Espirito Santo Oil & Natural Gas Yearbook 2021
Chapter 4
Innovation is a key point for the
development of technological
solutions in the Oil and Gas (O&G)
industry. Having said that, encour-
aging research, development, and
innovation (RD&I) in the O&G in-
dustry is essential for maintaining
the industry's production capacity
and competitiveness.
The development of these solu-
tions covers topics such as pro-
duction, processing, well engineer-
ing, safety, and the environment,
among others. These innovations
become fundamental for the de-
velopment of new technologies
for the industry and for the safety
of workers. In this context, the Re-
search, Development, and Innova-
tion (RD&I) Clause remains an im-
portant incentive mechanism for
the production of knowledge and
new technologies for the industry.
4.1. The RD&I Clause
Signed in the oil and natural gas
exploration and production con-
tracts, this provision establishes
the investment of a percentage
of the gross revenue from pro-
duction in research, develop-
ment, and innovation projects
and programs by oil companies.
The amounts generated are in-
vested in RD&I projects that can
be developed by the Oil Compa-
ny itself, by Brazilian Companies,
or by Accredited Institutions
throughout the country.
The financing of these projects,
according to the clause, began
in 1998, the year after the enact-
ing of the Petroleum Act (Law
9.478/97), but was only regulat-
ed in 2005 by ANP Resolution
In 2015, this regulation was re-
placed by the current one, coming
into force in the following year.
As of this last resolution, com-
panies supplying O&G goods and
services and technology-based
companies were able to use the
resources under the aforemen-
tioned clause. Moreover, stan-
dards, definitions and procedures
were established for the three
models of oil and natural gas
exploration and production con-
tracts practiced in the country³³
In 2019, the ANP approved the
revision of the regulation and the
changes expanded the possibili-
ties of operations by research in-
stitutions and encourage the ex-
ecution of projects in partnership
between universities and com-
panies 34. This change opened up
the possibility of creating a more
dynamic and productive innova-
tion environment with a diversity
of players.
ANP approved the revision
of ANP Technical Regula-
tion 3/2015.
The changes have ex-
panded the possibilities
for research institutions to
operate, they encourage
the execution of projects
in partnership between
universities and companies
and allow for the execution
of new models of projects
and programs
33. In concession contracts, the RD&I provides
that concession holders shall incur qualified ex-
penses such as research and development in
amounts corresponding to 1% (one percent) of the
gross revenue from production of the fields paying
the Special Share. In production sharing and trans-
fer of rights contracts, the value of the obligation
corresponds to, respectively, 1% (one percent) and
0.5% (half percent) of the annual gross revenue of
the fields belonging to the blocks detailed and out-
lined in the respective contracts.
34. The changes are contained in resolution
799, of September 2, 2019, which are available
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