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#1SLM SOLUTIONS INVESTOR PRESENTATION April 2022#2SLM SOLUTIONS 介 介 介 Technology pioneer, Innovation Leader Inventor of the Selective Laser Melting technology with a strong product portfolio, well positioned to benefit from the growing TAM for metal AM, expected to increase by over 3x by 2026* Track record of delivering path breaking technologies that have resulted in improved quality of output and enhanced productivity Large installed base of over 750 systems globally** with industry agnostic, broad-based customer base and an industry gamechanger in the NXG XII 600. Received orders for 10# NXG XII 600 systems from automotive, energy, space, aviation and service bureau industries Outperformed guidance for the second consecutive year, delivering double-digit top-line growth along with market-leading gross margins. Begun 2022 with largest## backlog of EUR 43m and over 500 people, working singularly on delivering the future with LB-PBF based solutions. * AM Power Report 2022 **As of Feb 2022 # Including three conditional orders ## Prior period figures adjusted for Chinese Frame Agreements. SLM SOLUTIONS 2#3REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF MANUFACTURING SLM SOLUTIONS 1 Why is Additive Manufacturing the future of metal manufacturing? 2 Why are we now at an inflection point for AM? 3 Why is Laser Powder Bed Fusion superior to other additive manufacturing technologies? 4 Why SLM will continue to lead 5 Financial Overview 3#4SECTION 1 Why is Additive Manufacturing the future of metal manufacturing? SLM SOLUTIONS 4#5Benefits of Additive Manufacturing Product Character - istics Complex geometries at lower weights + enhanced performance without design limitations. Lead Time Substantially shortened time to market Benefits Process Optimized working capital and cash conversion cycle of AM Efficiency Supply Chain Decentralized manufacturing reducing supply chain disruptions Environment Near zero waste → Green Manufacturing SLM SOLUTIONS 5#6Advantages of AM Enhanced Performance A highly integrated final E- drive unit and gearbox in one main housing along with Internal coolant channel Measurements: 590x560x367mm Material: AlSi10Mg (Aluminium) Machine: SLM® NXG XII 600 Traditional Manufacturing 1. Inability to optimize topology resulting in increased weight of component 2.Requirement of multiple parts for various functionalities, limiting enhancement in component performance. 3.Increased work steps causing higher labor costs. K 45-286 Additive Manufacturing 1. Optimized topology & functional integration enabled weight reduction of ~10%. 2.The use of lattice structures in the design resulted in rigidity increasing by 100%. 3.Installation work reduced by around 40 work steps. SLM SOLUTIONS Source: Prototype for small-series production: electric drive housing from a 3D printer - Porsche Press Release 6#7Advantages of AM Decentralized Manufacturing Traditional Manufacturing Metroflexx Brake panel An integrated brake control system that features a service brake, emergency brake, and wheel slide protection. The pneumatic base plate acts as a manifold with many internal channels to direct air to other systems in the transit vehicle. Measurements: 275x320x39 mm 1. Pneumatic channels are machined into solid aluminum plates which are then sandwiched together. 2.Assembly requires multiple fasteners and gaskets which add to assembly time and can be potential sources for air leaks. 3.Component manufactured in France and shipped for use in the USA resulting in long lead times. Additive Manufacturing 1. Design optimization contribution to significant weight reduction. Weight reduction of 5 kg (from 7kg to 2kg) 2.Additive Manufacturing enables for 32 parts to be combined in 1 3.Decentralized manufacturing leading to reduction in lead times by 70%. Material: AlSi10Mg (Aluminium) Machine: SLMⓇ800 Source: SLM Note: Based on case study with Wabtec Corporation, for more info click here. Metroflexx Pneumatic Base Plate SLM SOLUTIONS 7#8Advantages of AM Faster production times Traditional Manufacturing 1. Length of production was a few months due to several manufacturing steps required in the process. 2.Significant carbon footprint due to the weight of the component 3.Component manufactured by assembling several parts. Additive Manufacturing 1. Time taken to produce the main fitting reduced from a few months to a few days using the SLMⓇ 800. 2.Additive manufacturing process as a whole, including optimized design resulting in decreased carbon footprint. 3.Component manufactured as a single part. Main Fitting Main fitting component of a nose landing gear for a Bizjet Measurements: 455x295x805 mm Material: Titanium Machine: SLMⓇ800 Main Fitting* * Image is only illustrative and not the additively manufactured part. SLM SOLUTIONS 8#9SECTION 2 Why are we now at an inflection point for AM? SLM SOLUTIONS 9#10Disruptive technologies typically have a long lead up before reaching a demand inflection point % of world population using the internet SLM SOLUTIONS 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% Internet first launched 0.0% 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 % of electric vehicle share in global passenger car stock 15.0% 12.5% 10.0% 7.5% 5.0% 2.5% 0.0% 2000 2005 2010 2015 Forecast 2020 2025 2030 Source: Worldbank, Our World in Data, International Energy Agency DE AM is a disruptive technology that will completely turn industrial manufacturing as we know it on its head As with most disruptive technology cycles, the time between invention and mass adoption is difficult to predict Adoption of the AM technology is at the start of the inflection point where the launch of the NextGen machines will drive mass adoption As this new tipping point for the technology emerges, this will be a revolution in the manufacturing industry and not an evolution 10#11Key hurdles to industrialization are being cleared SLM SOLUTIONS Cost Per Part Reliability of Machines * Machine reliability not yet on required level for large scale production Number of Skilled Operators * Customers often lacking sufficient skilled AM machine operators * Specialized diplomas having only become available in the last few years Certification of AM Parts × Certification for new AM- produced parts taking longer than expected * Business cases with beneficial economics especially in aerospace delayed due to missing certification of parts * Productivity not yet competitive with conventional casting manufacturing for large scale production * AM already with cost advantages on smaller scale production Moving from niche market to serial production driving machine reliability improvements Recent graduates already well versed in AM and OEMS offer trainings and webinars on large scale Industries working on standards and certification processes, localization policies to accelerate adoption NextGen machines with significant productivity increase making AM extremely cost competitive 11#12Productivity increases enabling mass production SLM is at the forefront of the push to industrialization Phase 1 and 2 Proof of concept of technological capabilities Continued development of machines, qualification and selection of parts Initial use cases for R&D and small-scale production Limiting factors: productivity and reliability of machines; economics per part Applications High Adoption and Scaling (Mass production) Productivity increase driven by NextGen machine will be significant stepping stone for tran- sition into Phase 3 SLM SOLUTIONS Phase 3 Current Transition to Phase 3 has been delayed phase ☐ Full integration of AM in manufacturing chain Industrialized machines Competitive economics facilitating large scale production while retaining advantages of AM Transition & Transformation (Small series production) Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 R&D & Prototyping Productivity 12#13Market expansion with next generation of components specifically designed for AM SLM SOLUTIONS Illustrative: Break-even in Laser Powder Bed Fusion compared to conventional manufacturing (automotive example) Larger parts 100k Size of individual component (volume in cm³) 10k 1k ¥4 100 10 10 Source: SLM Market expansion Positive AM business cases: large parts with low quantity, small parts with higher quantity Next machine generation further pushes boundaries | I for efficient AM production Market expansion and growth driven by several favorable developments Productivity increase of next generation of AM machines New parts being specifically designed to make use of advantages of AM production AM increasingly being integrated in industrialized production processes Number of units of individual component required per year Higher quantity 1-OFFS 10s 100s Prototype Test mules Race cars 1,000s High-end premium 10,000s 100,000s Completion of ongoing certification processes of AM produced parts Luxury cars Mid-size cars cars 13#14AM industry growth driven by applications transitioning from prototyping to large scale production Example: Metal additive manufacturing applications in the Aero Engine sector SLM SOLUTIONS Fuel Nozzles Casing Features In full-rate production Units to double in 5 years Prototyping 2-3 years to production Compressor Prototyping Components 2-3 years to production Qualification MRO 2-4 years to production Prototyping Vanes +3 years to production Some in production 1-2 years to more production Rakes Awaiting larger platforms Liners +4 years to production Qualification +2 years to production Bearing Housings Adoption of metal additive manufacturing is expanding and is being integrated into the design process of new engine programs, creating a growing number of applications for selective laser melting Source: SLM 14#15AM key in transformation of global supply chains How AM will be part Megatrends of the solution COVID-19 has accelerated this transition Further accelerated by COVID-19 ** Shifting manufacturing in-house Ni Repatriation of manufacturing Focus on green manufacturing Decentralization & flexibilization of manufacturing - - - - - - - Flexible production of various parts on same machine type relinquishes expensive retooling of traditional manufacturing equipment, allowing businesses to use AM to bridge supply gaps Production costs largely independent of location as labor costs of operating the machine are of minor importance; AM is becoming more and more cost competitive as machine productivity increases Next generation products already include AM in their design processes facilitating the transition SLM SOLUTIONS New AM manufacturing plants will bring a whole new eco system of surrounding suppliers and customers with them, which will result in new regional job opportunities 15#16AM enables greener manufacturing Components produced with AM with substantially better environmental footprint Lower Waste reduction energy consumption Greener components Leaner supply chains Near zero waste produced Metal powder up to 95% recyclable Requires less energy than traditional manufacturing methods Design flexibility results in significant reduction of weight and assembly steps of components Enables local-for-local production and reduces dependency on global supply chains SLM SOLUTIONS 16#17Advantages of AM to continue to drive strong market growth SLM SOLUTIONS Today: Traditional manufacturing market $300bn+ €8.3bn €2.5bn ད 2021 Source: AM Power Report 2022, Equity Research, GS Research €19.2bn Total global Additive Manufacturing market Expected to grow at 18% CAGR until 2026 €7.8bn 2026E Global Metal AM market Expected to grow at 26% CAGR until 2026 17#18SECTION 3 Why is Laser Powder Bed Fusion superior to other additive manufacturing technologies? SLM SOLUTIONS 18#19Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Sole AM technology with widespread industrial use Superior mechanical properties... Size / Geometric Freedom SLM SOLUTIONS ...make LPBF the leading AM technology in the market today and tomorrow ■ Size of parts only limited by machine chamber size Outperforming in terms of absolute size and variability of part thickness ☐ Geometry complexity is for free, allowing for topology optimization that is without limits Constantly high mechanical properties Mechanical Low porosity Properties High density Wide Material Choice Compared to all other additive technologies LPBF offering greatest number of input materials. Any material that can be welded can be processed technology 20211) Investment related to Installed base (units) by AM in next years²) Other 5 (Laser) Powder Bed Fusion 84% 1% Binder Jet 3% Metal FDM 6% Direct Energy Deposition 7% Industrialization Index 4 3 Metal AM Maturity Index 2022 Wire Laser Beam ED L-PBF Widespread industrial use Time until industrial use • Index reached Less than 2 years ● 2 to 5 years More than 5 years Wire Electric Arc ED- Metal Filament ME Coldspray Friction Energy Deposition- Nanoparticle Jetting Ultrasonic Energy Deposition Area-wise L-PBF Metal Lithography E-PBF Powder Laser Beam ED Wire Plasma Arc ED Binder Jetting Metal Pellet ME 6 Hybrid Binder Jetting Metal SLS Mold Slurry Deposition Liquid Metal Printing Industrial use First applications Prototype system Proof of AMPOWER concept Source: Copyright 2022 Ampower GmbH & Co. KG 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Technology Maturity Index 20% 22% 60% One Step- Processing Little to no post-production increases "first time right potential" Enabling thin wall sections Consistently accurate geometrical output due to controlled and predictable part shrinkage and distortion 9% Electron Source: 1) AM Power Report 2022 2) Survey by Barnes Global Advisors: "What capital equipment related to metal AM does your company plan to purchase in the next 2-5 years?" Beam Powder Bed Fusion Directed Energy Deposition Binder Jet Laser Powder Bed Fusion 19#20LPBF shows superior properties vs. MBJ Better quality, material range and geometric freedom Laser Power Bed Fusion (LPBF) VS. Metal Binder Jetting (MBJ) SLM SOLUTIONS ☐ High mechanical properties and extreme accuracy High density and low porosity Quality Wide range of materials ■ Size only constrained by machine chamber size, suited for a wide range of thickness ☐ Controlled part shrinkage and part distortion possible Solid metal parts are produced directly, in a single process Source: AM Power, SLM Printing Post- Processing, Lower mechanical properties, lower density and higher porosity vs. LPBF Complex sintering process with many unknown effects and low first-time-right availability Material range Currently, material choice limited Geometric freedom Productivity ☐ ■ Limited size and minimum thickness of parts Shape limitations due to debinding and sintering Uncontrolled creep deformation possible Multi-step process - solid metal parts are only created during last step of sintering Build-up rate significantly lowered by shrinkage - debinding and sintering required to turn "green part” into metal part Printing Debinding Sintering 20#21NextGen LPBF at least as productive as MBJ... ...while keeping its advantage in material properties. Metal Binder Jetting (MBJ) SLM SOLUTIONS Laser Power Bed Fusion (LPBF) Example based on illustrative metal AM component: VS. Powder build-up rate 12,000 cm³/h Current build rate of <200 cm³/h with 15% Packing density Printing 15% "Green" part build-up rate: 1,200-2,400 cm³/h (depending on packing density) potential of Printing >1000 cm³/h for NextGen >1,000 cm³/h (Green) part build-up rate c.1,800 cm³/h Debinding Debinding and sintering required to turn "green" part into solid metal part Little to no post- production required Post- Processing N/A Part volume shrinkage during post-processing 45% >1,000 cm³/h Final metal part build-up rate c.990 cm³/h Sintering Requires between 16 to 32h for both steps Does not include additional time required 21 Source: AM Power; Company disclosure; SLM; Wielage, B. et al. (2010). Utilisation potential of water-atomised metal powders for thermal spraying. Note: Compares NextGen LPBF technology with latest single pass MBJ machines. Packing density based on illustrative metal AM component. for debinding/sintering#22SECTION 4 SLM SOLUTIONS Why SLM will continue to lead 22 22#23Our Strategy Enabling long-term sustainable growth SLM SOLUTIONS Technology leadership Operational excellence Best-in-class AM solutions provider SLM Solutions is a leader in the metal additive industry, and aims to continue being a driving force in the industry We will always push the limits of additive manufacturing, thus maintaining our technology leadership We deliver best-in-class operational excellence and are relentless in consistently improving Our customers' success is our success, and we will work towards maximizing customer satisfaction Technology Pioneers with decades of experience in the metal additive industry Large IB of +750 systems globally across a wide variety of customers Maintain long-standing focus on investing into technologies of the future Value-accretive product portfolio with a focus on delivering quality Software enablers to aid the ongoing industrialization of AM Revamped PLM System to enhance efficiencies in product life cycle Optimized sourcing → decrease in material costs on a like-for-like basis of approx. 3% in 2021 Lean manufacturing processes enhancing efficiency across the value chain EBITDA margin improvement in FY 2021 of 50% YoY Laser focus on maximizing customer satisfaction Upgraded CRM system to aid quality service delivery Global roll-out of Net Promoter Score (NPS) system in 2022 SLM SOLUTIONS 23#24SLM SLM Solutions - a technological pioneer active in the AM space for more than 50 years¹ SLM SOLUTIONS Corporate Milestones Technology Advances 1960s: Introduction of prototype tooling technologies by MCP Group, the precursor to SLM Solutions 2006: Founding of the operating company SLM Solutions GmbH 2014: IPO of SLM Solutions Group AG 2016: Failed takeover attempt by GE 2018: Move into new HQ in Lübeck 2019: Appointment of new management team and board 1960s-70s 1996 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 1996: Co-inventor of Selective Laser Melting base patent 2011: Launch of SLM the SLMⓇ280 Twin Production Series SLM 2003: Launch of the first selective laser melting system in the market, the SLMⓇ250 First to the market with twin (SLMⓇ280) and quad (SLMⓇ500) laser technology 1. Timeframe includes activities within the MCP Group out of which SLM Solutions was split off 2013: Launch of the SLM 500 Production Series 2017: Launch of the SLMⓇ800 Production Series SLM 2020: Commercial launch of NXG XII 600 Multi laser machine 24#25>750 machines installed globally Serving a broad range of blue chip customers Installed base by region 22% ■ EMEA ■NA 53% ■ APAC Serving more than blue chip customers 150 including Fortune 500 companies, Dax30 companies, some of the largest OEMs as well as leaders in space exploration, aviation, electro mobility, motor racing, science, and many more... 25% Installed base by machine type >50% of IB multi laser ~95% of Backlog multi laser Source: SLM Note: 19% 1% 18% ■ SLMⓇ125 SLMⓇ280 ■ SLMⓇ500 & 800 ■ NXG XII 600 62% Installed machine base as of Feb 2022 ROLLS R Rolls-Royce BOVICE EMERSON BLUE ORIGIN Honeywell AIRBUS Baker Hughes > M PORSCHE BOEING S SAFRAN W PORSCHE MAHLE® NASA IMAN MAN Energy Solutions Collins Aerospace SLM SOLUTIONS 25#26Technology pioneer with history of product innovation SLM SOLUTIONS Addressable Market Chamber Size 2009 2011 2013 2017 2020 SLM®280 SLM®280 SLMⓇ500 SLMⓇ800 NXG XII 600 SLM 280x280x365 SLM Prototyping, small series production 280x280x365 500x280x365 Laser Single Twin Twin & Quad Build Rate cm³/h Up to 88 Up to 88 Up to 171 Source: SLM 500x280x850 Quad Up to 171 SLM High volume, serial production 600x600x600 12 >1,000 Larger building platform + higher build rate imply >500% productivity increase The superior efficiency level of the NXG XII 600 machine enables SLM to target a new market Development cycle for NextGen machine is >5 years. 26#27NXG XII 600 - designed for serial production SLM SOLUTIONS 20x faster than a standard single laser system 5x faster than the SLM quad-laser machine Designed for serial production Optimized for large parts and high-volume production SLM NXGXI GOD SLM 12 Lasers 1000 Watts each Zoom function build up rate up to 1000 cm³/h Capable of large layer thickness Fine features and delicate patterns possible 27 10#28NXG XII 600 is moving metal AM economics to a completely new level SLM SOLUTIONS SLM's current generation of machines is already at the top level of productivity for Metal AM machines... ... but SLM's NextGen machine will be a gamechanger Build rate (cm³/hr) 200 Letters represent selective competitor machines Build rate (cm³/hr) >1,000 900 SLM 500 SLM 800 800 150 E A 700 B (#2) 600 SLM 280 +500% productivity increase 100 D (#2) 500 400 300 50 B (#1) D (#1) SLM 125 SLM 500 200 SLM 800 100 0.00 0.04 0.08 Build chamber (m³) 0.12 0.16 I SLM NXG XII 600 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 Build chamber (m³) 28#29NXG XII 600 - Order Intake as of 4Q21 Successful roll-out with broad-based interest SLM SOLUTIONS DIVERGENT → Three NXG XII 600s will support the increasing production demand by major global auto manufacturers implementing the Divergent Adaptive Production SystemⓇ The three additional NXG XII 600 systems will bring their install base for this system to six. SINTAVIA Collins Aerospace MANI MAN Energy Solutions LEADING SPACE COMPANY >>> Two NXG XII 600s¹ that will enable Sintavia to cost-effectively supply the unprecedented demand for printed metal componentry, aided by a manufacturing rate and quality that remains unequaled in the industry ⇒ System capabilities tested on a benchmark part large Inconel shrouded impeller with an exposure area of more than 50% and a weight of 174 kg was built successfully in under a week. ⇒ An NXG XII 600 will enable Collins Aerospace, a world leader in the design and production of Engine nozzles, to produce additively manufactured aerospace parts faster. ⇒ MAN ES ordered an NXG XII 600 to meet the growing demand for large-scale AM parts with a greater envelope size. ⇒ MAN ES will utilize the machine for the serial production of components for technology solutions within the marine, energy, and industrial sectors. ⇒ Two NXG XII 600s² will allow a leading California-based rocket company to make its space missions more affordable and efficient by creating lighter, faster, and more robust space components. 1. Both orders are not included in the Company's backlog as of 4Q21 as the contracts include a clause which allow the customer to cancel the order in a specific timeframe free of charge. The conditionality on one of the machines was removed in March 2022 and therefore this machine will be added to the company's backlog and order-intake in 1Q22. 2. One order is not included in the Company's backlog as the contract includes a clause which allow the customer to cancel the order in a specific timeframe free of charge. 29#30Open Architecture Unlocking innovation. Driving industrialization. WHY DOES IT MATTER? ⇒ Provides customers with a fundamental competitive advantage. → Fosters innovation at SLM Solutions and in the wider AM industry. → Drives the industrialization of AM at a faster rate. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? ⇒ Software: Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to several external software vendors. Customizability for software offerings. ⇒ Materials & Process: Enable the free selection of materials & process parameters. → Services: Customized service agreements to meet the precise need of the customer, with measurable success criteria. SLM's API Landscape SLMAPI PARTNERS SLM reader/writer API CONNECTIVITY SLM.Link MES* OPC UA SLM Quality API .slm PSV SLM 280 DATA .slm CAD* PREP .slm .slm PRE PROCES SOR SLM.Prep Free Float SLM SLM MCS* POST PROCES SING SLM.Quality Desktop App SLM SOLUTIONS *CAD: Computer-Aided Design MCS: Machine Control Software MES: Manufacturing Execution System 30#31Free Float is unique Customizability sets us apart DIFFERENTIATOR 3D 3D SLM VELO es SOLUTIONS Designated application for support reduction with minimalistic workflow targeting standardized processes YES Not known NO* Open material parameter selection YES NO YES Ability to customize Free Float process YES NO YES Retrofittable on existing system portfolio Availability of Free Float technology or similar solution YES N/A YES YES YES YES By harnessing the power of Free Float, customers can reduce post-processing costs by up to 94*% SLM Solutions' Free Float places power in the hands of our customers, enabling them to customize the solution in the manner that best suits their requirements and part profile Source: SLM Solutions Research * No automated algorithm/application. Additional time and effort (therefore costs) required to work in the system on an engineering level to tweak settings manually, without direct knowledge of outcome. # Detailed case study here. SLM SOLUTIONS 31#32Experienced Management Team Leadership with extensive industry track record Sam O'Leary CEO Since Dec-2019 (CEO since Jan-2021) GE Additive Director of Product Management • Prior: GE Power Supply Chain Strategy Leader Dirk Ackermann CFO Since Jun-2020 • Senior Finance Manager at GE • Prior: Finance Manager in various segments and locations of GE Quality Management former Draegerwerke VP Engineering & Technology former GE Product Management former Trumpf Global Supply Chain former Airbus Service & Application former Rockwell Collins General Counsel & Chief People Officer former Siemens Chief Sales Officer former ExOne, 3D Systems Experienced management team driving best-in-class processes across the organization SLM SOLUTIONS 32#33Increased focus on services Acceleration of service revenues while boosting profitability Historically, limited focus on services Share expected to significantly increase going-forward Services ~25% Equipment ~75% Gradual increase of service revenue as the business matures Services Equipment ▪ Limited focus across company, main goal to sell machines ■ Customer success not a KPI, limited collaborations with customers ■ Current machine generation with low powder consumption given application in prototyping and small series production ■ Our customers' success is our success ■ Increased alignment of revenues to criteria important to our customers ■ NXG machines requiring significant powder supply given large series production Mandatory service contracts on NXG machines to ensure customer success SLM SOLUTIONS 33#34SECTION 5 Financial overview SLM SOLUTIONS 34#35Growing Topline Order Intake in EUR m 62.1 46.1 +13% 70.4 2019** 2020 2021 Backlog in EUR m in EUR m Revenue CAGR +24% 75.1 at least 100.0 +45% 61.8 49.0 42.8 29.6 30.2 At least 33% growth YoY Dec 2019** Dec 2020 Dec 2021 2019 2020 2021 2022E ☐ Order intake for FY 2021 at EUR 70.4m, higher by 53% as compared to FY 2020. Strongest* order backlog as at year-end 2021 of EUR 43m, up by 42% YoY, provides SLM Solutions with a solid base going into 2022. Revenue up 22% at EUR 75.1m, as compared to FY 2020, outperforming guidance for the second consecutive year. * Prior period figures adjusted for Chinese Frame Agreements. **Includes EUR 5.6m of backlog adjustments performed in Q2 '20 SLM SOLUTIONS 35#36Selected Financials Sustained upward trajectory in revenue & profitability in EUR m 2021 Change 2020 Machines Revenue 57.6 +28% 45.1 After Sales Revenue 17.5 +5% 16.6 Gross Profit 46.3 +36% 33.9 Gross Profit Margin 56% +3p.p 53% Payroll (39.0) +9% (35.6) Other Exps. & Income (15.8) +22% (13.0) EBITDA (8.6) +42% (14.8) Operating Cash Flow (18.3) (3.4) Working Capital 33.2 +36% 24.4 Cash and cash equivalents 25.0 +33% 18.9 U = Unfavorable (change <(100)%) SLM SOLUTIONS • • Machines revenues increase mainly driven by SLM500 → doubled output vs 2020 Focused on fixing after sales business by concentrating on quality & customer satisfaction, initial steps taking to accelerate revenue growth Gross Profit Margin improvement driven by product cost out & lower inventory write-offs, Q4 negatively impacted by ~EUR 1m increase of obsolescence reserve Other operating income includes forgiven PPA loan within US entity (EUR 0.8m) Other operating expenses negatively impacted by freight rates Increase in payroll aligned to mid-term growth targets Operating Cash-Flow negatively impacted by higher safety stock levels due to supply chain constraints and increase in receivables driven by late shipments and unfavorable terms 36#37Operational Profitability Focus on enhancing operational efficiencies EBITDA in EUR m SLM SOLUTIONS (14.8) (8.6) Break-even on a quarterly basis in H2 '22 +++ 2020 2021 2022E 2026E** Ongoing focus on operational excellence across all departments Implemented new manufacturing lines in 2021 to improve product throughput and variable labor costs, further improvement to be driven by lean principles Ongoing progress in driving material costs down, 3% material deflation in 2021 despite global supply chain crisis Implemented new CRM tool at the beginning of 2021 driving automation and better visibility in sales & services Initiated roll-out of new Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM) system with efficiency gains expected from product development to product roll-out stage. On track to achieve breakeven profitability on a quarterly basis in H2 2022, with continuous improvement in the following years. (26.0) CAGR +42% 2019 ** 2026E bar is only illustrative. 37 2#38Path to growth and profitability High operating leverage & NXG introduction Currently: Negative EBITDA largely driven by high non- material costs (R&D, admin) relatively to revenue Illustrative: Revenue increase resulting in significant operating leverage due to decoupling of non-material costs +100% Constant margin +100% Moderate Significant increase Improvement Revenue Cost of materials Gross profit Non-material EBITDA Revenue costs Cost of materials Gross profit Non-material EBITDA costs SLM SOLUTIONS 38#39Guidance & long-term view Targeting 5x revenue growth in 5 years Guidance 2022E 2026E Expected market size* Sales At least EUR 100 m ~5x revenue growth vs 2021 €19.2bn EBITDA Break-even on quarterly basis in +++ second half Key Assumptions 2022E: Easing of supply chain constraints in second half, no significant COVID-19 restrictions in key markets, successful NXG XII 600 ramp up, no severe economic slowdown due to Ukraine-Russia crisis 2026E: Ramp-up in serial production of key industries as expected in market forecasts, no significant economic events Source: AM Power Report 2022 €8.3bn Total global Additive Manufacturing market in 2026 Expected to grow at 18% CAGR until 2026 Global Metal AM market in 2026 Expected to grow at 26% CAGR until 2026 SLM market share SLM SOLUTIONS 39#40SECTION 6 Additional Case Studies SLM SOLUTIONS 40 40#41Advantages of AM Improving functionality Traditional Manufacturing 1. Time consuming and cost intensive process to produce 2.Increased risk of human error due to requirement of multiple parts for single component. Monolithic Thrust Chamber Core element of a liquid- propellant rocket engine. Measurements: 228X194X310mm 3.Essential cooling structure manufactured separately Material: IN718 (Nickel Superalloy) Machine: SLMⓇ 280 Bedro Co Demo Owigon plan Source: SLM; NASA; G. P. Sutton, History of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines, AIAA, Reston, VA, 2006. Additive Manufacturing 1. Production time decreased from ~6 months to <5 days 2.Entire component printed, without needing multiple parts - significantly improving reliability. 3.Innovative lattice structure enabling an integrated cooling function which also resulted in increased stability. SLM SOLUTIONS 41#42Advantages of AM High precision hybrid manufacturing Grooving component used in metal cutting This component performs an essential service in the production of parts for the aerospace, energy and electronics industry, to name a few Material: 16MnCr5 (case hardening steel) Machine: SLMⓇ 280 Twin. Traditional Manufacturing 1. Ineffective geometric shape of cooling channel with complex shapes unable to be produced. 2.Ineffective cooling leads to shorter life of product for end-users. 3.Increased weight of component → environmentally unfavorable. Additive Manufacturing 1. Complex star-shaped cooling channel produced over a traditionally manufactured component. 2. Enhanced cooling functionality increases life of product, thereby reducing total costs for customers. 3. Weight of component reduced by 45%. Source: SLM STAPS inside SLM Solutions' Open Architecture enables Burgmaier to realize the benefits of AM using its innovative case-hardening steel 16MnCr5 material SLM SOLUTIONS 42#43Advantages of AM Minimized post-processing costs. By harnessing the power of Free Float, customers can reduce post-processing costs by up to 94% Material 1 Supports Support Volume Post Processing Time (hh:mm) Without Free Float Inconel 718 Block Supports up to 45° 59,588 mm³ 01:30 SLM produced the part² using Inconel 718, a nickel-based superalloy extensively used in the energy & space industries. With Free Float Inconel 718 Flat sections + connections 767 mm³ -99% Inconel is a robust material but also results in high post-processing costs. With SLMⓇ FREE FLOAT - Robustness of material? YES High post processing costs? NO 00:05 -94% 1. Original part manufactured using Aluminium. Additively manufactured part produced using IN718 (Nickel-based superalloy). SLM Solutions computed material and labor requirements if original part was manufactured with IN718. Comparative figures based on this study. 2. Part by Lighthinge (EDAG, voestalpine, simufact) SLM SOLUTIONS 43#44Advantages of AM Increased precision, decreased post-processing Hood hinge³ Lightweight hood hinge² Additively manufactured Lightweight hood hinge with integrated pedestrian protection Material: IN718 (Nickel Superalloy) Machine: SLMⓇ 280 Twin Traditional Manufacturing 1. Component weight resulting in larger carbon footprint. 2.Several individual parts required for the component resulting in high assembly and tooling costs. 3.Inability to add new functionalities without compromising on quality or cost. Additive Manufacturing 1. Weight of component lowered by approx. 50%. 2. Number of parts decreased from approx. 40 to 2. 3. Post processing costs can be reduced significantly. 4. Complexity for free 1. Original part manufactured using Aluminium. Additively manufactured part produced using IN718 (Nickel-based superalloy). SLM Solutions computed material and labor requirements if original part was manufactured with IN718. Comparative figures based on this study. 2. Part by Lighthinge (EDAG, voestalpine, simufact) 3. Image is only illustrative and not the additively manufactured part. SLM SOLUTIONS 44#45SLM SOLUTIONS Advantages of AM Significant weight reduction Gooseneck bracket Structural component from Krueger flap actuating mechanism for airplanes. Measurements: 93X220X136mm Material: Ti6Al4V Titanium Machine: SLMⓇ 280 Twin Traditional Manufacturing 1. Increased weight of component leading to high fuel consumption. 2.High buy-to-fly¹ ratio resulting in wastage. 3.Long Multiple parts required for single component leading to higher labor costs. 4.production time. Additive Manufacturing 1. Weight of component down by 31%. 2.Buy-to-fly ratio decreased from 17x to 1.5x, significantly reducing wastage. 3.Production time decreased by over 40%. Source: Note: SLM 1. Ratio between weight of raw material purchased and weight of final part. 45 45#46SECTION 7 Comparison with US industry peers SLM SOLUTIONS 46#47SLM in Perspective SLM with superior technological capabilities SLM SOLUTIONS Velo3D Technology Support Free Applications Industry Diversification IP Portfolio Technology Heritage Machine Portfolio Powder Bed Fusion Powder Bed Fusion Yes Production of high value / high complexity metal parts Aerospace, auto, energy, medical, research ~450 publications >150 granted patents 20+ years 5 (1 to 12 lasers) Yes Production of high value / high complexity metal parts Aerospace, energy <50 granted patents 7+ Years 2 (2 to 8 lasers) Desktop Metal¹ Binder Jetting Not applicable Mass production of low-cost / low complexity parts Auto, general industry 650+ publications² 6+ Years 72 Maximum Build Size Proven Productivity Source: Note: 600 mm X 600 mm X 600 mm 40% Larger than Velo Ø 600 mm x 550 mm 490 x 380 x 260 mm >1,000 cc/h SLM, Velo3D disclosure, Desktop Metal disclosure 1. Focus on Desktop Metal's binder jet printing segment. 2. Post acquisitions of EnvisionTEC, ExOne, among others <100 cc/h ~1,000 cc/h SLM SOLUTIONS 47#48SLM in Perspective (continued) SLM with significantly more advanced fundamentals SLM Velo3D Desktop Metal¹ SOLUTIONS Installed Base (# machines) >750 <50 13 Market Share (%) >10% <3% Not applicable, different market Employees (#) >500 ~200 ~1,0002 In-house Manufacturing Yes No No Global Sites (#) 4 1 1 Direct Global Sales Revenue 2021 (€m) Gross Profit Margin FY 2021 (%) Source: Note: SLM, Velo3D disclosure, Desktop Metal disclosure 1. Focus on Desktop Metal's Binder Jet segment. 2. Post acquisitions of EnvisionTEC, ExOne, among others 3. First P50 system shipped in Feb 2022. 4.1 EUR = 1.13 USD Yes No No €75m ~€24m4 ~€99.5m2,4 56% 16% 27% SLM SOLUTIONS 48

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