ESG Q1 FY24 Update slide image

ESG Q1 FY24 Update

Key Financials Revenue from operations 3,762 3,912 26% YOY 4% QOQ 3,297 3,507 3,100 Q1 FY23 Interest Cost Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 85% YOY 308 368 464 507 571 13% Q0Q PAT Trend 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE All figures are in Cr. OSBI card 5% YOY 1% QOQ 627 596 593 526 509 Q1 FY23 Operating Cost Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Key Insights: 1,974 1,834 1,980 18% YOY 1% QOQ 1,663 1,960 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Credit Cost 60% YOY 14% QOQ 546 533 630 719 450 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 COF increased by 37bps, due to increased proportion of long-term borrowings Interest income yield increased by 20 bps, helped absorb higher COF, NIM almost stable at 11.5% Gross credit cost increased to 6.8% vs 6.3% PQ. Specific segments identified and actions underway to reduce credit cost. 10
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