials Ratings Affirmations • • It will be a precondition to the implementation of the Proposals that ratings affirmations are provided to the Security Trustee and Bond Trustee confirming Proposals will have no impact on ratings¹ S&P will provide a RAC letter to the Security Trustee / AW Following discussions with Moody's, AW will certify to the Security Trustee that the current Moody's ratings will not be impacted The Rating Agencies were provided tax, accounting and legal opinions in addition to the transaction documents for their review and analysis. Ratings confirmations were only provided having considered this comprehensive comfort package • Transaction Documentation Investors will also get access to the Implementation Deed required to effect the Proposals showing the changes are limited to those required in relation to the incorporation of NewCo, the substitution of Cayco with NewCo and the subsequent disposal of Cayco . Opinions Provided to the Security Trustee Legal Opinion in respect of matters of capacity and enforceability Tax Opinion in respect of certain UK tax matters applicable to the Financing Group with respect to the Proposals (1) Where no such written affirmation is provided, it is a precondition that the Company certifies to the Trustee, following discussions with the relevant Rating Agency, that the Proposals would not cause a downgrade 6#7Impact of the Proposals Financing Group Structure Change and Other Expected Impacts Affinity Water#8The Existing Financing Group Structure Affinity Water The existing Financing Group comprises two entities with outstanding bond issuance - Cayco and a legacy UK issuer • • Two companies are issuers of bonds / private placements to third party debt investors: Affinity Water Finance (2004) Plc ("Existing Issuer") Affinity Water Programme Finance Limited ("Programme Issuer" or "Cayco") Existing Issuer is incorporated in the UK while Programme Issuer is Cayman Islands incorporated The Existing Issuer has one bond outstanding, issued in 2004 and subsequently tapped in 2014 AWL also has two undrawn revolving credit facilities with a combined commitment of £100m as well as liquidity facilities Existing Issuer's and Programme Issuer's balance sheets consist of loan relationship assets and liabilities. In general, their payables are due to third parties and their receivables are due from other companies in the Financing Group Daiwater Investment Limited Affinity Water Acquisitions (Investments) Limited Affinity Water Acquisitions (HoldCo) Limited Affinity Water Acquisitions (MidCo) Limited Affinity Water Acquisitions Limited Affinity Water Capital Funds Limited Affinity Water Holdco Finance Limited Financing Group Affinity Water Holdings Limited ('AWHL') RCFs Affinity Water Limited ('AWL') Affinity Water Finance (2004) Plc ('Existing Issuer') Incorporated in England and Wales Incorporated in the Cayman Islands Regulated Operating Affinity Water Programme Finance Limited ('Programme Issuer' / Cayco) Entity Class A Bond Class A Bonds Class B Bond Class B PP 8#9Overview of Proposed Structure Changes Affinity Water Amendments to the underlying Finance Documents, required for the substitution and disposal of Cayco, will be effected by way of an Implementation Deed Current Financing Group Non ring fenced companies O NewCo initially incorporated outside Financing Group AWHL 2 Shares in NewCo transferred to AWL Proposed Financing Group Non ring fenced companies AWHL Incorporated in England and Wales Incorporated in the Cayman Islands Regulated Operating Entity Proposed NewCo to be incorporated in England and Wales RCFs AWL Existing Issuer Programme Issuer / Cayco NewCo Class A Bond Class A Bonds Class B Bond Class B PP RCFs AWL Existing Issuer NewCo Class A Bond Class A Bonds Class B Bond Class B PP Substitution of Cayco for NewCo AW have determined that a newly incorporated UK company should be used for all future public issuance out of the Financing Group and AW are seeking consent from Class A Bondholders to incorporate NewCo and substitute existing bonds from Cayco - the substitution itself will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Bond Trust Deed. Cayco can then be disposed from the Financing Group Both revolving credit facilities and the Class A bond issued out of Existing Issuer will remain where they are currently situated within the Financing Group Provided the consent is successful, the above changes will be implemented as soon as practicable but given the nature of the changes it may take several months for successful completion 9#10Affinity Water The Impact of the Proposals The Proposals are expected to have, at worst, a credit neutral impact No Ratings Impact • • • It is a precondition to implementing the Proposals that Rating Agencies confirm the Proposals will have no impact on current ratings The Rating Agencies have reviewed the Proposals We expect S&P will provide a RAC letter to the Trustee We will certify to the Trustee that the Proposals will have no impact on current Moody's ratings (based on feedback received from Moody's) Moody's and S&P both issued notes earlier in the year with respect to the Thames Water and Yorkshire Water consent processes which also sought to remove Caycos from their financing structures. Both Rating Agencies indicated these transactions were "credit neutral" Positive ESG Impact . Disposing of Cayco addresses the negative perception and scrutiny that is being directed at AW and other UK water companies for the use of offshore financing vehicles Disposing of Cayco will improve transparency for creditors, the regulators and customers as well as reducing administrative burden No Tax Impact . • NewCo will be a securitisation company for the purposes of UK tax law so the current tax status of the Financing Group will not change following implementation of the Proposals Consequently there should be no adverse UK tax impact on the Financing Group from the Proposals No Credit Impact • • Security and Guarantee arrangements will be replicated for NewCo No changes are being made other than those ancillary to the incorporation of NewCo and substitution of Cayco As such no impact is expected on the credit quality of bonds substituted Supporting materials demonstrate no adverse impact on bondholders (see package on page 6) All conditions precedent outlined in the Bond Trust Deed for issuer substitution will have been met and confirmed by the Trustee 10 10#11Voting Mechanics Voting Process for the Consent Affinity Water#12Affinity Water Bank Lenders The Voting Process Voting occurs by a single vote of all Qualifying Class A Creditors The Proposals are set out in the STID Proposal which is sent via the Security Trustee to Secured Creditors or their Representatives along with a STID Voting Request asking for votes on the matters proposed in the STID Proposal The STID Proposal is voted on by the Class A Debt Instructing Group (Class A DIG) - Class B bonds do not form part of the Class A DIG Class A Bondholders are represented by the Bond Trustees which vote on behalf of bondholders as directed by electronic voting - Bonds issued out of Cayco are represented by the Bond Trustee Bonds issued out of Existing Issuer are represented by the Existing Issuer Bond Trustee Certain Class A Creditors such as the bank lenders directly form part of the Class A DIG and so vote directly on the STID Proposal - The Bond Trustees will vote on the STID Proposal as directed by the bondholders bondholders direct the Bond Trustees by submitting Electronic Voting Instructions through the Clearing Systems Qualifying Class A Creditors Bond Trustees represent bondholders and vote on the STID Proposal on behalf of bondholders Existing Issuer Bond Trustee Bond Trustee STID Proposal Contains Proposals Voting Matter 1 subject to Class A Creditor Consent • 20% Quorum* 50% To Pass* *Percentages relate to the aggregate Outstanding Principal Amount of Qualifying Class A Debt 12 112#13The Proposal Timeline The timeline for voting is 21 calendar days Launch Date 15 Nov-18 Proposals publicly announced ⚫STID Voting Request issued 21 calendar days Affinity Water Expiration Time / STID Voting Deadline 4pm 6 Dec-18 • Final deadline for submission of votes via Clearing Systems Exp. 5 business days, Exp. fee payment date & execution ⚫ Payment of fee to bondholders that voted (subject to conditions) • Execution of Master Implementation Deed and commencement of steps outlined in STID Proposal 15 calendar days to Fee Instruction Deadline Voting on the STID Proposal will conclude at the earlier of: The STID Voting Deadline When 50% or more of the principal outstanding of Qualifying Class A Creditors have voted in favour As Class B Creditors (including Class B Bondholders and Class B Private Placements) do not form part of the Class A DIG these creditors will not be able to vote in the above process ⚫ Deadline by which votes must have been received to be eligible for the Work Fee 4pm 30 Nov-18 Fee Instruction Deadline Expected results of STID Proposal announced (provided STID Proposal quorum achieved) 7 Dec-18 Exp. results of STID Proposal Actual implementation of the steps outlined in the STID Proposal may take several months following the conclusion of the consent process On submitting an Electronic Voting Instruction, bonds will be blocked in the relevant account in the Clearing System until the conclusion of the consent process and subsequent announcement of results (unless the offer is terminated) 13#14Appendix Affinity Water#15Steps for Implementation Affinity Water The steps outlined in the STID Proposal for implementing the Proposals are summarised below Please note: subject to the outcome of the consent process, the following steps may be partially implemented, may not be implemented or may be implemented in a different order from that outlined below 2 Incorporation of NewCo outside the Financing Group as a direct wholly owned subsidiary of one of AW's non ring fenced companies Transfer of shares in NewCo to AWL to bring NewCo into the Financing Group 3 • Transfer of assets and liabilities from Cayco to NewCo 4 • NewCo assumes all rights and obligations of Cayco under the Transaction Documents 5 • • NewCo grants replacement security equivalent to the Security granted by Cayco All Guarantors of Cayco confirm Guarantees remain in effect and apply to the secured obligations / liabilities 6 of NewCo - NewCo also replaces Cayco as Guarantor for obligations / liabilities guaranteed by Cayco 7 • Following transfer of assets / liabilities, the entire share capital of Cayco is transferred to another AW group company, outside the Financing Group, where Cayco will be liquidated 15#16Disclaimer By attending the meeting where this presentation is made, or by reading the presentation slides, you agree to be bound by the following limitations: Affinity Water This document, which has been prepared by Affinity Water Limited (the "Company"), comprises slides for a presentation in relation to the Company and its affiliates. This document is not an offering document (and will not be registered as such in any jurisdiction), nor does it constitute or form part of any offer or invitation to purchase, sell or subscribe for, or any solicitation of any such offer to purchase, sell or subscribe for, any securities in any member of the Group in any jurisdiction nor shall this document (or any part of it), or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, or act as an inducement to enter into, any contract or commitment whatsoever with respect to any securities of any member of the Group or otherwise and shall not form the basis of any contract or commitment whatsoever. This document does not constitute a recommendation regarding the securities of any member of the Group. The document is being made available for information purposes only and the information in the document reflects prevailing conditions and our judgment as at the date of the document. The information contained in this document is subject to change based upon a number of factors, including, without limitation, regulatory, business, economic and other factors and market conditions. The information and opinions contained in this document are based on general information gathered at the time of writing, are subject to change without notice and have not been formally verified by the Company or any member of the Group. The Company relies on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable but does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. In giving this presentation, neither the Company nor its respective advisers and/or agents undertake any obligation to provide the recipient with access to any additional information or to update this presentation or any additional information or to correct any inaccuracies in any such information which may become apparent. None of the Company nor any of its shareholders, directors, officers or employees nor the Managers nor any of their shareholders, affiliates (within the meaning of Rule 405 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act")), directors, officers or employees nor any other person accepts any liability (in negligence or otherwise) whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith. Investors and prospective investors in the Securities of the Company are required to make their own independent investigation and appraisal of the business and financial condition of the Company and the nature of the Securities. Any decision to purchase Securities in the context of the proposed Offering, if any, should be made solely on the basis of information contained in an offering circular or prospectus published in relation to such Offering. No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information contained in this presentation, or any other material discussed verbally, or on its completeness, accuracy or fairness. This presentation does not constitute a recommendation regarding the Securities of the Company. No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the completeness, accuracy or fairness of the information contained in this document. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by or on behalf of the Company or any of its affiliates or shareholders or any of their respective directors, officers or employees or any other person as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in this document and, save in the case of fraud, no liability whatsoever is accepted by the Company or any of its affiliates or their respective directors, officers or employees or any other person for any loss howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from any use of such information or opinions or otherwise arising in connection therewith. Reliance on the information contained in this document for the purposes of engaging in any investment activity may expose the investor to a significant risk of losing all of the property or the assets involved. This document (and its contents) are confidential and is being made available on the basis that the recipients keep confidential any information contained herein or otherwise made available, whether orally or in writing, in connection with the Group. Such information may not be reproduced, disclosed, redistributed or passed on, directly or indirectly, to any other person (unless he or she is affiliated with or is a paid advisor to the recipient and has agreed to comply with these restrictions on redistribution) or published, in whole or in part, for any purpose without the prior written consent of the Company. Any offer of Securities to the public that may be deemed to be made pursuant to this document in any EEA Member State that has implemented Directive 2003/71/EC (together with any applicable implementing measures in any Member State, the "Prospectus Directive") is only addressed to qualified investors in that Member State within the meaning of the Prospectus Directive. In the United Kingdom, this document has not been approved by the UK Financial Conduct Authority under s.21 Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. It is intended for distribution and is directed only at persons having professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended) (the "FP Order") or persons falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the FP Order and persons to whom it can otherwise be lawfully distributed (all such persons together being referred to as "relevant persons"). This document must not be acted upon by persons who are not relevant persons. Any investment activity to which this communication may relate is only available to, and any invitation, offer, or agreement to engage in such investment activity will be engaged in only with, relevant persons. Any person who is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this document or any of its contents. If you are in any doubt as to the matters contained in this document (including whether you fall within the definition of relevant persons), you should consult an authorised person specialising in advising on investments of the kind contained in this document. It is not intended that this document be distributed or passed on, directly or indirectly, to any other class of person and, in any event, under no circumstances should persons of any other description rely or act upon the contents of this document. The information in this presentation is given in confidence and the recipients of this presentation should not engage in any behaviour in relation to qualifying investments or related investments (as defined in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 ("FSMA") and the Code of Market Conduct made pursuant to FSMA) which would or might amount to market abuse for the purposes of FSMA. This document is an advertisement for the purposes of the applicable measures implementing the Prospectus Directive. A prospectus prepared pursuant to the Prospective Directive is intended to be published, which, if published, can be obtained in accordance with the applicable rules. The distribution of this document in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession this document comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. In particular, subject to certain exceptions, neither this document nor any copy of it may be taken or transmitted into the United States of America, its territories or possessions or distributed, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States of America, its territories or possessions. This presentation is not a public offer of securities for sale in the United States. The Securities proposed in the Offering have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the Securities Act. The Company does not intend to register any portion of the proposed Offering or to conduct a public offering of securities under the applicable securities laws of the United States. Subject to certain exceptions, neither this document nor any copy of it may be taken or transmitted into or offered or sold within, or offered or sold to any national, resident or citizen of Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea or South Africa or to US or Canadian persons or to any securities analyst or other person in any of those jurisdictions. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of United States, Australian, Canadian, South African, Malaysian, Singaporean, Korean or Japanese securities law. The distribution of this document in other jurisdictions may also be restricted by law, and persons into whose possession this document comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. Certain statements in this document are or may be about future events and expectations that are forward-looking statements. These statements typically contain words such as "expects" and "anticipates" and words of similar import. Any statement in these materials that is not a statement of historical fact is a forward-looking statement. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve a number of unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results, performance, achievements or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described in this document. Forward-looking statements contained in this document, that refer to past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will necessarily continue in the future. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as at the date of this document. None of the future projections, expectations, estimates or prospects in this presentation should be taken as forecasts or promises nor should they be taken as implying any indication, assurance or guarantee that the assumptions on which such future projections, expectations, estimates or prospects have been prepared are correct or exhaustive or, in the case of the assumptions, fully stated in the presentation. We assume no obligations to update the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in factors affecting these statements. By attending the presentation to which this document relates or by receipt of this document you will be taken to have represented, warranted and undertaken to the Company that: (i) you are a relevant person (as defined above); (ii) you have read and agree to comply with the contents of this notice; (iii) you will treat and safeguard as strictly private and confidential all such information and take all reasonable steps to preserve such confidentiality; (iv) you are aware that any person who has material, non-public information about the Group may be prohibited under applicable securities law from purchasing or selling securities of any member of the Group or from communicating such information to any other person under circumstances in which it is reasonably foreseeable that such person is likely to purchase or sell such securities while in possession of material non-public information; and (v) you will not at any time have any discussion, correspondence or contact concerning the information in this document with any of the directors or employees of any member of the Group nor with any of their suppliers, clients, sub-contractors or any governmental or regulatory body without the prior written consent of the Company. 16

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