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#1viveo Sustainability 2021 Report Cremer HEALT www GFE8116 Prazer, somos a Nas construimos o futuro da saúde viveo Deye CLAS natu Dar#2> ||| > Presentation This is the first sustainability report published by Viveo. Aligned with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), this report presents the commitments and performance of the company in relation to environmental, social, and gover- nance issues, as well as information on its busi- ness model and long term competitive strategy.#3||| Presentation Message from the Management Message from the Management GRI 102-14 Provide care for every single life. Viveo was structured with this purpose in mind: a corporate ecosystem formed by 17 companies working in an integrated way to sim- plify the health sector, serving this end-to-end market from the manufacture of medical and hospital products to delivery to the final consumer. Far beyond strategic synergy, fulfilling this mission requires genuinely believ- ing every day that every single life matters and that the lives of people and the planet, now and in the fu- ture, depend on responsible business conduct. Aware of our responsibility, as a link in the chain of sus- tainable development, we experienced a historic year in 2021 not only as a society facing the second year of the covid-19 pandemic but also as a company. While still engaged in the fight against the health crisis, we decided to hold fast in the execution of our strategy. In this move, we launched our new brand, consolidated our governance bases, went public on the B3 New Market, and invested in expanding our business. This expansion combines the organic growth of our op- erations, which in the last four years has been growing M approximately 15% per year from acquisitions of compa- nies that provide synergies and gains in scale, enhancing our results and strengthening our business ecosystem. For this reason, we proudly state that all the acquisi- tions announced throughout 2021 have strengthened and added important competitive differentials to our increasingly diversified company while following its pur- pose of simplifying the healthcare market and provid- ing a complete solution for our customers. In parallel to the integration of these companies, we maintained our investments in manufacturing operations, logistics infra- structure, technological tools and team development. Our net revenue reached R$ 6.2 billion in 2021, growing 41%, and adjusted EBITDA reached R$ 471.4 million with a margin of 7.9%, an expansion of half a percentage point in relation to the EBITDA margin of 2020, reflecting the generation of synergies from acquisitions and opti- mization of the Company's operating structure. In addi- tion, we can see greater growth in channels that have higher margins. Adjusted net income was R$ 307.8 mil- lion, an increase of more than 134% compared to 2020. 3 viveo Sustainability Report 2021#4||| Presentation Message from the Management Faced with this unprecedented health crisis, we once again count on the connection of our employees to the purpose of Viveo, reflected in our tireless effort to overcome such challenges. All these results are a consequence of the dedicated work of our 4.5 thousand employees who incorporate the purpose of Viveo in each and every activity performed. Confident in our engagement, we ac- celerated our ESG agenda - Environmental, Social and Governance which presents priority socio-environmental and governance is- sues to company stakeholders alongside the commitments ratified by our shareholders and management body. In a co-creation pro- cess, which involved collaborators and other publics, we developed an in-depth study of materiality that encompasses all of our seg- ments of activity, defining short, medium, and long-term objectives. With great satisfaction, we were able to clearly see the high level of engagement of the professionals involved and their impactful de- liveries such as the replacement of disposable packaging used in our logistics operation and the transition to an electric vehicles fleet, an innovation that generated economic, social, and environmental gains for both Viveo and our customers. While all this internal transformation was happening, we maintained our commitment to cope with the pandemic, which in Brazil had its most acute phase in the first half of the year. Overloaded health services, crowded hospitals and shortages of both professionals and supplies made up the very serious scenario of our sector. Faced with this unprecedented health crisis, we once again counted on the con- nection of our employees to the purpose of Viveo, reflected in the tireless effort to overcome challenges - which included a significant increase in costs in the global chain of medicines and hospital ma- terials, a lack of labor in the factories, an increase in the cost of sea freight, significant exchange rate variation, and urgency of supply. To provide care for every single life throughout the many different regions of Brazil, we more than double the production of dispos- able masks in our factories and imported anesthetics, which were in shortage in Brazil and essential for the intubation of patients in critical conditions - all in record time. And these are just two exam- ples of the various every day and exceptional initiatives that Viveo undertook in 2021 to support customers and, consequently, society as a whole. At the same time, we did not overlook for one minute the health and safety of our team, following all the health protocols in the performance of our activities, providing medical and psycho- logical support to those who required special attention by opening a health clinic of our own. viveo 4 Sustainability Report 2021#5||| Presentation Message from the Management Inspired by modern retail platforms, the com- pany brought innovation and technology to the health sector with a new customer care project. With investments of approximately R$ 2 million, the project is focused on promot- ing an agile journey for customers and con- sumers. The portal has a personalized area for each client and offers fast virtual service with the support of the virtual assistant, Mel, who has gained its own personality and inter- acts within the ecosystem. Viveo is the first healthcare company in the production and distribution sector to develop this technology. which includes virtually all the companies of the group. As a result of all the work, the NPS indicator a metric of perception of the cus- tomer's journey advanced 25%, reaching 80 points. That is how our company designs the future, through attentiveness to people and the plan- et. For 2022 and the following years, our expec- tation is to integrate our business ecosystem, add new companies, and create new business models, which will allow us to further expand our portfolio of products and solutions for the health sector. Internally, we will advance the agenda of development and promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are cer- tain that this will strengthen our culture as we prepare our professionals accordingly to lead the transformation of the health sector in the country. At Viveo, the future is being built ev- ery day. Leonardo Almeida Byrro CEO Mário Sérgio Ayres Cunha Ribeiro Chairman of the Board of Directors viveo 5 Sustainability Report 2021#6||| Highlights 2021 Presentation viveo Launch of the new brand, Viveo, consolidating the ecosystem. Highlights 2021 4,571 employees. 14.4 hours of training per employee, on average. ممهها R$ 1,3 million allocated to social actions. R$ 6,2 billion net revenue. R$ 471,4 million adjusted EBITDA. Inauguration of the Viveo Health Center. Announcement of the ESG strategy. NPS excellence area, with 80 points. Signatory to The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), which promotes improvements in the cotton sup- ply chain, including gender equality and preven- tion of slave and child labor. Zero environmental accidents generating any kind of significant impact on the environment and the community. Going public on B3. 2,4 thousand suppliers of goods and services. viveo + 6 11 acquisitions announced during the year and eight completed. Sustainability Report 2021#7||| Awards and recognitions 2021 Presentation Л Awards and recognitions 2021 Leaders of the Health Award, awarded by Grupo Mídia in the category of Distributors - Distribution of Hospital Materials. Featured supplier in the Growth in the Private Label Industry Forum, organized by AMICCI. BBM Logistics Project award - second place in the ESG cate- gory with the returnable packaging project. Recognition as a strategic partner of the Albert Einstein Hos- pital. Quality seal received from Unimed Blumenau (SC) for the lev- el of service, reaching 100% in the Supplier Quality Index (IQF). Recognition of Unimed Santa Maria (RS): 1st place in the cat- egory "Evaluation of Suppliers of Medicines and Materials." Zero landfill SEAL awarded by KWM (Kapersul Waste Manage- ment) to FW Group (Blumenau/SC). Business period magazine yearbook 360° 7th place among companies of the wholesale sector. These achievements reinforce our commitment to sustainability. viveo 7 Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2021#89 Viveo Our ecosystem Background Business model Strategy and competitive advantages Commitment to ESG 23 Governance and integrity Ethical conduct Governance structure Risk management 9 14671 21 SUMMARY 49 Social management Employees Community 23 51 25 71 33 Suppliers 73 Clients 75 Investors and other publics 77 35 Operations and performance Performance of operations Operational performance Economic-financial results Capital market 78 Environmental Management 35 Energy and emissions 38 Water and effluents 42 Waste 48 Sustainable industry 89 The Report Report profile Stakeholder engagement 10000 79 84 85 88 GRI Summary Relevant topics 22 89 90 91 92#9J ||| bol V The São Paulo (SP) office 1 Viveo Our ecosystem GRI 102-1; 102-2; 102-3; 102-4; 102-6; 102-7; 102-16 Providing care for every single life is the reason for Viveo's existence, and therefore we have the mission of simplifying the health sector. Found- ed in 1996 in Ribeirão Preto, the company today acts as an ecosystem of products and services, offering agile, reliable, and innovative solutions to the sector including manufacturing, distri- bution, inventory management, transportation, and customized solutions to hospitals, clinics, laboratories, pharmacies, wholesale, pharmaceu- tical industries, and end patients. Of Brazilian origin, the company has a corporate office located in São Paulo (SP) and reached the end of 2021 with 40 operating units², including industrial plants, stores, and distribution centers located in four regions of the country, with 4,571 thousand direct employees³. Thus, Viveo figures as a leader in the manufacture and distribution of materials for the hospital segment, such as bandages, gauze, and adhesives (such as adhe- sives, tapes, dressings), as well as medicines, and personal care and hygiene products. 1 The company's corporate name is CM Hospitalar S.A. 2 The following units are not being considered: Farme (Belo Horizonte/MG e São Paulo/SP), Apija (Goiânia/GO e Palmas/TO), FW (Blumenau/SC), Cirúrgica Mafra (Bauru/SP, Campinas/SP, Londrina/PR, Ribeiro Preto/SP, São José do Rio Preto/SP and Catalão/GO), Laborsys (São José dos Pinhais/PR), Macromed (Campo Grande/MS and São José do Rio Preto/SP), Tecno4 and PointMed (São Paulo/SP). 3 This number includes interns and apprentices.#10= Operating units By the end of 2021, our 40 operating units were distributed among 25 municipalities in 10 states of the Federation. Viveo n Our ecosystem Paraná › Cascavel (1) > Curitiba (1) > Londrina (2) > Santa Catarina › Blumenau (5) Ceará > Fortaleza (2) Pernambuco > Jaboatão (1) > Recife (1) Distrito Federal > Brasília (4) Minas Gerais > Pouso Alegre (1) > São Sebastião do Paraíso (1) Goiás › Catalão (1) Rio de Janeiro > Rio de Janeiro (2) > Ribeirão Pires (1) > Ribeirão Preto (2) > São Paulo (2) 4 The following units are not being considered: (Belo Horizonte/MG e São Paulo/SP), Apija (Goiânia/GO and Palmas/TO), FW (Blumenau/SC), Cirúrgica Mafra (Bauru/SP, Campinas/ SP, Londrina/PR, Ribeirão Preto/SP, São José do Rio Preto/SP and Catalão/ GO), Laborsys (São José dos Pinhais/PR), Macromed (Campo Grande/MS and São José do Rio Preto/SP), Tecno4 and PointMed (São Paulo/SP). > Brusque (1) > Indaial (1) > Florianópolis (1) > Santo Amaro da Imperatriz (1) Rio Grande do Sul > Novo Hamburgo (1) > Carazinho (1) > Lajeado (2) São Paulo > Cajamar (3) > Campinas (1) > Marília (1) viveo 10 Sustainability Report 2021#11||| Viveo Our ecosystem Why do To provide care we exist? M for every single life! we do that? How do Simplifying the healthcare market. Our values: > Integrity comes first. > Every life matters > Thinking in an integrated way strengthens us. > Simplifying is our way of being. We build the future of Health. Who are we? An ecosystem of agile, reliable, and innovative solutions for the health of Brazil. viveo 11 Sustainability Report 2021 are somes a viveo The São Paulo (SP) office#12III = Viveo At the end of 2021, the company's ecosystem consisted of 17 companies. Thus, with multiple businesses, Viveo integrates several links in the chain where it operates, from offering first aid, hygiene, and personal protection items to di- rect patient care according to the infographic on the following page. Our ecosystem Distribution Center Ribeirão Preto (SP) MAFRA MAFRA HOSPITALAR uma empresa viveo FRAÇÃO Active segments: Distribution: Direct and indirect sales to the public and private markets of medi- cines, vaccines, disposable materials, prod- ucts for diagnosis in clinical diagnoses, orthoses, prostheses and special needs materials, clinical nutrition, and equip- ment. It operates in this market offering solutions based on broad knowledge and expertise sectorally through the compa- nies Mafra Hospitalar, Tecno4, Tecnocold, Diagnóstica Cremer, Byogene, Biogenetix, Vitalab, Apijā, Macromed and Laborsys. Manufacturing and export: It involves the products manufactured by Cremer, Daviso, FW and Flexicotton. They are ma- terials for surgical procedures, first aid, urinary tract, diagnostics, sterilization, wound treatment, hygiene and protec- tion, drug infusion, clinical nutrition, and orthopedics. Services: A platform specialized in in- tegrated and complementary solutions that optimize the healthcare supply chain through HealthLog. The company has its own team and fleet in strategic locations to serve customers throughout the Bra- zilian territory, also offering customized services in management. Direct to patient (D2P): Services and solutions offered directly to the final con- sumer. In this segment, we operate with Farme, a digital pharmacy that organizes and delivers medicines in a personalized and recurrent way, with clinical and phar- maceutical follow-up, and also with surgi- cal Mafra, through physical stores, in the sale of clinical - hospital materials, special medicines, nutrition, orthopedic products, dermo-cosmetics, and mobility equip- ment, among others. MAFRA HOSPITALAR uma empresa viveo MAFRA NOSPITALAR uma empresa vive viveo 12 Sustainability Report 2021#13三 Service platform to the patient. Pharmacy unlike anything you've ever seen! Viveo HEALTH LOC n Our ecosystem Service platform and logistics solutions for the healthcare supply chain. More than 900 thousand km per month and deliveries throughout the national territory. Far-me CIRURGECA MAFRA VITALAB BYOGENE Our ecosystem 2021 Present in the chain from manufacture to delivery to the patient. An ecosystem of Providing care in Brazil. viveo macromed Laboratory distributors channel. Complete solution of laboratory items. Cremer BIOGENETIX 13 Labor Apijā PRODUTOS LABORATORI viveo Sustainability Report 2021 Tecnocold vacinas Cremer Flexicotton Daviso Industry of hospital products and personal care and hygiene items. More than 85 years as a reference in product quality and innovation. GRUPO FW Lenços umedecidos MAFRA Tecno4 HOSPITALAR Produtos Maspilakas Hospital Supplies Distributor Channel. Complete portfolio of materials and medicines with national reach and high-quality level of service. Vaccine Distributor Channel. Reference in trust and quality in the vaccine market. ** * Express - CNPJ represented by the trademark Mafra Hospitalar. **POINTMED - CNPJ represented by the trademark Tecno4.#14||| Viveo Background Background Viveo started its activities in 1996 as a distributor of hospital materials and medicines, founded by entrepreneur Carlos Ma- fra in Ribeirão Preto (SP). In an intense growth period, it ceased to be a limited company in 2015 and in the following year it became a shareholder in DNA Capital a healthcare-fo- cused investment fund. The inflow of capital into the business marked the beginning of a new expansion strategy, accelerat- ing the acquisition of assets and the formation of a business ecosystem. Among the first assets acquired were Tecnocold in 2017, spe- cialized in vaccine distribution. Cremer was integrated into the company the following year with 86 years of history, the industry leader specializes in the manufacture of items for first aid, surgery, treatment, and hygiene. Given the inorganic growth, in 2020, the process of acquiring Expresso, a medical distributor that had been operating for more than three de- cades in Brazil now represented by the commercial brand Mafra Hospitalar - was completed. In the same year, the business was driven by the acquisition of four more companies: Biogenetix, Vitalab, Byogene - dis- tributors of inputs for laboratories, marking Viveo's entry into the analytical segment (reagents) — and Flexicotton, a leader in the manufacture of hygiene products for its own brand. In addition, the company acquired 35.71% of the share capital of Far.Me, a startup from Minas Gerais, through which it expanded its activities with a service channel aimed at the end consumer. In 2021, the company's expansion plan was strengthened with the acquisition of Daviso and FW, specialized and leaders in the manufacture of wet wipes and towels dedicated to retail and wholesale segments, including its own brands. In order to enhance the operational and commercial synergy, expanding the range of services of- fered to the market, the following companies were ac- quired: Tecno4 and Pointmed, (distributors of medical products), and Laborsys, Apijā, and Macromed (distributors of inputs for laboratories) and surgical Mafra (a company that has physical stores and distribution centers for mar- keting hospital materials, special medicines, orthopedic products, dermo-cosmetics, among others). In addition to these acquisitions, the acquisition of Profarma Specialty (a distributor of medicines for hospitals and clinics), Med- care and Bemk (distributors of medical products) were announced 5. Thus, in 2021 this ecosystem was consolidated in Viveo, an institutional brand that brings together all the companies of the company, acting in an integrated way from produc- tion to delivery to the final consumer. The year was also marked by an important movement in the corporate area: in August, Viveo went public on B3, moving to trading common shares in order to raise funds to boost invest- ments the company was listed on Novo Mercado, B3's largest corporate governance segment. - In 2021, the ecosystem was consolidated through the institutional brand Viveo, which brings together all the company's companies. 5 By the end of 2021, these three acquisitions were awaiting approval from the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE). viveo 14 Sustainability Report 2021#15||| = Ribeirão Preto (SP) Timeline Viveo 1996 Foundation of Mafra Hospitalar in Ribeirão Preto (SP). 2020 Acquisition of the companies Express, Flexicotton, Biogenetix, Byogene and Vitalab and participation in the share capital of Farme. Background 1996 to 2015 Expansion of Mafra I I Hospitalar, opening I branches throughout Brazil. 2016 Input from the DNA Capital Investment Fund. 2018 Acquisition of Cremer and restructuring of governance. viveo 2021 Consolidation of the ecosystem: the Mafra group is now called Viveo and Company goes public in B3, in addition to the acquisition of the companies Daviso, FW, Tecno4, Pointmed, Laborsys, Apijā, Macromed and Cirúrgica Mafra. 2017 Acquisition of Tecnocold. viveo 15 Sustainability Report 2021 With 25 years of history, Viveo offers the best customer care and level of service in national coverage.#16||| = Business model GRI 102-6; 102-7 Blumenau office (SC) Viveo Business model Over 25 years of its history, Viveo has gained market recognition for both the quality of the services provid- ed and its diversified portfolio. Viveo has thus become a reference in the Brazilian health sector, serving the main hospitals and clinics of the country, throughout the national territory - a thriving market composed of the most varied providers of health services (public and private), retail, and logistics. To realize the purpose of "providing care for every sin- gle life" and the mission of offering solutions to simplify the healthcare market, the company's business model stands out for its integration, providing high growth, profitability, and return on invested capital, in addition to offering a differentiated experience to customers. At the end of 2021, Viveo's operations extended from the manufacture of hospital and personal care prod- ucts to final delivery to the customer thanks to its broad product portfolio and the breadth of its hospi- tal, laboratory, clinical, and patient solutions. Acting as the leading provider for hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and pharmacies throughout Brazil, Viveo offers high-value services and solutions that not only meet the needs of customers but also allow health service providers and drug manufacturers to improve the management of these items continuously. These solutions, operated through Healthlog, include inven- tory optimization, reduction of average time and cost, as well as reduction of space for product storage, among others which allows our clients to expand their service to the population (with greater availabil- ity of beds, for example), generate more revenue, re- plenish materials and medicines intelligently, improve traceability, and reduce risks of losses and inventory shortages. Seeking to be in every link in the health chain, Viveo also provides specialized pharmaceutical care and patient follow-up solutions integrated with the distribution of products, which offers care and ef- ficiency from the purchase request to delivery at the place of care, whether at a hospital institution or the patient's home. AGIMOS. COMPARTILHA TRAKEFORMAL SOMOS FAZEDORES. 16 viveo Sustainability Report 2021 Distribution center - Indaial (SC)#17= ||| Viveo Strategy and competitive advantages Factory FW-Blumenau (SC) Feel clean viveo Strategy and competitive advantages By consolidating its strategy of acting as an ecosystem of health products and services, Viveo has consolidated relevant competitive advantages, among which stand out: 17 Addressable market: The Company has access to a significantly wider mar- ket compared, for example, to compa- nies exclusively focused on the distri- bution of hospital-medical materials and medications. Resilience: Viveo's diversification of operations in different areas and seg- ments has proved to be a major com- petitive differential for the company's growth in recent years, even in adverse conditions of the Brazilian economy and the health sector. Superior returns: The diversified per- formance of the company in high return segments allows it to achieve more attractive consolidated results compared to companies with an exclu- sive focus on the distribution segment of medical-hospital materials and medications. Access to the chain: Viveo's experi- ence in the business segments has brought on great opportunities arising from its presence along the healthcare chain, which allows it to obtain visibil- ity, identify trends, and generate new businesses. Sustainability Report 2021#18||| Viveo Strategy and competitive advantages Our differentials The one-stop-shop (end-to-end service of the chain) solu- tion and its differentiated and highly qualified sales team service all different channels and customers. Proprietary logistics solutions with national coverage and service levels compatible with hospital distributors of ex- cellence on the global scale. Vast experience in healthcare to act as a business partner (a reference in clinical marketing). Recognition among the leading companies in the Brazilian health sector. Reference in quality in the solutions offered. Administration with high knowledge of the health sector and the company. Strategic alignment with shareholders who contribute sig- nificantly with their experience in the healthcare sector of Brazil. Strong commitment to ESG best practices. E 18 Cremer Factory - Blumenau (SC viveo Sustainability Report 2021#19||| Viveo Strategy and competitive advantages Quality as a reference GRI 103-1; 103-2; 103-3; 416-1 Aware of its responsibility to each life, Viveo main- tains a high standard in its products, processes, and services, which makes quality a key competitive dif- ferential. For this purpose, it has a robust quality man- agement system, composed of corporate guidelines, certifications, licenses, and authorizations in order to ensure full compliance with laws and regulations ap- plicable to its business segments. In addition, it has a Corporate Quality Assurance Center, which has the responsibility to control aspects related to this theme, managing goals defined by the company to ensure continuous improvement of performance. Specific training and the dissemination of good prac- tices guide employees of industrial units and logistics centers to ensure the quality of products and ser- vices. In 2021, Viveo revised its guidelines on the topic, generating an Integrated Quality Policy aiming to fur- ther improve the results obtained in the previous year, among which stand out: 54% reduction in internal setbacks; Implementation of automatic continuous tem- perature monitoring, which controls in real time the temperature in distribution centers (DCs); and ISO Certification 13485:2016 Quality Manage- ment Systems for Healthcare Products in the Cremer headquarters units (Blumenau/SC) and São Sebastião do Paraíso branch (MG). Bersonal Factory Daviso São Paulo (SP) viveo 19 Sustainability Report 2021 In 2021, we launched our Integrated Quality Policy.#20||| = Viveo Strategy and competitive advantages In addition to internal quality analyses, our units, products, and ser- vices undergo complementary evaluations. These evaluations are im- plemented in Cremer, where 100% of the products manufactured are analyzed for health and safety impacts according to the requirements of the standards of ABNT NBR ISO 13485, ABNT NBR ISO 9001 and RDC No. 16 Re. program of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa). Thus, we ensure that the product reaches the final consumer while preserving the qualities and characteristics with which it was developed. In addition to the tests defined by the regulations to which the com- pany is subject, non-mandatory tests are applied, re-forcing the com- mitment to the quality of the products. In 2021, there was a significant increase in these analyses in newly developed products, as well as through studies of continuous improvement of existing ones, includ- ing aspects regarding sustainability. Viveo Products Creter Creamer Crimer Cre Cremer Chemier CUIDAR DE CADA VI Cremer C 03 52 Cremer ESG strategy: Quality of Products and Services Working Group To support actions aimed at quality assurance, Viveo created in 2021 a Working Group (WG) dedicated to the topic within the scope of its ESG strategy - learn more on the following page. This group aims to strengthen quality aspects and practices, ensuring compliance to all deliveries of the company, acting in: certifications, licenses, and legal authorizations; periodic training programs; good manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution practices; and standardization of processes for continuous improvement. Among the main activities developed by the WG in 2021, the achieve- ment is highlighted of the Certificate of Good Warehousing, Distribu- tion, and Transport Practices (CBPADT), applicable to all our distribu- tion centers (CDs). In addition, preparations have begun for all companies in the eco- system to be certified by 2025, according to NBR ISO 9001, regard- ing Quality Management Systems By the end of 2021, Byogene and Cremer received this certification (Blumenau units and Indaial Distribu- tion Center). 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS QO viveo 20 Sustainability Report 2021#21||| = Viveo ESG commitment ESG commitment Viveo recognizes the strategic relevance and potential for protection and value generation of the integration of ESG aspects into all its activities. Therefore, it has its Sustainability Policy, approved by the Board of Directors, which establishes and disseminates recommendations, guidelines, and bylaws to conduct the business in a sus- tainable way, considering the pillars of social, environ- mental, and governance responsibilities. Throughout 2021, the inclusion of sustainability policies and practices advanced significantly. On January 21, along with the announcement of its new brand, Viveo made public its commitments in relation to sustainability to be achieved by 2030 regarding initiatives in different areas of the company. Based on an in-depth study of materi- ality, which considered all our segments of activity, short, medium, and long-term objectives were defined, which in addition to making the business increasingly competitive, contribute to the sustainable development of society and the planet, with a focus on expanding access to health- care. All WGs have a sponsor from senior management posi- tions who form a Sustainability Committee, which has a central role in monitoring the strategy, critical analysis of the results, and alignment of the interfaces between the various areas, ensuring the effectiveness of the actions and achievement of the established work plans. Throughout 2021, the WGs defined action plans and mon- itoring guidelines, initiating a broad process of diagnosis and improvement of policies and practices related to so- cial, environmental, and governance issues. The first re- sults of these initiatives will be highlighted throughout this report. Healthlog Cajamar (SP) Based on the pillars, working groups (WG) were formed dedicated to each theme composed of around 70 profes- sionals from different areas and units of Viveo. The São Paulo (SP) office viveo 21 Sustainability Report 2021 viveo HEALTH LOC#22= III Viveo ESG commitment Our reason & Our moonshots 6 Equalize the ratio of health professionals per 1000 inhabitants in all regions of the country. Guarantee 100% availability of personal protection equipment in Brazil. We want to provide care for everyone, from employees to patients, encompassing all healthcare professionals. Embodying and offering comprehensive, efficient, and more sustainable solutions is our way. This is our path to providing care for every single life. It's just that simple. T Our pillars of action Integrated management • Ethics and responsible management • Quality of products • Sustainable purchases Human development • Development and employee welfare • Diversity and inclusion • Management of knowledge dissemination viveo 22 Sustainability Report 2021 Eco-efficiency • Energy and emissions . • Water • Waste Solutions for sustainability • Sustainable logistics • Industrial waste • Sustainable products 6 Ambitious goals that move our team out of the comfort zone significantly.#23MAFRA SEGURA LOGISTIKA V HEALTH LOC viveo viveo MAR Healthlog - Ribeirão Preto (SP) 2 Governance and integrity Ethical conduct GRI 102-17; 103-1; 103-2; 205-3; 406-1 At Viveo, ethics and responsible management constitute fundamental values, multiplied among all our collaborators. To ensure the integrity of its activities, the Company de- velops a robust integrity program that invests in the man- agement and continuous improvement of the control and combat of unethical practices, which includes monitoring, transparency, and availability of relevant information for the external control of the publics of interest.#24||| Governance and integrity Viveo's performance is guided by the objective of acting and be- ing perceived as an ethical and responsible company, positively influencing our entire value chain. Thus, the detailed guidelines contained in the Company's Code of Ethical Conduct, in the An- ti-Corruption Policy, in the Anti-bribery Politics as well as in the other corporate policies are applicable to relations with customers, suppliers, competitors, public agencies, employees, and govern- ment representatives. Such relationships are based on compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including - but not limited to the General Data Protection Law, Anti-Corruption legislation, as well as laws and regulations relating to exchange controls and anti-money laundering. Factory Daviso São Paulo (SP) Ethical conduct viveo 24 Sustainability Report 2021 The Viveo Integrity Program is a program of specific compliance, focusing on the adoption of ethical and anti-corruption measures aimed at the prevention, detection, and remediation of harmful acts provided for in the Anti-Corruption Law and other current laws. including the occurrence of bribery and fraud against the public, national and/or foreign administrations. Thus, Viveo is professionally managed in accordance with its organizational principles and best corporate governance practices with the aim of increasing its value, facilitating its access to capital, and contributing to its perpetuity. The bylaws, policies, and other documents related to corporate governance are available to stakeholders on the investor relations website ( More information about the inte- gration program is reported on page 30 onwards.#25||| Governance and integrity Governance structure Governance structure GRI 102-18; 102-20 The Company is listed on the B3 Novo Mercado, a listing segment composed of companies with stricter corporate rules, and has thus focused on strengthening its governance mechanisms in order to ensure transparency, the assertiveness of decision-making, and shareholder rights. Among the main practices developed in this regard, the following stand out: The application of mechanisms of rigorous compliance, en- suring the multiplication of ethical precepts among stake- holders, especially employees; Active deliberative and advisory bodies to senior manage- ment, such as committees and working groups; The availability of varied communication channels in order to offer relevant and up-to-date information to shareholders and the market in general in a transparent manner; and Shareholders' access to the Company's management, either through general meetings, public meetings, or through in- teraction with the investor relations team. viveo Cada vida importa Integridade vem em primeiro lugar Pensar de forma integrada nos fortalece Simplificar é nosso papel Nós construímos o futuro da saúde #NOSSO FITODESED Blumenau office (SC) We strengthen our governance mechanisms in order to ensure transparency. viveo 25 Sustainability Report 2021#26||| = Governance and integrity Governance structure With the advent of the public listing (see box to the side). The Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) became the maximum decision-making body of Viveo. On a mandatory basis, it takes place annu- ally and allows the participation of all shareholders? The governance structure is complemented by the performance of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board, advised by the Audit, Risk Management, Compliance, and Human Resources Committees ― as detailed in the organization chart below. Organization chart of Management (On 12/31/2021) General Assembly Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer Audit, Risk Management, Compliance and Human Resources Committes Investor Relations Board* Financial Board Commercial Board Operations Board Diagnostic Board Public listing In order to boost its investment plan, which includes ex- pansion into strategic niches for the business, Viveo de- cided to change its corporate structure, focusing on rais- ing funds on the capital market. - On August 9, 2021, the Company completed its initial pub- lic offering (IPO) on B3 — the Brazilian Stock Exchange, with shares traded under the ticker VVEO3. Meeting all technical requirements, the IPO took place on the Novo Mercado (IGC-NM), which holds a higher level of require- ments regarding governance practices. Viveo shares (VVEO3) make up the portfolios of the IGCX, IGNM and ITAG indices, with the first pooling companies with high levels of governance, while the latter refers to stocks with differentiated tag-along rights. The company's IPO process was handled by the banks JP Morgan, Itau BBA, BTG Pactual, UBS BB, Bank of America, Bradesco BBI, and Safra. * Accumulated function of the CEO in 2021. 7 in 2021, three assemblies were held.. viveo 26 Sustainability Report 2021#27||| Governance and integrity Governance structure Board of Directors GRI 102-22 Responsible for defining long-term strate- gies, Viveo's Board of Directors assesses risks and opportunities related to the company's activities. It also analyzes economic, social, and environmental aspects, as well as gov- ernance mechanisms. As provided for in the Novo Mercado regulations, Viveo's Board of Directors may be composed of a maximum of seven effective members - including in- dependent members all elected and eli- gible via General Meeting. Among its func- tions is to guide the Executive Board, which elects and dismisses. Since 2018, the Board of Directors has had the support of the Audit, Risk Management, Compliance, and Human Resources Commit- tees. Composition of the Board of Directors (On 12/31/2021) Mário Sérgio Ayres Cunha Ribeiro Thayan Nascimento Hartmann Luiz Felipe Duarte Martins Costa Ricardo Pechinho Hallack Paula Paschoal Queiroz de Morais President Advisor Advisor Independent Counsel Independent Counsel The Committees support the Counsels in their decision making. viveo 27 Sustainability Report 2021#28||| he Audit, Risk Management, Compliance, and Human Resources Committees The Audit, Risk Management, Compliance, and Human Resources Committees are each composed of three members - all independent — responsible for compliance routines and controls of the Company. They report directly to the Board of Directors. Their main responsibilities are: Governance and integrity Governance structure Recommending approval of the company's corporate policies and fu- ture changes; Recommending approval of the company's appetite and risk map; Expressing suggestions for changes to the operational risk manage- ment structure and approving any suggestions for changes, if neces- sary: Receiving and ascertaining the manifestations registered by the Com- plaints Reporting Channel; Supervising and monitoring the effectiveness of internal control sys- tems and external and internal audits of Viveo companies; Examining tax issues of interest to the Company; Control and review, before publication, the set of financial statements; Monitoring compliance with current legal and regulatory requirements for suitability of Viveo's operations; Monitoring the development of people and employee remuneration policies; and Keeping the Board of Directors up to date on monitoring and risk ex- posure. At the end of the year, the committee was composed of three mem- bers, elected by the Board of Directors: Composition of the Audit Committee (On 12/31/2021) José Antonio Miguel Neto viveo 28 Paulo Sérgio Cruz Dortas Matos Ricardo Pechinho Hallack Committee Coordinator Committee Member Committee Member and Advisor of Independent Administration. Sustainability Report 2021#29||| Governance and integrity Governance structure Executive Board Guided by the Board of Directors, Viveo's Executive Board executes the business strategy and leads the team towards achieving the objectives set for the short, medium, and long term. Throughout 2021, the company maintained five statutory boards and nine additional boards. Both the Board of Directors and Executive Board may be supported by thematic committees on a perma- nent or temporary basis. These committees are formed by collaborators from different functional areas and regions, including leaders who are dedicated to the analysis and proposition of referrals for strategic matters. By the end of 2021, in addition to the Audit, Risk Management, Compliance, and Hu- man Resources Committees, the Committees for Sus- tainability, Fiscal Incentives and Donations, Diversity and Inclusion, and Anti-Bribery Management System (SGAS) were all active. Statutory* Leonardo Almeida Byrro Lúcio Flávio Bueno Guilherme Fonseca Goulart Renan de Almeida Hervelha Thiago Liska CEO and Investor Relations Officer Director of Operations and Logistics Finance Director Commercial Director Diagnostic Director Composition of the Board (On 12/31/2021) Non-Statutory André Pacheco Cintia Pontalti Drehmer Flávia Carvalho Flávio Leal Guilherme Tavone Joseane Correia Mauricio Triachim Villeon Jacinto Leandro Xavier Marketing, Strategy and New Business Human Resources* Investor Relations Acquisitions and New Business Information Technology* Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment* Supply Chain Industrial * There are ecosystem companies with their own statutory directors. viveo 29 Sustainability Report 2021 *Senior managers.#30||| Compliance and Internal Controls GRI 205-2 ESG strategy: Working Group Ethics and Responsible Management. Governance and integrity Governance structure Viveo has an area of compliance and internal controls dedicated to the management of the risks inherent in the company's business assigned with the responsibility to be in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines. In addition to this area, Viveo has an Ethics Commit- tee responsible for conducting an Ethics Channel for reporting complaints of an independent and confidential nature (see page 32). Internal measures to strengthen the structure, processes, and continuous knowledge manage- ment were implemented in the year 2021. For ex- ample, the company invested in its preparation for the Professional Certification in Anti-Corrup- tion Compliance (CPC-A), providing employees special training on national and foreign legisla- tion, risk management, policies and controls to support senior management, communication, monitoring and auditing, investigation, and re- porting, due diligence, criminal and digital com- pliance, among other topics. After a long journey of preparation, the employees active in the area of compliance applied for the LEC certification evaluation (Legal, Ethics & Compliance) and have been certified in CPC-A. They are responsible for improving preexisting compliance practices and proposing mechanisms for continuous improvement of the Company's performance in relation to the topic. Among the actions developed during 2021, the following stand out: Elaboration of the anti-bribery policy, as well as specific training of collabora- tors on the topic, which included the production of a special booklet; Analysis of bribery risks through processes that consider the nature and ex- tent of risks, impacts, and vulnerability; Construction of action plans for the control measures necessary to handle identified risks; Critical analysis carried out with the managers and the Executive Board, re- porting to the Board of Directors; and Creation of the Anti-Bribery Management System Committee (SGAS), involving the areas of Compliance, Regulatory Affairs, Quality and Human Resources. PAZ, JUSTIÇA E EFICAZES 16 INSTITUIÇÕES viveo 30 Sustainability Report 2021#31||| Governance and integrity Governance structure Compliance policies and procedures Code of Conduct: An instrument to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and with the principles of the company to be followed by all its professionals and representatives in the exercise of any professional activity. Anti-Corruption Policy: Elaborated in accordance with applicable laws and regulations against bribery and corruption, it provides that, in the exercise of professional activities and in the approach to commercial matters, one must always respect the laws and regulations in force, as well as the com- pany's internal guidelines. Risk Management Policy: Proclaims the management of risks through pro- cesses based on their identification, evaluation, monitoring, and treatment, with the support of the Internal Controls and Compliance Department in order to mitigate the probability of the occurrence of such risks and/or their impact. Anti-Bribery Policy: Directs and guides everyone to act in accordance with ethics, morality, integrity, and transparency in business situations, day-to- day activities, and with the behavior expected by the collaborator, third party provider, or business partner in order to prevent and combat situa- tions prone to acts of corruption, bribery, and fraud. All these documents are available for consultation on the company's website: Executed by the Compliance and Internal Controls team, the Integrity Program seeks to ensure trans- parency in its activities, protect the physical and intellectual environment, and maintain good corpo- rate governance practices supported by guidelines approved by the Board of Directors. To engage the internal public, Viveo has a training program on cor- porate policies that is provided to all new employees through its virtual or face-to-face platform, including annual updates. In 2021, there were 4,749 employees trained on aspects related to compliance. In addi- tion, professional and outsourced employees sign a term of acceptance of the policies and contractual clauses are included in the agreements signed by the company. viveo 31 Sustainability Report 2021 Healthlog-Cajamar (SP)#32||| Governance and integrity n Governance structure Ethics channel GRI 205-3; 406-1 Viveo's Ethics channel is intended for communicating any acts or suspicions of noncompliance with the Code of conduct, with the company's internal policies, or even with applicable legislation and regulations, in order to prevent unethical acts, corruption, and bribery. There are three accessible means available - through the company website to receive complaints, both from employees and other related publics; Phone: 0800-721-9152 Compliance Helpline: E-mail: [email protected] With guaranteed secrecy, all complaints are received by a third-par- ty and independent company specialized in the treatment and investigation of such reports. Once registered, the reports are for- warded to the Ethics Committee and the Audit, Risk Management, Compliance, and human resources Committees to assess and de- fine the measures to be taken. One complaint was proven to be well-founded, and after being analyzed by the competent departments and the Company's legal professionals, resulted in the dismissal of the accused employee. The channel is intended for communicating any acts or suspicions of noncompliance with the Code of conduct, with the Company's internal policies, or even with applicable legislation and regulations, in order to prevent unethical acts, corruption, and bribery. viveo 32 Sustainability Report 2021#33||| Healthlog - Cajamar (SP) Governance and integrity Risk management Prazer, somos a viveo viveo Risk management Viveo's Risk Management Policy aims to guide the identification and control of risks and op- portunities inherent in our business, thus enhancing the achievement of objectives and goals. Complementary policies, on related topics, support the management of the topic, such as the Company's Securities Trading Policy, Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy, Anti-Bribery Policy. Independent Audit Contracting Policy, Related Party Transaction Policy, and the Personal Data Protection Policy. All are available in the Viveo website. In this sense, management is conducted based on the mapping of four main risk categories: 33 Strategic: Decisions of senior management; image/reputation, which affects the trust or suitability of the Company; customer satisfaction and the dependence of partners. Financial: The materialization of something that may generate financial losses for the company or its subsidiaries. Operational: This involves operational failures and cyber aspects, with unavailability or obsolescence of equipment and facilities, as well as computerized systems; and business continuity, which can generate losses in the levels of services agreed upon by customers. Compliance: divided between regulatory/legal risks — which may generate sanctions and possible financial loss and socio-environmental risks, which cause economic damage - or impracticability of the Company or its subsidiaries, such as indemnifications, fines, and embargoes, among others. Sustainability Report 2021 M#34Л ||| Governance and integrity Risk management At Viveo, risk management is based on three lines of defense, permeating the processes of evaluation, identification, analysis, treatment, monitoring, and communication of events that adversely affect the achievement of the company's objectives. Risks are communicated in a clear and objective manner, with all pos- sible relevant information, to all affected and/ or responsible parties, and in particular to those responsible for the determination and develop- ment of risk treatment measures. As an integral part of this management, Viveo promotes poli- cy training, applicable to all employees. In 2021, the certification process according to ISO 37001 was initiated. This evaluation of the company's processes and practices as meeting the require- ments of the standard is expected to be com- pleted in 2022. Office Ribeirão Preto (SP) Information security GRI 418-1 In order to comply with the General Data Protection Law (GDPT), in 2020 the company also began devel- oping activities aligned with the best practices, such as mapping of personal data, flow of the life cycle of personal data, construction of the risk matrix, and evaluation of criticality of processes. These actions involved more than a thousand mapped processes and 200 hours of interviews with Viveo employees, resulting in a specific action plan. After the appointment of the Data Protection Of- ficer (DPO), the multidisciplinary Data Protection Committee was established in 2021, responsible for the dissemination of good practices. In the first months of operation, the committee drew up regu- lations and suggested a set of clauses for inclusion in the contracts signed by the company in order to ensure the protection and privacy of data under the management of Viveo. The entire process of adaptation to the GDPT in- cluded the training of employees, with educational content regarding risks and acceptable practices related to the topic. A service channel was also cre- ated for the owners of personal data and is widely disseminated, contributing to preserve the rights list- ed in the GDPT. In 2021, Viveo received three formal requests re- garding the treatment of personal data, which have since been resolved. None of the requests were from regulatory agencies and were not related to leaks, theft, or loss of customer data. viveo 34 Sustainability Report 2021#35Flexicotton Factory - Santo Amaro Da Imperatriz (SC) Contre de Prod bellacotton cocorventes paru seros proactos pocorico 12 3 Operations and performance viveo viveo Fletico Market context In the second consecutive year of the pandemic in Brazil, with the start of Coronavirus vaccinations, the gradual resumption of activities, and the implementation of emergency aid, the internal economy showed signs of recovery. According to the Brazilian In- stitute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) showed growth of 4.6% in 2021 a better scenario than seen in 2020, when GDP shrank by 4.1% last 24 years. _ the largest drop in the#36||| Operations and performance Thus, Brazilian economic activity has begun to recover, al- beit slightly below the expected - except in certain sectors that already had been on the rise, some even benefiting from the pandemic scenario. A sector with a higher share in the GDP was services, which registered new heights once again, reflecting improvements in the current context and the reopening of the economy. In spite of bottlenecks in some supply chains, the industry was able to recover losses from 2020. In contrast to this movement was agriculture, which was hampered by climate issues. The uncertainties brought on by the pandemic and its con- sequences also influenced the financial market. The inter- est rate (Selic) closed projections at 9.25%, while the dollar (Ptax) reached the end of the year at an exchange rate of R$ 5.58 compared to R$ 5,19 at the end of 20208. Market context 8 Fonte: Banco Central do Brasil. Daviso Daviso factory - São Paulo (SP) In the midst of this macroeconomic scenario, Viveo followed up on the execution of its strategy, showing once again that business resilience and diversification can bring strong results in moments of instability. Throughout 2020 and 2021, among the main effects of the health crisis on the market, there was a significant increase in costs in the global chain of medicines and hospital materials, resulting, especially, from the following factors: Expansion of absenteeism in factories, due to Covid-19; Increase in the cost of sea freight by about 500%⁹; 9 According to the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). Exchange rate fluctuations, directly affecting the costs of finished products and inputs; and Land freight as the main modality during the pandemic due to the cancellation of national flights. 36 viveo Sustainability Report 2021#37||| Operations and performance Market context Combined with this, there was a rise in the price of petroleum in 2021, which caused increases in cost structures in Brazil as well as other coun- tries of the world. The pandemic brought to the hospital segment the challenge of expanding emergency care at a time when elective proce- dures suffered strongly. The level of occupancy of hospitals ended the year at 75%, below the levels observed in the pre-Covid period. Among the effects reflected in the company's operations is the growth in de- mand for personal protection equipment (PPE) such as masks, aprons, and disposable gloves, which effectively boosted the sale of these items, especially in the first half of 2021 - the most acute phase of the pandemic in Brazil. At the end of 2021, with the advance of vaccinations, there was a sharp drop in demand for products related to Covid-19 and a slow resumption in the consumption of the standard mix of hospital materials, high-cost drugs, and vaccines. It is worth highlighting, in this sense, the strategic relevance of Viveo's performance as an ecosystem, both in virtue of its integrated services in the healthcare sector as well as its ability to compensate for the im- pacts and effects that would have been detrimental to the company's economic and financial results – allowing it to reach a net revenue of R$ 6.2 billion in 2021. The pandemic brought to the hospital segment the challenge of expanding emergency care. viveo 37 FW Factory - Blumenau (SC) Sustainability Report 2021 Fedclean#38||| Operational performance GRI 102-2 Operations and performance Operational performance Distribution to hospitals and clinics The hospital and clinical distribution arm of the Company relies on the distributors Mafra Hospitalar and Expressa Distribuidora de Medicamentos, which joined the Viveo ecosystem in 2020, providing the advantage of a close relationship with the pharmaceutical industry and the management of high-cost and thermolabile medications. Viveo's distribution segment serves as a link between industries and hospitals, clinics, clinics, home and health care institutions in the private and public markets, with a strong presence throughout Brazil. The company also stands out for offering a diverse port- folio of medical-hospital materials and medicines, cover- ing 60% of the volume consumed by customers in the segment. In medicine, the products offered by Viveo to the market correspond to 74% of all volume consumed by hospitals and clinics in the country. Also in distribution, Tecnocold Vacinas is responsible for supplying vaccines to more than 50% of the private mar- ket. Since 2017, when it integrated into the Viveo ecosys- tem, it has been growing year after year in performance, reaching a historical milestone of 3.5 million doses of vaccines distributed throughout the country in 2021. It is a pioneer in the best quality practices and maintains its high standard of service and customer care, reaching 88 points in the customer satisfaction survey (NPS) for 2021. Manufacture of finished products Cremer is a leader in the manufacture of items for the most diverse needs, including medical materials, products applied in surgery, first aid, the urinary tract, diagnostics, sterilization, dressings, hygiene and protection, medication infusion, clinical nutrition, orthopedics, and the respiratory tract. The company seeks to meet the strictest quality cer- tifications in manufacturing, undergoing audits on a regular basis that guarantee the safety management and effec- tiveness of the products and services offered. Flexicotton has been consolidating itself over the last few years as one of the largest manufacturers of private label healthcare and hygiene products for major retailers in Brazil. FW and Daviso are specialized in the manufacture of wet wipes and towels and provide products for children, adults, and hospital hygiene and are dedicated to supplying retailers, wholesalers, and private brands. Distribution center - Brasilia (DF) viveo viveo 38 Sustainability Report 2021 EXPRE#39||| ATG 11 Byogene Ribeirão Pires (SP) Byogene Ribeirão Pires (SP) HITACH Operations and performance Operational performance Laboratories The market for diagnostic medicine is highly fragmented, with more than 20 thousand laboratories in Brazil today. This segment still lacks suppliers with a broad national portfolio reach and dif- ferentiated service level. In this context, Viveo's strategy to offer a one-stop-shop solution for such customers, not only in the pre-analytical portfolio (products used in the collection and manipulation of samples), but also in reagents for clinical analysis processes the so-called "analytical portfolio". At the end of 2021, we serviced about 3 thousand laboratories, both with pre-analytical and analytical portfolios, placing at the disposal of these clients approximately 6 thousand SKUs 10, over 3.5 thousand pieces of equipment, and seven technical-opera- tional units spanning over seven states. The service dynamics of the analytical portfolio, also known as in vitro diagnostics, is regionalized and, in 2021, limited to the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais. Mato Grosso, Goiás and Tocantins, in addition to the Federal Dis- trict. For the pre-analytical portfolio, we do not have regionaliza- tion and commercially cover the entire national territory. During the pandemic, the diagnostic market was very demand- ing, and our operational and commercial scope proved to be an important tool for product distribution, contributing decisively to the supply of essential services such as laboratories and hospi- tals. We also invested in a new customer service channel, e-com- merce, enabling even more autonomy and flexibility in the ac- quisition of our goods, in line with our purpose of simplifying the healthcare market with a focus on the sustainability of the sector. viveo 39 Sustainability Report 2021 10 Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) refere-se à unidade de manutenção de estoque...#40||| Operations and performance Operational performance Logistics services Broad capillarity and distribution capacity are fundamental com- petitive advantages for Viveo, which add value to our ecosystem and ensure excellence in customer service. Through Healthlog. our logistics services platform, we reach several regions of Brazil, including the most remote, and achieve superior results, among which include: High level of Service and national coverage with our own freight fleet; A wide structure allocated in strategic regions; > Storage services for hospitals and the use of Vendor Man- aged Inventory (VMI) with customers and suppliers; Highest level of Service in Brazil, able to provide service to 71% of the country's hospital beds in 24 hours, 24% in 48 hours, and 5% in 72 hours with service levels compared to the main North American distributors; and The use of the Warehouse Management System (WMS) in distribution centers and cell phones in all vehicles in the fleet, with tools integrated into the technological environ- ment of our customers. D2P (Direct to Patient) The company developed the D2P platform (Direct to Patient) aiming to offer agile, simple, and affordable alternatives for patients to have access to medicines and medical materials at home or wherever they wish. Due to existing business relationships and its wide distribution capacity, Viveo is in a differentiated position to operate in this segment, which in 2021 had some big high- lights, such as: Due to our provisions for healthcare insurance plans and beneficiaries that require special medication, patients benefited from over 22% of medication release errors being avoided, as well as 2% of adverse reactions from detected and treated treatments, and a 4.6% reduction in unnecessary operating costs was achieved; 92-point patient NPS, relating to the care of individuals (patients) by the business ecosys- tem; and More than 5.7 thousand medical prescriptions and 41 thousand medications were ana- lyzed, followed by 700 suggestions for pharmaceutical adjustments based on pharmaco- therapy, with 70% being accepted by the patient and doctor. - São Paulo (SP) viveo 40 Sustainability Report 2021||| Operations and performance Operational performance 90 km² Distribution centers spread across the country. Logistics Structure 218 vehicles Targeting the healthcare market.. +4 Electric Trucks VUCS by JAC Motors. Through Healthlog, our logistics service platform, we reach several regions of Brazil, including the most remote. Fighting the pandemic Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Viveo has remained dedicated to supporting the fight against the disease, with the commit- ment to supply health institutions with essential materials and products to cope with the health crisis. In the first quarter of 2021, the compa- ny doubled mask production and was able to import anesthetics that were lacking in the Brazilian hospital network. In the second half, it continued with the production of masks and carried out 12 import operations to supply hospitals with anesthetics for intubation, which was also scarce in the local market. In addition, Viveo supported more than 75 hospitals by stocking them with PPE in order to ensure the daily supply of those items and free up space in these institutions, which could then be converted into beds to attend emergencies arising from the pandemic. viveo 41 Sustainability Report 2021#42||| Operations and performance Economic-financial results GRI 201-1 Net Revenue In 2021, adjusted net revenue totaled R$ 5,997,4 million, an increase of 35.9% com- pared to 2020. This result is due to an organic growth of 14.2% and acquisitions made during the period. R$ thousand Net Revenue Adjusted net revenue* 2021 6,218,759 5,997,425 2020 4,413,421 4,413,421 Var. 2021/2020 40.9% 35.9% In 2021, the adjusted net revenue of the distribution channel for hospitals and clin- ics totaled R$ 5,109.6 million, an increase of 30.5% compared to 2020. The annual growth is mainly due to the higher sales volume of high-cost drugs and vaccines. The first two quarters saw stronger sales related to Covid-19 and a slowdown in the third and fourth quarters due to the moment of the pandemic and the highly stocked hospitals. In the second half of 2021, there was also a brief resumption of elective procedures, but still below pre-pandemic levels. Organic growth was 12.5% in 2021 compared to 2020. In the distribution channel for hospitals and clinics in 2021, 58.5% of net revenue refers to high-cost drugs, materials (including Cremer) represented by 19.0%, other medicines 15.8%, and vaccines 6.7%. Economic-financial results * Excludes the positive effect of DIFAL (ICMS rate differential) of R$ 17.7 million in 4021 and R$ 221.3 million in 2021. Net revenue per channel % of net revenue 2021 Distribution to hospitals and clinics 5.4% Other materials R$ thousand 2021 2020 Var. 2021/2020 13.6% Manufacture (Cremer) Hospitals and clinics* 5,109,644 3,915,015 30.5% Laboratories 220,260 135,174 62.9% Retail 583,787 315,424 85.1% 15.8% Services 83,734 47,808 75.1% Others Medicine Total 5,997,425 4,413,421 35.9% * Excludes the positive effect of DIFAL (ICMS rate differential) of R$ 221.3 million in 2021. 42 viveo Sustainability Report 2021 6.7% Vaccine and PPE 58.5% High-cost drugs#43||| [ [ n ΠΠ Flexicotton Factory - Santo Amaro Da Imperatriz (SC) Economic-financial results In 2021, the net revenue of the laboratory channel to- taled R$ 220.3 million, an increase of 62.9% compared to 2020. New acquisitions and an organic increase of 31.6% contributed to this growth, being the channel with the highest growth in our portfolio. Throughout 2021, the company began to serve new states and in December 2020 began sales operations through an e-commerce platform, inaugurating yet another sales channel aligned with the new consumer trends. The retail channel, with the sales volume of materi- als from Cremer, Flexicotton, and from the wet wipes manufacturing companies, Daviso was acquired in May 2021 and FW in November 2021, presenting R$ 583.8 million in net revenue, an increase of 85.1% compared to 2020. Organic growth was 25.8% compared to 2020. In 2021, the growth of the service channel was 75.1% compared to the previous year, with organic growth of 23.4%. Another highlight is the growth of Healthlog from providing general warehouse services for the hospital market and transportation operations with the pharmaceutical and medical products industry in the year 2021. By February 2020, Healthlog was an affiliated company of the Company and as of March 2020 it was taken under control, with its results being fully consolidated in Viveo's statements. The results of Far.Me are registered as equity. The growth of the customer base in 2021, compared to 2020, was 420%, ending with 1,632 patients treated, including recurrent patients using Box (1,020) and pa- tients served by the Patient Support Program (PSP) in commercial relations from various health plans. Operations and performance Sustainability Report 2021 viveo 43#44Gross profit and gross margin 2021 1,097,307 2020 638,471 Var. 2021/2020 71.9% 17.6% 14.5% 3.2 P.P. Adjusted Gross Profit Adjusted Gross Margin 875,973 638,471 37.2% 14.6% 14.5% 0.1 pp. ||| Operations and performance Gross profit and Adjusted Gross Profit In 2021, adjusted gross profit reached R$ 876.0 million, an increase of 37.2% compared to 2020. In addition to the organic growth of 17.2% com- pared to the previous year, the result was impacted by the acquisitions of the period. In 2021, the adjusted gross margin was 14.6%, an increase of 0.1 PP margin compared to 2020. R$ thousand Gross Profit Gross Margin Economic-financial results EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA In 2021, Viveo's Adjusted EBITDA totaled R$ 471.4 million, an increase of 43.9% compared to 2020. Adjusted EBITDA organic growth was 25.3% in 2021 compared to 2020. In the period, the adjusted margin increase was 0.4 p.p. margin compared to 2020, reflecting the synergies and dilution of SG&A, high growth of channels with higher margins, and acquisitions with margins above the portfolio average. R$ thousand Net Income The São Paulo (SP) office viveo EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA Var. 2021 2020 2021/2020 395,155 121,766 224.5% IIR and CSLL (13,696) (67,819) -79.8% Financial Results (83,449) (7.436) 1022.2% Depreciation and amortization (98,189) (82,265) 19.4% EBITDA 590,489 279,286 111.4% EBITDA margin 9.5% 6.3% 3.2 P.P Non-recurring (119,124) 48,270 -346.8% Adjusted EBITDA 471,365 327,556 43.9% Adjusted Margin* 7.9% 7.4% 0.4 P.P * Considers Adjusted EBITDA divided by Adjusted Net Revenue.. 44 Sustainability Report 2021#45||| Operations and performance Lucro Líquido e Lucro Líquido Ajustado Net income for the period was R$ 395.2 million, while adjusted net income was R$ 307.8 million. Net income was adjusted by the same non-recurring expenses used to adjust EBITDA, net IR and CSLL, at the rate of 34%, by tax indebtedness and others. In 2021, the adjusted net margin was 5.1%, 2.1 p.p. up from 2020. Proforma Results As mentioned, throughout 2020 and 2021, several acquisitions were made by the company. The Proforma figures for 2020 consider that all acquisitions made throughout 2020 are now consolidated as of 1 January 2020. With the acquisition of Expressa, a drug distributor, Profor- ma gross margin and EBITDA margin are lower than accounting margins, since the company has a margin profile below Viveo's portfolio margin. Economic-financial results AL LO MARI R$ thousand Distribution center - Brasilia (DF) 2020 2021 VIDAD GIL 2982 292482 Reported Proforma Reported Proforma Net Revenue 4,413,421 5,124,268 6,218,759 6,663,476 Adjusted Net Revenue 4,413,421 5,124,268 5,997,425 6,442,142 DHL 29 Adjusted Gross Profit 638,471 714,809 875,973 998,476 Adjusted Gross Margin 14.5% Adjusted EBITDA Gewrico Adjusted Ebitda Margin 327,556 7.4% 13.9% 358,758 7.0% 14.6% 471,365 7.9% 15.5% 535,220 8.3% viveo 45 The proforma figures for 2021 consider that the eight acquisitions completed over the year began to be consolidated as of 1 January 2021. As the acquisitions were from the consumer channels, laboratories, distribution of medical products, and services and have margins above the average of Viveo's portfolio, the proforma gross margins and EBITDA are higher than the accounting results. It should be noted that with the exception of the Daviso company. all acquisitions were made in the fourth quarter of 2021 and gains from synergies should be reaped in 2022 onward. Sustainability Report 2021#46||| Operations and performance Economic-financial results Return on Invested capital - ROIC ROIC is the adjusted operating profit (EBIT) of income tax and social contribution divided by the total invested capital of the company, and the total invested capital is calculated by the sum of working capital and fixed assets (Total Invested Capital). The standard rate for calculating income and social contribution tax is 34% on operating prof- it. In the year 2021, the ROIC pro the Company's proforma was 21.6%. In 2021, the company's ROIC Proforma was 21.6%. Loans, financing and debentures As of December 31, 2021, the company's gross indebtedness, considering derivatives, was R$ 2,131,2 million, R$ 997,1 million higher than the balance calculated on December 31, 2020, mainly due to the capture of the third and fourth issues of debentures in the amount of R$ 1,330,0 million. These investments contributed to increase the cash position and equivalents, which, at the end of December, amounted to R$ 2,203,7 million. Thus, at the end of 2021, Viveo had net cash of R$ 76.5 million, compared to the net debt position of R$ 111.0 million at the end of the 2020 financial year. If one considers the balance relating to derivatives instruments on those dates, the net cash on 12/31/2021 was Economic-financial results the Company's proforma was 21.6%. In 2021, the company's ROIC Proforma was 21.6%. of R$ 72.5 million and, on 12/31/2020, a net debt of R$ 99.3 mil- lion. Regarding the maturity profile, at the end of the year, 88.1% of the com- pany's debt had its maturity in the long term, and the average term of indebtedness was 5.2 years. On the same date, 99.8% of the debt was contracted in national currency and the portion registered in foreign cur- rency was fully "hedged" with financial instruments for the brazilian real. The detailed result can be found on the Iventor Relations Website at the Re- sults Center. 900,00 800,00 700,00 600,00 500,00 400,00 Debt amortization schedule (In R$ thousands) 462,928 883,828 יייון 300,00 249,595 200,00 100,00 193,949 336,910 onward 46 viveo Sustainability Report 2021#47||| Operations and performance Distribution of added value In 2021, Viveo's added value generation was R$ 1.55 billion. The following table and graph demonstrate how this economic value was distributed. Other information can be accessed in the 2021 financial statements. Economic-financial results viveo Added value distribution 2021 Value Team 276.710 Taxes, fees and contributions 211.509 Remuneration of third party capital 672.728 Return on equity 395.155 Distribution of added value 1,556.102 17.8% Team 13.6% Taxes, fees and contributions 47 Sustainability Report 2021 25.4% Remuneration from own equity 43.2% Remuneration of third-party capital#48||| Operations and performance Capital market Capital market Listed on the B3 Novo Mercado, a segment that concentrates companies with higher levels of corporate governance, Viveo shares (VVEO3) make up the portfoli- os of the IGCX, IGNM and ITAG indices, with the first pooling companies with high levels of governance, while the latter refers to stocks with differentiated tag-along rights. Since the IPO, between 08/06/2021 and 12/30/2021, the company's shares (VVEO3) have depreciated 4.0%, compared to the performance of -14.6% and -16.2% of Ibovespa and Itag, respectively. The company's market value reached R$ 5.4 billion at the end of December 2021. VVEO3 compared to IBOV and ITAG (On 12/31/2021) ITAG IBOV VVEO3 Performance of Shares VVEO3 08/06/2021* 12/30/2021 R$ 19.66 Market value R$ 5.63 billion Financial Volume R$ 18.87 R$ 5.40 billion 129,300,683 6,160,646 *IPO price adjusted by proceeds. -4.0% -14.6% -16.2% 48 Sustainability Report 2021 n миг viveo#49== Λ JJJJJ The São Paulo (SP) office 4 Social management Providing care for people is at the center of Viveo's strategy, which seeks to act as a transformative agent in society to increasingly pro- mote the democratization of access to healthcare, fulfilling our pur- pose of providing care for every single life. This quest is shared with all our publics, from employees to customers, through the communi- ties where we are inserted and by our suppliers, health professionals, shareholders, and other partners. Everyone helps the company realize the present and build the future.#50||| Cremer Factory - Blumenau (SC) Social management Coping with the pandemic The emergence and evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the rele- vance of health as a fundamental theme of Brazil's sustainable development. Aware of its responsibility as an active agent of the sector, Viveo quickly ex- panded and adapted its operations to support the country's health institutions in serving the population. Among the actions developed in this regard, there are: Production of its own gel alcohol and masks: When the pandemic be- gan, in 2020, gel alcohol was not part of Viveo's product portfolio, but be- gan manufacturing it to support tackling the pandemic. Disposable masks however were imported from China. Production of the Company's own masks allowed it to maintain supply with fair and adequate prices to the domestic market - high demand led to a rise in prices of the order of 20 times on the global market. Between 2020 and 2021, to meet the demand with agility, Viveo invested R$ 2.9 million, including the importation of Ger- man machinery with a production capacity of 3 million masks per month. By the end of 2021, the monthly production of these items, by Cremer, reached the mark of 5.9 million. Donation to health institutions: In 2020, the totality of masks and gel alcohol from the first week of production of these items was donated to healthcare institutions to help fight the new coronavirus. Several other donations were later made, which totaled about R$ 1.55 million by the end of 2021. Strengthening logistics operations: To ensure capillarity and agility in serving the population, we expanded our distribution centers and fleet of trucks, essential to deliver essential items at times when air traffic was re- stricted at the beginning of the Pandemic, there was an 80% reduction in domestic flights. In that period, we also chartered planes from China to import 13 million surgical masks and deliver them to more than 110 hospi- tals in all Brazilian states. Prevention support: Through Cremer, we offer vending machines for masks and gel alcohol at Metro stations in São Paulo at affordable prices in order to expand the preventive care of the population in the largest city in the country. Import of anesthetics: In the most acute phase of the pandemic in Brazil, experienced in the first half of 2021, we organized a robust supply opera- tion in the national market with the import of almost 2.5 million units of an- esthetics, which were in shortage and were fundamental to the intubation procedure of patients. Navigating a highly complex process. Viveo was able to import these medicines from Europe in record time (10 days), through aircraft with refrigerated containers, fulfilling all the special licenses neces- sary for this type of operation. 50 viveo Sustainability Report 2021#51||| = Social management Employees Employees GRI 102-8; 102-41; 103-1; 103-2; 405-1 For Viveo, the fulfillment of its purpose of pro- viding care for each life starts with the care ded- icated to each of its employees. This premise is reflected in our organizational culture, constant- ly challenged by the dynamism of the business and the accelerated expansion of the company. In order to ensure that our entire team - more than 4.5 thousand people in 2021 shares the same aspirations and vision of the future, throughout the year we carried out an in-depth project to strengthen the corporate culture, which culminated in the launch of five core val- ues for our teams: 1. Integrity comes first: The safety of every human being is a value for Viveo, which praises the integrity of people, the efficiency of processes, and the technical excellence of the solutions it develops. As a reference in the health sector, rec- ognized by a legacy of quality, safety and compliance, integrity is a fundamental value for everything we do. 2. Every life matters: Our reason for ex- isting is to provide care for every single life. Everything we do is oriented to en- sure care is provided for every human be- ing, from the collaborator to our clients and patients. This thinking guides all our actions, from customer service capable of anticipating needs and delivering rele- vant solutions, to our open and inclusive internal culture. 3. Thinking in an integrated way strengthens us: We make our brands, people, and solutions work in a network, with connected and collective thinking. Our business ecosystem perspective lends us the energy to offer more robust and complete solutions to the healthcare sector. 4. Simplifying is our way: That's why we strive to reduce bureaucracy, create an internal culture that promotes asser- tiveness and add business models to our ecosystem that facilitate access to health care. の 5. We build the future of healthcare: For us, evolving the sector means having profession- als and companies that are in constant de- velopment. We focus on innovations that will define the provision of health care for the people of tomorrow. Solutions and technol- ogies that offer new visions and possibilities for health care are always on our radar. Providing an appropriate working environment based on ethical and transparent relationships is a permanent commitment of Viveo. viveo 51 Sustainability Report 2021#52Cremer Factory - Blumenau (SC) ||| = Social management Employees Viveo employees are the ones particular- ly responsible for making the company increasingly competitive and sustainable. Therefore, providing an adequate working environment based on ethical and trans- parent relationships constitutes a perma- nent commitment with all the people who work in our units. At the end of 2021, there were 4,571 direct employees" — a growth of 30.6% in relation to 2020, due to the expansion of the business, especially with the integration of new companies and the expansion of the São Sebastião do Paraíso plant in Minas Gerais. Of the total num- ber of employees, 95% work full-time and 81.4% are covered by collective agree- ments or negotiations 12, conducted to- gether with workers union representatives with whom Viveo establishes a relation- ship based on cooperation, transparency. and mutual respect. In addition to direct employees, 167 outsourced profession- als completed the company's functional framework. Crem Democratic space Since 2019, Viveo has implemented an internal communication tool to strength- en the corporate culture. The challenge is to communicate in an agile and ef- fective way the different profiles of em- ployees (managers, factory operators, drivers, external sales representatives). since about 70% of them do not have email or access to computers. The Workplace by Meta system, inte- grated with the payroll system, ensures more accessible and democratic com- munication in a secure and decentral- ized way through network knowledge sharing. The tool has been improved over the years and is a great ally for engaging management. 11 These total figures include interns. 12 Directors, managers and employees of the São Sebastião do Paraíso unit (MG) are not covered by collective or bargaining agreements, as they do not have a representative union. viveo 52 Sustainability Report 2021#53||| Social management 2021 2020 Total employees 4,571 3,501 Midwest 2% Contributors by gender Employees Ox Women 2,244 Men 2,327 2,047 1,454 902 Up to 29 years old 750 1,165 30 to 50 years 1,305 177 Over 50 years of age 272 2020 2021 53 viveo Sustainability Report 2021 Employees by Region (On 12/31/2021) Trade union freedom GRI 102-41 South 55% Northeast 2% Southeast 41% Viveo employees have ensured the rights to trade union freedom, collective bargaining, and internal representa- tion of employees in collective labor agreements.#54||| = Admissões e demissões GRI 401-1 Admissions Dismissals 2021 2,902 2021 2,063 2020 1,062 2020 985 Social management Throughout 2021, 2,902 employees were admitted and 2,063 dismissed. Thus, Vi- veo's hiring rate reached 62% 13 in the pe- riod, while the turnover rate approached 38.6%. As a practice of talent develop- ment and the equitable offering of oppor- tunities, Viveo also directs vacancies open to the internal public, who can participate in the recruitment and selection processes. In 2021, about 15% of the 839 jobs avail- able were occupied by professionals who already worked at the company. Women 1,729 Employees 13 Number of employees admitted / total number of employees 14 Turnover rates are calculated based on the following formula: (admissions + dismissals)/2 / (effective initial year + effective final year)/2. Trainees and apprentices are considered , and increases and reductions in work force are disregarded. Men 1,173 Women 1,087 Men 976 1.083 Up to 29 years 626 629 Up to 29 years 440 610 30 to 50 years 504 420 30 to 50 years 475 36 Over 50 years of age 43 38 Over 50 years of age 61 2021 Turnover Admissions and dismissals by region* - 2021 Total: 38.6% By genre: Midwest 1% 1% Northeast 0% 1% Southeast 43% 36% South 56% 62% Admission Dismissal 54 viveo Sustainability Report 2021 Men: 36.4% Women: 41% By age: Up to 29 years: 67.5% 30 to 50 years: 28.7% Over 50 years of age: 11.4% *Percentage of each region in relation to the total number of employees admitted and dismissed by Viveo in the country.#55= Remuneration and benefits GRI 401-2 Medical assistance. Benefits offered to employees Charter transportation (in some units). Social management n Employees Viveo seeks to offer fair, attractive, and compatible re- muneration according to the market, based on the salary practices of both the regions and the sectors where it op- erates. Our remuneration policy establishes guidelines in the process of personnel movement, salary adjustment, variable remuneration awards, commissions, Results Participation Program (PPR) and short-term incentives (ICP) with due attention to internal balance, competi- tiveness based on the market and the retention, engage- ment, and attraction of talent. It also offers an additional package to the benefits pro- vided by the legislation in order to provide more safety and comfort to employees regarding healthcare, finances, and family care. In 2021, it entered into a partnership with Total pass, an agreement that aims to offer employees greater flexibili- ty to practice physical activities. M + Dental care. Gym pass. Private pension. Variable remuneration - the Participation in Results and Short-Term Incentive Program. Life insurance. Meal vouchers and/or food stamps. ยง fo In-company restaurant (in some units). Clube de Vantagens Viveonários, an advantages club offering discounts in partner commercial establishments. Viveo Health Center (see more on page 64). Special discounts at Cremer stores. viveo In order to continuously evaluate the assertiveness of the benefits and the quality of the suppliers involved in the provision of services to employees, the Company monitors specific indicators periodically. 55 Sustainability Report 2021#56||| = Diversity GRI 405-1 Social management Viveo believes that diversity in the work environment contributes to the develop- ment of teams, risk and opportunity man- agement, and innovation. For this reason, the company has been maturing its peo- ple management methods with a focus on an increasingly inclusive culture that allows equal opportunities regardless of gender, age range, ethnicity, sexual orien- tation, or beliefs, among other aspects. Regarding gender equity, Viveo seeks to achieve equal remuneration between men and women who perform the same functions, promoting isonomic treatment among employees. The Company remains committed to advancing the inclusion of more women who already represent 49% of its functional staff - in leadership positions. Number of employees according to functional category and gender 2021 Employees Functional category Men Women Total Directors 10 1 11 Managers 60 25 85 Coordinators/Experts 84 61 145 Supervisors/Leaders 58 29 87 Professionals/Technicians 727 645 1,372 Operators 1,335 1,400 2,735 Interns/Apprentices 53 83 136 Total: 2,327 2,244 4,571 ESG strategy: Diversity and Inclusion Working Group In order to ensure respect for diversity and promote inclusion through people management practices, this WG has been com- mitted to identifying indicators of good practices, both internal and external, that contribute to the advancement of the company in relation to this theme. In this regard, the main achievements in 2021 were: Creation and leadership of the committee, with structured agendas and meetings; Construction of the identity of the affinity groups; Training program for promoters of the technical training of the Guards of Diversity and Inclusion, who deploy relevant content to other groups; Publication of Viveo's Diversity & Inclusion Booklet; and the realization of actions to promote awareness 5 IGUALDADE DE GÊNERO 10 REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES = 56 viveo Sustainability Report 2021#57||| Social management Employees The São Paulo (SP) office 0A Between September 13 and 18, 2021, the first edition of Viveo Diversity Week was held with the aim of raising the awareness of employees and leaders regarding the importance of plurality and respect for differences, highlighting the following actions: 13 live streams/webinars aimed at all employees on combating discrimination and unconscious biases; Two sign language workshops with a total of 37 trained people; and The promotion of five conversations wheels on the topic. Viveo promotes respect for differences. viveo 57 Sustainability Report 2021#58||| = Social management Employees Grupos de afinidade Among the actions that make up Viveo's Diversi- ty and Inclusion Program (IOFC Program), four af- finity groups were created, with members called "allies", who are responsible for offering new per- spectives and initiatives for the construction of welcoming and inclusive spaces for all human plurality as a way to fight discrimination. The contribution of the groups is reflected in the company's progress on important agendas. In 2021, the Super Action group developed actions V Race InRace 35 allies Persons With Disabilities SuperAction 30 allies to promote the theme, such as the hiring of a consultant firm specialized in the selection and recruitment and raising awareness of leaders in their regard and treatment of people with dis- abilities (PCDs). To support the inclusion of such professionals in the labor market, Viveo entered into a partnership with the Social Service of In- dustry (SESI) for the technical training of 32 PCDs, of which three were hired and the others remain registered in the curriculum bank for future op- portunities. > V Gender inCanAThey 27 aliados LGBTQIA+ BeWHOWEARE 36 aliies Diversity Committee: In 2021, the structure of the IOFC Committee advisory body to the board of Directors and Exec- utive Board - for matters related to diversity and inclusion (D&I) was created. The main objectives of the committee are: Connect D&I actions to Viveo's sustainabil- ity strategy: Analyze and manage company plans and results on the topic; Assist with data and information in the planning of actions; Guide, accompany, and support affinity groups. For the execution of the actions, the committee has 16 members, including members of the Board and other leaders, representatives of the Human Resources area, and a team dedicated to the project. viveo 58 Sustainability Report 2021#59||| Social management Brasilia Distribution Center Brasília (DF) Employees MAFR Number of employees according to education level - 2021 Opportunities for youth Viveo also strives to promote the employability of youths through its Internship Program, which had 40 participants in 2021 of which six became effective employees. Throughout the Year, actions were structured dedicated to ensuring greater connection between trainees, as well as the development of behavioral skills, which included the construction of an Individual Develop- ment Plan (IDP) for each youth. Illiterate Elementary School Non Graduates 394 Elementary School Graduates 354 High School Non Graduates 394 High School Graduates 2,182 Incomplete Higher Education 400 Higher Education Graduates 626 Graduate school Graduates 221 Total: 4,571 59 viveo In December, the company launched a new version of the program to expand the so- cial impact of the initiative starting in 2022, opening a plural selection process to seek interns in various areas of the Company. The selection of candidates was carried out with a focus on the learning journey and expe- rience of each intern/trainee, since their re- cruitment, in a humanized and welcoming way. The process has six stages: registration on LinkedIn, form submission, video of the channel for identification of the cultural match, a group activity, interview with the manager and HR professional, and admis- sion process. The candidates undergo a spe- cial development program with the goal of empowering them for corporate challenges and career advancement. Sustainability Report 2021#60= ||| Health and safety GRI 103-1; 103-2; 103-3; 403-1; 403-2; 403-3; 403-5; 403-6; 403-8; 403-9 Social management For Viveo, ensuring safety conditions for all people who work and visit the facilities or perform activities in the company is a fundamental commitment. Aware of the risks inherent to the activities, the company remains attentive to the mechanisms of prevention, control, and reduction of accidents and incidents based on the dis- semination of a safety culture shared with employees and third parties. Thus, Viveo has its own Health, Safety, and Environment (SSMA) team, composed of 40 employees from different specialties and training - doctors, nurses, nursing technicians, environmental engineers, and occupational safety exceeding the number of professionals required by legislation. To strengthen this structure, in 2021 Corporate Management of Safety and the Environment was created in order to implement the theme into the strategic level of the company. The strategies of the area involve planning with employees and leadership to achieve a high degree of assertiveness and excellence of results. By monitoring indicators and inspections in loco the effectiveness of the implemented actions, projects, and programs is analyzed to ascertain whether they met the objectives and expectations, or if any failure or opportunity for improvement was identified. In the industrial units, the Management Committee was created for weekly anal- ysis of SSMA indicators. Employees Compliance Identification of legal requirements applicable to all units, the definition of procedures and continuous monitoring of compliance with legislation and internal policies, standards, and procedures. Pillars of the Health and Safety Culture ele People Development of risk perception, sense of ownership, and safe behavior, accompanied by the strong engagement of company leaders. 머모 Process Mapping of hazards and opportunities, risk assessment, and diagnosis of unsafe conditions to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and work accidents. viveo 60 Sustainability Report 2021#61||| = Social management Employees 2021, this culture had already been established with the prac- tice of Daily Safety Talks (DST) carried out for years at the company, and the behavioral observation program called the Preventive Observation Program (POP), performed by the company leadership focusing on the educational approach and recognition of safe behaviors this culture has since been strengthened through the adoption of new features, such as the use of the Easy Check List app, to simplify the reg- istration of unsafe behaviors identified in the POP, and the registration of near-accidents through QRCode, in addition to the implementation of the Minimum-Security Requirements Audit Program (ARMS). As a result of these actions, Viveo consolidated the following results in the year: Celebration of a year without accidents with removal in the adhesive unit 386 days without accidents requiring medical leave; 865-day mark without accidents requiring medical leave at the plastics unit of Santa Catarina; 1,400 hours of safety training: 530 improvement actions implemented with a focus on accident prevention; and No lost time or injury accidents in our Diagnostics busi- ness units; and No fatal accidents or serious injuries. The process of improving the management system is based on the monitoring of SSMA indica- tors, which include the frequency rate and severity of accidents, adherence to the behavioral ob- servation program, monitoring of medical certificates, occupational care, and use of the Health Center. Number of hours worked Number of days lost work accidents requiring medical leave Number of fatal accidents (deaths) Health and Safety Indicators 2020 6,422,106 2021 9,034,257 262 555 0 0 1 0 21 43 13 38 Number of accidents occurring on route to work requiring medical leave Index of accidents with serious consequences (except deaths)* 8 10 0.16 0 Number of accidents with serious consequences (except deaths) Number of near-accidents Number of typical accidents requiring medical leave * Index calculated with the formula: (number of accidents with serious consequences/number of hours worked) x 1,000,000. 2021 2020 Frequency rate (TF) of company employees* 2.02 4.21 Gravity Rate (TG) of company employees** 36 * Número de acidentes com afastamento por milhão de horas trabalhadas. Acidentes de trajeto não estão inclusos no cálculo desse indicador. 61 ** Número de acidentes por milhão de horas trabalhadas. Acidentes de trajeto não estão inclusos no cálculo desse indicador. 61 viveo Sustainability Report 2021#62= ||| STILL Social management Employees In 2021, 38 work accidents requiring leave were re- corded in Viveo units, of which only six required a leave period greater than 15 days, in addition to 43 near-accidents, all having been evaluated for the identification of causes and adjustments imple- mented in the processes in order to avoid recur- rence. The increase in the number of accident records be- tween 2020 and 2021 is a reflection of the develop- ment of prevention activities and measures in the last year, especially in logistics operations and at the plastics unit in Minas Gerais. The expansion of the Company resulted in an increase in the number of employees, a greater volume of receipt and ship- ment of products, mainly internal movement in the warehouses, and deliveries to customers. In 2021, the most recurrent occupational injuries occurred on the hands, which the company seeks to avoid through the replacement of tools, revision of operating procedures, protection of ma- chines and equipment, development of more effi- cient personal protective equipment (PPE), and rais- ing awareness through DDS, campaigns, and other periodic training programs. To support health and safety management, Viveo maintains 20 internal accident prevention commit- tees (CIPAs) composed of 180 members represent- ing the different operational and administrative areas, and six services specialized in Safety Engi- neering and Labor policy (SESMTs). Among other activities, CIPA actively participates in the investiga- tion of accidents, contributing to the identification of risk factors and thus improve preventive actions. Cremer Factory - Blumenau (SC) To support the management of occupational health and safety, Viveo maintains 20 internal accident prevention committees (CIPAs). viveo 62 Sustainability Report 2021 SEGURANÇA DO TRABALHO#63||| Health, Safety and Environment (SSMA) Social management Employees Security capabilities At Viveo, the job descriptions stipulate the need for training relat- ed to health, safety, and quality issues, and, for operators, safety procedures applicable to their workplace. To monitor these training programs, the Company has a specialized team that guides profes- sionals regarding the regulatory standards (NRS) necessary for the activities performed - including the employees of hired third-party companies. A monthly audit of the system is carried out to identify workers who require updated training. BRIGADA DE EMERGENCH The purpose of the SSMA area is to provide care for the health and safety of people and the environment in order to prevent diseases, work, and environmental accidents, thus contributing to the sustainability of the business. To achieve this purpose with excellence and be a reference in car- ing for people and the planet, in 2021 the strategy (2021-2025) of the SSMA area was created and defined as its major objectives to: Strengthen and evolve SSMA culture; Meet legal health, safety, and environmental requirements; Not generate pollution and environmental liabilities in places where we operate; Reduce generation and add value to the waste generated in the business and for the customer; Zero injuries and occupational diseases requiring leave; and Value the well-being of the communities within and sur- rounding the Company's locations. Fábrica Cremer - Blumenau (SC) viveo 63 Sustainability Report 2021#64||| Social management Employees Health awareness Health promotion programs for employees aim to provide information on this top- ic, prevent injuries and occupational diseases and support the health conditions of employees. In 2021, Viveo built the Health Center, in Blumenau (SC) to offer face-to-face and remote care to all its employees free of charge. Led by a mul- tidisciplinary team doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, ergonomists, and speech therapists the new space enables the provision of care in the following areas: - General Practice: Diagnosis, the request and evaluation of tests and pre- scriptions; Pediatrics: Non-emergency care for children; Psychology: Psychological complaints and coping with stress and anxiety: Psychiatry: Treatment and follow-up of mental disorders; Physiotherapy and ergonomics: Care for pain prevention and job adap- tation; Orthopedic: Specialized clinical care in musculoskeletal complaints; and Integrative Therapies: Alternative treatments validated by SUS. viveo 64 Sustainability Report 2021 Blumenau Health Center (SC) ka VE Blumenau Health Center (SC) Cuida cada é noss ão Sir Centro de faled Caca vida importa ingridade vem em primeiro lug Pensar de forma integrada nos fo Simplificar é nosso papel Nas construímos o futuro da saúde viveo#65||| Social management Employees In 2021, 6,830 face-to-face and telemedicine medical appointments were provided. In addition to care, the following health promotion programs are developed at the center, with a preventive approach: Mental Care: it includes, in ad- dition to psychological and psychiatric support, periodic preventive actions for mental health, addressing topics such as anxiety and stress control, self-knowledge, and well-being. MENTAL care Saude Mental bem GESTAR Gestate Well: a group of manag- ers offers the future moth- er a journey of knowledge through lectures on preg- nancy care, the preparation for childbirth, breastfeeding, and the first steps with the baby. At the end, the collaborators receive Grupo de Gestantes a certificate of participation and a per- sonalized sponsorship with Viveo prod- ucts. MOVI mente Qualidade de Vida MoviMente: focusing on the promotion of health and quality of life, it encourag- es the practice of physical activity, healthy nutrition, and changes in habits. It develops pe- riodic actions, providing health tips, encourages participation in sports prac- tice groups that are also created by the program. fale com PEDI Menimente anti Talk to Pedi: focused on child health, it offers elucidation for parents regarding doubts they may have about pediatrics through quick consultations, in addition to period- ic orientations on related topics. It also encourages participation in internal com- munication channels. M Influenza vaccination campaign: offers flu (Influenza) vaccinations, at costs partially subsidized by the company. The company develops several preventive healthcare programs. viveo 65 Sustainability Report 2021#66= ||| Caring for employees during the pandemic Social management Employees The Viveo Health Center emerged as the company's response to the difficulty faced in many cities to receive medical care during the pandemic and the need to avoid hospitals visits. Thus, the program offers employees medical appointments 100% free of charge, face-to-face or remote (online). In 2021, the program offered medical appointments in pediatrics, general practice, psychiatry, and psychology. For those who live in Blumenau (SC), the appointments took place in person. For the others, the service was provided by telemedicine and both formats were ex- tended to the children of employees. In addition to the reception at the Health Center, the company made available to employees a series of initiatives in order to protect people's health, such as: Hiring an infectious disease doc- tor to provide technical support to the medical and healthcare team of Viveo; Creation of the Salu Hot Line Group: technical support through the instantaneous shar- ing of information between all the company's doctors and the infectious disease doctors of Salu a service platform ded- icated to occupational health; The constant updating of proto- cols and scenarios regarding the development of the pandemic, carried out by our main leaders; > Educational live streams with in- fectious disease doctors; Internal communication and constant engagement on pre- vention measures; Delivery of PPE to collaborators; and > Employee transportation bene- fits. ESG strategy: Working Group for the Generation and Dissemination of Knowledge GRI 103-1; 103-2 Viveo considers the training of health professionals and the guidance of the population to be essential actions for sustainable development. Therefore, it created a working group dedicated to generating and disseminating knowl- edge and sharing relevant and scientifically based information through differ- ent platforms. With the mission of raising awareness, guiding, and training, this WG proposes actions aimed at both the internal and external public - which includes, in addition to clients and health professionals, the general population, which can be guided through informative and educational content on social networks, direct approaches, lectures, participation in seminars, etc. Among the activities carried out in 2020 and 2021, the following stand out: 73 themes mapped out for dissemination — 14 for collaborators and 59 for health professionals; 8,514 views on live streams and awareness talks; and 612 educational approaches on scientific/technical concepts with the at- tendance of approximately 10 thousand health professionals. SAÚDE E BEM-ESTAR 66 viveo Sustainability Report 2021#67||| Professional development GRI 404-1 Average training hours, according to functional category Functional category Men Women Social management The continuous development of the skills of our professionals represents an essen- tial practice for the sustainability of Viveo. That is why the company invests in corpo- rate education. In 2021, there were 66 thousand hours dedicated to specific training. which required investments of R$ 979.100, a value 27.8% higher than in 2020. In the year, the average hours of training per employee was 14.4 hours. Average training hours, by gender Directors Employees Men Women 13.5 15.3 Total training hours 66,044 40,256 +64.1% 2020 2021 viveo 67 Sustainability Report 2021 40.2 17 Managers 33.5 35.3 Coordinators/Experts 22.1 24.4 Supervisors/Leaders 16.3 23.1 Professionals/Technicians 12.2 12 Operators 12.3 16 Interns/Apprentices 12.5 11.5 जन Star players in operation Viveo understands that the specific competencies of each business in its ecosystem complement each other; as such, training solutions need to be customized. In this sense, in 2020, the "Star players in Operation" program was launched aimed at more than 50 leaders of logistics solutions, cov- ering content such as People Management, Supply Chain, Projects, Lean philosophy, and Quality Management.#68||| Social management Employees In addition to the usual trainings programs, in 2020 and 2021, the Leader Development Program, LiderA, was structured, which oper- ates on two fronts, according to the specific needs of each team involved. They are: Development of managers: Focused on business, it is devel- oped in partnership with the Dom Cabral Foundation, specif- ically for managers. It includes modules that aim to support leaders with technical and tactical knowledge on creating a more synergistic ecosystem between units, reflected in a shared vision of the business, its risks and opportunities. In addition to the in-depth understanding of Viveo's strategy and competitiveness, it proposes a re-thinking of the port- folio of solutions in an innovative way, based on customer demands and market trends, with the aim to enhance the Viveo value proposition. Development of coordinators: With a focus on leadership skills, it is designed for coordinators and, with the support of the consulting firm Crescimentum, works on behavioral aspects that cover the individual challenges of leaders and the tools to develop engaged and high-performance teams. The Trilhar Platform Since 2020, the company has the Trilhar platform that provides online training to its employees. The portfolio, which began with a specific track of sales and people management, ended 2021 with 47 additional modules, from corporate policies, security, technical product training, to information technology tools. viveo 68 DE DADE The São Paulo (SP) office Sustainability Report 2021#69||| = Social management Employees Organizational climate In 2021, the "Engagement Survey" was conducted, a methodology used by Mercer in partnership with Valor Carreira, which evaluates two main aspects — Prosperity and engagement - in eight dimensions: 1. Engagement; 2. Prosperous individuals; 3. Attractive careers; 4. Fair reward; 5. Healthy working environment; 6. Responsible leadership; 7. Organizational agility; and 8.Culture of integrity. - The "Engagement Index" is composed of the average favorability index of four questions that measure commitment, pride, and motivation to work in the compa- The Prosperity Index is based on the average favorability index of 39 questions distributed in seven dimensions related to culture, leadership, a healthy environ- ment, among other aspects. ny. ESG strategy: Working Group for the Development and Welfare of Employees It aims to maximize the potential of each employee through the care and promotion of personal development. In 2021, the main activities were: Development of the concept "Career or Specialist": se- quence of positions that a Viveo professional can assume, according to the nature of their performance (managerial or technical). In both, access to the same level of remunera- tion and recognition offered by the Company is guaranteed; HR Central: 344 employee requests satisfied; Advantages Club: 1,413 beneficiaries of special benefits of- fered by the company: Customized actions and programs: focusing on the devel- opment of the team; and Clarity and encouragement of internal recruitment: as a source of empowerment for professionals. viveo 69 Sustainability Report 2021 3 SAÚDE E BEM-ESTAR W TRABALHO DECENTE E CRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO#70||| = Social management Employees In 2020, the survey received a response from 78% of invited collaborators and the engagement rate reached 82%. In 2021, survey adherence increased to 87% and engagement resulted in 79%. Despite the economic instability, the pandemic scenario and the entry of new companies into the survey, Viveo maintained its average favorability in prosperity and had a three p.p drop in the engagement dimension. A number of actions performed by the company in 2021 were implemented due to the results of the survey in 2020, such as: Leaders Program; Construction of a schedule for health and well-being actions; Programa Idem; Training programs with leaders on remuneration and benefits policy: Presentation of private pensions; Y career development; Focus on internal recruitment; and Careers panel. During 2022, corporate and local action plans will be worked out to identify op- portunities for improvements in engagement and other issues with lower scores. Adhesion* Engagement Prosperity Climate survey indicators 2020 2021 78% 87% 82% 79% 71% 71% * Percentage of respondents in relation to the total number of employees. Featured answers in the survey: My immediate manager treats me with respect and dignity; This company improves the way customers live their lives; I feel like I fit in well with this company; I can maintain a reasonable work-life balance; and I can be myself (be authentic) at work. viveo 70 Sustainability Report 2021#71||| Social management Community Social Action Volunteering Osasco (SP) cu nossa Community GRI 201-1; 413-1 Viveo contributes to local development through active social responsibility policies and practices, respecting the well-being of communities within the proximity of their locations. Thus, it seeks to ensure the social legitimacy of its activities through the strengthening of interaction with these communities and the integration of their interests in the conduct of business. The objective of collaborating for the transformation of healthcare in Brazil, aligned with the purpose of Viveo, also guides the company's social responsibility actions, especial- ly in supporting the development of healthcare entities and vulnerable communities, especially in the cities and regions where the company is inserted. To define the social invest- ment strategy, Viveo maintains a Donations and Tax Incentive Committee, which evaluates requests for support and ongo- ing projects, directing the allocation of resources. All donations made follow ethical and legal norms, in accor- dance with the Donations and Tax Incentive Policy, The Code of Conduct, the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy, and other related corporate guidelines. In this sense, the company does not make, directly or indirectly, donations for electoral purposes and ensures the suitability of partner entities. Each request or project is evaluated by the Committees according to the following criteria: Actions carried out by hospitals and healthcare in- stitutions; Social projects for publics in a state of vulnerability: Situations warranting support in a state of public calamity; Self-sufficient projects or institutions; Preferably entities present in places that Viveo has operation; and Initiatives that drive the pillars of Viveo's sustain- ability strategy. viveo 71 Sustainability Report 2021#72||| = Social management Community Several projects are developed or supported by Viveo through tax deductions, based on mechanisms such as the Culture Incentive Law (Pronac), the Sports Law, the Fund for Childhood and Adolescence (FIA), and the Elderly Law. In 2021, the investments made by the company through these mechanisms reached R$ 866.7 thousand, with emphasis on donations made to Hospital São Jose, Jaragua do Sul (SC). The Projeto Viva e Deixe Viver project (SP, RJ, PE, BA, DF and RS), the Olga Kos Institute of São Paulo (SP), and APAE of Tubarão (SC). bv Social Responsibility The Company understands that so- cial responsibility is a theme that affects the entire organization and encourages employee engagement and voluntary participation in the so- cial projects it supports. Another R$ 481.7 thousand in products were distributed for the benefit of the communities through donations, among which stand out: Donation of medicines and materials to Amazonas: support to the state in the face of the serious health crisis experienced in the first quarter of the year, with the donation of products to combat Covid-19. Together We Win: A project that made the donation of products to families living in a state of social vulnerability in Rio de Janeiro (RJ). Downwind Solidário: In support of the Dharma Institute, the do- nation of medicines and medical materials were made for an ex- pedition along the coast of Ceara to provide medical care, donate food and PPE, and raise children's awareness about the environ- ment. One volunteer collaborator also participated in the project. Adopt a Little Angel: An institution was chosen to lend support during the Christmas season, based on the survey of its main needs. Voluntary donations were made by the Company's em- ployees, proportional to their wherewithal. In 2021, in addition to the collaboration for external institutions, Viveo also made it pos- sible for employees of the Blumenau factories to benefit from the action in total, 61 family members were included in the program. viveo 72 Sustainability Report 2021#73||| Social management Suppliers Suppliers GRI 102-9; 103-1; 103-2; 204-1 Viveo considers its suppliers as playing a fundamental role in achieving its objectives, as well as the Company's con- tribution to sustainable development. Therefore, it values establishing long-term partnerships, guided by ethics and mutual support. Many of its partners contribute with the preparation of business plans, for example. Composed of organizations from different sizes, sectors, and regions of the country and the world, the company's supply chain included, at the end of 2021, approximately 2.4 thousand actively registered suppliers. In the manufacturing seg- ment, approximately R$ 600 million was paid out, with 53% of this amount allocated to local suppliers, based in states where Viveo maintains industrial operations (fac- tories). Of this percentage, 26% correspond to suppliers based in Santa Catarina, 23% in São Paulo, and 3% in Minas Gerais. Regarding distribution, our total purchase volume exceed- ed the R$ 4.2 billion mark, with approximately 80% of this amount directed to the acquisition of medicines and 20% to the acquisition of medical materials. In 2021 Viveo had more than 170 suppliers in the distribution sector. а Composed of organizations of different sizes, sectors and regions of the country and the world, the company's supply chain amounted to 2.4 thousand suppliers in 2021. When hiring suppliers of goods and services, the company carries out a rigorous evaluation pro- cess, which critically evaluates environmental, labor, legal, tax, administrative, and labor safety aspects 15. In addition to the analysis of documentation proving legal regularity, all contracts signed with suppliers include clauses that prohibit the use of child, forced, or slave labor, as well as practices characteristic of corruption. Suppliers are periodically evaluated for decision-making regarding their maintenance or replacement in the Viveo supply chain. 15 In the medical-hospital segment, the company also follows high standards of safety and quality of the products it distributes, following compliance with all the determinations of the health authorities and the certifications required by its customers. viveo 73 Sustainability Report 2021#74||| Social management Suppliers In 2021, two actions strengthened the company's responsibility for this link in the value chain. In order to ensure conduct in line with Viveo's values, the Term of Ethical Compliance was elaborated and shared with suppliers, in which the company reaffirms that all agents involved in the business are aligned with its precepts of compliance, respecting standards of integrity and contributing to the fight against corruption. On another front, a working group dedicated to the topic was implemented, supported by a specialized consulting firm for the improvement of policies and practices along the value chain. Among the main activities carried out by the group in 2021 is the elaboration of a socio-environ- mental and market risk matrix related to suppliers, which serves to guide priority actions. Certified cotton In 2021, Viveo became a signatory to The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), A multi-sectoral governance group that promotes improvements in the supply chain, especially in plume cotton cultivation practices and social aspects of the production chain, such as labor rights, gender equality and the prevention of slave and child labor. With this, the company only purchases 100% plume cotton from BCI certified farms for use in the production of health and hygiene products. ESG strategy: Sustainable Procurement Working Group In order to integrate socio-environmental criteria into supply man- agement, mitigating risks and encouraging the development of our suppliers, this WG developed the following main activities in 2021: Elaboration and dissemination of the Procurement and Ad- missions Policy; Validation of the suitability and compliance practices of suppliers: BCI seal requirement for cotton suppliers; and Elaboration of the risk matrix for risk mitigation according to the criticality of each category. viveo 74 Sustainability Report 2021 8 TRABALHO DECENTE E CRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS QO 17 PARCERIAS E MEIOS DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO#75||| == Social management Clients Clients Viveo's client portfolio is composed especially of private and public hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, supermarkets, wholesalers, distributors, and laboratories in Brazil. In addition to this group of customers, certain product categories reach the final consumer, such as items marketed by pharmacies. Overseas, most customers are made up of distributors. Thus, considering the diversity of the portfolio in each business seg- ment, the company develops relationship practices adapted to the different customer profiles, focusing on agility, responsibility, and in- novation. The market segments served by Viveo have two distribution and mar- keting channels: The company serves private and public institutional clients through the physical distribution of medical-hospital and surgi- cal materials, medicines, laboratory products, first-aid products, consumer products (treatment, hygiene, and well-being) and vaccines; as well as its E-Commerce channels for the distribution and commercial- ization of laboratory products. About 99% of Viveo's revenue comes from sales made in Brazil. Abroad, the commercial portfolio is distributed among 19 countries located in Africa, America, and Europe. - The satisfaction survey conducted by the company with customers re- Ivealed the NPS index metric of perception of the customer jour- ney of 80% 16, in relation to the previous two quarters. The company also provides customer service (SAC), responsible for receiving and han- dling questions, complaints, and compliments. 9,668 interactions were received in 2021, higher than in 2020, which reached 7.731. Of the total number of registered contacts, 67% referred to an error in sales and 10% regarding questions about distributed products. Results Satisfaction Survey - 2021 NPS 80 = Area of Excellence Promoters 83% Neutral 13% Detractors 3% viveo 75 Sustainability Report 2021 16 A survey was conducted with clients between January 3 and February 4, 2022 referring to the service received in the previous year.#76||| Social management Clients Digital transformation and open innovation conexão viveo As a market leader, Viveo plays a key role in building the future of healthcare in Brazil. Innovation is our strategic priori- ty and since 2019 we have a digital trans- formation sector that promotes excellence in care for our customers, partners, and employees. unindo elos para cuidar de cada vida In 2021, aiming to scale the benefits of our actions, we gave a new name to this front: Viveo Connection - connecting links to provide care for every single life. The initiative has three main focuses: Organizational agility: Agile cells that ensure a quick response to new market demands; Digital solutions: New tools that simplify the health market and strengthen ESG initiatives; and Open innovation: Looking outwards collaboratively, creating relationships for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and tech- nologies. The digital solution has simplified the day-to-day of our clients. The first launch of the Viveo Connection was Mel Viveo's vir- tual assistant and its platform that integrates the Company's customer care services. With the new channel, the NPS indicator went from 65 points to 75 points in the first and second quarters and closed the year at 80 points. Also worth mentioning: Automation of more than 10 thousand calls via telephone and emails received per month; Decreased customer service time from four days to 30 seconds; Creation of the Quotation Portal, making the quotation process for customers more agile, with a decrease of 80% in response time and an increase of 17% in the number of items quoted through the Bionexo platform; A stronger e-commerce presence extended to laboratories; and Tools to ensure agility and mobility of the commercial team, with applications that facilitate quotes, price simulations, verification of goals, and sales made. Virtual assistant In May 2021 Mel was introduced - Viveo's virtual assistant. This inte- grated services channel follows the customer's journey and gathers all the information of registered partners, both for queries and re- quests, as well as for purchase management, making the customer's behavior perceived and thus receiving more direct customer service, in addition to driving improvements in the channel itself. The service is available at the web address viveo 76 Sustainability Report 2021#77||| Social management Clients Investors and other publics The opening of capital, held in 2021, brought Viveo another very special aspect of public re- lations: investors. At the end of the year, the company's equity base consisted of more than 800 investors. In accordance with the best prac- tices of corporate governance, communication channels dedicated to shareholders have been created, through which relevant information about the business is divulged to support their decision-making. In this sense, the company website offers corporate content and periodic performance reports, among other materials. Thus, it com- viveo The São Paulo (SP) office plements the information made available on official platforms, such as the repositories of B3 and the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). In addition to the investors and other stake- holders already addressed in this report - em- ployees, communities, customers, and suppliers, Viveo maintains relationships with several oth- er stakeholder groups. Entities representing the sector, universities, government representatives in all its spheres, the press, and non-profit or- ganizations, among others, are part of the com- pany's broad group of stakeholders. Participation in associations GRI 102-13 At the end of 2021, Viveo was part of the following entities: ABIHPEC (Brazilian Association of the Personal Care, Perfumery and Cosmetics Industries); O ABIMO (Brazilian Association of the Medical Device Industry); ABINT (Brazilian Association of Nonwovens and Technical Fabrics Industries); O ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards); ABRADIMEX (Brazilian Association of Distributors of Specialized, Exceptional and Hospital Medicines); ANAHP (National Association of Private Hospitals); ACIB (Blumenau Business Association); Fiesc (Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina); and Sintex (Union of the Spinning, Weaving and Garment Industries of Blumenau). viveo 77 Sustainability Report 2021#78Healthlog - Cajamar (SP) = LOC 5 GRI 102-11 n Uma plataforma logisticns BACK Environmental Management Viveo strives to achieve complete eco-efficien- cy of its operations in order to minimize the impacts of its activities on the environment. To this end, it continuously strives to meet all legal requirements and promotes internal campaigns for conscious consumption of natural resources, in order to strengthen engagement among its collaborators. In addition, it has been strength- ening its management structure of this theme, with the creation of working groups to establish guidelines and practices aimed at improving en- vironmental performance, as reported below.#79= Energy and emissions GRI 103-1; 103-2; 103-3; 302-1; 302-2; 305-1; 305-2; 305-3; 305-6 の Environmental Management As part of its evolution in environmental management, Viveo conducted a study to develop initiatives aimed at maintaining an increasingly clean energy matrix and im- plementing actions that contribute to the environment. In addition to the R$ 20 million already invested in these initiatives, our strategic plan provides for another R$ 15 million annually in the area in the next three years. Aware of the direct relationship between energy con- sumption and decarbonization, the company initiated in- tegrated actions to reduce energy consumption and, con- sequently, CO, emission. Among these actions stand out: Energy and emissions Cremer Factory - Blumenau (SC) Biomass-powered boiler: in its largest industrial plant, located in Blumenau (SC), the fossil fuel of the boiler was replaced by biomass sourced from reforested wood. The use of compressed air compressors to heat water: another form of reuse of thermal energy is the use of compressed air compressors for the production of preheated water for use in bleach processes, reducing fuel consumption to generate steam. Modernization of weaving in textile plants, with more efficient and productive equipment, gener- ating substantial reductions in electricity consump- tion. Acquisition of I-REC, a certificate that ensures that all energy used by the company in 2020 came from renewable sources. viveo 79 Sustainability Report 2021#80||| Direct energy consumption, represented by the sum of electric energy and fuels used in the company's operations, totaled 407.2 thousand Giga Joules (GJ) in 202117 - a decrease of 3.8% compared to 2020, due to the implementation of the biomass boiler in the company's textile plant, reducing the burning of electricity and natural Energy consumption - Non-Renewable Fuels (In GJ) gas. In addition to this volume, 13.9 thousand Giga Joules (GJ) were used in relation to purchased goods and services, employee transportation (home-work), waste gen- erated in operations, and business trips. Fuel 2020 2021 Environmental Management Acetylene 7.04 Diesel 70,636.62 2,89 68,569.22 Acquired electricity Gasoline 7.927.79 11,065.48 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 3,689.19 Natural gas 135,018.98 Energy and emissions Total 217,279.62 6,015.25 87,076.15 172,728.99 Energy Electricity consumption (In GJ) 2020 2021 204,785.97 232,052.96 Total energy consumption - fuels + electricity (In GJ) 2020 2021 423,133.51 407,236.55 Energy consumption - renewable fuels (In GJ) Energy consumption outside the organization - Non-Renewable Fuels (In GJ) Fuel 2020 2021 Fuel 2020 2021 Biomass other primary solid biomass Hydrated ethanol 431.22 794.80 Diesel 8,864.38 11,239.48 636.70 1,659.80 Gasoline 860.78 262.52 Total 1,067.92 2,454.60 Aviation kerosene 2,997.64 2,358.29 Total 12,722.80 13,860.29 17 Data does not include the consumption of the units of Daviso and FW companies. viveo 80 Sustainability Report 2021#81||| Environmental Viveo emitted 24.4 thousand tCo2e18 and thousand tCo₂ of greenhouse gases in 2021 (see table below) — an increase of 13.5% compared to the previous year. The greatest variation in emission sources occurred from the acquisition of electric energy, greatly impacted by the increase of more than 100% in CO2 emission factors from electricity generation in the National Interconnected System (SIN) of Brazil. In 2020, the average annual factor (tCO2/MWh) was 0.0617, while in 2021 it reached 0.1264, representing an increase of 104.8%. In addition to the emission factor, the total consumption of electric energy grew by 7.4% due to the increase in the volume produced, the reduction of the working day in some manufacturing units in 2020, as an effect of the pandemic, and the expansion of our Minas Gerais unit. Evolution of GHG emissions (In tCO₂e) Management Emissions GHG (In tCO₂e) 2020 2021 Variation Scope 1 Stationary combustion 7,931.00 5,261.76 -33.7% Scope 1 Mobile combustion 5,139.01 5,309.74 3.3% 11,124.31 13,943.77 Fugitive 873.76 552.81 -36.7% Energy and emissions Scope 2 Acquisition of electricity 3,545.69 8,119.11 129.0% Scope 2 Purchased goods and services 718.43 469.30 -34.7% 8,119.11 Transportation of employees (home-work) 598.25 759.33 26.9% Scope 3 3,545.69 Waste generated in operations 2,388.65 3,696.51 54.8% Business trips 266.27 185.28 -30.4% Scope 3 Total 21,461.06 24,353.84 13.5% 5,110.42 3,971.60 18 Data do not incorporate the consumption of the units of Daviso and FW companies. viveo 81 Sustainability Report 2021 2020 2021#82||| Representativeness of GHG emissions by segment, in 2021 7% (In tCOze) 3% Working groups Energy and Emissions and Sustainable Logistics Environmental Management 18% Energy and emissions Factories Couriers DC Office 72% Emission of ozone-depleting 2020 2021 substances (SDO) - In tCO2e HCFC-22 835.97 1,473.96 HCFC-141b 10.15 8.21 Isobutane (R-600A)t 0,001 viveo 82 Sustainability Report 2021 Viveo maintains two working groups dedicated to improving per- formance related to energy and GHG emissions. One of them, called Working Group on Energy and Emissions, defines long-term goals and adoption of eco-efficiency practices with a focus on re- ducing energy demand and GHG generation, as well as increasing the participation of renewable energy in industrial processes. Thus, in 2021, this WG had direct participation in the study and imple- mentation of actions related to gains in energy efficiency. The Sustainable Logistics GT, on the other hand, aims to plan and monitor the implementation of initiatives to reduce emissions in logistics activities. Throughout 2021, these GTs spearheaded the preparation of the company's first Emissions Inventory. In addition, investments of R$ 65 million by 2025 in emission reduction and sustainable logis- tics actions were authorized by the Board of Directors. 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS QO AÇÃO CONTRA A 13 MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA#83||| Environmental Management Energy and emissions Innovation with the green fleet 2021 was also marked by Viveo's first investment in a green fleet, acquiring four 100% electric trucks from JAC Motors. The company expects in the next three years to replace the last mile of all vehicles serving the São Paulo metropolitan region with electric vehi- cles, significantly reducing emissions from the freight of products. On another front, the entire fleet of Viveo's commer- cial area, which includes approximately 200 vehicles, became the object of a sustainable partnership with Movida. The initiative consists of neutralizing GHG emissions generated by lease agreements through the planting of native trees in the Araguaia River biodiversity corridor, one of the largest biodiversity corridors in the world. viveo 83 Healthlog Cajamar (SP) Healthlog - Cajamar (SP) Sustainability Report 2021 HEALTH HEALT LOC ELETRIC LO INI JAC FACCHINE HEALTH LOG Uma plataforma de services logisticos e salutes que Om a codeio da solite ELETROD Vive RENTH#84||| Environmental Management Water and effluents GRI 103-1; 103-2; 103-3; 303-1; 303-3 An essential resource for the development of Vi- veo's activities, water is a fundamental input for the manufacture of the products offered by the com- pany to the market, as well as for the expansion of its operating units. To meet this demand, the com- pany combines the supply through local distribu- tors, in urban areas, and underground catchments that are properly granted. Thus, the consumption is monitored through the information recorded by the Water and effluents Source Surface catchment Company's supplier panels, invoices, and water me- ters installed at a collection point. Volume mea- surements are taken in order to not exceed those defined by the concessions granted by the envi- ronmental agency. In the localities where it has a manufacturing unit, Viveo performs the treatment of effluents, return- ing the water in equal or better conditions than received from the catchment. Water withdrawal (In m³)* 2020 2021 506,503.00 580,909.00 21,332.15 18,528.83 51,169.62 69,300.49 579,004.77 668,738.32 Public supply (via concession) Groundwater (well granted via concession) Total ESG strategy: Water Working Group Aware of the impact of water management on soci- ety, aligned with the sixth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 6), Viveo created a working group dedi- cated to the theme, with the following objectives: Reduce water consumption by volume pro- duced. Analysis of research studies are cur- rently being carried out to define actions for the following years; Support the technological renewal of process- es and equipment, with a view to reducing consumption; and Implement waste reduction programs and in- crease water reuse, with extensive employee engagement. * Catchment information obtained with consumption estimate DCs: Mafra DF, Mafra Londrina, Expresso DF, Byogene, Mafra Jaboatão. Data does not include the consumption of the units of Daviso and FW companies. The increase in water consumption related to sur- face catchment in 2021 compared to the previous year is due to the increase in productivity and the reduction of hours in some manufacturing units in 2020 due to the pandemic. The increase of 35% related to underground catchment was due to the expansion of Flexicotton's activities in 2020 and 2021. The industrial process that concentrates the largest amount of water in our operations is the processing of cotton and fabrics. Investments in more modern and efficient equipment are under- way, as well as process improvements to minimize the consumption of this resource. viveo 84 Sustainability Report 2021 ÁGUA POTÁVEL ESANEAMENTO 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS 電話#85||| Environmental Management Waste Waste GRI 103-1; 103-2; 103-3; 306-1; 306-2; 306-3 The responsible management of waste originating from its operations builds on Viveo's commitment to the environment, reflected in its quest to send as little material as possible to landfills, continuously expanding its rates of reduction, reuse, and recycling. Each unit of the company maintains a solid waste management plan (PGRS), as well as specialized, qualified, and licensed service providers to perform the final disposal of discarded materials. The most significant environmental aspects related to solid waste with potential environmental impacts are related to the industrial process of our segments (textile, plastics, adhesives, hygiene, and cosmetics prod- ucts), where there is a greater volume and diversity of discarded mate- rials. Still, 99% of the total waste generated in industrial plants is classi- fied as non-hazardous. The following includes the main waste generated in the main operations of the company: Textile: leftovers, such as cotton fines and fabric shavings, direct- ed to composting and recycling, respectively. The largest volume of raw material used is cotton, purchased from suppliers with cer- tified practices (see page 74). Plastics: waste and plastic fragments generated in the manu- facture of products aimed at the hospital-medical line - probes, plastic reels for adhesives, fits, catheters, and collection vials, among others. Adhesive: fabric leftovers, out-of-specification products, and chemical leftovers. Logistics: expired medicines, plastic and cardboard packaging. pallets, and refrigeration elements involved in the distribution of materials and medicines to hospitals, clinics, and health institu- tions in general from the public and private sectors. Diagnostics (LABs): failed or expired diagnostic reagents, re- agents used in measurement processes and/or maintenance of electronic equipment and appliances. In this segment, Viveo's ac- tivities include the receipt, processing, separation, and dispatch of diagnostic kits and equipment purchased from suppliers based in Brazil so that our companies do not handle raw materials, but only finished products in their original packaging. viveo 85 Sustainability Report 2021#86||| Environmental Management Throughout 2021, Viveo generated about 5.1 thousand tons of waste. Of this total, 1% were hazardous wastes and 99% were non-hazardous. The increase of 58.7%, in comparison to 2020, reflects the acquisition of two new manufacturing units, Daviso and FW, as well as the implementation of procedures that contributed to the con- tinuous improvement of data record related to waste management. Total weight of waste generated (In tonnes)* Hazardous Waste Non-Hazardous Waste Waste Total 2020 2021 41.54 47.57 3,161.72 3,203.26 5,036.44 5,084.01 * 2020 volumes were calculated based on generation estimates at the company's factories. The 2021 figures consider the Cremer, Flexcoton, Daviso, and FW industrial units ESG strategy: Waste and Sectoral Waste Working Groups GRI 103-1; 103-2 As a result of its ESG strategy, Viveo has established two working groups focused on waste: Sectoral waste GT and waste GT. The waste GT aims to strengthen management, focusing on mon- itoring, reducing, recycling, and valorizing the waste generated in our activities and processes, prioritizing circular economy and the elimination of final disposal in landfills, in addition to ensuring legal compliance throughout all these stages. One highlight is the ac- quisition of software for the management of waste, in addition to the start of the diagnostic activities of the units and the definition of performance indicators. The goal of sectoral waste GT it is to contribute, through our prod- ucts and services, to the health sector in the management of its waste in a sustainable way. viveo 86 Sustainability Report 2021 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS 17 PARCERIAS E MEIOS DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO QO#87||| Environmental Management Waste M M An important step to reduce the generation of residues in the follow-up of the logistics operations sector is the replacement of EPS (Styrofoam) and ER (a cooling el- ement) packages in road freights, which are used for transportation of medicines and vaccines distributed through Healthlog. These packages have been replaced by returnable versions with PCM (Phase Change Mate- rial) technology, thus contributing to the reduction of waste for the health sector in addition to reducing the energy consumption involved in the refrigeration process and relieving customers of the need to provide space for storage and appropriate disposal of styrofoam boxes. tt The company estimates that the replacement will annu- ally reduce more than 450 tons of solid waste generat- ed in its logistics operations. The packaging developed for replacement was awarded 2nd place in the ESG cat- egory at the BBM 2021 Awards, in partnership with BLS - Biothermal. viveo 87 Sustainability Report 2021 HEALTH LOC Vives ENS SAC RETORN PROPRIEDADE VIVED PEREGIVEL EFRAGIL LE FRAGIL Healthlog Cajamar (SP) Ovit City Healthlog - Cajamar (SP)#88||| Environmental Management Sustainable industry Sustainable industry At Flexicotton's unit in Santa Catarina, Viveo uses 100% of the - raw material of cotton strip residue. short fiber plaids of flaky appearance, from fabric industry waste. In 2021, about 4 thousand tons of this waste were purchased for the production of rolls, discs, cotton balls and squares, flexible rods, breast protectors, multipur- pose cotton, and cotton swabs. Another practice adopted by the company is the reuse of the cotton residue generated in the spinning of the textile process in orthopedic products. The manufacture of the products takes place in the same manufacturing plant, which brings operational synergy to the use of the material. About 86.5 tons of this waste were di- rected to internal reuse in 2021. Also in this sense, we produce flexible rods of biodegradable paper, replacing the plastic rod. In 2021, about 113 million rods were produced with sticks made from paper, avoiding the consumption of approximately 3.6 thousand tons of plastic. Cremer ECO Hastes flexíveis ecológicas Para cuidar de você e da Terra Lure de produtos quimicos Livre de plástica Antigerme Haste de papel biodegrad ESG strategy: Sustainable Products Working Group GRI 103-1; 103-2 Viveo believes that analysis of the impact of products and packaging and the search for sustainable solutions must be an intrinsic element of the innovation process and continuous development of its portfolio, involving the entire scope of the service life of products and services. Therefore, this theme integrates the company's sustainability strategy and reflects its commitment to the entire ecosystem. As part of the Company's ESG strategy, a working group is dedicated to integrating sus- tainability into the product development process. In this sense, attributes to be pursued in production were defined, which involve the use of raw materials of renewable origin, the creation of biodegradable lines, the replacement of packaging with returnable or recyclable versions, the reduction of water use in manufacturing, and emissions in transportation, in addition to ensuring respect for human and labor rights throughout the production chain. In 2021, the activities of the WG focused on the diagnosis of components used in the man- ufactured products, to verify opportunities for improvement, as well as market research with customers in order to gain insights related to the theme. A Sustainable Products Policy was also elaborated, available on our website, which will guide the development of new prod- ucts of the company. Com pontas 100% algodão • Higiene diária Abra agul CONTÉM 75 UNIDADES viveo 88 Sustainability Report 2021 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS QO#89> > ||| The Report Report profile GRI 102-45; 102-48; 102-49; 102-50; 102-51; 102-53; 102-54 The publication of this Sustainability Report represents Viveo's first step towards increasingly consistent reporting of its economic, environmental, social and governance performance. This report, guided by the guide- lines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) — in its standard version, in the Essential scope - it presents information on management, policies, and corporate practices for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2021. Such information includes the subsidiaries that integrated most of the company's revenues, as well as most of its operations in the period, as presented in the 2021 Management and Financial Statements Report. Any exceptions are indicated throughout this publication. For compara- bility purposes, the performance indicators for the year 2020 were insert- ed where possible.#90= ||| The Report Viveo's Sustainability Report 2021 was prepared with the participation of a multidisciplinary team, with the direct involvement of about 70 Company professionals. Aligned with GRI guidelines, we seek to report in this edition sustainability topics that reflect real impacts and effective management. Thus, the company's socio-environmental performance was described in a broad context in order to relay aspects and impacts common to the segments and regions where it operates. The definition of the topics reported in this report was based on the analysis of existing policies and practices, the availability of information, and the positioning of other organizations in the sector, in addition to the influence of the Company's conduct on the decisions of its stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement GRI 102-40; 102-42; 102-43 For the definition of material themes, research was carried out by bench- marking with the main players in the sector and interviews with key people in order to identify the information desired by the main stake- holders of the company. Using the criteria adopted by GRI as the basis for defining the themes to be addressed in the report, stakeholders were asked about the issues related to sustainability that most aroused their interest. Report Profile Questions, comments and suggestions regarding this report can be sent by email [email protected] viveo 90 Sustainability Report 2021#91||| = Relevant topics GRI 102-44; 102-46; 102-47; 103-1 Material Themes Integrated management Human development Eco-efficiency Solutions for sustainability Development and well-being of the collaborators Energy Sustainable logistics The Report Based on the criteria described, the relevance matrix of Viveo's Sustain- ability Report 2021 presents four ma- jor themes, which unfold in 12 materi- al aspects, topics, and indicators. Ethics and responsible management Quality of products Sustainable Procurement Relevant topics Quality of Products Sustainable purchases Water Waste from the Sustainable Waste Products Sector Related Indicators Pillar Theme Disclosure reported Integrated management Ethics and responsible management Quality of products and services Sustainable procurement 102-17; 205-3; 406-1 416-1 204-1 Human development Development and well-being of employees Diversity and inclusion 403-1; 403-9; 404-1 405-1 Generation and dissemination of knowledge Energy and emissions 103-1; 103-2 302-1; 305-1; 305-2; 305-3 Eco-efficiency Water Waste Sustainable logistics Solutions for Sustainability Health sector waste 303-1; 303-3 306-1; 306-3 305-1 103-1; 103-2 Sustainable products 103-1; 103-2 91 viveo Sustainability Report 2021#92= ||| GRI Summary GRI 102-55 Disclosure Description Organizational Profile Page Omission and justification 102-1 Name of the organization 102-2 Activities, brands, products and services 9 9:13 102-3 Location of headquarters 10 The Report 102-4 Location of operations 10 102-5 Ownership and legal nature 14 102-6 Markets served 12 GRI 102: Contents 102-7 Organization Size 9 General 2016 102-8 Information about employees and other workers 53 102-9 Supply chain 73 102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain GRI Summary 102-11 102-12 Adoption of the precautionary approach or principle External initiatives 78 Strategy 102-13 Participation in associations 77 GRI 102: Contents 102-14 Statement of the executive with the highest decision-making power in the organization 3 General 2016 Ethics and Integrity GRI 102: Contents 102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior 11; 23 General 2016 102-17 Mechanisms for counseling and communication on ethics issues 30; 31; 32 viveo 92 Sustainability Report 2021 There was no change in the supply chain in the period reported. In 2021 Viveo was not a signatory to external initiatives related to sustainability.#93Disclosure Description Page Omission and justification ||| = Governance GRI 102: Contents 102-18 Governance structure 25-29 General 2016 102-22 Composition of the highest governing body and its committees 27; 28 Stakeholder engagement 102-40 102-41 GRI 102: Contents The Report 102-42 List of stakeholder groups Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements Identification and selection of stakeholders General 2016 102-43 102-44 Approach to engaging stakeholders Issues and concerns raised by stakeholders 90 52; 53 90 90 91 Reporting practice 102-45 Entities included in the financial statements 89 102-46 Definition of content and boundaries of material themes 91 GRI Summary 102-47 List of material themes 91 102-48 Explanation of the consequences of any reformulations of information provided in previous reports Not applicable 102-49 Significant changes compared to previous years with regard to the list GRI 102: Contents of material topics, limit of topics covered General 2016 102-50 Reporting period 89 102-51 Latest report date 102-52 Reporting cycle 89 102-53 Contact for questions about the report 90 102-54 Reporting premises in accordance with GRI standards 89 102-55 GRI content summary 92 102-56 External verification viveo 93 Sustainability Report 2021 This is the first sustainability report published by Viveo. Not applicable - This is the first sustainability report published by Viveo. Not applicable -This is the first sustainability report published by Viveo. The report was not verified by an independent third party.#94Disclosure Description ||| = Form of Management 103-1 GRI 103: form of 103-2 Management 2016 103-3 Economic perfor- mance Page Explanation of the material topic and its limits Form of management and its components Evaluation of the form of management 19; 23; 51; 60; 66; 73; 79; 84; 85; 86; 88 19:23; 51; 60; 66; 73; 79; 84; 85; 86; 88 19; 60; 79; 84; 85; The Report GRI 201: Performance Economic 2016 201-1 Economic value generated and distributed GRI Summary 42; 71 Combating corruption GRI 205: Fighting 205-2 Communication and training in anti-corruption policies and procedures 30; 31 corruption 2016 205-3 Confirmed cases of corruption and measures taken 32 Energy 302-1 GRI 302: Energy 2016 302-2 Energy consumption within the organization energy Consumption outside the organization 79;80 80 Water 303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018 303-3 Water catchment 84 84 Emissions 305-1 Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1) 81 305-2 Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the acquisition of energy (Scope 2) 81 GRI 305: Emissions 2016 305-3 305-6 Other indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 3) Emission of ozone depleting substances (SDO) 81 82 viveo 94 Sustainability Report 2021 Omission and justification#95||| = Waste GRI 306: Waste 2020 Occupational Health and Safety Disclosure Description Page Omission and justification 306-1 306-2 306-3 Waste generation and significant impacts related to waste Management of significant impacts related to waste Waste generated 888 85 85 86 403-1 The Report 403-2 Employee representation on formal health and safety committees Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation 62 60 GRI 403: Health 403-3 Occupational Health Services 61; 64; 65; 66 and Safety 403-5 Training of workers in occupational health and safety 63 the Work 2018 403-6 Promotion of occupational health 61; 64; 65; 66 403-8 403-9 Workers covered by the Occupational Health and Safety Management System Work injuries 60 61; 62 GRI Summary Training GRI 404: Professional training and education 2016 404-1 Average number of training hours per employee 67 Diversity GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunities 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 27; 29; 52; 53 2016 Non-discrimination GRI 406: non discrimi- nation 2016 406-1 Discrimination cases and corrective measures taken 32 viveo 95 Sustainability Report 2021#96Disclosure Description Page Omission and justification = ||| Community GRI 413: Communities Locations 2016 413-1 Operations with programs for local community engagement, impact assessment impact assessment and local development 71 Partial response. The company did not perform an impact assessment during the reporting period. The Report Consumer health and safety GRI Summary 416-1 Assessment of health and safety impacts caused by 19 GRI 416: Consumer the categories of products and services Health and Safety 416-2 Cases of non-compliance regarding health and safety impacts caused by products and services Privacidade do Cliente GRI 418: Privacidade do Cliente 2016 19 418-1 Proven complaints regarding privacy violation and loss of customer data 34 96 viveo Sustainability Report 2021 There were no nonconformities in the reported period.#97viveo Sustainability Report 2021 Coordination: Human Resources Board Materiality and strategy ESG: Origami Management GRI consulting and editorial production: We Sustentabilidade

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