Investor Presentaiton
Several projects are developed or supported by Viveo through tax deductions,
based on mechanisms such as the Culture Incentive Law (Pronac), the Sports Law,
the Fund for Childhood and Adolescence (FIA), and the Elderly Law. In 2021, the
investments made by the company through these mechanisms reached R$ 866.7
thousand, with emphasis on donations made to Hospital São Jose, Jaragua do Sul
(SC). The Projeto Viva e Deixe Viver project (SP, RJ, PE, BA, DF and RS), the Olga
Kos Institute of São Paulo (SP), and APAE of Tubarão (SC).
Social Responsibility
The Company understands that so-
cial responsibility is a theme that
affects the entire organization and
encourages employee engagement
and voluntary participation in the so-
cial projects it supports.
Another R$ 481.7 thousand in products were distributed for the benefit
of the communities through donations, among which stand out:
Donation of medicines and materials to Amazonas: support
to the state in the face of the serious health crisis experienced
in the first quarter of the year, with the donation of products to
combat Covid-19.
Together We Win: A project that made the donation of products
to families living in a state of social vulnerability in Rio de Janeiro
Downwind Solidário: In support of the Dharma Institute, the do-
nation of medicines and medical materials were made for an ex-
pedition along the coast of Ceara to provide medical care, donate
food and PPE, and raise children's awareness about the environ-
ment. One volunteer collaborator also participated in the project.
Adopt a Little Angel: An institution was chosen to lend support
during the Christmas season, based on the survey of its main
needs. Voluntary donations were made by the Company's em-
ployees, proportional to their wherewithal. In 2021, in addition to
the collaboration for external institutions, Viveo also made it pos-
sible for employees of the Blumenau factories to benefit from
the action in total, 61 family members were included in the
Sustainability Report 2021View entire presentation