ESG Q1 FY24 Update

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26th & 27th June 2023



#1INVESTOR PRESENTATION Q1 FY24 25 SBI Card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE 25 years of PRIME ENABLING EVERYDAY MOMENTS OF JOY. 53 012345678901 VIJAY KUMAR VIJAY KUMAT OSBI Card SimplyCLICK 4323 0123 4567 8901 VISA OSBICard SimplySAVE 4567 8901 2/27 RuPay PLATINUM#2INDEX 1 Key Highlights 2 Portfolio Growth 3 Financial Update 4 Asset Quality 5 Borrowings & Capital Adequacy 6 ESG 7 Shareholders Summary 8 Annexures 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI card#3Key Highlights 25 OSBI Card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE 23 13 4971#4Key Highlights for Q1 FY24 Continued business growth, focus on profitable segments 10.97 lacs New A/cs 22% YOY 20% QoQ 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI Card 1.73 Cr * 73,913 Cr * 43,271 Cr CIF 21% YoY 3% QoQ Spends Receivables ▲ 30% YoY 6% QoQ ▲ 24% YoY 3% QoQ Balance Sheet Profitability Business Volumes * 593 Cr PAT ▼ 5% YoY Cost to Income 56.4% 1% QoQ 10 bps YoY 167 bps QoQ ROAA 5.1% 194 bps YoY 31 bps QoQ 23.3% ROAE 756 bps YoY 129 bps QoQ GNPA 2.41% ▲ 17 bps YoY 6 bps QoQ NNPA 0.89% ▲ 9 bps YoY ▲ 2 bps QoQ 22.9% CAR 173 bps YoY 15 bps QoQ LCR 86% (Stat. Req. 70%) 4#5Portfolio Growth YEARS 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE SBI card#6Key Business Metrics New Accounts (Lacs) 16.34 12.95 13.71 9.02 10.97 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Retail Spends (Cr) 22% YOY 20% QOQ Cards-in-force (Cr) 1.43 21% YOY 3% QOQ 1.73 1.68 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI card Receivables (Cr) 30% YOY 6% QOQ ! 43,271 I 40,722 33,215 28% YOY 5% QOQ Jun'22 Mar'23 Jun'23 Jun'22 Mar'23 Jun'23 54,562 55,520 58,347 50,895 45,488 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Corporate Spends ( Cr) 10% YOY 4% QOQ ◉ 16,166 15,565 14,183 14,273 11,411 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Key Insights: Interventions to focus on sourcing of profitable segments. Net card additions ~ 600 K, aspire to continue ~20% market share in net addition. Robust growth in retail spends, Corporate spends ~ 21% of overall spends IBNEA increased to 62% vs 61% PQ#7Portfolio Growth Spend per Avg Card (* '000) 170 171 179 176 173 130 140 142 136 137 T T T Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q3 FY23 Ret+Corp Ret 30 day spend active rate % 25 OSBI Card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE Receivable per Card (*) 25,445 23,202 24,318 24,293 24,949 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Receivables(Cr)/Mix % 33,215 37,730 38,626 40,722 43,271 Interest Earning Receivables 50% 50% 51% 50% 50% 61% 61% 62% 35% 35% 37% 37% 38% 26% 24% 24% 24% 24% 38% 41% 39% 39% 38% Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Transactor Revolver EMI Strong momentum on spends growth leading to higher receivables and increased IBNEA 7#8Retail Spends Insights 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI card % Growth^ Online Spend % 52% 54% 44% 57% 55% Spends Categories Category 1 Departmental Stores, Health, Utilities, Total Spends POS Spends Online Spends Education & Direct Marketing 1% 5% 1% Category 2 Consumer durables, Furnishing & 17% 11% 41% Hardware, Apparel & Jewelry Category 3 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Q1 FY24 Travel Agents, Hotels, Airline, Railways, Entertainment & Restaurant 11% 7% 15% ^ Q1 FY24 Over Q4 FY23 | Category analysis excludes Fuel & Automotive Service category. POS growth faster than online in Q1 FY24 Travel, Dining & Entertainment continues to grow at 11% QoQ vs 5% overall growth 8#9Financial Update 25 OSBI Card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE 121578#10Key Financials Revenue from operations 3,762 3,912 26% YOY 4% QOQ 3,297 3,507 3,100 Q1 FY23 Interest Cost Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 85% YOY 308 368 464 507 571 13% Q0Q PAT Trend 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE All figures are in Cr. OSBI card 5% YOY 1% QOQ 627 596 593 526 509 Q1 FY23 Operating Cost Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Key Insights: 1,974 1,834 1,980 18% YOY 1% QOQ 1,663 1,960 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Credit Cost 60% YOY 14% QOQ 546 533 630 719 450 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 COF increased by 37bps, due to increased proportion of long-term borrowings Interest income yield increased by 20 bps, helped absorb higher COF, NIM almost stable at 11.5% Gross credit cost increased to 6.8% vs 6.3% PQ. Specific segments identified and actions underway to reduce credit cost. 10#11P&L Summary Q1 FY24 Q4 FY23 QoQ YOY I Total Income -Revenue from Operations -Interest Income | -Fees & Other Revenue 4,046 3,917 3% 24% All figures are in Cr. 25 OSBI Card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE Revenue from operations (* Cr) (Composition Mix %) 3,912 3,762 4% 26% 1,804 1,672 8% 30% 2,108 2,090 1% 23% 3,100 3,762 3,912 134 154 571 507 I 1,960 1,980 1,515 1,429 719 630 797 800 593 596 I-Other Income Interest Cost Operating Cost Earning Before Credit Cost Credit Cost PBT PAT Key Metrics IYield 16.9% 16.7% 20bps -13bps ¡COF 7.1% 6.7% 37bps 197bps Q1 FY23 Interest Income NIM 11.5% 11.5% -8bps -176bps Instance Based & Others Cost to Income% 56.4% 58.1% -167bps 10bps 'Credit Cost 6.8% 6.3% 51bps 129bps IROA 5.1% 5.4% -31bps -194bps -13% -17% 13% 85% 7% 7% 7% -1% 18% 21% 22% 21% 6% 17% 14% 60% 27% 26% 26% -0% -5% -1% -5% 45% 44% 46% Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 ■Spend Based Subscription Based 11#12Asset Quality YEARS 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE 4321017 PRIME OSP SBI card VIJ 1) Simply 4321 01234567 8901 VIJAY KUMAR 12/27#13Asset Quality I Gross Credit Cost I-Gross Write off -Provision Recoveries Net Credit Cost | Gross Credit Cost % Net Credit Cost % PCR % 1 ECL % GNPA % NNPA % | | II | | I I II II II | I 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE All figures are in Cr. OSBI card Receivables (Cr) (Composition Mix %) Q1 FY24 Q4 FY23 QoQ YOY 718 628 14% 60% 33,215 40,722 43,271 622 541 15% 53% T 97 88 10% 132% 2% 2% 2% 8% 5% 5% (116) (152) (24%) (22%) 603 477 26% 101% 89% 92% 92% 6.8% 6.3% 51bps 129 bps 5.7% 4.8% 94 bps 202 bps Q1 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 63.8% 63.6% 24 bps -129 bps ■Stage 1 ■Stage 2 ■Stage 3 3.4% 3.3% 3 bps -5 bps 2.41% 2.35% 5bps 17 bps 0.89% 0.87% 2 bps 9 bps Provision (Cr) (% of NEA) 1,136 65.1% 1,361 63.6% 1,457 63.8% Actions underway to control credit cost Specific cohorts identified for portfolio action Collection efforts intensified 5.8% 1.7% Q1 FY23 ■Stage 1 4.7% 1.7% Q4 FY23 4.8% 1.7% Q1 FY24 13 ■Stage 2 ■Stage 3#14Portfolio Insights Cards-in-Force As on 30 Jun 23 New Sourcing For Q1 FY24 46% New Accounts O- 1.06 58% SBI ■ Open Market O SBI ■ Open Market 54% 42% 0.82 Salaried Category 29% 46% Salaried 61%; Self employed 39% 0.99 17% Age Profile 0 49% 34% 23% 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI Card By City Tier 27% O 32% Tier 3/Others: 55% 18% 25% Govt/PSU Cat A ■Cat B ■ Under 30 ■ 31-45 ■>45 Tier 1 ■ Tier 2 ■ Tier 3 ■ Others 1.08 0.82 16% 1.20 21% 22% 36% O 28% 1.09 0.75 36% ■Govt/PSU ■ Cat A ■Cat B Salaried 80%; Self employed 20% 25% O 1.00 54% ■ Under 30 ■ 31-45 Indexed 30+ delinquency 1.05 23% 0.98 ■>45 ■ Tier 1 39% 0.97 ■ Tier 2 ■ Tier 3 ■ Others Tier 3/Others: 38% 14#15Asset Quality by Sourcing Vintage Delinquency (Ever 90+%) by Sourcing Vintage (Excl. RBI RE and SCSS) 1 15 • • 0.86 0.59 6 MOB 12 MOB 24 MOB 30 MOB 36 MOB CY17 CY18 CY19 CY20 CY21 CY22 Delinquency curve for CY19 sourcing relatively worse Performance of recent sourcing in line with expectations Credit cost expected to trend lower as proportion of newer (better quality) vintages increases 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE Self-Employed Segment OSBI card 0.75 1.64 Q3 FY20 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Indexed 30+ Delinquency Indexed Sourcing Share Growth Strategically increased sourcing from self-employed segment and tier3/4 segments . Tier 3/4 1.67 0.9 Q3 FY20 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Indexed 30+ Delinquency Indexed Sourcing Share Growth Tier 3-4 delinquencies showing downward trend#16Actions underway Pre-acquisition Portfolio Management 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI Card Collections Low limit card sourcing restricted * Locations curtailed basis viability Credit line reduction in high-risk segments Cross ܀ sell restricted segments exposure for high-risk Customized digital interventions to drive contacts and payments Strengthening Collection. infra in remote locations. ❖ Tightened controls on Ho new acquisitions Field allocation strategy fine-tuned to build more. intensity Specific segments identified and actions underway to reduce credit cost.... 16#17Borrowings & Capital Adequacy 25 OSBI Card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE#18Borrowings & Capital Adequacy Borrowings Mix Capital Adequacy 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI card 2% 4% 3% 9% 13% 32% 30% 30% 26% CAR 24.7% 24% 23.2% 23.3% 23.1% 22.9% 5% 4% 2% Tier 1 21.5% 61% 63% 65% 66% 20.2% 64% 20.6% 20.4% 20.3% Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 WCDL - СР NCD TL Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 COF Trend LCR 84% 82% 85% 86% 86% 6.4% 6.8% 7.1% 5.9% 5.2% 70% 70% 70% 6.3% 6.7% 7.1% 60% 60% 5.1% 5.4% Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY24 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 COF % Weighted Daily Average COF % LCR % Q3 FY23 Q4 FY23 Stat. Requirement Q1 FY24 Credit Ratings Short Term A1+ by CRISIL & ICRA Long Term AAA/Stable by CRISIL & ICRA : LCR requirement increased by 10% from Dec 2022 COF increased by 37 bps QoQ due to increased proportion of long-term borrowings 18#19ESG YEARS 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE SBI card OSB Cardi SimplyCLICK 4321 0123 45678901 JAY /#2020 20 ESG Q1 FY24 Update -Creating Value with ESG Environmental Social Governance 5.25 Lac+ Trees Saved (From FY'18 to FY'24 (till Jun'23) Through paperless communication with customers 75000 Tree Saplings plantation initiative started with Sankalp Taru Foundation under our Pehel program near our 6 office locations Sewage Treatment Plant operational in Chennai Office resulting in 50% water outflow saving Employee Engagement & Welfare Easy and convenient self-access provided to employees offering various wellness & insurance benefits: Ocktolife App and Portal for Insurance Benefits enrollment and Integrated Wellness Services ✓ Annual Health Checkup on Alyve App with an additional voluntary coverage of spouse Continued services of United We Care App supporting employees & dependents in managing their mental wellbeing Unlimited medical teleconsultations on Mfine App for employees & their dependents Increasing Awareness Amongst Employees World Earth Day and World Environment Day Celebration with Employees Constant awareness campaigns & plantation drives during the quarter. Awareness drives to reduce food wastage in 2 major locations initiated amongst employees in cafetarias Employee Learning & Development 15K+ hours invested in competency & skills enhancement trainings covering 98.5% employees Inclusion & Diversity Financial Literacy Workshop for Women Employees was held on 26th & 27th June 2023 organized by internal women network (AIM) Code of Conduct awareness campaign & mandatory acknowledgment taken from all employees. Data Privacy & Security PCI DSS Certification received assuring cardholders' data security standards Information and Cyber Security training rolled out to all employees to spread awareness on Information Security and data privacy Innovative Technologies & Digitization ✓ Revamped SBI Card Mobile app for customers with easy navigation features for customers Improved Customer experience by newly launched digitized credit card statement delivery through WhatsApp to customer 25 OSBI Card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE Serving Communities Rural Development added as a new focus area with an aim to undertake projects that will augment the quality of life in rural regions identified Reach of our CSR projects increased to 20 states/union territories in India New Projects: Skill Development: Healthcare: Project with Healthcare Sector Skill Council (HSSC) to train 540 youths in Health Care job roles Project with Noida Deaf Society to enable 650 deaf youth with professional job-related skills and successfully enabling them to be employed. Project to support 125 uniquely identified elderly beneficiaries by providing with food, medical care at SHEOWS Old Age Home Delhi and SHEOWS Old Age Home Garhmukteshwar#21Shareholders summary 25 OSBI Card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE#22Shareholders Summary Shareholding Pattern, 30th June 2023 Resident Individuals 3.75% MF 11.79%. FPI 9.48% Insurance Others 4.66% 1.36% 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI Card Top 20 Shareholders as on 30th June 2023 S. No Name of Shareholder % 1 State Bank Of India 68.96 2 Life Insurance Corporation Of India - P & Gs Fund 1.99 3 Life Insurance Corporation Of India 1.83 4 Hdfc Trustee Company Limited-Hdfc Flexi Cap Fund 1.06 5 Government Pension Fund Global 1.02 6 Icici Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited 0.69 7 Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund 0.65 8 Icici Prudential Long Term Equity Fund Tax Savings 0.55 9 Icici Prudential Value Discovery Fund 0.45 10 Nippon Life India Trustee Ltd-A/C Nippon India Large Cap Fund 0.43 Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund, A Series Of Vanguard 11 0.43 International Equity Index Funds 12 Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund 0.40 13 Mirae Asset Tax Saver Fund 0.39 14 Promoter Group 15 Nippon Life India Trustee Ltd-A/C Nippon India Multi Cap Fund Mirae Asset Focused Fund 0.37 0.36 SBI & Subs. 16 Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund 0.34 68.96% 17 Nippon Life India Trustee Ltd-A/C Nippon India Focused Equity Fund 0.33 (SBI - 68.96%) 18 Hdfc Trustee Company Limited - Hdfc Tax Saverfund 0.33 19 Abu Dhabi Investment Authority - Monsoon 0.33 20 Icici Prudential Banking And Financial Services Fund 0.29 22 22#23Annexures 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE YEARS SBI card#24Balance Sheet Statement Description Mar'23 Jun'23 Assets Loans (Net) 39,361 41,813 Cash & Bank Balances 1,354 1,228 Investments 2,140 2,053 All other Financial Assets 559 696 Total Financial Assets 43,414 45,790 PP&E, Intangible & Right of use assets 574 550 Tax Assets 252 260 All other non-financial Assets 1,306 1,316 Total non-financial Assets 2,132 2,126 Total Assets 45,546 47,916 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE All figures are in Cr. OSBI card Liabilities and equity Equity Share Capital Other Equity Total Equity Borrowings All other financial liabilities 946 946 8,884 9,478 9,830 10,424 31,110 32,957 3,091 2,986 Total financial liabilities 34,201 35,943 Provisions 638 631 Other non-financial liabilities 876 918 Total non-financial liabilities 1,514 1,549 Total liabilities and equity 45,546 47,916 24 24#25Profit and Loss Statement Description Interest Income Q1 FY23 1,387 Q4 FY23 iQ1 FY24 1,672 1,804 Fees and commission income Sale of Services 1,538 1,786 1,898 35 45 39 Business development incentive income 140 258 170 Insurance commission income 1 1 1 Net gain on fair value changes Total Revenue from operations Total Other Income Total Income/Revenue Finance costs 0 3,100 163 3,762 3,912 154 134 3,263 3,917 I 4,046 308 507 571 Fees and commission expense 331 403 393 Impairment on Financial Instruments 450 630 719 Employee benefits & Expenses 139 152 145 Depreciation, amortisation & impairment 39 45 48 Operating & Other expenses 1,155 1,380 1,374 Total expenses 2,422 3,117 I 3,250 Profit before tax 841 800 I 797 Profit after tax 627 596 593 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE All figures are in Cr. OSBI Card 25#26Explaining Returns 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI card Q1 FY24 Q4 FY23 QoQ YOY Interest Income 15.4% 15.1% 33bps -8bps Fees and other Income 18.2% 18.9% -71bps -113bps Recoveries 1.0% 1.4% -38bps -66bps Total Revenue 34.6% 35.4% -76bps -187bps Finance Costs 4.9% 4.6% 30bps 144bps Operating Costs 16.8% 17.9% -111bps -183bps I | Earnings before Credit Costs 13.0% 12.9% 5bps -148bps Credit Costs 6.2% 5.7% 46bps 111bps 1 PBT 6.8% 7.2% -41bps -259bps Taxes 1.7% 1.8% -10bps -65bps ROAA 5.1% 5.4% -31bps -194bps Avg Assets/Avg Equity 4.6 4.6 ROAE 23.3% 24.6% -129 bps -756 bps 26#27Structural Liquidity (ALM) Assets Liability Maturity Profile - Jun'23 7,281 4,549 2,066 1,607 7,067 6,435 6,559 6,627 6,423 3,899 4,336 3,117 3,158 2,757 6,600 4,993 829 11,802 2,882 2,845 1-7 D 8-14 D 15-30/31 D 1-2M 2-3M 3-6M 6-12 M 1y-3y 3y-5y >5 yr Inflows Outflows Cumulative Mismatch 5,215 8,158 10,695 11,202 8,912 12,218 12,618 11,011 8,958 0 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE All figures are in ₹ Cr. OSBI Card ✓ ✓ Well Matched ALM ₹ 4,066 Cr (16%) of sanctioned bank lines unutilized & available for draw down as of Jun'23 27 22#28Product Brief Super Premium Core Cards Vady Ch Banking 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE Co-Brand Cards Retail Travel OSBI Card PRIME OSBI Card OSBI Card lifestyle homecente OSBI Card CLUB Vistara OSBI Card PRIME »))) Elite 381 0123 4567 8901 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR ACAL 0123 4567 8901 LANDMARK HEWARDS 4354 1412 3456 7890 PRIME VISA 5321 0123 4567 8901 12/25 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR VISA ALOTHE 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR Signature VIJAY KUMAR Signature VISA Signature VIVAAN BHATT AURUM SBI Card Elite mastercard SBI Card PRIME Central Bank of India SBI OSBI Card Lifestyle Home Centre SBI Card Club Vistara SBI Card PRIME Vijay Kumar fabindia SBI Card SELECT SBI Card VISA OLA Money SBI Card u onl כוח רכב!! 4321 0123 4567 8901 12/25 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR VISA Signature ETIHAD QUEST SBI Card Card SBI Card SBI Card UCO Bank OSBI Card SimplyCLICK 4321 0123 4567 8901 MONTH YEAR 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR VISA VIJAY KUMAR >))) SimplySAVE 6528 9812 3456 7890 RuPay »))) Elite CAL 0323 4567 8901 WALD THRU 12/25 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR Platinum VISA PLATINUM VIJAY KUMAR VISA Signature Signature SimplyCLICK SBI Card SBI Card CASH B<CK ADITYA KAPOOR VISA Cashback SBI Card SimplySAVE SBI Card UCO Bank SBI Card PULSE NAME SURNAME SBI Card >)) SBI Card Pulse Fabindia SBI Card SBI Card ΤΟ ΤΑΤΑ »))) Elite EL 0123 4567 8901 5242 4792 8123 6789 TITANIUM 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR 5242 MONTH YEAR VISA See suceso 122MasterCard Signature PSB SBI Card Tata Card Karnataka Bank SBI Card SHAURYA SBI Card SBI card Unnati VIJAY KUMAR 6543 2101 2345 6789 12/25 RuPay 432% 23 4567 4902 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR VIJAY KUMAR VISA » PRIME 4321 0123 4567 8901 12/25 VISA Akshara Singh Rathore Signature AIRFORCE/ARMY/NAVY SELECT Platinum Shaurya Select SBI Card SBI Card Unnati Karnataka Bank SBI Card Air India SBI Signature Card QSBI Card VIJAY KUMAR OCTANE 432257 8901 VISA VIJAY KUMAR Signature VISA BPCL SBI Card OCTANE Etihad Guest SBI Premier Card OSBI Card yatra SBI Card titanium 528455 7890 5321 0123 4567 8901 MONTH/YEAR 12/25 VIJAY KUMAR RuPay> VIJAY KUMAR mastercard PLATINUM Paytm SBI Card SELECT IRCTC SBI Card Premier Yatra SBI Card 28#29Market Share Sacard SBI Card SimplyCLICK 1323 012357 ARC VIJAY KUMAR 43 012345678901 SimplySAVE 97 4901 CARDS IN FORCE Dominant credit card player in India SPENDS VISA 25 OSBI card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE TRANSACTIONS 19.6% 19.1% 19.4% 18.3% 18.7% 19.2% 19.7% 19.8% 17.9% 17.8% 17.7% 17.4% I FY20 FY21 FY22 I FY23 * FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 * FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23* *As per RBI report available till June'23 29#30Recent Developments 25 OSBI Card MAKING LIFE SIMPLE 25 years of SBI Card ENABLING EVERYDAY MOMENTS OF JOY. Launch of Paytm SBI Card on RuPay Network. SBI Card, Paytm and NPCI joined forces to further drive credit inclusion with the launch of Paytm SBI Card on RuPay network. Designed for the digitally-savvy customers, the card offers rewards and benefits when used on the Paytm App at online and offline stores. Akshara Singh Rathore Paytm SBI card 4129 4712 4567 8901 VALID TILL 12/25 cv 378 SBI Card Silver Jubilee - Integrated Campaign On the occasion of SBI Card completing 25 glorious years in May this year, an integrated campaign was rolled out to celebrate this momentous milestone. The offer-driven campaign was aimed to further deepen SBI Card's connect with the customers while conveying them gratitude for their constant support to the brand. Key Activities: • • • : Print Ad Full page jacket ad across prominent national dailies. : Radio A first-of-its-kind radio activity where listeners were delighted with 25 hours of ad- free music (Fever FM & Radio City in Delhi & Mumbai). : Outdoor OOH at select locations in Gurugram & Mumbai. Digital: Comprehensive digital campaign leveraging multiple touchpoints across social media platforms, through posts, tweets, stories ; along with elaborate promotion on leading platforms like TOI, ET, Network 18 etc. osaicard 25 25 gears of celebrations P Every are whed a messes w For 25 years, we have weed tords were the world of 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE Indies legest nee play credit card player Tuned brand artha 15 melon cars a force One of the last co-brand cards portfolio Mabile Apated 4.5 Apr Ste&Pay Store OSBI Card 25 25 25 years OF CELEBRATING TRENDING TOPICS aval exce CITY NEWS Police officer falls to death while trying to Haler Up to 22.5% INSTANT DISCOUNT Crede C 12% INSTANT DISCOUNT avail exclusive offers Join the celebrations & EVERYDAY JOYS CDDO 25 10% Cashback 200 Instant Click here OSBI Card 25 RuPay> THE TIMES OF INDIA જીવનની મજા કરો ક લેબમાં મૂક 1st time e sarah-been Up to LG OS0Icard 26% INSTANT DISCOUNT* at 10 with 581 Credit Card osaicard 25 25 years of SBI Card Mobile App UI Revamp SBI Card Mobile App homepage UI has been revamped with the aim at creating clear visual hierarchy, bring richness and structure of content to simplify the customer journey and navigations. This project is being executed in phases with a core objective to ease self-servicing and increase convenience of booking cross-sell offers. AM Hi AMOL MOON Elite ****0205 $11,743.02 Limit Utilised View Card €1,51,000.00 Total Credit Limit Summary of last bill, dated 24 Jun 2023 Total Amt. Due 9,790.00 Due on 14 Jul 2023 Pay in EMI Mn Amt. Due 490.00 VISA Pay Now Last amount paid *23,095.00 on 07 Jun 2023 View Account Details → Encash Inline Your credit limit is now available as instant funds >)) JCB D 田 ^ Home EMI & More Pay Services More 30#31ESG Engagements- Q1 FY24 Waste Management Awareness campaign at 25 Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) in Ghaziabad Ichet iPCA tra&Copy Duhding Workshop MASS Satinente utan 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE "World Environment Day" | Employee Awareness Programme on waste segregation & promote recycle products "World Earth Day" | Plantation Drive in Sikanderpur, Gurugram SAVE EARTH OSBI Card 31#32Glossary 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI Card Term New Accounts Card-in-force Spends Receivables Market share - CIF Market share - Spends Averages Spends per card Average loans per cards Yield % COF % Cost to Income % ROAA ROAE Shareholders' equity Sum of all accounts opened in a reporting period. Description Sum of all credit cards issued by us, including suspended credit cards that may be reactivated in future, net of cancelled and deactivated credit cards. Total card spends constitutes the aggregate notional amounts transacted by our cardholders in a reporting period. Total credit card receivables outstanding from our cardholders at end of the reporting period. Market share of total cards outstanding is calculated by dividing our total cards outstanding by the industry-wide total cards outstanding, as obtained from data published by the RBI. Market share of total card spends is calculated by dividing our total card spends by the industry-wide total card spends, as published by the RBI, for the reporting period. 2-point average for quarter and 5-point for yearly calculations Average card spends per cards outstanding is calculated by dividing our total card spends by the average total cards outstanding for the period (annualized) Average loans per cards outstanding is calculated as total loans at the end of the reporting period divided by total cards at the end of the reporting period. Calculated as interest income from cardholders divided by average receivables for the period (annualized) Calculated as total finance costs for the period divided by average borrowings (including lease liabilities) for the period (annualized) We calculate our cost to income ratio as operating and other expenses divided by total income after subtracting Finance cost. Calculated as net profit divided by average total assets for the period (annualized) Calculated as net profit divided by the average shareholders' equity for the period (annualized) Shareholders' equity is defined as sum of share capital, reserves and surplus excluding reserves created out of amalgamation 32#33Disclaimer 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE OSBI Card The information contained in this presentation is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or invitation to sell or purchase any securities of SBI Cards and Payment Services Limited in India or in any other jurisdiction. This presentation is not intended to be a prospectus or an offer document under any applicable law. This presentation may contain certain forward looking statements which have purely been made basis Management's expectations, assumptions and estimates, known or unknown risks. Such statement typically contain the terms / phrases (including but not limited to) "will", "believe", "aim", "may", "would", "expect", "would /may result", "goal", "strategy", "anticipate", "intend", "seek", "plan", "objective", "contemplate", "project", "anticipate", etc., These statements are neither factual nor based nor do they constitute any historical information about the Company and are subject to change / uncertainties in future. The actual financial or other results may materially differ from such statements and the investors are advised not to make any decisions merely on these. The Management is further not expected to update these in future as and when there is a change impacting such estimates / possibilities. The recipients should carry their own due diligence in respect of the information contained in the presentation. This presentation is strictly confidential and is intended only for the exclusive use of the recipients thereof, subject to the provision state herein, and may not be disclosed, reproduced, retransmitted, summarized, distributed or furnished, in whole or in part, to any other person. This presentation should not form basis or be relied upon in any connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. Figures for previous period/year have been regrouped or recategorized wherever necessary to conform to the current period's/year's presentation. Totals in some columns/rows/graphs may not agree due to rounding-offs. 33#34Thank You YEARS 25 MAKING LIFE SIMPLE 4321017 PRIME OSP SBI card VIJ 1) Simply 4321 01234567 8901 VIJAY KUMAR 12/27

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