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#1A wwwwww GMR Power and Urban Infra Ltd. (GPUIL) Investor Presentation FY2022 & Q4 FY2022#2GAR DISCLAIMER All statements, graphics, data, tables, charts, logos, names, figures and all other information ("Contents") contained in this document ("Material") is prepared by GMR Power and Urban Infra Limited ("Company") solely for the purpose of this Material and not otherwise. This Material is prepared as on the date mentioned herein which is solely intended for reporting the developments of the Company to the investors of equity shares in the Company as on such date, the Contents of which are subject to change without any prior notice. The Material is based upon information that we consider reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Neither the Company, its subsidiaries and associate companies ("GMR Group"), nor any director, member, manager, officer, advisor, auditor and other persons ("Representatives") of the Company or the GMR Group provide any representation or warranties as to the correctness, accuracy or completeness of the Contents and this Material. It is not the intention of the Company to provide a complete or comprehensive analysis or prospects of the financial or other information within the Contents and no reliance should be placed on the fairness on the same as this Material has not been independently verified by any person. NONE OF THE COMPANY, THE GMR GROUP AND THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMPANY AND THE GMR GROUP ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FROM ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE HOWSOEVER ARISING FROM ANY CONTENTS OR OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS MATERIAL. This Material is published and available on the Company's website which is subject to the laws of India, and is solely for information purposes only and should not be reproduced, retransmitted, republished, quoted or distributed to any other person whether in whole or in part or for any other purpose or otherwise. Any reproduction, retransmission, republishing or distribution of this Material or the Contents thereof in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons who come into possession of this Material should observe such laws and restrictions if any. This Material and any discussions which follows may contain 'forward looking statements' relating to the Company and the GMR Group and may include statements relating to future results of operation, financial condition, business prospects, plans and objectives, are based on the current beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates, and projections of the directors and management of the Company about the business, industry and markets in which the Company and the GMR Group operates and such statements are not guarantees of future performance, and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, some of which are beyond the Company's or the GMR Group's control and difficult to predict, that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those in the forward looking statements. Such statements are not, and should not be construed, as a representation as to future performance or achievements of the Company or the GMR Group. In particular, such statements should not be regarded as a projection of future performance of the Company or the GMR Group. It should be noted that the actual performance or achievements of the Company and the GMR Group may vary significantly from such statements. All forward-looking statements are not predictions and may be subject to change without notice. This Material is not and does not constitute any offer or invitation or recommendation or advise to purchase, acquire or subscribe to shares and other securities of the Company or the GMR Group and not part of this Material shall neither form the basis of or part of any contract, commitment or investment decision nor shall be relied upon as a basis for entering into any contract, commitment or investment decision in relation thereto. Prospective investors in the Company or the GMR Group should make its own investment decisions and seek professional advice including from legal, tax or investment advisors before making an investment decision in shares or other securities of the Company or the GMR Group. Remember, investments are subject to risks including the risk of loss of the initial principal amount invested; past performance is not indicative of future results. REGULATORY AUTHORITIES IN THE UNITES STATES OF AMERICA, INDIA, OR OTHER JURISDICTIONS, INCLUDING THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION AND THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA ("SEBI"), HAVE NEITHER APPROVED OR DISAPPROVED THIS MATERIAL OR DETERMINED IF THIS MATERIAL IS TRUTHFUL OR COMPLETE. ANY REPRESENTATION TO THE CONTRARY MAY CONSTITUTE A CRIMINAL OFFENSE. Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 1#3Table of Contents Particulars Pg. No. GPUIL Financial Performance 3-6 Energy Business 7-10 Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Business 11-16 Strategy and Way Forward 17-21 ESG Practices Annexures 22-23 25-32 GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 2#4Performance Highlights GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship | Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence | Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual#5GPUIL Performance Highlights - FY22 GAR Consolidated Financials¹ Gross Revenues: 50% YoY to INR 41.0 bn in FY22 26% QoQ; 54% YoY to INR 12.1 bn in Q4FY22 EBITDA 50% YoY to INR 5.0 bn in FY22 ▼49% QoQ; 42% YoY to INR 819 mn in Q4FY22 Net profit after tax² Loss of INR 6.5 bn in FY22 vs. loss of INR 21.8 bn in FY21 ✓ Loss of INR 2.7 bn in Q4FY22 vs INR 5.7 bn loss in Q3FY22, INR 10.0 bn loss in Q4FY21 27.3 FY22 INR bn Revenue 41.0 3.3 INR bn EBITDA 5.0 Q4FY22 INR bn Revenue 12.1 9.6 7.9 INR bn EBITDA 1.6 0.8 0.6 FY21 FY22 FY21 FY22 Q4FY21 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Q4FY21 Q3FY22 Q4FY22 Note: 1. GMR Energy Ltd not consolidated as it is a Joint Venture and is incorporated in the Consol financial statements of GPUIL using equity method of accounting 2. From continuing operations Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 4#6GPUIL Performance Highlights - FY22 FY22 operational performance Energy - PLF Q4 FY22 operational performance 。 Warora: 66% vs 75% YoY 。 Warora: 87% vs 88% YoY Energy - PLF o Kamalanga: 82% vs 77% YoY GAR Highways - Traffic growth • Hyderabad - Vijaywada: 17% YoY o Ambala - Chandigarh: 9.2% Segmental Revenue - FY 2022** Others 35.3% Net Revenue INR 39.5 bn Highways Traffic growth 。 Kamalanga: 79% vs 75% YoY ○ Hyderabad - Vijaywada: 2% YOY ○ Ambala - Chandigarh: 5.2x QoQ* Segmental Revenue – Q4FY 2022** Others 33.7% O o Highways 9.6% Energy 55.1% Highways 9.1% Net Revenue INR 11.7 bn Energy 57.3% Note: *Toll Collection was suspended from Oct 12, 2020 to Dec 14, 2021 due to Farmer's Agitation in Punjab. Toll collection resumed from Dec 15, 2021 **Energy segment does not include GMR Energy Limited (GEL) as GEL is a Joint Venture Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 5#7GPUIL Consolidated Debt Net Debt (Sector-wise) Λ (in INR bn, %age of total) Gross & Net Debt (INR bn) ^ 83 6 77 Highways, 22, 29% Others, 4, 5% Gross Debt Cash & equivalents Net Debt Energy, 14 19% GAR Corporate, 36, 47% Note: FCCB not considered in debt, ^ As on Mar 31, 2022 Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 6#8Energy Business GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship | Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence | Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual#9Key Developments in Q4FY22 – Energy Business Warora Power Project Revenue 9% QoQ; 3% YoY - PLF at 87% vs. 76% in Q3FY22 and 88% in Q4FY21 EBITDA 20% QoQ; 25% YoY Cash profit of INR 393 mn vs. INR 426 mn in Q3FY22 and INR 103 mn in Q4FY21 Kamalanga Power Project Revenue 2% QoQ; 16% YOY - PLF at 79% vs. 83% in Q3FY22 and 75% in Q4FY21 ● EBITDA 2% QoQ; 11% YoY Cash profit of INR 1.6 bn vs. INR 1.4 bn in Q3FY22 and INR 1.1 bn in Q4FY21 Bajoli Holi Hydro Power Project Project successfully commissioned and achieved COD on March 28, 2022 GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 8#10GMR Energy Ltd (GEL) - Operational & Financial Highlights YoY GAR GEL Consolidated Particulars Proforma Warora Kamalanga (figures in INR mn) Solar Q4FY2021 Q4FY2022 Q4FY2021 Q4FY2022 Q4FY2021 Q4FY2022 Q4FY2021 Q4FY2022 Revenue 9,920 11,720 4,028 4,168 5,580 6,488 140 140 EBITDA 3,200 3,687 1,037 1,297 2,166 2,394 150 150 Interest 2,848 2,748 950 957 1,348 1,202 40 30 PAT (630) 1,820 (142) 102 289 760 20 PLF % 88% 87% 75% 79% 18% 18% FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 Revenue 37,790 40,610 14,773 12,994 21,890 24,648 540 510 EBITDA 11,773 11,633 4,203 3,235 7,575 8,326 610 560 Interest 11,755 11,196 3,906 3,828 5,599 5,008 180 170 PAT (9,370) (2,580) (633) (487) (363) 1,415 110 70 PLF % 75% 66% 77% 82% 17% 16% Note: Considered 100% of Kamalanga financials for GEL Consolidated Proforma GEL Net Debt: INR 91 bn as of March 31, 2022 Note: GMR Energy Limited's (GEL) is a Joint Venture and is not consolidated in GPUIL results Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 9#11Particulars GAR (figures in INR mn) Coal Assets - PT GEMS Performance YoY Golden Energy Mines Q4FY2021 Q4FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 Sales Vol. (mn tons) 9.4 6.6 34.0 29.5 Revenues 20.473 39,354 78,620 117,173 EBITDA PAT 3,471 2,255 15,113 11,294 36,179 11,450 7,100 26,156 • Production 27% YoY to 7 mn tons in Q4FY22 due to unseasonal rain. FY22 Production 13% YoY • Sales volumes 29% YoY in Q4FY22 due to lower production. Sales volume for FY22 13% YoY • Realisation 2.7x YoY to USD 79.8/ton in Q4FY22 from USD 29.7/ton in Q4FY21 due to increase in the global coal prices • EBITDA per ton increased from USD 5.0/ ton to USD 30.7/ ton in Q4FY22 - USD 25.7/ton YoY, due to higher realization • Cash balance is at INR 14.4 bn at the end of Q4FY22 Significant Improvement in Indonesian coal prices have resulted in better profitability ✓ Record dividend payment of USD 300 mn in CY21; Subsequently, paid USD 110 mn in January 2022 ✓ Dividend payment in 2021 was the highest in company's history equivalent to over 80% of the profit Note: Financials at 100% level and considered at a lag of 3 months for GPUIL Consolidated results; Considered INR/USD of 73.8 in Q4FY21, 74.5 in Q4FY22, 74.1 in FY21, 73.9 in FY22 Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 10 10#12Transportation and Urban Infrastructure Business (T&UI) GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship | Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence | Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual#13Highway Business - Key Developments GAR Hyderabad Vijayawada Project Traffic 2% YoY to 11.2 Mn PCUs in Q4FY22. On a QoQ basis, traffic remained flat in Q4FY22 - - On February 28, 2022, Sole Arbitrator has released his report on the claim quantification under Change-in-Law and awarded gross claim of INR 16.7 bn The report submitted by Sole Arbitrator was taken on record and the matter will be listed for hearing before Delhi High Court Ambala Chandigarh Project Traffic was impacted due to farmer's agitation from 12-Oct-2020 until 14-Dec-2021 - - - Toll collection has been resumed on December 15, 2021 since the farmers' agitation called off Declared Force Majeure (FM) under the Concession Agreement (CA) and has notified NHAI As per the CA, SPV is entitled to compensation for FM event by way of extension in concession period, reimbursement of O&M cost, etc. Claim for FM (upto September 30, 2021) has been filed. SPV has received adhoc payment from NHAI. Balance claim amount is under verification and is expected to be received in due course Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 12 112#14Chennai ORR Project Highway Business - Key Developments GAR GCORR received an award of INR 3.4 bn plus interest against Government of Tamil Nadu (GOTN) which was challenged by GOTN in Madras High Court - - Single Bench, Madras High Court upheld Tribunal Award and dismissed the challenge of GOTN Further, High Court awarded 9%pa interest on pre-award claim - SPV has filed the execution petition in High Court to realize the decretal amount which will be taken up in the Court during June 2022 Pochanpalli Project SPV challenged Arbitral Tribunal's award in Delhi High Court, on the interpretation of the Major Maintenance Clause (as per Concession Agreement) and rejection of claims for reimbursement of Major Maintenance cost incurred by the SPV - Delhi High Court in its order (April 2022) held that SPV is entitled to reimbursement of Major Maintenance cost incurred as the same was not warranted since the roughness index of Project Highway was below 2000 mm/km (which is permissible as per Concession Agreement) Delhi High Court also directed NHAI to release wrongly deducted annuity amount (along with interest) to SPV SPV will undertake Major Maintenance on the Project Highway as and when roughness index goes beyond permissible threshold instead of every 5 years period Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility | Respect for Individual 13#15Highway Business Assets Performance YoY Hyderabad-Vijaywada Ambala - Chandigarh GAR (figures in INR mn) Chennai ORR GPEL Particulars Q4FY2021 Q4FY2022 Q4FY2021 Q4FY2022 Q4FY2021 Q4FY2022 Q4FY2021 Q4FY2022 Revenue 564 579 0 159 158 125 228 199 EBITDA 474 473 (53) 80 81 (13) 202 136 Interest 681 676 188 166 152 100 196 196 PAT (410) (407) (247) (221) (51) 10 6 (58) Traffic (mn PCU) 11.0 11.2 4.5 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 Revenue 1,794 2,130 223 190 787 631 925 853 EBITDA 1,455 1,763 (8) (63) 356 218 374 621 Interest 2,761 2,735 584 660 486 415 833 775 PAT (1,868) (1,710) (760) (883) 80 163 (454) (141) Traffic (mn PCU) 35.2 41.3 6.0 5.4 Note: 1. In Ambala Chandigarh Project, Toll collection was suspended from Oct 12, 2020 to Dec 14, 2021 due to farmer's agitation in Punjab Toll collection resumed from Dec 15, 2021 2. In Hyderabad Vijayawada Project, the revenue shown is the net revenue after setting off the NHAI's revenue share from project's toll revenue Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 14#16Urban Infrastructure – Potential to Unlock Value GAR Krishnagiri Special Investment Region: ~1,450 Acres . ~ 259 acres under discussion for sale to an agency of Tamil Nadu Govt. Next phase of development being planned for ~270 acres under Joint Venture with TIDCO² Industrial cluster catering to electronics, automobile, logistics, engineering and aerospace sectors Kakinada Special Investment Region: ~10,400 Acres Divestment1 of Group's entire stake in KSEZ¹ Completed the divestment and received first tranche considerations - Received ~INR 16.9 bn out of the total consideration of INR 27.2 bn - Additionally, ~INR 10.3 bn is to be received in next 2-3 years which is contingent upon certain agreed milestones Note: 1 Kakinada SEZ Limited 2 Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation - TIDCO is a Government agency in the state of Tamil Nadu, India Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 15#17EPC in Dedicated Freight Corridor Projects DFCC's Project Network DEDICATED FREIGHT INDIAN RAILWAY MAP CORRIDOR NETWORK • LUDH ANA DELH Kanpur GMR's Scope and Highlights GAR GMR along with JV partner has been. awarded contract to construct a part of the DFC Eastern Corridor: MUMBA VASOO GMR's stretch of work Mughalsarai VUAYAWADA CHENNAI Sanctioned projects Unsanctioned projects Contract Length GMR's Scope Value (INR (KMS) Bn) Mughalsarai to New 181 24.2 Karchana (UP) New Karchana to New 236 26.6 Bhaupur (UP) TOTAL 417 50.8 . Dedicated Freight Corridor is INR 820 bn project undertaken by DFCCIL (a wholly owned public sector undertaking of Ministry of Railways) Corridor under construction - Eastern (Ludhiana to Kolkata) & Western (Dadri to Mumbai) Status update Above section of the project is fully funded by World Bank - no anticipatory revenue risk Construction Progress: Physical progress of ~81% for package 201 and -92% for package 202 is completed as of April 30, 2022 ● Presently, approved Project completion timelines is until Sept 2022 Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 16#18Strategy and Way Forward GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship | Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence | Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual#19C India's Energy Sector is Undergoing a Paradigm Shift A Renewables: Sharp growth expected in upstream B renewable generation 175 GW Target for 2022 500 GW Target for 2030 Rooftop Solar 40 GW Utility Solar Wind 60 GW 60 GW Others 15 GW Green Hydrogen: India to become major hub for Green Hydrogen production and exports 2050 Green H2 projections Cost of Green H2 expected to decrease significantly 20 MT 2 ~ $4/kg ► 2 $2/kg (FY20) (FY50) Distribution Franchise D GAR EV Infrastructure: Exponential growth in charging stations as EV penetration grows 2.5-3k 100%+ CAGR 80-100k Projection (2025) # charging stations (2021) Central & state governments providing strong tailwinds through subsides, fast-track clearance, mandatory %EV in fleets, etc. Distribution & Smart metering: High potential as focus on reducing AT&C loses via private sector participation and deploying smart meter continues 2020 market size $95B 2020 Share of private players 7-8% 45% Europe & Central Asia Smart Metering 25 Cr by 2025 (Govt. ambition) National Green Hydrogen Policy with 10-20% target green hydrogen consumption in select sectors already launched Poor financials for State discoms → private sector participation getting promoted by government; upcoming Electricity Amendment Bill to delicense sector ✓ Power trading expected to grow by 2X to become a $13B+ industry by 2026 ✓ Other green energy businesses (EEAS, CCUS, etc.) also expected to mirror sharp growth seen in developed markets Sources: IHS, Niti Aayog, TERI, etc.; EEAS = Energy Efficiency as a Service; CCUS = Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 18#20We Aim to be a Top Tier Cognitive Intuitive Clean Energy Company GAR 3 pillars of our strategy going forward Enhance value of our existing businesses Aim for higher utilization of asset & efficiency improvement measures Tie up open capacities - innovative PPA models including RTC Operational efficiency improvement of thermal plants Operationalize gas ixi Create value in exciting adjacent areas Embrace technology led solutions Scale power trading business by offering new products & services, diversify customer base Selectively foray into customer facing businesses Enhance value through differentiated service offerings using new-age technology solutions Nurture & develop new opportunities in the green ecosystem Continue focus on hydro & explore additional opportunities like hybrid power solutions Explore distributed segments like electric mobility & storage solutions Enhanced focus on carbon neutrality as a service assets Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 19#21Clearly Defined Strategies to Capitalize on the Attractive Industry Prospects Expedite the receipt of arbitration claims Highways Krishnagiri SIR EPC Monetize the existing assets in phase wise manner GAR Conclude the current monetization efforts: ~240 acres under sale to an Indian Multinational • ~ 259 acres under discussion for sale to an agency of Tamil Nadu Govt. • Next phase of development being planned for ~270 acres under Joint Venture with TIDCO • Target Industrial players in electronics, automobile, logistics, and engineering sectors • Grow on asset light mode through railways EPC • Continue growing the order book • Participation in railway stations development bids through PPP Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 20 20#22To Operationalise the Strategy We Envision to Follow 5 Overarching Principles High focus on innovative, asset- light, platform-based and technology- oriented business models $ 11111 Deploy efficient capital structure and access green financing Principles GAR Enter strategic partnerships with global reputed majors and institutes of excellence Invest in emerging start-ups in cleantech ecosystem where there are potential synergies Build on our group's strengths and leverage infrastructure assets and businesses of the group as a launch pad for new offerings Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 21 24#23ESG Practices GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship | Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence | Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual#24• • ESG-GPUIL Environment GKEL, GWEL and Bajoli Holi are ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System (EMS) GKEL and GWEL have ISO 50001 in place GKEL quantifies Carbon sequestration from plantation initiatives while GWEL is in process of doing so • Biodiversity measures in terms of tree plantation and landscaping have been adopted • • GWEL has implemented Water Efficiency Management System (ISO 46001) DFCC has an ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System (EMS) • Trial of plastic waste use for road laying in process • • Refabrication of damaged material for reuse in road safety work All businesses have taken measures to reduce energy consumption or use clean energy Profits ($ CSR thrust areas GAR Health Education Empowerment and livelihoods Community Development CSR Spend (FY21-22) - Rs 4.47 Cr. Total beneficiaries - Over 1 Lakh People . Learning and Development • There were 77 business organized training and 127 corporate trainings conducted in FY22 9730 work hours of training provided covering 613 unique permanent employees in the FY 2021-22, with 73% coverage • Governance Strict governance principles through guided values of the organization and all the secretarial compliances in place Internal audits, MAG audits keep processes very transparent • Regular Board meetings conducted to keep Board updated on all aspects • Periodic training of employees on the CoC guidelines . Risk management framework and governance process, including SOPS around risk assessment and mitigation Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 23 23#25GAR Thank You For further information, please visit Website: or Contact: [email protected] GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship | Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence | Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual#26GAR Annexures GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship | Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence | Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual#27Particulars Profitability Statement (Consolidated) Annexures GAR No. A Financial Performance Energy Sector (Consolidated) Warora (Standalone) B C • Kamalanga (Standalone) D • PT GEMS (Indonesian Coal Mine) E Highways Sector (Consolidated) ןד F Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 26 26#28Annexure A : GPUIL (Consolidated) GAR INR mn Q4FY2021 Q3FY2022 Q4FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 Gross Revenue 7,879 9,641 12,110 27,332 41,018 Less: Revenue Share 386 410 412 1,241 1,516 Net Revenue 7,493 9,231 11,698 26,091 39,502 Total Expenditure EBITDA EBITDA margin 6,919 7,620 10,879 22,782 34,547 575 1,611 819 3,309 4,955 8% 17% 7% 13% 13% Other Income 1,596 428 610 3,281 1,799 Interest & Finance Charges 4,752 3,280 3,460 15,295 13,545 Depreciation 325 316 438 1,229 1,282 PBT before exceptional items (2,906) (1,557) (2,470) (9,934) (8,073) Exceptional Income/(Expense) (5,855) (3,640) (1,579) (8,806) 151 PBT (8,760) (5,197) (4,049) (18,740) (7,922) Tax 44 102 Profit after Tax (PAT) (8,804) (5,299) 448 (4,497) 239 1,055 (18,979) (8,977) Add: Share in Profit / (Loss) of JVs / Associates (1,203) (439) 1,772 (2,866) 2,462 PAT from Continuing Operations (10,007) (5,737) (2,725) (21,845) (6,515) Add: Profit (Loss) from Discontinued 24 (0) (0) (0) (0) Add: Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) (499) (71) (114) (80) 56 Total Comprehensive Income (10,482) (5,808) (2,838) (21,925) (6,460) Less: Minority Interest (MI) Total Comprehensive Income (Post MI) (953) (9,530) (155) (5,654) (583) (1,245) (24) (2,256) (20,680) (6,436) Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence | Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 27 27#29Annexure B: Energy Business (Consolidated) GAR INR mn Q4FY2021 Q3FY2022 Q4FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 Gross Revenue 1,969 5,223 6,698 10,234 21,751 EBITDA Operating Expenditure EBITDA margin Other Income 2,160 5,075 6,988 10,517 21,721 (191) 148 (290) (284) 30 -10% 3% -4% -3% 0% 400 210 131 1,230 693 Interest & Fin Charges Depreciation Exceptional Income/(Expense) PBT 551 592 697 2,934 2,403 9 17 13 36 52 32 (640) (1,493) (1,665) 3,237 (318) (890) (2,362) (3,688) 1,506 Taxes 41 88 508 150 1,055 Profit after Tax (PAT) (359) (978) (2,871) (3,838) 450 Add: Share in Profit / (Loss) of JVs/ (1,207) (429) 1,772 (2,880) 2,459 PAT (After share in JVs/Associates) (1,567) (1,407) (1,099) (6,718) 2,910 Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 28#30Annexure C : Warora (Standalone) Power Plant CAR INR mn Particulars Total Revenue Q4FY2021 Q3FY2022 Q4FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 4,028 3,825 4,168 14,773 12,994 - Fuel Consumption 2,308 2,323 2,348 8,443 7,733 Other Expenses 682 417 523 2,127 2,026 EBITDA 1,037 1,084 1,297 4,203 3,235 EBITDA margin 26% 28% 31% 31% 25% Other Income 15 312 53 60 1,088 Interest & Finance Charges 950 970 957 3,906 3,828 Depreciation 289 297 291 1,198 1,177 PBT (186) 129 102 (840) (682) Taxes PAT (44) (207) (195) (142) 129 102 (633) (487) Note: Financials are at 100% level Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 29 29#31Annexure D : Kamalanga (Standalone) Power Plant CAR INR mn Particulars Total Revenue Q4FY2021 Q3FY2022 Q4FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 5,580 6,627 6,488 21,890 24,648 - Fuel Consumption 2,469 3,139 2,950 10,732 11,959 Other Expenses 945 1,143 1,144 3,583 4,364 EBITDA 2,166 2,346 2,394 7,575 8,326 EBITDA margin 39% 35% 37% 35% 34% Other Income 275 339 360 846 1,319 Interest & Finance Charges 1,348 1,254 1,202 5,599 5,008 Depreciation 786 810 792 3,166 3,219 PBT 307 621 760 (344) 1,417 Taxes PAT 19 19 2 289 621 760 (363) 1,415 Note: Financials are at 100% level Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 30 30#32Annexure E : PT GEMS (Indonesian Coal Mine) CAR INR mn Particulars Q4FY2021 Q3FY2022 Q4FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 Production (mn tons) 9.5 5.5 7.0 33.5 29.1 Sales Volumes (mn tons) 9.4 5.7 6.6 34.0 29.5 Gross Revenue 20,473 23,956 39,354 78,620 117,173 Total Expenditure 17,001 18,000 24,240 67,326 80,993 EBITDA 3,471 5,955 15,113 11,294 36,179 EBITDA margin 17% 25% 38% 14% 31% Interest & Finance Charges (net) 168 235 158 596 768 Depreciation 440 478 325 1,282 1,363 PBT 2,864 5,242 14,631 9,417 34,048 Taxes PAT 609 1,255 3,181 2,317 7,892 2,255 3,987 11,450 7,100 26,156 Note: Financials are at 100% level; GMR owns 30% stake Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 31#33Annexure F: Highway Business (Consolidated) GAR INR mn Q4FY2021 Q3FY2022 Q4FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 Gross Revenue 1,336 1,348 1,474 4,969 5,319 Less: Revenue Share 386 410 412 1,241 1,516 Net Revenue 950 938 1,062 3,728 3,803 Operating Expenses 234 192 282 1,490 995 EBITDA 716 746 780 2,238 2,809 EBITDA margin 75% 80% 73% 60% 74% Other Income 28 31 114 151 189 Interest & Finance Charges 1,255 1,182 1,094 4,537 4,578 Depreciation 211 235 343 794 919 Exceptional Income/(Expense) (335) (335) PBT (1,057) (640) (543) (3,277) (2,499) Taxes (2) 17 (23) 105 37 Profit after Tax (PAT) (1,055) (657) (520) (3,382) (2,536) Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 32

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