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#1COMBINED HEAT AND POWER Samuel Thomas Butzer, PE, LEED AP BD&C Mechanical Engineer @ ZMM Architects and Engineers President-Elect for WVASHRAE WVUSGBC Board Member#2Credit and Acknowledgement: • US Department of Energy (DOE) • US Energy Information Administration (EIA) • Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (CCES) • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • International Energy Agency (IEA) International District Energy Association (IDEA) • American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Energy Efficient West Virginia (EEWV) • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Arthur Hallstrom, Lucas Hyman • Select Corporations and Manufacturers.....#3Agenda • West Virginia Energy Conventional Power Generation Combined Heat and Power Emissions Fuel Cells ⚫Funding and Technical Assistance#4West Virginia Energy#5WV Energy Production • West Virginia ranked fifth among the states in total energy production in 2011, producing 4.9% of the nation's total (TX, WY, PA, LA, WV). In 2012, West Virginia was the largest coal producer east of the Mississippi River and the second largest in the nation after Wyoming; the state accounted for 12% of the U.S. total coal production that year. In 2012, 45% (54 million short tons) of the coal that was mined in West Virginia was shipped to other states, and 40% (47 million short tons) was exported to foreign countries. • Coal-fired electric power plants accounted for 95% of West Virginia's net electricity generation in 2013, and renewable energy resources-primarily hydroelectric power and wind energy-contributed 4.1%. • West Virginia typically generates more electricity than it consumes; in 2010, 56% of its net electricity generation was consumed outside the state. Source: - US EIA#6US Energy Consumption By Sector Industry 23.2% (22.7 QBtu) Buildings 48.7% (47.8 QBtu) Transportation 28.1% (27.5 QBtu) U.S. Energy Consumption by Sector Source: Ⓒ2011 2030, Inc./ Architecture 2030. All Rights Reserved. Data Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (2011).#7WV Energy Consumption by Sector WEST VIRGINIA CONSUMPTION BY END-USE SECTOR, 2011 (PERCENT) TRANSPORTATION 23% INDUSTRIAL 38% Source: Energy Information Administration RESIDENTIAL 23% COMMERCIAL 16% IER#8Typical Building Energy Breakdown Cooking, 2.0% Other, 13.2% Computers, 3.2% Refrigeration, 4.1% Electronics, 6.3% Water Heating, 6.8% Unaccounted, 5.5% Ventilation. 6.0% Space Cooling, 13.1% Lighting, 25.5% Space Heating, 14.2%#9WV Energy Consumption WV Energy Consumption per Capita by End-Use Sector 2012 • Residential: WV ranked 2nd with 85.5 Million BTU • Commercial: WV ranked 22nd with 59.3 Million BTU Industrial: WV ranked 13th with 148.3 Million BTU Transportation: WV ranked 16th with 96.1 Million BTU • Total: WV ranked 15th with 389.2 Million BTU US Population by State and Energy Consumption Ranking 2012 (per Capita) • California is #1 in population and #49 in total consumption • Texas is #2 in population and #6 in total consumption ⚫ New York is #3 in population and #50 in total consumption Florida #4 in population and #44 in total consumption. Illinois # 5 in population and #26 in total consumption • West Virginia is #38 in population and #15 in total consumption Source: sum/html/rank use capita.html&sid=US - US EIA#10Average Price of Electric Energy (per kWh) - West Virginia – 2013 (2012) Residential $0.0952 ($0.0985) = • Commercial = $0.0816 ($0.0842) Industrial = $0.0620 ($0.0633) Transportation = $0.0868 ($0.0866) • All Sectors = $0.0791 ($0.0814) National Average – 2013 (2012) - • Residential = $0.1212 ($0.1188) • Commercial = $0.1029 ($0.1009) Industrial = $0.0682 ($0.0667) Transportation = $0.1028 ($0.1021) • All Sectors = $0.1008 ($0.0984) Notes: • WV average electricity prices dropped 2.9% from 2012 to 2013 US average electricity prices increased 2.4% from 2102 to 2013 WV average electricity prices are 27% lower than US average Source: Electric Power Monthly (02/2014) - US EIA#11Current WV Energy Codes Commercial = ASHRAE Standard 90.1 – 2007 Adoption Date = 07/18/2012 • Effective Date =09/01/2013 . Approved Compliance Tool = COMcheck • Residential = IECC - 2009 == • International Energy Conservation Code . Adoption Date = 07/18/2012 • Effective Date = 11/30/2013 Approved Compliance Tool = REScheck Commercial and Residential Building Codes are Mandatory Statewide; However Adoption by Jurisdictions is Voluntary. Source: US DOE and ACEEE#12Code Enforcement and Compliance ⚫ State Fire Marshal: Will not review plans for ASHRAE 90.1 or IECC 2009 compliance • Submit COMcheck / REScheck form to include with building record file • Contractors, Builders, and Architects: Currently Responsible for Compliance, Enforcement and Liability • WV State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers (WVSBRPE) - Authorized Company (COA) - Create list of pledged companies • West Virginia Code Officials Association (WVCOA): Only for Jurisdictions that have adopted the state codes • State of West Virginia: . Priority Create a Department for State Plan Review • Fund and Train WVCOA, Review Plans, Enforce Codes, Inspect Buildings, Impose Fines and Penalize Non-Compliance#13Current WV Codes Adopted by the State Fire Commission (AHJ) 2012 International Building Code 2009 International Energy Conservation Code ⚫ 2012 International Existing Building Code ⚫ 2012 International Fuel Gas Code 2012 International Mechanical Code • 2012 International Plumbing Code ⚫ 2012 International Property Maintenance Code • 2009 International Residential Code Source: International Code Council#14State Energy Code Adoptions WA NH VT ME OR D MT ND MN WI SD WY NY MA RI CT NV UT ΤΑ NE IL IN PA HO NJ OH DE CA WV DC CO VA MD KS MO KY NC TN AZ OK NM AR AK HI SC MS AL GA TX LA ASHRAE 90.1-2013/2015 IECC, 20 equivalent, or more energy efficient ASHRAE 90.1-2010/2012 ECC, equivalent, or more energy efficient 13 Older or less energy efficient than ASHRAE 90.1-2007/2009 ECC, or no statewide code. Adopted new Code to be effective at a later date FL American Samoa Guam N. Mariana Islands Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands ASHRAE 90.1-2007/2009 ECC, 21 equivalent, or more energy efficient As of May 2015#15Current US Energy Efficiency Ranking American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) produced the 2014 International Energy Efficiency Scorecard Report • (1) Germany - 66 • (2) Italy • (3) the European Union • (tied for 4) China (tied for 4) France ⚫ (tied for 6) Japan (tied for 6) United Kingdom 100 Possible Points 31 Metrics 4 Groups . Cross-cutting aspects of energy use at the national level 3 primary energy consumption sectors • (8) Spain (9) Canada (10) Australia (11) India . . • • Buildings Industry Transportation (12) South Korea (13) United States - 42 (14) Russia (15) Brazil (16) Mexico We are wasting money and energy that other countries are using to reinvest! Source: - ACEEE#16Ultimate Energy Efficiency Goal Max-Tech • Maximum technical efficiency achievable by equipment and systems • Does not include renewable or on-site power production. Net-Zero • Zero Net energy consumption • Requires Renewable Energy Building is still connected to grid#17Energy Use Index (1975 Use =100) 120% 100% USA New Commercial Construction Standard Strigency 1975-2015 90-75 90A-1980 90.1-1989 90.1-1999 90.1-2001 90.1-2004 90.1-2007 80% 150 Ton AC Chiller 60% 40% 20% 500 Ton WC Chiller 10 Ton Rooftop Historical Whole Building Savings 90.1-2010 Path A -Path A Path B Path B 90.1-2013 Future Target 0% 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Year#18110% 100% 90% Regulated Buidling Energy Use vs ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Commercial HVAC Efficiency Requirements ASHRAE 90.1 (2007 & 2010) Building Target MaxTech Limit Full Load Efficiency 20% 10% 0% 80% 70% 60% MaxTech Part Load Efficiency 50% 40% 30% Average ASHRAE 90.1 2013 Requirements Equipment Level Limit ד-- Possible Path to nearly Net Zero Buildings Systems Approach & Renewable Energy -7--7 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 Year#19Power Generation#20Mitchell Power Plant - Moundsville, WV#21Electrical Power Generation Thermodynamic Rankine Cycle of Water: 1 to 2 - Isentropic pumping of water into boiler 2 to 3 Heating water to its boiling point 3 to 4 = Vaporizing water into dry steam 4 to 5 = Superheating the dry steam 5 to 6 6 to 1 = isentropic expansion of steam in turbine Condensing the turbine exhaust steam back into water Subcooled Liquid Saturated Superheated Vapor W turbine Temperature (T) Liquid pump 2 Saturated Vapor Liquid Entropy (S) Vapor Liquid + vapor Isobars lines of constant pressurel in the above T.S diagram T-S Diagram of Rankine Cycle for Steam to Electric Power חוו 1 Q Tout "Necessary Thermodynamic Losses of a Heat Engine Producing Electrical Power in a Rankine Cycle"#22Conventional Power Generation • Power station, generating station, power plant, powerhouse or generating plants all involve the conversion of thermal energy (fuel) into mechanical energy (prime mover) into electrical energy (generator). Classified by fuel: • Fossil Fuel - coal and natural gas. ⚫ Nuclear • Classified by Prime Mover: • Steam turbine • Gas turbine 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - Waste heat must be rejected and is > or = to electrical energy produced ⚫ typically rejected to atmosphere (cooling tower) or body of water (lake or river).#23U.S. Energy Use Estimated U.S. Energy Use in 2009: -94.6 Quads Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Solar 0.11 0.01 (b) Nucle 1939 8.35 (c) 7.04 (0) Electricity Generation 38.19 2.66 (d) 18.30 (4) 0.70 (g) Wind 9.70 0.32 (h) Geothermal 0.37 Natural Gas 23.37 Coal 19.76 0.43 (u) Biomass 3.88 REVISISOM 0.10 (a) Net Electricity Imports 9.12 (mm) 12.08 2.25 (pp) 26.10 (00) Rejected Energy 54.64 4.65 G Residential 11.26 9.01 0.03 0 0.43 (v) 1.16 (aa) 4.87 (p) 1.70 (qq) 4.51 (hl 0.02 (1) Commercial 8.49 6.79 (kk) 3.19 (n) 0.02 (e) 0.06 (s) (0.60 (bb) 3.01 (gg Energy Services 39.97 4.36 (r) 0.11 (w) 7.58 (m) 7.77 (cc) Industrial 21.78 17.43 (0) 1.40 (0 2.00 (x) 0.92 (y) /0.39 (2) 0.69 (1 0.03 iff) 25.34 (dd) Trans- portation 26.98 20.23 (ss) 6.74 (mm) Source: LLNL 2010. Data is based on DOE/EIA-0384(2009), August 2010. If this information or a reproduction of it is used, credit must be given to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Department of Energy, under whose auspices the work was performed. Distributed electricity represents only retail electricity sales and does not include self-generation, EIA reports flows for non-thermal resources (ie, hydro, wind and solar) in BTU-equivalent values by assuming a typical fossil fuel plant "heat rate." The efficiency of electricity production is calculated as the total retail electricity delivered divided by the primary energy input into electricity generation. End use efficiency is estimated as 80% for the residential, commercial and Industrial sectors, and as 25% for the transportation sector. Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. LLNL-MI-410527#24"Waste Not, Want Not" Coal 51.1% Natural Gas 16.9% More than two-thirds of the fuel used to generate power in the U.S. is lost as heat Petroleum 0.2% Other Gases 0.4% Nuclear Electric Power 19.6% Other 0.18% Net Imports Unaccounted for 0.46% Renewable Energy 10.1% of Electricity 0.1% Conversion Losses 63.9% Plant Use 1.7% T&D Losses 3.1% Residential 11.1% Commercial 10.6% Industrial 8.2% Transportation 0.1% Direct Use 1.3% Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory#25History of Power Production Initially Power Plants were located near populations that required the electricity - fuel was transported to plant. • Since the 1870's power plants were designed to reject waste heat to consumers (combined heat and power or district heating). • As Efficiency of Scale and High-Voltage AC power distribution technology evolved, it became more cost-effective to produce power near the fuel source and "pump" the electricity to the consumer. • Some large-scale power generation stations still operate as CHP using District Heating steam distribution: • Consolidated Edison of New York operates NY steam system (largest). ⚫ Denver, Seattle, Minneapolis, Omaha, Pittsburgh, San Diego, Seattle, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago and so on... • Many College Campuses#26District Heating - CHP NOT TO SCALE INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT ENERGY ASSOCIATION IDEA Member District Energy Systems In the United States Figure 2- District energy systems operated by IDEA members are in 38 of the United States. US Department of Energy (Census 1992) estimates that there are over 2500 district energy systems. operating in United States.#27CCGT Power Generation • Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Assembly of heat engines that work in tandem from the same source of heat ⚫ Fuel Sources • Natural Gas Synthesis Gas (coal) • CCGT - Brayton Cycle • Steam - Rankine Cycle 54% Efficiencies • Newer Plant Design Τ 3 6 Working principle of a combined cycle power plant (Legend: 1-Electric generators, 2-Steam turbine, 3-Condenser, 4-Pump, 5-Boiler/heat exchanger, 6-Gas turbine)#28John E. Amos Power Plant - Winfield, WV#29On-Site Power Generation Prime Movers: Internal Combustion (IC) Engines • Natural Gas • Diesel • Gasoline • Bio-Diesel • Combustion Turbine Generators (CTG) - Microturbines • Natural Gas • Biogas- landfill gas, gases produced from municipal and agricultural waste. Fuel Cells • Hydrogen (most abundant element in the universe) • Natural Gas - Steam Reformation Steam Boiler: • Natural Gas, Coal Biofuels solid and gaseous On-Site power production creates facility electrical system resiliency and redundancy. Much higher efficiencies available: • Eliminate transmission losses Combined Heat and Power#30Conventional vs. CHP Conventional Generation: Combined Heat & Power: 5 MW Natural Gas Combustion Turbine Losses (68) Power Station Fuel Power Plant 30 Combined (98) Heat And EFFICIENCY: 31% CHP 154 Power 100 Fuel EFFICIENCY: 80% - CHP- (56) Heat 45 Heat Boller Fuel Losses Losses Boiler (11) (25) 49% TOTAL EFFICIENCY.... 75% Source: U.S. EPA: Combined Heat and Power Partnership, "Efficiency Benefits!" Note: This figure shows an example where cogeneration uses only 100 units of fuel to produce an amount of electricity and useful heat that would require 154 units of fuel via separate heat and power production. in#31Conventional vs. CHP Plant Losses 75 Units Fuel Input 115 Units Utility Syelem (35%) Grid Losses 5 Units Plant Losses 20 Units Electricity 35 Units Electricity (35%) CHP Fuel Input 100 Units Fuel Input 55 Units Local Boiler (82% 11) Heat 45 Heat (69%) Units Plant Losses 10 Units Source: Sustainable On-Site CHP Systems, Meckler and Hyman#32CHP Benefits • Efficiency Benefits CHP captures heat that is normally wasted and therefore requires less fuel to produce a given energy output, and avoids transmission and distribution losses that occur when electricity travels over power lines. ⚫ Reliability Benefits CHP can be designed to provide high-quality electricity and thermal energy to a site regardless of what might occur on the power grid, decreasing the impact of outages and improving power quality for sensitive equipment. • Environmental Benefits Because less fuel is burned to produce each unit of energy output, CHP reduces air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Economic Benefits CHP can save facilities considerable money on their energy bills due to its high efficiency and can provide a hedge against unstable energy costs. • Energy Security Benefits By reducing our national energy requirements and help businesses weather energy price volatility and supply disruptions. Diversify our energy supply by enabling further integration of domestically produced and renewable fuels.#33CHP Sites • Industrial manufacturers - chemical, refining, ethanol, pulp and paper, food processing, glass manufacturing • Institutions - colleges and universities, hospitals, prisons, military bases • Commercial buildings - hotels and casinos, airports, high- tech campuses, large office buildings, nursing homes • Municipal - district energy systems, wastewater treatment facilities, K-12 schools • Residential - multi-family housing, planned communities#34CHP Thermal Uses • Additional Power (combined cycle) Space Heating Space Cooling • Domestic Hot Water • Swimming Pool Heat Desiccant Dehumidification Product Drying • Process Heat#35Major CHP Components • Prime Movers - IC, CTG • Heat Recovery Systems - HRSG, HEX Thermal Chillers - Absorption, exhaust fired • Steam Turbines • Desiccant Dryers - removes absorbed moisture • Emission Control and Monitoring Systems • Gas Compressors • Electric Gear - rectifiers, invertors, transformers#36Prime Movers Internal Combustion Generator Combustion Turbine Generator#37Gas Turbine or Engine With Heat Recovery Unit Water Heat Recovery Unit Hot Exhaust Gases Fuel Engine or Turbine Steam or Hot Water Cooling/Heating Building or Electricity Facility Generator Grid#38Trigeneration or CCHP Trigeneration 2nd Law of Thermodynamics "Waste Heat Must Be Rejected" Fuel Heat Absorption Chilled water chiller Cooling Electricity CHP Supply CHW HVAC system CHP heat CHP can reach up to 85% efficiency Heat Load Boilers "Top up" heat#39Water Cooled Absorption Chiller 101°F Cooling Water 211°F Condenser -111°F Refrigerant 172°F 69mm Hg 59% Solution 240°F Steam/Hot Water Generator 64% Solution 7mm Hg Evaporator 126°F 62% Solution Lithium Bromide and Water Vapor t 94 F Cooling Water 44°F Chilled Water 54°F 6mm Hg Absorber: 41°F Refrigerant 100°F 59% Solution 85F Cooling Water how it works.htm#40CHP Facility Schematic Exhaust Steam or hot water Desiccant system Absorption chillers Steam turbine Air handler generator Heat recovery unil Process loads Fuel Engine/ turbine Generator Fuel cell Electricity Dehumidification Electric chillers Cooling/heating Building or facility Source: Srinivas Katipamula, Ph.D, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory#41Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Air Fuel (FM) HRSG drum Superheater Boiler SCR Exhaust gas Gas turbine Nox monitor (TIC) Stack Nox/03 Economizer monitor ☐ Accumulator FC M 0 Vaporizer Ammonia storage tank) NH3 NH3/Air mixer flow- Dillution air blower control Legend: FC - Flow control valve TIC Temp indicator control FM - Fuel meter Source: Combined Heating, Cooling, and Power Handbook (2002)#42FIGURE 3 CONVENTIONAL PLANT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 0 TO 16,000 LBS/HR 125/15 PSIG REDUCING STATION 6" HPS GO TO 9360 LBS/HR 17,500 LB/HR 125 PSIG SAT STEAM 16 MMBTUH 18 MMBTUH DUMP CONDENSER HWS SPACE HEATING STEAM TO HHW HEX HWR COND COND 1040 TON 2-STAGE 9 400 LB/HR ABSORPTION LBS/TON DA TANK/PLANT STEAM CHILLER COND OSA- 147,500 LBM/HR 96" DB 69" WB -- 59 F DB 56 F WB INLET SILENCER AIR FILTER 64° F 3" 40° F CWR CWS 55 TONS 15 PSIG 750 SCFM 950 BTU/CF NGS 149,600 LBM/HR 835° F 12kV GENERATOR SHAFT COMPRESSOR TURBINE 3,500 kW 480 V ES COMBUSTER 42.7 MMBTU/HR 160 PSIG 3" NG 100-HP NG COMPRESSOR (TYP OF 3) 1 BACKUP LEGEND: COND CONDENSATE DA DEAERATOR HWR HOT WATER RETURN HWS HOT WATER SUPPLY EXH EXHAUST NG NATURAL GAS HHW HEATING HOT WATER OSA OUTSIDE AIR HPS HIGH PRESSSURE STEAM SCR SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION FW CV HRSG SCR www ECONOMIZER STACK 350 F 35 GPM 180° F 5 HP FEED WATER DA TANK FW PUMP#43Fuel Storage Exhaust heat recovery (2) Engine wwww Heat exchanger Engine heat recovery (1) Inverter Electric meter Electricity Cold gas FlyWheel/alternator Stores kinetic energy Produces electricity Hot Water Hot Water Heat Reserve Heat#44IC Jacket Water Heat Recovery (30%) DW 0 EXPANSION TANK DW Jacket Water is typically 200°F HEAT RECOVERY GENERATOR ENGINE BLOCK DIL COOLER 直 AIR SEPARATOR FOR SYSTEM FILL HOHI MAKE-UP WATER VFD JWR HWS CHEMICAL POT FEEDER JWS HEAT TO LOADS EXCHANGER HWR FROM LOADS#45IC Exhaust Heat Recovery (30%) • Engine exhaust is typically at 1200° F Use the IC exhaust heat directly to: • Fire an absorption chiller (gas fired chiller) • Drive a solid or liquid dessicant system • Heat air in an exhaust-to-air heat exchanger • Produce steam/hot water in an exhaust gas heat exchanger Exhaust Gas Heat Exchanger Jacket Water Heat Exchanger Lube Oil Heat Exchanger Steam / Hot Water Cold Water w Exhaust, Natural Gas Air Ignition Source Exhaust Valve Intake Valve Turbocharger Crankshaft→ Genset | Piston AC Electricity Generator#46Microturbines Heat to User Recuperator (most units) Fuel Compressor (if necessary) Natural Gas Exhaust Low Temperature Water / Air Combuster Air- Compressor Turbine (a) block-diagram 16-1 Generator Inverter/Rectifier (most units) AC Electricity compressor camara for combustio alternator air bearings (b) structural cross-section turbine#47Steam Boiler With Steam Turbine Water Steam or Hot Water Cooling/Heating Building or Electricity. Boiler Steam Turbine Facility Generator Fuel Fossil Fuel, Solid Fuel, Biomass.... Grid#48Electrical Gear and Utilities • Rectifier - AC to DC • Inverter - DC to AC • Transformer - Change in voltage using electromagnetic induction. To Exhaust After Treatment & Heat Recovery Primary winding Np turns Primary current lp + Primary voltage Vp Magnetic Flux, Secondary winding Ns turns Secondary Is current +4 Transformer Core Secondary voltage Natural Gas Engine Vs Variable Frequency AC Rectifier DC Inverter Optional DC Input from Auxiliary Device (solar PV, Battery, Fuel Cell, etc.) Permanent Magnet Generator High Quality 3-Phase, 50 or 60 Hz Power#49Inverter Quality Used for converting DC to AC Utility companies have strict guidelines and regulations for all power generation connected to the grid. Non-standard AC power signals perturb or compromise the grid PV, wind, DC generators As power generation transforms from large-scale centralized power stations to locally produced and distributed power, major communication and technology upgrades are required for the grid. Quality of power 08- 06- 04- 02- 18-Pulse Waveform 06- 04- 02 24-Pulse Waveform M M -02- -04- -06- -08- 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 Time(s) 08 06 04- 02 -02 -04 -02 -04- -06- -08- 10 0.005 0.01 0:02 0025 0.03 48-Pulse Waveform 0.015 Time (5) 0.02 0025 0.03 Grid shut-downs -06- 08- 0 0.005 0.01 0015 Time (5) 0.02 0025 0.03#50Existing Cogeneration Capacity by Application: Existing Cogeneration Sites by System Type: Primary Metals 5% Commercial Food Institutional 12% 8% Other Manu- facturing 8% Other Industrial 6% Paper 14% Ratioleum Reming 171 Combustion Turbine 12% Recipro- cating Engine 42% Combined Cycle 7% Boiler/ Steam Turbine 23% Other 16% Existing Cogeneration Capacity by System Type: Existing Cogeneration Capacity by Fuel Type: Combined Cycle 53% Combiston Turbine Recipro- Boiler/ Steam cating Engine Turbine 2% 32% Coal 14% Natural Waste 8% Wood Gas 2% 73% Biomass 1% Other 1% Oil 1% CHP#51Facility Lighting 1.61% Facility HVAC (g). 5.55% Onsite Facility Lighting Other Facility Onsite Food Transportation 1.21% 0.50% Support 0.24% Transportation 0.32% Other Nonprocess Use 0.08% End Use Not Reported 1.61% Conventional Electricity Generation Facility HVAC End Use Not 1.13% (g) 2.82% Other Process. Other Process Use 0.50% Conventional Use 0.32% Reported 2.50% Machine Drive 14.13% Conventional Boiler Use 32.59% Electricity Generation 0.00% Electro- Chemical Processes 0.56% Conventional Boiler Use 17.23% Electro- Chemical Processes Machine Drive 27.62% Process Cooling and Refrigeration 6.46% Process Heating 22.00% 0.00% CHP and/or Cogeneration Process 31.72% Paper CHP and/or Cogeneration Process Cooling and Refrigeration 0.72% Process Heating 13.53% Process 14.73% Facility Lighting Facility HVAC (g) Onsite Conventional 0.44% Other Facility Transportation 2.75% Facility Lighting 0.11% Facility HVAC (g) 1.15% Support 0.26% 0.09% Electricity Generation 2.56% 1.12% Other Nonprocess Use 1.41% Other Process. Use 1.08% Other Process, Use Electro- Chemical 0.35% Process Cooling. Machine Drive 14.45% Conventional Boiler Use 14.98% and Refrigeration 1.06% Process Heating 50.48% Petroleum and Coal Products CHP and/or Cogeneration Process 12.78% Other Facility Onsite Conventional Support Transportation Electricity 0.04% Other Nonprocess Us Generation 0.26% 0.11% End Use Not Reported Processes 4.50% Conventional Boiler Use 20.16% Machine Drive 16.48% Process CHP and/or Cogeneration Process 25.67% Process Cooling. and Refrigeration 3.13% Heating 23.40% 1.19% Chemicals Potential for 2020 Education 7% Healthcare 12% Office 28% Food production 7% Energy- intensive industries 31% Non-energy- intensive industries 15% McKinsey's Estimates of Cost-Effective Cogeneration Potential for 2020 by Sector CHP#53CHP Project Development CHP CHAMPION Level 1 Feasibility Analysis STAGE 2 STAGE 1 Qualification STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Level 2 Feasibility Analysis Procurement STAGE 5 Operations and Maintenance . . • ● Qualification: Is My Facility a Good Candidate for CHP? Do you pay more than $.07/kilowatt-hours on average for electricity (including generation, transmission, and distribution)? Are you concerned about the impact of current or future energy costs on your business? Is your facility located in a deregulated electricity market? Are you concerned about power reliability? Is there a substantial financial impact to your business if the power goes out for 1 hour? For 5 minutes? Does your facility operate for more than 5,000 hours/year? Do you have thermal loads throughout the year (including steam, hot water, chilled water, hot air, etc.)? Does your facility have an existing central plant? Do you expect to replace, upgrade, or retrofit central plant equipment within the next 3-5 years? Do you anticipate a facility expansion or new construction project within the next 3-5 years? Have you already implemented energy efficiency measures and still have high energy costs? Are you interested in reducing your facility's impact on the environment? 1 Feasibility Analysis Contact Data: Contact information for the primary technical contact for the site. Site Data: Basic information on facility operations (hours/day, days/year) and site- specific considerations or constraints. ⚫ Electric Use Data: Information on existing electric service to the facility, and data on consumption, peak and average demand, and monthly/seasonal use patterns. ⚫ Fuel Use Data: Information on current fuel use for boilers and heaters including fuel type, costs, and use patterns. ⚫Thermal Loads: Information on existing thermal loads including type (steam, hot water, direct heat), conditions (temperature, pressure) and use patterns Existing Equipment: Information on existing heating and cooling equipment including type, capacities, efficiencies and emissions. ⚫ Other Data: Information on other site-specific issues such as expansion plans or neighborhood considerations that might impact CHP system design or operation. 2 Feasibility Analysis ⚫ Site load profiles System operational schedule . Capital cost Heat recovery • Mechanical system components · . System efficiency Sound levels Space considerations System vibration Emissions and permitting Utility interconnection System availability during utility outage Availability of incentives Maintenance costs Fuel costs Economic analysis including life-cycle analysis The purposes of a Level 2 study are to: • Replace the assumptions used in the Level 1 feasibility analysis with verified data to identify optimal CHP system configuration and sizing, appropriate thermal applications, and economic operating strategies. Estimate final CHP system pricing. . Calculate return on investment. The outcomes of a Level 2 study are: • • Pricing estimates for construction and operation and maintenance of the CHP system. Existing and projected utility rate analysis. Final project economics, including simple payback and life- cycle cost analysis of the investment. The goals of a Level 2 study are to: • Ensure that the recommended CHP system meets the operational and economic goals of the investor. Provide all the information needed to make a final investment decision. Goal: Build an operational CHP system according to specifications, on schedule and within budget. • Timeframe: 3 to 30 months, depending on system size and complexity Typical Costs: $1,000 - $4,000/ kilowatt (kW) installed • Candidate site level of effort required: Varies depending on procurement approach, similar to any construction project • Questions to answer: Is the system fully commissioned and running as designed? Will operations and maintenance be performed by site staff or will it be outsourced? If in-house, have employees been trained to perform these functions? If outsourced, have service contracts been procured for equipment or system maintenance, equipment overhaul or replacement, system availability, or monitoring and control? and Maintenance ⚫ Typical Costs: ⚫ $0.005/kilowatt-hour (kWh) - $0.015/kWh for maintenance, depending on type of equipment and operations and maintenance (O&M) procurement approach • Maintenance Contract with Equipment Manufacturer ⚫ Training Plant Operators: . Required to know about steam systems, heat recovery and high voltage • Licensing available in several states and large cities • Utility companies have internal training programs Written Guidelines and Procedures • Several options should be available where the produced steam or hot water can be fully used or shifted when electric loads change. • Ongoing maintenance of individual CHP components is essential to maintaining plant operation. Clean Power Plan 2014 30% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 • Each state required to have a specific emissions reduction target plan • Plan must be presented to EPA by 2016 • Plan must be implemented by 2020 Rate Based = Lbs CO2 per kWh • Mass Based = Lbs CO2 • Typical fuels: Lbs CO2 per kWh ⚫ Bituminous Coal = 2.08 • Sub-Bituminous Coal = 2.16 . Lignite Coal 2.18 = • Natural Gas = 1.22 ⚫ Distillate Oil = 1.68 ⚫ Residual Oil = 1.81#61Conventional vs. CHP CO2 Emissions Conventional Generation: Combined Heat & Power: 5 MW Natural Gas Emissions Combustion Turbine 36 kTons Power Station Fuel Power (U.S. Fossil Mix)L Plant Combined 186 Heat And EFFICIENCY: 31% CHP LBMMBTU Power 117 Fuel EFFICIENCY: 80% -CHP- (Gas) LB/MMBTU Heat- Heat Boiler Fuel (Gas) Emissions 117 Boiler 13 kTons Emissions 23 KTons LB/MMBTU 49 KTONS/YR ...TOTAL EMISSIONS... 23 KTONS/YR Equipment . CTG • Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) • IC • Monitors flue gas and controls injection of ammonia (NG) • NOx and SO2 reduction catalysts ⚫ diesel particulate filters • EPA US Clean Air Act established new source performance standards (NSPS) to control stationary engine emissions. • Requirements vary by fuel source. Requirements vary by state and local jurisdictions.#63CHP Emissions Calculator CHP Results DE CHP SEPA COMBINED HEAT AND POWER PARTNERSHIP The results generated by the CHP Emissions Calculator are intended for eductional and outreach purposes only; it is not designed for use in developing emission inventories or preparing air permit applications. The results of this analysis have not been reviewed or endorsed by the EPA CHP Partnership. Annual Emissions Analysis Displaced Electricity CHP System Production Displaced Thermal Production Emissions/Fuel Reduction Percent Reduction NO, (tons/year) 24.53 37.81 62.34 100% SO₂ (tons/year) 68.46 169.17 237.63 100% CO₂ (tons/year) 27.219 19.576 46.795 100% Return to CH; (tons/year) 0.000 0.531 2.292 2.822 100% Input Screen N₂O (tons/year) 0.000 0.399 0.333 0.733 100% Total GHGs (CO₂e tons/year) 0 27,353 19,728 47,081 100% Carbon (metric tons/year) Fuel Consumption (MMBtu/year) 6,730 298,939 4,840 11,570 100% 189,052 487.991 100% Number of Cars Removed 8.194 This CHP project will reduce emissions of Greenhouse Gases (CO2e) by 47,081 tons per year This is equal to 11,570 metric tons of carbon equivalent (MTCE) per year This reduction is equal to removing the carbon emissions of 8.194 cars The tool will work with a minimum of three pieces of information about the CHP system being evaluated: 1. Technology type (prime mover) 2. Size/capacity 3. Fuel type Comparison Category Annual Capacity Factor Annual Electricity Annual Useful Heat Footprint Required Capital Cost Cost of Power* Annual Energy Savings Annual CO2 Savings Annual NOx Savings 10 MW Natural Gas 10 MW CHP 10 MW Wind 85% 74,446 MWh 103,417 MWh 6,000 sq ft $20 million 7.6 €/kWh 316,218 MM Btu 42,506 Tons 87.8 Tons 34% 29,784 MWh None 76,000 sq ft $24.4 million 7.5 €/kWh 306,871 MMBtu 27,546 Tons 36.4 Tons Combined Cycle 70% 61,320 MWh None N/A $9.8 million 6.1 €/kWh 163,724 MMBtu 28,233 Tons 61.9 Tons Table Assumptions: 10 MW Gas Turbine CHP-28% electric efficiency, 68% total efficiency, 15 PPM NOx; Electricity displaces National All Fossil Average Generation (EGRID 2010)-9,720 Btu/kWh, 1,745 lbs CO2/MWh, 2.3078 lbs NOX/MWh, 6% T&D loss; Thermal displaces 80% efficient on- site natural gas boiler with 0.1 lb/MMBtu NOx emissions; NGCC NOx emissions = 9 ppm; DOE EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2011 assumptions for Capacity Factor, Capital cost, and O&M cost of 7 MW utility scale PV, 100 MW utility scale Wind (1.5 to 3 MW modules) and 540 MW NGCC; Capital charges based on: 7% interest, 30 year life for PV, Wind and NGCC, 9% interest, 20 year life for CHP; CHP and NGCC fuel price = $6.00/MMBtu. *The cost of power for CHP is at the point of use; the cost of power for PV, wind and central station combined cycle is at the point of generation and would need to have transmission and distribution costs added to the totals in the table (2 to 4 €/kWh) to be comparable.#65FUEL CELLS#66The "Ideal" Prime Mover - Fuel Cell Electrolysis of Water . • Positively charged ions (H2 cations) move towards the electron-providing (negative) cathode. Negatively charged ions (O2 anions) move towards the electron-extracting (positive) anode. Fuel Cell Schematic Electric Current All Fuel In e Air In 9-12 V H2 H₂O Plus some sall or acid Electrolysis Experiment Excess Fuel H+ H₂ H+ H₂O Unused Gases H₂O Out Anode Cathode Electrolyte#67Fuel Cells • Types: . • Fuels Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) polymer electrolyte membrane - precious metals most common - vehicles Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC) potassium hydroxide electrolyte solution most efficient - sensitive to carbon dioxide Molton Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) • high temp salt mixture suspended in an inert ceramic matrix non-precious metals for electrolyte cathode and anode do NOT require external reformer ; directly convert hydrocarbons (natural gas, biogas) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) solid ceramic electrolyte - high temperatures non-precious metals for electrolyte cathode and anode do NOT require external reformer, can handle sulfur (coal - synthesis gas) Primary Hydrogen - Secondary Natural Gas, Biogas, Synthesis Gas (Steam Reformation) Emissions • • - Primary - H2O Secondary - CO2, Sulfur Combined Heat and Power - utilize waste heat Heating Installation Waste Heat Hydrogen Fuel Cell Oxygen /Air Water DC Power Heat Supply Inverter AC Power Fuel Cells used in CHP Applications#68The Fuel Cell Fuel Cell Generator STATIONARY HYDROGEN FUEL CELL AIR UCTS LA TOYOTA BALLARD Internal Components of a Fuel Cell Generator Transformer Vault SERVICE CENTER Inverter Compartment AXINGTO Fuel Cell Module Compressor Compartment Compartment Radiator Compartment#69Hydrogen Economy Japan and Iceland committed to a hydrogen economy • Iceland has an abundance of deep earth geothermal heat. Japan is more reliant on fossil fuels as they move away from nuclear power generation. Toyota to start mass-producing fuel cell vehicles. • Fuel cell vehicles can be used as emergency generators. • Germany researching injection of hydrogen into natural gas pipelines. Japan is promoting residential fuel cells.#70Steam Reformation • CH + H₂O ⇒ CO + 3 H2 (Primary - Endothermic) 4 • CO + H2O = CO2 + H2 (Secondary - Exothermic) • Most common form of producing hydrogen from natural gas • On-board or integral reformers allow fuel cells to be powered from natural gas (methane, propane, biogas) • More cost-effective on larger scales. • General Hydrogen Corporation in Proctor, WV#71FUEL SOURCES#72Natural Gas Legend Interstate Pipelines Intrastate Pipelines Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil & Gas, Natural Gas Division, Gas Transportation Information System#73Natural Gas • Comprised primarily from methane (ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane) • Colorless and almost odorless, an odorant is added to assist in detecting leaks (rotten egg). Sources: Hydraulic fracturing for shale gas • Well drilling for NG deposits • TX, PA, WV, NM, Gulf of Mexico ⚫ State bans are occurring (NY) WVU & OSU received $11 Million from DOE/NETL for a 5 year project to study "baseline measurements, subsurface development and environmental monitoring" in the Marcellus Shale. Money will be used for research and to establish the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory • Dominion Corporation scheduled to build and operate a 550 mile interstate pipeline from WV to VA and NC. ⚫ Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Still requires federal regulator approval...#74Biomass, Biofuel and Biogas Sources Agricultural Biomass Agave Fiber Bark Chipped Mill Waste Chicken Manure Construction Debris Hulls Hog Fuel King Grass Municipal Solid Waste Paper Planer Shavings Rice Husk Rubber Sander Dust Sawdust Shavings Sludge Sugar Cane Bagasse Manufacturing Waste Landfill Gas#75Coal • Coal gasification Syngas or synthesis gas • Comprised mostly of Hydrogen, CO and CO2 • Coal liquefaction • Indirect Coal Liquefaction (ICL) - syngas into light hydrocarbons. • Direct Coal Liquefaction (DCL) - hydrogenation. • TransGas Development Systems is building a coal-to-liquids plant in Mingo County (gasoline, slag and flyash). Schedule to be operational in 2016 • Allows for Carbon Sequestration.#76FUNDING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE#77Funding Options • Client Owned • Cash - Available grants and tax incentives . . Advantages = speed, lower project risk, best life cycle cost Disadvantages = uses capital, lower secondary/resell value • Loans . . ⚫ Lease Advantages preserve capital = Disadvantages = ongoing financial commitments, interest Advantages = preserves capital, tax deduction, Disadvantages = you don't own it, higher life cycle cost • Performance Contract - Guaranteed Savings Project • Investor Owned - Rental or Capacity Purchase#78CHP Cost to Generate Power Operating Assumptions Economic Analysis ⚫ The economic benefits of any CHP project are dependent on efficient design, fuel and offset electricity costs, and capital costs. The value of these benefits will depend on the needs and goals of the investor. A feasibility analysis to determine the technical and economic viability of a project is typically performed in stages in order to minimize costs and expenses from nonviable projects. • Economic analyses have led to substantial new CHP deployment in areas with electricity prices exceeding $0.07/kWh. However, many other fuel types, system configurations, and deal structures can overcome seemingly marginal economics if there is a strong technical fit and high efficiency. CHP Power to Heat Ratio CHP Electric Efficiency (%) 32.0% 0.7 Displaced Thermal Efficiency 80.0% 95.0% Incremental CHP O&M Costs ($/kWh) CHP Fuel Cost ($/MMBtu) Displaced Thermal Fuel Cost ($/kWh) $0.0100 $8.30 $8.30 Thermal Utilization (%) Operating Cost to Generate CHP Fuel Costs ($/kWh) Thermal Credit ($/kWh) Incremental O&M ($/kWh) $0.0885 ($0.0480) $0.0100 Operating Costs to Generate Power (kWh) $0.0505 Capital Cost Installed CHP System Cost ($/kW) $1,200 Annualized Cost Factor (%) 8% Operating Hours 8,500 Capital Charge ($/kwh) $0.0113 Total Costs to Generate Power (*/kWh) $0.0618 Benefits Reduced energy costs: The high efficiency of CHP technology can result in energy savings when compared to conventional, separately purchased power and onsite thermal energy systems. To determine if CHP is likely to offer a compelling return on investment at a particular site, the costs of the CHP system (capital, fuel, and maintenance) should be compared to the costs of purchased power and thermal energy (hot water, steam, or chilled water) that would otherwise be needed for the site. Offset capital costs: CHP can be installed in place of boilers or chillers in new construction projects, or when major heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment needs to be replaced or updated. Protection of revenue streams: Through onsite generation and improved reliability, CHP can allow businesses and critical infrastructure to remain online in the event of a disaster or major power outage. Determining the economic value of CHP as backup power is explored in the white paper: Calculating Reliability Benefits ( ⚫ Hedge against volatile energy prices: . CHP can provide a hedge against unstable energy prices by allowing the end user to supply its own power during times when prices for electricity are very high. In addition, a CHP system can be configured to accept a variety of feedstocks (e.g., natural gas, biogas, coal, biomass) for fuel; therefore, a facility could build in fuel switching capabilities to hedge against high fuel prices.#80Tax Incentives Assistance Project (TIAP) The Tax Incentives Assistance Project (TIAP) is sponsored by a coalition of public interest nonprofit groups, government agencies, and other organizations in the energy efficiency field. It is designed to give consumers and businesses information they need to make use of the federal income tax incentives for energy efficient products and technologies passed by Congress as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and subsequently amended several times. ⚫ TIAP activities include the following: Providing through this web site, information to consumers, businesses, and energy-efficiency firms. Working with the Departments of Treasury, Department of Energy and other agencies on rules to implement the tax incentives. Providing information, presentations and technical assistance to state and utility program implementers who want to use the federal tax incentives to complement their local programs. Networking with professional associations, trade associations and firms that provide products and services eligible for the tax incentives. - CHP What is the tax incentive for Combined Heat and Power (CHP) property? A 10% investment tax credit for CHP property, applicable to only the first 15 MW of CHP property. Who is eligible for the incentives? • Owners of systems smaller than 50 MW may take advantage of this tax credit, and their systems must be placed into service between October 3, 2008 and January 1, 2017. Only the original constructor or user of the CHP property may take the tax credit. What are the incentives and how do they work? • The incentive is an investment tax credit, a reduction in either overall individual or overall business tax liabilities. The incentive can also be applied to the alternative minimum tax. CHP system owners/users cannot take the credit until the year that the system is operational. What do I have to do to qualify for the incentives? To qualify, a CHP system must be 60 percent efficient (on a lower heating value basis), produce at least 20% of its useful energy as electricity and at least another 20% as useful thermal energy. Resource for qualifying technologies and designs? The Environmental Protection Agency's CHP Partnership - Fuel Cell and Microturbines What are the tax incentives for fuel cells and microturbines? These incentives are tax credits for two advanced distributed generation technologies: qualifying fuel cell and microturbine systems. Fuel cells generate electricity through a chemical process. They are somewhat similar to batteries, except fuel must be fed continuously to them. Microturbines are small power generation systems using a gas turbine engine, based on related turbines used in transportation. The credits are available for systems "placed in service" in prior to December 31, 2016. Who is eligible for the tax incentives? . The credits are primarily for business use of this equipment, although individuals are eligible for the fuel cell tax incentive. Recent legislation extends the incentive to all utilities and telecommunications firms. This credit is permissible against the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). What are the incentives and how do they work? . • For fuel cells: Credits are for 30% of the cost, up to $3000 per kW of power that can be produced. To qualify systems must have an efficiency of at least 30% and must have a capacity of at least 0.5 kW. For microturbines: Credits are for 10% of the cost, up to $200 per kW of power that can be produced. To qualify, systems must have an efficiency of at least 26% and must have a capacity of less than 2,000 kW. What do I have to do to qualify for these incentives? • • To qualify, taxpayers will probably need to have evidence regarding: The cost of the system (this includes the power generation system itself and "associated balance of plant components, including, in the case of microturbines, "secondary components located between the existing infrastructure for fuel delivery and the existing infrastructure for power distribution"),* The capacity of the system, The efficiency of the system, and When it was placed in service. cells.php#83Database of Information - dCHPP CHP Policies and Incentives Database (d-chip) • Online database that allows users to search for policies and incentives by state or at the federal level • Policy makers and policy advocates can find useful information on significant state/federal policies and financial incentives affecting CHP. • CHP project developers and others can easily find information about financial incentives and state/federal policies that influence project development. Established thru EPA's Combined Heat and Power Partnership ⚫ Nothing currently exists for West Virginia CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships (CHP TAPs) NORTHWEST Dave Sjoding Washington State University 360-956-2004 [email protected] MIDWEST John Cuttica University of Illinois at Chicago 312-996-4382 [email protected] Cliff Haefke University of Illinois at Chicago 312-355-3476 [email protected] NORTHEAST Tom Bourgeois Pace University 914-422-4013 [email protected] Beka Kosanovic University of Massachusetts Amherst 413-545-0684 [email protected] PACIFIC Terry Clapham California Center for Sustainable Energy 858-244-4872 terry [email protected] Gene Kogan California Center for Sustainable Energy 858-633-856) Gene [email protected] SOUTHWEST Christine Brinker Southwest Energy Efficiency Project 720-939-8333 [email protected] MID-ATLANTIC Jim Freihaut The Pennsylvania State University 814-863-0083 [email protected] SOUTHEAST Isaac Panzarella North Carolina State University 919-515-0354 [email protected] DOE CHP Technical Assistance Partnerships (TAPs): Program Contacts Claudia Tighe CHP Deployment Lead Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy Phone: 202-287-1899 E-mail: [email protected] Jamey Evans Project Officer, Golden Field Office Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy Phone: 720-356-1536 E-mail: [email protected] Patti Welesko Garland CHP Technical Support Coordinator Oak Ridge National Laboratory Supporting, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy Phone: 202-586-3753 E-mail: [email protected] Ted Bronson DOE CHP TAPS Coordinator Power Equipment Associates Supporting, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Phone: 630-248-8778 E-mail: [email protected]#85DOE CHP TAP Contact Information James Freihaut, Director Mid-Atlantic CHP TAP Director West Virginia 104 ENGINEERING UNIT A UNIVERSITY PARK, PA 16802 TEL: 814.863.0083 [email protected] Gearold Foley NewJersey 68 BAYBERRY ROAD PRINCETON, NJ 08540 TEL:609.466.2200 [email protected] Richard Sweetser Virginia, DC & Maryland 12020 MEADOWVILLE COURT HERNDON, VIRGINIA 20170 TEL: 703.707.0293 [email protected] Bill Valentine Pennsylvania & Delaware THE PHILADELPHIA NAVY YARD 4801 SOUTH BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19112 TEL:215.353.3319 [email protected]#86Thank You Questions and Comments?

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