Atlantic Operations Overview slide image

Atlantic Operations Overview

The St Barbara Asset Portfolio Atlantic operations, Nova Scotia Atlantic Operations1 Ore Reserves Mineral Resource FY23 Prod guidance FY23 AISC guidance Simberi operations, Papua New Guinea Investment portfolio Simberi Operations¹ 46.0Mt @ 1.0 g/t for 1.5Moz Au 57.0Mt @ 1.1 g/t for 1.9Moz Au 40 - 50koz Ore Reserves Mineral Resource FY23 Prod guidance 34.8Mt @ 1.8 g/t for 2.0Moz Au 83.1 Mt @ 1.5 g/t for 4.0Moz Au Assets Cash² $294M Listed investments³ $2,075 2,315/oz FY23 AISC guidance 70-80koz $2,300 2,540/oz Catalyst (ASX:CYL), 12.7m shares Kin (ASX:KIN), 158.1m shares $10M $5M Peel (ASX:PEX), 41.5m shares $5M Exploration Portfolio 10 Back Creek (NSW) tenements Other Simberi Operations A portfolio of royalty interests of mining and exploration assets (including Calidus Blue Spec) Atlantic Operations 1. Refer to ASX release on 27 April 2023 titled "Quarterly Report Q3 March FY23". FY23 AISC guidance based on US$1,560 to US$1,725 per ounce at AUD/USD of 0.68 for the Simberi Operations and C$1,870 to C$2,085 per ounce at AUD/CAD of 0.90 for the Atlantic Operations; 2. Cash position as at 30 June 2023 after debt repayment, excluding $12M in transaction costs, $33M tax payable on Leonora asset sale and $47M set aside for Atlantic rehabilitation bond; 3. Based on ASX closing prices as at 4 July 2023. 6
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