Espirito Santo Oil & Natural Gas Yearbook 2021 slide image

Espirito Santo Oil & Natural Gas Yearbook 2021

APPENDIX Complementation of the list of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAES) of the Oil and Natural Gas industry chain of production The complementation of the list of the National Classification of Eco- nomic Activities (CNAES) of the pro- ductive chain of the Oil and Natural Gas industry used in this yearbook was prepared based on two meth- ods. The first was the conversion of the Mercosur Common Nomen- clature (NCM) of exported products used in the "External Sector" section of this Yearbook for CNAES46. The second was the mapping through a consultation of the "Manual on National Classification of Eco- nomic Activities version 2.0"47 which, in most cases, describes which CNAE activities "x" supplies or provides services. Table 12 - List of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAES) of the oil and natural gas industry chain of production References ANP. Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis. Anuário Estatístico Brasileiro Do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis 2021. Rio de Janeiro: ANP, 2021. Dados Abertos Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento e Inovação (PD&I). Disponível em: <https:// ovacao-pd-i>. Acesso em: dezembro de 2021. Declaração de comercialidade. Disponível em: < ploracao-e-producao-de-oleo-e-gas/gestao-de-contratos-de-e-p/orientacoes-aos-concessionarios-e-contrat- ados/declaracao-de-comercialidade CNAE CNAE Description 6000 Extraction of oil and natural gas Link of the O&G chain of production E&P 9106 Oil and natural gas extraction support activities E&P 19217 Manufacturing of oil refinement products Oil byproducts 19225 Manufacturing of oil byproducts, except for refinement products Oil byproducts 20215 Manufacturing of basic petrochemical products Petrochemicals 20223 Manufacturing of intermediaries for plasticizers, resins and fibers Petrochemicals 20291 Manufacturing of chemicals and organic products not previously specified Petrochemicals 20312 Manufacturing of thermoplastic resins Petrochemicals 20321 Manufacturing of thermosetting resins Petrochemicals 20339 Manufacturing of elastomers Petrochemicals 35204 Production of gas Supply 46818 Wholesale of solid, liquid and gas fuels, except for natural gas and LPG Supply 46826 Wholesale of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) Supply 20941 Manufacturing of catalysts Chain of Supply 25110 Manufacturing of metal structures Chain of Supply 28291 Manufacturing of machines and equipment for general use not previously specified Chain of Supply 28518 Manufacturing of machines and equipment for prospection and extraction of oil Chain of Supply 28691 Manufacturing of machines and equipment for specific industrial use not pre- Chain of Supply viously specified 30113 Construction of vessels and floating structures Chain of Supply Chain of Supply Chain of Supply Descomissionamento de instalações. Disponível em: < tos/exploracao-e-producao-de-oleo-e-gas/seguranca-operacional-e-meio-ambiente/descomissionamen- to-de-instalacoes>. Acesso em: março de 2022. Edital de licitações de oferta permanente. Versão nº 02.02. [outorga de contratos de concessão para exploração ou reabilitação e produção de petróleo e gás natural]. ANP - agência nacional do petróleo, gás natural e biocombustíveis. Rio de Janeiro, 30 de julho de 2021. Indícios de hidrocarbonetos. Disponível em: < consulta-hidrocarbonetos-constatados/consulta.xhtml>. Acesso em: março de 2022. Investimentos em PD&I. Disponível em: < to-e-inovacao/investimentos-em-p-d-i>. Acesso em: dezembro de 2021. Oferta Permanente. Disponível em: < nente>. Acesso em: março de 2022. Projetos de PD&I. Disponível em: < volvimento-e-inovacao/investimentos-em-pd-i/novo-projetos-de-pd-i>. Acesso em: dezembro de 2021. Resolução nº 03/2005. Estabelece definições, diretrizes e normas para a aplicação dos re- cursos a que se referem às Cláusulas de Investimento em Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (PD&I). Dis- ponível em: <>. Acesso em: dezembro 2021. Fonte laborbandealsantives relative to architecture and engineering 77390 Rental of machines and equipment not previously specified Source and preparation: Ideies/Findes 46. IBGE publishes a table for converting NCM 47. You can access the document at: https:// into CNAE at: cacoes/correspondencias.html liv36932.pdf Resolução nº 50/2015. Estabelece definições, diretrizes e normas para a aplicação dos recur- sos a que se referem às Cláusulas de Investimento em Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (PD&I). Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: dezembro 2021. REFERENCES
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