Espirito Santo Oil & Natural Gas Yearbook 2021 slide image

Espirito Santo Oil & Natural Gas Yearbook 2021

80 ESPÍRITO SANTO OIL & NATURAL GAS YEARBOOK | 2021 CHAPTER 5 OPPORTUNITIES FOR ESPÍRITO SANTO 81 87 The greater volume of investments in renewable energies is related to the growing concern of global leaders with the energy transition, aiming at reducing CO2 emissions and, consequently, miti- gating the effects of global warming. and gas industry have undergone significant changes in the compo- sition of their investments since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandem- ic. Companies started prioritizing investment projects with higher re- turn rates, focusing on the planning of already consolidated oil and nat- ural gas exploration and production projects, which required a lower volume of invested capital. In this scenario, part of the indus- try's global investment capacity was absorbed by the renewable en- ergy sector. The greater volume of investments in renewable energies is related to the growing concern of global leaders with the energy tran- sition, aiming at reducing CO2 emis- sions and, consequently, mitigating the effects of global warming. state will receive a total of US$ 8.1 billion in investments in the oil and gas sector by 2025. In total, 7 proj- ects were identified in the State, mainly involving the companies Petrobras, Karavan Oil and Gas and Shell. The highlight is the Integrated Project of Parque das Baleia (IPB). The Parque das Baleias Integrated Project (IPB) intends to increase the oil and gas recovery factor by optimizing the current drainage net- work, with the interconnection of a new FPSO 42. In November 2021, a letter of intent was signed between Petrobras and the company Yinson for chartering and providing ser- vices for the new FPSO, which is US$ 8.1 billion expected to commence operations in investments are expected in 2024. Currently, the project is in- in the oil and natural gas sec- cluded in Petrobras' Strategic Plan tor in Espírito Santo by 2025 2022-2026 and has a total invest- ment of R$ 5.0 billion. Table 9 pres- ents the main projects identified by Ideies Investment Compass. Chart 47 - Investment in the oil industry worldwide (in billions of US$) 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 Oil & Gas Sector Worldwide Renewable Energies Sector Source: FDI Markets | Prepared by: Ideies/Findes Project Petrobras - Integrated of Parque das Baleias (IPB). Table 9 - Main investments announced in the Oil & Gas industry in Espírito Santo for the next 5 years Investor Sector Municipality Anchieta, Piúma, Itapemirim, Marataízes and Presidente kennedy Amount (mil- lions R$) Project Status Oil & Gas 5,000 Ongoing bidding Investment opportunity in areas Karavan Oil & Gas of exploration and production of Petrobras' Divestment Plan Oil & Gas São Mateus, Conceição da Barra and Jaguaré 1,000 In execution Shell Brasil Development and Production of the fields in the Southern Shore of Espírito Santo. Oil & Gas Anchieta, Piúma, Itapemirim, Marataízes and Presidente Kennedy 1,000 In execution PetroRio The Wahoo project contemplates the drilling of wells and the connec- tions between the wells and the Frade FPSO. Oil & Gas Presidente Kennedy 800 In execution ESGÁS Expanding the distribution net- worki in another 292 thousand meters and connecting over 96 thousand new consumers Oil & Gas Espírito Santo 260 Planning In execution 40 In execution 754 is the number of investment signals worldwide for the oil and natural gas industry According to the FDI Markets plat- form, there are currently 754 in- vestment signals worldwide for the oil and natural gas sector. Brazil is mentioned in 26 projects, 3.44% of the total. The projects that men- tion Brazil are mostly from new investment strategies or regarding expansions of already consolidat- ed projects. The capital invested come mainly from Spain, the Unit- ed Kingdom, and Norway. Brazil competes for receiving these in- vestments with countries such as India, Mexico, South Africa, and South American countries such as Peru, Argentina, Bolivia and Colombia. In Espírito Santo, according to the investment survey carried out by Ideies, it is estimated that the Imetame The company acquired from Petrobras the entirety of the inter- est in onshore fields of the Lagoa Parda Complex. Oil & Gas Linhares 40 40 ESGÁS Interconnection of the Linhares distribution network to the Cacimbas-Catu transportation pipeline for expanding the supply capacity to the municipality of Linhares. Oil & Gas Linhares 40 Total Source: IJSN, Petrobras, ESGÁS and Bandes | Prepared by: Bússola do Investimento - Ideies/Findes 42. The area of the park is formed by the Jubarte, Baleia Azul, Baleia Franca, parts, portions of Cachalote and Pirambu. 8,140
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