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Investor Presentaiton

Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Vision 2030 Jamaica MTF 2015-2018 showed the alignment between the National Goals and Outcomes and the SDGs JAME Alignment of Vision 2030 Jamaica and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 1: Jamaicans are Empowered to Achieve their Fullest Potential A Healthy and Stable Population World-Class Education and Training Effective Social Protection Authentic and Transformational Culture With Agende 20-30 culture is viewed in a suiting there related to education, sustainable cities, fed suits, de cuvinent E Assinal: consumption and production patterns. peaceful and inclusive societies. Goal 2: The Jamaican Society is Secure, Cohesive and Just Security and Safety E Authentic and Transformational Culture MTF 2018-2021 has expanded on this and also shows the alignment between the National and Sector Strategies and the SDG Targets The 2016 assessment to inform “A Road Map for SDG Implementation in Jamaica" demonstrated a 91 per cent alignment between Jamaica's national development agenda/Vision 2030 Jamaica and the SDGS MTF 2018-2021 shows an over 95% alignment Goal 3: Jamaica's Economy is Prosperous A Stable Macroeconomy An Enabling Business Environment LTAY Strong Economic Infrastructure Energy Security and Efficiency A Technology-Enabled Society Internationally Competitive Industry Structures Goal 4: Jamaica has a Healthy Natural Environment Sustainable Management and Use of Environmental and Natural Resources ABO 15AMM Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change 1M 00 ABUZ 8 Sustainable Urban and Rural Development A 13 16
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