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#1NBB البحرين الوطني National Bank of Bahrain Group Investor Presentation YTD & Q3 2021 Closer to you Licensed by CBB as a conventional Retail Bank#2NBB البحرين الوطنى Financial Performance MES (°°S = (-) SE°°SGD S ¼◊GMSC-SMIEMS IIIE'S SG|||E SASSG)|||E◊✅◊¯¯Ð°S_AS S-02 ||||G»>>>◊E|||| 5&A IIIE'S#3| Disclaimer THE INFORMATION SET OUT IN THIS PRESENTATION AND PROVIDED IN THE DISCUSSION SUBSEQUENT THERETO DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OR SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO BUY OR SELL SECURITIES. IT IS SOLELY FOR USE AT AN INVESTOR OR AGENCY PRESENTATION AND IS PROVIDED AS INFORMATION ONLY. THIS PRESENTATION DOES NOT CONTAIN ALL OF THE INFORMATION THAT IS MATERIAL TO AN INVESTOR OR AGENCY. This presentation has been prepared by (and is the sole responsibility of the National Bank of Bahrain Group, the “Group”). The information herein may be amended and supplemented and may not as such be relied upon for the purposes of entering into any transaction. This presentation may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), distributed or transmitted to any other person without the Group's prior written consent. The information in this presentation and the views reflected therein are those of the Group and are subject to change without notice. All projections, valuations and statistical analyses are provided to assist the recipient in the evaluation of the matters described herein. They may be based on subjective assessments and assumptions and may use one among alternative methodologies that produce different results and, to the extent that they are based on historical information, they should not be relied upon as an accurate prediction of future performance. These materials are not intended to provide the basis for any recommendation that any investor should subscribe for or purchase any security. This presentation does not disclose all the risks and other significant issues related to an investment in any security/transaction. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The Group is under no obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. No person shall have any right of action against the Group or any other person in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this presentation. No person is authorised to give any information or to make any representation not contained in and not consistent with this presentation, and, if given or made, such information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorised by or on behalf of the Group. This presentation does not constitute an offer or an agreement, or a solicitation of an offer or an agreement, to enter into any transaction (including for the provision of any services). No assurance is given that any such transaction can or will be arranged or agreed. Certain statements in this presentation may constitute forward-looking statements. These statements reflect the Group's reasonable expectations or extrapolations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially and may adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans described herein. You are cautioned not to rely on such forward-looking statements. The Group does not assume any obligation to update its view of such risks and uncertainties or to publicly announce the result of any revisions to the forward-looking statements made herein. NBB Exp الوطني S|||EG-)Æ°S (♦♦&\\\\°S_GD°S±¼ŒSME¾°S¾° IEC-S_GD◊_✨GE°°S±¼-(-)D°S = (-) S±°°°S°¦¼‹ 'EM'SM° SADIS◊✅S&|||E◊✓♦GAS (-) S±‹°|||E◊◊&|||| E◊◊°S = (-) S±‹M|||E◊◊G|||E°G (°C 'S&|||E>> BA SHIIIE 03 E -- SK-S'&|||E◊' IIIE'S#4N Financial highlights YTD 2020 vs YTD 2021 Net Interest Margin (NIM) +3% 3.0% YTD 2020 NBB H الوطنى G Strong fundamentals with robust industry-beating NIM Net Profit (BHD millions) 3.1% +6% 43.1 Other Income % to Total Income 45.8 +13% 22.8% 20.1% YTD 2021 YTD 2020 YTD 2021 ESGMSGSE E S YTD 2020 YTD 2021 SCIE SCS_ME◊ SE◊↔E04 ° SSC|||E◊◊ E° Sell SG C% SSES (-)#5| Income statement Pipeline continuing to serve positive results 2020 comparative was pre-covid in Q1 Key Elements (BHD million) NBB SH الوطنى 86.4 +3% 89.2 +21% 52.2 +8% 56.4 56.0 +6% 59.1 YTD 2020 ■ YTD 2021 43.1 +6% 45.8 liiii 21.8 26.3 -57% 14.0 7.3 6.0 0.2 Net Interest Income Other Income Operating Expenses Operating Profit Loan Provisions Other Provisions Net Profit ESGMSGSE >E'S S E SG- C% SSES (-) S SCIE SSC|||E◊◊ S SCS_ME◊ SE↔E05 9 E° Sell#6ECL coverage Cost of risk returns to normalised levels Strong coverage and provision buffers in preparation for the loan deferral period ending Cost of Risk Coverage Ratios s -71% NBB H الوطنى 1.21% 53.4% 54.8% 89.9% 92.1% 0.35% FY 2020 8.5% 8.5% 0.5% 0.5% Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 3 Including Collateral FY 2020 YTD 2021 G SX ESGGE'S SG SSES (-) S SCIE SSC|||E◊◊ - SCS_ME◊ SE◊↔E06 90 E° E Sell#7| KPI ratios 10.6% FY 2020 NBB H الوطني ROE G Industry leading metrics Cost and revenue synergies remain available to drive c-to-l ratio lower 11.7% +10% YTD 2021 1.2% ROA Cost to Income 1.4% +17% 48.8% +2% 47.8% FY 2020 YTD 2021 ESGMSGSE E S S SSES SG S S SCIE (-) SSC|||E◊◊ FY 2020 YTD 2021 SCS_ME◊ SE↔E07 E° % Sell#8Balance sheet highlights Strong liquid balance sheet Positive demand for asset and liability products on award winning platform Assets (BHD millions) Liabilities and Equity (BHD millions) ■ FY 2020 YTD 2021 +34% 931.4 697.6 +4% 2,266.4 2,173.1 -9% 1,231.4 1,116.2 4,548.1 3,328.7 4,361.4 3,084.3 +4% Liquid Assets Loans Investments Total Assets NBB H الوطنى ESGMSGSE S E SG SSES SE (-) S SCIE SSC|||E◊◊ ■FY 2020 YTD 2021 +8% 526.3 526.3 Customer Deposits Equity SCS_ME◊ SE◊◊¯\\E 08 E E° ° O Sell#9Funding +7% NBB H الوطني Diversified funding Strong attraction for depositors Demand Deposits (BHD millions) Time and Call Deposits (BHD millions) 1,743.5 1,864.9 +9% FY 2020 YTD 2021 < G SK E S S SSES SE 1,463.8 1,340.8 FY 2020 YTD 2021 GSME◊ SCIE E SCS_ME◊ E09 60 A◊◊ 50 SG (-) SSC|||E◊◊ E° O Sell#10Balance sheet metrics Capital and liquidity positioned for growth Dominant industry metrics, and historically low NPL NBB H الوطني NPL and Capital FY 2020 YTD 2021 5.1% 4.9% NPL Ratio 14.0% 12.5% Liquidity 22.3% 20.2% 394.9% 343.6% ■FY 2020 ■ YTD 2021 CAR 100% 144.9% 146.8% Average Daily LCR NSFR 2º EGGSE'S SS SG ° G S E SSES SCIE SCS_ME◊ SE◊−10 OE10 E SE (-) G-S SSC|||E◊◊ E° ° O Sell#11NBB S الوطنى Sustainability Key achievements of the third quarter MES (°°S = (-) SE°°SGD S ¼◊GMSC-SMIEMS IIIE'S SG|||E SASSG)|||E◊✅◊¯¯Ð°S_AS S-11 ||||G»>>>◊E|||| IIIE'S#12| Key Achievements of the Third Quarter 2021 Middle East's Best Bank for Corporate Responsibility ■NBB has been awarded with Middle East's Best Bank for Corporate Responsibility by Euromoney ■This accomplishment was achieved on the back of numerous factors, including: Establishment of the Sustainability Strategy ☐ Contribution to the community and individuals during COVID-19 Enhancing the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, ■ Talent and Training NBB H الوطنى ESGMSGSE SG S C% SSES E (-) NBB Middle East's Best Bank for Corporate Responsibility 2021 SCIE SCS_ME◊ S SE◊↔E12 SSC|||E◊◊ E° Sell#13| Key Achievements of the Third Quarter 2021 Financial Literacy Programme for SMEs NBB announced a series of financial awareness and educational sessions catered towards SMEs ■This initiative falls within the Bank's focus on spreading financial literacy and is aligned with its overall sustainability strategy The first session was in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism ("MOICT") These sessions have been put in place in order to cover a wide range financial topics including: Transaction Banking Structured finance Wages Protection System ("WPS") ☐ Taxation NBB H الوطنى B Ok let's go to the topic of the certificate ESGMSGSE SG S E C% SSES SCIE SCS_ME◊ SE◊−13 (-) SSC|||E◊◊ E° Sell#14| Key Achievements of the Third Quarter 2021 Overall Training Enhancing the workforce's knowledge, skills and mindset is one of the fundamental focus areas for NBB ■ Key accomplishments achieved include: Training provided to 97% of total employees Average Training per employee has reached 38 hours per employee ■ Sustainability related training has been provided to 65% of the total workforce, marking a 64% increase from the full year of 2020 NBB H الوطنى Romadas Compt عن العمل الوان IRON Sorry line ESGMSGSE S SG S C% SSES SCIE SCS_ME◊ S SE◊↔E14 ° E (-) SSC|||E◊◊ E° Sell#15| Key Achievements of the Third Quarter 2021 Key Sponsorships Injaz's Mobile Application: ■ NBB continues to extend its robust support to the community and its various pillars ■ Supporting a culture of volunteerism, NBB sponsored Injaz in the creation of an application that rewards volunteers for hours spent in the development of the community Digital Marketing Award: ■NBB's support towards digitalization reflect its belief in the creation of a better ecosystem for future generations ■NBB sponsored the Excellence in Digital Marketing Award Edition of the Annual Young Entrepreneurs Competition Abdulla Adnan Al Ansari INJAZ Bahrain Cam to unlock No Schedules 10 Get start tying રા NBB H الوطنى ESGMSGSE SG S C% SSES SCIE SCS_ME◊ SE◊−15 9 E (-) SSC|||E◊◊ E° Sell#16| Key Achievements of the Third Quarter 2021 Responsible Sourcing ■ A thriving economy is built upon solid partnerships ■NBB's contribution towards building reliable partnerships is solidified through the selection of local vendors as partners of choice ■ Key figures of NBB's ongoing Responsible Sourcing are: 77% of active suppliers are local 24% of these suppliers are SMEs 8% of these SME categorized suppliers are women-owned 72% of procurement spending have gone on local suppliers NBB H الوطنى да ESGMSGSE S S SG C% SSES SCIE SCS_ME◊ SE◊◊↔E16 E (-) SSC|||E◊◊ E° O Sell#17NBB | Q&A البحرين الوطني Closer to you Licensed by CBB as a conventional Retail Bank

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