Investor Presentaiton
Securing Democratic & Civil Rights
Asset Tracing and Recovery Governance
and Accountability
Workshop Jurnalis Pelembang - All Indonesia
Securing Democratic & Civil Rights
Civic Engagement in Monitoring the Use of
Funds for Covid-19 Recovery
Fadli Aksar -
Nia Kemitraan
Hybrid Investigation Report Training
in Palembang, South Sumatera
The Strategic Initiative on Asset
Tracing and Recovery Governance and
Accountability in Environmental Crimes and
Corruption, SIAGA-ECO project build upon
KEMITRAAN's previous work on raising
the capacity of state agencies to trace and
recover assets lost to criminal activities
such as corruption.
This project has focused on assets
tracing and recovery with regards to losses
Investigation Reporting Training
in Palu, Central Sulawesi
in environmentally sensitive areas such
as forests, and forest production areas.
During 2021 the project worked closely
with the Assets Recovery Centre of the
Office of the Attorney General as well as
the Director General for the Environment
and Forestry of the Ministry of Environment
and Forestry. The work focused on training
and case assistance with a focus on the
forestry sector.
"The most impressive information from this training for me was concerning gender,
which Mbak Shinta, as a resource and mentor, explained. This material appeals to
me because it demonstrates how natural resource corruption can have an impact
on gender, particularly among women and children. The speakers' presentations
greatly facilitated me in conducting a more in-depth and
extensive research into natural resource corruption.
Basically, this writing investigation report on corruption
is quite risky. But my mentor, was very persistent in
assisting me, so the investigation that I conducted went
I am grateful for the journalistic training that
KEMITRAAN has organized in partnership with AJI. This
training broadens the perspective of journalists involved
in the process, on their assignment in the field."
(Participant for Investigative Reporting Training,
Contributor for from Musi Banyuasin
District, South Sumatera)
The Boosting Rule of Law, Integrity
and Democratic Governance through
Civic Engagement, BRIDGE, program
supported by DFAT continued with its
pivot to focus on the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the year KEMITRAAN engaged in
improving the capacity of civil society, local
journalists, and academics to oversee the
use of funding for COVID-19 recovery.
Citizen Journalism
Online Training
The participants in this exercise were
drawn from four cities namely Kendari in
Southeast Sulawesi, Surabaya in East Java,
Medan in North Sumatra, and Denpasar
in Bali. As part of the efforts to amplify the
impact of this initiative, the participants'
learning experiences will be documented
in a book for distribution to important
"All the material presented by the facilitator and
mentor was very impressive and interesting. I have
always been very interested in the material on
the procurement of goods and services because
I am a member of the youth committee for
monitoring goods and services in Banda Aceh
City. During the training I was required to write
2 hard news articles and 1 soft news article. I
received many inputs and new insights related
to writing techniques. Hopefully, on behalf
of AWPF, I can join more activities initiated by
KEMITRAAN in the future."
-Irma Sari
(Participant for Citizen Journalism Training
from Aceh, Founder & Coordinator of Aceh
Women's for Peace Foundation (APWF))
| KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021
KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 |
445View entire presentation