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#1PIOJ PLANNING INSTITUTE OF JAMAICA Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan VISION 2030 JAMAICA National Development Plan OVIPE VISION 2030 JAMAICA Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business ...Towards Achieving the Jamaica We Want by 2030#2FOCUS OF OUR DISCUSSION •Overview of Vision 2030 Jamaica •Jamaica's Development Results •Medium-Term Period 2021-2024 2#32030 JAMAICA National Development Plan 030 National Development Plan JAMAICA Core and Transformational Values Sustainability (Social, Economic, Environmental) Sustainable Development Goals Value and Normative Consistency Policy Coherence Good Governance Human Capital Equity Multi-Dimensional Justice Inclusive People-Centred Strategic Policy-Based Plan Government National Development Plan Institutional Capital Cultural Capital Vision 2030 Jamaica Implementation Framework Evidence-Based Management Bi-Partisan Gender Equality and Equity Transparency and Accountability Private Sector 3 Social Cohesion Democratic Governance Localization Human Rights Based Approach Results-Based Management Public Sector Transformational Leadership 1st long-term Civil Society Partnerships Legislative Coherence Academia#4Vision 2030 Jamaica 5 Key Tenets of Plan Design Long-Term and Strategic underpinned by Principles and Paradigm-Focused on Systemic, Structural and Cultural Transformation towards sustainable development - social, economic and environmental Participatory, Inclusive and geared towards Multi- Dimensional Justice and Equity; Focused on Stakeholder Engagement, Accountability and Transparency People-Centered Population considerations are mainstreamed in all tenets of development based on 7 Guiding Principles Integrated Evidence- and Results- Based Management promotes Strategic Planning, Policy, Programming, Research and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) geared to meet the differentiated development needs associated with systems, structure and groups Aligned to Global Sustainable Development Agendas, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and wider Post-2015 Development Agenda#5Vision 2030 Jamaica - Advancing Multi-Dimensional Justice Develoment Plan VISION 2030 JAMAICA tional Development Pla Design and Implement Vision 2030 Jamaica-National Development Plan (NDP) - and implement the SDGs through Vision 2030 Jamaica in Support of the achievement of multi-dimensional justice - Change Agents EVERYONE: • Government & Governance Political Directorate • Partners in Development ⚫ Citizenry Jamaican Society Social, Economic and Environmental Ecosystems that represent culture and comprise structure, including existing legislation and policies Civil, political, economic, social, cultural, and environmental justice FUTURE LEADER Beneficiaries Everyone is to Inclusively and Equitably Development Benefit from#64 KEY ASSUMPTIONS of the Vision 2030 Jamaica Theory of Change (TOC) Within a ToC, assumptions state the conditions necessary for desired change to occur with consideration for baseline development status, development context and capacity and the planned development goals and outcomes. The central underlying assumptions for the Vision 2030 Jamaica ToC include: #1. National Goals and Outcomes are Attainable • The planned National Goals and Outcomes are attainable if the development context matches initial assumptions and/or Jamaica develops and applies the requisite capacity to adequately address and adapt to challenges and opportunities ⚫ There is also need to ensure that strategic planning for programming and implementation demonstrates continued relevance and is aligned with the planned development results. #2. NDP Geared Towards Transformative Sustainable and Inclusive Development ⚫ The baseline development status is not equal to the planned 2030 goals and outcomes and there are systemic, structural and institutional gaps in development. This underpins the development of a National Strategy Framework geared towards improvement and systemic, structural and institutional transformations and not the maintenance of a particular state of development. JAMAICA National Development Plan #3. Plan Implementation will be continuous from 2009-2030, driven by good governance in coordination, stakeholder-engagement and transformational leadership; and based on strategic planning, integrated evidence- and results-based management and partnership. • Implementation will commence in 2009 and continue without interruption to 2030. ⚫ Bi-partisan support, ownership and transformational leadership in the implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica. • Each MTF will be evidence- and results-based and prepared according to schedule and quality standards. • Implementers will align strategic and operational planning to the MTF. • Development partners across sectors and at global, national and local levels will fulfil their designated functions and/or meet commitments #4. Vision 2030 Jamaica is Coherent with Global Development Agendas, Strategies and Planning Methodologies/Practice ⚫ Vision 2030 Jamaica is nationally relevant while adhering to agreed global norms ⚫ Vision 2030 Jamaica will serve as the framework for implementation of the SDGs in Jamaica. 6#7Overview - Vision 2030 Jamaica Results and Strategy Frameworks Vision 4 Goals 15 National Outcomes Development Results National Strategies Strategic Framework Sector Strategies and Priority Actions 7#8Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Results What does this mean? (The National Goals) Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential Where do we want to be by 2030? (The National Outcomes) 1. A Healthy and Stable Population 2. World-Class Education and Training 3. Effective Social Protection 4. Authentic and Transformational Culture Vision Statement: "Jamaica, the place of choice 2 to live, work, raise families and do business" The Jamaican society is secure, cohesive and just 5. Security and Safety 6. Effective Governance 7. A Stable Macroeconomy 8. 3 Jamaica's economy is prosperous 4 Jamaica has a healthy natural environment An Enabling Business Environment 9. Strong Economic Infrastructure 10. Energy Security and Efficiency 11. A Technology-Enabled Society 12. Internationally Competitive Industry Structures 13. Sustainable Management and Use of Environmental and Natural Resources 14. Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change 15. Sustainable Urban and Rural Development 8#9Vision 2030 Jamaica Plan Implementation - Management Process Strategic Planning and Management Evidence-Based management Performance/Results-Based Management CHECK CONTINUAL IMPRO PLAN DO ACT 9#10Implementing Vision 2030 Jamaica: Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) MANY ONE POPLE # Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework 2012-2015 Government of Jamaica VISION 2030 JAMAICA MEDIUM TERM SOCIO-ECONOMIC POLICY FRAMEWORK 2015-2018 Government of Jamaica VISION 2030 JAMAICA MEDIUM TERM SOCIO-ECONOMIC POLICY FRAMEWORK Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework 2009-2012 Building the foundation for achieving Jamaica's long-term goals 2009-2012 JAMAICA National Development Par Towards Inclusive Growth & Sustainable Development 2012-2015 Jamaica BOLT Achieving Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development 2015-2018 JAMA 2018-2021 2018-2021 JAMAICA 551 50 Outcome Strategy Policy Programme .....2027-2030 10 10#11معا Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework (MTF) Provides the Results, Strategic and Policy Framework for the development of Strategic and Operational Plans of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and other partners in development - Aligned to Vision 2030 Jamaica and the SDGs Serves as the selection criteria for Government priority projects - assessed by the Public Investment Management System (PIMS) and then included in the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) Serves as the results and strategic framework for Integrated Results-Based Management in Government, including, Medium Term Results-Based Budgeting (MTRBB) SUSTAINABLE GOAL DEVELOPMENT てく اد Serves as the implementation framework for the SDGs in Jamaica ✓ 11 11#12Alignment for Implementation of the MTF Results Strategy Alignment + Alignment + Programme Alignment = Implementation of the MTF 12 12#13Sector Plans Government of Jamaica VISION 2030 JAMAICA MEDIUM TERM SOCIO-ECONOMIC POLICY FRAMEWORK ON 2030 SION 2030 JAMAIS VISION 2030 JAMA CA VISION 2030 JA VISION 2030 JAMA JAMAICA VISION 2030 JAMAI NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN VISION 2030 JAM CA Sector Policies and Strategies CURE & PROSPEROUS FUTUR Road Map for SDG Implementation in Jamaica JAMAI 2018 2021 JAMAICA 55 Evidence-based processes, including Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) E^gingflow (W&E) From National Strategic Planning to Implementation Corporate and Operational Plans of MDAs Country Programmes Local Sustainable Development (IDPs) Plans (LSDPs) Corporate and Operational Plans of other partners in development 13#14How Will Jamaica Achieve the SDGs? The SDGs have been integrated in Jamaica's implementation of Vision 2030 Jamaica and the strategic priorities of the country, including the country's priority strategies for achieving growth VISION 2030 JAMAICA National Development Plan TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SSS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING QUALITY 4 EDUCATION GENDER EQUALITY 6 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION NO POVERTY ZERO HUNGER AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH INDUSTRY INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE REDUCED 10 INEQUALITIES SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES RESPONSIBLE 12 CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION 13 CLIMATE 14 LIFE LIFE BELOW WATER ON LAND 16 AND STRONG ACTION PEACE, JUSTICE INSTITUTIONS PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 14#15ROADMAP FOR SDG IMPLEMENTATION IN JAMAICA, 2017 £3 UN 50 IL MEM DIP YEARS A ROADMAP FOR SDG IMPLEMENTATION IN JAMAICA I. Alignment: Assessing national priorities and the SDGs II. From planning to action: Prioritizing SDG accelerators III. Financing the SDGs 10 IV. Data, monitoring and reporting V. Coordination: Institutional mechanisms VI. Advocacy: A Vision 2030 Jamaica action campaign CO January 2017 The Road Map for SDG Implementation identifies Vision 2030 Jamaica as the vehicle for advancing the SDGs in Jamaica, and the MTF as the mechanism for SDG implementation. 15#16Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Vision 2030 Jamaica MTF 2015-2018 showed the alignment between the National Goals and Outcomes and the SDGs JAME Alignment of Vision 2030 Jamaica and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 1: Jamaicans are Empowered to Achieve their Fullest Potential A Healthy and Stable Population World-Class Education and Training Effective Social Protection Authentic and Transformational Culture With Agende 20-30 culture is viewed in a suiting there related to education, sustainable cities, fed suits, de cuvinent E Assinal: consumption and production patterns. peaceful and inclusive societies. Goal 2: The Jamaican Society is Secure, Cohesive and Just Security and Safety E Authentic and Transformational Culture MTF 2018-2021 has expanded on this and also shows the alignment between the National and Sector Strategies and the SDG Targets The 2016 assessment to inform “A Road Map for SDG Implementation in Jamaica" demonstrated a 91 per cent alignment between Jamaica's national development agenda/Vision 2030 Jamaica and the SDGS MTF 2018-2021 shows an over 95% alignment Goal 3: Jamaica's Economy is Prosperous A Stable Macroeconomy An Enabling Business Environment LTAY Strong Economic Infrastructure Energy Security and Efficiency A Technology-Enabled Society Internationally Competitive Industry Structures Goal 4: Jamaica has a Healthy Natural Environment Sustainable Management and Use of Environmental and Natural Resources ABO 15AMM Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change 1M 00 ABUZ 8 Sustainable Urban and Rural Development A 13 16#17Development Performance up to 2019/20 Jamaica advanced from the intermediate to advanced stage of the demographic transition; the population growth rate is zero (0) and life expectancy is approximately 74 years. Working age population - largest age group; decreasing child population and increasing elderly population. This means reduced dependency. The size of the working age population offers a demographic bonus that under appropriate circumstances can reap a dividend. 17#18intionel Development Plan VISION 2030 JAMAICA National Development Plan Development Gains Period ending 2019 / Pre COVID-19 Economic growth in some industry structures-tourism and agriculture Governance, particularly in Government Effectiveness Human Capital Development Infrastructural Development and Housing Quality Increases in the use of non-fossil-fuel based energy such as alternatives and renewables Macro- Economic Stability Reduction in Unemployment 18#19tional Development Plan VISION 2030 JAMAICA National Development Plan Development Gains (Cont'd.) Period ending 2019 / Pre COVID-19 Improvements in the Delivery of Justice Services - Case Clearance Decreasing trend of serious crimes although the rates remain undesirable and there are fluctuations Gains in poverty reduction (national, child, food poverty) from previous slippages TQ Strengthening of Evidence- and Results- Based Management Systems 19#20JAMAICA elopment Plan VISION 2030 JAMAICA National Development Plan Economy 0 Development - Areas of Concern Period Ending 2019 / Pre-COVID-19 Economic Growth has been consistent (2013-2019) but low Productivity and foreign exchange earnings pose concerns Need for further strides in business environment, logistics, science, technology and innovation (STI), digitalization and creative industries Human Capital Development and Education ⚫ Trend of Improvement in HDI but slight slippage in Ranking over the period 2014-2019 0 Performance/Certification of Labour Force, including tertiary level education; and participation in education (equity, inclusion) Health • Concerns of Non-Communicable Diseases and endemic and emerging Communicable Diseases (Chik-V, Zika); Health systems development Social Protection • Undesirable levels of poverty- - rates increased with global economic crisis but have been improving and meeting targets in recent years Security and Safety • Undesirable rates of serious and violent crimes and rate of recidivism Environment and Sustainable Settlements • Environmental Performance Index (EPI), # Local Sustainable Development Plans (LSDPs) and Access to Secure Tenure did not meet targets ERBM, Governance, Institutional processes, Inclusion IRBM, M&E, Risk Management and Resilience across sectors and at national and local levels - capacity development 20#21JAMAICA'S DEVELOPMENT RESULTS AGAINST 2018 TARGETS 33% 4% 27% 36% Met or Exceeded Target (2018) Improved over Baseline but did not meet target Equal to or worse than baseline year of 2007 Could not be measured 21 24#22Goal #3 "Jamaica's Economy is Prosperous" Development Slippages - 2020 10.2% Average unemployment rate increased to 10.2 per cent, up from 7.7 per cent for 2019. 9.9% Real GDP declined for the calendar year 2020 22 22#23I Security and Safety (2020) Category 1 Crimes murder, shooting, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, break-ins and larceny Consistent Decline Murder Rate 207.29 per 100,000 population Lowest since 2009 and Baseline Year 2007 48.37 in 2020 Increase from 45.88 in 2019 23 23#24· · Areas of Concern Post COVID-19 Resilience, Governance, Digitalization, Institutional Processes, Inclusion Environment Environmental concerns remain amidst heightened awareness of public health. concerns, including environmental health. Concerns about prioritization of climate related issues within the context of economic contraction and other issues related to the pandemic Security and Safety • Remains a concern, with experts and indicative data suggesting that community and domestic violence and abuse are of increasing concern. Health • • COVID-19 as global public health crisis - a novel communicable disease; and the implications morbidities/NCDs regarding Social Protection CO- Government interventions towards income and social security Partnerships have been supporting those who are vulnerable • • • • • Education Equity and inclusion in educational access and participation - digital divide and access to technology, socio- economic status and parental support; and implications for educational outcomes, certification and labour force Economy Economic Contraction Disruption in employment and income Transitions/transformations in work and the requirements of the business environment • Governance, institutional strengthening, logistics, agility and technology enablement/digitalization keys to resilience and adaptation - ERBM, Governance, Institutional Processes, Inclusion • Coherent Strategy and Policy Development • Capacity Building needed#25NATIONAL GOAL GOJ Strategic Priorities - 2021/22 - 2024/25 Vision 2030 Jamaica and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) NATIONAL • Social Protection •Healthcare and Wellness JAMAICANS ARE EMPOWERED TO ACHIEVE THEIR FULLEST POTENTIAL Human Capital Development NATIONAL GOAL 2 THE JAMAICAN SOCIETY IS SECURE, COHESIVE AND JUST . Rule of Law and Timely Justice Outcomes GOAL 3 Sustainable and Inclusive Development underpinned by Effective Governance Macro-Economic Stability and Fiscal Sustainability Inclusive Sustainable Economic Growth and Job Creation . Inclusive Sustainable Economic Growth and Job Creation JAMAICA'S ECONOMY IS PROSPEROUS NATIONAL GOALA JAMAICA HAS A HEALTHY NATURAL ENVIRONMENT#26Goal #3 "Jamaica's Economy is Prosperous" Macro-Economic Stability and Fiscal Sustainability 01 02 03 • Reduce debt-to-GDP ratio •Manage inflation within targets • Fiscal discipline#27Goal #3: Jamaica's Economy is Prosperous Inclusive Sustainable Economic Growth and Job Creation - Focal Areas • Socio-economic environment for business • growth and development and job creation Economic transformation through structural reforms including labour market, and financial and tax systems • Economic Diversification . Digitalization and Technology Enablement Job creation - ❖ with focus on sustainable/green jobs in areas such as renewable energy and water; and strengthening the international competitiveness of existing industries. including creative industries, tourism, manufacturing ⚫ Institutional Capital Building / Strengthening - efficiency, waste and cost reduction towards government effectiveness B A D C Infrastructural development - transport and works, sustainable settlements Institutional Capital Building / Strengthening - Support to Public Sector Transformation and + Modernization#28VISION 2030 JAMAICA National Development Plan Goal #3 "Jamaica's Economy is Prosperous Logistics and BPO STRATEGY . Works Flood Control Infrastructure Resilience Road and Bridge Maintenance Transport • Modernization of Transport Infrastructure & Island Transport Authority Strong Economic Infrastructure Water Water Sector Policy and Implementation Plan 2019 Rain Water Harvesting Electricity • Build Technical Capacity of Generation Procurement Entity (GPE) Strategy#29JAMAICA evelopment Plan VISION 2030 JAMAICA National Development pr Goal #3 "Jamaica's Economy is Prosperous" International Relations • and Trade Improve technology-based management and digitalization Develop Economic Diplomacy Strategy and Plan Trade and Investment Facilitation & Service Delivery Improve: • Import and export services • Investment and business • development services Accessibility of e-Services (Digital Government) • Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO) AN ENABLING • BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT#30VISION JAMAICA elopment Plan 2030 JAMAICA National Development Plan Goal #3 "Jamaica's Economy is Prosperous STI Road Map A Technology-Enabled Society STI Measurement Mining & Quarrying Internationally Competitive Industry Structures Agriculture • Productivity, Logistics/supply chain • Food Security ICT Transformation • Spectrum Managemnet • Records and Information Management • Information Sharing Policy#31Inclusive Sustainable Economic Growth and Job Creation Goal #4 "Jamaica has a Healthy Natural Environment . • Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change Sustainable Urban and Rural Development Priority Strategies • • • Disaster risk management, including post-disaster recovery Protect and revitalize coastal and forest areas Build the capacity for communities to address climate change - including vulnerable coastal communities Sustainable water and land management • Waste management • Urban Renewal 31#32Rule of Law and Timely Justice Outcomes • Transformative culture - values and attitudes Modernized law enforcement machinery and robust offender management Security and Safety: Citizen, Maritime and Cyber Security Crime Reduction Strategies include: Social Development ; Pubic Order and Community Safety Rule of Law Timely Justice Effective Governance Justice Reform; Anti- Corruption; Public Sector Modernization and Transformation Institutional Strengthening Security and Safety; Effective Governance (SDG 16, Peace and Justice) Swift and sure justice process Improved Border and Territorial Protection National Strategies/Outcomes National Strategy Impact National Outcomes 32#33Human Capital Development • Child and Youth Development • Child Care and Protection ⚫• Lifelong Learning • Governance and Accountability . Information and Communications Technology (ICT) • Quality Education and Training · Stakeholder Engagement • Health and Wellness 33#34Health and Wellness COVID-19 Strategic response includes: Continued strengthening of • • • Primary health care Secondary and tertiary health care Health Information Systems System of surveillance and treatment of infectious diseases Health promotion and preventative interventions • Focus on other communicable diseases; environmental health; sexual and reproductive health; maternal, child, adolescent, and sex-based health, and geriatrics • Systems for managing non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including mental health • Health infrastructure Education and Training Implement COVID-19 responses Distance/Virtual learning - resources; expand broadband access and broadband connectivity - Equitable access by and among educational and training institutions Digitalization and Technology - ICT Infrastructure and Technology Enablement; Tablets in Schools and targeting the vulnerable Adapt infrastructure to blended learning (online and face-to-face) Prioritize early childhood education Empowering teachers Parenting support#35Social Protection To include: • Legislative and Policy Formulation • Poverty Reduction . Reform of Social Security ● Asset Creation - security of shelter and tenure • Access to Potable Water, Clean Environment, Road • Safety Targeted focus on vulnerabilities, including: ■ Multi-dimensional poverty and multi- • dimensional justice, including ✓ social and income insecurity ✓ inequitable and non-inclusive access to public goods and services Disabilities/Persons with disabilities (PWDs) 35#36The Objectives - Development of MTF 2021-2024: Identify Identify the medium-term development outcomes and targets Identify Identify the medium-term Strategies and Programmes to advance the national strategies towards the achievement of the 2030 Goals and Outcomes and integration of SDGs - prioritize COVID-19 recovery, resilience, and growth. Identify Identify the financing resource needs and organizational/institutional drivers 36#37What does this mean? (The National Goals) Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential Where do we want to be by 2030? (The National Outcomes) 1. A Healthy and Stable Population 2. World-Class Education and Training 3. Effective Social Protection 4. Authentic and Transformational Culture The Jamaican society is 2 The just 5. Security and Safety 6. Effective Governance 3 Jamaica's economy is prosperous Jamaica has a healthy natural environment 7. A Stable Macroeconomy 8. An Enabling Business Environment 9. Strong Economic Infrastructure 10. Energy Security and Efficiency 11. A Technology-Enabled Society 12. Internationally Competitive Industry Structures 13. Sustainable Management and Use of Environmental and Natural Resources 14. Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change 15. Sustainable Urban and Rural Development Vision 2030 Jamaica - SDG Alignment • • SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 1 NO POVERTY 2 ZERO HUNGER 3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING W 4 QUALITY EDUCATION GENDER EQUALITY 6 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION 7 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY DECENT WORK AND 8 ECONOMIC GROWTH 13 CLIMATE ACTION 14 M LIFE BELOW WATER 9 INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE 10 15 ON LAND LIFE 16 REDUCED INEQUALITIES 11 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES € PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS PARTNERSHIPS 17 FOR THE GOALS 12 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION GO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Vision 2030 Jamaica Goals and Outcomes – Aligned with SDGS Priority Medium Term Strategies and Actions - Aligned with SDG Targets 37 32#38Upcoming & On-Going Related Initiatives Develop • Develop Cost Estimation Framework for the MTF and Cost MTF 2021-2024 Update Update the 28 Vision 2030 Jamaica Sector Plan Documents (comprising 31 Sector Plans) Strengthen Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework and Plan for Vision 2030 Jamaica and SDGs 38#39Vision 2030 Jamaica...Advancing the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals...Leaving No One Behind JLS Jonra VISION 2030 JAMAICA Development Goals (SDGS).mic one behind! VER JLS JAMAICA LIBRARY JLS SERVICE Transforming Lives Empowering Comman VISION VISIO VISION JAMAICA JOCUCA VISION JAMAN VISION JAMAICA VISION 30 JAMAICA 30 VISION CANABLE OFFIONT ALS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS VISION GOALS A JAMAICA VISON 20 JAMAICA N JAMAICA Kingston S 5150, (876) 960-9339 "The Best Stock SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS DEVELWABLE GOALS SUSTAINABLE GOALS SUAVELONLE GOALS SUST DEVEL GO SUST DEVI GO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS CABLE GOMC SUST EXCHANGE JAMAICA STOCK BLOOMBERG 39#40WE ARE SOCIAL VISION 2030 JAMAICA National Development Plan f NDP http://www. [email protected] 40

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