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Investor Presentaiton

Highlights New Proposals in the Resumption of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program - Family Perspective São Paulo - SP PROPOSED CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONDITIONS Family with a gross income of R$ 1,650. CURRENT CONDITIONS Down R$ 69,000 Down R$ 59,100 Down payment payment A= -10,000 payment R$ 34,900 A= -34,200 Supplemental Discount R$ 47,500 Supplemental R$ 55,000 Supplemental R$ 55,00 Discount A= +7,500 Discount A= +7,500 Financing R$ 81,400 Financing R$ 83,900 Financing R$ 108,100 A= +2,500 A= +26,700 Installment CURRENT CONDITIONS CR 25% + 360 months Rate R$ 408.00 CR 25% + 360 Rate months Installment PROPOSED CONDITIONS R$ 409.00 Installment CR 30% +420 months R$ 490.00 PROPOSED CONDITIONS Down payment R$ 25,300 Property value of R$ 198,000 Rate Family with a gross income of R$ 1,980. Data from 4,426 properties acquired in São Paulo/SP by families with an income of up to R$ 2,400.00 in 2022, under the Assistance program: Average value: R$ 189,000 • Minimum value: R$ 98,000 • Maximum value: R$ 264,000 Source: ABRAINC / Ministério das Cidades Down payment R$ 58,200 Down R$ 54,400 payment A= -3,800 Supplemental Discount R$ 42,100 Supplemental R$ 42,900 Discount A=+0,8 Thousand Financing R$ 97,700 Financing R$ 100,600 Supplemental Discount Financing A= +2,900 Rate CR 25% + 360 months Rate Installment R$ 490.00 CR 25% + 360 months Installment R$ 490.00 Rate A= -23,900 R$ 42,900 A= +0,8 thousand R$ 129,700 A= +32,000 CR 30% +420 months Installment R$ 588.00 15
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