Investor Presentaiton
4 KEY ASSUMPTIONS of the Vision 2030 Jamaica
Theory of Change (TOC)
Within a ToC, assumptions state the conditions necessary
for desired change to occur with consideration for baseline
development status, development context and capacity and
the planned development goals and outcomes. The central
underlying assumptions for the Vision 2030 Jamaica ToC
#1. National Goals and Outcomes are Attainable
• The planned National Goals and Outcomes are attainable if the development context
matches initial assumptions and/or Jamaica develops and applies the requisite
capacity to adequately address and adapt to challenges and opportunities
⚫ There is also need to ensure that strategic planning for programming and
implementation demonstrates continued relevance and is aligned with the planned
development results.
#2. NDP Geared Towards Transformative Sustainable and Inclusive
⚫ The baseline development status is not equal to the planned 2030 goals and
outcomes and there are systemic, structural and institutional gaps in development.
This underpins the development of a National Strategy Framework geared towards
improvement and systemic, structural and institutional transformations and not the
maintenance of a particular state of development.
National Development Plan
#3. Plan Implementation will be continuous from 2009-2030, driven by
good governance in coordination, stakeholder-engagement and
transformational leadership; and based on strategic planning, integrated
evidence- and results-based management and partnership.
• Implementation will commence in 2009 and continue without interruption to 2030.
⚫ Bi-partisan support, ownership and transformational leadership in the
implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica.
• Each MTF will be evidence- and results-based and prepared according to schedule
and quality standards.
• Implementers will align strategic and operational planning to the MTF.
• Development partners across sectors and at global, national and local levels will
fulfil their designated functions and/or meet commitments
#4. Vision 2030 Jamaica is Coherent with Global Development Agendas,
Strategies and Planning Methodologies/Practice
⚫ Vision 2030 Jamaica is nationally relevant while adhering to agreed global norms
⚫ Vision 2030 Jamaica will serve as the framework for implementation of the SDGs in
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