Tradeweb ESG Presentation Deck

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August 2022



#1BUILDING ON SUSTAINABILITY Mot TRANSFORMING MARKETS 2021 CSR- INVESTOR DECK Tradeweb The information contained herein is highly confidential and some or all of it may constitute material, non-public information under applicable securities laws. This information must be kept strictly confidential, may not be disclosed or distributed to anyone without the express written consent of Tradeweb Markets LLC, and may only be used as expressly permitted by any applicable non- disclosure, customer, or other written agreement with Tradeweb. Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#22 Who We Are In Sustainable Governance S Environmental Actions and Impact Helping Our People and Communities Thrive Tradeweb Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#3New Disclosure in 2021 Report 3 ● ● ● Governance Board oversight of ESG Board diversity statistics Cybersecurity and Risk management governance Materiality Self- Assessment Environment • Environmental strategy outline and high level information based on TCFD guidelines • Detailed Scope 1-3 emissions reporting ● Energy and emission intensity statistics Single-use plastics reduction resolution & responsible destruction. and disposal of waste ● Tradeweb • EEO-1 ethnic diversity stats for U.S. employees ● S People Employee engagement statistics SDG contribution for Tradeweb Philanthropy efforts Spotlight Dealer Diversity Program Employee Training Hours & Volunteer Hours statistics Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#4From our CEO and Chairman 4 CC One of the most gratifying and important aspects of the past year has been the remarkable engagement of our Board on all things ESG. Our directors are interested, curious and supportive – and they have challenged the management team to make ESG an everyday consideration. Elevating ESG as a priority has made us more transparent and more accountable, along with opening up new opportunities in how we serve our clients and how we attract and retain talent. I've never been more optimistic about what the future holds for Tradeweb, and our role as a positive contributor to our communities, our markets, the environment, and each other." Sincerely, Lectly Lee Olesky Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Tradeweb Markets Inc. Tradeweb Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#5From our President and CEO-Elect 5 66 It always starts with our clients. From new innovations on our trading platform to insights on market sentiment to strategic decisions on how to grow our business - virtually every move we make is judged against how it will affect our clients. This is how our business has evolved and how our culture of collaboration has become a differentiator for Tradeweb. Tradeweb We can play a major role in the growth of sustainable investing simply by giving our clients the tools and data they need to accurately identify and access these assets. Our analytics help our clients each day in bolstering their trading and portfolio management strategies and we strive to continue to be a leader in market-informing data and analytics on sustainable securities trading." Sincerely, Wina. Kut ₩ Billy Hult President and CEO-Elect, Tradeweb Markets Inc. ©2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#6joi Who we are Embrace Differences Act Responsibly We do our part to help financial markets move toward more sustainable global systems, and take action to improve the communities around the world where we live and work. 6 Our diverse experiences inform and encourage new ways of thinking. We ensure an inclusive and respectful workplace where all voices are heard. Share Ideas Collaboration leads to innovation. Teamwork multiplies our individual talents and makes our best ideas even more powerful and useful. Purpose-Driven to Serve Global Markets OUR PURPOSE IS SIMPLE: Make trading better. This spirit defines us and our business culture, and it has led to remarkable things. OUR FIRST REVOLUTION: Electronify fixed income trading. And we did. What once seemed radical is now essential. This transformation of markets has been successful, and nearly ubiquitous. And we keep finding ways to improve upon it, as innovators do. THE SECOND: Sustainable growth. Our entire industry is still in the early stages of this journey, integrating sustainable thinking and practices into everyday trading and corporate operations. Much progress has been made, and much more lies ahead. Stay Curious Our experience and expertise set us apart. Curiosity and imagination keep us relevant, vital and valuable to our clients and to one another. 60,000+ AVERAGE DAILY TRADES $1,076M REVENUES* Take Ownership Tradeweb by the Numbers ~2,500+ CLIENTS GLOBALLY $1.8+ QUADRILION TRADED SINCE LAUNCH* We try new things, learn from our mistakes and refine our ideas, knowing that account- ability is part of how we learn and get better at what we do. For the year ended December 31, 2021 O 65+ COUNTRIES $136B 2021 GLOBAL CBI- SCREENED GREEN BOND TRADING VOLUMES $1,028B ADV* 40+ PRODUCTS OFFERED GLOBALLY Tradeweb Exceed Expectations Our clients deserve the very best in every service and solution we provide. We challenge ourselves and our colleagues to deliver excellence every day. 350+ TECHNOLOGISTS -30% GLOBAL FEMALE EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATION 25+ YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL INNOVATION 12x VOTED BEST FIXED INCOME PLATFORM Financial News Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#7joi Recognition of ESG Performance We are earning recognition for making steady progress toward achieving our ESG goals. ● 7 Who we are Tradeweb highlighted in the Morningstar list of Best Sustainable Companies to Own: 2022 Edition Tradeweb awarded a place on the Investor Business Daily's Best ESG Companies of 2021, selected for achieving a "mix [of] profitability with ethical and social responsibility." INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY BEST ESG COMPANIES ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL & GOVERNANCE Further Accolades BEST TRADING VENUE OF THE YEAR GlobalCapital BEST WORKPLACE INNOVATORS Fast Company FOR TRADING INITIATIVE OF THE YEAR Financial News Best ETF Platform ETF Express BEST FIXED INCOME TRADING PLATFORM Financial News 15x NAMED TO TRADING TECH 40 & 50 Institutional Investor OTC TRADING PLATFORM OF THE YEAR Asia Risk BEST SSA BOND TRADING PLATFORM GlobalCapital Tradeweb TRADING & EXECUTION SOLUTION FOW Global Investor Group BEST TRADING AND EXECUTION PLATFORM Hedgeweek BEST SWAP EXECUTION PLATFORM Sell-Side Technology full list of awards and recognition can be found here. ©2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#88 Innl Governance 36 ESG is a core focus for Tradeweb's Board and its management team. While the company culture has long reflected strong ESG attributes, formal measurement and reporting on material issues became a priority following Tradeweb's IPO in 2019. The Board was pleased with last year's inaugural Corporate Sustainability Report, and we continue to raise the bar for the management team and our fellow directors. ESG is a driver for leadership and value-added performance for Tradeweb; careful and thoughtful consideration of ESG across the value-chain has produced opportunities to enhance the value proposition for a company built on a foundation of transparency and innovative leadership." John Finley and Paula Madoff ESG Board Liaisons Our ESG Governance Structure Tradeweb BOARD Oversee ESG strategy and progress ESG BOARD LIAISONS Ensure accountability of goals, targets and progress ESG STEERING COMMITTEE Guide strategy implementation and ensure integration DEDICATED ESG TEAM Evolve and implement strategy, understand stakeholder priorities, and drive integrated reporting OUR PEOPLE Implement plans developed by the ESG Team and leadership Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#9Innl ESG Rating of Tradeweb Markets LLC Governance ESG RATING/ASSESSMENT PROVIDER SUSTAINALYTICS ESG RISK RATING* ISS ESG CORPORATE RATING MOODY'S ESG SOLUTIONS (ESG ASSESSMENT) S&P CSA ESG SCORE MSCI S&P ESG EVALUATION 9 SYSTEMIC RISK MANAGEMENT RATING SCALE HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Numeric (1-40+, 1 = Best) Letter Rating (A+ - D-, A+ = Best) Numeric (1-100, 100 = Best) Numeric (1-100, 100 = Best) ESG Materiality Self-Assessment ESG Material Topic Structure Tier 1 Prioritize Material topics directly affecting our business that represent priority items for Tradeweb's success. INFORMATION SECURITY AND DATA PRIVACY ORIGINAL RATING 27.7 D 23 11 CURRENT RATING (as of July 31, 2022) 18.1 10 C- 38 In 2022, Tradeweb received a rating of BB (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment 26 offe ofer CHANGE (s) Improved Tradeweb received a rating of 70 out of 100 (100 being best) as a result of the ESG confidential evaluation engagement with S&P. This report was subsequently made public in August 2022. Improved Improved Improved Tradeweb Copyright ©2022 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved. This [publication/ article/ section] contains information developed by Sustainalytics. Such information and data are proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third-party suppliers (Third-Party Data) and are provided for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement of any product or project, nor an investment advice and are not warranted to be complete, timely, accurate or suitable for a particular purpose. Their use is subject to conditions available here. Tier 2 Manage Material topics that represent areas of ongoing management to ensure good governance and corporate stewardship. BOARD COMPOSITION AND OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SUSTAINABLE FINANCE SOLUTIONS Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#10Innl Governance 2021 Board Diversity Our 2021-2022 Board of Directors Jacques Aigrain* Former advisor, Warburg Pincus LLC, Former CEO, Swiss Re Scott C. Ganeles Senior Partner, WestCap Group, LLC Balbir Bakhshi Chief Risk Officer, London Stock Exchange Group plc (LSEG) Von M. Hughes Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Head of the Institutional Solutions Group for Calvert Research and Management 10 Lee Olesky Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Tradeweb Markets Inc. President-Elect, Tradeweb Thomas Pluta*** Managing Director, Appointed to the Tradeweb Board of Directors as of August 1, 2022 ** ESG Board Liaison *** Thomas Pluta will take on the role of President of Tradeweb as of January 1, 2023 and will come on as a member of Tradeweb's Executive Committee as of October, 2022. Steven Berns Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer, TripleLift Billy Hult President and CEO-Elect, Tradeweb Markets Inc. Murray Roos Group Head, Capital Markets, London Stock Exchange Group plc (LSEG) Note: Martin Brand, Senior Managing Director of Blackstone, served as Chairman of the Board from March 2019 to February 11, 2022. Note: Lee Olesky replaced Martin Brand as Chairman of the Board as of March 2022, and serves as Chairman and CEO until Dec 31, 2022. As of Jan 1, 2023 he will retire as CEO and will continue John G. Finley** Senior Managing Director and Chief Legal Officer, Blackstone Paula B. Madoff** Lead Independent Director, Tradeweb Markets LLC | Advisor, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Rana Yared* General Partner at Balderton Capital as Chairman of the Board. Additionally, the Board has approved Billy Hult to be CEO-elect and move into the role of CEO as of Jan 1, 2023. Note: Thomas Pluta will take on the role of President of Tradeweb as of January 1, 2023 and will come on as a member of Tradeweb's Executive Committee as of October, 2022. Tradeweb AGE BREAKDOWN 55.1 Average Age 80% <60 Years 20% >60 Years ETHNIC DIVERSITY 20% Diverse 80% White 10% Black/African American 10% Asian GENDER DIVERSITY 10% Female 1 Female 9 Male TENURE ON THE BOARD* 2.6 Years Average Tenure 60% >3 Years 40% <3 Years Tenure measured starting March 2019 Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#11Innl Governance Enterprise Risk & Compliance Governance Structure BOARD OF DIRECTORS-AUDIT COMMITTEE 11 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER PRESIDENT CHIEF RISK & ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CRO) CHIEF INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER (CISO), GLOBAL HEAD OF COMPLIANCE AND GLOBAL HEAD OF RISK MANAGEMENT RISK AND COMPLIANCE COMMITTEES (GLOBAL AND REGIONAL) RISK AND COMPLIANCE TEAMS (GLOBAL AND REGIONAL) Managing Business Continuity & Technology Risks Tradeweb did not experience any data breaches or material system disruptions in the 2021 reporting period. Tradeweb Global Risk Management & Compliance ● Regulated Entities Across Global Operations Governance and Managerial Responsibility for Compliance • Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Vendor Risk Management ● ● ● Employee Training Customer Due Diligence Anti-Money Laundering Policy ● Software Development & Release Management Incident Investigation and Corrective Actions Reporting of Irregularities Surveillance Regulatory Compliance Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery • Data Privacy & Information Security Tradeweb RISK MANAGEMENT CYCLE Analyze & Report Response & Remediate Identify & Assess Measure & Record Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#12GHG Reporting - Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions Tradeweb continues to make progress toward quantifying and reducing our carbon footprint, growing our use of renewable energy, advancing sustainable finance, and creating solutions to help our clients pursue investment in climate-aligned strategies. EMISSIONS INTENSITY 2021 ELECTRICITY DATA CENTERS Environment EMPLOYEE COMMUTING REMOTE WORKING BUSINESS TRAVEL WASTE³ TOTAL TOTAL SCOPE 1 TOTAL SCOPE 2 TOTAL SCOPE 3 TOTAL SCOPE 12 2 2 3 TOTAL TRADEWEB 2021 CARBON FOOTPRINT 3 3 3 2,3 MWh N/A 6,925* N/A 6,925 Based on available data as of year-end 2021 EMPLOYEE HEADCOUNT¹ 1,046 1,046 1,046 1,046 1,046 1,046 1,046 MT CO₂e N/A 2,706 850 3,556 EMISSIONS (MT CO₂e) 861 1,845 71 686 83 10 3,556 EMISSIONS PER EMPLOYEE (MT CO₂e) 0.82 1.76 0.07 0.66 0.08 0.01 3.40 PER $ MILLION NET REVENUE (MT CO₂e)² 0.80 1.71 0.07 0.64 0.08 0.01 3.31 TOTAL GLOBAL SCOPE 2 ENERGY CONSUMPTION O Eliminating the purchase of plastic water bottles and plastic K-cups from our U.S. offices has reduced our environmental impact by approximately Tradeweb 4,600 cases of plastic water bottles per year representing an approximate annual CO₂e reduction of* 18 MT and a reduction of over 4,700 boxes of plastic K-Cups per year * CO2e emissions were calculated by assuming 48 0.51 water bottles in each case, and by using a CO₂e conversion factor that covers the emissions created during the entire life cycle of a plastic water bottle. 32% Renewable (MWh) 52% Nonrenewable (MWh) 16% Non Emitting (Nuclear) (MWh) GLOBAL ENERGY INTENSITY (MWh per Employee per Region) 12.7 MWh/ Employee . 12.0 U.S. 15.2 Europe 12.4 Asia Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#13Sustainable Finance Solutions We continue to promote the visibility and accessibility of Green Bond trading activity across a wide range of asset classes, as well as to provide more clarity around our own Green Bond trading volumes. CBI-SCREENED* GREEN BOND TRADING VOLUME Further breakdown of Green Bond trading by asset class is posted and updated monthly on the ESG Data & Trading Insights page of our website, as well as additional content and insights that continues to expand and evolve. *CBI-screened Green Bonds are alligned with CBI definitions of "Green' as of 12.31.2021 ● Environment ● ● • 13 2018 2019 2020 Green Bond Highlights across Global product screens • Dealer Reporting on Green Bond Ranking Green Bond Search Filters 2021 * Volume (MM) ADV (MM) ◆ 24,201 95 Monthly Green Bond Volumes Reporting Endeavor to add other ESG Labelled securities 47,821 188 79,337 310 135,904 534 2021 CBI-SCREENED* GREEN BONDS ACCOUNTED FOR Tradeweb $136B of the total $148B in Green Bond trading volume executed on Tradeweb, an overall YoY increase of 71% AVERAGE DAILY VOLUME FOR 2021 WAS $534M increasing by 72% from 2020 80% of the volume was driven by European Government and European Credit bonds Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#14People Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Data - Human Capital Metrics and Trends We believe that diverse teams make better decisions and create greater long-term value. We employ a strategy that both allows for us to work toward our goal of creating a more diverse employee base, while maintaining a meritocracy. 14 222 Employees. ● 21% of employees are involved in Affinity Networks 42 Employees TRADEWEB CARES 57 Employees SUSTAINABILITY ACTION NETWORK 19 Employees WORKING PARENTS NETWORK 107 Employees WOMEN'S NETWORK 63 Employees DIVERSITY & INCLUSION 78% INTERN RETENTION RATE of full-time intern hires still employed at Tradeweb as of year-end 2021 $1.3M invested in employee career development opportunities 80% employee base engaged on global town halls Tradeweb partners with 18 organizations globally, to identify a diverse pool of candidates for open positions. Tradeweb 36 At Tradeweb, we take an active role in celebrating the diverse perspectives, ideas, and backgrounds of our employees. We partner with many organizations globally that help us progress toward our goal of improving our diversity representation. As an example, I joined the Employer Advisory Board at Streetwise Partners so I can work closely with that organization to help them achieve their mission of providing mentorship and opportunities to diverse college students. We also have internal programs focused on understanding and learning about diverse cultures - where employees can speak about their experiences and other employees can learn and embrace the differences among us. Tradeweb also has focused programs for mentorship, career development, and leadership - all aligned with giving our female and diverse employees opportunities for growth. I am proud to say that we at Tradeweb are actively and consistently looking to make a difference." Fred Strobel Global Head of Human Resources, Tradeweb Markets Inc. Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#15People Tradeweb 2021 Global Employee Diversity U.S. TOTAL ETHNIC DIVERSITY¹ Astan COFii Blacky African American 3.0 % Other2 White GLOBAL WORKFORCE BY GENDER¹ OO 2021 GLOBAL TURNOVER 15 SC Hispanic/Latino 2020 2021 30.6% 30.0% 69.4% 70.0% 2020 2021 2020 27.7% 28.1% 2.9% 1.9% 2021 Female Male - 4.1% 3.8% Involuntary ● 4.9% 10.1% Voluntary 4.0% 3.4% 64.6% 63.0% 1.5% Public disclosure of EEO-1 Report GLOBAL WORKFORCE BY AGE¹ 19.3 % <30 60.5% 30-50 20.2% >50 BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY GENDER OO 2020 GLOBAL TURNOVER BY GENDER 27.3% Involuntary 72.7% Voluntary 2020 2021 20.0 % 10.0% Female 80.0 % 90.0% Male Involuntary Voluntary 8.6% 18.7% 25.9% Female 46.8% Male GLOBAL EMPLOYEE GENDER BY REGION GLOBAL MANAGEMENT BY GENDER OO Tradeweb 755 North America 249 Europe 42 Asta 26.0% Female 74.0% Male 1 As of December 31, 2021 2 Other self Identification as "two or more races" or "American Indian or Alaskan Native 3 Management is defined by employees that manage at least one other employee 40.6 % Female 59.4% Male 40.5% Female 59.5% Male 2020 2021 23.3% 27.2% Female 76.7% 72.8% Male Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#16People Advancing Women at Tradeweb 66 Joining Tradeweb as the Chief Financial Officer is an important milestone in my career. Tradeweb is a unique company that is driven by innovation, which continues to transform the way our clients trade across global markets. Tradeweb's culture supports that innovation mindset by welcoming diverse ideas and talent, which promotes growth and collaboration across the company. As the first woman, and minority, on Tradeweb's Executive Committee, I have seen this culture at work firsthand. I have received an enthusiastic welcome and been quickly able to contribute my perspective to a strong leadership team. I believe that my experience and example will help attract and lead the way for other diverse and female talent to achieve their professional aspirations, which will continue to fuel Tradeweb's next chapters of success." Sara Furber Chief Financial Officer, Tradeweb Markets Inc. 16 66 As a woman in the legal and compliance field I have had a long career within historically male- dominated industries. In my career journey leading up to and including becoming the Global Head of Compliance at Tradeweb, I have been driven by a mission to master my craft, build my technical expertise to advance my career, and inspire other women to do the same. It is critical for young girls to have someone that looks like them in leading positions in corporate America, to have that reinforcing notion of "that could be me one day." I value the opportunities that Tradeweb creates for women in roles across the finance and technology fields, and am happy to be able to share my experiences and perspective to help drive opportunities for women at all levels of their careers." Devi Shanmugham Global Head of Compliance, Tradeweb Markets Inc. Tradeweb saw an increase of female Managing Directors from 14.8% (13) in 2020 to 19.4% (20) in 2021, and an increase in females in management across all levels from 23% to 27% in 2021. Tradeweb Tradeweb's Spotlight Dealer Diversity Program X B SPOTLIGHT INITIATIVES TO HELP BEST MEET UNIQUE NEEDS Promotion programs via our web, social and trading platforms for increased visibility Facilitate ongoing discussions to drive the evolution of understanding and best-serving the needs of participating and potential dealers Trading protocol enhancements to facilitate efficient and effective business between clients and Diverse Dealers Introduction and onboarding for disclosed trading Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.#17Engaging with Our Communities - Giving Back to Where We Work & Live TO US, PROTECTING OUR FUTURE MEANS TAKING ACTION ON: 6% 4% 11% 17 People 1% SDG ALIGNMENT: PHILANTHROPIC DONATIONS 14% 5% Supporting environmental conservation efforts to restore our planet Partnerships with Oceanic Global, The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, Central Park Conservancy Ensuring equitable access to quality education and economic opportunity for all Partnerships with The Cowrie Foundation, Streetwise, Emily K Center, Cristo Rey School, Girls Network, Black Girls Code, and SEO/London 11% 30% -12% 6% GOOD HEALTH 3 AND WELL-BEING SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES EBEB QUALITY 4 EDUCATION 13 CLIMATE ACTION 000 GENDER EQUALITY 14 LIFE BELOW WATER Enriching and empowering social mobility in the communities where we live and work Partnerships with Habitat for Humanity, Phoenix Center, Bottomless Closet, Hoboken Shelter Providing access to healthcare and disease prevention for our society's most vulnerable Partnerships with Global Health Charities, American Cancer Society, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 16 AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS PEACE, JUSTICE REDUCED 10 INEQUALITIES . Other 29% 3% SDG ALIGNMENT: TRADEWEB VOLUNTEERING 4% 10% 356 TOTAL HOURS of employee volunteering in 2021 16 CHARITIES PARTNERED WITH FOR TRADEWEB VOLUNTEERING with an average of 3 volunteering hours per volunteer $711,926 TOTAL 2021 DONATIONS including $665,037 donated to 56 charities through our internal networks and corporate donations and $46,889 in matching employee donations - 14% Tradeweb - 40% QUALITY 4 EDUCATION REDUCED INEQUALITIES GENDER EQUALITY SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES IEEE= I Wanted der ber DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH M Other Ⓒ2022 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY, and any copying or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. The information provided herein is not offered as investment, tax or legal advice or an offer to buy or sell securities.

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