Investor Presentaiton
Through a variety of initiatives,
projects, and policy forums, KEMITRAAN
continues its long-standing work in 2021
to advance environmental governance
changes and the economic empowerment
of marginal communities that depend
on the forest. In part, as a reflection of
this experience KEMITRAAN re-secured
its accreditation to two key international
environmental funding programs,
namely the Green Climate Fund and the
Adaptation Fund, the first Indonesian
institution to do so.
The Glasgow Climate Pact and the
Paris Rulebook were two of the more
notable outcomes of the COP summit held
in Glasgow in late 2021. There were also
new steps forward focused on reducing
emissions of methane and the agreement
to transition towards zero emissions
| KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021
automobiles. This latter development
will be very important in further boosting
Indonesia's efforts to promote the
manufacturing and utilization of electric
The commitment by 137 nations,
including Indonesia, to stop and reverse
forest loss and land degradation by
2030 was of special relevance to
KEMITRAAN's activities in the forestry and
related sectors. As well as pledges from
investment firms to stop funding ventures
connected to deforestation. All these
steps, while positive, nonetheless do not
represent sufficient results to ensure global
warming can be contained to 1.5 degrees
Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Much
more work must be undertaken to raise the
impact of agreements.
KEMITRAAN facilitated the creation of Generasi Nol Emisi
(Zero Emissions Generation) on Instagram. This is a digital
activist youth network to reduce greenhouse gas emission
through simple everyday actions. Up to December 2021, the
account has gained 1061 followers.
The Social Forestry Business Community established through
the Saddang Watershed Project in South Sulawesi funded by
the Adaptation Fund has begun harvesting kemiri for export
to Hong Kong.
Village enterprises supported through the BP-Bintuni project
have also developed to the point of undertaking commercial
activities based on several commodities.
New cluster system in 3 districts (Ogan Komering Ilir in South
Sumatra, Pelalawan in Riau, Pulang Pisau in Central Kalimantan) that
integrates collaboration between local authorities and communities
is showing promise as an approach to reduce the incidence and
extent of damage caused by forest fires in their regions.
MoU signing with the Governor of South Sulawesi and the
Consortium Kapabel regarding Climate Change Adaptation
and Mitigation Support to the province.
Implemented institutional design process in 3 (three) Peat
Hydrological Units (PHUS), aimed at reaching consensus on
peatland management with and among stakeholders and
mapping traditional governance by coordinating through
Desa Peduli Gambut (Care for Peat Village to support the
Peatlands Restoration Agency (BRG).
Worked with nine separate communities including two
customary communities to prepare their claims to secure
social forestry permits in three provinces, namely Jambi,
West Kalimantan and South Sulawesi. The proposed permit
areas cover 3,880 hectares.
KEMITRAAN Annual Report 2021 |
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