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#1GI DAN S SUMBER DAYA MINERAL Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Republic of Indonesia WIND POWER DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA: Policy & Program Chisnawan Anditya Director for Various New and Renewable Energy Presented at: China RE Invest Indonesia: Renewable Energy Investment Forum An International Virtual Investment Forum to Attract Chinese Investment in Indonesia's Renewable Energy Sector 25th May 2021 f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM @kesdm Kementerian ESDM 1#2RENEWABEL ENERGY POTENTIAL VS INSTALLED Total Potential 437.4 GW Total Installed Capacity 10.5 GW *) (2.4%) 17.9 GW OCEAN 0 MW*) (0%) CAPACITY + 23.9 GW GEOTHERMAL 2,130.7 MW (8.8%) 32.6 GW BIOENERGY 1,903.5 MW (5.8%) -1 60.6 GW WIND 154.3 MW (0.25%) 94.6 GW до HYDRO 6,121.0 MW (6.5%) 207.8 GW SOLAR 153.8 MWp (0.07%) MWp Mega Watt Peak *) Hybrid with capacity of 3.6 MW f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM @kesdm Kementerian ESDM 2#3ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE WIND ENERGY POTENTIAL *) 95°0′0″E 100°00'E 105°0'0"E 110°0′0″E 115°00'E 120°0'0"E 125°00'E 130°00'E 135°00'E 140°0'0"E 5°00'N 00.0 S.OD.S $.0.0.01 Offshore Onshore Potential (MW) No 1 Bali Province Potential (MW) v = 4-6 m/s v > 6 m/s v > 6 m/s 757 262 535 2 Banten 1,199 554 3744 NOO.S 3 Bengkulu 1,428 85 1130 4 Di Yogyakarta 560 519 979 5 DKI Jakarta 4 0 0 Wind Speed (m/s) 4-6 > 6 6 Gorontalo 137 0 0 7 Jambi 37 0 0 8 West Java 5,236 1,800 5691 00.0 9 Central Java 4,374 839 7262 10 East Java 6,450 1,457 23,489 11 West Kalimantan 464 90 6,824 12 South Kalimantan 971 35 11,905 13 Central Kalimantan 437 244 11,136 14 East Kalimantan 212 0 0 15 North Kalimantan 73 0 0 S.00.S 16 Bangka Belitung Islands 1,596 191 19,397 17 Riau Islands 797 125 15,220 18 Lampung 1,072 65 2,372 19 Maluku 1,573 1,615 24,899 20 North Maluku 504 0 17 21 West Nusa Tenggara 2,004 601 1,388 22 Aceh 663 231 1,467 23 East Nusa Tenggara 6,459 3,279 24 Papua 1,159 252 1,836 19,894 96°0′0″E 100°0'0°E 105°00'E 110°0′0″E 115°00'E 120°00'E 125°00'E 130°00'E 135°00'E 140°0'0"E 25 Papua Barat 425 12 9,135 26 Riau 22 0 0 27 West Sulawesi 379 135 137 28 South Sulawesi 2,569 1,624 17,304 29 Central Sulawesi 908 0 266 30 Southeast Sulawesi 1,157 257 1,371 Wind Energy Potential in Indonesia: ☐ Onshore : 60.2 GW 31 North Sulawesi 925 289 1,569 32 West Sumatera 428 0 0 : Offshore 188.97 GW 33 South Sumatera 301 0 0 34 North Sumatera TOTAL 356 0 0 45,636 14,561 188,967 f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral *) Research & Development Center of Electricity, New Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation, MEMR, 2014 @Kementerian ESDM C @kesdm Kementerian ESDM 3#4NRE POWER PLANTS CAPACITY IN 2020 AND TARGET FOR 2021 Average increase per year 5% Unit: 10.291 10,467 8,496 8,986 9,379 9,788 Mega Watt (MW) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Target for 2021 11,445 Additional Cap. in 2020: Additional capacity plan in 2021: 66 MW HPP Poso 3.5 MW 440.29MW Hydro Hybrid 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 196 MW Biomass Merauke १ १ १ Wind 1.5 1.5 1.5 143.5 154.3 154.3 Solar 33.4 43.1 50.9 67.8 136.6 153.8 肉 Hydro Bioenergy 1,741.7 1,783.1 Geothermal 1,438.3 5,277.5 1,856.8 1,882.8 1,889.8 1,903.5 1,533.3 1,808.3 1,948.3 2,130.7 2,130.7 5,620.9 5,657.9 5,742.1 5,976.0 6,121 12.1MW HPP Sion 14.89MW Solar PV Rooftop Geothermal 13 MW Bio 328.7 MW Solar PV f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM @kesdm Kementerian ESDM 4#5WIND ENERGY DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA 01 03 Currently, Indonesia has built 2 Onshore Wind Power I Plants with total capacity 147 MW, while Offshore Wind Power Plant is still in the research and development stage. The Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) has conducted pre-feasibility study regarding offshore wind potential in Papua, resulted in potential capacity I 7,527 MW. I Currently, government is still proposing new presidential I regulation concerning of purchasing price from renewable energy resources including wind energy (as replacement of 2017's MEMR regulation) to revise better and more I competitive prices and better schemes to attract more i I I investments in renewable energy development. f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 02 | Selling price of electricity from Wind Energy Power Plant ! (Onshore and Offshore) has been regulated in Regulation of the MEMR Number 50 Year 2017: ➤If Generation Cost at region's electrification system > The National Electricity Cost (BPP) on average, maximum purchasing price would be 85% of region's generation. If Generation Cost at region's electrification system ≤ The National Electricity Cost (BPP) on average, maximum. purchasing would be based on agreement (business to business). @Kementerian ESDM @kesdm Kementerian ESDM 5#6WIND POWER PLANT SIDRAP 75 MW Location Installed Capacity Tariff PPA Date COD Investation Wind speed Capacity factor % TKDN Contract Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang, South Sulawesi 75 MW 11,3076 USD cent/kWh. 19 August 2015 5 April 2018 150 million USD 7 m/s 31,25 % 25% 30 years - BOOT f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM @kesdm A Kementerian ESDM 6#7Installed Capacity Tariff PPA Date Kabupaten Jeneponto, South Sulawesi 72 MW 11,850 USD cent/kWh. 14 November 2016 WIND POWER PLANT JENEPONTO 72 MW Location COD Investation Wind speed Capacity factor % TKDN Contract 14 Mei 2019 160,7 million USD 7 m/s 42% 25% 30 years - BOOT f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM @kesdm A Kementerian ESDM 7#8GRAND STRATEGY ENERGY DRAFT VISION Creating national energy resilience and independence CHALLANGE Energy demand is increasing, and energy supply capacity is limited: A SOLUTION 1: Increase crude production by 1 million bopd and acquire foreign oil fields for refinery needs. 2: Increase the capacity of the BBM refinery. 3: Optimizing the utilization of natural gas (such as BBG for transportation and gas for industry). 4: Increase the use of electric vehicle (KBLBB). 5: Accelerate the use of renewable energy power plant (solar power plant) and optimize biofuel production (biodiesel or bio hydrocarbons). 1. Production of crude oil fell, imports of crude and gasoline increased. B 2. LPG is still imported. 3. Coal exports were depressed. 4. The gas and electricity infrastructure is not C yet integrated. 6: Increase domestic LPG production. 7: Increase the construction of the city gas network. 8: Encouraging the use of electric stoves. 9: Develop DME, methanol, fertilizer & syngas production. 10: Build a gas & LNG receiving terminal. 11: Build electricity transmission & distribution, smart grid, off grid power plant and build small scale nuclear power plants. 0 @kesdm Kementerian ESDM f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM من#9GOVERNMENT PROGRAM FOR RE DEVELOPMENT The Indonesian government is targeting an additional 38 GW of NRE Installed capacity by 2035 Accelerating the use of renewable energy power plant, where solar power plant will be prioritized because of its relatively cheaper investment costs and short. installation duration. NRE Acceleration Efforts: ○ Primary Final Energy Substitution, by utilizing the existing technology; B30-B50, co-firing, RDF utilization. О Fossil Primary Energy Conversion, converting Diesel PP or Coal Powered PP into NRE PP, biogas, and pellet for cooking. ○ Increasing NRE Capacity, to meet the new demand; focus on the development of Solar PP Utilization of Non-Electric NRE / Non-Biofuel such as briquettes and drying of biogas agricultural products In addition, developments for off-grid and Rooftop Solar PV for households and industries are also under way. RE Total Capacity (GW) 18 15 13 10 10 11 RE Target 48 45 43 41 39 37 35 Geothermal 32 30 27 24 Bioenergy Wind + Nuclear 23% Solar PV Hydro PP 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033 2035 Source: Draft of Grand Strategy Energy National f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM @kesdm Kementerian ESDM#10WIND POWER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BY 2021 - 2035 · HHH Target 3,63 GW Wind power in Sumatera: 1.301 MW . Wind power in Java: 1669,9 MW . · . . Wind power in Bali: 34,5 MW Wind power in Sulawesi: 251,68 MW Wind power in Kalimantan: 70 MW Wind power in NTT: 83 MW Wind power in NTB: 165 MW Wind power in Maluku: 57 MW f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM @kesdm Kementerian ESDM 10#11DRAFT PRESIDENTIAL REGULATION ON RE POWER PURCHASING BY PLN PRICE 1 2 FiT staging 2 no excalation phase, location factor is valid for Staging 1: ■ Hydro PP (including Hydro PP reservoir) for capacity up to 5 MW Solar PV and Wind PP for capacity up to 5 MW Biomass PP and Biogas PP for capacity up to 5 MW Solar PV and Wind PP expansion for capacity up to 5 MW Biomass PP and Biogas PP expansion for capacity up to 5 MW Ceiling price (HPT) staging 2 no excalation phase, location factor is valid for staging 1: Geothermal PP for all capacity 1 ◉ ■ MECHANISM OF PURCHASING ELECTRIC POWER Direct Appointment: 2 ☐ Hydro PP for all capacity; Solar PV and Wind PP for capacity up to 5 MW Biomass PP and Biogas PP for capacity up to 5 MW Expansion of hydro PP, geothermal, Solar PV, wind PP, Biomass PP, Biogas for all capacity. Excess power of dari hydro PP, geothermal, Biomass PP, Biogas for all capacity. Direct Appointment: assignment for Hydro PP reservoir & Geothermal Hydro Power Plant (including Hydro Power Plant reservoir) for capacity>5 MW 3 Direct selection: Solar PV, Wind PP, Biomass PP and Biogas PP for capacity up to 5 MW PV and Wind PP >5 MW 4 BOOT mechanisme: B to B. Biomass PP and Biogas PP for capacity >5 MW PV and Wind PP expansion >5 MW 5 ◉ Biomass PP and Biogas PP expansion >5 MW Period of contract: 30 years for hydro PP, geothermal, Solar PV, wind PP; 20 years for PLTBg and 25 years for Bimass PP. ◉ excess power Geothermal, Hydro, Biomass, Biogas PP all capacity. 6 Transaction using Rupiah. 7 The agreement price requires the approval from the MEMR 3 Agreement Price: Hydro Power Plant Peaker for all capacity Waste PP, Biofuel PP, Sea Energy PP for all capacity f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM 8 The provision of electricity purchase price is evaluated 3 years at the most. @kesdm Kementerian ESDM 111#12CLOSING 1 2 3 Indonesia has committed to achieve the 23% new and renewable energy target by 2025 as mandated by the national energy policy as well as Paris Agreement. Wind power can become the promising options to provide electricity. However, the wind power tariff in Indonesia is still relatively high because most of the components are still imported, even though the tariff at the global level shows a decrease Supports from other countries with more advanced wind power technology, is needed to develop Indonesia's domestic capabilities through transfer of technology f Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral @Kementerian ESDM @kesdm Kementerian ESDM 12#13Thank You MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 18, Jakarta DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF NEW, RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY CONSER Jl. Pegangsaan Timur No.1 Menteng, Jakarta 13

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