Investor Presentaiton
Level 1 Feasibility Analysis
Contact Data: Contact information for the primary technical contact for the site.
Site Data: Basic information on facility operations (hours/day, days/year) and site-
specific considerations or constraints.
⚫ Electric Use Data: Information on existing electric service to the facility, and data
on consumption, peak and average demand, and monthly/seasonal use patterns.
⚫ Fuel Use Data: Information on current fuel use for boilers and heaters including
fuel type, costs, and use patterns.
⚫Thermal Loads: Information on existing thermal loads including type (steam, hot
water, direct heat), conditions (temperature, pressure) and use patterns
Existing Equipment: Information on existing heating and cooling equipment
including type, capacities, efficiencies and emissions.
⚫ Other Data: Information on other site-specific issues such as expansion plans or
neighborhood considerations that might impact CHP system design or operation. entire presentation