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#1ASTRAKHAN AGGLOMERATION MASTER PLAN OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#2ASTRAKHANIN A GLOBAL CONTEXT The intersection of cultures and borders, transport communications and landscapes make the Astrakhan region and its most populated and developed part, the Astrakhan agglomeration, a unique region for the whole of Russia. EUROPE Volgograd Rostov-on-Don Stavropol MOSCOW KAZAKHSTAN Atirau Astrakhan CHINA KASPIAN SEA BLACK SEA Derbent GEORGIA Actau Baku IRAN OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#3ASTRAKHANIN THE ALL- RUSSIAN CONTEXT subject of the Russian Federation characterized by an exclave position Priority territories according to the strategy of spatial development of Russia. The Astrakhan region is included in the border belt, but not highlighted as a priority geostrategic territory Kaliningrad Crimea North Caucasus Astrakhan subject of the Russian Federation located in the North Caucasus priority geostrategic territories; Border geostrategic territories: -subjects of the Russian Federation bordering on the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as on other countries or countries of the European Union: - subjects of the Russian Federation bordering on the countries of the European Union; - subjects of the Russian Federation bordering the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union; - subjects of the Russian Federation bordering other countries. Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Vladivostok subject of the Russian Federation located in the Far East OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#4BOUNDARIES ASTRAKHAN AGLOMERATIONS We have given proposals on changing the boundaries of the Astrakhan agglomeration and including in its composition a part of rural settlements of the Kharabalinsky and Enotaevsky districts and excluding a part of sparsely populated territories 14 420 sq. km. 732 people Условные обозначения / legend - граница Астраханской области (предлагаемая) / the proposed border of the Astathon agglomeration Srednevolzhsky Village Council Zamyansky Village Council - административная граница Астраханской агломерации (предлагаемая), включающая территорию между пустынным и ильменно- CуrыMAHALLтáм/administrative boundary of the Astrakhan agglomeration (proposed, including the terrory between the desert and imen-hillock landscapes - административная граница Астраханской агломерации (существующая), включаюшая территорию между пустынным и ильменно- Сугровым ландшафтами and men-flock and administrative boundary of the Astrakhan agglomeration (existing), including the territory between the desert - граница района / district border -узел агломерации / agglomeration побе ЕНОТАЕВСКИЙ РАЙОН ENOTAEVSKY REGION ХАРАБАЛИНСКИЙ РАЙОН HARABALINSKY REGIOI Volnensky Village Council Rechnovsky Village Council Zavolzhsky Village Council Hosheutovsky Village Council НАРИМАНОВСКИЙ РАЙОН NARIMANOVSKY REGION КРАСНОЯРСКИЙ РАЙОН KRASNOYARSKY REGION. ЕГО АСТРАХАНЬ ASTRAKHAN ВОЛОДАРСКИЙ РАЙОН ПРИВОЛЖСКИЙ РАЙОН VOLODARSKY REGION ИКРЯНИНСКИЙ РАЙОН IKRYANINSKY REGION КАМЫЗЯКСКИЙ РАЙОН KAMYZYAKSKY REGION ЛИМАНСКИЙ РАЙОН LIMANSKY REGION Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#5PRIORITY AREAS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASTRAKHAN AGGLOMERATION INNOVATIVE PRODUCTION ENERGY RESOURCES A NEW ENVIRONMENT FOR LIVING HEALTH TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS AGRICULTURE mm АСТРАХАНЬ 32 EDUCATION AND SCIENCE INFRASTRUCTURE CULTURE AND COMMUNICATIONS TOURISM OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#6A NEIGHBORHOOD OF TRADITIONAL AND ALTERANT ENERGY SOURCES The extraction of hydrocarbon resources and the development of traditional energy sources have always been one of the leading specializations of the Astrakhan agglomeration. The master plan assumes further responsible development of traditional energy sources and the development of alternative energy, taking into account the peculiarities of the Astrakhan climate and landscapes ЭНЕРГОРЕСУРСЫ ENERGY RESOURSES OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#7PRESERVATION OF EXISTING SPECIALIZATIONS, DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIONS The industrial complex of the agglomeration will develop due to the intensification of production while maintaining modern specialization in mechanical engineering and the food industry. ИННОВАЦИОННОЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВО INNOVATIVE PRODUCTION OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#8СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО AGRICULTURE OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, TA SCA studio, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#9ЗОНА ПРОНЫенной элетронки ЗОНА КУЛЬТОВЫХ СООРУЖЕНИ Вона вузовская - ЗОНА ЖИЛОЙ ЗАСТРОЙКИ - ЗОНА КОНнеческих объектов - ЗОНА ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ ОРГАНИЗАций ЗОНА СПОРТИВНЫХ СООРУЖЕНИЙ ЗОНА Торговых объектов ПЛАН Конграсс ЦЕНТРА thesalny конгресс-центр КОНГРЕСС-центра литр зна Миферен CXENA WILHOITO Зочени CHA MORE CHRY TENEAN nereck Прорыв треличия пения пед СХЕМА ДОРОМко пеколенного перваяния сменой пер * кафе Перем • besne pompous TATHERA JENERA ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И НАУКА EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, TA SCA studio, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#10INTERUNIVERSITYSCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONALCLUSTER (CAMPUS) ТПУ "Университет" The master plan proposed the placement of a new inter-university research and educational center (campus) with a student city, university buildings and public spaces on the territory adjacent to the existing site of the university /ул. Латышева 5 [ JL ул. 28-й армии Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) ו ד 1 - остановочная площадка городской железной дороги 2- перехватывающая парковка 3 - конечная остановка трамвая 4 - кампус АГУ (сущ.) 5 - кампус АПУ (сущ.) 6 - кампус научно-образовательного центра (проект.) 7 - жилые комплексы (проект.) 8 - Торговые центры (сущ.) 500 M 1 ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ И НАУКА EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ул. Авиационная OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S 0 200 ப TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#11TRANSPORT FRAME ASTRAKHAN AGLOMERATIONS The development of the transport framework is assumed due to the strengthening of meridional and the appearance of latitudinal links, the construction of new bridge crossings, and the optimization of the route network. Major events: • by passes of Astrakhan, Narimanov, Krasny Yar, Ikryanoy; 2032 Project 2032 • 2 bridges over the Volga in Astrakhan; the rocky road in the Delta; • decrease in the number of "out-of-the-way" villages 40 Existing 00 Жлезные дороги / Ralroad rocks AmX/A/Railway lines Реконструируемые / Reconstructed Ж/А, мосты / Rollway bridges Реконструируемые/Reconstructed Автодорги/ Highways Автодороги международного федерального значения / Highways of intermetional and federal Importance Главные дороги агломерации / Main roads of the agglomeration Второстепенные автодороги / Minor roadl Мосты и путепроводы / Bridges and overpasses Водный транспорт /Water trans Морские пути /Sea pures Мерской пассажирский порт / sec passenger por Морские пути / Sea roules Речные порты Riverpos Речные пути / Вiver patts Парамый понтонные мосты / Femies and pontoon bridges 4 в т.ч. реконструируемые /nc. reconstructed Населенные пункты не имеющие наземной и транспортной свки / Рормалей areas not occupied by land and transport communications в т.ч. получившие связь с внешним миром в результселе реслиюции мастер-алено/ incl: received communication with the outside word as a result of the implementation of the plan Посадочные площадки / Landing pad Asponopr "Acipoxas"/ Arport Astrakhan Территории не имеющие наземной транспортной связи с транспортным каркасом на период реализациям machen /iransport links with a transport fame for the implementation of the В том числе получившие наземную связь с внешним миром в результате реалтизации мOCTеp-лCHO/Territories do not use land Including those who received ground communication with the world as a result of the implementaion ЭЛИСТА НОВОРОССИЙСК ЭЛИСТА НОВОРОССИЙСК ТРАНСПОРТ И ЛОГИСТИКА TRANSPORT AND LOGISTIC KAJAXCTAH АТЫРАУ КАЗАХСТАН#12TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AGGLOMERATION The master plan provides for a change in the model of transport services for the agglomeration, the introduction of an intermodal system of regional transport with regional centers as transport hubs and with an orientation to peripheral transport hubs in the core of the agglomeration ЭЛИСТА EUSTA BOAгC GRAD НАРИМАНОВ NARMANOV АКТУБИ КУБИНС KAPAK KOHOR ИКРЯНОЕ KRVAROYE AMMAH OPAHNSTON MAN a CTAPOBOACKSP Розино DIATRIC SADATE AMINO КРАСНЫЙ ЯР АТЫРАУ ATYRAU KRASNY YAR HANANDBO ВОЛОДАРСКИЙ VOLODARSKY KAMERK CEMAR ПОДНЕВНОЕ ТАНДична поховский Условные обозначения: ROCKPICHOMA A Маршруты автобусов, обслуживаемые! bus roules served by --------PSHOE"/"CREANOYE 31 HAPHMAHOB/NARIMANOV: DIY PACHUP/KRASNY TAK: "HATANOBO/NACHALOVO "AMAH/MAN Ty "ACTPAXAH-2/"ASTRAKHAN-2 - ТПУ "КАМЫЗЯК" / "САМУСТАК На ТПУ "СТАРЫЙ МОСТ / MOLD BROCE Iny ROADMAPCKHT/VOLODARSKY центральный вокзал города Астрахани / central station of the city of Astrakhan -линии и станции городской железной дороги / lines and stations of the city railway -линии и станция пригородных поездов / suburban train lines and stations транспортно пересадочные узлы города Астрахани обслуживающие пригородные nepescase/transport hubs in the city of Ashalton serving suburban transportation: -прочие транспортно-пересадочные узлы / other transport hubs -маршруты и направления движение междугородных и международных свтобусов. / routes and directors of movement of intercity and international buses: -туристический маршрут (кольцевой) / tourist route (circulars -napow/lenies Agglomeration route network diagram ТРАНСПОРТ И ЛОГИСТИКА TRANSPORT AND LOGISTIC A fundamental model of transport services for an agglomeration חד OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S тпу TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#13TRANSPORT FRAME OF THE AGLOMERATION CORE Provided: ⚫differentiation of highways for working with urban transport; ⚫construction of a high- speed highway along the railway line; deep high-speed input on the street. Latysheva; ⚫construction of the new Old Bridge; ⚫closure of the City Ring through Moldavskaya street ЭЛИСТА зоны ИКРЯНО РАСКА ИКАДЬ БАРРИК ВОЛГОГРАД уго моста 1000 ЮЖНЫЙ ОБХОД AKCAPAйCKAЯ....... ФУНТОВО ВОСТОЧНЫЙ ОБХОД КРАСНЫЙ ЯР ТПУ "Мостострой Divog d→ p. lapes Ep→→ НАЧАЛО ЧАЛОВО НАЧАЛОВО Scheme of TPU <<Vokzal>> ТРАНСПОРТ И ЛОГИСТИКА TRANSPORT AND LOGISTIC 500 m ул. Анри Борбк бюса ул. Академика Королевс р. Кутум пл. Карла Маркса OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S ул. Н. Островского ул. Якутска Scheme of TPU <<Stary Most>> нкова ул. Яблоч ул. Вокзальная#14TRANSPORTATION SERVICE ASTRAKHAN The master plan provides for a change in the ideology of transport services for the center of the agglomeration, a clear differentiation of public transport into main and supply transport, the introduction of an intermodal system with a single electronic ticket ТРУСОВО TRUSOVO СОЛЯНКА SOLYANKA ПРАВЫЙ БЕРЕГ 0 RIGHT BANK O МОСТОСТРОЙ MOSTOSTROY ЯЛИНСКАЯ YALINSKAYA р. Кизань БОЕВАЯ BOYEVAYA р. Царев АЭРОПОРТ THE AIRPORT АСТРАХАНЬ-2 ASTRAKHAN-2 УНИВЕРСИТЕТ CAMPUS кутум KUTUM р. Царев р. Кривая Болда BOCTOK EAST ТЕХНОПАРК TECHNOPARK МЕДГОРОДОК MEDGORODOK СОФЬЯ ПЕРОВСКАЯ SORA PETROVSKAYA p Кутум ЮГО-ВОСТОК SOUTHEAST р. Прямая Болла САДОВАЯ SADOVAYA ТРИ ПОТОКА THREE STREAMS ТРАНСПОРТ И ЛОГИСТИКА TRANSPORT AND LOGISTIC зона центральная застройка многоквартирные дома индивидуальная застройка загородная застройка действия единого 3A. Пу Условные обозначения / legend: В магистральные маршруты трамвая / main tram rouless - магистральные маршруты автобуса / main bus routes: - подвозящие маршруты / Incomingrouts: водный автобус / water bus: - городская железная дорога / city railway: транспортно пересадочные узли /frorsport hub - крупные конечные остановки магистральных маршрутов / single terminal stops of main routes - конгресс-центр / congress center: - Астраханский кремль / Astrcknan Kremin: -Teap/theares - университет / universty: - спортсооружение / sports facility - торговые тентры и рынки / shopping mals and markets: - паромный прикал / тесту рег -центральный стадион / central Stadium. A 800 м max 150 м max 500 M OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.)#15CITY RAILWAY It is planned to create a city railway between the stations Astrakhan-2 and Trusovo with 8 intermediate stops using two-car trains of RA-3 rail buses MODERN TRAM A modern tram should become the basis for intracity transportation as an environmentally friendly transport with a large carrying capacity. It is proposed to operate 4 routes with the city ring and departure lines to the airport, the University and to the former Kirov shipyard NEW OLD BRIDGE Reconstruction of the Old Bridge for double- track railway traffic and the construction of a new road bridge across the Volga nearby 5.00 5.00 16,00 5.00 Profile on the new Old Bridge 5,00 0,75 ТРАНСПОРТ И ЛОГИСТИКА TRANSPORT AND LOGISTIC Cross-sections for tramway streets Существующий / Existing Существующий / Existing Ул. Академика Королева / Academician Korolevast. Проектный / Planning Ул. Красная Набережная / Red Embankment st. Проектный / Planning 3.50 3.50 Ул. Академика Королева / Academician Koroleva st. Старый мост / Old bridge Новый старый мост / New old bridge OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) Ул. Красная Набережная / Red Embankment st.#16SET OF PRINCIPLES Making cultural heritage properties active means putting them into use and bringing them to life through different preservation and valorization approaches. Because activities encourage and assure the preservation of the heritage properties, it's important to propose resilient uses of them (to various social, economical and environmental changes). ENSURE THE PRIORITIZATION OF RESTORATION ACTIVITIES FOR HERITAGE SITES IN SELECTED REGENERATION ZONES AND TERRITORIES, THROUGH A STRONG STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT APPROACH AND INNOVATIVE KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE MODELS BETWEEN DIFFERENT URBAN ACTORS GROUPS IN ORDER TO CREATE WELL PRESERVED SPACES" AND CONDITIONS TO PROVIDE GOOD IMPLEMENTATION PRACTICES SUPPORT A DYNAMIC, INTEGRATED AND RESPONSIBLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THEMATIC HISTORICAL HERITAGE ROUTES IMPLEMENTATION THAT TAKES INTO ACCOUNT BOTH THE HERITAGE PROPERTIES INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF EACH SETTLEMENT AND INNOVATIVE AWARENESS RAISING AND LOCAL EMPOWERMENT AND COOPERATION ACTIVITIES AND METHODS. 2 # PRESERVE AND PROMOTE THE INTEGRITY AND AUTHENTICITY OF THE HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT OF EACH POINT OF GROWTH IN THE REGION WITH THEIR DIVERSITY AND TYPOLOGIES, AFTER A SOLID ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR HIGH VALUE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL FOR ENSURING APPROPRIATE RE-USE AND RE-PURPOSE PRACTICES. DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE AND CREATIVE CULTURAL DISTRICTS, THAT WILL FUNCTION AS A CONNECTION NETWORK OF DIFFERENT HERITAGE RESOURCES, INTEGRATED WITH COMPLEMENTARY SECTORS INTERVENTIONS (TOURISM, CCI, SOCIAL SERVICES) AND SUPPORTED BY PILOT CO-CREATION ACTIONS WITH LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BODIES. DEVELOP A UNIQUE AND DIVERSIFIED IDENTITY OF ASTRAKHAN AGGLOMERATION, THAT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE DIFFERENT CULTURAL IDENTITY AND AUTHENTICITY OF EACH SETTLEMENT AND THEIR SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL IN ORDER TO CREATE A HOLISTIC AND WELL BALANCED APPROACH. CAPITALIZE THE POTENTIAL OF HERITAGE TO MAKE THE ASTRAKHAN REGION INCLUSIVE, SAFE, RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE FOR CURRENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS BOTH LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND TOURISTS. 6 4 КУЛЬТУРА И КОММУНИКАЦИИ CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#17Ансамбль водонспорной башни и станции, 1910-1911 rt. Усадьба Сундукова С.Г., 1897г.. орк. Домонтович К.К. Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Порсидское торговое подворье, Дом Коргинс С.ИЦС 1910 г. Asarosa A.A.J, KOH. XX. -1 Ансамбль Астраханского Казенного очистного винного CKACAC 1898-1901 r. OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S Land plots in respect of which agreements on development of КУЛЬТУРА И КОММУНИКАЦИИ CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION architectural heritage and construction of new buildings in context and scale of the historic environment; design and saturation of the historic fabric of the city on principles of mixed-use development) Formation of perimeter buildings with facades along the red line of historic quarters on territories of demolished emergency buildings (in accordance with urban planning regulations developed on the basis of comprehensive scientific research); restoration and adaptation of cultural heritage sites as encumbrances in investment agreements Low-rise residential buildings with preservation of volume-spatial characteristics of historic architecture; preservation of cultural heritage sites and valuable city-forming buildings of quarterly historic fabric Potential objects (of cultural heritage) for adaptation to tourist complexes and innovative clusters Strategic territories as pilots for preservation and regeneration of the historical and urban planning environment Object of cultural heritage that need to be preserved in the first place (to carry out measures for conservation, repair, restoration and adaptive reuse Historic streets, along which it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive program of restoration of the appearance of the street front and improvement in the first place (as part of the development of the city's tourism potential) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) ☐ TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#18STRATEGY FOR PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF ASTRAKHANI SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND URBAN COMMUNITY Creation of a scientific and practical consortium to finalize the project of a his- torical settlement and develop a sustain- able development project for the center of Astrakhan Design organi- zations from St. Petersburg and ✓ ATACY✓ ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL LEVEL REVISION AND MODERNIZATION OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM, RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM. DRAINAGE OF THE TERRI- TORY BUSINESS COMMUNITY CREATION OF A UNIFIED INFORMATION PLATFORM FOR THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY AND POTENTIAL INVES TORS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HISTORICAL BUILDINGS OF THE CITY (PRESERVATION AND USE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE OBJECTS) Experts and researchers from Astrakhan URBAN PLANNING REGULATIONS ON THE TERRITORY OF THE HISTORICAL SETTLEMENT ARCHITECTURAL SOLUTIONS FOR NEW CON- STRUCTION IN THE TERRITORY OF A HISTORICAL SETTLEMENT (ALBUM-DESIGNER FOR INVASTORS AND RESIDENTS) CREATION OF A SINGLE INFORMATION RESOURCE DEDICATED TO THE ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE OF AS- TRAKHAN IN ORDER TO POPULARIZE AND EXPAND THE TOURIST POTENTIAL OF THE REGION ATTRACTING VOLUNTEERS OF OBJECTS OF CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE, NATURAL AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 000 LOWERING THE VERTICAL MARK OF THE LEVEL OF ROADS AND SIDEWALKS (DDOT 30-50 CM.) SYN- CHRONZATION OF PROJECTS FOR ROAD REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT DREDGING AND RESTORATION OF THE STRENGTH OF INTERNAL WATERCOURSES (KUTUM AND KANAL RIVERS) IMPROVEMENT OF ECOLOGY REVISION OF APARTMENT BUILDINGS (INCLUDING CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES) FOR MANAGEMENT EFFI- CIENCY AND THE ACCUMULATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS FOR MAJOR REPAIRS. INCLUSION OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN THE CAPITAL REPAIR PROGRAM RELOCATION OF PEOPLE FROM EMERGENCY BUILD- INGS AND DEVELOPMENT OF PROGRAMS FOR THE RESTORATION, RECONSTRUCTION AND REVITALIZATION OF HISTORICAL QUARTERS (SUSTAINABLE DEVELOP- MENT) CO-FINANCING OF CAPITAL REPAIR WORKS SMALL APARTMENT BUILDINGS (UP TO 5 APARTMENTS) WHICH ARE OBJECTS OF CULTURAL HERITAGE AND VALUABLE GARDEN-FORMING OBJECTS CHITECTURAL ELEMENTS (FACADE DECOR) SUBSIDIZING RESTORATION WORK AS PART OF A MAJOR OVERHAUL FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES WITH COMPLEX SCULPTURAL AND AR REGIONAL PROGRAMS FOR THE COMMERCIALIZATION AND PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES AND VALUABLE HISTORIC BUILDINGS COMPREHENSIVE OVERHAUL OF HISTORIC BUILD- INGS FOR SALE ON PREFERENTIAL TERMS TO YOUNG PROFESSIONALS AND YOUNG FAMILIES (PUBLIC-PRI- VATE PARTNERSHIP) INVESTMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HISTORICAL QUARTERS WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF VACANT LAND, RESTORATION OF OBJECTS OF CORN HERITAGE AND RECONSTRUCTION OF VALU- ABLE HISTORICAL BUILDINGS RENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGE SITES FOR 1 RUBLE (PROVISION OF PREFERENTIAL RENT FOR 49 YEARS AFTER REPAIR AND RESTORATION WORK) Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) КУЛЬТУРА И КОММУНИКАЦИИ CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#19STRATEGY SCHEME FOR THE PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE HISTORICAL SETTLEMENT OF ASTRAKHANWITH GRADATION RESTRICTIONS ANDCAPACITY OF TERRITORIES КУЛЬТУРА И КОММУНИКАЦИИ CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION Земельные участки, в отношении которых закачены договора с развитии застроенной территоий / Land plots in respect of which agreements on the development of built-up creas have been concluded Наиболее ценная историческая застройка, обладающая значительным туристическим потенциалом (ремонт или реставрация объектов культурного наследия и градоформирующих исторических зданий: The most valuable historical development with significant tourism potential (repair or restoration of cultural heritage sites and city-forming historical ildings создение исторических кластеров в масштабе свортала, пост of historical градостроительных лакун для восполнения целостного о в целостного облика кварталов)/ creator of clusters on a quarter scale; infil development of city planning gaps to replenish the integral appearance of the quarters) застройка I 1-2 OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) Ревитализация исторических кварталов (сохранение ценного архитектурного наследия и строительство новых зданий в контексте и масштабе исторической среды; проестирование и насыщение сложившейся кони города по принципу многофункционального использования /Revralizaton of historical quarters (preservation of valuable architectural heritage and construction of new buildings in the context and scale of the historical environment; projection and saturation of the existing fabric of the city according to the principle of multifunctional use Формирование периметральной застройки с фасадами по красной линии исторических кварталов на месте снесенных аварийных зданий (в соответствии с градостроительными регламентами, разработанными на основе комплексных научных исследований): реставрация и приспособление Объектов культурного наследия как обременение в инвистиционном соглашении / Formation of perimeter buildings with facades dong the red ine of historical quarters in place of demolished emergency buildings (in accordance with urban planning regulations developed on the basis of comprehensive scientific research): restoration and adaptation of objects of cultural hertage as an encumbrance in the investment agreement Малоэтажная жилая застройка с сохранением объемно-пространственных характеристик исторической архитектуры, сохранение объектов культурного наследия и ценных градостроительныхзданий квартальной застройки / Low-rbe residential buildings with the preservation of the volumetric and spatial characteristics of historical architecture: preservation of cultural heritage objects and valuable town-planning buildings of quarter development TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.)#20INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CENTER To organize a new space for business communications and cultural exchange, it is proposed to build an international exhibition complex on the Airport Highway. The complex consists of an exhibition hall of 20,000 square meters, a congress center, a hotel with 150 seats. Communication with the international Условные обозначения: трамвайная линия (проект.) / tram line пешеходные общественные пространства / public pedestrian spaces проектируемые здания и сооружения / projected buildings and structures 7 airport is carried out using shuttles. Аэропортовский проезд Аэр КУЛЬТУРА И КОММУНИКАЦИИ CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION центр отовское шоссе 1 - выставочный комплекс на 20000 м² / exhibition complex for 20,000 m² 2 - конгресс центр / congress center 3 - открытый сектор выставки / open sector of the exhibition 4-2-этажное здание гостиницы на 150 мест / 2-storey hotel building with 150 beds 5-торговый шентр (суш.) / shopping center (exist.) 6- торговый шенTр (CTP.) / shopping center (under constructions) 10 7 - коммунальные объекты/ communal facilities 8 8 - привокзальная площадь аэропорта/ аirport terminal square 9-A3C/gas station 10- конечная остановка трамвая / tram terminus OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#21STRUCTURE OF PUBLIC SPACES OF THE CENTER OF ASTRAKHAN Реконструируемые НОВАЯ СРЕДА ДЛЯ ЖИЗНИ NEW LIVING ENVIRONMENT рекреационные площади Рекреационная площадь Проектируемые узлы городских пространств Проектируемая набережная Проектируемые линейные пешеходным движением пространства улиц с активным Набережная Линейные пространства улиц с активным пешеходным движением Реконструируемая набережная Узлы городских пространств Общественные пространства в искусственной среде Узлы городских пространств Историко-культурное пространство Астраханского Кремля Общественные пространства в искусственной среде Реконструируемые линейные пространства улиц с активным пешеходным движением Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) L 00 ctc L D Во 3 п OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S CE TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.)#22НОВАЯ СРЕДА ДЛЯ ЖИЗНИ NEW LIVING ENVIRONMENT Public spaces as a weaver of the urban/rural fabric Public space as multicultural support to the sustainable tourism economy - Public space the intersection of cultures, identities, ways of life. Public space as a result of community developed/oriented initiatives - citizens as protagonists in modeling the public space. Public space as a dynamic connector for a new permeability of the city Public spaces with high degree of green areas - places for climate mitigation actions and ecosystemic services improvement. Systemic approach on green infrastructure - Creating a comprehensive network of green planted spaces Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS OKRA OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#23++ 000 LEGEND Renerated collective housing area Cultural and historic representative area Modern public space in relation to education and business centers/ mixed-use developments Natural area - the Island Natural area green field (afforestation) Urban gardens Waterfronts landscape developments Green protective belts Blue network Spegeldammsparken by Nivå Landskapsarkitektur НОВАЯ СРЕДА ДЛЯ ЖИЗНИ NEW LIVING ENVIRONMENT Cultural area: public spaces are suitable for pedestrians, with shared streets highlighting the revitalized buildings and heritage. The urban environment is dynamic, with a high density of services, amenities, restaurants, cafes. Public spaces support a wide variety of public events. Regenerated Urban Development: A sustainably transformed community area. Green spaces are used by the local community in different ways: parks, community gardens, productive gardens, community gardens. The general urban policy in this area is a closed economy at the local level - public spaces are a resource for various urban value chains. Public spaces in new modern urban centers: characterized by the integration of intelligent technologies and adaptation to different contexts and requirements. The spaces are designed to be multifunctional - a place to interact, work and explore.Natural areas are an integral part of public spaces throughout the city: the two main natural areas embedded in the urban fabric are regional attractions - a place to observe and explore nature in the heart of the city. Marktplatz in Bünde by L+) Nature Park Glauer Felder by hochC Landscape Architects OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#24Transformation through community gardening (Ikryanoye village) Water front green corridor transformation (Krasnyy Yar village) Urban regeneration through street reconfiguration (Narimanov) Simple ecologic placemaking intervention (Kamyzyak village) E119x Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) НОВАЯ СРЕДА ДЛЯ ЖИЗНИ NEW LIVING ENVIRONMENT URBAN GARDENING BIODIVERSITY MICROCLIMATE INTERACTION WITH EXISTING PIPES OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA studio, TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#25HOUSING CONSTRUCTION It is proposed to develop various forms of housing constructionHousing stock growth up to 2032: 5900 thousand sq. M.,incl. Astrakhan 76%Housing availability throughout the agglomeration:2020: 25.74 sq.m. person2032: 32.36 sq.m. person. 34,7 2020 27,3 2032 25,9 21,4 Область в целом. Агломерация 18,3 13,8 Астрахань Housing stock, mln. Sq. m. PLISHHOKA УЛ. ТАТИЩЕВА 50 400 Усояние обсначенки 120 НОВАЯ СРЕДА ДЛЯ ЖИЗНИ NEW LIVING ENVIRONMENT ул. Патишья АвицИОННАЯ УЛ. УЛ. 28-й АРМИИ OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#26NEW INFRASTRUCTURE Infrastructure development activities are summarized by areas (industries) and administrative units УСЛОВНЫЕ ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ/CONVENTIONAL DESIGNATIONS ГРАНИЦЫ / BOUNDARIES Граница Российской федерации / Border of the Russian Federation - Граница субъекта РФ /Border of the subject of the Russian Federation Граница муниципального района order of the ammunition district ОБЪЕКТЫ ИНЖЕНЕРНОЙ ИНФРАСТРУКТУРЫ / ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES - Граница городского округа / Border of the urban detricf - Грнанца городского поселения Gmaita urban settlement Граница сельского поселия / Border of a rural settlement Высоковольтные линии электропередачи (первая очередь) / High-voltage power Ines (fest stagel Строительство солнечной электростанции (первая очередь) / High voltage power lines fest stage) Очистные сооружения (планируемые к реконструкции первая очередь / Treatment facities (planned for reconstruction-fest stage Очистные сооружения (планируемые к размещению первая очередь / Treatment facilities (planned for placement)-first stage Водозаборы планируемые к реконструкции) первая очередь / Water intakes (planned for reconstruction)-first stage Водозаборы планируемые к размещению первая очередь / Water int (planned for placement)-fint stage Водоводи (планируемые к размещению) первая очередь / Water pipeines (planned for placement)-fint stage Водоводы планируемые к размещению) первая очередь / Water pipelines (planned for placement) fint s stage Подстанции (строительство первая очередь / Substations (construction) stage Подстанции (реконструкция) первая очередь / Substations (reconstruction stoge Подстанции (реконструкция) долгосрочный период / Substations (reconstruction long term Реконструкция очистных сооружений канализации первая очередь) / Reconstruction of sewage treatment facilities first stage) Реконструкция очистных сооружений канализации (долгосрочный период)/ Reconstruction of sewage treatment facilities Jong-term period) Реконструкция объектов теплоснабжения (первая очередь) / Reconstruction of heat supply facilities (first stage) Строительство объектов теплоснабжения (долгосрочный период) / Const of heat supply foclities (long-tem period) Строительство газораспределительная станция ГРС (первая очередь) / Construction of gas distribution station (first stage Реконструкция газораспределительная станция ГРС (долгосрочный пери Reconstruction of gas distribution station (ong tam Централизованное водоснабжение питьевое / Centralized drinking water supply Централизованное техническое водоснабжение / Centratied technical water supply Отсутствие централизованного водоснабжения / Lock of centralized water АВТОМОБИЛЬНЫЕ ДОРОГИ / CAR ROADS Дороги федерального значения / Federal roads - Дороги регионамного межмуниципального значення / Мановице ПС за на Грисовское с заменой Ростислав кобосков с изменой Строительство и проектирование воложщо оточистных сооружений CPO 3029 12 Caction and dog of a Строительство и проектирование Conchen and design wers Семивльство и проветрение канц Свентельство комной вопрекорности с. Росс Connection rocky we set with, Down Строительство водливая. Мирне Принный ANSAM 20127 + 3 Conatuuchun of a jaquACK we suply network with Down 20 Странство и провержение RC 1100 Sp subfondky Bakony Протиражные Юзлабко Су -- Крованное / ремо tatt Caan and condon the e porowat / Design of Goe Оченье сослужени с О 123 haunt ИНФРАСТРУКТУРА INFRASTRUCTURE Воочистные сопствени с Проектирование Реонорми по 308 в помню с мени специи групповой водопропец Комо, сейсЖан Лул с. Зстон, с. Каранов Manchug Beyuche vlogs Sembgy age hatnakinovky ge Sven GO W 21 Dign of ditution netwong tam the geove Juknakon 11b OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S то. Минекс Свистов 13 писсу Групповой How 100 пр. Винск сексния с Хинов 1.0 тыс OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.)#27FORMATION OF A "GREEN" AND "BLUE" STRATEGY FOR THE NUCLEUS OF AGLOMREATION ЗДОРОВЬЕ + HEALTH СИНЕ ЗБАЁНЫЙ КАРКАС AOPOPA СИНЕ-ЗЕЛЁНЫЙ КАРКАС O#28DESIGN PRINCIPLES FOR BLUE AND GREEN FRAME ELEMENTS The banks of the old canals Bank of the Volga Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) CYLLECTBYIOULEE РАСШИРЕНИЕ ЗДОРОВЬЕ HEALTH Creation of green embankments along the Volga Selective water expansion Create a coherent and continuous green network along waterways Expansion of the shore: spaces on the water Formation of soft boundaries along the banks of the Volga. Creation of green buildings along the Volga on vacated land plots Making pantones on the water Continuing boulevards Creation of green access points in certain places, such as a city beach OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#29FORMATION OF GREEN LINKS ON THE BASIS OF THE STREET- ROAD NETWORK + ЗДОРОВЬЕ HEALTH 3m 2m 3m 3m 8m 7m 8m 3m 3m 2m 3m Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Main city road Intra-city road Minor road Local road OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA studio, TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#30WATER RECYCLING IN URBAN ENVIRONMENTS ЗДОРОВЬЕ HEALTH Irrigation system using collected rain water Pergola and kiosk design allows condensation to be collected at night Integrated water retention and irrigation system OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#31CHANGE OF THE TOURISM ORGANIZATION MODEL The current model of organizing mass inbound tourism in the agglomeration assumes a linear scheme "Airport - fishing - airport", which is not able to create a multiplier effect and bring significant income to the budget. The master plan involves the creation of a branched circular model of the organization of tourist services, in which further growth of tourism is concentrated not in the delta based on fishing, but in the core of the agglomeration based on a combination of cultural, educational, event and ecological tourism. ESTABLISHED FORMAT OF TOURISM HOTEL Охота и рыбалка ТУРИЗМ TOURISM CTPAXAHCKOE NEW TOURISM FORMAT Спорт активный отдых Пляжи Мес HOTEL Лечение FAO Охота и рыбалка Фотографии Фестивали И события Достоприме чательности Сувениры Apt кластрер Городская среда КОЛЬЦО OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S HOTEL ТУРИСТИЧЕСКОЕ#32EVENT TOURISM PROGRAMIN ASTRAKHAN AGGLOMERATION ENOTAEVSKY DISTRICT COSSACK FESTIVAL CUISINE AND CULTURE NARIMANOV DISTRICT RALLY RDEKAGAN'S GOLE BARKAN BOCROTHE FESTIVAL OF KALMYK CUISINE FESTIVAL OF TATAR CUISINE SUNBURST FESTIVAL ANALOGUE BURNINGMAN Центры райен KRYANINSKY DISTRICT ERWAN MUSEUM STURGEON Cifor LAKE DISTRICT Loco dolina Fectivor Salon compe EHOTAEBRA ЕМОТАЕВСКИЙ РАЙОН. APAGA ХАРАБАЛИНСКИЙ РАЙОН КРАСНОЯРСКИЙ РАЙОН KHARABALIN District ERIVAL SOUDRY HOKE COMELES RAMAD GLOWEENO Cactu Туристические маршруты Туристические баз КРАСНЫЙ Я КАРИМАНОВСКИЙ РАЙОН ВОЛОДАРСКИЙ НАЧАЛОВО ВОЛОДАРСКИЙ РАЙОН КАМЫЗЯК LIMAN DISTRICT KAMYZYAK DISTRICT STURGEON FARM HOWERING Ethnogasteromse estival Festival Sprain formato SOUCH Pedantific solum-contioversy in advantages Ta КАМЫЗЯКСКИЙ РАЙОН PRIVOLGA DISTRICT TATAR HOLIDAY SA Calde TATAR CULTURE CENTER TOKE CULTURE CINTER ТУРИЗМ TOURISM KRASNOYARSKY DISTRICT USOLEUM BLEVERAN Dill competition BoGra Астраханский рыбацкий фестиваль ASTRAKHAN STVAL VORA FESTIVAL ABELZA USSIAN OPETA ARAHAN SEMAN Christmas fair Festival "Fish day in winter Saling sled race Scientific and educational conference High-tech production Scientific and practical conference on the green economy Festivalb of Russian cusine "Boyar lunch" Yachting day, yacht trip from all over the region lan Cuisine Festival VOLODAR DISTRICT KAZACH CUSINE MAUSOLEUM OF KURMANGAZA Festival of Kazakh cuisine OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.)#33INTEGRATIONEVENTS PROGRAMINTO THE GLOBAL AND RUSSIAN CONTEXT Let's be friends ... ... with the Kremlin ... with deltas... Амазонка Amazon Hosropos Псков H/Hoeropo Зарайск Москва Казань TYD Миссисипи Missisipi Сицзян Xijang Дунай Danube In ...) Астрахань, Фестиваль самбы Фестиваль джаза Samba festival Jazz festival Фестиваль фонариков Mid autumn festival Фестиваль рыбного борща Fish borscht festival Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) S Верхотурье Kazan Тобольск Main Agri-Tourism Route Рейн Rhine Areas with diversity of tourist attractions Eco-cultural route trough different types of lands- capes and cultural attractions 0 Пивной фестиваль Beer festival URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) Naimand Teheren Connection with the Old Silk Road Kazn (North) - Teheren (South) ТУРИЗМ TOURISM pole of Spatial model of tourism development in the agglomeration Preservation priority poles Education tourism poles Historical and cultural tourism poles culture and hist d history Krasnoyarsky Cultural-Historical routes Touristic services and facilities Natural routes Ecotourism development area Kamvtvaksky NEW CIRCULAR MODELS (Accessibility, Sustainability. Collaboration, Management) RESPONSIBLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AREA with Tourism growth con OKRA OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#34Scheme of the tourist frame of the historical center of Astrakhan Scheme of tourist routes in the historical center of Astrakhan ТУРИЗМ TOURISM Улицы Белого города / Streets of the White City Астрахань купеческая / Astrakhan merchant Храм Астрахани / Temple of Astrakhan Кварталы Косы / Spit Quarters Открой для себя Закутумье / Discover Zakutumye Атаманская станица правобережный форпост Астрахани / Atamanskaya stanitsa-right-bank outpost of Astrakhan «Деревянное кружево Астрахани» Астраханский музей-заповедник [Bracosa HB, Oropoднеs CB]/"Wooden lace of Astrakhan' Astrakhan Museum-Reserve [Vlasova NV, Ogorodnev SV] «Неформальная Астрахань», проект dvoras: [ Маслов В.В.] / "informal Astrakhan", dvorast project (Maslov VV] J اداند 12 Граница охранной зоны исторического поселения г. Астрахани / The border of the security zone of the historical settlement of Astrakhan Достопримечательности (значимые объекты культурного наследия и исторические здания) Attractions (significant cultural heritage sites and historical buildings)/ Основные улицы, по котовым проходят туристические маршруты / The main streets along which the tourist routes pass OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#35SYSTEM MASTER-PLAN DESIGN MEASURES 103 CONSTRUCTION OF URBAN AND TOURISTS HOTELS RECONSTRUCTION OF TOURIST AND HSHING BASES OUTSIDE THE SETTLEMENTS CITY TOURIST BUS 4062 PRODUCSON OF MEDICAL URBAN 1PCRTS RURAL SPORTS RESTORATOR OF PIEST OBJECTS CULTURAL HERITAGE CULTURAL TOURS HERITAGE OF ASIRAKHAN INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CENTER LCTUS -TECHNICAL MUSEUM CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL CLUSTER OFERA QUARTERS CUTPATIENT MEDICAL CARE IN AGGLOMERATION EQUIPMENT AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT PRODUCTION OF SMALL VESSELS PRODUCTION OF PROTEIN FROM NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION OF FEED FOR FACIUTIES AQUACULTURE 25 289 PRODICTION OF PURIFICATION OF LALLAST WATER PRODUCTION OF GEOSYNTHETIC MATERIAIS FIBERGLASS FIPEPRODUCTION HOUSEHOLD CHEMICAL PRODUCTION MANUFACTURE OF SHIP PANELS PRODUCTION OF TOOLBRUSHES AND ABRASIVE MATERIALS PLASTIC PRODUCTION INNOVATIVE PRODUCTION OF EQUIPMENT VANIA ON MONITORING SEA WATER AREA MINERAL POWDER PRODUCTION 770 MODERNIZATION OF THE SHIPBUILDING YARD LOTUS ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION PHOTOELECTRIC SOLAR PANELS ASTRAKHAN GAS PROCESSING PLANT BRANCH LLC GAZPROM PERABOTKA" RECONSTRUCTION OF FISHERY FACILITIES LLC "CASPROMDCOYCHA ASTRAKHAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE DEPOSIT NAME Y. CORCHAGINA DEVELOPMENT OF THE DEPOSIT NAME V. ILANOVSKY DEVELOPMENT OF THE DEFOST NANE V. GRAYFERA (FIRST STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT] 29 672 27 883 MEDICAL CLUSTER IN ASTRAKHAN CUTPATENT MEDICAL CARE IN ASTRAKHAN CULTURE NEW PRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION OF TWO SOLAR POWER PLANTS BUSINESS COOPERATION MODERNIZATION OF PRODUCTION CONSTRUCTION OF ASTRAKHAN SPP ASIRAKHAN SPP/FISC FORIUM HERITAGE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY 463 757 15 695 ENERGY URBAN MEDICINE RURAL MEDICINE SPORT CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION INNOVATIVE PRODUCTION OIL GAS THE ROUTE ASTRAKHAN TOURIST RING ACCOMMODATION PLACES a HEALTH MINI CRUISES ICO-ROUTE REGIONAL BIKE PATHS ROADSIDE TOURIST SERVICE PROMOTION OF THE TOURIST PRODUCT OF THE ASTRAKHAN AGGOMERATION IN THE MEDIA TOURIST PASPORTS TOURIST TRANSPORT ADVERTISING AND BRANDING EVENT TOURISM TOURISM ASTRAKHAN'32 OBJECTS OF ATTRACTION 19 268 400 ENERGY RESOURCES TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS AGRICULTURE 133 562 GLOBAL TRANSPORT URBAN MOBILITY LOGISTICS DELTA ROADS AGLOMERATION MOBILITY NEW STREETS OF ASTRAKHAN CROP PRODUCTION FISHERIES COMPLEX ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 4131 ROAD BYPASSES MODERNIZATION OF THE RAILWAY NETWORK MARINE PASSENGER STATION -SEA PORT -AIR GATES CASPIAN PIPELINE CONSORTIUM CITY RAILWAY TPU MODERN TRAM BUS 21 CENTURY WATER TRANSPORT LGRIEN MOBILITY DISTRIBUTION CENTER LOGISTICS CENTERS ON CITY BYPASSES BRIDGE OVER THE STARAYA VOLGA RIVER MAINTENANCE OF STEAM VILLAGES ROAD ROAD IN DELTA RECONSTRUCTION OF EXISTING BRIDGES UNIFIED PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM NG STATION CONSTRICTION ASTRAKHAN SCHOOLS -NEW OID BRIDGE HIGHER EDUCATION 23 806 ANIMAL HISBANDRY COMPLEXES - CITY SEMI-RING CITY HIGHWAYS ASH PROCESSING URBAN EMBANKMENTS PRODUCTION OF FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS URBAN EMBANKMENTS SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL CAMPUS IN ASTRAKHAN 351 1501 SARAY-BATU FESTIVAL SUNBURST FESTIVAL NINTER FISHING FESTIVAL EALLY LAIDS IN THE DESER INTERNATIONAL THEMATIC FESTIVAL "LET'S BE FRIENDS WITH DELTAS" STREET THEMATIC FESTIVALS 18 EVENTS PER YEAR! AMUSEMENT PARK AQUA PARK LANDSCAPE, THEME PARK ART-CLUSTER AQUARIUM AND MINI 200 OF LOCAL SPECIES OF ANIMALS, BIRDS, REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS INDUSTRIAL TOURISM PARK COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERRITORY FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF BEACH RECREATION STEAMSHIP MUSEUM HIPPODROME FOR RACING AND RUNNING ON CAMELS AND HORSES 515 INFRASTRUCTURE NEW LIVING EDUCATION AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE GAS SUPPLY POWER SUPPLY WATER SUPPLY WATER DISPOSAL HOUSING WASTE DISPOSAL AND WASTE RECYCLING 21 250 COMPLEX PROJECTS THE WOODS RECLYCLING AND DISPOSAL RECONSTRUCTION AND RECLAMATION OF EXISTING MSW LANDFILLS SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS OF ASTRACHAN RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER DISPOSAL AND STRUCTURES IN ASTRAKHAN STRICTURN OF WATER SUPPLY AND RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY AND STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTION OF POWER SUPPLY AND STRUCTURIS RECONSTRUCTION OF WATER SUPPLY AND STRUCTURES RECONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION OF GAS SUPPLY AND STRUCTURES PUBLIC PLACES AND RECREATION 236 404 -CITY ISLAND PARE PARE "PROLETAR SLAND AFFORESTATION OF URBAN FORESTS IN ASTRAKHAN PROTECTIVE GREEN BELT COMPREHENSIVE RECONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIALS TERRITORIES IN ASTRAKHAN REDEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTION -RESIDENTIAL AREA EMPLOYEES OF THE PORT OLYA RESIDENTIAL AREA EMPLOYEES OF THE SEZ LOTOS SITES IN ASTRAKHAN CONSTRATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE CORE OF THE AGGLOMERATION 19 922 -DIRECTIONS 4796 -EVENTS -"BREAKTHROUGH" GROWTH POINTS (EVENTS OF THE FIRST STAGE) -GROWTH POINTS -THE COST OF IMPLEMENTING THE FIRST STAGE OF ACTIVITIES, MILLION RUBLES. -THE COST OF IMPLEMENTING ALL ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE DIRECTION, MILLION RUBLES.#36ORGANIZATIONAL SCHEME OF FUNCTIONING OF AGLOMERATION The Astrakhan agglomeration is an inter-municipal combination of an urban district and six municipal districts (in the future, transformed into municipal districts). The legal status of an agglomeration can be changed in the light of changes in federal legislation, if a law is adopted regulating the activities of agglomerations. The governing body of the agglomeration is the Coordination Council of the municipalities of the agglomeration, which unites the heads of municipalities that are part of the agglomeration, representatives of the government authorities of the Astrakhan region, as well as representatives of organizations involved in the implementation of projects for the development of the agglomeration. The Council's activities are aimed at coordinating the adoption of decisions by municipalities, on the territory of which the agglomeration is located, on the functioning of the agglomeration. The unification of various actors within the Council makes it possible to accumulate financial resources, material and other resources, to provide support in the development of inter-municipal cooperation. In addition, in order to implement projects for the development of the Astrakhan agglomeration, the Corporation for the development of the Astrakhan agglomeration is being created in the form of a state autonomous institution of the Astrakhan Region. The corporation is one of the few examples of the formation of state structures for managing agglomerations and is a management body for the development of an agglomeration, whose main activities include developing the foundations of strategic and territorial planning, jointly resolving issues of local importance, agreeing documents coordinating management activities. and DIAGRAM OF THE ORGANIZATION OF ASTRAKHAN AGGLOMERATION ASTRAKHAN AGGLOMERATION HEADS OF MUNICIPALITIES THAT MAKE UP THE AGGLOMERATION 曲 GOVERNOR OF ASTRAKHAN REGION OCOORDINATION OF DECISION-MAKING BY MUNICIPALITIES BELONGING TO THE AGGLOMERATION ON THE FUNCTIONING OF THE AGGLOMERATION INTERACTION WITH THE AUTHORITIES OF THE ASTRAKHAN REGION AND TERRITORIAL BODIES OF FEDERAL EXECUTIVE BODIES ON THE FUNCTIONING OF THE AGGLOMERATION COORDINATING COUNCIL OF MUNICIPALITIES OF ASTRAKHAN) AGGLOMERATION DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ASTRAKHAN REGION MAKING DECISIONS ON THE ACCUMULATION OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES, MATERIAL AND OTHER RESOURCES IN THE AGGLOMERATION SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTER-MUNICIPAL COOPERATION REPRESENTATIVES OF STATE AUTHORITIES OF THE ASTRAKHAN REGION REPRESENTATIVES OF ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AGGLOMERATION DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS DETERMINATION OF PRIORITY ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS AIMED AT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGGLOMERATION MAKING DECISIONS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTER-MUNICIPAL INVESTMENT PROJECTS IN THE AGGLOMERATION MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION, HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES OF THE ASTRAKHAN REGION STATE AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION OF THE ASTRAKHAN REGION "CORPORATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASTRAKHAN AGGLOMERATION" DEVELOPMENT OF THE FOUNDATIONS OF STRATEGIC AND TERRITORIAL PLANNING IN THE AGGLOMERATION ASSISTANCE IN THE JOINT SOLUTION OF ISSUES OF LOCAL IMPORTANCE BY MUNICIPALITIES THAT ARE PART OF THE AGGLOMERATION COORDINATION OF DOCUMENTS AND OF MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES IN THE AGGLOMERATION SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA OMONITORING AND ANALYZING THE INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE AGGLOMERATION Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) PARTICIPATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEASURES TO INCREASE THE INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE AGGLOMERATION OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#37METHODOLOGY FOR CREATING A SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT AGGLOMERATION CURRENT STATE Monocentric development/ Sprawl/Natural areas at risk Monocentric developme Narimanav STEP 1 - Systemic approach Improve collaboration and cooperation between settlements Narimana Krassny Ya Astrakhan Shrinking phenomenon Compact development Astrakho Better use of resources Volodarsky Sprawl development Increased levels of collaboration Volodarsky Horizon Cooperation STEP 2 Improved conectivity Enabling economic development Narimanov Subcenters of A. city Astrakhan + + Improved public transportation at territorial level Minic de copment increased attractivity Krassny Yorusiness and populatio Volodarsky Low teritorial connectivity krońoye Komyzyak Olya Natural areas at risk Complex and diverse system of relations Liman Olya Ecologic mobility belts Kamyzyak Improved connections between towns and villages STEP 3-Natural environment protection Protecting natural enviroment/Compact development Blue green corridor Narimanov protected and sustainably capitalized Green Belts Increased agricultural production Astrakhan Volodarsky STEP 4-New economy Business-Innovation-Education HUB/Tourism/ Eco-production Busines Innovation Educational HUB Economic transition (sustainable tourism) Ecologic agricultural production Narimanov Astrakhan Volodarsky STEP 5 Resilient agglomeration One territorial synergetic cluster Complex system Nerimanoy of value chains (adaptable and resilient) Astrakhan Symbiotic development (harmony between nature and economic development) Clya krancyc Protected natural ecosystems Liman Olya Kamyiyak anyzyak Volodarsky Economic growth points Low impact on the environment Integration of nature based solutions OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#38SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT MODEL - SYMBIOSIS CREATING A RESILIENT TERRITORY The natural settings of Astrakhan Agglomeration are some of the most unique. The area is characterized by strong diversity and contrast. The development principle is proposing to capitalize on this resource and make it a major component of the agglomeration identity. It is important that key strategic and valuable areas are protected and enhanced through ecologic solutions. There are a series of unique areas hot spots areas at the intersection of the different landscape units, also in the proximity of an important settlement. and and These areas represent key areas to be protected from the anthropogenic activity transformation, creating a sustainable ecologic relation between the natural environment and the build environment. The settlements are proposed to be surrounded by strategically placed green belts, allowing for creating α more dense and compact development and also creating an improved micro-climate and a more balanced and ecologic territorial system. The natural environment represents a powerful resource that enables the new economic transition, through ecologic production and experimental tourism. The natural systems are proposed to be connecting through a system of macro-ecological corridors. Another aspect of great value is the link between the macro green and blue infrastructure and the new improved green and blue urban infrastructure developed through nature-based solutions. ECOLOGIC NETWORK ENHANCEMENT - A RESILIENT AGGLOMERATION Liman Nerimanovi ikransve rassny Yar Velarsky Natural barrier area to be protected 0000000000 Macro Landscapes Aksaray Volga Ural Southern Volga Aktuba Floodplain Nothern Volga Priergeninsky Astrakhan Priergeninsky Sands Volga Nothern Volga DetalCoastal Kultuchno Island Waterbodies Delta Western Ilmen-Knoll Central Volga Delta Southern Coastal Volga Delta Bluee Green Corridors (protected and regenerated) Green corridors green belts around the settlements Astrakhan city diverse and valuable natural settings Areas around existing developments with valuable natural settings areas at the intersection landscapes of different Unique natural heritage areas Natural area to be regenerated (currently strongly affected by anthropogenic transformations) Natural barrier area to be protected Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#39NATURE INTEGRATION PUTTING NATURE FIRST The priority of Astrakhan urban areas, in what concerns the ecologic component, natural environment, and ecosystemic services, is to create α complex and adaptive green-productive land-use system, allowing for a permeable transition between natural component greenfield areas and the built environment, and allowing for protection against harsh climatic conditions. This concept is possible by creating a series of natural green (and productive belts) around the city, together with strategic interventions to increase the green area percentage in the low-density areas. Implementing this measure will result in more compact, dense, and sustainable land use, mitigating the urban sprawl phenomenon. Nature-based solutions are proposed to be integrated within the city fabric and local value chains system. The key principle is that these nature-based solutions will be strongly intertwined within local neighborhood-level sustainable value chains, urban global-level sustainable value chains, and equally important urban-rural sustainable value chains. In this perspective, value chains must be seen as mechanisms that aim at an anthropic-nature symbiosis, creating a balanced urban system and a balanced development at the level of the settlement network. The same logic is applied in a fractal manner within the system, aiming for a state of balance between the subcomponents of the systems (Natural, ecological, anthropogenic, and socio-economic). The urban green system has to be also improved with the help of strategic intervention creating a complex system of urban parks and gardens. GREEN TRANZITION DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES # Main priorities Green productive belt (urban policy for specialized management of the unbuilt areas and natural areas around the urban area) Main green axis improving and extending the urban green infrastructure Blue green corridors - ecologically integrated in the city fabric Natural areas integrated in the city fabric and protected Low density areas with potential of incraesing the green space percentage vulnerable areas to harsh climatic conditions Nature based solution integration Encouraging ecologic agriculture production (for ex. permaculture) Community productive gardens Green urban regeneration of the collective housing urban block area (integrating nature-based solutions in a circular economy approach that is community driven) Water regeneration through nature -based solution (phytoremediation) source: Amsterdam structural vision 2040 green belts strategic densifications permeable urban fabric Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#40NATURE INTEGRATION DYNAMIC, DIVERSE, AND COMPACT URBAN FABRIC The efficient and sustainable development of the city of Astrakhan presents as a necessity the increase of the quality of life and implicitly of the urban facilities, especially in the peripheral areas. In order for this goal to be achieved, the urban development area of Astrakhan also follows the principle of polycentric development. It is proposed that Astrakhan urban area develops a comprehensive system of centers and subcenters, mixed-use and specialized centers, that serve the territory homogeneously. The central area represents a dynamic urban environment, having a mix of complex and performant specialized centers (educational, cultural, regenerated urban blocks, natural park - the island). In the pericentral area, there are proposed a series of mixed-use centers, economic development poles. Transitioning to the peripheral area, each neighborhood is served by a main mixed-use pole and a series of secondary centers - community civic centers/hubs. The new polycentric structure is determined by the mobility network of the city. According to the main nodes of transportation, strategic high-rise densification developments are proposed. Following the polycentric development principle, the Astrakhan city (and urban area) is able to engage in a regeneration process of the disadvantaged areas, by increasing their attractiveness with urban services, facilities, developments. new mixed-use POLYCENTRIC AND DYNAMIC DEVELOPMENT OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) Dynamic regenerated urban blocks (mixed-use, high quality of the urban environment, increased green areas, integration of innovative nature-based solutions) Educational HUB Cultural HUB Mixed-use business areas economic development poles Main natural center - the island Secondary mixed-use urban poles Neighborhood level community centers/hubs Strategic high-rise densification developments The Spatial Development Framework 2040 (SDF) for Johannesburg Inverted polycentricity to a Compact Polycentric City source: TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#41северный пояс мобильно Crassny Водные связи Дорожная инфраструктура Железная дорога Пояса мобильности Аэропорт Водный порт • Маршруты экологической мобильности Улучшенный общественный транспорт Основные транспортные узлы (интермодальные связи) МОДЕЛЬ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ - СВЯЗИ МОБИЛЬНОСТЬ, ИКТ-СТРУКТУРЫ, ТУРИСТИЧЕСКИЕ (ЕСТЕСТВЕННЫЕ) СЕТИ Принцип многоуровневой связанности может быть эффективно применен только вместе с полицентричным подходом K разработке. Благодаря многоуровневой связи, Астраханская агломерация обслуживается возможностей широким - спектром становится соединяют мобильности. При таком подходе к развитию г. Астрахань центральным транспортным узлом с прочными связями с первым кольцом населенных пунктов и южным коридором Икряное-Оля-Лиман. Коридоры экологической мобильности населенные пункты на Оси Север-Юг, обозначенной Волгой. Предлагается создать тентакулярную дорожную сеть по замкнутой системе C помощью северного пояса (Нариманов Володарки) и южного пояса (Лиман - Камызяк). Водный транспорт дополнит автомобильный транспорт. Вместе C воздушным сообщением и расширенной железнодорожной сетью (в направлении Элисты) И улучшением общественного транспорта, Астраханская агломерация укрепляет свои стратегические позиции И позволяет улучшить сообщение между населенными пунктами, положительно влияя на местную экономику каждого спутника И обеспечивая более устойчивое территориальное развитие C меньшим воздействием на окружающую среду. Туристические сети объединяют природные, культурные исторические рамках тематических маршрутов. Внедряются информационные И коммуникационные технологии в организации территориальных данных и управлении администрированием пространств. И достопримечательности B МНОГОУРОВНЕВЫЕ СВЯЗИ сторону Элисты - железнодорожное сообщение Маршруты экологической мобильности (продвижение туризма по природному наследию) Liman АЭРОПОРТ V. Kamyzyot Ikranoy Южный пояс мобильности PORT Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Volodarsky чшенный об OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#42МОДЕЛЬ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕННОГО РАЗВИТИЯ СОЗДАНИЕ ЖИЗНЕСПОСОБНОЙ ТЕРРИТОРИИ Астраханская агломерация обладает уникальными природными условиями. Район отличается сильным разнообразием И контрастом. Принцип развития предлагает извлечь выгоду из этого ресурса и сделать его основным компонентом идентичности агломерации. Важно, чтобы ключевые стратегические ценные территории И были защищены И улучшены с помощью экологических решений. Есть ряд уникальных областей горячих точек - областей на пересечении различных непосредственной близости ландшафтных единиц, населенного пункта. a также B от важного OT И Эти области представляют собой ключевые зоны, которые должны быть защищены антропогенной деятельности трансформации для создания устойчивой и экологической связи между природной средой и застройкой. Поселки предлагается окружить зелеными поясами, что позволит создать более плотную и компактную застройку, а также создать улучшенный микроклимат и более сбалансированную экологичную территориальную систему. И Природная среда представляет собой мощный ресурс, который делает возможным новый экономический переход через экологическое производство и экспериментальный туризм. Природные системы предлагается соединить системой макроэкологических коридоров. - СИМБИОЗ УЛУЧШЕНИЕ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ СЕТИ - ЖИЗНЕСПОСОБНАЯ АГЛОМЕРАЦИЯ Liman Nerimanov Krassny Yar Jedarsky Natural barrier-area to be protected O Макро Ландшафты Аксарай Волга Урал Южная Волга Ахтубинская пойма Северная Волга Приергенинский Астраханские пески Волга Приергенинский Северная дельта Волги Прибрежный Остров Культучно Водоемы Дельта Западный Ильмень-Холм Центральная дельта Волги Южное побережье дельты Волги Сине-зеленые коридоры (защищенные и восстановленные) Зеленые коридоры зеленые пояса вокруг населенных пунктов. Город Астрахань с разнообразной и ценной природой Территории вокруг существующей застройки с ценными природными ландшафтами районы на пересечении различных ландшафтов. Уникальное природное наследие Возобновляемая природная территория (в настоящее время сильно подверженная антропогенным преобразованиям) Природный барьер охраняемая Территория OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.)#43AREAS FOR ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTIN THE TERRITORY OF AGLOMERATION 0000000000 Перспективные точки роста по направлениям /Promising points of growth in areas Транспрот и логистика / Transport and logistics Культура и коммуникации / Culture and Communication Здоровье /Heath Новая среда для жизни / New environment for lille Инновационное производство / innovative production Сельское хозяйство / Agriculture Инфраструктура / Infrastructure Туризм /Touris Энергоресурса / Energoresurs • Группа мероприятий в области энергетики / Energy Action Group • Группа мероприятий в области здравоохранения/ Health Action Group • Группа мероприятий в области новой среды для жизни / Group of events in the field of rew living environment • Группа мероприятий в области образования и науки / Group of activities in the field of education and science -Транспорт линейный / Linear hansport Транспорт линейный (существующие и реконструируемые дороги в рамках формирования туритической "Рокады")/ Linear ransport (exsting and reconstructed roods as part of the formation of the tourist "Rokada") Территории обладающие высоким природно-экологичсекого потенциала (имеющие статус ООПТ)/Teritoges with high natural and ecological potential (having the status of specially protected natural areas) Территории обладающие высоким туристско-рекреационным потенциалом (прибрежные территории рек и протоков) / Temitores with high tourist and recrectional potential (coastal areas of rivers and streams) Земли обладающие высоким сельскохозяйственным потенциалом (высокопродуктивных сельскохозяйственные угодья дельты Волги и Волго-Ахтубинской поймы) / Lands with high agricultural potential (highly productive agricultural land in the Volga delta and Volga-Akhtubinskaya floodplain Земли сельскохозяйственных угодий полупустынь и пустынь / Agricultural lands of semi-deserts and deserts Территориии обладающие выским потенциалом градостроительного освоения в т.ч. жилищное строительства, промышленного, научного, образовательного, инновационного развития субурбанизации / Territories with high potential for urban development, incl. housing construction, industrial, scientiid educational, innovative development, suburbanization Территории обладающие высоким потенциалом в области полезных ископаемых и их переработки 7 (преимущественно гопливно-энергетических) / Termitories with high potential in the feld of minerals and ther processing (mainly fuel and energy) Территории обладающие высоким потенциалом в области промышленного производства в области нефте-хомии и газопереработки территории с концентрацией полезных ископаемых / Tenitones with high potential in the field of industria production in the field of petrochemistry and gas processing Районы с концентрацией полезных ископаемых / Areas with a concentration of minerals Центр АО ГО Астрахань / Center Astrakhan region, Urban education, Astrakhan Центры районов /District centers НАРИМАНОВСКИЙ РАЙОН ЛИМАНСКИЙ РАЙОН Астрахань ИКРЯНИНСКИЙ КАМЫЗЯНСКИЙ О В-ПРИВОЛЖСКИЙ РАЙОН" ВОЛОДАРСКИЙ РАЙОН OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.)#44AREAS FOR ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTIN THE TERRITORY OF VOLODAR DISTRICT VOLODARSKY DISTRICT Conventional designations Транспорт и логистика / Transport and logistic Туризм / Tourism + Здравоохранение / Health care Сельское хозяйство / Agriculture Культура и коммуникации / Culture and communication Инфраструктура / Infrastructure Инновационное производство / Innovative production 2 Энергоресурсы / Energy resources por Тюринс O Ratbyrop блодарский О Самойловский О Марфино OHO On Брановка О Нариманово Болдырево Дармантаев коренно Чего Бал мори 1 Кордон №1 Облинов Кордон №4 Веный Остров Новая среда для жизни / New environment for life Группа мероприятиятий в области / Group of activities in the field of education and science Группа мероприятий в области энергетики / Energy Events Group Группа мероприятий в области / здравоохранения / Health Action Group Грертая Опека Dinos Обидимая Отнов Группа мероприятий в области новой среды для жизни / Group of events in the field of new living environment OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S OKRA Landschapsarchitecten by, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA Клункт Морской TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.)#45AREAS FOR ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTIN THE TERRITORY OF IKRYANINSKY DISTRICT Conventional designations + Транспорт и логистика / Transport and logistic Туризм / Tourism Здравоохранение / Health care Сельское хозяйство / Agriculture Культура и коммуникации / Culture and communication Инфраструктура / Infrastructure Инновационное производство / Innovative production 2 Энергоресурсы / Energy resources Новая среда для жизни / New environment for life Группа мероприятиятий в области / Group of activities in the field of education and science Группа мероприятий в области энергетики / Energy Events Group Группа мероприятий в области / здравоохранения / Health Action Group Группа мероприятий в области новой среды для жизни / Group of events in the field of new living environment IKRYANINSKY DISTRICT OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA studio, TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#46AREAS FOR ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTIN THE TERRITORY OF KAMYZYAK DISTRICT KAMYZYAKSKY DISTRICT Conventional designations + Транспорт и логистика / Transport and logistic Туризм / Tourism Здравоохранение / Health care Сельское хозяйство / Agriculture Культура и коммуникации / Culture and communication Инфраструктура / Infrastructure Инновационное производство / Innovative production 2 Энергоресурсы / Energy resources Новая среда для жизни / New environment for life Группа мероприятиятий в области / Group of activities in the field of education and science Группа мероприятий в области энергетики / Energy Events Group Группа мероприятий в области / здравоохранения / Health Action Group Группа мероприятий в области новой среды для жизни / Group of events in the field of new living environment 0 OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#47AREAS FOR ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTIN THE TERRITORY OF KRASNOYARSKY DISTRICT Conventional designations + Транспорт и логистика / Transport and logistic Туризм / Tourism Здравоохранение / Health care Сельское хозяйство / Agriculture Культура и коммуникации / Culture and communication Инфраструктура / Infrastructure Инновационное производство / Innovative production 2 Энергоресурсы / Energy resources Новая среда для жизни / New environment for life Группа мероприятиятий в области / Group of activities in the field of education and science Группа мероприятий в области энергетики / Energy Events Group Группа мероприятий в области / здравоохранения / Health Action Group Группа мероприятий в области новой среды для жизни / Group of events in the field of new living environment KRASNOYARSK DISTRICT Наримановс Провесный Такозановска OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA studio, TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#48AREAS FOR ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTIN THE LIMAN DISTRICT LIMANSKY DISTRICT Conventional designations + Транспорт и логистика / Transport and logistic Туризм / Tourism Здравоохранение / Health care Сельское хозяйство / Agriculture Культура и коммуникации / Culture and communication Инфраструктура / Infrastructure Инновационное производство / Innovative production 2 Энергоресурсы / Energy resources Новая среда для жизни / New environment for life Группа мероприятиятий в области / Group of activities in the of education and science Группа мероприятий в области энергетики / Energy Events C Группа мероприятий в области / здравоохранения / Healit Action Group Группа мероприятий в области новой среды для жизни / G events in the field of new living environment 25 Диман OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.)#49AREAS FOR ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTIN THE TERRITORY OF NARIMANOV DISTRICT Conventional designations + FI 0 Транспорт и логистика / Transport and logistic Туризм / Tourism Здравоохранение / Health care Сельское хозяйство / Agriculture Культура и коммуникации / Culture and communication Инфраструктура / Infrastructure Инновационное производство / Innovative production Энергоресурсы / Energy resources Новая среда для жизни / New environment for life Группа мероприятиятий в области / Group of activities in the field of education and science Группа мероприятий в области энергетики / Energy Events Group Группа мероприятий в области / здравоохранения / Health Action Group Группа мероприятий в области новой среды для жизни / Group of events in the field of new living environment NARIMANOVSKY DISTRICT Совыльный Срофиный Обарханы Смачный Нариманово Сраснопесчаный AT OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S страхань#50AREAS FOR ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTIN THE TERRITORY OF THE VOLGA DISTRICT AND ASTRAKHAN PRIVOLZHSKY DISTRICT. ASTRAKHAN Conventional designations + CTP Транспорт и логистика / Transport and logistic Туризм / Tourism Здравоохранение / Health care Сельское хозяйство / Agriculture Культура и коммуникации / Culture and communication Инфраструктура / Infrastructure Инновационное производство / Innovative production 2 Энергоресурсы / Energy resources Фи Янка ВЫДСТРА ме Пойм ВОЙКОВО МОШАЙК HOBO ВЫЙ 9 БОЛДА Яманцуг алово Астрахань BO Побинка еровка Кулаку HOAD БЬСКИЙ Протека Осыпной Бугор Аргановка + ФИНСКИ Вирюковк Кафтанка. па Начало Килинчи Новая среда для жизни / New environment for life Группа мероприятиятий в области / Group of activities in the field of education and science Группа мероприятий в области энергетики / Energy Events Group Группа мероприятий в области / здравоохранения / Health Action Group Группа мероприятий в области новой среды для жизни / Group of events in the field of new living environment Харагали ервое Мая тарск гадула A Mancyp Кирпичного Завода № ковка атово новка Кинелле Евпраксино OBO-I Эрле Фунтово- + Рунтово-ІІ Веселая Г Нартовский ган КАЛЕГО-КАСПАРОВЕНый HE OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#51COST OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MASTER- PLAN MEASURES 972 BILLION RUB. 2024 2027 2032 PRIORITY AREAS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ASTRAKHAN AGGLOMERATION 2024 2027 2032 4,3 23,5 27,84 INNOVATIVE PRODUCTION A NEW ENVIRONMENT FOR LIVING 236,40 12,9 17,5 206,1 350,6 113,1 463,76 ENERGY RESOURCES HEALTH 15,70 9,6 4,3 1,7 55,4 48,5 29,7 133,56 TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS mmm AGRICULTURE 4,23 4,0 0,2 0,0 АСТРАХАНЬ 32 13,8 10,0 23,81 EDUCATION AND SCIENCE INFRASTRUCTURE 21,25 11,1 0,3 9,9 6,8 11,7 11,2 29,74 CULTURE AND COMMUNICATIONS TOURISM 16,42 3,5 7,4 5,5 стоимость реализации, млрд.руб. 972,71 OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#52S ד OKRA TASCA studio architetti associati FOUR PARTNERS - FOUR PROJECTS#53ECO-PARK <<GORODSKOY>> OKRA OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S 151#54NATURAL SYSTEM AS A BASIS Principle: employing the formative power of nature EROSION PROTECTION AND SEDIMENTATION tands for erosion prevelion & new habitat Beach formation TOPOGRAPHY NATURAL SUCCESSION Ecotypes high and dry: open grass- land dry forest, half-open parkland low and wet 00 Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Ecotypes low and wet sandy shores, ripar ian zones, wetlands, wet forest, open water 1. Erosion+Sedimentation by New Island-Preventive erosion+ New Habitat Beach Formation 2. Natural Succession Ecotype-High/Dry Dry Forest Open/Grassland Ecotype-Low/Wet Wet Forest Wetlands Sandy shores Open water OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S Riparian zone TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#55AVAILABILITY NETWORKS Principle: multi-modal accessibility, loops for hiking and biking, experience of landscape types WATERBUS AND LANDING POINTS MAIN TRAIL ON HIGHER GROUNDS ADVENTURE TRAIL ACROSS WETLANDS AND WOODS LOCAL PATHS ง P tit Bus Stop P Parking Port Main trail Adventure trail www Port Connections local Route. Bus Route Car Route OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#56LEISURE PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES Principle: south-side island: ecology experience and outdoor wilderness activities north-side island: water activities and social-cultural program SOCIAL ACTIVITY NATURE ACTIVITY WATER ACTIVITY ง P * Swimming Surfing Sailing 80000000000 Fishing Beach Bird Watching Horse Riding Hiking Experience trail Cultural centre Gathering View Point Cafe restaurant Information centre Parking OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#57SMALL ARCHITECTURAL FORMS, STRUCTURES BUILDING musem/tourist center/parking exit STRUCTURE: port pavilion /watching tower/ birdwatching house FURNITURES bench garbage bin information board lighting 1 way-finding lighting 2 ... | Way finding Information board WC Pavillion/Watch tower Benches Lighting 1 Lighting 2 OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#58ACCESS BY WATER ES OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#59ACCESS BY BUS, BIKE 21 OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#60CULTURAL CLUSTER <<OPERA QUARTERS>> TA SCA studio architetti associati 0000000000000 000 OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) H TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#61AREA OF INTERVENTION ISLAND VOLGA A SOTHEBY'S HISTORIC CENTER 4 CREMUN 4 FRAGMENTED LAND USE (PROPERTY GRD) METROPOUTAN CONNECTON STREE LOCAL STREETS ERBAN CONNECTION STREET LOCAL STREETS OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S LOCAL STREETS LOCAL STREETS URBAN CONNECTION STREET TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#62METROPOLITAN CONNECTION STREET SLOW MOBILITY STREETS METROPOLITAN CONNECTION STREET NEW WEDDING BRIDGE WEDDING CENTER EXISTING TRADE DISTRICT PUBBLIC RANSPORT NEW PEDESTMAN BUDSC. NEW DEVELOPMENT HIGHT DENSITY MIXED USES -NEW DENSITY FRONT TO THE NEGLUN NEW TURISTIC FLOATING. PLATFORM PRINT L Bokozn EXISTING NA EXISTING. SPORT CENTER PONQnArtic ELEVATION PEDESTMAN "WEDDING" Втрае OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA studio, TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S WEDDING FOLACE#63OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#64OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#65RESIDENTIAL AREA IN THE CITY OF NARIMANOV VA S ד OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S 7000 00000 ZEL BEL 0000000000000000 00000000000000000 OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA studio, TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001r.) I#66AREAS OF INTERVENTION Sands Prioenergensky landscape Plain and sandstone Semi-desert Landscape กลไกก Services functions Residential functions Industrial and economic functions Green un-built areas Public space Production of energy Nothern Volga Delta Plain and Water Green Landscape Astrakhan City (49km) L Fractal approach on mobility. Open plot concept Alveolar units A Profected gardens. STEP 1/Build Grid Wind Elevated terrain Create artificial his STEP 2/Green Grid Green grid (multilevel Gradual increase in density Gradual increase in green areas Network of high rise buildings (volumetric landmark) STEP 3/Density High rise building (volumetric landmark Protected areas Protected creas Protected creOS Elevated Wind terrain 1 RESIDENTIAL AREAS STEP 1-ALVEOLAR BLOCK TYPOLOGY Protected core Clared alecar modular morphology STEP 2 SET OF TERRACES Sela lerroces tool gardens Creating dynamic connections: STEP 3-PROTECTED ENVIRONMENT Shared comunity ity gardens Staded areas Use the digged ground for foundation and underground parking to elevate the terrain creating protective green belts 2 MIXED-USE STEP-COMBINING ALVEOLAR MODULES Creating a building complex 777 STEP 2 NETWORK OF SPACES Urban garden Roofgardens 3 COMMERCIAL/OFFICES STEP 1 MAN SLA Sab-elevating the public space STEP 2 DYNAMIC VOLEMETRY Canceling different spaces STEP 3-HIGH-RISE VOLUMES System of elevated public spaces. Aditional layer of functions Improved microcinate STEP J-MEDIUM RISE AND HIGH RISE BUILDINGS OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#67MACRO ZONING PROPOSAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE MAIN CENTERS AND MIXED USE AREAS Mixed use type 1 Mixed use Office and residential Galery Shops/Commerce Mixed use type 4 Gardens - protected area Elevated public space Rool gardens Office Mixed use Office and residential Tennis court Office Residential Residential unit (in relation to the existing front Sports center/Cultural center/Community center Open space pavilion Multifunctional court Creative HUB (Tennis/Fotbal/Basketball/Volleyball Theater Fliness Spa/wellness Exhibition crea Workshops/ Makerspace Co-work area Gallery/Shops/Caffe Restaurants/Shops Community HUB Urban plazza Hotel Mixed use type 5 Dynamic connections Commercial area Shop/Restaurants/Caffe Office Residential units ILLUSTRATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MACRO AREA PHASE 1 PHASE 2 wn housing Individual housing- Town h PHASE 3 Social housing The mixed use type 1 area (residential. commerce, services, offices) is in direct relation with the existing urban front and the existing zoning The mixed use type 4 area (commerce. offices, hotell generates attractivity and flows at inter-urban level, having the role of business center,becoming a landmark at the local level (volumetric and functional. Phase 1 of development is focused on building the functions that generate major attractivity at the level of Narimanov and beyond, in the collaboration of Narimanov with Astrakhan (the main territorial urban center). T First stage of the green belt Residental apartments fully occupied The previous development generated enough resources to continue the expansion with major public facilities (lo be capitalized by the entire city, not only by the new development). Educational center Temporary/permanent housing Urban park/gardens In the stage 3, the first plot is fully functional and developed. Additional facilities are added and social housing is built for the purpose of attracting youth and young families in Narimanov. Representative pubic space Educational center Mixed use type 2 and 3 PHASE 4 Services Workshops Residential Commerce Shops/Restaurants, Educational center Community gardens Exhibition area Gathering public space Residential. PHASE 5 PHASE 6 The area is the new face of Narimanov Green belt stage 2 Major extensions of the transporation intrastructure In stage 4, the priority is the further development of the urban front in relation to the existing urban fabric. The new development is more oriented on residential units, accommodating the new population coming to Narimanov, Complex core of mixed u functions and facilities In stage 5, due to the success of the previous developments, there are enough resources and users for a majore development of mixed use areas, replicating typologies tested and implemented before. Acomodating new population The final stage of the development is characterized by rapid development. resulted from the resources and attractivity generated so far. The new neighborhood of Narimanov becomes the new identity and Image of the city-a dynamic, sustainable, diverse urban environment. OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004r.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA S TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#68INFLITRATION TRENCES FACID FACADES PHOTOVOLTAIC STREET LAMPS SHADED AREA (PERGOLAS THAT COLLECT AND RECIRCULATE WATER) OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) S GREEN FACADE ORIENTED TOWARDS SOUTH-SOUTH-WEST ROOF GARDEN OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) BIORETENTION AREA DESERT SHRUBS (INDIGEN SPECIES) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.)#69RESIDENTIAL AREA In the village of LIMAN THE SCHEME OF THE FUNCTIONAL AND PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF THE TERRITORY. A DIAGRAM SHOWING THE PLANNING OBJECTS OF A SOCIAL NETWORK, COMMERCIAL, MUNICIPAL, HOUSEHOLD AND OTHER NECESSARY INFRASTRUCTURE. торговый центр. shopping centre центр с. Лиман спорткомплекс, с бассейном sports complex with a swim- ming pool. апарт отель apart hotel детский сад kindergarten гостиница hotel Хостел the hostel креативный кластер для детей и молодежи creative cluster Клуб club 12 CLLD Центр с. Лиман Торговый центр shopping centre Астрахань порт Оля дь дз торговый центр shopping centre Условные обозначения: residential buildings social and commercial infrastructure facili- ties municipal infrastructure facilities roads and driveways planar sports facilities. landscaping of common use дворовые территории house plots of individual residential build- ings house plots of individual residential buildings protective forest belt OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#70SCHEME OF PRINCIPAL DECISIONS FOR ENGINEERING SUPPORT AND ENGINEERING PROTECTION OF THE TERRITORY Activities to create a comfortable environment: -planting a forest belt on the eastern side to protect buildings from winter winds; - organization of closed courtyard spaces; -formation of a green frame Lyman Center Fragment 2 נהב TTTT 3< B Astrakhan 10 Fragment 1. Closed courtyard area for a group of manor houses existing high pressure gas pipeline Fragment 1 Fragment 2. Yard area for a group of apartment buildings gazebo/shed for residents of houses well-organized space for relaxation and games Symbols: transformer substation 10/0.4 kV distribution point boiler room protective forest belt gas distribution cabinet well-organized space for relaxation and games parking lot with sports ground Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) OKRA URBASOFIA, Bucharest, Romania (2011r.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA studio, TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001г.) S#713D-VISUALIZATION OF CONCEPTUAL VOLUME-PLANNING SOLUTIONS, INCLUDING FACADE AND DESIGN SOLUTIONS OKRA Southern Urban Planning Center, URBASOFIA, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994г.) TA SCA TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001r.) S#72ASTRAKHAN AGGLOMERATION MASTER PLAN CONSORTIUM OF THE SOUTHERN URBAN PLANNING CENTER: Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) URBASOFIA, ° Bucharest, Romania (2011r.) OKRA OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994r.) TA SCA studio, TA SCA Bologna, Italy (2001г.) Астрахань Утрехт Ростов-на-Дону Бухарест Болонья#73OKRA AUTHOR'S SUPERVISION Southern Urban Planning Center, Rostov-on-Don, Russia (2004г.) Sergey Trukhachev, Director of the Southern Urban Planning Center("URGC"), Candidate of Architecture. Elena Khiteva, leading architect Elena Batunova, PhD in city and regional planning Dmitriy Chebotarev, Associate Professor of DSTU URBASOFIA, Cristina Tartari Bucharest, Romania (2011г.) OKRA Landschapsarchitecten bv, Utrecht, Netherlands (1994r.) TA SCA Dr. Pietro Elisei, Martin Knuijt Chief Landscape Designer Rani Izhar Project Leader Founder and managing director, town and regional planner, researcher Codruţ Papina Urban and landscape planner, PhD student Rusen Ionela Madalina Urban planner Yulia Barsukova Urban planner Laurine Duivon Andrey Prokhorov Deputy Director of "URGC" Urban planner Professor of RANEPA, Doctor of Vladimir Klimanov, Economics Tatyana Anopchenko, Professor of Smolensk State University, Doctor of Economics Roman Revunov Associate Professor of SFU, Candidate of Economics Sergey Berezkin Architect Valeria Krukova economist of "URGC" Ruslan Khokhlachev head of the "URGC" Group with the participation of: E. Miroshnichenko, V. Krivoshlykov, D. Borisova, T. Maltseva, A. Zolotareva, O. Trofimova, N. Nelyapina photo/video: E. Starkov videoediting: D. Novichkov Steffen Nijhuis Landscape Consultancy Yinyin Liu Landscape architect Mapula Maponya Landscape architect Elissavet Markozani Landscape architect Oleksandr Nenenko Landscape architect Hira Khan Landscape architect Shan Shao Landscape architect Aurora Fleres Landscape architect TA SCA studio, Bologna, Italy (2001г.) Partner, architect and urban planner Federico Scagliarini Partner, architect and urban planner Valentina Pozzi Landscape architect Stefano Zanetti Junior architect Francesca Battini Junior architect Edoardo Traversa Junior architect

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