Investor Presentaiton
Enhancing Operational Efficiency
Enhancing Organisational Efficiency
Integrating larger
property business
Promoting agent-construction
management, urban renewal, in-
depth integration of commercial
and conventional properties
Reform in the
management of
Organisational hierarchy adjusted
from 3.5 levels to Group-Region-
Project 2.5 levels, thereby
achieving enhancement in
organisational efficiency
Area developed per capita of 15,600 sq.m.,
representing a year-on-year increase of 25%,
which is at an industry-leading level
Pre-sales area per capita of 38.38 mn
sq.m., representing a year-on-year increase
of 9%
Product Standardisation
Comprehensive standardisation rate of 70%,
representing a year-on-year increase of 8%,
Standardisation rate in buildings: 45%
The 85 standardized house types in the building library cover 89%
of the strategically deepen penetration
Standardisation rate in facades: 56%, representing a year-on-year
increase of 28%
3 types of good-looking and low-cost facades can substantially cover
the project demand and achieve 15%-20% of cost optimisation
Standardisation rate in landscape: 90%
8 major hardscape modules fit with 80%+ of projects with rigid
Continuously Intensifying the 5N Product System
Continuously improving product marketability and
striving to create high quality, good-looking and high-
tech products targeted consumers in the new era
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