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#1BCI MINERALS LIMITED Developing the Multi-Generational Mardie Salt & Potash Project Corporate Presentation Alwyn Vorster Managing Director 25 November 2021 ASX:BCI Notices Not an Offer of Securities BCI MINERALS LIMITED This document has been prepared by BCI Minerals Limited ABN 21 120 646 924 ("BCI") and is provided for information purposes only. This document does not constitute or contain an offer, invitation solicitation or recommendation with respect to the purchase or sale of any security in BCI. This document is not a prospectus, product disclosure statement or other offering document under Australian law or any other law, and will not be lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, and may not be relied upon by any person in connection with an offer or sale of BCI securities. Not financial product advice This document is not financial product advice and does not take into account the investment objectives,, taxation situation, financial situation or needs of individuals. Before making an investment decision investors should consider the appropriateness of the information, and any action taken on the basis of the information, having regard to their own objectives, financial situation and needs, and seek legal, taxation and financial advice appropriate to their jurisdiction and circumstances. Summary Information Only; Material Assumptions Continue to Apply This document contains a summary of information about BCI and the Mardie Project's feasibility study that is current as at the date of this document unless otherwise stated, the information in this document is general in nature and does not contain all the information which a prospective investor may require in evaluating a possible investment in BCI or that would be required in a prospectus or a product disclosure statement prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) ("Corporations Act") or the securities laws of any other jurisdiction. It should be read solely in conjunction with the information provided to ASX. For further information regarding BCI's feasibility study and subsequent optimisation results, recipients should refer to BCI's ASX announcement titled "Feasibility Study Confirms World Class Opportunity" dated 1 July 2020 and "Mardie Optimisation Results: Increased Production and Improved Economics" dated 21 April 2021. BCI confirms that all material assumptions and technical parameters that underpin the production targets and forecast financial information in those announcements continue to apply (as applicable) and have not materially changed unless otherwise disclosed in this Presentation. No Liability The information contained in this document has been prepared in good faith by BCI. However no guarantee, representation or warranty expressed or implied is or will be made by any person (including BCI and its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees, associates, advisers and agents) as to the accuracy, reliability, correctness, completeness or adequacy of any statements, estimates, options, conclusions or other information contained in this document. To the maximum extent permitted by law, BCI and its affiliates and their directors, officers employees, associates, advisers and agents each expressly disclaims any and all liability, including, without limitation, any liability arising out of fault or negligence, for any loss arising from the use of or reliance on information contained in this document including representations or warranties or in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information, statements, opinions, forecasts, reports or other matters, express or implied, contained in, arising out of or derived from, or for omissions from, this document including, without limitation, any financial information, any estimates or projections and any other financial information derived therefrom. Statements in this document are made only as of the date of this document unless otherwise stated and the information in this document remains subject to change without notice. No responsibility or liability is assumed by BCI or any of its affiliates for updating any information in this document or to inform any recipient of any new or more accurate information or any errors or omissions of which BCI and any of its affiliates or advisers may become aware, except as required by the Corporations Act. Forward-Looking Statements This document contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on BCI's current expectations and beliefs concerning future events at the date of this document, and are expressed in good faith for general guide only and should not be relied upon as an indication or guarantee of future performance. BCI believes it has reasonable grounds for making the forward-looking statements. However, forward-looking statements relate to future events and expectations and as such are subject to known and unknown risks, and significant uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of BCI. Actual results may differ materially from future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. None of BCI, its affiliates or their directors, officers, employees, associates, advisers, agents or contractors makes any representation or warranty (either expressed or implied) as to the accuracy or likelihood of fulfilment of any future looking statement, or any events or results expressed or implied in any forward looking statement, except to the extent required by law. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward looking statement. The forward looking statements in this document reflect views held only as at the date of this document. Other than as required by law, including the ASX Listing Rules, BCI does not undertake or assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement contained in this document. JORC Code - Mardie Salt and SOP Project The Mardie Project aims to produce salt and SOP from a seawater resource, which is abundant, inexhaustible, readily accessible and has a known and consistent chemical composition. The Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves 2012 Edition ("JORC Code") does not apply to a project of this nature and, accordingly, JORC Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources are not reported. JORC Code Iron Valley Reference should be made to BCI announcement dated 12 October 2021 "Iron Valley Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". BCI confirms it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included and all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates continue to apply and have not materially changed. Risks An investment in BCI is subject to investment and other known and unknown risks, some of which are beyond the control of BCI. Acceptance By attending an investor presentation or briefing, or accepting, accessing or viewing this document you acknowledge and agree to the "Important Notices" as set out above. 2#3Performance 150% 100% 50% 0% -50% BCI Overview MARDIE SALT & POTASH PROJECT BCI SHARE PRICE vs IRON ORE PRICE Last 12 Months BCI Share Price ($/sh) Iron Ore Price BCI MINERALS ~$270M market cap¹ ~$106M cash and zero debt² BCI MINERALS LIMITED IRON VALLEY ROYALTIES 180% BCI SHARE PRICE vs ASX 300 +80% Performance 120% 60% 0% -60% ¹Based on 599.96M shares (pre-raise) at $0.455 per share closing price as at 24 November 2021 2Cash balance at 16 November 2021 BCI Last 12 Months S&P ASX300 3#4BCI Results in Numbers FY21 GROUP FINANCIALS BCI MINERALS LIMITED $ $160.5M REVENUE 108% on FY20 $28.9M EBITDA 248% on FY20 $ $22.0M NPAT 5,400% on FY20 FY21 IRON VALLEY EO $69.5M EBITDA 202% on FY20 1Q FY22 IRON VALLEY O $17.1M EBITDA 140% on 1Q FY21 HEALTH & SAFETY >6 Years without Lost Time Injury (LTI) 4#5A Year of Milestones BCI Mardie FID after significant project de-risking over several years 2021 Jan Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov OPTIMISED FEASIBILITY STUDY INDEPENDENT EXPERT REPORTS RECORD IRON VALLEY EARNINGS EARLY CONSTRUCTION WORKS 1+ FID MINERALS LIMITED | Dec MINISTERIAL APPROVAL $ $740M DEBT FUNDING $360M EQUITY FUNDING ANNOUNCED ROADS, TELECOMS, FUEL NORTHERN EMBANKMENT TRIAL SALT AND SOP PILOT PLANTS SOUTHERN TRIAL POND VILLAGE EXPANSION (200 ROOMS) 5#6BCI MINERALS BCIMIN IMITED BCI Salt and Potash Markets MINERALS LIMITED MARDIE Salt & Potash 6#7Why Salt and SOP? Strong growth in Mardie's target markets SALT ASIAN DEMAND ☐ >10,000 products derived from salt (PVC, alumina, glass, paper, water purification) Asian market size of 160Mtpa salt (annual value of US$6.5B) SOP2 GLOBAL DEMAND Premium fertiliser used on high value crops Global market size of ~7Mtpa (annual value of US$3.5B) ~35% +20% 1 Asian forecast demand as reported by Roskill (July 2021); Forecast contestable Asian market demand growth of 29Mtpa by 2030 2 Sulphate of Potash fertiliser (K2SO4 or Potassium Sulphate) ³Global demand as reported by Argus Consulting (July 2021) BCI MINERALS LIMITED >50Mt additional annual demand over next decade¹ — (growing population, requiring more industrial and consumer products) ~1Mt additional annual demand over next decade³ - (growing population, changing dietary habits and declining arable land) 7#8SALT 15-year pricing from US$35/t to US$75/t delivered¹ in Asia Delivered salt price in China has increased by ~30% in the first half of 20211 Mardie forecast (60-year average, $ real): ~US$50/t CFR 3,5 Salt and SOP Price Strength BCI MINERALS LIMITED Salt and SOP Prices driven by strong demand and limited new supply SOP 10-year pricing from ~US$450/t to US$800/t NW Europe (FOB) SOP (granular) price landed in Australia currently >US$800/t CFR5 ■ Mardie forecast (60-year average, $ real): US$573/t FOB³ (at least 20% lower than current price for standard granular) US$/t, FOB 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 Jan-20 30 Jan-20 US$/t, CFR 40 Apr-20 ¹Salt Price data from ITC Trademap to July 2021 on CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) basis; 30% includes China ITC Trademap data only, does not include BCI intelligence 2Price data from July 8 2021 based on BCI discussions with end-users ³ Refer slide 15 for assumptions used in forecasts 4SOP Price is NW Europe standard grade (50%), Free on Board (FOB) 5Cost and Freight (CFR) Apr-20 Jul-20 Oct-20 Jan-21 Apr-21 Jul-21 50 26 60 Jul-20 SOP Price4 Australian Imported Salt into China 1,2 70 Oct-20 +50% Oct-21 Jan-21 Apr-21 +30% Jul-21 Oct-21#9BCI MINERALS BCI MINERALS LIMITED Mardie Salt & Potash Project MARDIE Salt & Potash 9#10Australian Salt & SOP Landscape Mardie: ideal location to produce high-purity salt and SOP ■ Pilbara has ideal climate to produce high purity salt - High temperature, high wind, low rainfall, low humidity BCI MINERALS LIMITED Western Australia - Salt and SOP Projects - Proven salt production region since the 1960's ■ Five large WA Solar Salt Operations (11-13Mtpa¹) Controlled by Rio Tinto and Mitsui No new large Australian salt project in 20 years SOP production in Australia in its infancy²: - Other projects all based on inland lake brines and >700km by road transport to third party ports ■ Mardie Salt and SOP Project: - Only Australian project with commercial salt and SOP from seawater Mardie Salt & Potash Project ● Broome EXISTING SALT OPERATIONS Karratha ● Exmouth Newman ● SOP DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ● Geraldton Kalgoorlie PERTH WA N 1 Based on Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) WA Government Commodity Data (available: Statistics-Release-4081.aspx) ²Kalium Lakes (KLL-ASX) currently in commissioning phase at its Beyondie SOP project 10#11Mardie Scale will be Globally Significant Top 3 scale global solar salt project¹ Salt Capacity (Mtpa) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Guerrero Negro [Mexico] Hajipir [India] Mardie Salt/SOP Project [WA] 5.3Mtpa Salt Dampier [WA] Hub-Pak [Pakistan] Jilantai Salt Chemical [China] Port Hedland [WA] Qinghai Salt Lake Industry [China] Sino-Salt Xinjiang [China] Lantai Industrial Salt [China] Lake Macleod [WA] 1Roskill (November 2020) BCI MINERALS LIMITED PROJECT FOOTPRINT VS SYDNEY/PERTH Parramatta Manly Sydney Heads to Parramatta Sydney Fremantle to Perth Airport Perth Airport Fremantle Hanchio 11#12Mardie Project Design Largest salt project in Australia - fully integrated with port BCI SITE CONDITIONS ■ >100km² clay soils - ideal pond floor ■ High net evaporation rates (~10mm/day) PRODUCTION ■ 9 evaporation ponds ■ 42 salt and 20 SOP crystallisers ■ Salt wash plant - 5.35Mtpa >99.5% NaCl ■ SOP process plant - 140ktpa >52% K₂O (granular) PORT t ■ 2.4km steel trestle jetty with conveyor ■ 4.4km dredged channel SHIPPING 12,000t self-propelled transhipment vessel Ships up to 160kt anchored 28km offshore PROJECT LAYOUT MINERALS LIMITED Jetty Port Access Road Salt Plant & Stockyard Pond 9 SOP Plant KTMS Crystallisers Pond 8 Pond 7 Pond 6 Secondary Salt Crystallisers Primary Salt Crystallisers Pond 5 Village Primary Pond 4 Seawater Intake Pond 3. Pond 1 Pond 1 Pond 2 Pond 2 North-South Road 12#13Early Construction Progress BCI MINERALS LIMITED >$60M of enabling construction works last 12-months to derisk Project NORTHERN EMBANKMENT TRIAL _ ACCOMMODATION VILLAGE HYDROEXTRACTOR MARDIE SALT & POTASH PROJECT SALT PURIFICATION PILOT PLANT ELUTRIATOR SALT PILOT PLANT 13#14>$350M Contracts Tendered BCI MINERALS LIMITED >60% of capital cost to be delivered via fixed price contracting model¹ 1. MAIN SEAWATER PUMP STATION BCI MINERALS LIMITED 2. SALT WASH PLANT 3. SOP PROCESS PLANT 4. PORT/TRANSHIPPER 1 Planned lump sum packages include those awarded under Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC), Design and Construct (D&C) contracts, which are subject to assumptions which may vary. Some packages have not completed a tender process, which may vary contractual features. 14#15Strong Financial Metrics Annuity-style cash flow >60 years¹ with material upside BCI CAPITAL COST (A$954M real) A$789M direct A$165M indirect & contingency FINANCIALS6 MINERALS LIMITED OPERATING COST (60 year average, real) ■ Salt A$21.50/t FOB² NPV: A$1,561M ■ EBITDA: A$256Mpa (Salt ~72%; SOP ~28%) ■ IRR: 15.5% ■ SOP A$337/t FOB² PRICE (60 year average) ■ Salt: US$39/t FOB³ (A$55/t4) - ~60% margin ■ SOP: US$573/t FOB 5 (A$819/t4) - ~60% margin 60-year Cumulative Cashflow: >A$13B ¹With upside based on an inexhaustible seawater resource and obtaining additional approvals 2All-in sustaining opex ³Roskill (July 2021) CIF price forecast less Braemar long term freight forecast (June 2020) 4 FX: 0.70 5Argus (July 2021) price forecast 6Pre-tax, ungeared, real 15#16CIF eq. Cost (US$/t) 10 20 30 30 Shandong Solar 40 50 60 Salt Cost Curve - Contestable Market BCI MINERALS LIMITED Mardie will be a low-cost supplier of salt into contestable¹ Asian market Mardie with SOP Credit Tianjin Solar Chinese Rock 1st Tier Australia 1-2 0 20 40 Mardie Salt Only Australia 3-4 India Ist Tier Australia 5 India 2nd Tier MARGINAL COST Chinese Rock 2nd Tier 60 Cumulative Capacity (Mt) Mexican India 3rd Tier Chile 80 100 120 Chinese Rock 3rd Tier Other ■ Mexican solar salt and Chinese rock salt the marginal cost suppliers to most Asian markets (~US$35/t) ■ Mardie will be cost competitive with all Australian salt operations² ■ When SOP margin treated as a by-product credit, Mardie becomes one of the lowest cost salt producers ¹Cost curve limited to contestable market where the Mardie project is expected to compete on delivered cost and quality, including coastal China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and South East Asia ²Roskill (December 2020), BCI analysis 16#17Funding for Development and Ramp-up BCI MINERALS Up to $360M of new equity and Convertible Notes to be issued¹ LIMITED Forms part of BCI's $460M total equity contribution to the Mardie Project, subject to shareholder approvals Additional to the recently secured $740M of Mardie Project debt² $740M NAIF³ $490M 62% EFA4 $110M BCI Minerals Limited 38% Up to $460M Total funding up to ~$1.2 billion Banks $140M5 Mardie Salt & Potash Project Banks Support Facilities $170M5 Placement up to $240M SPP $20M+ Con Notes Series 2&3 up to $100M Cash, Earnings & Corporate Debt $100M6 ¹Subject to the conditions of draw 2All facilities remain conditional on formal documentation, securing required tenure & approvals, equity funding, offtake arrangements, and other customary conditions precedent. ³Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility 4 Export Finance Australia 5Aligned with the Asia Pacific Loan Markets Associations' and Loan Market Association's Green Loan Principles. 6Total contribution prior to first Project Debt drawdown subject to future earnings performance of Iron Valley and Corporate debt facility under negotiation. 17#18Positive Stakeholder & Approval Progress BCI Native title agreements in place; Approvals and tenure advanced MINERALS LIMITED GOVERNMENT 園 ENVIRONMENT NATIVE TITLE & HERITAGE ■ NAIF loan of $490M approved ¹ - largest in WA EFA loan of $110M approved¹ ■ Efficient WA Government facilitation across agencies ■ Ministerial Statement approving project implementation (DFS² footprint) Secondary approvals expected within statutory period Preston Consulting MARDIE PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW DOCUMENT MARDIE MINERALS PTY LTD 22 WINE 2020 ASSESSMENT NUMBER: 2167 DOCUMENT NUMBER BCI-MAR-ERD-01 RIVO PREPARED FOR MARDIE MINERALS PTY LTD BY PRESTON CONSULTING PTY LTD BCI MINERALS LIMITED ☐ Approvals for optimisation and expansion footprint during 2022 TENURE ☐ Key Native Title agreements in place ■ Port indigenous land use agreement (ILUA) finalised Pastoral Access Agreement executed ■ Gas pipeline access agreements substantially progressed ■ Port reserve creation underway; Port lease documents being negotiated with Pilbara Ports Authority (PPA) ¹Refer to ASX Announcement dated 15 October 2021 titled '$740M Mardie Project Debt Funding Secured'. 2Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) 18#19Sustainability Focus BCI A multigenerational project with significant environmental and stakeholder benefits MINERALS LIMITED 5. PROVIDE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT More than 6-years LTI free workplace Well planned site accommodation supporting livability, security and mental health 1. HARNESS RENEWABLE RESOURCES Inexhaustible seawater resource Hybrid power solutions 4. PROMOTE COMMUNITY PROSPERITY Karratha office established; encourage regional living 500 construction jobs and 220 ongoing operating jobs Taxes & Royalties: >$9Bn¹ Local and indigenous contracting prioritised PEOPLE & SAFETY 1. Harness Renewable Resources 2. MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE 99% of energy derived from solar and wind ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE 5. Provide a Safe Environment BCI MINERALS Sustainability Principles 2. Mitigate Climate Change Promote Community 4. Prosperity 3. Maximise Value, Minimise Waste COMMUNITIES 3.MAXIMISE VALUE, MINIMISE WASTE Australian first to produce SOP fertiliser from seawater using salt circuit waste No landscape scarring, no mine pits, no waste dumps and no large-scale dewatering 160-year period based on OFS - refer ASX Announcement dated 21 April 2021 titled 'Mardie Optimisation Results: Increased Production and Improved Economics' 2 KPMG Energy Report (March 2020) 19#20Indicative Project Schedule BCI MINERALS LIMITED 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Q1 Q2 | Q3 | Q4 Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 Q1 Q2 | Q3 | Q4 H1 | H2 H1 | H2 Early Works; Approvals¹ Funding FID² OFFTAKE CONTRACTS NEGOTIATED EQUITY CONTRIBUTION MAIN CONSTRUCTION START PONDS CRYSTALLISERS PORT DEBT PERIOD GROW SALT INVENTORY SALT PLANT 1Based on plans as outlined in Definitive Feasibility Study, Optimised Feasibility Study approvals during 2022; 2Final Investment Decision FIRST SALT ON SHIP GROW SOP INVENTORY SOP PLANT FIRST SOP ON SHIP 20#21Mardie will become a Tier 1 Project Large scale, low cost and long operating life BCI MINERALS LIMITED 国 ROBUST MARKETS; QUALITY PRODUCTS High purity salt (>99.5% NaCl) ■ Premium SOP fertiliser (>52% K₂O) ■ Strong growth in Asian salt and global SOP markets ■ Robust Salt & SOP price increases during 2021 K > لا کا LARGE SCALE, MULTI-GENERATIONAL Largest Australian salt project ■ 3rd largest globally ■ 60+ year life² Expansion potential SUSTAINABLE ■ 60+ year life² ■ Seawater is an inexhaustible resource ■ 99% of energy from wind and sun³ ■ Secondary processing of waste brines to produce SOP $ LOW COST; STRONG CASHFLOWS Lowest quartile salt operating cost (incl. SOP credits) Ability to ship large vessels provides cost advantage ~$13Bn cashflow4 over 60 years² ■ Long term annuity of ~$250Mpa EBITDA STRONG STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT $360M successful capital raising Strong support from cornerstone investors Wroxby, AustralianSuper and Ryder $600M Government funding via NAIF, EFA¹ ■ $310M Green Commercial Facilities 1Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF), Export Finance Australia (EFA) 2Subject to Mining and Port Leases being extended ³Based on KPMG energy study 4Pre-tax, ungeared, real 21#22Why Invest in BCI? Steady Capital Growth; Significant Mardie upside potential BCI 160% return on investment since November 2019 MINERALS LIMITED BCI SHARE PRICE ($/sh) $0.175 Nov 2019 $0.25 Nov 2020 $70 Nov 2019 $0.4551 Nov 2021 $0.455¹ Pro Forma Up 160%¹ BCI MARKET CAP ($M) $150 Nov 2020 $273 Nov 2021 $5481,3 Pro Forma Up 680%3 BCI CASH ($M) $43 Nov 2019 $81 Nov 2020 $1062 Nov 2021 $3623 Pro Forma Up 740%³ Shareholder approval required for resolutions at the EGM on 20 December 2021 ¹Based on share price of $0.455/sh as at 24 November 2021 2Cash balance as at 16 November 2021 3Subject to shareholder approvals of all resolutions at the EGM on 20 December 2021. Shares on issue post equity raise of ~1,205M. Pro Forma cash based on 16 November 2021 cash balance plus net proceeds from placement + SPP of ~$256M 22#23MINERALS LIMITED Appendices BCI MINERALS LIMITED MARDIE Salt & Potash#24Corporate Structure Strong Balance Sheet and Supportive Shareholders Capital Structure (Pre-raise) Board of Directors² Shares on Issue 599.96M Brian O'Donnell Share Price (24 Nov-2021) $0.455 Alwyn Vorster 6-month liquidity (24 Nov-2021) $59.5M Michael Blakiston Market Capitalisation¹ $273.0M Jennifer Bloom Cash at Bank (16-Nov-21) $106.2M Richard Court Debt (16-Nov-21) Nil Garret Dixon Enterprise Value $166.8M Chris Salisbury BCI MINERALS LIMITED Non-Executive Chairman Managing Director Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Top Shareholders (Pre-raise) 12 Month Share Price Performance Australian Capital Equity (Wroxby) 39.5% Price ($) Volume (m) $0.70 4.5 Sandon Capital 6.0% 4.0 $0.60 3.5 Ryder Capital Management 4.3% $0.50 3.0 Ryder Capital Limited 3.2% $0.40 2.5 2.0 $0.30 Trojan Investment Management 3.1% 1.5 $0.20 Top 20 Shareholders 64.8% 1.0 $0.10 0.5 Board & Management 1.2% Total number of shareholders 7,282 Nov-20 Jan-21 Mar-21 May-21 Jul-21 Sep-21 Nov-21 Volume Share Price ¹Based on 599.96M shares (pre-raise) 2Refer pages 27 and 28 for Director and Management Team credentials 24#25Funding Provided By Iron Valley Royalty BCI MINERALS LIMITED Royalty payments provide funding support for Mardie construction Quarterly royalty earnings from operating agreement with Mineral Resources Ltd (ASX: MIN) ■ Iron Valley royalty earnings forecast to provide additional funding to first Project debt drawdown 1H 2023 ■ 68Mt Reserves¹; Potential mine life of ~10 years ■ Since first production in 2014: IRON VALLEY MINE - BCI received revenue: $490M - BCI received EBITDA: $170M - Average 6.4Mtpa shipped - 55% lump ore; 59% Fe average ■ Record BCI EBITDA of $69.5M in FY21; $17.1M in Q1 FY22 KEY IRON VALLEY PARAMETERS DETERMINING EBITDA TO BCI² Iron Ore Price (CFR 62% Fe, US$/dmt) Annual EBITDA (A$M) 80 100 120 140 5.0 5 11 20 37 Tonnes Shipped (Mt, wet) 5.5 6 12 22 40 40 6.0 6 13 24 44 6.5 7 14 26 48 48 7.0 7 15 28 51 ¹Refer BCI announcement dated 12 October 2021 "Iron Valley Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" 2Based on AUD:USD of 0.73, 23% product discount to CFR 62% Fe price (based on 25 current pricing), freight rate of US$20/dmt (based on current vessels and rates)#26Mardie Production Process¹ 7. Transhipper 6. 2.4km (12,000t) Jetty 8. Ocean Going Vessel (up to Capesize) 9. Export EXPORT GLOBAL LINE 28km 4. Salt Wash Plant 5. Salt Stockpiles 99% Sun and Wind Energy BCI MINERALS LIMITED SEA WATER INLET 2. C. SOP Storage Shed B. SOP Process Plant A. KTMS² Crystallisers (5km²) Evaporation 3b. Secondary Salt Crystallisers (6km²) 3a. Primary Salt Crystallisers (16km²) 1. Main Seawater Pump Station (6 pumps) Ponds (88km²) ¹Refer blue-coloured labels for salt process and green for SOP process. SOP is exported in 10,000t parcels via the jetty, transhipper and onto ocean going vessels for export to customers ²Kainite Type Mixed Salt 26#27BCI Board of Directors Brian O'Donnell NON-EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN Banking and investment background ■ Director, Finance and Investments - Australian Capital Equity (ACE) ■ Numerous current and previous board positions on ASX-listed and private companies Alwyn Vorster MANAGING DIRECTOR Geology, Mineral Economics, MBA ■ Kumba; Rio Tinto; Iron Ore Holdings Geology; Mining; Marketing, Business Development and various CEO roles BCI MINERALS LIMITED Michael Blakiston NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Legal and mining business background ■ Partner in Gilbert + Tobin's Energy + Resources group ■Chair BCI Audit & Risk Cmte and Chair BCI Equity Cmte Jennifer Bloom NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Governance, approvals and business background ■ Senior positions in both the private and public sector ■Chair of BCI Rem & Nom Cmte Richard Court NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ■ Commercial & Political background ■ Former Ambassador to Japan; Premier and Treasurer of Western Australia ■ Former Chair of GRD Minproc, Chair of Iron Ore Holdings, Chair of National Hire Garret Dixon NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ■ Civil engineering background ■ Senior contracting roles (HWE; Mitchell Corp; Watpac - NED) ■ Executive Vice Pres - Alcoa Corp ■Chair of BCI Project Review Cmte Chris Salisbury NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ■ Numerous operational and strategic roles in Rio Tinto (30-years) ■ Rio Tinto Chief Executive - Iron Ore including responsibility for Rio's salt business ■Chair of BCI Sustainability Cmte Susan Park COMPANY SECRETARY ■Commerce and accounting background ■ 25 years' experience in the corporate finance industry ■ Extensive experience in Company Secretarial roles 27#28BCI Executive Team / Key Project Personnel Alwyn Vorster MANAGING DIRECTOR Geology, Mining and MBA degrees ■ Kumba; Rio Tinto; Iron Ore Holdings ■ Geology; Mining; Marketing; Feasibilities; Corporate Development Sam Bennett PROJECT DIRECTOR ■ Civil engineering degree ■ Fortescue; Roy Hill; WSP ■ Construction BCI MINERALS LIMITED Stephanie Majteles GENERAL COUNSEL/JOINT COMPANY SECRETARY ■ Law degree ■Freehills; Rio Tinto ■ Tenure; Approvals; Corporate Simon Hodge CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER¹ ■ Finance degree ■ JP Morgan; Poynton; Quickflix Corporate finance; Investment banking Colyn Louw HEAD OF PEOPLE AND SERVICES ■Commerce and MBA degrees ■ BHP; Roy Hill; Gold Fields People, health & safety, construction and operations 1Simon Hodge becomes Head of Commercial in January 2022; Kerryl Bradshaw joins BCI as CFO in January 2022 Jim Cooper GENERAL MANAGER OPERATIONS ■ Management Diplomas ■ GM Dampier Salt (Rio Tinto); GM Hope Downs (Rio Tinto); GM Boddington (Newmont) Operations; Salt Marketing; Health & Safety DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS TEAMS: John Sofield (GM Project Engineering) ■ Ex Fortescue Future Industries, BHP, Oz Minerals Xavier Coetzee (GM Project Commercial) ■ Ex Roy Hill, Covalent Lithium - Procurement Management Rob Ernst Jr. (GM Marine) ■ Ex BBI Group - Manager of Port and Marine Dale Ettridge (Manager Ops Readiness) ■ Ex Rio/Dampier Salt - Mine Manager; Ops Readiness Alan Perry - (Manager Projects) ■ Ex Rio/Dampier Salt - Regional Mine Manager Angela Glover HEAD OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS ■ Metallurgy degree ■ BBI Group, Atlas, Alcan Gove ■ Heritage; approvals, License to Operate; Government relations ■Based in Karratha MARKETING TEAM: Matthew Gurr (Manager) ■ Ex Rio Tinto - Korea Manager Takashi Kawada (East Asia - Singapore based) ■ Ex Dampier Salt - GM Marketing Kevin Yu (China - Beijing based) ■ Ex Cliffs - China Country Manager; Rio Tinto Trevor Larbey - Logistics ■ Ex Rio Tinto Marine - 35 years shipping 28#29BCI MINERALS LIMITED T +61 8 6311 3400 E [email protected] W Level 1, 1 Altona St West Perth WA 6005 GPO Box 2811 West Perth WA 6872

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