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Investor Presentaiton

Total volume of water withdrawal across all areas and in areas with water stress, by source¹ (ML) GRI 303-3, RR-PP-140A.1 Surface water (Total) Groundwater (Total) Total 2020 2021 43,759.23 360.00 45,407.32 423.50 20222 418,417.02 455.15 44,119.23 45,830.82 418,872.17 'We have no operations in areas with water stress. All water withdrawal figures refer to freshwater sources (≤1,000 mg/L of Total Dissolved Solids). Surface water figures include withdrawals for both mill and forestry operations. Groundwater figures refer to withdrawals for seedlings nurseries. 2 Water consumption in forestry operations was included in the calculation in 2022. environmental disclosures system as a requirement for GHG inventories. In 2022, there was an increase in emissions Primarily as a result of a change in the methane correction factor (MCF) from 0.5 to 0.7-in the GHG Protocol tool for waste disclosures. Consumption of nitro- genous fertilizers, soil amendments and fuels also increased. GRI 305-5 Our forestry operations have removed more than 38 million metric tons of CO₂e in the last 10 years, 12 times more than our emissions in that period Total volume of water discharge across all areas and in areas with water stress, by source¹ (ML) GRI 303-4 Direct greenhouse gas emissions¹ (t CO2 equivalent) GRI 305-1, SASB RR-RP-110A.1 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Agricultural (use of fertilizers) 3,795.69 Surface water 37,738 38,805 39,769 Production of electricity, heat or steam 126,420.46 11,490.60 134,744.22 15,191.8 117,561.057 Total water discharge (ML) 37,738 38,805 39,769 1All water discharge figures refer to freshwater sources (<1,000 mg/L of Total Dissolved Solids). We have no operations in areas with water stress. Data for 2020 and 2021 has been restated. Transportation of materials, products, waste, employees and passengers 62,418.37 76,774.63 79,162.325 Solid waste and wastewater 11,954.13 13,660.89 Fugitive emissions 1,705.40 4,121.12 48,119.82 8,082.97 Emissions GRI 3-3: management of material topic Land-use changes resulting from CO2 emissions caused by forest fires² 7,264.56 2,38.0 Total gross CO2 emissions 206,294.12 248,056.00 270,256.772 To improve our environmental performance, Eldo- rado Brasil seeks to remain within operational limits that are more restrictive than those required by Bra- zilian legislation. Since our founding, we have used biomass to fuel the boiler at the power plant. With the recent completion of our Onça Pintada power plant, our generation capacity and the consumption of biomass have increased. Eldorado Brasil is cur- rently conducting assessments on the use of rene- wable, less polluting fuels, including haulage vehicle retrofits from diesel to natural gas, and purchasing gas-fueled and hybrid vehicles. SASB RR-RP-110a.2 Our greenhouse gas emissions inventory, a one- -point source of information about our emissions performance, is internally audited and in 2022 was subject to an external audit in accordance with the GHG Protocol. Our inventory was awarded Gold reporting status, the highest reporting status under the within the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program. The inventory was assured by a a firm certified to ISO 1406 by Inmetro, confirming that the inventory data was collected and compiled in accordance with good practices and data monitoring and reporting. We are also preparing to implement an 'Gases included in the calculation CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCS, SF6, NF 3, PFCS. Biogenic CO2 emissions (t CO2 equivalent) GRI 305-1 2020 2021 3,527,333.55 Our greenhouse gas inventories have been independently audited based on the GHG Protocol since 2022. Programa Brasileiro GHG Protocol Energy indirect GHG emissions (t CO2 equivalent) GRI 305-2 2020 NET 3,771.86 5,390,829.82 2021 1,789.51 2022 3,751,559.953 Programa Brasileiro GHG Protocol Ouro 2021 inventário Verificado 2022 3,404.43 'Scope 2 emissions refer to energy consumption in Brazil and other countries based on data compiled using the GHG Protocol tool and the factors published in the report Carbon Footprint - Country Specific Electricity Grid Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors, February 2023. Eldorado Brasil 60 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 61->
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