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Investor Presentaiton

Annexure A : GPUIL (Consolidated) GAR INR mn Q4FY2021 Q3FY2022 Q4FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 Gross Revenue 7,879 9,641 12,110 27,332 41,018 Less: Revenue Share 386 410 412 1,241 1,516 Net Revenue 7,493 9,231 11,698 26,091 39,502 Total Expenditure EBITDA EBITDA margin 6,919 7,620 10,879 22,782 34,547 575 1,611 819 3,309 4,955 8% 17% 7% 13% 13% Other Income 1,596 428 610 3,281 1,799 Interest & Finance Charges 4,752 3,280 3,460 15,295 13,545 Depreciation 325 316 438 1,229 1,282 PBT before exceptional items (2,906) (1,557) (2,470) (9,934) (8,073) Exceptional Income/(Expense) (5,855) (3,640) (1,579) (8,806) 151 PBT (8,760) (5,197) (4,049) (18,740) (7,922) Tax 44 102 Profit after Tax (PAT) (8,804) (5,299) 448 (4,497) 239 1,055 (18,979) (8,977) Add: Share in Profit / (Loss) of JVs / Associates (1,203) (439) 1,772 (2,866) 2,462 PAT from Continuing Operations (10,007) (5,737) (2,725) (21,845) (6,515) Add: Profit (Loss) from Discontinued 24 (0) (0) (0) (0) Add: Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) (499) (71) (114) (80) 56 Total Comprehensive Income (10,482) (5,808) (2,838) (21,925) (6,460) Less: Minority Interest (MI) Total Comprehensive Income (Post MI) (953) (9,530) (155) (5,654) (583) (1,245) (24) (2,256) (20,680) (6,436) Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships | Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence | Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 27 27
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