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#16th Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU) - TOURBANISM ETSAB/Barcelona/2012 Tourism in Florianopolis, Brazil. Landscape Patrimony in the basis of a Sustainable Development Ayrton Portilho Bueno, prof. Dr. Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo - PósARQ Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil [email protected]#2SUMMARY 1. Intro 2. Contextualization 3. Touristization 4. Method of Analysis 5. On the Territorial and Tourist Model of Development 6. Conclusions#31. Presentation This work is the result of a doctoral thesis developed at the Universidade de Sao Paulo and Universidad Politècnica da Cataluña between 2002 e 2006. Seeks to understand the tourist process and its repercution in the territory of Florianópolis, the state capital of Santa Catarina in southern Brazil under the analytical approach of landscape architecture. Identifies the structure of the landscape through its landscape unit, related to the social processes - historical, economic, cultural and environmental to criticize the model of territorial development and tourism now underway. Raises questions about the context of tourism production and transformations of the territory emphasizing the problems of management development. Ends pointing to the incorporation of heritage values of the landscape in territorial planning of the city#42. Contextualization Urugual Montevideu Florianopolis-SC, Brasil ©2011 Gesistemas SRL 2011 Euro Technologies ©2011 Maplink/Tele Atlas 11:35 20 67 510108 500 elev 215 m -Google Atitude do ponto de visão 3848.00 km O Florianópolis, is a medium-sized city (400,000 inhabitants) with 424,40 km2 in the southern coast of Brazil with most of the territory on the island of Santa Catarina. Situated in a subtropical climate zone, has tourist attractive related to cultural and natural landscape. Has attracted tourists from Brazil and Latin America, especially the region of the River Plate (Argentina and Uruguay), and more recently and less intensively, Europe and North America Image 2005 EarthSat Image_© 2005 Digita|Globe#5(Image from INPE, 2002) Its geographic condition makes with that it forms a conurbaded region with coastal cities. Granitic bulks recovered by forests and coastal plains of recent geologic formation (5000 years) form a diversified landscape mosaic that it shelters diverse ecosystems. Subtropical forest Mangroves Dunes Photos by Ricardo Stoll#6SANTO ANTONIO DE LISBOA VILA DO DESTERRO LAGOA CANASVIEIRAS INGLESES RATONES CAMPECHE RIO VERMELHO BARRA DA LAGDA LEGENDA VIA MAR (1° movimento) VIA TERRESTRE (1° movimento) ...VIA TERRESTRE (2° movimento) DINÂMICA DA DISPERSÃO COLONIAL ESCALA GRÁFICA 0 123 Modelo Esquemático da Estrutura Urbana ESCALACA 0123 Established in century XVII, it starts to be well occuped with Azorean migrants in century XVIII, remaining without dynamism and little and diffuse urbanization until the beginning of century XX. From years 50 it starts to receive delayed vectors of modernization compared to the others capitals from the country. This delay made possible that the structure of colonial settlement guides the current occupation. RIBEIRÃO DA ILHA ARMAÇÃO PANTANO DO SUL Colonial Dispersion and Structure of Current Urban Occupation (Elaborated by author, 2005)#7Colonial building Colonial settlement Agricultural areas in transformation under suburban pressure Photos by author, 2004#8Natural Coastal Landscape Urban of Central Nucleus Rural Landscape (photos by D. A. Prado, 2006)#93. Touristization The tourist attractiveness of Florianópolis stems from its natural attributes and cultural landscape resulting from the colonial processes of human settlement and farming. From de 80's a suburban occupation begins on the shoreline over quaternary plains, dunes and mangroves (photos by D. A. Prado, 2006)#10Tourist Settlements (photos by D. A. Prado, 2006)#114. Method of analysis Social Approach Morphologic and processual Historical, economic, cultural and political issues Environmental Approach Landscape Architecture Approach Identification of the structure of the landscape through its landscape unit, related to the social processes - historical, economic, cultural and environmental to criticize the model of territorial development and tourism now underway. Identification of the territorial and tourist process of development agents, social organizations and development vectors and their consequences on landscape.#12EVOLUÇÃO DO MOSAICO PAISAGISTICO DO CAMPECHE 12.19% Vegetação 11.32% Pastagem 15.16% Dunas 0,7% Corpo d'água 6,15% Momo 50.13% Agricultura 3,11% Restinga 0,00% Urbanização 1938 27.92% Vegetação 12.50% Passagem 6.71% Dunas 0,7% Corpod agus 7.90% Morro 40.67% Agricultura 7.95% Restinga 0.60% Urbanizaç 1957 -Diminuição de área de resings -Surgimento de novas vias Modificações dos formatos das manchas de vegetação, pastagem e agricultura 5.92% Vegetação 63,13% Pastagem 8.23% Dunas 0,7% Corpo d'água 7.25% Momo 13.20% Agricultura 0.90% Restinga 0.67% Urbanização -Surgimento de novas ias -Diminuição das manchas de agricultura 1977 34,57% Vegetação 83.43% Pastagem 10.42%D 0,7% Corpo d'água 0.25% Mora 1420% Agricultura 3,21% Restinga 46.95% Urbanização 2002 Manchas de agricultura samem -Corredores de urbanização viram grandes manchas -Regeneração das manchas de vegetação onde havia pastagem. LEGENDA Urbanização Agricultura Morro Vegetação Pastagem Restinga Duna Aerial photo of the unit of landscape - Campeche (IPUF, 2002) Analytical maps of the evolution of the mosaic of the unit of landscape Campeche (source: author, 2005) -#131938 1957 1977 MATA ATLÂNTICA PLANÍCIES LAGOAS MANGUES DUNAS URBANIZAÇÃO COSTÕES 2002 Territorial evolution of homogeneous areas Source: author, 2006 Landscape mosaic 2002 Source: author, 2006#14LEGENDA PLANICIES LEGENDA MATA ATLÁNTICA PLANICIES MORROS COM MATA ATLANTICA ESCALA MANCA B_1_2_3 المحلية Mapa de Terras Comunais (Nazareno Campos, 1991) Colonial communal lands Source: Campos, 1991 Remaining plains Source: autor, 2005 Areas protected by laws. (specially the hills) Source: author, 2005#155. On the territorial and tourist model of development The model adopted of tourist development until recently is based on examples of mass tourism, prioritizing the tourism of second residence. Moreover, the current model, based in strategical planning, is influenced by the construction trade, with all the consequences of this linkage, as pressure to increase areas for urban development and increased rates of construction The impact of changes in the landscape are noticeable. Reproduction of models already obsolete and decontextualized. Homogenization of landscapes. Occupation indiscriminate quaternary plains. Ecological imbalances#16In a city with multiple social, economic and cultural facets as Florianopolis, the conflicts and disputes have been marking the recent process of urbanization: modern economic sectors and patrimonial and pre-industrial pattern sectors traditional political practices - clientele and patronage modern systems of divulgation and marketing of ideas, These resistance movements, that are part of the social construction process of the space in Florianopolis and for not feeling beneficiated or for positioning against social injustice and environmental degradation made evident by evident by urbanization, oppose to development process of tourism as it has been happening. the#17Nowadays the pressure of the tourist occupation, by the second residence of suburban characteristic or by increment of the constructive density next to coast, is perceived for all the extension of the Island and has serious impacts on the environment. Physiographic and ecological aspect - destruction of ecosystems and biota of scientific interest and the alteration of hydrological systems. Scenic perception aspect - loss of view of the broad coastal plains and the occupation of areas with landscaping and tourist interest, the source of tourist attraction, bringing negative consequences to the activity itself. - Cultural aspect disable a strengthening of local identity, with conservation of cultural landscapes of strong appeal to residents.#18Many of these areas were communal lands, which had given and continue to give territorial identity and culture to residents. **** 's Current occupation of remaining communal lands (Photo by D. A. Prado, 2006) Map of colonial communal lands (source: Campos, 1991) Restinga still unoccupied Photo by author, 2004#19The remaining communal lands has a strong tourist attraction and are valued by the resident population Remanescente Campo Comunal Ratones Timanescente Campo Comunal Tapera/Ribeirão Redanescente Campo Comunal Pintano do Sul Principais Remanescentes de Campos Comunais da Ilha de Santa Catarina Ratones River Basin Campeche Plain Pântano do Sul Remaining plains over communal lands currently under urban pressure#20Eco-Hidrological Function of the Plains lopes slopes and water flow Flood and containment zone Vertentes Zona de Inundação Schematic drawn showing the draining area Elaborated by author#21General view of beachs with second residence allotements over quaternary plain on coast Photos by D. A. Prado, 2006#226. Conclusions The current challenges ahead globalization demand structural and paradigm changes in terms of sustainability and efficiency of the activity: establishment of government policies that facilitate the attraction of external capital, competitiveness of companies and destinations, increase on the offer of collective use equipments near the main centers of tourist interest, trying to find strategic concepts of habitability, visitability, and investibility in a sustainable way on the territory. New paradigms point to the inclusion of the environmental variable, in a wide vision, where social and spatial sustainability is the key in the consolidation, maintenance and survival (competition) strategy in a globalized market. The development of contemporary tourism has valued unique identities and landscapes that result from an adaptation of the model to the territory, but also adapting the territory to the new tourism model, raising the possibility of tourism being an opportunity of maintaining the landscape.#23Points to think Necessity of dissociation between the tourism development and the urban development, because in the Santa Catarina Island context these expressions represent opposite notions, if not incompatible. The tourist capital should avoid and eliminate the influence of real estate capital (CCRS Arquitects, 1993) and, if the attraction of tourism is the landscape and the growth of the activity cannot dispose of it, it should happen in a way that does not obliterate the landscape. Is necessary the comprehension of tourism not only as another segment of economy, but as a communication process, with a cultural dimension and that, differently from the other industries, has a specific product and way of consuming it: in the case of Florianópolis, its landscape.#24The conflicts due to the model of urban tourist expansion in Florianopolis has shown that other actors are involved in the process, even in a forced way, and that resident populations can have more sympathy for tourism development in the future, if supported by the real improvement of the situation of the residents The possibilities of use of landscape patrimonial resource can impel a series of alternatives of territory ordering especially if considered its cultural dimension that goes beyond the esthetical enjoyment and the ecological precepts. The landscape starts being understood as an element of identity construction and even as a way of promoting citizenship. And the comprehension of conservation and preservation as social end ecological concepts has to go beyond the intangibility of natural spaces, incorporating the idea of active conservation and preservation, in a contemporary view of social use of nature.#25If we think a new tourism, different from mass tourism, which values cultural landscapes, diverse and segmented, we can assume that territorial identities and landscape can tell stories, like a communication process linked more to the industry of tourism than the industry of construction. A history shaped in the territory and landscape telling how the population used, uses and relates to the environment, showing the values that support the social practices...... Believing that the Landscape Patrimony can contribute for a Sustainable Development. OR#26Island of Santa Catarina in a Futuristc Delirium by M.C.Vaz, 2004#27Sunset at Ribeirão da Ilha Bueno, 2004 THANK YOU VERY MUCH

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