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#1Sustainability Report 2022 Eldorado Brasil#2Contents FOREWORD 04 About This Report 05 | Message from the CEO 06 | Statement of Support for the Global Compact 08 | Tenth Anniversary 10 | ESG Strategy THE ELDORADO WAY 16 | About Eldorado Brasil 18 | 2022 at a Glance 20 Economic and Financial Performance CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 24 | Sustainability Governance 3 Eldorado Brasil 100% PLANTED EL CAL MADE IN BRAZ 90 | GRI Content Index PLANET STEWARDSHIP 40 | Managing Environmental Efficiency 53 | Innovation and Technology 56 | Environmental Performance Indicators PEOPLE 70 | The Eldorado Brasil Team 79 | Occupational Health and Safety 81 | Community Engagement 100 | Credits 2 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 3▸#3About This Report Message from the CEO GRI 2-22 e Eldorado Brasi antecipa 10 Building on our commitment to transparency since our founding, we are pleased to present our ninth Sustainability Report, marking a decade of activities. GRI 2-2, 2-4 This is one of several annual reports on our opera- tions during the period January 1 to December 31, 2022. The contents of this report have been pre- pared in accordance with the 2021 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, a globally recognized fra- mework for reporting on economic, environmental and social impacts. The report also includes disclo- sures from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards. GRI 2-3 Eldorado Brasil is fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and this led us to join radio the United Nations Global Compact in 2020 and to reaffirm this commitment year after year. We are advancing initiatives in support of the Ten Principles of the Global Compact, enabling progress on the sustainability agenda, enhancing communication with stakeholders, and improving our management of economic, social, and environmental matters. If you have any questions or feedback about the Report, please write to: [email protected] GRI 2-3 We hope you find the report useful and informative. In 2022 we celebrated our 10th anniversary as a company, marking a decade of successive achieve- ments in productivity, competitiveness, investment, and environmental stewardship. These accomplish- ments have been made possible by our dedicated and highly skilled team of 5,312 employees, who consistently innovate and harness cutting-edge technology to produce world-class products while upholding sustainable practices. Looking back on a decade in which our production has surpassed expectations for an 11-year period, we are proud to have built an unrivaled reputation as one of the most efficient pulp producers in the global industry. We have accomplished this while remaining steadfast in our values and our commit- ment to upholding best ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices. The mark of a company that, while relatively young, is consistently delivering on its business plan, with a forward-looking vision. In 2022, with the mill operating 20% above capacity, we produced 1.83 million metric tons of pulp, a 3.1% increase compared to the previous cycle. Net revenue was R$ 7.5 billion and adjusted EBITDA was R$ 4.6 billion in the year (up 24.5% and 30%, respec- tively, on 2021). Our growth and prosperity cascades across the value chain. We positively impact thousands of families by providing employment and income and supporting the development of local communities and suppliers in the areas where we operate, while our exports have contributed to Brazil's growing trade balance. Speaking of trade, in 2023 we expect to complete our new pulp export terminal at the Port of Santos (SP). Looking back, we are thrilled to see how much we have accomplished in a short amount of time, even in the face of significant challenges. During the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we maintained our investments and not only retained our work- force but hired more people, while lending support to those in need. In recent years, we have successfully achieved set goals, built crucial logistics capabilities to expand in the international market, and developed a world-class presence in the market. We have paid off debts, made acquisitions, and secured new con- cessions and permits to expand our operations in Brazil. Throughout this journey, we have consistently renewed certifications that position us at the top of our industry for quality. The ethical principles and conduct that have brought us here will continue to guide our actions in the years to come. As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the well-being of people and the environment will always be our priority. For Eldorado Brasil, business only makes sense if it brings benefits to our team, society, and our planet. Carmine De Siervi Neto CEO Eldorado Brasil 4 Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 5▸ "#4Statement of Continued Support for the Global Compact OBJETIVOS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL 1 ERRADICAÇÃO DA POBREZA 2 FOME ZERO 3 SAÚDE E BEM-ESTAR 4 EDUCAÇÃO DE QUALIDADE 5 IGUALDADE DE GÊNERO 6 E AGRICULTURA SUSTENTÁVEL ÁGUA POTÁVEL ESANEAMENTO 9 INDÚSTRIA, INOVAÇÃO E INFRAESTRUTURA 10 REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES Being a part of the Global Compact enables us to advance our sustainability agenda, enhance communication with stakeholders, and strengthen our management of ESG topics 14 VIDA NA ÁGUA Eldorado Brasil reaffirms its commitment to the Ten Universal Principles established by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), of which it became a signatory in 2020. Our practices are aligned with the Universal Decla- ration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. These principles have been incorporated into our strategies, and have become integral to our culture. To provide transparency around this commitment, our annual Communication on Progress reports on initiatives that have positively impacted employees, partners, suppliers, society, and the government, and on our commitment to corporate social responsibility. Carmine De Siervi Neto CEO 7 ENERGIA LIMPA EACESSIVEL 8 CIDADES E 11 COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS TRABALHO DECENTE E CRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO M 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS 13 AÇÃO CONTRA A MUDANÇA GLOBAL DO CLIMA PAZ, JUSTIÇA E PARCERIASE MEIOS 17 DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO 15 VIDA TERRESTRE 16 INSTITUIÇÕES EFICAZES 2 Eldorado Brasile CFO Coalition for the SDGs In 2022, Eldorado Brasil joined the CFO Coalition for the SDGs, an initiative within the Global Compact that aims to redefine the role of Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) in driving sustainable long-term corporate finance. The goal is to direct trillions of corporate investments towards the SDGs and create a $ 10 trillion market for SDG-di- rected finance by 2030. The initiative has established a CFO Leadership Group to foster collaboration across a global network of CFOs and strategic partners forming working groups to develop key performance indicators (KPIs). The initiative is also an opportu- nity for CFOs to engage in high-level global and local events, investment forums, and quarterly meetings. The Coalition aims to Expand the CFO Leadership Group from 72 participants to 100 and foster a community of 1,000 CFO signatories to the CFO Principles by 2030. Eldorado Brasil 6 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 7 ►#5Eldorado Brasil Turns Ten The company marks its first decade of operation (although the lead-up to its founding started two years earlier) boasting 11 years' worth of production in the space of 10, and a pioneering, successful and innovative track record. Eldorado Brasil is founded on June 15th. After the groundbreaking ceremony, construction begins on the Três Lagoas (MS) mill R$ 6.2 billion invested in forests, logistics, and the mill The company acquires Florestal Brasil S/A and expands its forestry estate. 2010 2011 2012 The world's largest and most modern eucalyptus pulp mill, featuring a single-line layout, starts operation in the municipality of Três Lagoas. Eldorado is certified by the Forest Stewardship CouncilⓇ (FSC) for forestry manage- ment (FSC-C113536) and chain of custody (FSC-C113939) e Eldorad Bra 2017 2016 Eldorado Brasil is awarded a permit from the Brazilian power sector regulator, ANEEL, to build the Onça Pintada power plant project. The plant generates green and renewable electricity from biomass consisting of previously discarded wood chips, roots, and stumps. The company is also recertified by the Forest Stewardship CouncilⓇ (FSC®) for forestry management (FSC-C113536) and chain of custody (FSC-C113939). 2015 Our dedicated terminal at the Port of Santos (SP). starts operation. Eucalyptus harvesting is discontinued in the state of São Paulo, with forestry operations now concentrated in Mato Grosso do Sul. The company reaches a85% mechanization rate in forestry operations, one of the highest in the industry. Production exceeds 1.6 million tons of pulp. 2014 The company sets its first operational performance record, producing 1.568 million metric tons of pulp. In the second year of operation, the mill exceeds its design production capacity. Eldorado becomes the first forestry company in Brazil to employ artificial intelligence in forest inventories. Eldorado achieves self-sufficien- cy for pulpwood, ensuring an adequate supply of raw material to the mill. 2013 In its first year of operation, the mill reaches its design production capacity of 1.5 million metric tons per year. antecipa que Equipe resultados em 10 Eldorado Brasil The mill exceeds its design capacity by 22% with 95% operational efficiency and 98% availability-setting a benchmark in the industry. Eldorado Brasil's eucalyptus operations are certified by CERFLOR for forestry management and by PEFC for chain of custody 2018 Our permitted power exports to the national grid increase from 40 MWh to 50 MWh. The company secures the construction license for the Onça Pintada power station. 2019 Construction begins on the R$ 13 million allocated to our Covid-19 response Onça Pintada power station, with an installed capacity of 50 MW/h. The permitted capacity under the Operation License for the Mill increases to 1,830,508 t/year 2020 Eldorado is successful in its bid for the STS14 area in the Port of Santos (SP), increasing our shipping capacity to 3 million metric tons per year. Eldorado Brasil becomes a signatory of the UN Global Compact, and pledges support for 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Onça Pintada power plant is completed. The Onça Pintada power plant starts operation, producing clean and renewable energy. Construction begins on the new terminal at the Port of Santos (SP). Eldorado participates in the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP-26), actively contributing to discussions on the climate emergency and the role that industry can play in combating climate change. 50 MW/h in renewable installed capacity 2021 2022 11 years in 10 As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, Eldorado Brasil sets a new production record of 16.5 million metric tons, a year ahead of target and an industry first in the global pulp market. Eldorado deploys artificial intelligence and autonomous equipment throughout its operations. The company is recommended for an additional five years of certification by the Forest Stewardship CouncilⓇ (FSC-C113536) and the Brazilian Forestry Certification Program (CERFLOR) We are also recommended for recertification against the Forest Stewardship CouncilⓇ (FSC®) Chain of Custody Standard (FSC-C113939) and by the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) Our Onça Pintada plant ends its first year of operation with a total output of 127,000 megawatt-hours of clean electricity generated from eucalyptus waste. Work progresses on the port terminal in Santos. At year-end 2022, the works are 98% complete. Eldorado Brasil The Eldorado 8 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 Way Corporate Governance Planet People Stewardship GRI Content Index 9▶#6ESG Strategy GRI 2-22 Eldorado Brasil is committed to conserving biodi- versity, using natural resources responsibly, in deve- loping our employees and the communities where we operate. Our sustainable practices are certified by environmental certifications to be aligned with industry-leading standards worldwide. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria are integrated into our strategic plan and ingrained in our day-to-day operations. We have worked consistently to build a strong reporting framework using the GRI methodology, which guides us in identifying, prioritizing, assessing and validating the material topics that inform all our processes and investments. Our materiality assessment for this reporting period identified eight material topics, in a process that involved the active participation of internal and external stakeholders and leadership in topic identification, prioritization, assessment and vali- dation. Targets were set for each material topic and mapped to the relevant SDGS, GRI and SASB disclo- sures, and the Ten Principles of the Global Compact. GRI 3-1, 2-29 Location Targets of impact Material topic GRI 3-2, 3-3 Management scope GRI/SASB disclosures SDG SDG Environmental 1. Voluntary forestry 12 Forestry partners in Mato Forestry certifications; and incentives RR-FM-160 a.1 12.6, 12.7, Grosso do Sul. 15.1, 15.2, certifications and good practices for sustainable land-use practices. 15 15.3 Customers in Brazil and around the world. 2. Managing environmental efficiency Material efficiency; water and energy management at our offices, mill, and forestry operations; effluent management; waste management, material reuse and recycling (including electronic waste). 3. Biodiversity 201-2, 302-1, 302-3, 302-4, 303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-4, 303-5, 304-1, 305-1, 305-2, 305-3, 305-4, 305-5, 306-1, 306-2, 306-3, 306-4, 306-5, 2 FM RR -000.A, RR-FM-000.B, 2.4, 9.4, 9 RR-FM-000.C, 11.6 RR-PP-110 a.1, RR-PP-110 a.2, 11 RR-PP-120 a.1, RR-PP-130 a.1, RR-PP-140 a.1, RR-PP-140 a.2, RR-PP-430 a.1, RR-PP-430 a.2 Engaging in environmental education initiatives for surrounding communities; employee training and wildlife monitoring; managing information on Eldorado Brasil's High Conservation Value (HCV) areas; fire responder activities. 4. Innovation and technology Investments in more efficient and sustainable production technology; innovation program awards; activities at the Eldorado Brasil Forestry Intelligence Center; number of initiatives within our Inovar Program. Environment (forestry and mill operations in Três Lagoas, MS, seedling nursery in Andradina, SP, and Rishis in Santos, SP). Forestry partners in Mato Grosso do Sul. Customers in Brazil and around the world. 15.2, 15.3, 15.5 Environment (forestry and mill operations in Três Lagoas, MS, seedling nursery in Andradina, SP, and Rishis in Santos, SP). 304-1, 304-2, 304-3, 2 2.4, 15.1, 304-4, RR-FM-160 a.2, RR-FM-160 a.3, RR-FM-160 a.4 15 2 8 6 12 2.4, 8.2, 9.4, 12a Universities in Mato Grosso do Sul. Environment (forestry and mill operations in Três Lagoas, MS, seedling nursery in Andradina, SP, and Rishis in Santos, SP). Employees. 10 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 11 Index#7Material topic GRI 3-2, 3-3 Management scope Social GRI/SASB SDG disclosures SDG 5. Human and organizational development Employee onboarding program; attracting and retaining talent; performance reviews; leadership development; average training hours per year. 203-1, 203-2, 401-1, 401-2, 401-3, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-8, 403-9, 403-10, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3, RR-FM-210 a.2 6. Diversity and Discrimination cases and corrective action taken; compensation differences between men and women; equal opportunity employee diversity at Eldorado Brasil. Location Targets of impact 5 5.1, 5.5, 8.5 8 Employees in Brazil and around the world. 5 202-1,405-1, 5.1, 5.5, Employees 405-2, 406-1 8.5 8 The Ten Principles of the Global Compact Two years ago, Eldorado Brasil joined the Global Compact's Ten Principles, a United Nations initiative calling on companies to align their strategies and operations with ten universal principles related to human rights, labor, environment and anti-corrup- tion, and take actions that advance societal goals. This initiative represents the world's largest corpo- rate sustainability initiative, with 16,000 corporate participants and other stakeholders, forming 70 local networks in over 160 countries. The 2030 Agenda, also launched by the UN in 2015, seeks to foster initiatives for a better world in the next decade. The initiative currently has 193 member states working toward a set of 17 Sustainable Deve- lopment Goals (SDGs). Each year, we report to the Global Compact on our progress in implementing the Ten Principles in our operations, and set goals that are aligned with the SDGs. 7. Local community development Governance Managing positive and negative social, environmental and economic impacts on surrounding communities; environmental education activities and social initiatives in municipalities within our area of influence; company engagement in the social programs of partner organizations; and corporate volunteer work. 8. Transparency, ethics and anti-corruption Communications and training on anti-corruption policies; protecting our reputation and credibility; preventing misconduct in management; confirmed incidents of corruption and corrective and/or disciplinary action taken. Communities in Mato Grosso do Sul. 11 Suppliers. 201-1, 203-2, 12 11.a, 12.8, 413-1,413-2 17.16 17 11.3, 11.6, Employees in Brazil. mill operations in Três Lagoas, MS, seedling nursery in Andradina, SP, and Rishis in Santos, SP). Environment (forestry and 205-1, 205-2, 205-3 16 16.7 Employees in Brazil and around the world. Consumer in Brazil and around the world. Government Agencies (environmental monitoring 16.5, 16.6, for compliance with operation license requirements, including air emissions and wastewater discharge, water bodies and aquatic communities, noise emissions, fauna and flora, and other periodic monitoring). Human Rights SUPPORT and respect the protec- tion of internationally proclaimed * Environment 7 SUPPORT a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. human rights in our area of influence. 8 UNDERTAKE initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. 2 ENSURE that we are not complicit in human rights abuses. 9 ENCOURAGE the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Employment 3 UPHOLD the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. + UPHOLD the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor. 10 5 UPHOLD the effective abolition of child labor. UPHOLD the elimination of discri- 6 mination in respect of employment and occupation. Anti-corruption WORK AGAINST corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. Eldorado Brasil 12 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 13▶#8The Eldorado Way Eldorado Brasil The Eldorado 14 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 15▶>#9About Eldorado Brasil GRI 2-1, 2-2, 2-6 Eldorado Brazil is a leading Brazilian producer of eucalyptus pulp and one of the most efficient pla- yers in the industry, consistently going from record to record in production and sales. In our first decade of operation, we achieved 11 years' worth of pulp production: 16.5 million metric tons. This led us to adopt the slogan "11 years in 10" to celebrate our journey in 2022. Eldorado Brasil has a workforce of over 5,000 employees, both in Brazil and abroad, all working in alignment with our core values. Our headquarters are located in São Paulo (SP), and our forestry and mill operations in Três Lagoas (MS). Surrounding our mill are over 263,000 hectares (ha) of planted forests and a total of 412,000 hectares of forest land. Our mill has a production capacity of 1.8 million metric tons of pulp per year. We also generate renewable energy from various forms of eucalyptus waste, employing a groun- dbreaking technology that is an industry first in Brazil. In addition, we have commercial offices in Aus- tria (serving the European, African, and Middle Eastern markets), China (Asia), the United States (North America), and São Paulo (Latin America). Our products are shipped overseas from six ports: Additionally, we operate across six ports: Santos (SP), Paranaguá (PR), Itapoá, São Francisco do Sul, Navegantes, and Imbituba (SC). This extensive network allows us to efficiently cater to international markets, serving as the primary destinations for the high-quality pulp we produce, spanning over 45 countries. Mission, Vision and Values Mission To build relations of trust with our shareholders, our people and our partners, through the ongoing enhancement of our planted, renewable forest assets. Vision Eldorado Brasil as a global leader in the pulp industry, building new ways to create value. Values Owner mindset Determination Discipline Availability Simplicity Humility Honesty Stronger Together A.-M GRI 2-28 At Eldorado Brasil we believe that companies must engage in shaping the transformations they are seeking to promote. With this in mind, we are active members of partnerships and initiatives through which we seek to influence the broader industry: Global Compact: a UN initiative establishing a set of fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, labor law, the environment and fighting corruption. Eldorado Brasil supports the Global Compact's Anti-corruption Collective Action in Agribusiness initiative in preventing and combating corruption in all its forms in Brazilian agribusiness. In 2022 the initiative laun- ched an Anti-Corruption Best Practice Guide for Agribusiness. Brazil, Forests and Agriculture Coalition: a multi-stakeholder initiative through which lea- ding agribusiness players in Brazil have united to address issues stemming from climate change. Agroíntegro: an initiative of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture for the agribusiness sector, and we support its related integrity programs. Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabili- dade Social: Business Initiative for Integrity and Transparency and the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption. In addition to these partnerships, Eldorado Brasil is a member of the WWF MS Forum, FSC® International, the Brazilian Forestry Association (IBA), the Brazilian Pulp and Paper Association (ABTCP), the Association of Planted Forest Producers and Consumers of Mato Grosso do Sul (REFLORE/MS); the Mato Grosso do Sul Pulp & Paper Employers' Union (SINPACEMS); the Forestry Research Institute (IPEF); and the Pro- gramme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). Eldorado Brasil The Eldorado Corporate 16 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 Way Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 17▶>#102022 at a Glance RECORD 10-year production of 16.5 million metric tons, producing 11 years' worth of pulp a year in advance. EFFICIENCY Our mill operates 22% above its design capacity, within an operational efficiency of 95%. We have continued to maintain 98% availability levels, setting a benchmark in the industry. FORESTRY 5.0 Launched Forest 5.0 project, a project to implement advanced analytics and sensor technology in our machinery and forestry operations to collect real-time data on tree growth. MORE JOBS We ended the year with a workforce of 5,312 employees. PRODUCTION 1.83 million metric tons of pulp ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE R$ 7.5 billion in net revenue, R$ 3.5 billion in net income and R$ 4.6 billion in adjusted EBITDA. AWARD Presented with the 2022 Proteção Brasil Award by Revista Proteção in the "Occupational Health and Safety Training and Communication" category for the Midwest. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding practices in promoting force health and safety in the forestry sector. RAILWAY Awarded a permit by the National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT) to build an 88.9 kilometer railway line from our mill in Três Lagoas (MS) to Aparecida do Taboado (MS). In a projected investment of R$ 890 million, the new railway line will transport an estimated 1.8 million metric tons of pulp per year. ONCA PINTADA POWER STATION our thermal power station in Três Lagoas (MS) generated 127,162.87 MWh of electricity from waste eucalyptus wood. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 30% reduction in area affected by fires compared to 2021, through the use of preventive measures and technology. NEW TERMINAL Started construction of a new terminal at the Port of Santos (SP) that will triple our shipping capacity and reduce logistics costs. Eldorado Brasil 18 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 19#11Economic and Financial Performance...... The record production and delivery efficiency allowed Eldorado Brasil to achieve positive results amid rising international pulp prices (USD 803 per ton, 31% higher than in 2021), caused by logistical bottlenecks affecting the global circulation and supply of products between continents. Net income was R$ 3.5 billion in 2022, up 301.6% from 2021. Adjusted EBITDA (earnings before inte- rest, tax, deprecation and amortization) was R$ 4.6 billion, an increase of 30.4% over the same period, while our EBITDA margin was 60.5%. Financial leve- rage (measured as the ratio of net debt/Adjusted EBITDA) dropped to its lowest ever level of 0.65 times, compared to 1.48 times in the same period last year. In 2022 the Company produced 1.83 million metric tons of pulp, 3.1% more than in 2021. Pulp sales stood at 1.76 million tons, a 0.2% increase compared to the previous cycle, serving the tissue (sanitary) and printing and stationery segments. Asia, Europe and North America continue to account for the bulk of our exports. Click here to see the Company's complete financial results. Leverage, Net Debt and Cash Cost of Production Cash cost of production remained compe- titive in 2022 at an average of 880 R$/t (167 US$/t) at year-end, excluding the effect of the scheduled maintenance shutdown. Net Debt to EBITDA Ratio in 2022 0.65 X in R$ (ND 2,984/EBITDA 4,563= -0.78 x) and 0.78 x in US$. Net debt in 2022 R$ 2.984 million 42.6% less than in 2021. Net debt in US$ in 2022 US$ 572 million with a sustained reduction in dollar-deno- minated debt. Direct economic value generated¹ (R$) GRI 201-1 2020 2021 2022 Revenue (R$) Sales of goods, products and services Non-operating 4,730,688.00 4,561,764.00 168,924.00 Inputs purchased from third parties -1,734,885.00 6,498,158.00 6,279,845.00 218,313.00 -2,057,721.00 7,832,760.00 7,781,448.00 51,312.00 -1,331,111.00 -769,639.00 -871,319.00 -905,799.00 2,995,803.00 3,569,118.00 5,595,850.00 -532,806.00 -424,045.00 -571,683.00 Depreciation, amortization and depletion Net added value produced by the entity Transferred added value -532,806.00 -424,045.00 -571,683.00 2,462,997.00 3,145,073.00 5,024,167.00 Added value to be distributed 196,422.00 2,659,419.00 48,525.00 3,193,598.00 637,914.00 5,662,081.00 Cost of goods and services sold Gross value added Withholdings Distributed Operating costs' Direct economic value distributed (R$) GRI 201-1 2020 2021 2022 351,387 2,372,317 44,126 451,971 476,437 1,195,514 832,682 666,351 818,694 108,411 2,659,419 879,762 3,193,598 3,534,268 5,662,081 Payments to providers of capital Payments to government Interest on equity Total 1 Refers to salaries and benefits. Economic value retained (R$) "Direct economic value generated" less "Economic value distributed" GRI 201-1 2020 2021 2,071,269 2022 3,304,560 2,170,679 Economic value distributed GRI 201-1 2020 2021 2022 Net revenue (R$ million)' 4,730,688.00 6,498,158.00 7,832,760.00 EBITDA (R$ million) 2,113 3,500.00 Design production capacity (million metric tons) Actual production volume (million metric tons) 1.5 1.5 4,563 1.8 1,770 1,777 1,832 Sales volume (thousand metric tons) 1,799 1,755 1,759 Total added value to be distributed (R$ million) 1 The company ceased reporting gross revenue in 2022. Previous years' data has been updated for net revenue. 2,659.41 3,193,598 5,662,081.00 Eldorado Brasil 20 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 21#12Governance Corporate Human Rights Anti-corruption Material topics 1 2 10 Transparency, ethics and anti-corruption 16 INSTITUIÇÕES PAZ, JUSTIÇA E EFICAZES Eldorado 05 FLORD D C Eldera D ૩) Eldor Eldorado Brasil 22 = Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 23#13Sustainability Governance GRI 2-9 1.402 3143067 33.110 4.84% 792. 478 1922 112% வின் M Organizational Structure Eldorado Brasil adopts the best practices and corpo- rate governance standards, prioritizing transparency with stakeholders and the market. The company understands that businesses can only evolve if they respect laws, ethics and integrity in internal and external relationships. With a forward-looking approach, the Company is integrating ESG into its business. Eldorado Brasil is therefore constantly developing good practices to prioritize investments in people, innovation, techno- logy and sustainability to mature its governance. We also believe that creating a robust socio-environ- mental agenda is conducive with good corporate governance. This is supported by a sound governance structure comprising a Board of Directors, an Executive Board, and five committees: Audit, Financial & Risk Management; Related Parties & Conflict of Interest; People & Development; and Sustainability & Social Responsibility. The Company follows Novo Mercado (B3) gover- nance practices even though it is not listed for trading. It is registered at the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) as a publicly traded company and regularly discloses its reports, financial sta- tements, policies and IR documents. J&F Investi- mentos S.A is Eldorado's controlling shareholder with an equity interest of 50.59%; CA Investment has an interest of 49.41%. Esado por Contr Eldorado D OLIN 1000 T BAR M 由 53.406 46.815 Indicadores Transporte Madeira -19% 7:30 Top l 74 Viagens Divergentes por Emprese TB Tag AMA TRAMPO We believe that creating a robust socio- environmental agenda is conducive with good corporate governance 247 429 Mil Industrial Operations & Sourcing $ Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer Board of Directors CEO Forestry Operations Commercial Operations & Logistics HR, Sustainability & Communications Legal Chief Transportation Officer Eldorado Brasil 24 = Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 25->#14J&F Sound governance underpins our efforts to improve performance, mitigate risks and track progress against strategic goals Board of Directors GRI 2-10, 2-11, 2-12, 2-14, 2-16, 2-17 This body manages the Company, collectively setting general business guidelines and policies. It is also responsible for overseeing and monitoring officers' activities, choosing independent auditors and setting up committees and their respective rules and duties. The Board of Directors' composition is determined by elections at General Shareholders' Meetings. There are seven members and an equal number of alternates who serve one-year terms, with re-elec- tion permitted. The CEO is not a senior company executive. Eldorado Brasil's Board of Directors is not respon- sible for reviewing and approving the information in this report, as the topics are approved by the company's Sustainability department. Executive Board This Board reports directly to the Board of Directors. and is tasked with implementing the strategic planning defined by the Board of Directors and efficiently allocating resources around the company. Eldorado's current executive board consists of seven executives. Board Advisory Committees GRI 2-16, 2-17 Oversight Board Operates independently of management and audit. Members serve one-year terms and are mainly tasked with auditing management activities, reviewing financial statements and reporting the conclusions to shareholders. Specialized committees exist to assist the Board of Directors and governance bodies by providing strategic inputs for decision-making, which are subordinated to the Board of Directors and the Exe- cutive Board. Eldorado Brasil has four committees: Audit, Financial & Risk Management; Related Parties & Conflict of Interest; People & Development; and Sustainability & Social Responsibility committees. GRI 2-14, 2-20 Eldorado Brasil 26 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 27->#15Transparency, Ethics and Anti-corruption GRI 2-15, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26 3-3: management of material topic Eldorado Brasil adheres to the highest standards of integrity in compliance with laws and internal policies. The Compliance Program is our flagship initiative for disseminating our values and a culture of ethics, integrity, compliance and transparency in doing business, and for preventing, detecting and remediating any misconduct in business activities. For the past four years, an independent external audit has been assessing the compliance program's progress based on ISO compliance standards and best market practices. The company has signed up to public initiatives approved by the presidency and executive board, such as the Collective Agribusiness Anti-corruption Action Group, the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption and the Business Movement for Integrity and Transparency. These initiatives demonstrate the topic's importance to the company. Risks are periodically assessed, and the company seeks to keep abreast of impactful actions necessary to prevent potential route diversion and thereby reduce its exposure to unforeseen risks. GRI 205-1 Compliance is responsible for leading the pro- gram and implementing a series of actions and policies aimed at nurturing trust and transparency among employees, shareholders, suppliers, service providers, partners, customers, governments and communities. Over the course of the year, we mapped out internal controls and conducted audits based on risk assessment and internal policies. The objective is to contribute to risk reduction, improve operational efficiency and reduce business costs, as well as creating a wholesome workplace. All employees undergo training related to the Code of Conduct and Ethics as well as company policies The Code of Conduct and Ethics establishes the main guidelines for employees and is essential in preventing and combating corruption and fraud in business. It includes specific clauses on the topic for suppliers. The document requires compliance with laws, prevention of money laundering, prevention and combatting of corruption and compliance with antitrust and competition rules, among others. Human Rights play a prominent role in the Code, with a chapter detailing the prohibition of child or forced labor, zero tolerance for any form of abuse or slavery-like conditions, as well as any discrimination or incitement that violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The company has internal policies promoting equal treatment among employees, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation or other status protected by law. Other related practices include training, commu- nications plans, policy compliance monitoring, and processes to address employees' questions about our Code of Ethics, internal standards and guidelines, and other matters. In 2022, training sessions were conducted on topics such as com- pliance leadership, supplier relations, conflicts of interest, corruption and psychological and sexual harassment. Specific training was also administered for Procurement through the e-learning platform Eldorado Educa, covering topics related to suppliers, conflicts of interest and corruption, with 98.4% of staff participating. Furthermore, over a thousand new employees were trained on anti-corruption policies and procedures as part of the employee onboarding process. GRI 205-2 In addition to training sessions, the Company conducts an annual Compliance and Ethics Culture Survey to gage employees' understanding of its Compliance Program and ethics and integrity topics. Survey answers are used to create training programs focusing on areas that require attention and both print and online communication materials are regu- larly published. The implemented initiatives aim to identify and mitigate integrity risks, and one of the tools used for this purpose is the Ethics Hotline, a whistleblowing channel for stakeholders. Eldorado has a Whistle- blowing Channel through which stakeholders can submit reports on any violations of Company poli- cies or applicable laws and regulations. The channel is independently operated and is available to all stakeholders, both internal and external. Reports can be made anonymously (at the whistle- blower's discretion) and are kept strictly confidential. Each report is analyzed by Compliance, which evaluates the facts, conducts internal investigations and, when applicable, prepares a report for appre- ciation by the Ethics Committee. Any recommended disciplinary measures or opportunities for process or control improvement are referred to each head of department. Eldorad Bra Eldorado Brasil 28 = Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 29#16The Ethics Hotline is available to both internal and external stakeholders Leading compliance initiatives Linha ética Faça seu papel! Conducting internal audits to identify integrity risks Managing reports received through the Ethics Hotline, Eldo- rado Brasil's integrity channel In 2022, a total of 370 reports were received through the Ethics Hotline, including complaints and whistleblowing. The investigations identified 17 opportunities for improvement in the channel. The conduct of three employees who were reported was also monitored to ensure behavioral change. A further 27 improvement recommendations to com- pliance procedures were also made, and 25 discipli- nary measures were recommended to leadership, all of which were accepted and implemented by management. J&F Group has also engaged an External Audit since 2019. This audit assesses approximately 200 elements of the Compliance Program based on the international standards ISO 37001 and 37301, and its findings are reported directly to the Public Prosecutions Department (MPF) as part of a plea bargain. In 2020, the audit confirmed that 91% of the assessed items were compliant with Eldorado Brasil's standards. In 2021, the internal audit found the company had implemented 98% of the recom- mendations. The latest external audit found that in 2022 all Compliance Program targets had been achieved, a significant milestone that will further enhance Eldorado Brasil's transparency in its dea- lings with employees and stakeholders. The 2022 external audit is ongoing and will be concluded in 2023. The Company's goal is to continue enhancing its Compliance Program. Ethics Hotline GRI 2-26 [email protected] 0800.527,5280 How it works 1) Reports made through the channels (or directly to compliance staff) can be anony- mous or by name, as the whistleblower prefers. 2) An independent specialized firm receives the report, conducts a preliminary analysis, and forwards it to Eldorado Brasil com- pliance for further processing. 3) After a thorough and impartial analysis of the facts with the Ethics Committee, the case is concluded the author of the com- plaint or report is informed of the position taken. Analyzing the results of external audits to enhance the Compliance Program Managing suppliers, inclu- ding evaluating the integrity of business partners Mapping and evaluating internal controls and creating or updating compliance policies Implementing the Ethics Ambas- sadors Program, where emplo- yees from various practices disseminate our Compliance Program Training employees and conducting compliance and ethics communication campaigns Conducting an annual internal employee survey on the company's ethics and compliance culture Constantly monitoring Com- pliance Program initiatives, collecting indicators and imple- menting any necessary remedial or corrective measures Eldorado Brasil 30 = Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 31->#17Ethics ambassadors Created a year ago and currently consisting of 54 employees selected from various sectors, the pro- gram is dedicated to disseminating the company's best practices and conduct through these ambas- sadors, who receive training in ethics. In 2022, we worked on fostering an ethical culture. The purpose is to strengthen the company's culture and integrity, supported by several compliance policies, such MULTIPLICADOR RES DA ETICA 2021/2022 iii Seja exemplo! as: Anti-Corruption; Gifts and Hospitality; Integrity Assessments for Business Partners; Conflicts of Interest; Donations and Sponsorship; Consequence Management; Non-Retaliation; Antitrust; Internal Controls; Internal Audit and Data Protection and Privacy. e Eldorado Brasil 806 Risk Management GRI 2-16, 2-25, 2-27 Incentive Ser exempl BARROS TILP ICA GONH CARA e Inspirar, Incentivar. Ser exemplo. MULTIPLICADORES DA ÉTICA etics Eldorado TORRE TH Key Business and Operational Risks ENVIRON- MENTAL SUPPLY CHAIN The risk of climate change and its financial implications. The risk of shortages, inability to source business-essential materials or failure to comply with good operational practices, such as failure by our suppliers to comply with laws, regula- tions and technical standards $ FINANCIAL Market risks, such as foreign-exchange and interest rate fluctuations REGULATORY Risks related to impacts on our business and operations from new laws, regulations and standards OPERATIONAL Forestry, mill, haulage, commercial and pulp logistics risks REPUTATIONAL Risks related to Eldorado's credibility and public trust SOCIAL The risk of impacts on local communities that could affect our operations Eldorado Brasil conducts risk management proce- dures in accordance with the Precautionary Prin- ciple (Principle 15) outlined by the United Nations (UN), namely that of protecting the environment and preventing potential damage, especially serious and irreversible damage. Risk management a key tool in strengthe- ning governance, enhancing transparency and protecting our reputation and our business. Our risk management plan is frequently revised, shared across all levels of the organization, providing gui- delines on monitoring, preventing and taking action to mitigate impacts within and outside the organi- zation. No significant concerns were recorded in the year that could impact the Company's business, and there were no significant fines paid for non-com- pliance in 2022. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMPLIANCE Risks to information security and customer and employee data privacy Employee and business partner misconduct and integrity risks; compliance with anti-corruption, conflicts of interest, anti-trust and internal audit policies, as well as privacy and data protection. Eldorado Brasil 32 = Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 33#18Eldorad Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change GRI 201-2, SASB RR-FM-450A.1 Classification Description of the risk or opportunity Description of impact associated with the risk or opportunity Financial implications of the risk or opportunity before action is taken Risks 1. The international community's perceptions of climate policy in Brazil, especially in the Amazon and Pantanal regions. 2. The risk of reduced water availability. 3. The risk that foreign markets could impose tariffs on Brazilian products due to the country's environmental policies. Products produced in Brazil could be banned in foreign markets due to the country's poor climate policies. Reduced water supplies would increase the cost of forestry operations by requiring water to be transported from more distant locations. Prolonged droughts create a risk for forest fires. Loss of markets due to poor government policy and failure to comply with international agreements on emissions reduction targets to mitigate climate change. Opportunities Demonstrate that our forestry assets are located outside the Amazon and Pantanal regions and that deforestation and forest fires are prohibited and actively prevented. All planted forests are located in previously disturbed areas used for decades for extensive cattle farming. Our planted forests have internationally recognized forestry management certification attesting that we have adopted and adhere to best practices in forestry management, across the environmental, social and economic dimensions. Demonstrate how sustainable forestry management practices, including planted forests, help to absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere, supporting global efforts to mitigate impacts from climate change. Remediate protected areas and buffers along water bodies. Expand our contingent of personnel and equipment to monitor hotspots and fire outbreaks, and provide vehicles and equipment to rapidly respond to forest fires. Eldorado's forestry operations support efforts against climate change through carbon sequestration. Our responsible practices also create added value for our products. Suppliers In 2022 we built on the Business Partner Assessment and Integrity Policy implemented in the previous cycle, in order to improve internal compliance controls. This policy includes the requirement for partners to sign three types of statements: anti-cor- ruption, politically exposed person, and working conditions (prevention and combatting child or forced labor), and accepting the terms and com- mitments of the Code of Conduct and Ethics and contractual anti-corruption clauses. For certain contracts (based on value), an integrity due diligence process is implemented to assess the risks involved in relationships with suppliers. In this business partner relationship, Eldorado Brasil believes that it can generate employment and income by contracting service providers and general products in the vicinity of its operations. Data privacy and security To comply with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD Law 13.709/2018), Eldorado Brasil has established guidelines and standardized processes for handling personal data that circulates in any company environment, which continued to be mapped in 2022. These are consolidated in our Privacy and Data Protection Policy. Our Privacy and Data Protection Program also maps and monitors all activities involving personal information, implemen- ting controls and improvements, raising employee awareness about the importance of keeping this information confidential, and responding to any security incidents. Throughout the year, training and awareness cam- paigns were structured for employees to deepen their understanding of the subject. To clarify queries or address the topic in general, the Company pro- vides the Privacy Website and the email: [email protected]. 60% Number of suppliers by municipality Água Clara Anastácio Municipality Aparecida do Taboado Bataguassu Brasilândia Caarapó Campo Grande Cassilândia Chapadão do Sul Dourados Eldorado Inocência Itaporã Ivinhema Jaraguari Number of suppliers 15 1 8 8 4 2 96 2 4 Dois Irmãos do Buriti 1 8 2 12 1 2 1 611 suppliers Nova Andradina Paraíso das Águas Paranaíba 10 1 3 Ribas do Rio Pardo 10 Rio Brilhante 1 Santa Rita do Pardo 3 Selvíria 13 Sidrolândia 1 Terenos 1 370 31 Três Lagoas (MS) Três Lagoas Andradina¹ 1 Except Andradina (SP), all other municipalities are located in Mato Grosso do Sul State. Eldorado Brasil 34 = Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 35▶#19Caring for our planet Environment Material topics 7 8 6 Certifications and good practices • Managing environmental efficiency ● Biodiversity • Innovation and technology FOME ZERO 2 EAGRICULTURA SUSTENTÁVEL SSS TRABALHO DECENTE 8 E CRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO 9 INDÚSTRIA, INOVAÇÃO EINFRAESTRUTURA CIDADES E 11 COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS QO VIDA 15 TERRESTRE Eldorado Brasil The Eldorado 36 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 37▶#20Sustainable operations Eldorado is committed to balancing environmental protection with sustainable business growth through environmental stewardship Forestry We have more than 393,000 hectares of FSC (FSC C113536) and CERFLOR-certified forests, with 80% of forest stands connected to protected areas and legal reserves 117,000 of protected areas 865 wildlife and plant species identified in our forest areas, including 37 endemic species and 26 threatened species 30% reduction in area affected by fires compared to 2021 through the use of preventive measures and technology 14,812 people reached by the Eldorado Environmental Education Program (PES) Gold reporting status in the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program 38 million metric tons of CO₂ 12 times more than our emissions in the period removed Wood logistic Our truck fleet, with an average age of one and a half years, significantly contributes to lower CO2 emissions We have been a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2020 Eldorado Brasil 61% company-own trucks in our fleet Our trucks have state-of-the-art on board driver fatigue and distraction control systems, and 100% of the fleet has telematics systems that help to reduce CO2 emissions Mill As we set new production records, our environmental indicators have improved in tandem, supporting operational excellence and FSC (FSC-C113939) and PEFC certification. Our production processes require minimal water and chemical consumption, resulting in reduced effluent and greenhouse gas emissions Energy self-sufficiency with 96% of our energy coming from renewable sources 1.8 million metric tons of bleached eucalyptus pulp, setting a new production record 86% of the water we use is returned to the river in environmentally suitable conditions. The remaining 14% is either incorporated into our products or returned to the environment through evaporation Pulp logistics Our new terminal being constructed at the Port of Santos (SP) has direct access to berths and railway lines. This will enhance efficiency and reduce emissions from pulp shipping operations 267 MWh of renewable electricity 0.15 tCO₂e of greenhouse gas emissions per metric ton of pulp, one of the lowest in our industry 24% reduction in water consumption for pulp production over the last 10 years Onça Pintada Power Plant (UTOP) Renewable electricity generated from pulpwood waste is supplied to the National Grid 127,000 MWh electricity output of renewable The new pulp terminal in Santos (SP) will have a capacity to ship 3 million metric tons per year, triple the current capacity. Eldorado sells pulp directly to 45 countries across all continents. 38 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 39▶#21Managing Environmental Efficiency GRI 3-3: Management of material topics Eldorado Brasil has never stopped conducting stu- dies, monitoring natural resources and continuously improving the environmental quality of its processes, products and services. To achieve this, it constantly invests in innovations and management and control tools. This has led to the maturity of environmental indicators and successive records in pulp production in recent years, aligned with sustainable develo- pment and ensuring the sustainability of natural resources for current and future generations. Against this backdrop, the importance of biodiver- sity for the planet and for business means protec- ting our geographies is the rule not the exception. The company therefore invests in technology and good management practices in the planting of eucalyptus forests and throughout the process of transforming wood into pulp. The focus on environmentally sustainable actions underpins the practices of all company sectors. Eldorado Brasil complies with all current laws and goes above and beyond requirements in many sec- tors. We pay special attention to agricultural defense legislation, with practices that protect the health of plants, the identity, quality and hygienic-sanitary safety of areas, as well as the integrity of inputs and services used in forests. The company's forestry operations take extreme care of nature as proven by forest certifications that attest to good management practices, compliance with national and international standards and legis- lation, and respect for human rights. Sustainability Policy Consisting of nine commitments, the policy is one of Eldorado Brasil's strategic guidelines for conducting busi- ness and using natural resources. 1 Ensure the business remains competitive and operates in a socially and environmentally respon- sible manner; 4 Use natural resources sus- tainably and protect local biodiversity; 2 Comply with applicable laws and regulations in accordance with the requi- rements laid down by the Forest Management Council; 5 Contribute to attaining Brazil's INDC targets through forestry and by producing energy from renewable sources; 3 il Innovate and develop technologies that boost competitiveness while preventing pollution; 6 論 Foster ethical relations and transparent communi- cation with stakeholders; 7 BO Provide working con- ditions that offer equal rights without discrimina- tion based on gender, race or color; 8 Provide a motivating, safe and healthy work environment; 9 Invest in training and develop a culture of conti- nual improvement in our operations. $40 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 41#22Forestry certifications and good practices GRI 3-3: management of material topic Certification is renewed annually, attesting to the Company's good practices, with the goal of certifying 100% of the planted forest areas. The main seals in the company's portfolio are: • Forest Stewardship CouncilⓇ: granted to enterprises or producers whose forests are res- ponsibly managed according to the FSC Princi- ples and Criteria, Eldorado Brasil holds certification for Forest Management (FSC- C113536) and Chain of Custody (FSC-C113939), ensuring pulp can be traced down to the end customer. FSC FSC* C113939 A marca do manejo florestal responsável FSC FSC C113536 A marca do manejo florestal responsável ● Brazilian Forestry Certification Program (CERFLOR): a voluntary certification program confirming that the enterprise conducts forest management in compliance with the program's environmental, social and economic requirements. ● Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC): the largest forest certifi- cation system in the world, the process occurs through independent third-party certification that identifies sustainable forest management practices. حلال HALAL • Halal Certification: certifies the practice of procedures for producing, storing and marke- ting items intended for Muslim consumers. SRATIFIED K KOSHER EU Ecolabel COALIZÃO BRASIL CLIM FLORESTAS E AGRICULTURA Kosher Certification: ensures that the company follows spe- cific standards aimed at Jewish consumers. ● Ecolabel: the European seal attests that Eldorado Brasil follows environmental stan- dards of excellence throughout its production cycle. The certification promotes circular economy, advocates for pro- duction processes with less waste and lower CO2 emissions. Brazilian Climate Coalition: Eldorado Brasil is a signatory of the Brazilian Coalition on Cli- mate, Forests and Agriculture. This multi-stakeholder initiative brings together some of the leading agribusiness players in Brazil to address issues stem- ming from climate change. Eldorado currently has 393,857.57 hectares of certified forest area, representing 95% of the certi- fied area in 2022. This data is from the latest audit report issued by the certification body SYSFLOR, which embraces the FSC and CERFLOR certifica- tions. In 2022, 25% of the total wood consumed in the factory was sourced from FSC-certified suppliers, and 30% from controlled pulpwood. SASB RR-FM-160a.1, RR-PP-430a.1 Eldorado Brasil 42 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 43#23Forestry Operations In 2022, as Eldorado Brasil celebrated its 10-year anniversary, our forestry operations achieved remar- kable milestones. Our pulpwood eucalyptus forests grew to a total of 267,300, and we sourced an additional 60 million cubic meters (m³) of pulpwood from the market. During the year, we planted more than 300 million eucalyptus trees on owned and leased land, and maintained 117,000 hectares of protected areas. Alongside this expansion, we invested in technology to streamline our operations and decision-making. Out of the 2,500 clones we tested in the year, 157 were selected as genetic material for annual plan- ting across our more than 300 farms throughout the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. As part of our genetic improvement efforts, we successfully registered five elite cultivars with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA). These cultivars were selected from progenies imported from Australia and other parts of the world. Known as local varieties, these cultivars exhibit well-adapted characteristics to our sites, demonstrating enhanced growth and resilience to water deficit, common pests, and eucalyptus diseases. Our research in genetic improvement and biotechnology continues to advance. During the year, we established an experimental network within our Genetic Improvement Program (PMGF). We implemented 48 new trials, covering a total of 133 hectares, and introduced 755 new progenies and 534 new clones. The goal in these trials is to develop high-yield genetic material adapted to our plantation sites, with optimal pulpwood properties and high tolerance to biotic and abiotic stressors. Eldorado is currently developing several biotech- nology projects, particularly in metagenomics. We have made significant progress in characterizing microorganisms associated with eucalyptus and exploring the production of novel inoculants. Also as part of our forestry improvement efforts, we are currently developing a project, called "Pizarro," in col- laboration with SENAI and EMBRAPII. This partner- ship aims to develop tools to reduce the time taken to evaluate and select genetic materials within the Eldorado Genetic Improvement Program. Phase one of the project involved the development of NIR (Near Infrared Spectroscopy) models for pulpwood quality characterization, and in vitro multiplication of 1,000 progenies from a hybridization field. Our bio-inputs factory has supported our efforts to protect approximately 150,000 ha of forests through the release of laboratory-bred natural predators to control opportunistic pests and reduce the use of chemical products. We also implemented a large- -scale experimental forest management project (Floresta de Máxima Produtividade) in the year, with around 500 hectares of trial fields using different eucalyptus cultivation methods, including different row spacing, genetic materials, fertilization, lighting levels, and forest irrigation. This is supported by a sophisticated plant sensor system, allowing us to evaluate the trees' response to tested alternatives in controlled environments, monitored by weather stations and biological flow analysis. Led by five of Brazil's leading crop science and forestry professors, this project will substantially enhance our unders- tanding of planted forest management in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, enabling us to fine-tune our forestry practices. In 2022 we continued our strategy of mechanizing our forestry operations, achieving a mechanization rate of 71.35%. We also continued to expand our communication tower network, amplifying the forest fire protection envelope. In addition we completed the installation of 30 weather stations, covering 98% of our total eucalyptus area. An ambitious telemetry and machine sensor project, combined with artificial intelligence and satellite imagery programs, has improved our ability to remotely manage pulpwood operations from our Forestry Intelligence Center (IRIS). Using 150 nano- -satellites, multi-temporal mapping and analysis, and RGB and NDVI monitoring technologies, we closely monitor daily planting and harvesting ope- rations, as well as the levels of weed competition. Eldorado has created an integrated mapping portal covering our entire forest estate, which automa- tically generates custom maps for each manager. Team leads and technicians use a tablet-based software system, called Gisagre, to navigate our pulpwood operations and collect comprehensive information about eucalyptus stands, including area, year planted, genetic material, fertilization methods used, and the latest growth and volume measure- ments in the observed area. HV130 In 2022 we harvested and hauled approximately 6 million cubic meters of pulpwood to our mill. We also invested in infrastructure on company-ope- rated farms. including 1,461 kilometers of new roads and 14,000 kilometers of road repairs. Eldorado provided extensive training to develop 3,000 employees, including 1,000 forest fire res- ponders as well as machinery operators, drivers, and leaders at different levels. In collaboration with Empresa Conexão-FGV, we developed a course, called "Germinar," to equip future leaders with high-level managerial and technical skills, preparing them for managerial roles within the company. Occupational safety has always been a priority at Eldo- rado. Through programs such as Safety Blitzes, Inova+, VISTA and Lidere a Vida, we have successfully reduced our injury frequency rate by 91.24% (from 2.97 to 0.26) and our injury severity rate by 90.38% (from 52 to 5) since our company was founded in 2012. Eldorado Brasil 44 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 45▶#24Logistic In 2022 our Transportation division used 60% company-owned trucks to hold pulpwood to the middle, and 100% company-own trucks to transport biomass chips to the power plant. The vehicles in our fleet have an average age of one and a half years. This helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to lower fuel consumption. Our truck fleets serving the mill and power plant traveled more than 39 million kilometers, with an average haul distance of 182 kilometers. Pulpwood delivery exceeded expectations by 5% (approximately 282,000 cubic meters), contribu- ting to Eldorado's record-breaking pulp produc- tion of 1.83 million tons. In the year we also set a new record for pulpwood haulage in a single day, on December 30, 2022, at 26,369 cubic meters. In addition, we launched an important behavioral and technical training program in the Transporta- tion division, called the Eldorado Transportation Improvement Program (PATE). And we resumed our "Breakfast with Management" program after the pandemic, in which employees interact with Transportation division management on a mon- thly basis and receive updates on our business strategy. We remain focused on our goal of growing our operations and pursuing continuous improve- ment in our operational, health, safety, and envi- ronmental processes. As part of these efforts, we have reinforced and enhanced our efforts, which we describe below. M1125 540 T: 26.00 L: 48.00 B: 74.00 Driver fatigue and distraction control system: an artificial intelligence-driven camera system installed in all trucks in our company- -owned fleet. A virtual assistant, called Íris, automatically alerts drivers if theyshow signs of fatigue or distraction, and reminds them about not using mobile devices (even when the truck is stationary) and in about stopping to rest if fatigued. Incidents are reported to a management system and monitored real time, 24/7. The Control Tower has the authority to interrupt a driver's journey if necessary. Telemetry: a system for real-time monitoring of driver and truck behavior from the control tower, used on all company-owns trucks. The maintenance team also receives sensor information such as overheating, gearbox, oil, engine and other data. Total productive maintenance (TPM): an app- -based checklist in which drivers can report any anomalies or potential issues with the vehicle. This supports preventive maintenance, such as replacing defective suspension components. The checklist is forwarded to the maintenance team and acted upon. Pulpwood haulage Biomass haulage 100% of our company fleet has on-board cameras with artificial intelligence systems Fleet renewal: another 20 trucks were added to our fleet in the year. Next year we plan to immediately replace a significant portion of the fleet for compliance with new emission standards, migrating from Euro 5 technology to Euro 6. The new-generation trucks have engines that provide further reductions in pollutant emissions, including: 80% less NOX emissions and 50% less particulate matter. Vehicle inspections: we inspect our contract truck fleet against the stringent safety requi- rements stipulated in NBR 14040; this includes performing brake and acceleration tests, mechanical inspections, and simulating abrupt maneuvers. M1050 61% 100% Company fleet Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems: fitted on all trucks to minimize pollutants. 46 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 47#25Pulp mill Our pulp mill in Três Lagoas (MS) is one of the most modern, safe, and competitive in the world. Its unrivaled levels of operational efficiency are the result of investments in innovation, deployment of cutting-edge automation technology, state-of-the- -art equipment and machinery, and an Industrial Management System (IMS) focused on continuous improvement. Operational excellence, supported by a highly skilled and innovative team, has allowed the mill to exceed its design capacity by 22%, or 1.5 million metric tons of pulp. A more efficient plant is also more sustainable-the mill produces more pulp while consuming less water, fewer chemicals, and generating fewer effluents and greenhouse gases. In 2022 we set a new record for production output at 1.8 million metric tons of bleached eucalyptus pulp, a 3.1% increase compared to 2021. Operating efficiency is measured as the average maximum sustainable rate (MSR), which stood at 95% in the year. The improvement can be attributed not only to superior operational efficiency and asset management but also to the use of state-of-the-art process automation technology, including Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which supported a 98% availability rate-setting a benchmark for the industry. Another strong-performing operational indicator in 2022 was cash cost of production, which stood at R$/t 873 (US$/t 169) in the year, excluding the effect of scheduled maintenance shutdowns. Throughout the year, the construction works for the new pulp terminal completed 44,550 m² out of a total of 53,460 m² of leased area and 50,160 m² of built-up area at the Port of Santos (SP), with ope- rations expected to commence in 2023. Shipping capacity will reach approximately 3 million metric tons per year, nearly double the current capacity. The STS 14 area has been leased under a 25-year contract and will host a new warehouse directly adjacent to the wharf with a rail link to the port's rail network to accommodate incoming trains carrying pulp shipments. Eldorado brado FP G800 FP FP Eldorado Brasil FP FP Eldorado Bras FP FP FP PLANT BOOK FP FP Eldorado Brasit 2014 PLANTER MAIR IN RAKES FP Eldorado Brasil www.amb AIGALYVUS Eldorado Brasil 100% PLANTED BUCALYPTUS SAAD IN RAZ Eldorado Brasil 100% PLANTED DUCALYPTUS MADE IN BRAZIL ANDRUTL 10 ATITUDE DONO Our pulp mill boasted 98% availability a rate in 2022, setting a benchmark for the industry Eldorado Brasil The Eldorado Corporate 48 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 Way Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 49#26Biodiversity GRI 3-3: Management of material topic Maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) Blue-and-yellow macaw (Ara ararauna) Tamanduá-mirim (Tamandua tetradactyla) Eldorado Brasil's forestry practices integrate eucalyptus stands with the surrounding ecosystems. Fazenda Santa Marina, a protected area in Três Lagoas (MS), serves as a buffer zone that mitigates potential negative impacts from external activities. A diversity of wildlife thrives in the protected area's 116,000 hectares, which represent 28% of our total forest estate. GRI 304-1, RR-FM-160 a.2 Our approach to biodiversity management involves identifying, monitoring and managing the most important ecosystems in our locations of operation. We also identify process impacts in order to mitigate negative aspects and enhance positive ones, while protecting ecologically sensitive areas. We have established a number of indicators to track the restoration of previously disturbed land (prior to our ownership or possession of the land) in protected areas and legal reserves. Among these indicators is Species diversity and number of indivi- duals, which we track on a sampling basis across the 116,000 hectares of the protected area. There are no critically endangered species within our operational sites; 826 species of least concern have been identi- fied. Among them, 13 are classified as endangered, 10 as vulnerable, and 12 as near threatened. A 1,341-hectare area within the Pântano Farm is desig- nated as a High Conservation Value Area (AAVC), playing a crucial role in biodiversity conservation and providing environmental services such as flood control, regulation of streamflow, and maintenance of water quality. GRI 304-3, 304-4, RR-FM-160 a.3, RR-FM-160 a.4 Eldorado Brasil also has programs to enhance the benefits generated by our eucalyptus plantations. We have a framework by which we identify poten- tial environmental impacts from our forestry-related products, activities, and services. Water resources, flora, fauna, and assets are regularly assessed. Protected areas are monitored via plot sampling and satellite imagery. Eldorado is committed to comba- ting the conversion of native forests. GRI 304-2 We also have forest fire prevention programs aimed at reducing fire damage in our own areas as well as neighboring areas. In 2022, there was a 30% reduction in area affected by wildfires compared to the previous year. As part of our prevention efforts,we organized forest fire training programs for the general public as part of a comprehensive campaign across rural areas. Robust systems and advanced technologies enable us to monitor our entire force portfolio 24/7. All personnel involved receive regular training in fire prevention practices, fire monitoring, protective infrastructure, and communication. In 2022 we trained over 745 fire responders. 24 hours monitoring across our entire forest estate spanning 412,000 hectares Eldorado Brasil 50 Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 51▶> Index#2725 Forest Fire Prevention (Ethos Sector Disclosures) Eldorado Brasil is a member of the Asso- ciation of Planted Forest Producers and Consumers of Mato Grosso do Sul (Reflore/ MS), which brings together strategic players in the forestry value chain. The following were some of our forest fire prevention initiatives in the year: In the second half of 2022, Eldorado organized an interactive educational initiative in 18 schools in Mato Grosso do Sul to enhance engagement around fire prevention, particularly during the dry season, when strong winds can cause wildfires to spread rapidly. The project, called "Eldorado Brasil - Together against wildfires," used interactive role-play to raise awareness about wildfires among more than 10,000 students aged 5 to 15, with over 30 presentations delivered. The participating schools are located in the cities of Inocência, Selvíria, Água Clara, Santa Rita do Pardo, Ribas do Rio Pardo, and Três Lagoas. The goal was to alert students to Actions that are harmful to the environment, and teach them to teach others about fire safety. In collaboration with REFLORE, we ran a prevention campaign under the theme "Zero Wildfires: Consistent Prevention. Swift Reaction," using outdoor advertising, radio spots, and awareness videos disseminated to the general public. The communities surrounding our farms were also engaged through the distribution of leaflets and promotional items. The distributed materials contained information about prevention and contact numbers for emergency situations. We also established a partnership with the Rural Union to provide firefighting equip- ment to train communities neighboring our farms in responding to forest fires. Innovation and Technology GRI 3-3: Management of material topic Innovation is a key enabler of business growth, and is embedded in our organizational culture at Eldorado Brasil. In the workplace, we encourage employees to pitch ideas and suggestions for improvement. This has helped to consistently position Eldorado at the forefront of technological advancements in the pulp sector, and as an industry leader. We take a decentralized approach to innovation, ensuring greater agility in implementing new ideas across three main fronts: Forestry Operations, Mill Operations, and Logistics. Our innovation efforts aim to reduce environmental impacts, optimize the use of natural resources, increase productivity, lower operational costs, improve health and safety for employees and communities, and develop new products. These efforts ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of the business through continuous improvement of our field, mill and logis- tics operations. thermo entific Innovative thinking is highly valued within the com- pany. Programs such as Inovar and Inova+ gather ideas from employees in our mill and forestry opera- tions, focusing on process and procedures improve- ments to enhance operational efficiency and create safer and more productive workplace environments. The top ideas are approved, and implemented at the mill and in our forestry assets. In 2022 the Inovar program received more than 293 ideas, of which 97 were successfully implemented at the mill. The Inova+ program implemented 195 employee ideas in forestry operations. The innovations aim to improve process efficiency and environmental safety. Description of impacts Aspect GRI 304-2 Species affected 2020 2021 Fauna Fauna Extent of areas Protected areas Protected areas impacted Duration of impacts Short term Reversibility or Reversible irreversibility of impacts Long term Irreversible, with improvements in protected areas 2022 Wildlife (connecting forest patches and using forest areas responsibly) Protected areas Long term Irreversible, with improvements in protected areas 52 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 53 Index#28Projects in the pipeline at the Eldorado Brasil Forestry Intelligence Center Local Part Sourcing Program: a program to develop local suppliers of machinery and equip- ment components, generating cost savings of R$ 8.8 million. On-site Fuel Depot: a new fuel depot at our Três Lagoas site has generated cost savings of 22% per liter compared to average service station prices. Germinar Program: 15 new leaders received more than 128 hours of training to equip them for management positions within the company. Sapling Sunscreen: this new technology has reduced the requirement for irrigation by 18% for newly planted saplings (from 2.8 to 2.3 times), optimizing water consumption in our forestry operations in 2022. Genotyping: deploying and developing new technology for identifying genetic material. Our state-of-the-art genotyping laboratory allows us to confirm the clonal identity of 100% of saplings from third-party suppliers, ensuring they conform to specifications and are properly documented in Eldorado's forest database. In 2022 a total of 8,050 genotyping tests were performed. Metagenomics: assessing fungal diversity in different areas with the potential to impact forest growth. We have continued to make progress in characterizing microorganisms associated with eucalyptus and in the production of potential inoculants. In 2022 we carried out nursery and field trials with six inoculants on three clones. Pizarro Program: development of protocols for micropropagation and near-infrared (NIR) phenotyping (E.urophylla and E. grandis), in part- nership with Senai and Embrapa. The program aims to develop tools to reduce the time taken to evaluate and select genetic materials within the Eldorado Genetic Improvement Program. Phase one of the project involved the development of NIR models for pulpwood quality characteriza- tion, and in vitro multiplication of 1,000 progenies from a hybridization field. Expansion of experimental network within the Genetic Improvement Program: Eldorado implemented 48 new trials, covering a total of 133 hectares. We introduced 755 new progenies and 534 new clones. The goal in these trials is to develop high-yield genetic material adapted to our plantation sites, with optimal pulpwood properties and high tolerance to biotic (living organisms that inhabit a particular location) and abiotic (chemical and geological stressors, such as water, light, soil, moisture, temperature, nutrients, etc.) stressors. Expanding fire monitoring: We installed 25 towers equipped with state-of-the-art techno- logy for weather and fire monitoring, operational radio communications, and field connectivity. This has expanded the surveillance coverage area to 68%. Floresta 4.0 (Forestry Connnectivity): this program is reformulating our communication strategy to implement the technology and data connectivity services required for forestry and other remote operations, enabling emergency and logistical support. In 2022, several Proof of Concepts (POCs) and tests were carried out in operational environments to identify the most suitable solutions for operations and forestry requirements. Telemetry and remote-sensing: identifying, testing, and implementing telemetry and remote sensing solutions for forestry machinery and equipment. In 2022 we made further progress in procuring onboard data collection and auto- mation solutions for 116 pulpwood loading and haulage machines and vehicles. Operational efficiency study - forestry, hau- lage and loading: artificial intelligence-based assessments of operational efficiency in forestry, loading and haulage operations to map out key opportunities for process improvements, enhance productivity and reduce operating costs. Fuel and parts logistics assessment: As a result of this assessment, we insourced fuel distri- bution logistics, implemented mobile storerooms in our forestry operations, and introduced app- -based digital fueling solutions. Innovation is among the pillars in our organizational culture Maintenance quality assessments: we per- formed maintenance quality assessments on 52 mechanical maintenance items, resulting in pro- cess improvements, better servicing of machinery and equipment, and improved housekeeping, with assessed items receiving a conformity score of 9.5. ELDSERVIÇOS APP: a new app to digitize meal and accommodation requests, improving acces- sibility, controls and compliance and operational support services. CARSHARING APP: in 2022 we initiated deve- lopment of a car sharing app for light vehicles, designed to maximize usage and reduce opera- tional costs. As a result, 15 vehicles were taken out of service and returned to the rental compa- nies, generating cost savings. C Eldorado Brasil 54 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 55#29Environmental Disclosures With a focus on building a better tomorrow, and recognizing the major challenges posed by climate change, Eldorado Brasil has implemented initiatives to manage and reduce the environmental impacts from our activities. Learn about these initiatives below. Energy GRI 3-3: management of material topic Our pulp mill is energy self-sufficient with biomass generation capabilities using waste materials from the production process—such as lignin and wood waste as fuel. The electricity produced on-site is enough for both the mill and adjacent partner facili- ties, and the surplus is supplied to the National Grid. Our Onça Pintada power station produces rene- wable electricity from waste eucalyptus biomass. With an installed capacity of 50 MW, the powers- tation also supplies electricity to the National Grid, contributing to a greener energy mix. Due to reduced demand from the National Grid and scheduled maintenance shutdowns at the mill, there was a decrease of approximately 50% in bio- mass consumption for the powerstation and 16% in the boiler. As a result, biomass-fired generation output was reduced to 2,300,181.09 GJ. GRI 302-4 In 2022 our operations generated a total of 1,581,000 MWh (including the Onça Pintada power station), of which 447,000 MWh were sold to partner chemicals producers (co-located adjacent to the mill) and 391,000 MWh (including from the Onça Pintada power station) were sold to the National Grid, generating R$ 133 million in revenue. Our energy consumption was 45,123,906.47 GJ in the year, with 13% source from the grid, 7% from biomass and 80% from other renewable sources. Energy consumption from non-renewable sources increased by 18.17% as a result of the expansion of our forestry operations and the resulting increase in diesel in natural gas consumption as fuel. GRI 302-1, SASB RR-PP-130 a.1 Fuel consumption - nonrenewable (GJ) GRI 302-1 Energy self-sufficient, with 96% renewably sourced electricity 2020 2021 2022 166,607.52 10,740.01 1,051,674.37 26,370.24 1,503,270.64 2,758,662.78 257,657.63 10,954.07 1,157,301.83 20,112.24 1,372,982.50 2,819,008.28 123,733.85 17,852.22 1,590,154.59 23,006.32 1,576,649.92 3,331,396.9 Onça Pintada Power Station The Onça Pintada power station, built in 2021 adjacent to our pulp mill, completed its first full year of operation in 2022, generating 127,000 MWh and revenue of R$ 86 million. The power station produces enough electricity for a city with a population of 700,000 people, and is authorized to supply electricity to the National Grid. The facility was the first in Brazil to implement a breakthrough technology to produce electricity from waste pulpwood, making our mill process more efficient and sustainable. Fuel oil LPG Diesel Gasoline - fleet Natural gas Total Fuel consumption - renewable (GJ) GRI 302-1 Liquor Biomass Biodiesel diesel content Ethanol gasoline content Total 2020 32,954,396.57 2,694,018.34 94,865.32 4,996.78 35,748,277.01 2021 2022 33,003,854.03 6,602,462.58 115,323.02 5,293.77 39,726,933.41 33,994,282.06 4,302,281.49 140,625.92 5,275.30 38,442,464.77 Energy consumed (GJ) GRI 302-1 Energy sold (GJ) GRI 302-1 2020 2021 2022 Electricity 4,306,333.54 4,220,526.63 4,762,427.72 2020 2021 2022 Electricity 1,012,651.42 2,022,261.66 1,412,382.92 56 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 57▶#30Total energy consumption within the organization¹ (GJ/t) GRI 302-1, RR-PP-130A.1 Nonrenewable fuels Renewable fuels Energy consumed Electricity sold² Total 2020 2021 2,758,662.78 2,819,008.28 2022 3,331,396.90 35,748,277.01 39,726,933.41 38,442,464.77 4,306,333.54 4,420,526.63 4,762,427.72 1,012,651.42 2,022,261.66 41,800,621.91 44,944,206.65 1,412,382.92 45,123,906.47 'The calculations are based on the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program and IPCC methodologies. 2 Energy sold is subtracted from total energy consumed by the organization. Energy intensity¹ (GJ/t) GRI 302-3 Within the organization 2020 2021 2022 23.60 25.30 24.44 'The energy consumption figures refer to our pulp production operations. In 2021, the construction of our thermal power plant increased our energy intensity. Data on energy intensity outside the organization is not available. Fuel oil (boilers) LPG (forklifts) Non-renewable fuel consumption intensity (MJ) GRI 302-3 2020 2021 2022 94.08 145.02 67.52 6.06 6.17 9.74 593.86 651.36 867.8 14.89 11.32 12.55 848.87 772.75 860.4 0 0.08 0 Diesel Gasoline GNS CNG mitigating measures are implemented to ensure water resources are used responsibly at all times, particularly in three areas: seedling nurseries (using groundwater from licensed wells); mill (utilizing surface water from the Paraná River (Federal), under a permit from the Brazilian water agency, ANA); forestry (surface water withdrawal at locations approved by the local environmental agency, IMASUL). Water resources in our state are regulated by laws and decrees that require responsible use in a way that takes social, economic and environ- mental aspects into account. GRI 303-1, RR-PP-140 a.2 The effluents discharged from our mill are required to comply with CONAMA Resolution 430/2011 and CECA Resolution 36/2012. Eldorado Brasil also uses an Environmental Best-practice Index (IPA) as an internal environmental control. IPA limits are lower than those required by regulations, and are monitored on a daily basis and any deviations reme- diated promptly. GRI 303-2 In 2022 our water intensity in pulp production was 24.7 m³/TSA, and wastewater discharge intensity was 21.3 m³/TSA. This means that over 86% of the water used was returned to the river under appro- priate environmental conditions. The remainder is either incorporated into the product or returned to the environment through evaporation. GRI 303-5 24% reduction and water consumption for pulp production since 2013 Water and Effluents GRI 3-3: management of material topic Eldorado Brasil has processes and practices in place to ensure the responsible use of the water resources needed in our forestry and mill operations. Over the course of 11 years, there has been a 24% reduction in water consumption for pulp production, and over 1,664,980 m³ of water from boilers has been reused for pulplog washing. Eldorado Brasil conducts internal and external audits and site visits to assess water resources. All operations are monitored on indicators such as m³/metric ton of pulp, per hec- tare, and per seedling produced. GRI 303-1 We also monitor watersheds and environmental indicators to ensure water resources are used res- ponsibly in our operations. Our more than 30,000 hectares of protected areas help to preserve water resources in the areas where we operate. In order to better manage these resources, we regularly con- duct internal and external audits and site visits to assess performance against established indicators. Our matrix of environmental aspects and impacts is constantly updated, and corrective and 58 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 59 Index#31Total volume of water withdrawal across all areas and in areas with water stress, by source¹ (ML) GRI 303-3, RR-PP-140A.1 Surface water (Total) Groundwater (Total) Total 2020 2021 43,759.23 360.00 45,407.32 423.50 20222 418,417.02 455.15 44,119.23 45,830.82 418,872.17 'We have no operations in areas with water stress. All water withdrawal figures refer to freshwater sources (≤1,000 mg/L of Total Dissolved Solids). Surface water figures include withdrawals for both mill and forestry operations. Groundwater figures refer to withdrawals for seedlings nurseries. 2 Water consumption in forestry operations was included in the calculation in 2022. environmental disclosures system as a requirement for GHG inventories. In 2022, there was an increase in emissions Primarily as a result of a change in the methane correction factor (MCF) from 0.5 to 0.7-in the GHG Protocol tool for waste disclosures. Consumption of nitro- genous fertilizers, soil amendments and fuels also increased. GRI 305-5 Our forestry operations have removed more than 38 million metric tons of CO₂e in the last 10 years, 12 times more than our emissions in that period Total volume of water discharge across all areas and in areas with water stress, by source¹ (ML) GRI 303-4 Direct greenhouse gas emissions¹ (t CO2 equivalent) GRI 305-1, SASB RR-RP-110A.1 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Agricultural (use of fertilizers) 3,795.69 Surface water 37,738 38,805 39,769 Production of electricity, heat or steam 126,420.46 11,490.60 134,744.22 15,191.8 117,561.057 Total water discharge (ML) 37,738 38,805 39,769 1All water discharge figures refer to freshwater sources (<1,000 mg/L of Total Dissolved Solids). We have no operations in areas with water stress. Data for 2020 and 2021 has been restated. Transportation of materials, products, waste, employees and passengers 62,418.37 76,774.63 79,162.325 Solid waste and wastewater 11,954.13 13,660.89 Fugitive emissions 1,705.40 4,121.12 48,119.82 8,082.97 Emissions GRI 3-3: management of material topic Land-use changes resulting from CO2 emissions caused by forest fires² 7,264.56 2,38.0 Total gross CO2 emissions 206,294.12 248,056.00 270,256.772 To improve our environmental performance, Eldo- rado Brasil seeks to remain within operational limits that are more restrictive than those required by Bra- zilian legislation. Since our founding, we have used biomass to fuel the boiler at the power plant. With the recent completion of our Onça Pintada power plant, our generation capacity and the consumption of biomass have increased. Eldorado Brasil is cur- rently conducting assessments on the use of rene- wable, less polluting fuels, including haulage vehicle retrofits from diesel to natural gas, and purchasing gas-fueled and hybrid vehicles. SASB RR-RP-110a.2 Our greenhouse gas emissions inventory, a one- -point source of information about our emissions performance, is internally audited and in 2022 was subject to an external audit in accordance with the GHG Protocol. Our inventory was awarded Gold reporting status, the highest reporting status under the within the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program. The inventory was assured by a a firm certified to ISO 1406 by Inmetro, confirming that the inventory data was collected and compiled in accordance with good practices and data monitoring and reporting. We are also preparing to implement an 'Gases included in the calculation CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCS, SF6, NF 3, PFCS. Biogenic CO2 emissions (t CO2 equivalent) GRI 305-1 2020 2021 3,527,333.55 Our greenhouse gas inventories have been independently audited based on the GHG Protocol since 2022. Programa Brasileiro GHG Protocol Energy indirect GHG emissions (t CO2 equivalent) GRI 305-2 2020 NET 3,771.86 5,390,829.82 2021 1,789.51 2022 3,751,559.953 Programa Brasileiro GHG Protocol Ouro 2021 inventário Verificado 2022 3,404.43 'Scope 2 emissions refer to energy consumption in Brazil and other countries based on data compiled using the GHG Protocol tool and the factors published in the report Carbon Footprint - Country Specific Electricity Grid Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors, February 2023. Eldorado Brasil 60 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 61->#32Other indirect GHG emissions (t CO2 equivalent)1 GRI 305-3 2020 2021 2022 Upstream Transportation and distribution (third-party fleet- upstream) 2 313,764.82 343,624.47 420,037.88 Business travel Commuting 65.18 38.10 5,005.72 7,200.742 244.50 6,153.95 Waste generated in operations 1,041.71 Fuel- and energy-related activities (Category 3)³ Total 318,835.72 350,863.30 648.95 428,127.00 'Gases included in disclosures: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCS, PFCs. 2 Freight is reported as FOB, i.e. entirely upstream. 3 Figures for Fuel- and energy-related activities (Category 3) not reported in 2020 and 2021. Waste GRI 3-3: management of material topic, 306-1, 306-2 Our operations are compliant with the Brazilian National Waste Policy. We have a Waste Management Program in place that is designed to reduce waste generation and and sure all waste is safely and tra- ceably disposed of in order to prevent environmental impacts such as pollution and biome contamination, and safeguard the health of employees. A significant portion of the waste we produce is generated by our operations, including forestry and mill operations, nurseries, and procurement. The weight of waste volumes is measured on a monthly basis, and the information is reported to relevant municipal, state, and federal government authorities in compliance with applicable regulations. Eldorado implements environmental education pro- grams, provides training for leaders and employees on the importance of waste reduction, conducts routine inspections and monitoring, and carries out internal and external audits to ensure our waste management practices are consistent with best practice. Biogenic CO2 emissions (t CO2 equivalent)1 - Scope 3 GRI 305-3 2020 2021 2022 4,009.20 3,107.11 7,117.28 BÁO MÁY XAY pessoas 'Calculated based on the GHG Protocol method. Greenhouse gas emissions intensity¹ Metric tons of pulp produced (ADT) Total GHG emissions (tCO2 equivalent) Greenhouse gas emissions intensity Indirect emissions intensity (Scope 3) GRI 305-4 2020 2021 2022 1,770,910.00 528,901.70 0.12 1,776,740.00 600,708.81 1,832,398.00 273,661.204 0.14 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.23 'The higher emissions intensity in 2022 reflects changes in the emission factors stipulated by the GHG Protocol. Air emissions (t/year)1 SASB RR-PP-120a.1 2020 2021 2022 NOx (excluding N₂O) 2,695.36 2,840.33 3,183.91 SO₂ 111.35 87.72 481.18 'The figures include emissions from the following sources: power generation boiler, chemical recovery boiler, lime kiln and Onça Pintada power plant. COLETA SELETIV Cada resíduo em sua devida RECICLAVEIS Plástice pl pap NÃO ECICLAVEIS por, marmite Borracha e resid ακ METAL Sucatas metálicas no resto de metais de s DEIRA Caixa de madeira e EPI, contaminados c OSOS lata de tinta e spray Eldorado Brasil 62 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People Eldorado Braull GRI Content Index 63 LACRE TEC#33Total waste generated by composition' (t) GRI 306-3 Category Mill Non-hazardous Sand Bark - Total waste diverted from disposal, by composition, in metric tons (t) 2020 2021 2022 Category Processing 2020 2021 2022 16,857.89 6,736.87 22,819.45 4,651.63 22,928.42 2,777.27 Lime mud Shives Boiler ash Dregs 3,742.51 14,125.08 13,818.82 Biological sludge 12,754.49 1,576.16 186.93 838.00 26.90 85.29 12,739.90 21,857.32 20,733.37 17,139.18 Both operations¹ Grits 3,259.24 3,370.13 2,775.95 Bags 20.71 23.90 66.45 Lime mud 17,290.26 39,228.55 1,576.16 Paper and cardboard 35.45 39.06 25.03 Biological sludge 59,365.69 57,585.64 67,035.62 Plastic 18.61 11.73 16.13 Water treatment sludge 202.31 132.29 137.25 Scrap metal 266.95 488.30 1,082.13 Primary sludge 702.51 1,663.40 189.41 Knots 3,314.99 1,980.95 1,544.51 Used lubricants Rubber 74.00 64.00 77.65 21.38 Organic 563.02 706.40 291.31 IT waste 0.70 0.11 Shives 3,109.10 8,593.76 11,126.21 Total 687.94 26,960.08 2,891.94 Digester dust 14.29 11.10 6.11 Pulping waste 1 Both operations: Mill and Forestry. 2.80 Chemical plant filter cake 223.18 278.45 319.72 Non-contaminated waste - Cleaning 1,916.85 6,744.54 5,774.28 Precipitator dust 1,831.01 5,126.70 6,438.54 Construction waste 20.52 380.02 976.81 Wastewater treatment plant grill waste 2.30 8.45 Total waste diverted from disposal, by recovery operation, in metric tons (t) GRI 306-4 Rubber 21.38 2020 2021 2022 Mill - Hazardous Healthcare waste 0.09 0.10 0.19 Both operations' - Non-hazardous Type of disposal Nonhazardous waste Onsite Offsite Onsite Offsite Onsite Offsite Incineration without Bags 20.71 23.90 66.45 85.29 12,739.90 energy recovery Paper/cardboard 35.45 39.00 25.03 Preparation for use 186.93 5,314.33 8,278.16 1,576.16 26.90 Plastic 18.61 11.73 16.13 Recycling 341.72 563.69 1,211.23 IT waste 0.70 0.11 Scrap metal 266.95 488.30 1,082.13 Nonhazardous waste in general Hazardous waste Re-refining 74.00 64.00 77.65 1,231.29 1,454.91 1,005.22 Both operations - Hazardous Total waste diverted from disposal 85.29 602.65 18,054.23 8,905.85 1,576.16 1,315.78 Oil 74.00 64.00 77.65 Chemical packaging 60.00 110.90 80.63 General contaminated waste Total 940.00 945.40 509.65 143,659.76 191,270.40 157,748.59 'Both operations: Mill and Forestry. 64 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 65▶#34Total waste generated by composition¹ (t) Total waste directed to disposal, by operation, in metric tons (t) GRI 306-5 2020 2021 2022 Category Onsite Offsite Onsite Offsite Onsite Offsite Mill - Non-hazardous GRI 306-3 2020 2021 2022 Composition Destination Nonhazardous waste Landfill 140,740.44 1,231.29 161,799.07 Autoclave and landfill 0.09 1,454.91 153,260.96 0.10 1,005.22 Hazardous waste 0.19 Sand Bark Boiler ash Dregs Grits 16,857.89 22,819.45 22,928.42 6,736.87 4,651.63 2,777.27 3,742.51 14,125.08 13,818.82 21,857.32 20,733.37 17,139.18 3,259.24 3,370.13 2,775.95 Landfill 940.00 945.40 509.65 Lime mud 17,290.26 26,474.06 Other disposal operations 60.00 110.90 80.63 Biological sludge 59,280.40 44,845.74 67,035.62 Total 140,740.44 2,231.38 161,799.07 2,511.31 153,260.96 1,595.69 Water treatment sludge 202.31 132.29 137.25 Primary sludge 702.51 1,663.40 189.41 Knots 3,314.99 1,980.95 1,544.51 Organic Shives Digester dust 563.02 2,922.17 14.29 706.40 291.31 7,755.76 11,099.31 11.10 6.11 Pulping waste 2.80 Chemical plant filter cake 223.18 278.45 319.72 Non-contaminated waste - Cleaning 1,916.85 6,744.54 Precipitator dust 1,831.01 5,126.70 5,774.28 6,438.54 Eldorado Brasil 30 ONVID OENVIN Construction waste 20.52 380.02 976.81 Wastewater treatment plant grill waste 2.30 8.45 Mill - Non-hazardous Healthcare waste 0.09 0.10 0.19 Both operations' - Hazardous Chemical packaging 60.00 110.90 80.63 General contaminated waste 940.00 945.40 509.65 Both operations - Non-hazardous Nonhazardous waste in general 1,231.29 Total 142,971.82 1,454.91 164,310.38 1,005.22 154,856.65 1 Both operations: Mill and Forestry. Eldorado Brasil 66 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 67▶#35People Employment 34 Material topics 5 9 Human and organizational development • Diversity and equal opportunity Local community development Eldorado Brasil 68 Sustainability Report 2022 Eldor 5 IGUALDADE DE GÊNERO TRABALHO DECENTE 8 ECRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO CIDADES E 11 COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS 17 PARCERIASEMACAO DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO QO El Eldorado Bras Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 69 Index#36The Eldorado Brasil Team GRI 3-3: Material topic (Human and organizational development) Eldorado 1.800.00 Employees by employment contract and gender GRI 2-7 2020 2021 2022 Contract type Permanent Men 3,896 765 Temporary Women Total Men 4,661 0 Women Total Men Women Total 4,495 871 Total 3,896 765 4,661 4,495 871 5,366 0 5,366 4,326 858 5,184 76 52 128 4,402 910 5,312 To ensure our continued growth in both the domestic and international markets, we believe it is crucial that we constantly invest in our people. We seek to build relationships of trust with our 5,312, fostering a workplace environment that is welco- ming, respects diversity and values talent. The outs- tanding results we have delivered in recent years have been made possible by workplace culture that is focused on efficiency, respect, innovation, and environmental responsibility. GRI 2-7 Eldorado's Compliance Program fosters a culture of ethics, integrity, compliance and transparency among our employees, who are expected to demonstrate ethical and responsible conduct in performing their roles and business activities. This is supported by continuous behavioral training, inclu- ding training on human rights. Eldorado Brazil is proud to be one of the largest employers in Brazil's Midwestern state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Our mill in Três Lagoas supports 23% of jobs in the city, according to data from the Ministry of Labor and Employment's General Registry of Employment and Unemployment (CAGED). All employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements that are negotiated with the relevant unions an approved in general mee- tings. GRI 2-30 One of our goals is to attract people who are top talents and, above all, who share our values will stop This is what makes our "Referring People Like Us" program so important. Candidates to job vacancies are screened and selected using a transparent recruiting process that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender or disability. We constantly invest in technology to provide the best possible workplace conditions where employees are optimally productive and freed up from unneces- sary manual tasks. Employees are entitled to benefits such as: health and dental insurance, meal vouchers, discounts at local pharmacies, private pensions, disability and invalidity allowance, parental leave, life insurance, and fitness centers (Gympass). In 2022 we created a Pregnancy Program for employees and dependents, with 60 women participating in the year. GRI 401-2 We have a dedicated remuneration function that submits payroll reports to the Executive Board on an annual basis. As part of our strategy to attract and retain talent, we offer both fixed and variable com- pensation with variable compensation contingent on individual performance against against a range of business targets. We also regularly engage specia- lized consultants to benchmark the remuneration earned by our senior executives (46% fixed and 54% variable). GRI 2-19, 2-20 Total workforce by employment contract and region GRI 2-7 2020 2021 2022 Region Midwest Southeast Permanent Total 4,307 354 4,307 354 Total 4,661 4,661 Permanent 4,993 373 5,366 Total 4,993 373 Temporary Permanent Total 119 4,896 5,015 9 288 297 5,366 128 5,184 5,312 Workforce by employment type GRI 2-7 2020 2021 2022 Employment type Full time Men 3,896 Women 765 Total 4,661 Men Women 4,495 871 Part time Total Men Women 5,366 4,326 858 76 Total 5,184 52 128 Total 3,896 765 4,661 4,495 871 5,366 4,402 910 5,312 Workers by category and gender GRI 2-8 Apprentices Interns Total 2022 Men Women Total 63 43 106 13 9 22 76 52 128 New hires by age group GRI 401-1 Under 30 30 to 50 Over 50 Total No. Rate (%) No. 2022 Rate (%) 2020 2021 Rate (%) 402 35 No. 713 45 550 37 680 23 852 27 499 16 82 13 80 14 61 10 1,164 25 1,645 31 1,110 21 000 Eldorado Brasil 70 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 71▶>#37New hires by gender GRI 401-1 Parental leave GRI 401-3 2020 2021 2022 2022 No. Rate (%) No. Rate (%) No. Rate (%) Men Women Men Women 942 24 1,369 30 846 20 Employees entitled to parental leave 4,402 910 222 29 276 32 264 31 Employees who took parental leave 135 52 Total 1,164 25 1,645 31 1,110 21 Employees who returned to work during the reporting period after parental leave ended 134 44 New hires by region GRI 401-1 Employees that returned to work after parental leave ended that were still employed 12 months after their return to work 2 14 2020 2021 No. Rate (%) No. Midwest 833 19 Southeast Total 331 95 95 1,164 25 1,645 Rate (%) No. 000 1,550 2022 Return rate 0.99 0.80 Rate (%) Retention rate 1 1 31 1,043 21 25 67 25 31 1,110 21 Turnover by age group GRI 401-1 Under 30 30-50 Over 50 Total Turnover by gender Men Women Total GRI 401-1 Turnover by region GRI 401-1 Midwest Southeast Total 72 2020 2021 2022 No. Rate (%) No. Rate (%) No. Rate (%) 131 12 349 22 421 29 419 14 543 17 642 21 76 12 66 11 91 15 626 13 958 18 1,154 22 2020 2021 2022 No. Rate (%) No. Rate (%) No. Rate (%) 522 13 789 18 916 21 104 14 169 19 238 28 626 13 958 18 1,154 22 2020 2021 2022 No. Rate (%) No. Rate (%) No. Rate (%) 583 14 877 18 1101 22 43 12 81 22 53 19 626 13 958 18 1,154 22 Eldorado Brasil Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 73▶#38Better Performance Eldorado Brasil as an online training hub, called EDUCA, that is available to all employees. In 2022 we invest more than R$ 4 million in training and development, with each employee attending an average of 44.8 hours of training during the year-primarily compliance training for both forestry and mill employees. Employees also receive training to support career advancement. GRI 404-1, 404-2 Some of the key initiatives implemented by our Human Resources department include: Onboarding for New Hires: modular onboar- ding training that provides an overview of the company's business and operations to new employees. This training also addresses working hours, vacations, absences, health and Eldorado GESTÃO À VISTA safety. In 2022, 833 people attended onboar- ding training. First-time Managers: this training is designed for employees who have been newly assigned to managerial roles, covering positive commu- nication, feedback processes, and decision- -making. Using a modular distance-learning approach, a total of 166 received training in 2022, including 71 new hires (onboarding) and 95 participants in the Leadership Journey program, which consists of three pillars: Experience, Feel, Learn. The program aims to develop individuals for future growth opportunities. "More Knowledge": "this program aims to disseminate Eldorado Brasil's values and culture among employees, reaching 704 individuals during the reporting period. Legally Required Training (Safety Regula- tions): each employee attends appropriate training based on the position held, with a qualification matrix showing the required training and how often it must be completed. This training was provided to 4,713 employees during the reporting period. Technical and Behavioral Training: we pro- vide technical training based on the employee's position to help them become qualified and develop specific skills for their role using dis- tance and face-to-face learning. A total of 4,268 people participated in the program in 2022. English Language Training: offered to emplo- yees who must use English in their job. In 2022, 35 people attended English classes. Average hours of training per employee by gender GRI 404-1 2020 2021 2022 Men Women 42.81 47.04 47.09 33.65 55.50 30.71 41.48 48.42 44.18 Total Executive Board Management Average hours of training per employee by employee category GRI 404-1 2020 2021 2022 1.17 4.00 12.71 9.56 57.54 23.88 7.30 57.79 55.52 33.15 52.08 45.50 13.16 71.15 31.07 48.91 43.31 44.47 41.48 48.42 44.18 Leaders/coordinators Technical/supervisor Administrative Operational Total Average hours of training per employee by employee category¹ GRI 404-1 2022 23.00 23.05 19.17 23.00 Apprentices Interns Trainees Total 'This disclosure is being reported for these categories for the first time. Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career deve- lopment reviews¹ (%) GRI 404-3 2020 2021 2022 Executive Board Management Leaders/coordinators 93.30 Technical/supervisor 84.71 Administrative Operational Men 100.00 Women Total 100.00 Men Women Total Men Women 100.00 100.00 100.00 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 91.75 93.33 90.00 92.73 97.56 73.33 93.81 100.00 55.10 31.26 16.45 29.38 42.19 22.48 39.44 2.57 5.49 15.7 94.92 36.60 65.98 100.00 44.21 73.16 2.30 0.71 1.3 2.97 0.98 2.69 2,98 0.77 2.67 Total 11.12 7.47 10.47 16.13 13.43 15.69 17.62 15.50 17.30 'Interns and apprentices are not required to undergo performance reviews. Eldorado Brasil 74 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 75▶#39Diversity and Equal Opportunity GRI 3-3: management of material topic Putting people at the center of everything we do is integral to Eldorado Brasil's strategy. We believe that diversity and inclusion enriches the workplace and drives better business performance, as diverse indivi- duals are more likely to come up with unique solutions. Our approach to diversity goes beyond simply hiring individuals from diverse backgrounds, gen- ders, races, sexual orientations, age groups, and disabilities. For Eldorado Brasil, it's about making the workplace environment a diverse melting pot of personal traits. In 2022 we launched the inaugural edition of our new Almanac, a compendium of topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. We also marked two significant dates-LGBTQIA+ Pride Month (June) and Black Awareness Day (November)—to raise awareness about the prejudice experienced by individuals belonging to these groups. We created a special video to mark LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, and for Black Awareness Day we lost a campaign under the theme, "Respect is for Everyone," addressing the imperative of combating racism and inequality in Brazil. We also organized a series of training sessions, with 190 employees attending a total of 15.5 hours of training on aspects such as racial diversity and inclusion in contemporary society and within the company. Workforce by employee category and gender GRI 405-1 Eld Percentage of individuals within the organization's governance bodies GRI 405-1 By gender Men 2021 2022 100 100 Women 0 0 Total 100 100 By age group Under 30 0 6.67 30 to 50 8.33 1.33 91.67 80 100 100 Over 50 Total Workforce by employee category and gender GRI 405-1 'YSTER 2021 2022 Employees Under 30 30 to 50 Over 50 Under 30 30 to 50 Over 50 2021 2022 Executive Board 0 42.86 57.14 0 14.29 85.71 Employees Men Women Men Women Management 0 60.53 39.47 0 59.09 40.91 Executive Board 100.00 0 100.00 0 Leaders/ Management 90.79 9.21 88.64 11.36 3.64 78.18 18.18 1.02 73.47 25.51 coordinators Leaders/coordinators 81.82 18.18 84.69 15.31 Technical/supervisor 26.38 64.69 8.93 24.92 65.55 9.53 Technical/supervisor 87.31 12.69 86.02 13.98 Administrative 42.97 55.24 1.79 43.01 55.18 1.81 Administrative 50.38 49.62 50.78 49.22 Operational 30.17 58.01 11.82 29.05 58.10 12.85 Operational 86.04 13.96 86.01 13.99 Total 29.52 59.52 10.96 28.54 59.45 12.01 Total 83.77 16.23 86.40 16.60 Workers Under 30 Under 30 30 to 50 Over 50 Workers Apprentices 100.00 100.00 0 0 Apprentices 51.89 48.11 59.43 40.57 Interns 100.00 90.91 9.09 0 Interns 40.00 60.00 59.09 40.91 Total 100.00 98.44 1.56 0 Total 51.35 48.65 59.37 40.62 Eldorado Brasil 76 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 77▶ RAF#40Percentage of employees from underrepresented groups, by employee category¹ GRI 405-1 2021 2022 Categories Indigenous Black and Brown PwDs Indigenous Black PwDs Executive Board 0 57.00 0 0 0 0 Management 41.00 0 4.55 Leaders/coordinators 0 40.00 0 0 1.02 0 Technical/supervisor 0 69.00 0.40 0 4.12 0.33 Administrative 0 70.00 0.30 0 4.92 0.26 Operational 0.10 87.00 0.30 0 4.37 0.24 Total 0.10 80.00 0.30 0 4.29 0.25 'The figures have been restated due to a database update between 2021 and 2022. Workers in minority groups, by employee category (%) GRI 405-1 Apprentices Interns Total 2020 2021 2022 Black and Black and PWDs PwDs Brown Brown Black and Brown PwDs 0 0 0 0 10.38 0 0 0 0 0 13.64 0 0 0 0 0 10.94 Ratio of standard entry-level wage compared to local minimum wage¹ GRI 202-1 2022 Operating unit Men Women Entry-level wage paid by the 1,351.62 1,351.62 organization 1,212.00 Minimum salary as established by 1,212.00 legislation or the relevant union Percent ratio 111.52 111.52 'Eldorado does not go by the local minimum wage, but by the salary brackets established in collective bargaining agreements, with no distinction made by gender. Data is not available for prior years as this disclosure is being reported for the first time. Eldorado Brasil 78 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 Occupational Health and Safety GRI 3-3: material topic (Human and organizational development)) We recognize that occupational health and safety is crucial for our operations, and accordingly invest in accident prevention and mandatory training for employees, all of whom are covered by our health and safety management system. We are also cons- tantly implementing technologies to reduce risks and provide a safe workplace environment for our employees and contractors, and regularly organize campaigns on improving workplace conditions. GRI 403-8 Eldorado Brasi Ihas an Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) covering Brazilian Regulatory Standards (NRs), our Risk Management Program (PGR) and our Occupational Health Surveil- lance Program (PCMSO). We have a team of doctors, nurses, nursing technicians, and physiotherapists, supported by specialized clinics. Other health and safety-related programs include allowances for chil- dren with special needs (ABA Program) and support for pregnant women (Gerar Program). All employee health-related data is protected under the Brazilian General Data Protection Regulation (BR GDPR) and other relevant legislation. GRI 403-5, GRI 403-7 To further improve our employee safety practices, and 2022 we implemented a software-based OHSMS for managing chemical documentation. All employees can now review Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), Emergency Data Sheets, Safety Labels, and Hazard Communication Sheets online, using a computer or mobile device. GRI 403-1 Each of our facilities has a team of safety engineers responsible for performing workstation measure- ments and assessments. All employees are issued personal protective equipment (PPE) and are trained to detect workplace risks. They are encouraged to report any safety concerns to their supervisors or refuse to perform tasks in unsafe conditions. All injuries are reported to and reviewed by our Internal Accident Prevention Committee (CIPA). GRI 403-2, 403-4 Our Health and wellness team works with the occupational safety team to identify and mitigate hazards and risks in our operations, and to develop programs for preventing commonly occurring illnesses in our workforce. While worker health information is treated as confidential, we can report that we operate a 24-hour medical clinic to provide emergency care and that, throughout 2022, no serious occupational illnesses were identified. GRI 403-3, 403-6, 403-10 1128 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 79-> Index#41Relationship with Local Communities Safety is an uncompromising commitment at Eldorado. In compliance with legislation, our operations have Internal Accident Prevention Committees (CIPAs) work together in implementing integrated safety initiatives Occupational injuries GRI 403-9 SIPAT 022 Prevenção. Sança. Felicidade GRI 3-3: management of material topic, 413-1, 413-2 Engaging closely with our communities is a corners- tone of Eldorado Brasil's operations. We seek to con- tribute to local social development, a top priority within our ESG strategy that underpins our environ- mental, social and governance commitments. Our sustainability function holds regular meetings with 15 surrounding communities, actively and transparently engaging with the local residents. These meetings aim to address priority issues and establish a positive agenda for our social investment initiatives. Over the past decade, we have organized approximately 1,500 meetings with stakeholders from area where he operate. Our programs and initiatives are focused on educa- tion, job creation, and boosting the local economy. In the last ten years, we have invested R$ 35 million in social actions and initiatives. We have also prioritized local suppliers to support the regional economy. Currently, 60% of our suppliers and con- tractors are located in Três Lagoas (MS), while the remaining suppliers are based in other municipali- ties where we operate. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we actively engage in industry and government forums where we support the development of policies and practices that benefit both people and the environment. GRI 203-2 Any impacts on communities are identified through external audits as part of FSC® and CER- FLOR certification. The certification attests that we are compliant in our approach to identifying and monitoring potential negative and positive impacts, in the measures we adopt to mitigate or enhance those impacts, in handling community complaints 2021 2022 Employees Number of hours worked 12,818,026 Workers' 1,602,622 Employees 13,173,425 Workers' 146,676 Number of fatalities as a result of work- related injury 0 0 0 Rate of fatalities as a result of work-related injury 0 0 0 0 Number of high consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities) 14 1 0 0 Rate of high consequence work-related 1,092 0.62 0 0 injuries (excluding fatalities) Number of recorded work-related injuries (including deaths) 43 20 44 0 Rate of recorded work-related injuries 3.35 12.48 3.34 0 (including deaths) 'Workers who are not employees, but whose work and/or workplace is controlled by the organization. There were no high consequence work-related injuries during the period. Pomar Program Eldorado Brasil 80 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 81#42and concerns, in the social projects we implement and in social monitoring in the areas where we are present. We monitor our social context and actively identify potential social initiatives using a participatory approach to ensure we create positive impact. We currently have two ongoing social programs: one is a long-standing road maintenance program that directly benefits the local community. The second program, called Pomar, was launched in 2022 to expand the assortment of produce grown by smal- Iholders in the area where we operate. This program began as a pilot initiative in two smallholder settlements, providing irrigation kits, 700 certified Persian lime saplings, and technical assistance in partnership with the National Rural Learning Service (SENAR). SENAR will provide comprehensive technical support to smallholders, including advice on fruit cultivation techniques, sales, and marketing to capture the high demand for Persian lime in the local market. The first harvest is expected to start in two years, and we plan to expand the program to include other fruit trees in the near future. GRI 203-1 Communication Channel Recognizing our role as an agent of regional develo- pment, and the need to address concerns from the communities where we operate, Eldorado provides communication channels where stakeholders can address a wide range of matters, including business matters, community issues and complaints regar- ding impacts on community life. We actively engage with key stakeholders in the Três Lagoas area and act as facilitators on different matters. Messages are received via the email address: [email protected]. The Ethics Hotline receives complaints and requests from the community and other stakeholders and provides responses and referrals. Eldorado also has a Socio-Environmental Relationship and Engagement Program (RES) through which actively communicate with residents, neighbors, and communities directly affected by our operations. This program is focused on the following potential impacts from our farms: dust emissions, pesticide contamination, accidents involving pulpwood haulage vehicles, and noise emissions. In our mill operation, the program is focused on odors, noise, and effluents. GRI 2-29 Stakeholders can report odors using the Odor Perception Network (OPN), available via a specific phone number available to all parties directly impacted. A response is given within 4 hours from the time the complaint was made. Eldorado Brasil places great importance on rela- tionship building with stakeholders, communities, government agencies, institutions, forestry partners, customers, and society at large. Our approach to relationship building includes meetings, email communications, letters, a help desk, and a monthly program of community visits. In 2022 we organized a total of 140 meetings, all of which were docu- mented in minutes, and the sustainability depart- ment received 90 reports (including complaints, compliments, and requests) through direct enga- gement with these stakeholders. We responded to 100% of these reports. Eldorado is currently conducting assessments to identify traditional and local communities in the area where we operate. In 2022, no indigenous, quilombola or other similar communities were iden- tified. SASB RR-FM-210a.2 In 2022 we launched another program for smallholders, called Café do Campo ("Country Buffet"). Participating smallholders supply a buffet consisting of produce grown on their own properties for events organized at Eldo- rado, including an assortment of fruits, juices, jams, breads, cakes, cheeses, yogurts, etc. We plan to extend this program to additional events throughout the year. We aim to contribute to local development and positively impact the lives of the communities we engage with Eldorado Brasil 82 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 83#43Entrepreneurship and Education Support PAIS Program - Eldorado's Integrated & Sus- tainable Permaculture (PAIS) program provides smallholders with support in organic farming. In partnership with the Brazilian Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE), Eldorado Brasil implemented permaculture on 45 smallholder properties in Três Lagoas (MS) and Selvíria (MS) in 2022. Subsequently, we purchased approximately 18 metric tons of produce from these farmers, for use in our cafeterias. Eldorado Sustainability Program (PES) - Eldorado provides environmental education to students in local schools, communities, and to employees. In 2022, an estimated 14,812 people were reached by environmental education activities related to global issues such as climate change, responsible use of natural resources, and biodiversity conservation. This involved various communication methods including school lec- tures, social media campaigns, and events. During the year, we sponsored the first horticulture tech- nology showcase at the Três Lagoas Convention Center. The event brought together smallholders from the region to showcase innovative horticul- ture technology. ABCDEFGHIJ NOPORSIUVWXYZ ROTINA ED Procurement of organic produce - This initiative is a partnership with restaurants in smallholder settlements that supply meals for company employees. In 2022, 25,000 meals were procured (resulting in a 32% increase in income for the smallholders), along with 9,400 breakfast kits and 22,800 kg of ice. Eldorado Brasil 84 ==1 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Projeto AME - This is a volunteer initiative deve- loped by our Sustainability department, bringing together employees who dedicate their time, work, and skills to social and community causes, with support from Eldorado. One of the standout volunteer initiatives in the year was a Christmas campaign under the theme "Doing good is good for you, too," which was a tremendous success. Organized by the Sustainability department in partnership with AME volunteers, the campaign encouraged employees to "adopt" 500 socially vulnerable children supported by 10 charities in São Paulo, Santos, Selvíria, and Três Lagoas. Partnership with Instituto Germinare - Eldo- rado has a partnership with Instituto Germinare to offer high-quality academic education at no cost to promising young individuals from the 6th grade of elementary school to the 12th grade of high school. The program aims to train future managers and business leaders. The pedago- gical approach is unique, with 10 hours of daily classes that combine curriculum content with hands-on practice in business administration, with an emphasis in project management, finance, human resources, marketing, operations, corporate governance, strategy, and logistics. The curriculum also includes business management projects, visits to the B3 stock exchange, factories and companies, as well as lectures delivered by guest experts, all designed to prepare students for their future careers. Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 85#44Social Highlights Donation of 26,000 toys to 170 charities in collaboration with the state government's Christmas campaign; Construction of a new Family Health Clinic in partnership with the muni- cipal government of Santos; The Eldorado Run race and walk event collected 10 metric tons of food and 1,000 toys, which were donated to charities; The theater play A casa é nossa toured six cities in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, delivering messages on nature preservation to 1,000 students in 18 public schools; Stakeholder Engagement GRI 2-29 Eldorado Brasil involves its main stakeholders in a materiality assessment to understand who these stakeholders are, their visions and their environ- mental, social and governance priorities, all of which must be addressed as part of our ESG strategy. We have a database covering all stakeholders involved in the process, and engage directly with them via our Sustainability department. We organize mon- thly relationship building meetings, and all of our communication channels are open to stakeholders. Donation of 4,000 blankets as a partner in the 7th edition of the Aqueça uma vida ("Warm a Life") Winter Campaign organized by the State Government of Mato Grosso do Sul. In 2022, the campaign collected over 84,000 items that were distributed to underprivileged families in the state, setting a record compared to previous years; Partnership with the Recanto do Galo Football School in Três Lagoas. Eldorado provided a fresh coat of paint to the entire facility; Provision of physiotherapy equipment to the Selvíria Elderly Home; Provision of digital X-ray equip- ment to the Municipal Hospital of Inocência; Ce VIST Sala 3 Donation of surplus H1N1 vaccines to the health departments of Três Lagoas, Inocência, and Selvíria, ori- ginating from Eldorado's in-house vaccination campaign; Ꭳ Donation of eight bicycles for the Christmas campaigns of the Army and the Environmental Military Police of Três Lagoas. Stakeholders Communities and civil society Engagement and relationship initiatives Calendar of periodic meetings with neighbors and the community. Social programs, including vegetable gardens and orchards, training courses for the surrounding communities and smallholder settlements. Continuous outreach via communication channels, availability of a center to receive community requests and complaints, availability of an Ethics Hotline. Main concerns raised Keep a harmonious and transparent relationship with the communities within the area of influence of our operations and civil society as a whole, creating income and jobs. Eldorado Brasil 86 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 87#45Stakeholders Consumer Engagement and relationship initiatives Hold meetings, forums and commercial events with customers during the course of the year. Provide a channel for consumer complaints on the Eldorado Brasil website. Monitor and manage concerns raised by business partners. Main concerns raised This information is confidential. Ensure a regular agenda with Government and industry associations NGOs and Forums Suppliers Shareholders and investors A schedule of periodic meetings, working with partners on infrastructure and centers to receive requests. Regular participation in working groups and surveys to create improvements for the region. Participate in meetings, forums and industry and NGO working groups to discuss public policies and topics relevant for industry development, seeking sustainable development. We are members of the WWF MS Forum, and signatories of the UN Global Compact and the Brazil Climate Coalition. We are members of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social, and active members of FSC International, IBÁ - Indústria Brasileira de Árvores, ABTCP (the Brazilian Pulp and Paper Association), REFLORE (the Association of Mato Grosso do Sul Reforestation Companies) and IPEF (Institute for Forestry Studies and Research). We manage our entire supply chain. Our suppliers are committed to best socioenvionmental practices, in line with our Code of Conduct and Brazilian and international legislation. Maintain close and frequent relationships with our stakeholders, primarily via phone or video-calls (Microsoft Teams). We manage concerns reported by stakeholders and share information on our business results and operating performance. government and institutions to maintain transparent and ethical relationships. Increasingly contribute to sustainable development, creating jobs and income for society, always responsibly using natural resources in our production processes. We strive to maintain close dialog with NGOs, sharing information about our processes and their potential positive or negative impact, keeping an open communication channel. Regarding associations, we are active participants in these forums, seeking to improve our processes and share experience with other industries. Maintain an active supply chain for services, products and materials for production. Maintain transparency around and provide disclosures about our results and performance across the economic, environmental, social and governance dimensions. Stakeholders Employees Forestry Partners Engagement and relationship initiatives Periodic communications on results, collective bargaining agreements, internal communications via our intranet, internal memos, periodic newsletters, PA systems on shuttle buses, and visual management dashboards. Training and skills building, communication of job openings and internal recruiting, compensation and benefits. Offering performance incentives such as rewards for innovation projects and variable compensation programs. Monitoring concerns reported by employees to ensure the continued growth and development of our workforce, while also improving quality of life for our people and their families. An annual meeting and telephone contact with our forestry partners. Main concerns raised Continuously engaging with employees, supporting their growth and development, providing regular employee training, improving quality of life and safety. Creating employment and income. Maintaining active communications channels with forestry partners, maximizing the yields of planted forests on our properties, and maintaining long-term contracts as a consistent source of revenue for partners. 88 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 Foreword The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 89 Index#46GRI Content Index Statement of use Eldorado Brasil has developed its report in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022. GRI 1: Foundation 2021 GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021 Disclosure 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts Location Requirement(s) omitted Reason Explanation 2-14 Highest governance body's 27 role in sustainability reporting 2-15 Conflicts of interest 28 Location Requirement(s) omitted 2-16 Communication of critical concerns 27,32 Reason Explanation SDG 2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body 27 Disclosure 2-1 Organizational details 16 2-2 Entities included in the organization's sustainability reporting 4,16 2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact point 4 2-4 Restatements of information 2-5 External assurance There were no significant restatements in the year. This report has not been independently assured. 2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationships 16 2-7 Employees 70,71 2-8 Workers who are not employees 71 2-9 Governance structure and composition 24 2-10 Nomination and selection 27 of the highest governance body 2-11 Chair of the highest 27 governance body 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts 2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body 2-19 Remuneration policies 2-20 Process for determining remuneration 70 27,70 2-21 Annual total compensation ratio 2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy 5,10 8,10 2-23 Policy commitments 28 8,10 2-24 Embedding policy commitments 28 2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts 28,32 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns 2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations 28, 30 32 Confidenti- ality Restric- tions. Because this information involves senior management, we consider it to be sensitive and confidential; 2-30 Collective bargaining agreements 2-28 Membership associations 17 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement 10, 83, 87 70 Not applicable. Confidenti- ality Restric- tions. Because this information involves senior management, we consider it to be sensitive and confidential; Confidenti- ality Restric- tions. Because this information involves senior management, we consider it to be sensitive and confidential; Confidenti- ality Restric- tions. Because this information involves senior management, we consider it to be sensitive and confidential; SDG 11 16 8 Eldorado Brasil 90 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 91->#47Material topics GRI Standard / Disclosure GRI Standard / Disclosure other source Location other source Requirement(s) omitted Reason Explanation SDG GRI 305: 305-4 GHG emissions 62 Emissions 2016 intensity 3-1 Process to GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 determine material topics 10 3-2 List of material topics 11,12 GRI 305: Emissions 2016 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions 61 Location Requirement(s) omitted Reason Explanation SDG 13, 14, 15 13,14, 15 GRI 306: Managing environmental efficiency GRI 3: Material 3-3 Management of Effluents and Waste 2020 306-1 Waste generation and significant waste- related impacts 63 3,6, 11,12 40 Topics 2021 material topics GRI 201: 201-2 Financial Economic performance implications and other 20,21 13 risks and opportunities 2016 due to climate change GRI 306: Effluents and Waste 2020 GRI 306: Effluents and Waste 2022 306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts 63 3,6, 11,12 3,6, 306-3 Waste generated 64,67 12, 14, 15 GRI 302: Energy 2016 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization 57,58 GRI 306: Effluents and Waste 2022 306-4 Waste diverted from disposal 3,11, 65 12 GRI 302: Energy 2016 7,8, 302-3 Energy intensity 58 12,13 GRI 306: Effluents and Waste 2022 3,6, 306-5 Waste directed to disposal 66 11,12, 14,15 GRI 302: Energy 302-4 Reduction of 2016 7,8, 56 energy consumption 12,13 Biodiversity GRI 303: Water 303-1 Interactions and effluents 2018 with water as a shared resource 58,59 6,12 GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of 50 material topics 304-1 Operational GRI 303: Water and effluents 2018 303-2 Management of water discharge related impacts sites owned, leased, 59 6 GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016 managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas 50 6, 14, 15 and areas of high GRI 303: Water biodiversity value 6,8, and effluents 303-3 Water withdrawal 60 outside protected areas 12 2018 304-2 Significant GRI 303: Water and effluents 303-4 Water discharge 60 6 GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016 impacts of activities, 6, 14, 51,52 products, and services on biodiversity 15 2018 GRI 303: Water and effluents 2018 303-5 Water consumption GRI 304: Biodiversity 59 Οι 6 304-3 Habitats protected or restored 50 2016 3,12, GRI 305: Emissions 2016 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) 61 GHG emissions 15 13, 14, GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016 GRI 305: Emissions 2016 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 3,12, 61 13,14, 304-4 IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by the organi- zation's operations 50 15 Innovation and technology 305-3 Other indirect 3,12, GRI 3: Material GRI 305: (Scope 3) GHG 62 13,14, Emissions 2016 Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 53 emissions 15 Human and organizational development Eldorado Brasil 92 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 93 Index#48GRI Standard / Disclosure other source GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 Indirect economic impacts 2016 3-3 Management of material topics 70 Location Requirement(s) omitted Reason Explanation SDG GRI Standard / other source Disclosure Location Requirement(s) omitted Reason Explanation SDG Because this information 203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported 82 1,3,8 GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2016 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men Indirect economic impacts 2016 203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts 81 Confi- dentiality involves senior man- agement, restrictions we consider it to be sensitive and confidential; GRI 401: Employment 2016 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover 5,8, 71,72 10 GRI 401: Employment 2016 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to 70 3,5,8 temporary or part-time employees GRI 406: Diversity and inclusion GRI 404: Training and 404-1 Average hours 4,5,8, of training per year per employee 74,75 10 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken We identified seven incidents, one of which is under investigation. Of the six cases that have been closed, four were determined to be substantiated by the Compliance function, and addressed with corrective action. education 2016 GRI 404: Training and education 2016 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs 4,5,8, 74 Local community development 10 GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 81 404-3 Percentage of GRI 404: employees receiving Training and regular performance 75 5,8, GRI 201: Economic 10 education 2016 and career development reviews performance 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 20, 21 2016 Diversity and equal opportunity GRI 3: Material Topics 2021 3-3 Management of material topics 76 GRI 202: Market presence 2016 202-1 Ratio of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage 78 GRI 401: Employment 401-3 Parental leave 73 2018 GRI 405: Diversity and inclusion 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 76, 77, 78 GRI 413: Local communities 2016 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs 81 413-2 Operations with GRI 413: Local significant actual or communities potential negative 81 2016 impacts on local communities Transparency, ethics and anti-corruption GRI 3: Material 3-3 Management of 28 Topics 2021 material topics GRI 205: Anti- 205-1 Operations corruption 2016 assessed for risks related 28 to corruption 8,9 16 Eldorado Brasil 94 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 95▶#49GRI Standard/ other source GRI 205: Anti- corruption 2017 Disclosure 205-2 Communication and training on anti- corruption policies and procedures Location Requirement(s) omitted Reason Explanation SDG Location Requirement(s) omitted Reason Explanation SDG GRI Standard/ other source Disclosure 29 16 GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018 403-9 Work-related injuries 80 We had no GRI 205: Anti- 205-3 Confirmed confirmed corruption 2018 incidents of corruption and actions taken instances of corruption in the year. Other non-material disclosures GRI 403: Occupational 403-1 Occupational health and safety 79 8 health and management system safety 2018 GRI 403: Occupational health and 403-2 Hazard identification, risk 79 3.8 safety 2018 assessment, and incident investigation GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018 403-3 Occupational 79 3.8 health services 403-4 Worker GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018 participation, consultation, and 79 8,16 communication on occupational health and safety GRI 403: Occupational health and 403-5 Worker training on occupational health 79 8 and safety safety 2018 GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018 403-6 Promotion of 79 3 worker health 403-7 Prevention GRI 403: Occupational health and and mitigation of occupational health and 79 8 safety impacts directly safety 2018 linked by business relationships GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018 403-8 Workers covered by an occupational 79 8 health and safety management system GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018 SASB Materiality 403-10 Work-related ill health 79 Ecosystem Service & Impacts RR-FM-160a.1 Area of forestland certified to a third-party forest management standard, percentage certified to each standard Ecosystem Service & Impacts Ecosystem Service & Impacts Ecosystem Service & Impacts 43 RR-FM-160a.2 Area of forestland with 50 protected conservation status RR-FM-160a.3 Area of forestland in 50 endangered species habitat RR-FM-160a.4 Description of approach to optimizing 50 opportunities from ecosystem services provided by forestlands RR-FM-210a.2 Rights of Indigenous Peoples Climate change adaptation Description of engagement processes and due diligence 83 practices with respect to human rights, indigenous rights, and the local community RR-FM-450a.1 Description of strategy to manage opportunities for and risks to forest management and timber production presented by climate change 34 Activity Metric RR-FM-000.A Area of forestland owned, leased, and/or managed by the entity 45 3,8, 16 3,8, 16 Eldorado Brasil 96 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content Index 97#50GRI Standard / other source Disclosure Location Requirement(s) omitted Reason Explanation SDG GRI Standard / other source Disclosure Location Requirement(s) omitted Reason Explanation SDG RR-FM-000.B Aggregate Activity Metric standing timber inventory Activity Metric RR-FM-000.C Timber harvest volume 45 Timber harvest volume was 6,378,317.56m³sc in 2022. Timber harvest volume refers to FSC® and CESFLOR certified pulp- wood from our own forestry operations, the portion of third- party pulpwood that is FSC-cer- tified, and other FSC-controlled pulpwood from third parties. RR-PP-110a.1 Gross Greenhouse global Scope 1 61 gas emissions emissions Water Management Water Management Supply Chain Management RR-PP-140a.1 (1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress RR-PP-140a.2 Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks RR-PP-430a.1 Percentage of wood fiber sourced (1) from third-party certified forestlands and percentage to each standard and (2) meeting other fiber sourcing standards and percentage to each standard 60 59 42 Greenhouse gas emissions Air quality Energy & Fleet Fuel Management RR-PP-110a.2 Discussion of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets RR-PP-120a.1 Air emissions for the following pollutants: (1) NOx (excluding N₂O), (2) SO2, (3) volatile organic compounds (VOCs), (4) particulate matter (PM), and (5) hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) RR-PP-130a.1 (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage from biomass, (4) percentage from other renewables, (5) Total self-generated energy, (6) Risks and uncertainties associated with the use of biomass as an energy source 60 62 57,58 Supply Chain Management RR-PP-430a.2 Amount of recycled and recovered fiber procured OBJETIVOS DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL 6 ÁGUA POTÁVEL ESANEAMENTO 7 13 MUDANÇA GLOBAL AÇÃO CONTRA A 14 DO CLIMA 1 ERRADICAÇÃO DA POBREZA ENERGIA LIMPA E ACESSÍVEL TRABALHO DECENTE 8 E CRESCIMENTO ECONÔMICO M Our mill uses pulpwood harvested from Not applicable. euca- lyptus forests planted by the FOME ZERO 2 EAGRICULTURA 3 SAÚDE E BEM-ESTAR 9 SUSTENTÁVEL INDÚSTRIA, INOVAÇÃO E INFRAESTRUTURA 10 REDUÇÃO DAS DESIGUALDADES VIDA NA ÁGUA 15 VIDA TERRESTRE PAZ, JUSTIÇA E 16 INSTITUCIO EFICAZES PARCERIAS E MEIOS 17 DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO company. 4 EDUCAÇÃO DE QUALIDADE CIDADES E 11 COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS ------ 5 IGUALDADE DE GÊNERO 12 CONSUMO E PRODUÇÃO RESPONSÁVEIS QO Eldorado Brasil 98 Foreword Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Way Corporate Governance Planet Stewardship People GRI Content 99 Index#51Credits Produced by Eldorado Brasil General coordination Elcio Trajano Jr. Fabio José de Paula Matheus Ruteski Management, content, design and GRI consulting grupo report - rpt. sustentabilidade Anna Fischer and Fábio Valverde (project management) Janice Kiss and Maurício Martins (content) Felipe Kaizer (graphic design) and Simone Nikolaus (design) Lys Pereira (GRI consulting) Alícia Toffani (proofreading) Photo Credits Eldorado Brasil image bank 100 Eldorado Brasil Sustainability Report 2022 The Eldorado Foreword Way

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