Atlantic Operations Overview

Released by

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December 2022



#1ASX Release 5 July 2023 ◆ St Barbara Presentation to analysts and investors in Melbourne and Sydney Attached is a presentation by Mr Andrew Strelein, Managing Director & CEO, to analysts and investors in Melbourne and Sydney this week. Authorised by Andrew Strelein Managing Director & CEO For more information Investor Relations David Cotterell General Manager Business Development & Investor Relations [email protected] T: +61 3 8660 1959 M: +61 447 644 648 Media Relations Paul Ryan Michael Weir Citadel-MAGNUS M: +61 409 296 511 / +61 402 347 032 St Barbara Limited ACN 009 165 066 Level 7, 40 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000 PO Box 1161, West Perth, WA 6872 T +61 8 9476 5555 F +61 8 9476 5500 ASX: SBM ADR: STBMY#2St Barbara Investor Roadshow Andrew Strelein, Managing Director & CEO 5 - 7 July 2023#3Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared by St Barbara Limited ("Company"). The material contained in this presentation is for information purposes only. This presentation is not an offer or invitation for subscription or purchase of, or a recommendation in relation to, securities in the Company and neither this presentation nor anything contained in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This presentation contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risk factors associated with exploring for, developing, mining, processing and the sale of gold. Forward-looking statements include those containing such words as anticipate, estimates, forecasts, should, will, expects, plans or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, and which could cause actual results or trends to differ materially from those expressed in this presentation. Actual results may vary from the information in this presentation. The Company does not make, and this presentation should not be relied upon as, any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, or reasonableness, of such statements or assumptions. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements. This presentation has been prepared by the Company based on information available to it, including information from third parties, and has not been independently verified. No representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information. To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither the Company, their directors, employees or agents, advisers, nor any other person accepts any liability, including, without limitation, any liability arising from fault or negligence on the part of any of them or any other person, for any loss arising from the use of this presentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with it. Non-IFRS Measures: The Company's results are reported under the International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). This presentation includes certain non-IFRS financial measures, including cash operating costs, to provide a greater understanding of the Company operations. These measures: may be calculated differently by other companies and should not be used for comparison; and should be used in addition to, and not as a replacement for measures prepared in accordance with IFRS. Financial figures are in Australian dollars unless otherwise noted. Financial year is 1 July to 30 June. This presentation is not audited. Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Listing code "SBM" American Depositary Receipts (ADR OTC code "STBMY") through BNY Mellon profile.jsp?cusip=852278100 Published 5 July 2023 2#4Disclaimer JORC Code It is a requirement of the ASX Listing Rules that the reporting of (amongst other things) exploration results and mineral resources in Australia comply with the 2012 edition of the Joint Ore Reserves Committee's Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code). Investors outside Australia should note that while mineral resource estimates of St Barbara in this Presentation comply with the JORC Code (such JORC Code mineral resources being Mineral Resources), they may not comply with the relevant guidelines in other countries and, in particular, do not comply with (i) National Instrument 43-101 (Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects) of the Canadian Securities Administrators (the Canadian NI 43-101 Standards); or (ii) Item 1300 of Regulation SK, which governs disclosures of mineral reserves in registration statements filed with the SEC. Information contained in this Presentation describing mineral deposits may not be comparable to similar information made public by companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements of Canadian or US securities laws. You should not assume that quantities reported as "resources" will be converted to reserves under the JORC Code or any other reporting regime or that St Barbara will be able to legally and economically extract them. JORC Compliance statement The information in this Presentation that relates to St Barbara's Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves has been extracted from St Barbara's ASX announcement entitled "Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources Statements as at 31 December 2022" released to the ASX on 22 February 2023 and available to view at and, and for which Competent Persons' consents were obtained (together, the Original Reports). St Barbara confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the Original Reports and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves estimates in the Original Reports continue to apply and have not materially changed. St Barbara confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Person's findings are presented have not been materially modified from the Original Reports and that each Competent Person's consent remains in place for subsequent releases by St Barbara of the same information in the same form and context, until the consent is withdrawn or replaced by a subsequent report and accompany consent. Exploration Results The information in this presentation that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Dr Roger Mustard, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Dr Mustard is a full-time employee of St Barbara and has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Dr Mustard consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. 3#5Acknowledgement of Country We at St Barbara acknowledge the First Nations people of the ancestral lands on which we operate in Australia, Canada and Papua New Guinea. We pay our respects to all First Nations people, and to Elders past, present, and emerging. 4#6Corporate Overview Institutional 59% Corporate Structure Shareholders³ Shares on issue (ASX: SBM) 817.8M Performance rights 8.8M Share price¹ $0.53 Market capitalisation1 $433M Retail 35% Genesis Shares to be distributed¹ $262M Other 6% Cash² $294M Substantial shareholders4 L1 Capital Baker Steel 9% 9% 1. Based on closing share price on 4 July 2023; 2. Cash position as at 30 June 2023 after debt repayment, excluding $12M in transaction costs, $33M tax payable on Leonora asset sale and $47M set aside for Atlantic rehabilitation bond; 3 Shareholders as at 16 June; and 4. Substantial shareholders as at 4 July 5#7The St Barbara Asset Portfolio Atlantic operations, Nova Scotia Atlantic Operations1 Ore Reserves Mineral Resource FY23 Prod guidance FY23 AISC guidance Simberi operations, Papua New Guinea Investment portfolio Simberi Operations¹ 46.0Mt @ 1.0 g/t for 1.5Moz Au 57.0Mt @ 1.1 g/t for 1.9Moz Au 40 - 50koz Ore Reserves Mineral Resource FY23 Prod guidance 34.8Mt @ 1.8 g/t for 2.0Moz Au 83.1 Mt @ 1.5 g/t for 4.0Moz Au Assets Cash² $294M Listed investments³ $2,075 2,315/oz FY23 AISC guidance 70-80koz $2,300 2,540/oz Catalyst (ASX:CYL), 12.7m shares Kin (ASX:KIN), 158.1m shares $10M $5M Peel (ASX:PEX), 41.5m shares $5M Exploration Portfolio 10 Back Creek (NSW) tenements Other Simberi Operations A portfolio of royalty interests of mining and exploration assets (including Calidus Blue Spec) Atlantic Operations 1. Refer to ASX release on 27 April 2023 titled "Quarterly Report Q3 March FY23". FY23 AISC guidance based on US$1,560 to US$1,725 per ounce at AUD/USD of 0.68 for the Simberi Operations and C$1,870 to C$2,085 per ounce at AUD/CAD of 0.90 for the Atlantic Operations; 2. Cash position as at 30 June 2023 after debt repayment, excluding $12M in transaction costs, $33M tax payable on Leonora asset sale and $47M set aside for Atlantic rehabilitation bond; 3. Based on ASX closing prices as at 4 July 2023. 6#8Atlantic Operations#9Atlantic Operations Overview 1.9Moz in Mineral Resources / 1.5Moz in Ore Reserves Located north-east of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Touquoy plant is a conventional carbon in leach circuit with 2.8Mtpa capacity Nova Scotia, Canada Projects December 2022 New Brunswick Bay of Fundy Falcon Pleasantfield East PEI Northumberland Strait Fifteen Mile Stream Cochrane Hill 0.8Moz (Resources) 0.7Moz (Resources) 0.5Moz (Reservas Signal Gold 3.0Moz (Resources) 1.1Moz (Reserves) 0.6Moz (Reserves) Beaver Dam 0.4Moz Resources) 0.3Moz (Reserves) Moose River Corridor Goldboro East Meguma Gold 0.3Moz (Resources) Mooseland NOVA SCOTIA Touquoy Mine Aurelius Minerals 0.4Moz (Resources) Halifax 100km NS Rec 028 Drawn Dec 2022 300 000mE UTM Zone 20 Atlantic Ocean SBM Tenements Brunswick and y Nova Scotia Location Halifar SBM Operation SBM Gold Deposit SBM Gold Prospect Resources/Reserves 04Moz St Barbara 04Moz Other Company 600 000mE Strategy Focus Areas Prioritise development of Fifteen Mile Stream and target development in FY26 Status Commenced Investigate the repurposing of the Touquoy plant for use at Fifteen Mile Stream Commenced Complete processing of stockpiles at Touquoy by end of 2024 Pause permitting process for Beaver Dam Continue exploration at Cochrane Hill, Mooseland, South-West and Goldboro East In progress Completed Cochrane Hill planned and awaiting permit South-West underway 4 900 000mN Atlantic Operations 8#10Atlantic Open Pits - Ore Reserves and Strip Ratios Proved Probable Total Strip Ratio Tonnes Grade Ounces Tonnes Grade Ounces Tonnes Grade Deposit (000's) (g/t Au) (000's) (000's) (g/t Au) (000's) (000's) (g/t Au) Ounces (000's) waste:ore Fifteen Mile Stream 5,580 1.1 196 11,180 1.1 381 16,760 1.1 577 2.3 Beaver Dam 4,340 1.4 195 3,490 1.3 150 7,840 1.4 345 5.6 Sub-total- BD + FMS 9,920 1.2 391 14,670 1.1 531 24,600 1.2 922 3.4 Cochrane Hill 10,250 1.1 356 5,130 1.0 158 15,380 1.0 514 3.5 Total - BD + FMS + CH 20,170 1.2 747 19,800 1.1 689 39,980 1.1 1,436 3.4 Note: St Barbara Group's Ore Reserve estimates are as at 31 December 2022, extracted from the report titled 'Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources Statements as at 31 December 2022' released to the ASX on 22 February 2023. Ore Reserves are based on a gold price of: Atlantic Gold (C$1,875/oz for Touquoy, C$1,948/oz for Beaver Dam and C$1,688/oz for Fifteen Mile Stream & Cochrane Hill) and Simberi (US$1,500/oz) 1. 2. Cut-off Grades Atlantic Mining (0.3 g/t Au - 0.4 g/t Au), Simberi Oxide (0.4 g/t Au). 3. Rounding may result in apparent summation differences between tonnes, grade and contained metal. 9#115 012 000mN Atlantic - Cochrane Hill Cochrane Hill, Nova Scotia FY24 Targets & Planned Drilling Highway 7 EL 51477 EL 55625 5 010 000mN Excl. Cochrane Hill West Cochrane Hill Deeps CHC-07-020 4m @ 10.50g/t Au from 17m *Cochrane Hill CHC-07-018 CHC-07-019 4m @ 6.57g/t Au from 11m| 8m @ 12.24g/t Au from 4m Planned Mine Layout 500m UTM Zone 20 NE Region 016 -Drawn.May 2023 576 000mE Excl. Cochrane Hill East New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Sydney Bridgewater Yarmouth Location Nova Scotial Halifax EL 9259 • An initial diamond drill program comprising 25 holes for 2,500m is planned to test prospective stratigraphy along strike East and West of the Cochrane Hill Deposit Significant intercepts at Cochrane Hill West requiring follow-up drilling include: CHC-07-019: 8m @ 12.24 g/t Au from 4m CHC-07-020: 4m @ 10.5 g/t Au from 17m CHC-07-018: 4m @ 6.57 g/t Au from 11m The program will also assist with potential sterilisation for locating operations infrastructure Cochrane Hill Deeps planned to be drilled to test down plunge of the deposit SBM Tenement Area .... Anticline FY24 Targets Historical Significant Result Planned Drilling Highway 7 Proposed Infrastructure Gold Prospect Target Area ° • Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Mine Layout Highway Re-route Options Excl. 578.000mE 10 10#12Atlantic - Goldboro East Signal Gold Inc. Goldboro Project Significant Result 2022 Drill Collar Interpreted Fault Anticline Previous Collar Mineralised Belt Proposed Pit BR-22-370 3.0m @ 3.91g/t Au from 169m Goldbrook Road BR-22-358 1.2m @ 33.82g/t Au from 48m incl. 0.5m @ 80.30g/t Au from 48m BR-22-354 2.5m @ 18.71g/t Au from 13m incl. 0.5m @ 85.30g/t Au from 14m Goldboro East, Nova Scotia FY24 Planned Drilling EG-23-002 New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Location Bridgewater Yarmouth ÉG-23-004 EG-23-006 EG-23-001 EG-23-003 Halifax Sydney * Goldboro East 5 006 500mN • An initial diamond drill program comprising 4 holes for 800m has been designed to test the Goldboro East target The drilling is designed to test for shallow eastern extensions to Signal Gold's Goldboro deposit (a ~3.0 Moz Au Open Pit and Underground NI 43-101 Resource) BR-22-344 1.0m @ 3.09g/t Au from 21m 2.7m @ 3.50g/t Au from 45m incl. 0.7m @ 12.40g/t Au from 45m BR-22-345 . 3.0m @ 11.40g/t Au from 35m incl. 0.5m @ 60.50g/t Au from 36m . BR-22-370 3.0m @ 1.31g/t Au from 149m BR-22-348 6.0m @ 0.55g/t Au from 104m 0.5m @ 15.30g/t Au from 140m 4.6m @ 0.85g/t Au from 168m MR Corridor 015 Drawn May 2023 607 500mE BR-22-350 6.1m @ 0.83g/t Au from 27m 6.5m @ 0.53g/t Au from 51m ° C BR-22-349 686-230 EG-23-011 REG-23-008 EG-23-010 EG-23-007 EG-23-009 EG-23-005 EL 10621 Signal Gold Ground 8.7m @ 1.36g/t Au from 20m incl. 1.0m @ 7.75g/t Au from 28m 1.7m @ 0.79g/t Au from 124m 2.8m @ 1.01g/t Au from 157m 608 000mE 100m UTM Zone 20 SBM Tenement Area Planned Drilling Phase 1 Phase 2 Gold Prospect Topography Provincial Road Lakes/Drainage 5 006 000mN 13 11#13Atlantic - Mooseland Mooseland, Nova Scotia Completed Work Programs New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Location Bridgewater Yarmouth Sydney Nova Scotia Halifax SBM Tenement Area * Gold Prospect Target Area Interpreted Fault ... Anticline Drilling Results Intercept >1 ppm Au No Significant Intercept Re-logging Program ° Significant Result Recent Assays No Significant Assay Historical Drilling 2010 to 2012 Pre 2010 Topography Provincial Road Lakes / River Mooseland * West Tangier River Sluice Lake 250m MR Corridor 020 UTM Zone 20 517 000mE EL 5978 518 000mE Drawn May 2023 12 *Mooseland East Mooseland East * Extension Mooseland Road 4 975 000mN 4 976 000mN Located 16km southeast of Touquoy Mine The Mooseland 143 hole historical drill database has been validated for collar locations, down hole surveys, assay results, with detailed geological and structural logs captured Re-logging, re-sampling and re- assaying of 45 historical diamond drill holes for over 10,000 m has been completed#14Simberi Operations#15Simberi Operations Overview • 4.0Moz in Mineral Resources • 2.0Moz in Ore Reserves Northernmost island in the Tabar group of islands in the New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea Open cut mine with a 3.5Mtpa plant (oxides) Pigibo Botlu West Sorowar North Pigibo North Botlu Pigicow Survey Hill Pigicow Simberi Life of Mine Oxide Footprint December 2022 Sorowar Patan 500m Pigiput Ti Local Grid Samat Samat Simon EC Island Sprewar Simberi Pratibo Location Pigiput 45000ME FY23 Budgeted Mine Plan FY24-FY26 Oxide Life of Mine Plan Mine Design Mined Pit Outline C Optimised Oxide Life of Mine Pils Strategy Focus Areas Extend oxide production through FY25 and into FY26 Sulphide Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve extension drilling Revisit Sulphide Expansion development plan by FY26 Prepare for investment decision with Mining Lease renewal by FY28 Status Complete Commenced Commenced FY25 activity Simberi Operations 1 14#16Simberi - current mine schedule extended out for FY24 to FY26 Ore Tonnes 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 FY26 FY24 FY25 Measured Resources Inferred Resources Gold Grade Indicated Resources *Lower cut-off/material classification changes Gold grade (g/t) Note: Mineral Resources are quoted at 0.4g/t cut-off. The oxide mine plan uses a lower operational cut-off 0.3g/t and material classification has been refined which includes reclassification of more material as treatable oxide 15#17Simberi - Expansion Exploration Targets 210 000mN 209 000mN Sorowar West (Ox) EL609 Simberi Island Sorowar Location Pigibo Pigiput ML136 Simberi Pigibo Trotsky (Ox) * Sorowar Simberi - Sulphide Targets FY24 Targets & Planned Drilling Pigibo North (Ox) * Sorowar-Pigiput * Trend (Su) See Enlargement * Monun Extension (Ox) See Enlargement Pigiput NE (Ox) *Pigibo Deeps (Su) * Simberi Sulphides Pigiput • Detailed 3D modelling of sulphide mineralisation on ML136 has been completed targeting below and in between the Sorowar and Pigiput deposits as well as below Pigibo deposit A combined diamond and RC drill program of approximately 30 holes for 7,000m was designed The program is a combination of resource definition and exploration drilling located outside current pit designs 43 000mE Botlu 250m TI Local Grid * Pigibo Outlet (Ox) Work Programs & Drilling Planned ResDev Drilling Planned Exploration Drilling *Exploration Target Abc Work Programme FY24 Target Work Area FY23 Target Work Area Mined Pit Outline Resource Outline (measured, indicated and inferred) 45 000mE Simberi 182 Drawn July 2023 16#18Sorowar - Pigiput Trend 209 700mN surface Productive Window Pit Design Simberi Planned Drilling: Sorowar-Pigiput Trend Cross Section Srpt 1 Bearing 35° Looking NW +20m SORRC028 26m @ 2.8g/t Au from 56m to EOH -- 27 ? Potential Extension ? Potential Extension Simberi - Sorowar-Pigiput Trend Planned Drilling Programmes Borowit Simberi EL609 Island Location Simberi Pigibo Pigiput Sorowar Planned Drilling Programmes ResDev Drilling Exploration Drilling *Exploration Target FY24 Sulphide Target Work Area Mined Pit Outline Pit Design Outline. Resource Outline (indicated and infer Sorowar-Pigiput Trend 43250m Pigiput ME SOROWAR MINED PIT MINED 120SORDGC010 35m @ 3.1g/t Au from 67m Resource Model & Downhole Au Results > 4.00 g/t Au 2.50 -4.00 g/t Au 1.00 -2.50 g/t Au 0.75 -1.00 g/t Au Drilling 0.50 -0.75 g/t Au 0.25 -0.50 g/t Au 0.10 -0.25 g/t Au 200m TI Local Grid Planned Exploration Drill Hole Significant Result Previous DD & RC Drilling Exploration Model >2.0g/t Au >1.0 - 2.0g/t Au Potential Extension Resource & Mining Indicated or Measured Inferred or Unclassified Pit Design = Ore Type Arsenic 100mR OmRL -100mRL -200m RL- 100m Ti Local Grid Srpt 3 Srpt 10 Srpt 11 Sorowar Cross Section looking Northwest Gold and multi- element geochemical studies highlight that the best developed and highest grade gold on the mine lease generally occurs in a "Productive Window" between - 25m RL and +75m RL Drilling is targeting down dip of high-grade intercepts that extend outside of pit design 17#19Sorowar - Pigiput Trend Simberi - Sorowar-Pigiput Trend Planned Drilling Programmes Sora Location Simbari Sorowar Planned Drilling Programmes ResDev Drilling Exploration Drilling Exploration Target FY24 Sulphide Target Work Areal Mined Pit Outline Pit Design Outline Resource Outline surface Productive Window 44 300mE Simberi Planned Drilling: Sorowar-Pigiput Trend Cross Section Srpt 7 Bearing 90° Looking North +25m SDH130 Pigiput Pit Design Transform Fault Resource Model & Downhole Au Results 48m @ 1.9g/t Au from 165m incl. 12m @ 4.6g/t Au from 168m ? Potential Extension ? Sorowar Pit Design RC1629 Sorowar-Pigiput❤ 60m @ 5.2g/t Au from 42m incl. 13m @ 18.7g/t Au from 89m Trend Pigiput 200mRL SOROWAR MINED PIT 100mŔ ? Potential Extension ? SDH328 6m @ 2.8g/t Au from 66m OmRL -100mRL 100m TILocal Grid Sreta Srp1 11 Southern Sorowar Cross Section looking North Gold and multi- element geochemical studies highlight that the best developed and highest grade gold on the mine lease generally occurs in a "Productive Window" between - 25m RL and +75m RL Drilling is targeting down dip of high-grade intercepts and upgrading inferred resources > 4.00 g/t Au 2.50 -4.00 g/t Au 1.00 -2.50 g/t Au 0.75 -1.00 g/t Au Drilling 0.50 -0.75 g/t Au 0.25 -0.50 g/t Au Planned Exploration Drill Hole Significant Result Previous DD & RC Drilling 0.10 -0.25 g/t Au Exploration Model >2.0g/t Au >1.0 - 2.0g/t Au Potential Extension 200m TI Local Grid Resource & Mining Indicated or Measured Inferred or Unclassified Pit Design Ore Type = Arsenic -200mRL 18#20Pigibo Extensions surface 208 700mN Simberi Planned Drilling: Pigibo Deeps Cross Section Pgb 4 Bearing 300° Looking WNW +20m Pit Design PIGIBO MINED PIT Productive Window SDH051 27m @ 4.0g/t Au from 108m SDH051 19m @ 1.6g/t Au from 140m SDH051 4.2m @ 1.5g/t Au from 184m to EOH Location Simber Pigibo Botlu CORNEL ? Potential Extension ? Potential Extension ? ? Potential Extension ? Potential Extension ? ° PigiboDeeps Simberi - Pigibo Deeps Planned Drilling Programmes Z 100m TI Local Grid Pigiput 19 19 Pit Design Pit Outline FY24 Sulphide Target Work Area Planned Drilling Programmes ResDev Drilling Exploration Drilling Exploration Target >Mined Pit Outline Pit Design Outline Resource Outline 200mRL Pigibo Cross Section looking Northwest The Pigibo pit is currently constrained by the limit of drilling information Drilling is targeting down dip of high-grade intercepts Resource Model & Downhole Au Results > 4.00 g/t Au 2.50 -4.00 g/t Au 1.00 -2.50 g/t Au 0.75 -1.00 g/t Au 0.50 -0.75 g/t Au Drilling 200m TI Local Grid Planned ResDev Drill Hole Planned Exploration Drill Hole Significant Result 0.25 -0.50 g/t Au 0.10 -0.25 g/t Au Previous DD & RC Drilling Exploration Model >2.0g/t Au >1.0 - 2.0g/t Au Potential Extension Resource & Mining Indicated or Measured Inferred or Unclassified Pit Design Ore Type = Arsenic 100mRL OmRL - -100mRL - -200mRL#21Corporate#22Investment portfolio Listed equity investments¹ Catalyst (ASX:CYL), 12.7m shares ($10M) Kin (ASX:KIN), 158.1m shares ($5M) Peel (ASX:PEX), 41.5m shares ($5M) St Barbara Project Interests Indonesia Royalty portfolio ~20 mineral royalties majority in Western Australia Considered non-core and in advanced stage discussions on divestment for cash 1. Based on ASX closing prices as at 4 July 2023. Darwin Simberi Tabar & Tatau Papua New Guinea Townsville N.T. W.A. Qld. •Port Moresby Kin Mining S.A. Peel Mining Kalgoorlie Pinjin JV (Au) Perth Adelaide Brisbane N.S.W. Vic. Back Creek Sydney Catalyst Metals Melbourne 21 24 Operations Exploration Joint Venture Investment Tas. SBM 002 Hobart Drawn May 2023#23Following up encouraging results at Back Creek (NSW) Back Creek N.S.W. Completed & Potential Work Programs West Wyalong Wyalong Copper-Gold Target Planned Work Programs Potential Diamond Drilling lonic Soil Sampling Traverse Anomaly Target Completed Work Programs Diamond Hole Aircore Drilling Soil Sampling 520 000mE Goldfields Highway Yiddah ☐ ODD Newell Highway EL8214 SW Target EL8530 Brisbane South Australia New South Wales Eurowie Location Adelaide❤ Victoria Melbourne NE Target Target Areas O o O o Quandilla Road Sydney 6 240 000mN 6 250 000mN Granted Tenement Town / Place Major Road Road River / Creek Railway Line 540 000mE Back Creek 053 Drawn May 2023 EL8214 and EL8530 were recently renewed for 5 year terms Soil sampling, aircore and diamond drilling programs are planned to advance the two main targets 22 22 Exploration is targeting porphyry copper-gold mineralisation in the east. and mesothermal gold to the west Limited diamond drilling at the NE target previously returned: BKDD001: 45m @ 0.13% Cu from 113m, 41m @ 0.22 % Cu from 232m and 31m @ 0.13 % Cu from 314m#2423 23 Back Creek South - West Targets 6244 000mN EL8214 6242 000mN OPEN BKAC0070 7m @ 0.30g/t Au from 35m 4m @ 0.20g/t Au from 54m BKAC0063 2m @ 2.50g/t Au from 76m BKAC0065 3m @0.19g/t Au from 89m BKDD0003 4m @ 2.60g/t Au from 143m 3m @ 2.80g/t Au from 155m 1m @ 0.66g/t Au from 207m 3m @ 0.60g/t Au from 222m BKAC0042 1m @ 1.05g/t Au from 59m BKAC0035 1m @ 0.24g/t Au from 61m BKAC0036 6m @ 1.60g/t Au from 97m 12m @ 0.43g/t Au from 76m Granted Tenement Previous Drilling Results Gold Trend BKAC0074 Copper-Gold Target Diamond Drilling Result AC Drilling Result Fence Line 533 000mE Back Creek N.S.W., SW Target Completed Work Programs OPEN SW Target BKAC0067 2m @ 0.20g/t Au from 92m BKAC0061 1m @ 0.46g/t Au from 61m BKAC0060 2m @ 0.56g/t Au from 36m BKAC0059 7m @ 1.04g/t Au from 38m OPEN OPEN Drilling Results: Maximum Au in bedrock AC/DD Drill Collar BKAC0037 2m @ 0.28g/t Au from 115m BKAC0051 2m @ 1.26g/t Au from 67m > 1,000ppb Au 500 - 1,000ppb Au 250 - 500ppb Au 100 - 250ppb Au 50 - 100ppb Au < 50ppb Au Failed to reach basement Quandilla Road 500m MGA Zone 55 535 000mE Drawn May 2023 Back Creek 055 ⚫ Limited aircore and diamond drilling at the SW target testing a 1km strike length Best results include: BKAC0036: 6 m @ 1.60 g/t Au from 97 m, including 1 m @ 5.16 g/t Au from 100 m BKAC0059: 7 m @ 1.04 g/t Au from 38 m, including 1 m @ 3.37 g/t Au from 39 m BKAC0063: 2 m @ 2.5 g/t Au from 76 m, including 1 m @ 4.77 g/t Au from 76 m BKDD0003: 2 m @ 4.82 g/t Au from 145 m and 3 m @ 2.82 g/t Au from 155 m including 1m @ 6.81 g/t Au from 157 m Mineralisation is open along strike and own dip Only 1 km of a 15 km prospective strike length tested with encouraging early results#25Investor Relations enquiries INVESTOR RELATIONS David Cotterell General Manager Business Development & Investor Relations MEDIA RELATIONS Citadel-MAGNUS Paul Ryan Michael Weir T: +61 3 8660 1959 M: +61 447 644 648 E: [email protected] M: +61 409 296 511 M: +61 402 347 032#26Supplementary slides#27APPENDIX A - St Barbara Ore Reserves Proved Probable Total Tonnes Grade Ounces Tonnes Grade Ounces Tonnes Grade Deposit (000's) (g/t Au) (000's) (000's) (g/t Au) (000's) (000's) (g/t Au) Ounces (000's) Touquoy 250 0.7 6 320 0.6 7 570 0.7 13 Beaver Dam 4,340 1.4 195 3,490 1.3 150 7,840 1.4 345 Fifteen Mile Stream 5,580 1.1 196 11,180 1.1 381 16,760 1.1 13 577 Cochrane Hill 10,250 1.1 356 5,130 1.0 158 15,380 1.0 514 Atlantic Stockpiles 5,420 0.5 80 5,420 0.5 80 Total Atlantic Operations 25,840 1.0 833 20,120 1.1 696 45,970 1.0 1,529 Simberi Oxide 2,091 1.3 86 5,488 1.1 194 7,579 1.2 280 Simberi Sulphide 2,161 1.8 122 24,396 2.0 1,558 26,557 2.0 1,680 Simberi Stockpile 710 1.3 31 710 1.3 31 Total Simberi Operations 4,252 1.5 208 30,594 1.8 1,783 34,846 1.8 1,991 Group Total 30,092 1.1 1,041 50,714 1.5 2,479 80,816 1.4 3,520 Note: St Barbara Group's Ore Reserve estimates are as at 31 December 2022, extracted from the report titled 'Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources Statements as at 31 December 2022' released to the ASX on 22 February 2023. 1. Ore Reserves are based on a gold price of: Atlantic Gold (C$1,875/oz for Touquoy, C$1,948/oz for Beaver Dam and C$1,688/oz for Fifteen Mile Stream & Cochrane Hill) and Simberi (US$1,500/oz) 2. Cut-off Grades Atlantic Mining (0.3 g/t Au - 0.4 g/t Au), Simberi Oxide (0.4 g/t Au). 3. Rounding may result in apparent summation differences between tonnes, grade and contained metal.#28APPENDIX B - St Barbara Mineral Resources Measured Indicated Deposit Touquoy Beaver Dam Inferred Total Tonnes (000's) Grade Ounces Tonnes Grade Ounces Tonnes Grade Ounces Tonnes (g/t Au) (000's) (000's) (g/t Au) (000's) (000's) (g/t Au) (000's) (000's) Grade (g/t Au) Ounces (000's) 1,249 0.6 23 100 0.5 1 1,349 0.6 24 5,126 1.3 210 4,757 1.2 185 1,177 1.4 52 52 11,060 1.3 447 Fifteen Mile Stream 6,305 1.1 215 14,755 1.0 477 2,594 1.1 89 23,654 1.0 781 Cochrane Hill 10,704 1.1 375 7,700 1.0 236 2,557 1.0 79 20,961 1.0 690 Total Atlantic Operations 22,135 1.1 800 28,461 1.0 922 6,428 1.1 221 57,024 1.1 1,942 Simberi Oxide 2,501 1.3 106 8,207 1.0 275 4,866 1.0 160 15,575 1.1 541 Simberi Sulphide 2,704 1.5 133 46,116 1.6 2,417 18,705 1.5 884 67,524 1.6 3,434 Total Simberi Operations 5,205 1.4 239 54,323 1.5 2,692 23,571 1.4 1,044 83,099 1.5 3,975 Group Total 27,340 1.2 1,039 82,784 1.4 3,614 29,999 1.3 1,265 140,123 1.3 5,917 Note: Mineral Resources are reported inclusive of Ore Reserves, extracted from the report titled 'Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources Statements as at 31 December 2022' released to the ASX on 22 February 2023. Cut-off Grades Atlantic Operations (0.3 g/t Au); Simberi Oxide (0.4 g/t Au); and Simberi Sulphide (0.6 g/t Au). 1. 2. Atlantic Mineral Resources are reported constrained by a C$2,388/oz pit shell. Simberi Mineral Resources are reported constrained by a US$1,875/oz pit shell. 3. Rounding may result in apparent summation differences between tonnes, grade and contained metal.#29St Barbara

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