Investor Presentaiton
Tax Incentives Assistance Project (TIAP)
The Tax Incentives Assistance Project (TIAP) is sponsored by a coalition of public
interest nonprofit groups, government agencies, and other organizations in the
energy efficiency field. It is designed to give consumers and businesses information
they need to make use of the federal income tax incentives for energy efficient
products and technologies passed by Congress as part of the Energy Policy Act of
2005 and subsequently amended several times.
⚫ TIAP activities include the following:
Providing through this web site, information to consumers, businesses, and
energy-efficiency firms.
Working with the Departments of Treasury, Department of Energy and other
agencies on rules to implement the tax incentives.
Providing information, presentations and technical assistance to state and
utility program implementers who want to use the federal tax incentives to
complement their local programs.
Networking with professional associations, trade associations and firms that
provide products and services eligible for the tax incentives. entire presentation