Atlantic Operations Overview slide image

Atlantic Operations Overview

Following up encouraging results at Back Creek (NSW) Back Creek N.S.W. Completed & Potential Work Programs West Wyalong Wyalong Copper-Gold Target Planned Work Programs Potential Diamond Drilling lonic Soil Sampling Traverse Anomaly Target Completed Work Programs Diamond Hole Aircore Drilling Soil Sampling 520 000mE Goldfields Highway Yiddah ☐ ODD Newell Highway EL8214 SW Target EL8530 Brisbane South Australia New South Wales Eurowie Location Adelaide❤ Victoria Melbourne NE Target Target Areas O o O o Quandilla Road Sydney 6 240 000mN 6 250 000mN Granted Tenement Town / Place Major Road Road River / Creek Railway Line 540 000mE Back Creek 053 Drawn May 2023 EL8214 and EL8530 were recently renewed for 5 year terms Soil sampling, aircore and diamond drilling programs are planned to advance the two main targets 22 22 Exploration is targeting porphyry copper-gold mineralisation in the east. and mesothermal gold to the west Limited diamond drilling at the NE target previously returned: BKDD001: 45m @ 0.13% Cu from 113m, 41m @ 0.22 % Cu from 232m and 31m @ 0.13 % Cu from 314m
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