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#1Exploration of battery-metals in world class mining district www INVESTOR PRESENTATION 18 March 2022 3111 M STELAR METALS#2Disclaimer STELAR METALS General information only This Presentation contains general background information and summary information about Stelar Metals Limited (ACN 651 636 065) ("Stelar Metals") and its activities as at the date of this Presentation. Stelar Metals does not undertake to provide any additional or update information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. By receiving the Presentation, you acknowledge and represent to Stelar Metals that you have read, understood and accepted the terms of this disclaimer. This Presentation is confidential and may not be reproduced, redistributed or passed on, directly or indirectly. Sophisticated/professional investors By accepting and retaining a copy of this Presentation, you warrant that you are sophisticated investor within the meaning of section 708(8) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or a professional investor within the meaning of section 708(11) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Not an offer This Presentation is not a prospectus, disclosure document, product disclosure statement or other offering document under Australian law (and will not be lodged with ASIC). This presentation is for information purposes only does not constitute an invitation or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any security or financial product or service in any jurisdiction. Any offer of securities in Stelar Metals will be made in or accompanied by a copy of a prospectus, and prospective investors should consider the prospectus in deciding whether to acquire securities in Stelar Metals. Any person who wants to acquire securities in Stelar Metals will need to complete the application form that will be in or will accompany the prospectus. Not investment advice The information contained in this Presentation is for information purposes only, the Presentation does not constitute financial product nor investment advice or a recommendation to acquire securities in Stelar Metals (nor does it or will it form part of any contract to acquire securities in Stelar Metals). It has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of individuals. Before making an investment in Stelar Metals, an investor or prospective investor should consider whether such an investment is appropriate to their particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances, seek legal and taxation advice as appropriate and consult a financial adviser if necessary. Forward Looking Statement This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to risk factors associated with Stelar Metals' business and proposed operations. Forward looking statements include those containing such words as "anticipate", "estimates", "forecasts", "should", "could", "may", "intends", "will", "expects", "plans" or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are beyond the control of Stelar Metals. It is believed that the expectations reflected in these statements are reasonable but they may be affected by a range of variables and changes in underlying assumptions which could cause actual results or trends to differ materially. Stelar Metals does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such statements or assumptions and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. Data and amounts shown in this presentation relating to capital costs, operating costs and project timelines are internally generated best estimates only. All such information and data is currently under review as part of Stelar Metals' ongoing development and feasibility studies. Accordingly, Stelar Metals cannot guarantee the accuracy and/or completeness of the figures or data included in the presentation until the feasibility studies are completed. No Warranty of Accuracy or Completeness This presentation has been prepared by Stelar Metals based on information currently available to it. Stelar Metals and its directors, employees and consultants make no representations or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information, opinions and conclusions contained in this Presentation. To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of Stelar Metals or its subsidiaries or affiliates or the directors, employees, agents, representatives or advisers of any such party, nor any other person accepts any liability for any loss arising from the use of this presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with it, including without limitation, any liability arising from fault or negligence on the part of Stelar Metals or its subsidiaries or affiliates or the directors, employees, agents, representatives or advisers of any such party. Competent Person's Statement The information in this Presentation that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Colin Skidmore. Colin Skidmore has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the styles of mineralization and types of deposit under consideration, and to the activities, which he is undertaking. Colin Skidmore is a Member of the Australian Institute for Geoscientists and is a "Competent Person" as defined in the 2012 edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Colin Skidmore consents to the inclusion of information in this presentation that relates to Exploration Results in the form and context in which it appears. JORC - Exploration Targets It is common practice for a company to comment on and discuss its exploration in terms of target size and type. The information in this Presentation relating to exploration targets should not be misunderstood or misconstrued as an estimate of Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves. Hence the terms Resource(s) or Reserve(s) have not been used in this context. The potential quantity and grade is conceptual in nature, since there has been insufficient work completed to define them beyond exploration targets and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource. 2#3Investment value Stelar metals is a mineral discovery group focused on the exploration and discovery of battery-metals integral to the clean energy transition OOO OO Do 8 8 Do ០០ The Company has a portfolio of five prospective exploration. projects, all 100% owned and located in close proximity to world class mines in of South Australia. Extensive exploration program of work across all five assets from funds raised at IPO The Company is led by a highly successful and reputable Board and Management team with deep exploration and discovery experience in South Australia Well-positioned to take advantage of exceedingly favourable market conditions for key metals vital to transitioning to a low carbon world. 3 STELAR METALS#4Strategy and corporate snapshot To explore and discover critical minerals required in a low carbon future CAPITAL STRUCTURE COMPANY SNAPSHOT ASX Share Price $0.20 Top 20 Shareholders Shares on Issue 50,450,001 Escrowed shares 44.1% of Issued Capital 15.4M (12mth and 24mths) Market Capitalisation (at 20c) $10.1M IPO Capital Raised (March 2022) $7M Institutional Investment 12.7% of IPO BookBuild Enterprise Value $3.2M SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE Holders above 100,000 shares 68.5% of issued capital ■Board & Management Institutional Investors ■Remaining Investors STELAR METALS 4#5Market forces driving demand for battery-metals IN 2021 SOUTH AUSTRALIA PRODUCED 305,000T OF COPPER (67% of Australia's Copper) Powering homes, industries and clean energy technologies around the world That's enough copper for either: 3.4 million Electric vehicles which could reduce carbon emissions of 10 Million Tonne In one year 70,000 Wind Turbines $10,000 LME Official Copper Price (USD) COPPER Producing 210 GW of clean energy - that's 4 times the capacity in the Australian Electricity Market $5,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 CO₂ 1711 Copper wiring and fixtures for a city of 1.5 million homes 200kg of copper in electrical wiring, plumbing, roofing, brass fittings and appliances 1 Mpta sustainable copper production could TRIPLE our global impact $4,000 LME Official Zinc Price (USD) ZINC $3,000 $2,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 STELAR METALS By 2030, more than 250,000 tonne of copper will be needed per year as part of the windings in electric traction motors on-road electric vehicles. Source: South Australia's Copper Strategy (Government of South Australia 2021) Battery Metal commodity prices are projected to continue increase to meet the global demand for these critical metals that underpin the new technologies being developed to reduce climate change. 5#6The right people with exploration and discover experience STELAR METALS • • Stephen Biggins, Non-Executive Chairman Colin Skidmore, Chief Executive Officer Geoffrey Webster, Independent Non-Executive Director Will Dix, Independent Non-Executive Director Jack Rosagro, Company Secretary BSc Hons (Geology), MBA. 25 years' local and international exploration and discovery experience as a geologist and executive is currently the Managing Director of Core Lithium (ASX: CXO) Market Cap. $1.60B. • • BSc Hons, MAppSc. 25 years' experience as an exploration geologist and project manager extensive experience with a broad range of commodities in South Australia and international projects in North and South America and Central Asia and Europe . a Chartered Professional Engineer, graduating with honours from the University of Adelaide director of a specialist engineering consultancy located in South Australia. geologist with 25 years' experience in base metal, gold and uranium exploration and mining. successful track record managing teams and projects, includes commercial activities relating to capital raisings, mergers, acquisitions and divestments. is a Chartered Company Secretary, a Fellow of Governance Institute of Australia, and holds a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Finance. currently the company secretary for several ASX listed clients including Intra Energy Corporation Limited (ASX: IEC) and Harvest Technology Group Limited (ASX: HTG)#7INVESTOR VALUE 5 prospective projects STELAR METALS#8South Australian Copper & Zinc Projects 100% owned South Australian exploration projects IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper Gold): Evelyn Dam, Torrens & Gunson Sedimentary Copper: Gunson, Baratta, Linda & Torrens Carbonate-hosted Zinc: Linda & Baratta 136º Prominent Hill --30º Olympic Dam TORRENS EL 6264 & EL 6572 Woomera Carapateena GUNSON ELA-2021/73 Stelar's projects are proximal to major mines and discoveries held by BHP, Oz Minerals, FMG, Coda Minerals, Perilya, DGO Gold Stelar Metals Tenure Granted Application Major Company Tenure BHP Oz Minerals FMG 2yr Exploration Budget: $5,680,000 Perilya Coda Minerals DGO Gold Assuming granted & $7M max subscription Taruga 0 Main Roads EVELYN DAM EL 5792 400 Km GDA 1994 Geodetic 100 Leigh Creek 139º Beltana Zinc -30° LINDA EL 6263 Port Augusta BARATTA ELA-2021/37 NORTH -33º STELAR METALS 8#9Evelyn Dam IOCG Project Large untested Olympic Dam style IOCG gravity target 6,490,000mN PIL 2 MF KBF003 =6,480,000mN PIL 17 PIL 18 EVE001 PIL 12 PIL 16 PIL 13 =6,470,000mN kilometers GOA 1994 MGA 53 MF 3 M STELAR METALS SW PIL 11 MF 2 EVE001 Vertical to 735m MF5 Surface M Evelyn Dam EL 5792 Cleared Drill Site Historic Drill Hole PIL 5 MF 7 +7 mGal Gravity Contours Low-pass Bouger Anomaly Stelar Metals EL 5792 Minor Station Track Main Station Track BHP Falcon Gravity Survey 1000m V=H +6 mGal +5 nGal Haines Ground Gravity Survey +4 mGal +3 mGal Salt Lake +2mGal Planned Hole A -60° to 1,800m 8 mGal Gravity Anomaly 2,000m M STELAR METALS Evelyn Dam - 3D Gravity & VRMI Magnetic Inversion Section 6,480,000mE STELAR METALS 650,000mE 660,000mE EVE001 Section Trace 6,470,000mE North 5km GDA 1994 MGA 53 Previous BHP project then held in JV with Rio Tinto Discrete large +8 mGal Residual Gravity Anomaly; disassociated with later magnetic mafic dykes EL 5792 is 100% owned with existing Heritage Clearances and Agreements for multiple drill holes 2yr Exploration Budget: $2M#10Evelyn Dam Drilling CSA Global considered EVE001 was indicative of distal IOCG alteration that upgrades the Evelyn Dam target 662350 North 180469400 50 mm STELAR METALS Pink Carbonate Fluorite Vein M STELAR METALS with chlorite rims STELAR METALS Native Copper Reduction Zone with filamentous Cu and S Oxidized Pandurra Sandstone Evelyn Dam Drill Core - EVE001 at 276m depth Single existing hole. (EVE001) driled by Rio Tinto in 2018 Failed to test anomaly (drilled vertically ~2km from modelled gravity anomaly Top of basement at 430m depth (GRV) with visible native copper and brecciated contact 50 mm Sericite altered Rhyolite With flow texture Evelyn Dam Drill Core - EVE001 at 691m depth Sericite-Chlorite-haematite alteration and carbonate- fluorite veining towards end of hole 10#11Linda Zinc Project 6,560,000mN Blinman Diapiric Breccia 6,540,000mN 6,520,000mN kilometres Flinders Diapiric Breccia GDA 1994 MGA54 periya Third Plain Zinc Prospect STELAR METALS 10 Linda Zinc EL 6263 Holocene Sediments Pleistocene Sediments Carboniferous-Permian Moralana Supergroup Moralana Supergroup Yerelina Subgroup Wilpena Group Pound Subgroup ABC Range Quartzite Umberatana Group Yudnamutana Subgroup Breccia Callanna Group Linda Zinc Prospect Zinc Prosect WEST STURT SHELF TORRENS HINGE ZONE ADELAIDE GEOSYNCLINE Evelyn Dam Gunson Baratta Linda AAA Elatina glacials THF Sandstone Red siltstone Green/grey siltstone TAPLEY HILL FORMATION Sturt glacials Fe Limestone Dolostone Ironstone LLL Evaporitic sediments vvv ++ Basic volcanics Mesoproterozoic Basement Unconformity Syn-depositional fault Base Metal Prospect Copper Prospect Not to scale Modified from Kruse & Jago (2016) Source Rift Basin SOUTH EAST WILPENA GROUP UMBERATANA Fe GROUP Fluid Flow Path Copper Prospect Basemetal Prospect BURRA GROUP CALLANNA GROUP WARRINA SUPERGROUP HEYSEN SUPERGROUP Linda Zinc Project located ~80km SE and in same geology as Perilya's high- grade Beltana Zine Mine Discovered by BHP in 1980's following up stream sediment anomalies Similarities to the high- grade zinc-copper-lead deposits in the Central African Copperbelt (Kipushi) High-grade Zinc and Lead at Linda hosted in Cambrian Limestones STELAR METALS 11#12Linda Targets New targets prioritised for early drill testing, detailed mapping and infill soil geochemistry -6,537,500mN -6,537,000mN Γ 10 T L 21 3 B " -6,536,000mN T 303,500mE - 4 L 0 0 Target D 20 BO L BO D Π L . 304,000mE L ° L ° D B 00 Target C ° ப • B Π ☐ 304,500mE Π E VAVA B BEY 9 D Target A Π Π Π AVA A AYA VAV AVAVA AV AV VA JAV AVAR AV Target B meters GDA 1994 MGA 54 500 ②- Perilya (1999-2017) XRF Soils > 1,000ppm Zn 500 to 1,000ppm Zn 250 to 500ppm Zn 100 to 250ppm Zn < 100ppm Zn BHP (1980-1987) A Mineral_drillholes Pb/Zn Mineralised Outcrop Mineralised Pod GSSA 100k Geology Holocene Sediments Pleistocene Sediments Warragee Member Wilkawillina Limestone Bonney Sandstone Wonoka Formation AV Breccia Structures Geological Boundaries Stelar Metals Target M STELAR METALS Target A: Test main outcropping mineralised pods, main XRF soli anomalies and under the shallow historic drilling. Target B: Diapiric breccia with anomalous results in Perylia's XRF soil survey (outside of BHP's mapped area) Target C: Area of broad stratigraphic and structurally controlled moderate XRF soil anomalism coincident with BHP mapped outcropping base-metal mineralisation. Target D: Anomalous soils along contact of Wilkawillina Limestone and stratigraphy parallel structures 2yr Exploration Budget: $1.74 M STELAR METALS 12#13Gunson Copper Project Tenement Application lodged in June 2021. Gunson is located 2km from the Mt Gunson Copper Mine. 680,000mE Olympic Dam Highway BHP Oak Dam The Pernatty Culmination has recently been the focus for explorers such as Coda Minerals and DGO Gold who have reported a number of significant sediment-hosted copper and IOCG discoveries and JORC resources such as Emmie Bluff, Emmie Bluff Deeps, MG14, Windabout, and Elaine. 6,560,000mN Woomera Sturt Highway Emmie Bluff Emmie Bluff Deeps | CODA Elizabeth Creek Project MINERALS Stelar Metals will start compiling historic datasets and reprocessing geophysical datasets in anticipation of the tenure being granted in 2022. 6,520,000mN 2yr Exploration Budget: $490,000 Assuming granted Mt Gunson Mine Windabout MG14 Powerline STELAR METALS 720,000mE IOCG Mine IOCG Resource SHCD Resource SHCD Prospect IOCG Prospect VRTP Magnetic Imagery Khamsin CODA MINERALS Hanibal Elaine IOCG M STELAR METALS Gunson (East) ELA2021/73 Freemantle Doctor Carrapateena OZ 0 10 kilometres GDA 1994 MGA53 STELAR METALS 13#14Torrens IOCG Project 700,000mN Titan MG Fortescue 6,650,000mN Olympic Dam BHP Cu-Au-U Mine Roxby Downs Acropolis 6,600,000mN kilometers GDA 1994 MGA 53 Vulcan M STELAR METALS BLD 4 PR 3 BLD 3 Peninsular Andamooka West Well EL 6572 BHP Wirrda Well 20 OZ 750,000mN M Bills Lookout EL 6264 M STELAR METALS Torrens Drill Hole Township Major Copper Project Olympic Dam IOCG Mine Residual Gravity Contours 1,200km2 granted tenure within world-class Olympic IOCG Domain. WWD 1 Only 4 historic drill holes with only one hole (BLD 3) reaching basement at 872m depth. Primary target: IOCG at depth related to coincident magnetic and gravity anomalies. The Torrens Project (El 6264 & EL 6572) is located ~50km east of BHP's Olympic Dam Mine. Ex WMC project with multiple large-scale geophysical anomalies. STELAR METALS Secondary Target: Overlying Adelaidean and Cambrian Limestones are considered prospective for sediment-hosted copper and Zinc mineralisation. 14#15Torrens IOCG Geophysics 11 mGal FMG | Titan 6,650,000mN BHP | Olympic Dam 14 mGal BHP | Acropolis 6,600,000mN 0 kilometers GDA 1994 MGA 53 FMG | Vulcan 20 700,000mN Bill's Lookout METAS North Target EL 6264 FMG | Bill's Lookout BHP | Wirrda Well 12 mGal 725,000mN 750,000mN n FMG | Peninsular EL 6264 MArthur Lake STELAR METALS Target EL 6572 9 mGal 10 mGal Torrens M STELAR METALS Residual Gravity +2000m Continuation 26 mGal 6 mGal 0 mGal -4 mGal Residual Gravity 2 mGal Contours 6,625,000mN STELAR METALS M STELAR METALS West Well Target 2yr Exploration Budget: $565,000 15#16Baratta Project - Geological Setting -6,475,000mN Wyacca (Cu-Ag) TARUGA Mt Craig Copper Project -6,450,000mN kilometres GDA 1994 MGA54 Worumba Anticline 300,000mE Birthday Ridge (Cu-Ag) TARUGA 325,000mE ? Zinc Prospect Base Metal Prospect Copper Prospect Baratta Copper Project located directly along strike and in similar geology to Taruga's (ASX:TAR) recent RC drilling at multiple prospects. Valley Well (Pb-Zn) Baratta Copper Mine M Windowarta (Cu) Napoleon (Cu-Ag-Zn) Holowilina STELAR METALS Mount Craig Diapiric Breccia 10 TARUGA Windowarta Diapiric Breccia Eukaby Beratta STELAR METALS STELAR METALS Baratta ELA2021/37 Stelar Metals Application Taruga Minerals Tenure Quaternary aeolian sediments Quaternary sediments Holocene sediments Pleistocene sediments Moralana Supergroup Yerelina Subgroup Wilpena Group ABC Range Quartzite Pound Subgroup Umberatana Group Yudnamutana Subgroup Burra Group Emeroo Subgroup Diapiric Breccia 2yr Exploration Budget: $490,000 Assuming granted 16#17Working towards sustainable mining and incorporating ESG Committed Team Stelar Metals board and management are committed to incorporating strong ethical, environmental, social and governance practices as part of our responsibility to the environment, stakeholders, and community. Sustainability Updates Stelar Metals will provide quarterly ESG and Sustainability updates as our ESG pathway matures. Corporate Governance Through good corporate governance, open dialogue and transparency with each of these groups, we aim to provide a positive outcome and benefit for all. 罩 STELAR METALS 17#18Fully funded exploration program across all five assets QUARTER Ready to discover highly prized minerals to help decarbonise the world and take advantage of favourable market conditions. 2-YEAR INDICATIVE PLAN Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Land Access and Regulatory Approval TORRENS Geophysics Gunson Geophysics Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 LINDA Baratta Mapping & Geochem Additional mapping and Geochem Evelyn Dam Diamond Drilling LINDA Mapping & Geochem LINDA & BARATTA RC Drilling Follow up Drilling Subject to Results Subject to Results Gunson & Torrens Drilling Subject to Results Subject to Results (note) This is a statement of current intentions as of the date of this Presentation. As with any exploration and development program, intervening events (including exploration success or failure) and new circumstances have the potential to affect the exploration and development program. STELAR METALS 18#19Ready to discover highly prized minerals Stelar Metals is focused on creating value for investors by taking advantage of favourable market conditions for highly prized battery minerals in low supply ㅈㄱ КУ Extensive and well funded exploration program planned for Year 1 Exploration potential Highly regarded mining jurisdiction and exposure Do Do Do Favourable market conditions for copper and zinc Experienced exploration and discovery team STELAR METALS 19#20CONTACT Colin Skidmore, Chief Executive Officer [email protected] +61 (0) 467 608 539 ли STELAR METALS Evonne Grosso Media, Investor Relations & ESG [email protected] +61 (0) 450 603 182

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