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Investor Presentaiton

LA BANQUE POSTALE HOME LOAN SFH: LEGAL FRAMEWORK A STRONG LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND ADVANTAGEOUS TREATMENT FOR INVESTORS INVESTOR INFORMATION: A DEDICATED WEBSITE La Banque Postale Home Loan SFH is a French credit institution, 100% owned by LBP, licensed by the French supervisory authority (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution - ACPR) Minimum contractual over-collateralisation (OC) of 8.1% versus legally required minimum of 5%, using the same weightings Under CRD IV/CRR (article 129) and LCR delegated act, covered bonds with minimum size of €500m rated AA- or better are eligible for inclusion in level 1B for LCR and benefit from a 10% RW Covered bonds are secured by a segregated asset pool and a preferential legal claim for covered bond investors Absolute seniority for repayment purposes, no early redemption or acceleration Regulated covered bonds are exempt from bail-in (BRRD) BANQUE POSTALE ABOUT US CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSABILITY PUBLICATIONS INVESTORS Investors > Debt > LBP Home Loan SFH DEBT EN f Facebook Twitter in Linkedin a PROSPECTUS FINAL TERMS LBP HOME LOAN SFH GREEN/SOCIAL BONDS Main information on La Banque Postale Home Loan SFH ■ 115 rue de Sèvres - 75006 Paris - France ■ Credit institution approved by the French Prudential Authority (ACP) ■ Paris Trade and Companies Registry: 522 047 570 ■ Limited company with Executive and Supervisory Boards ■ 100% of the capital is owned by La Banque Postale ■ Specific controller: Cailliau Dedouit and Associates ■ Statutory Auditors. KPMG - PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Base prospectus and supplement See Base prospectus and supplements - LA BANQUE POSTALE Investor presentation / December 2021 ECBC Label to ensure full transparency of the asset pool COVERED BOND LABEL. HTT 70 10
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