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Investor Presentaiton

||| Representativeness of GHG emissions by segment, in 2021 7% (In tCOze) 3% Working groups Energy and Emissions and Sustainable Logistics Environmental Management 18% Energy and emissions Factories Couriers DC Office 72% Emission of ozone-depleting 2020 2021 substances (SDO) - In tCO2e HCFC-22 835.97 1,473.96 HCFC-141b 10.15 8.21 Isobutane (R-600A)t 0,001 viveo 82 Sustainability Report 2021 Viveo maintains two working groups dedicated to improving per- formance related to energy and GHG emissions. One of them, called Working Group on Energy and Emissions, defines long-term goals and adoption of eco-efficiency practices with a focus on re- ducing energy demand and GHG generation, as well as increasing the participation of renewable energy in industrial processes. Thus, in 2021, this WG had direct participation in the study and imple- mentation of actions related to gains in energy efficiency. The Sustainable Logistics GT, on the other hand, aims to plan and monitor the implementation of initiatives to reduce emissions in logistics activities. Throughout 2021, these GTs spearheaded the preparation of the company's first Emissions Inventory. In addition, investments of R$ 65 million by 2025 in emission reduction and sustainable logis- tics actions were authorized by the Board of Directors. 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS QO AÇÃO CONTRA A 13 MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA
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