Investor Presentaiton
FY2022 Results - divisional highlights
UK & Other | Wealth & Investment
Achieved record FUM during the period (Mar-21: £41.7bn)
Net inflows of £1.2bn
Adjusted operating profit up 17.9% to £87.7mn
SA | Wealth & Investment
Breadth and depth of product offering suitable for wealth
globalisation trend
Discretionary net inflows of R12.1bn
Adjusted operating profit up 30.0% to R720mn
UK & Other | Specialist Bank
SA | Specialist Bank
Loan book grew by 17.0% (18.5% excluding Australia) to £14.4bn
Strong client acquisition across the business
Loan book up 3.9% to R298.4bn
Elevated corporate repayments and subdued business confidence
Adjusted operating profit substantially ahead of the prior period at
Adjusted operating profit 45.0% ahead of prior period at R7 104mn
Group Investments
Assets have a carrying value of £847.6mn and market value of £1 009mn*
UK & Other | 11.2%
*As at 16 May 2022
SA | 11.7%View entire presentation